View Full Version : Sandbox Hexcrawl world we create together

2024-05-23, 03:45 PM

Welcome potential players as the photo above and the title states this game will be a Hexcrawl in which I hope we all can create a flowing part of a world. The photo above is of a small hamlet the players will be from named Idar Hole where the main building in the hamlet is a large farmhouse owned by the Idar family that founded the hamlet. The game will start out with a recent underground entrance being found in one of the fields outside the hamlet. Your task, explore the ruins and determine if it is a danger to the people of the hamlet or not. What could be in this ruins, ancient curses, lost arcane knowledge, a burial chamber of some forgotten king? Perhaps its a prison that was supposed to be hidden for all of time, no one knows and no adult in the hamlet is really willing to risk their lives finding out. Some of the elders say to just rebury it, however your small group of friends has chosen to explore it first, after all nothing exciting has ever happened in Idar Hole before and this may be the last chance you could get.

1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5/Pathfinder

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?
Homebrew Hexcrawl world of our own making through play

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?
I am looking for 3 players that can post at least 1/week. I have played in too many games where a large player group has killed the game and was orginally going to only make this a two person game but it would make ties on votes difficult so thus the 3rd person.

4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
OotS forums

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
Level 1, you are fresh adventure's with basic training and gear in your field.

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
Standard starting gold for a level 1 character of your class.

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
This is a small hamlet their is a hedge wizard and a cleric of the Lovers (think Wee Jas and Pelor as a couple, I can explain more if it comes up). Basically I'm asking that the party not be a bunch of wizards all trying to play as its unlikely a hedge wizard would have more then one apprentice.

The Hedge wizard in question does create potions that he sells for the town at a small profit. His specialized school of magic is Abjuration with Necromancy and Transmutation banned so he would not be able to teach you spells of said schools. For a familiar he has a badger named Byron (By-ron), and his own name is Ebis.

The hamlets cleric name is Sister Elizabeth, she is a follower of the lovers and oversees all rites from birth, marriage, and burial. She is a pacifist who does everything she can to help the people of the hamlet.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
Anything that can be found in the PHB is fine, outside of the PHB ask and i will decide. But again backwater hamlet.

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
4d6b3 roll two sets of stats and you can move one of the numbers from set A to set B to determine your stats. Max hp at level 1

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
If the party is all evil thats fine, if the party is all good thats also fine. Just no chaotic Evil I did it because why not, Lawful stupid, you guys know the routine. Be a good player and its all good as I have seen a CE player not go full psycho.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
Free multiclassing

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
You guys roll your stuff I will roll what I need to and I will ask if I feel theres something I feel your character would possibly know.

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.
No homebrew please, if you ask I will more than likely just ignore any submission you submit afterwords. Pathfinder skills to save everyone a few extra skillpoints.

Note the below are d12 rolls

When you settle in to rest, choose one member of the party to Manage Provisions. Then, if you eat and drink and have enough XP, you may level up. When you bed down in dangerous lands, decide on a watch order. Then, the GM chooses one person on watch during the night to roll +nothing: on a 10+, the night passes without incident; on a 7-9, the GM chooses 1 from the list below; on a 6-, everyone marks XP, and a Danger manifests. You’d better Stay Sharp!
• The person on watch notices a nearby Discovery
• One party member of the GM’s choice suffers a restless night
• One or more followers causes trouble
• A Danger approaches—it’s not immediately hostile, but whoever’s on watch had better Stay Sharp anyway
When you wake from at least a few hours of uninterrupted sleep, and you ate and drank the night before, heal damage equal to half of your max HP.

