View Full Version : Checking if this is Legal/First Post

2024-05-22, 03:44 PM
First of all, excuse my wrongdoing if i breach any rules, first post of mine.

3.5e no-pathfinder, no 3rd party, drag magazine and acf chaining given that the class is not specified are the restrictions for this upcoming campaign.

I do plan to make a wizard and then take incantatrix to persist some buffs to play melee.
Taking diversified spellcasting on evocation to grab Divine Power, Ice Axe, Wings of Cover
After banning evocation to incantatrix.
DM allowed Domain Wizard witch i choose Transmutation
i got in love with the concept so im trying to take Vow of Porvety, and i took eidetic spellcaster, (Dm allowed me to learn spells this way without breaching the vow) so no problem with ink or spellbook.
This narrowed a lot that i can do, so i do plan to make most of what is open.
Which brings me to this Question, also if anyone has a constructive idea about the said build, or spotted a flaw i would be delighted to hear out.
Q:Can i play a Wild,Draconic Warforged, that got the favor of Lolth, aquiring the Lolth-Touched Template, and later used the Spell Incarnate Construct on himself, and eventually found a good partner to be a Symbitic Creature With. Be Legal? Raw wise.

On a side note, we are starting at ECL 12 so if anyone got opinions on items or spells that address this in specific.

2024-05-22, 04:33 PM
Okay, some notes:

I'm not sure how good using two classes with a d4 hit dice to do melee will work for you. If you want to play the melee with buffs, I'd consider Cleric instead, who can use Divine Metamagic. I personally also like Stalwart Sorcerer + Battle Sorcerer, which gives you the equivalent of a d12 hit dice. You will be a spell level behind Wizard and have less spells, but you're much more tanky, which is rather important for a melee attacker.

Vow of Poverty is very flavourful, but understand that taking it means you're two feats behind just to to give yourself an overall debuff. Regardless of your build you'll want to work out a way to give yourself healing.

Someone else can critique the template use.

2024-05-22, 05:05 PM
First and foremost, talk with your DM about the character you want to make. Whether if it's RAW or not, the DM is the final arbiter on the rules. RAW is best used for discussion rather than trying to mold the game into a shape you want.

Second, D&D is a team game between you, the other players, and the DM. You're all trying to have fun together. If what you want to do isn't going to be fun for anyone but you, it's ultimately not going to be fun for you either. So keep that in mind and talk with your DM.

Finally, to address your question: rules wise it could technically be legal. However, maybe look at it from an in setting perspective. Does it really make sense that a sapient robot has draconic ancestry? Does it make sense that a warforged which is a "living construct" to become more alive and lose all the traits and qualities of being a wild, draconic warforged? Does it make sense that lolth would ever give her blessing to a creature that does not serve her or wouldn't continue to serve her? These are questions you and your DM need to resolve. At the very least your DM needs to approve of any templates you want to use as they require DM approval from the start.

2024-05-22, 05:21 PM
Finally, to address your question: rules wise it could technically be legal. However, maybe look at it from an in setting perspective. Does it really make sense that a sapient robot has draconic ancestry?

It could be made partly from dragon parts

2024-05-22, 06:21 PM
Thanks for the timely responses! And sorry for the lack of context, The campaign is aimed to eventually go against a god-level enemy and plot wise majority of the gods will contibute for some of the groups that are the most probable to be able to get any help, on side note, Lolth touched as written in its entry, would be reworked for another god if the party got too misaligned with the Spider Queen, and the actual builds are mostly "Strong" with simbiotic getting proposed by the Druid(who is going Planar shepard(Outlands) and getting a bunch of Initiate-Type Feas to simbolise the not-many-but-relevant Druid factions that is in love with concordant killer, the Last being a Warmage/Rainbow Servant/(Mage of The Arcane-order-to-be) Early qualifing by some weird taint rules. The DM asked to make Strong but not utterly broken characters, and said i was probably the weakest when i told about my Vow of Porvety Plan, so Together with confirming if the Druid template stacking is Legit, i was intent on taking advice to not be "Useless" as was pointed that Wizards in melee is a bad idea.

My chassis:
Wild Draconic Lolth(or not)-Touched Warforged Incarnate Symbiotic//
With Symbiont being a tiny(insert weird name) tree that the druid convinced to be able to make and eventually awaken with maximize and empower

18 8 8 18 8 8 32 point buy
26 8 16 16 6 4 Prior to Symbiotic
28 8 16 27 27 27 After Simbiotic and level up bonus
Feats:Iron Will-[Magical Location],Faerie Mysteries Initiate-1[hd], Sacred Vow-f, Vow of Porvety-f,Nymphs Kiss-1[v],Touch of Golden Ice-2[v],Extend Spell-3[hd],Nimbus of Light-4[v],Liiras Blessing-6[v],Persist Spell-6[I],Maximize Spell-6[Hd],holy radiance-8[v],empower spell-9[i],Difersified Casting-9[hd],Exalted-10[v],Exalted-12[v],Any-12[hd],Metamagic-12[I]

wizard 5 incantatrix X
ACF: Domain wizard[transmutation]
Eidect Spellcaster
Spontaneous Divination

WBl 12 - Incarnate Construct, Iron will, Mantle of the fiery spirit

Also to reinforce, my question about legality of the template sequence was sated, now we can present to the Dm with a better light, not being murky rulling nor requiring rules rework he mostly allowed stuff so far.

2024-05-22, 06:22 PM
It could be made partly from dragon parts

indeed it was the idea, a dragon heart and blood to be more specific

2024-05-22, 07:13 PM
If you're still going Wizard/Incantatrix, you're going to want to persist Divine Power, since you have half BAB but you want to be melee. While it's typically a Cleric spell, there are some ways to get it as a Wizard.

Here's the thread for that: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?646021

2024-05-22, 07:55 PM
Does it really make sense that a sapient robot has draconic ancestry? Does it make sense that a warforged which is a "living construct" to become more alive and lose all the traits and qualities of being a wild, draconic warforged?

It could be made partly from dragon parts

Or it could just be descended from a Steel Dragon (b-boom tssss)

2024-05-23, 08:19 AM
I want to specifically note that Max Emp Awaken does not automatically grant 27 in stat. These Metamagics explicitly call out their interaction, so you are getting 18+3d6/2, which comes to 23 average.

As a personal suggestion, how about focusing on Con instead of Str which you are getting through Draconic Polymorph(including +8 untyped bonus) anyways? This way you have 26-28 Con, which, with you being wizard, is equivalent of Barbarian with 18-20 Con. Even if you get into anti-magic problems, keep Gold Dragon Blood Elixir in the packpack - it provides EXTRAORDINARY Polymorph.

Also get a Ring of Spell Storing to Perist Personal spells on your party members - you are getting pool of 10 uses of both Incantatrix abilities even pre Symbiot.

2024-05-23, 01:05 PM
The campaign is aimed to eventually go against a god-level enemy

How high level is your campaign planning on going? If it's going into epic you definitely want to be able to work out an epic progression for VoP because you're going to need some way to keep up with the party and the challenges your party faces...even if it doesn't go epic, your character will still be behind everyone else.

2024-05-23, 03:27 PM
Isn't Wings of Cover a sorcerer-only spell?