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View Full Version : In the 33rd Year of the Dragon, The Fifth War of Reality began

Mr. Friendly
2007-12-17, 03:59 PM
In the times before the ascension the high holy ones, there was darkness upon the world.

Then the great ones formed the universe in one stroke. The world of Ts'r was born. Unto this land strode great warriors clad in chainmail, mighty wizards flinging magic missiles, elves and dwarves.

And for a time it was good and peaceful, as peaceful as the legions of Ts'r desired it at any rate, with their battles and wars.

Then the First War of Reality began, though it was quick and relatively bloodless. Noone knows what became of the old chainmail clad losers of that war. Some say they still have secret cults that are active to this day...

Out of that war arose the Second War of Reality, which spawned two new worlds, one which Advanced more quickly than the other world, which found itself encased in a box.

And for many years, there was no conflict and the two worlds existed in peace. Then the Third War of Reality began and that was a time of true blood and brutality. Though the Advanced warriors battled valiently, the upstarts of this new reality, Thacolians, prevailed, killing or converting most of the old guard. In later years, a similar war would erupt in the Box universe, the majority of which were overrun by Cyclopedians.

It was during the Third War of Reality that people began to suspect that behind these recent wars was a secret cabal of Wizards, who lived on a Coast somewhere.

After the war of the Cyclopedians against the Box people, came the Fourth War of Reality, the bloodiest and most brutal war to date. It turned brother against brother and nearly tore the universe asunder. The war encompassed the whole of the known universe. The upstarts this time being the Prestigious Ones. The slaughtered and converted not only the Thacolians, but the Cyclopedians as well. Some still remain in hiding, others still stand defiant against these upstarts.

Then came the Half-Way War, which some say is just a continuation of the Fourth War. This further fractured the universe, but peace was maintained and all agreed that some of the reality alterations were needed.

Now a Fifth War of Reality looms upon the Universe once again, threatening to be more violent and brutal than all previous Wars combined.

May the Gods have mercy upon us all.

2007-12-17, 04:11 PM
Fun little read. :smallsmile:

The best part is going to be sitting in a pocket dimension and sampling from all realities.

2007-12-17, 04:16 PM
In the grim future of Fourth Edition there is only LARP.

Hunter Noventa
2007-12-17, 04:17 PM
*clapping ensues*

Well told sir, well told.

2007-12-17, 04:25 PM
Teh Sky Iz Fallin

2007-12-17, 04:56 PM
Number 3! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3266991&postcount=52):smallbiggrin:

Vael Nir
2007-12-17, 07:28 PM
I want to play a thac0lian.

2007-12-17, 07:49 PM
That's hilarious. I need to show my dad, he started playing just after the first war...

2007-12-17, 08:04 PM
In the grim future of Fourth Edition there is only LARP.

2007-12-17, 08:09 PM
In the grim future of Fourth Edition there is only LARP.

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

2007-12-17, 08:16 PM

i second that and add my own

NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!eleventeen!!!!! !!!!!!

Idea Man
2007-12-17, 11:25 PM
Actually, it's an epic curse: "May you live in interesting times.".

The Fifth War is pending! Repent your sins, convert, and you will not run out of supplements!

2007-12-17, 11:30 PM
Heheh, very nice. I figured it out when I reached 'Advanced' which was capitalized...


2007-12-18, 03:23 AM
mighty wizards flinging magic missiles, elves and dwarves.

Wow. Pretty strong wizards back then, eh?

2007-12-18, 10:06 AM
Wow. Pretty strong wizards back then, eh?

Well of course you say that, WITH ALL THIS DAMNED POWER CREEP!