When you plot the best course through dangerous or unfamiliar lands, roll +INT: on a 10+, you avoid dangers and distractions and make good time, reaching a point of the GM’s choosing before you need to Make Camp; on a 7-9, the GM chooses 1 from the list below; on a 6-, mark XP, and the GM makes a move.
• You happen upon a Discovery missed by the Scout
• The going is slow, or you wander off course. The GM says which, and where you end up on the map
• You encounter a Danger; whether or not you’re surprised depends on whether the scout has the drop on it

When you prepare and distribute food for the party, roll +WIS: on a 10+, choose 1 from the list below; on a 7-9, the party consumes the expected amount of rations (1 per person if Making Camp, 1 per person per day if making a Journey); on a 6-, mark XP, and the GM makes a move.
• Careful management reduces the amount of rations consumed (ask the GM by how much)
• The party consumes the expected amount and the food you prepare is excellent—describe it, and everyone who licks their lips takes +1 forward

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
Skirt length is fine.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
I am hoping for a mix of all three

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material?
I reserve the right to say no to stuff. If its in pathfinder and 3.5 (example the fighter class) use the better option, besides that nothing that immediately jumps out.

Anyways once again welcome and thank you for taking your time to read this and possibly respond I look forward to seeing who applies.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-23, 04:06 PM
I'm in. Quick question though, would Dragonfire Adept be allowed?

2024-05-23, 04:21 PM
I'm in. Quick question though, would Dragonfire Adept be allowed?

I'm going to say yes, dragons are a part of any game of D&D in some shape or size. I will say that given the starting location is a Hamlet people will see breathing fire as a bit odd same for magic without schooling. But given you lived there for a long time people wouldn't chase you around with pitchforks for simply being you. Even if you did worship tiamat. So the down would be a bit closer to indifferent towards you where someone else might be welcoming if that makes sense.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-23, 04:38 PM
I'm going to say yes, dragons are a part of any game of D&D in some shape or size. I will say that given the starting location is a Hamlet people will see breathing fire as a bit odd same for magic without schooling. But given you lived there for a long time people wouldn't chase you around with pitchforks for simply being you. Even if you did worship tiamat. So the down would be a bit closer to indifferent towards you where someone else might be welcoming if that makes sense.

Got it, thanks.

2024-05-23, 05:37 PM
I am interested in giving it a go.

Not sure what to play yet. I’ll put some ideas together, see what sticks.

2024-05-23, 05:53 PM
Interested. Lets rolls some stats and see what we get!



2024-05-25, 06:50 AM
@Ancient and Lentrax Any idea what you plan to play?

2024-05-25, 12:06 PM
Sounds interesting. how are we combining PF and DnD? There is a fair bit of diaries, how PF gives you full positive traits, more feats, allowing sundering armor, ect.

As for character concept... I'm not enthierly sure. Since we might have smaller group I'm thinking something more well rounded, perhaps a Druid, Factotum or Summoner

2024-05-25, 01:13 PM
Seconded for the question from the above post. Are we staying away from traits, archetypes, FCB, etc stuff from pathfinder and sticking with pure vanilla for classes/core races that have PF equivalent? Sorcerer bloodline restricted to PF core book? I am leaning towards sorcerer, rogue or psychic rogue (if available).



2024-05-25, 01:30 PM
Sounds interesting. how are we combining PF and DnD? There is a fair bit of diaries, how PF gives you full positive traits, more feats, allowing sundering armor, ect.

As for character concept... I'm not enthierly sure. Since we might have smaller group I'm thinking something more well rounded, perhaps a Druid, Factotum or Summoner

Seconded for the question from the above post. Are we staying away from traits, archetypes, FCB, etc stuff from pathfinder and sticking with pure vanilla for classes/core races that have PF equivalent? Sorcerer bloodline restricted to PF core book? I am leaning towards sorcerer, rogue or psychic rogue (if available).

Basically as Yas392 pointed out. Traits are normal from 3.5 as well as flaws (limit of 2), faster feat progression from Pathfinder. Staying more towards the vanilla classes core races from pathfinder as well as skills (Stealth instead of hide AND move silently for instance). And 3.5 allows for sundering of armor and weapons as well.

Psychic rogue is fine

2024-05-25, 02:28 PM
@Ancient and Lentrax Any idea what you plan to play?

In keeping with the spirit of adventure and exploration, I am thinking either a tom boy half elf ranger, or a mischevious orphaned halfling rogue. Either way, outsiders that don't feel quite like they fit in to the town and crave to see what is "out there."

2024-05-25, 02:31 PM
How the pantheon in this game? I'm looking at some Desna specific character options

2024-05-25, 03:00 PM
Interested as a Human Crusader who also is as a livestock farmer, butcher, and meat vendor. He has a dream of securing the hamlet from danger and being able to have kids and give them a safe life with plentiful food and comfort. To that end, he's going to this place in hopes of finding riches, glory, or something else to secure the future he dreams of.

He has heard tales of dragons as a child and wishes to have such power to protect his brood. He follows the ideals of Tamara and Obad-Hai.

Set 1

Set 2

Swap the 16 from set 2 into set 1 over the lowest roll.

2024-05-25, 03:03 PM
In keeping with the spirit of adventure and exploration, I am thinking either a tom boy half elf ranger, or a mischevious orphaned halfling rogue. Either way, outsiders that don't feel quite like they fit in to the town and crave to see what is "out there."

A war did happen within the area and a lot of prior information about the larger world was lost so this would work perfectly fine in either situation.

How the pantheon in this game? I'm looking at some Desna specific character options

Mostly 3.5 players handbook deities, I did look up Desna really quick and while not a perfect fit a few things are similar to the being simply known as the Mother.

Not much is known about these two individuals even by the most learned of scholars. What is known and within mortal understanding is this. The "Father" was the one that created life in the world, it was he who created all gods that came after except for his counterpart the Mother. He is considered to be of mild nature and his favored weapon is a quarterstaff. Portfolio are life, creation, healing, Sun. The "Mother" on the other hand is known for death, balance, the moon, Community, and undead. While the clergy of the Lovers is sparce and far between many places often accept them as they offer houses of healing and maintain graveyards. It is said each person born is a flower the "Father" plants, or a gift, that is meant to grow and one day die and be given to the Mother at the exact moment they reach their most beautiful in her eyes. The clergy do not see undead as evil per say but as tools. Unintelligent undead were said to once grow the crops of the former empire before the Separation wars and when the empire was invaded by outsiders it was these that were the first to protect the kingdom trying to reduce the loss of life. Intelligent undead however are looked at as a blessing that when the task of the individual is complete are to return to the Mother. An example of this is a town that was under siege and the defenders knew they would not survive the night, instead of going into death and leaving their families to suffer they made a deal with the Mother and when their bodies fell defending the walls they rose again until the last soul of the place they were defending escaped.

If you are set on Desna I will allow it but she would not be considered Mother Moon.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-25, 03:42 PM
I probably should roll now.
Set 1

Set 2

I'll move the 17 from set one to the 9 from set two.

2024-05-25, 05:59 PM
Here is a character sheet for my submission. I'll add more fluff stuff in the lower areas later.

Venator, the Friendly Meat Merchant (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909397).

2024-05-26, 03:09 AM
Mostly 3.5 players handbook deities, I did look up Desna really quick and while not a perfect fit a few things are similar to the being simply known as the Mother.

Not much is known about these two individuals even by the most learned of scholars. What is known and within mortal understanding is this. The "Father" was the one that created life in the world, it was he who created all gods that came after except for his counterpart the Mother. He is considered to be of mild nature and his favored weapon is a quarterstaff. Portfolio are life, creation, healing, Sun. The "Mother" on the other hand is known for death, balance, the moon, Community, and undead. While the clergy of the Lovers is sparce and far between many places often accept them as they offer houses of healing and maintain graveyards. It is said each person born is a flower the "Father" plants, or a gift, that is meant to grow and one day die and be given to the Mother at the exact moment they reach their most beautiful in her eyes. The clergy do not see undead as evil per say but as tools. Unintelligent undead were said to once grow the crops of the former empire before the Separation wars and when the empire was invaded by outsiders it was these that were the first to protect the kingdom trying to reduce the loss of life. Intelligent undead however are looked at as a blessing that when the task of the individual is complete are to return to the Mother. An example of this is a town that was under siege and the defenders knew they would not survive the night, instead of going into death and leaving their families to suffer they made a deal with the Mother and when their bodies fell defending the walls they rose again until the last soul of the place they were defending escaped.

If you are set on Desna I will allow it but she would not be considered Mother Moon.
Bettwen those two Desna is deffively more my speed. Given that she is good alighment and ofcuing on the postive aspects of the night, not too unlike D&Ds Eilistraee. Also, Desna's Shooting Star is quite a fun trick

2024-05-26, 11:28 AM
Exchanging the 9 with the 16 from set 2.

2024-05-26, 07:45 PM
Hows everyone coming along minus Aegis?

Aegis I have looked at the character and nothing seems to jump out on a quick glance. When everyone is done I'll do a deeper dive

2024-05-27, 08:21 AM
I got everything figured out, now all I need is to write it all down.

After some considersion, I ended up going with Ehlonna. With a character who moved into the hamlet to be closer to nature.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-27, 09:56 AM
Are we using Dragon Magazine? More specifically, the Power Surge feat from Dragon 313 (it allows DFAs to use metabreath feats).

2024-05-27, 10:26 AM
Are we using Dragon Magazine? More specifically, the Power Surge feat from Dragon 313 (it allows DFAs to use metabreath feats).

Looking at the feat I don't see anything wrong with it ( not exactly sure how IT opens up metabreath weapons anymore then just taking a metabreath feat but it's cool.

2024-05-27, 10:38 AM
@dantiesilva Do feats outside of core needs approval or can we just use splat books?

2024-05-27, 10:42 AM
The rules in Draconomicon specify that you need a Breath Weapon with a cooldown based in rounds to even take Metabreath Feats. DFA's is just at-will with no cooldown expressed in rounds. You as the DM could rule that the cooldown is just 0 rounds and that DFA can natively take Metabreath Feats in your game.

Without that explicit clarification folks will likely either seek out Power Surge to make the cooldown 1 round, or find a second source of breath weapon (Dragonborn of Bahamut is the best option, since 4 levels of Dragon Shaman hurts) to qualify to take the feats, and then apply them to the DFA's breath weapon once the character has qualified for and taken the feats with the second breath weapon.

The precise interaction or intention isn't laid out anywhere to my knowledge, so the base assumption tends to be DFA can't take Metabreath Feats without jumping through a hoop or two somewhere.

2024-05-27, 10:47 AM
Yeah, there are a few feats that have requirement that boils down to "you can use it" and it feels silly when you can't take them because of technicality. Just look at different variants of improved flight across the books

2024-05-27, 11:06 AM
I'm willing to hand wave needing power surge to qualify for metabreath. So long as you meet all other requirements that is.

2024-05-27, 11:23 AM
Will we be tracking food?

Psycho Ban
2024-05-27, 12:09 PM
I'm willing to hand wave needing power surge to qualify for metabreath. So long as you meet all other requirements that is.

Thanks, in that case, I'll choose Maximize Breath.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-27, 12:53 PM
Last question, could I buy a Magebred Mule to lug the party's stuff around?

2024-05-27, 03:50 PM
Will we be tracking food?

Yes but in the scale of the map each Hex is only 6 miles so it shouldn't be a huge investment early one for resources unless you plan on going in a straight line or something. After all you need food for there AND back again. Someone with survival though could spend some of their time gathering food and such (I have rules somewhere that tell how much you move if you are doing this while traveling).

Last question, could I buy a Magebred Mule to lug the party's stuff around?

Ebis does not breed animals so you will not be able to buy a magebred animal. That's not to say you won't be able to find a place that does sell them eventually or that you cannot find a mine that has adamantine or mithral for instance, just that at the moment it is unavailable due to it not being something the hamlet can do. Armor for instance would geared more towards leathers and hides where you could special order something simple to be made by the local blacksmith or you could find another town/village. Weapons that are easy to find would be axes, bows, hammers and scythes/sickles as they are mostly tools the people use. A battleaxe might be harder to find but the same blacksmith that makes an axe or greataxe would have an idea how to make one.

2024-05-27, 03:59 PM
Survivel rules for forgetting while travelling mean travelling at half speed. Then you make a roll, DC 10 to you provide for yourself, for ever 2 you beat that dc by, add one other person.

There might have been something, somewhere about large creatures counting as two, huge as four and so on, but that might be homebrew

Psycho Ban
2024-05-27, 04:20 PM
Just a normal mule then?

2024-05-27, 04:40 PM
Survivel rules for forgetting while travelling mean travelling at half speed. Then you make a roll, DC 10 to you provide for yourself, for ever 2 you beat that dc by, add one other person.

There might have been something, somewhere about large creatures counting as two, huge as four and so on, but that might be homebrew

Yes and in a Hexcrawl movement is kinda important. Thus my statement about needing to find rules.Thankfully I rarely delete threads I follow and the rules were already there.

Each small Hex is 6 Miles
The party has x movement points per day to spend (This number is determined by the SLOWEST party members speed
Clear, Plains, Trail (any terrain) cost 6 movement
Desert, Forest, Hills costs 9 movement
Jungle, Dense Forest, Mountain, Swamp cost 18 movement points

Following a paved road does reduce the cost down one step (lowest being 6)

Just a normal mule then?

A normal mule is fine

Psycho Ban
2024-05-27, 04:44 PM
In that case, I'm done minus the fluff.

Hurley Dracothumb. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909880)

2024-05-27, 05:25 PM
In that case, I'm done minus the fluff.

Hurley Dracothumb. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909880)

Unless I am missing a lot you are 24 skill points over.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-27, 05:31 PM
Unless I am missing a lot you are 24 skill points over.

No, I'm probably wrong. Correcting that.

2024-05-27, 10:06 PM
Broadstrokes for Shae Le Fey, Half Elf Ranger (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2910147). Still have to pick up some equipment, but mostly finished.

2024-05-27, 11:35 PM
@dantiesilva Do feats outside of core needs approval or can we just use splat books?

Still need an answer of this. I am not sure which sources are blanket approved other than core.

Chaz Lery (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2909959) is here and almost done.

2024-05-28, 01:41 AM
Alright, got a draft sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909956), I;m still tinkering with the gear, and I'm a bit in a loss what to pick for level 1 feat

2024-05-28, 04:39 AM
Still need an answer of this. I am not sure which sources are blanket approved other than core.

Chaz Lery (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2909959) is here and almost done.

Omw to work, must have missed this though my bad. Core, complete, races, tob are all cool. Everything else is most of the time just asking first, I doubt I'll say no unless it's way outside power level

2024-05-28, 04:42 AM
How about PF stuff? I looking at Eldritch Heritage (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Eldritch%20Heritage#:~:t ext=You%20are%20descended%20from%20a,Benefit%3A%20 Select%20one%20sorcerer%20bloodline.) line of feats

2024-05-28, 04:27 PM
How about PF stuff? I looking at Eldritch Heritage (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Eldritch%20Heritage#:~:t ext=You%20are%20descended%20from%20a,Benefit%3A%20 Select%20one%20sorcerer%20bloodline.) line of feats

For Pathfinder feats just ask. As for the requested feat that is fine

2024-05-29, 08:13 AM
Alright. I think I got a character then:

Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909956)

Born to a tinkerer and alchemist in a big city down south. Lilliana never founded herself amongst the metal and fumes of the mining economy. She interested instead laid with the nature, the beauty and danger of the wilderness. Every day she prayed to Ehlonna one day be surrounded in it. When she reached adulthood, she started manifesting some divine power. It quickly and when she neared her first healing spells she packed here given and move to Idar Hole. Hoping to make the living as a healer and enjoy nature all day long


2024-05-30, 09:51 PM
I am going to close this thread at the end of next week on the off chance we get any last minute submissions and I will begin looking over character sheets that are already finished tomorrow on my day off this way it will not take long for me to choose players.

2024-05-31, 11:46 AM
Mine is done.

2024-06-01, 09:32 AM
Is there still any spaces free?

2024-06-01, 09:47 AM
Is there still any spaces free?

No one has been selected yet so yes.

2024-06-02, 04:24 PM
So mythweavers seems to be down at the moment (odd) but so far there are two clear runners with the last place being a lot harder to pick.

2024-06-02, 08:55 PM
Here is a character sheet for my submission. I'll add more fluff stuff in the lower areas later.

Venator, the Friendly Meat Merchant (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909397).

Greataxe 20gp
Battle axe 10gp
Machete 10gp
Light crossbow 70gp
Bolts 1gp
Armored coat 50gp (+4AC bonus not +3)
Heavy wooden 7gp
Sunrod 6gp

So going off of this stuff alone and putting you at the highest starting gold average for any class you would have 1gp left prior to the 5gp on "generic" camping and cooking gear. So you may want to re look this all over and detail out what Generic cooking and camping gear is as it is a hexmap and travel is kinda important for say keeping track of food and water.

Besides these things your sheet looks fine


Looking at your stats I think you used the 3.5 ones, pathfinder would give you an extra +2 in Cha :)
You have the option to take 2 flaws to gain 2 extra feats if you wish.
You seem to still need to assign skills
Average staring gold for a DFA is 50, mule costs 8 and I'm assuming the pack saddlebags so another 5. Total 13 out of your 50 spent, you have 53 stated (think that was only your guideline though so you didn't spend over)
No languages, backstory or anything else telling me about your character and why they should be choosen or why they are going to this dungeon.

2024-06-02, 09:48 PM
Greataxe 20gp
Battle axe 10gp
Machete 10gp
Light crossbow 70gp 35gp (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/weapon-descriptions/crossbow-light/) The 70gp version is the underwater version, I guess?
Bolts 1gp 5gp (1 per 10 bolts)
Armored coat 50gp (+4AC bonus not +3) (fixed, thank you)
Heavy wooden 7gp
Sunrod 6gp
(Total 143gp, ToB pg 9 has 150gp as average starting for Crusader, leaving 7gp left over)

So going off of this stuff alone and putting you at the highest starting gold average for any class you would have 1gp left prior to the 5gp on "generic" camping and cooking gear. So you may want to re look this all over and detail out what Generic cooking and camping gear is as it is a hexmap and travel is kinda important for say keeping track of food and water.

Besides these things your sheet looks fine

I'll work out the exact camping gear. Or let me know if I need to change my starting gp.

2024-06-02, 10:30 PM
So mythweavers seems to be down at the moment (odd) but so far there are two clear runners with the last place being a lot harder to pick.
They recently had an issue requiring clearing cashe. Perhaps that's the reason.

Anyways, I'm itching to play

Psycho Ban
2024-06-03, 10:32 AM
Greataxe 20gp
Battle axe 10gp
Machete 10gp
Light crossbow 70gp
Bolts 1gp
Armored coat 50gp (+4AC bonus not +3)
Heavy wooden 7gp
Sunrod 6gp

So going off of this stuff alone and putting you at the highest starting gold average for any class you would have 1gp left prior to the 5gp on "generic" camping and cooking gear. So you may want to re look this all over and detail out what Generic cooking and camping gear is as it is a hexmap and travel is kinda important for say keeping track of food and water.

Besides these things your sheet looks fine


Looking at your stats I think you used the 3.5 ones, pathfinder would give you an extra +2 in Cha :)
You have the option to take 2 flaws to gain 2 extra feats if you wish.
You seem to still need to assign skills
Average staring gold for a DFA is 50, mule costs 8 and I'm assuming the pack saddlebags so another 5. Total 13 out of your 50 spent, you have 53 stated (think that was only your guideline though so you didn't spend over)
No languages, backstory or anything else telling me about your character and why they should be choosen or why they are going to this dungeon.

Sorry, I have to drop out. I have a lot of stuff going on right now. I apologize for wasting anyone's time.

2024-06-03, 03:37 PM
Made some mild adjustments, but Venator's camping gear is now specific. I ended up swapping to a Shortbow just to free up a few gp and have only 4 sp remaining.

2024-06-03, 08:12 PM
They recently had an issue requiring clearing cashe. Perhaps that's the reason.

Anyways, I'm itching to play

Yeah when I stopped trying to go directly to sheets and went onto the site they had the workaround on the very top and knew about the problem already, just I never go to the actual page often besides for character sheets so I never look. That was my bad.

Sorry, I have to drop out. I have a lot of stuff going on right now. I apologize for wasting anyone's time.

You didn't waste my time Psycho Ban and if things free up send me a message, saying you have to back out I can honestly say you were one of my original picks I was just waiting to see backstory and such. Hope everything works out.

Made some mild adjustments, but Venator's camping gear is now specific. I ended up swapping to a Shortbow just to free up a few gp and have only 4 sp remaining.

Yeah sorry about that, as I won't make you per say track food once it's bought in town I'll keep the bookwork on my end so you guys can remain having fun and not having to worry about it, just knowing what you have each time you leave town is enough on your end so thank you.

Alright now onto looking at other sheets with a fine tooth comb.

2024-06-03, 08:59 PM
Yeah sorry about that, as I won't make you per say track food once it's bought in town I'll keep the bookwork on my end so you guys can remain having fun and not having to worry about it, just knowing what you have each time you leave town is enough on your end so thank you.

I don't think you've got anything to apologize for. I'm planning to just use Survival for food most of the time and any rations or the like would be for failed Survival attempts to cover the gap.

2024-06-03, 09:04 PM
@Ancient seems like you still have 54 gold to your characters name to spend or save as you see fit.
You don't have any languages picked as of yet
Always found Wild to be odd as it doesn't specify bond by like manacles and such so even though you grew up in the wild, being stuck in a snare for instance or vines would trigger this.

Looks good besides those two minor things.

@Yas392 I honestly everything looks perfect.

@Greenflame 133 I will look over yours fully tomorrow ( may be later as I have inventory at my store to get ready for next two days but it will be somewhere in these two days).

@Aegis yeah I figured as much, plus you have played in games I have run before you know its often easy enough to find food if the party tries to.

2024-06-05, 06:48 PM
@Ancient seems like you still have 54 gold to your characters name to spend or save as you see fit.
You don't have any languages picked as of yet
Always found Wild to be odd as it doesn't specify bond by like manacles and such so even though you grew up in the wild, being stuck in a snare for instance or vines would trigger this.

Purchased adventuring gear and selected languages.

2024-06-05, 07:20 PM
@Greenflame You forgot to reduce your strength by 2 from gnome
You replaced the Obsessive skill twice
Going to say no to an adamantine coin, its adamantine, WHO is going to make a coin with it add in their is no real thing and anywhere I can find that has a discussion of such a thing places it way above WBL not going to happen.
Trail rations would be 2sp not 1sp
Where did you get Canteen from?

I'm at 32.9gp left to spend (not including the canteen that I cannot find)

Everything else seems to add up

2024-06-05, 07:22 PM
Purchased adventuring gear and selected languages.

Unless I'm missing something you are now negative 24.5 gp

2024-06-05, 08:32 PM
Unless I'm missing something you are now negative 24.5 gp

Am I missing something? Don't know why our math is not matching.

Starting Wealth: 175 gp

Weapons and Armor: -95gp
Remaining: 80gp

Kits and Camping Gear: -41gp
Remaining: 39gp

Pony and Tack: -37.5
Remaining: 1.5

Arrows: (Which I forgot) -1
Remaining 5 Silver

2024-06-05, 08:35 PM
Unless I'm missing something you are now negative 24.5 gp

I checked and got the same as end result as Ancient, which was 1.5gp left over assuming the PFSRD's average starting wealth for a Ranger of 175gp. The weight of stuff bought would put the character way far into heavy load, but I assume the pony is there to serve the function of a pack mule and carry all that heavy stuff.

I find it very weird for a Ranger with a Longbow for a primary weapon not to have any arrows in their starting load out, though. No craft skill to make them along the way either. (That has been fixed)

2024-06-06, 02:03 AM
@Greenflame You forgot to reduce your strength by 2 from gnome
You replaced the Obsessive skill twice
Going to say no to an adamantine coin, its adamantine, WHO is going to make a coin with it add in their is no real thing and anywhere I can find that has a discussion of such a thing places it way above WBL not going to happen.
Trail rations would be 2sp not 1sp
Where did you get Canteen from?

I'm at 32.9gp left to spend (not including the canteen that I cannot find)

Everything else seems to add up
I think I will have drop rope and hook to stay in light load.

I belive there was guidline somehwere about non weapon/armour adamantine costing 50gp/lb, and coins are very light, but it was mostnly meant to be a falavour item. Maybe I drop a bit of gold on clothing, or some other silly stuff. Maybe PFs neckguard (https://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Neck%20guard), or an instrument she can't play.

Looking for Canteen... I remeber it as 3.5e items, but all I could find was PF (https://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Canteen). I could use 2 water skins instead.

I was going of Trail rations on d20srd costing 5 sp, with 4 of them, that was 2gp

2024-06-06, 08:17 PM
Am I missing something? Don't know why our math is not matching.

Starting Wealth: 175 gp

Weapons and Armor: -95gp
Remaining: 80gp

Kits and Camping Gear: -41gp
Remaining: 39gp

Pony and Tack: -37.5
Remaining: 1.5

Arrows: (Which I forgot) -1
Remaining 5 Silver

I was going off of previous wealth remaining so if you and Aegis came to the same math I trust you two.

I checked and got the same as end result as Ancient, which was 1.5gp left over assuming the PFSRD's average starting wealth for a Ranger of 175gp. The weight of stuff bought would put the character way far into heavy load, but I assume the pony is there to serve the function of a pack mule and carry all that heavy stuff.

I find it very weird for a Ranger with a Longbow for a primary weapon not to have any arrows in their starting load out, though. No craft skill to make them along the way either. (That has been fixed)

Thanks Aegis for looking it over as well, I more than likely made the error on my end as I went from my orginal math instead of opening the sheet up again.

I think I will have drop rope and hook to stay in light load.

I belive there was guidline somehwere about non weapon/armour adamantine costing 50gp/lb, and coins are very light, but it was mostnly meant to be a falavour item. Maybe I drop a bit of gold on clothing, or some other silly stuff. Maybe PFs neckguard (https://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Neck%20guard), or an instrument she can't play.

Looking for Canteen... I remeber it as 3.5e items, but all I could find was PF (https://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Canteen). I could use 2 water skins instead.

I was going of Trail rations on d20srd costing 5 sp, with 4 of them, that was 2gp

First outfit is always free per PHB so long as it makes sense (can't have a noble or royal outfit for instance), And yeah given a Single arrow of adamantine is worth 60gp each and a coin is roughly the same amount required as an arrowhead (add in adamantine being impossible to reforge easily) it wouldn't be a coin worth 1gp.

That link for Canteen is fine for me, I couldn't even find that orginally though so I was like where is this from, all camping gear came up for real world when I tried looking.

Yeah I put S instead of G as you had it as 1gp not 2gp. Typo on my end as well

2024-06-07, 10:24 AM
Sheet fully updated. Also picking up an Absent Minded, trait

2024-06-07, 09:50 PM
Final role call before I make my final decission. Want to make sure everyone is still here basically before I say names and it goes silent

2024-06-07, 10:05 PM
I am present.

2024-06-07, 10:23 PM
Here, queer and ready to roll

2024-06-07, 11:42 PM
I'm still interested.

2024-06-08, 12:10 PM
Still here

2024-06-09, 04:03 PM
I would like to thank everyone who applied, even if you dropped out or didn't finish a character sheet for showing interest in this game however as stated in the opening there can only be three and as such I had to make a very tough choice. In the end I have decided on Aegis, Ancient, and Yas to be the players, please make your way to the OOC thread. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?668284-So-you-want-to-be-an-adventure-OOC&p=26025548#post26025548) I wish everyone else happy hunting in your search for a game and should the need of a replacement player comes up you will be the first in mind.