View Full Version : Exalted Essence, House of Bells interest check

2024-06-07, 03:54 PM
I’ve always wanted to run an Exalted game set at one of the secondary schools in the Realm, but the only time I’ve tried it before, it never really got off the ground. I was wondering if there was any interest in a game set at the House of Bells, where the players would be a Fang in their seventh year, getting to the point where they can command the younger cadets in mock battles.

When it comes to using 3e or Essence, I’m really fine either way. I’ll leave that up to player preference.

2024-06-07, 04:05 PM
I'd love to play a 3e game. House of Bells is great.

The essence 1 Dragon Blooded War charms look fun.

2024-06-07, 06:52 PM
oh, I missed the last exalted game the popped up here (I know the storyteller system, but had to spend a lot of time reading exalted 3e to catch up).

However, in House of Bells all players would have to be dragon blooded?

Soras Teva Gee
2024-06-07, 07:51 PM
Always up for Exalted... as a player.

I'm plotting my own game actually (a Romance of the Hundred Kingdoms) if someone wants to step up as ST I could provide a chance to be a player elsewhere.

However, in House of Bells all players would have to be dragon blooded?

Technically you could run some kind of infiltrator (or a Sidereal instructor) and not break lore but this is the Realm's military academy so yeah DB is the ordinary assumption.

2024-06-08, 12:07 AM
Love to do this! I'd prefer Essence, and it's certainly easier on people who wanna try Exalted for the first time.

2024-06-08, 01:10 AM
I'm interested in 3e.

2024-06-08, 03:22 AM
I will gladly offer up Cynis Senar - Wood Aspected - potententially the groups sorcerer support.
But I am not sure about the sorcerer aspect because I do not want to ruin the House of Bells atmosphere.
Would you say they would fit into the House of Bells as you envision it?
And want to be musician. Sadly this whole civil war thing led to him having to postpone his musical dreams and path to creation wide fame and fortune. Well that and school and the part where mother did not approve.

He of course also already has ideas for his first military campaign.

I personally vote for 3e.

2024-06-08, 05:40 AM
I'm interested. Clear preference for Essence as 3e feels a bit... bloated for the sake of being bloated, but both would work as an Exalted game is better than no Exalted game!

2024-06-08, 07:06 PM
I'd be interested in either 3E or Essence

2024-06-10, 08:28 PM
I'd be interested as a player. How political were you intending the game to be?

2024-06-11, 09:31 PM
Oh, I love DBs, so I can’t pass this up!

I do think I’d prefer Essence over 3e, though. It just makes things easier, and 3e’s bloat can really slow down a pbp game

2024-06-12, 04:39 PM
oh, I missed the last exalted game the popped up here (I know the storyteller system, but had to spend a lot of time reading exalted 3e to catch up).

However, in House of Bells all players would have to be dragon blooded?

That is correct

I will gladly offer up Cynis Senar - Wood Aspected - potententially the groups sorcerer support.
But I am not sure about the sorcerer aspect because I do not want to ruin the House of Bells atmosphere.
Would you say they would fit into the House of Bells as you envision it?
And want to be musician. Sadly this whole civil war thing led to him having to postpone his musical dreams and path to creation wide fame and fortune. Well that and school and the part where mother did not approve.

He of course also already has ideas for his first military campaign.

I personally vote for 3e.

I’d imagine that there’s sort of a minor program for combat sorcery at the House of Bells, so being a Sorcerer is definitely not out of place.

I'd be interested as a player. How political were you intending the game to be?

That depends? I don’t really see the game going on for much longer after graduation, so don’t expect the Realm Civil War to break out during this game or anything. But there could still be elements of building alliances and having rivals based on what House your characters belong to.

I’m glad to see there’s so much interest, And there seems to be a pretty even divide between preference for 3e vs Essence.

I do think some good points were brought up on the Essence side, particularly the bit about slowing down the game. That kind of thing is lethal to play by post. So I’m going to say let’s go with Essence for ease of play.

2024-06-12, 04:44 PM
So Essence Imperial Dragonbloods then?

Soras Teva Gee
2024-06-12, 07:42 PM
Time to get cooking then

Initial Concept: Mnemon Hanari, well bred and well educated she entered the House of Bells already a master of the blade. Beatstick not good at social situations or doing things quietly, possible minor in sorcery reflecting her House/initial path of study before boldly declaring the House needed warriors before scholars.

2024-06-12, 10:00 PM
I do think some good points were brought up on the Essence side, particularly the bit about slowing down the game. That kind of thing is lethal to play by post. So I’m going to say let’s go with Essence for ease of play.
I didn't make a case for 3e because I didn't (and still don't) want this to devolve into a debate about which is preferable. I am not interested in playing Essence. I will bow out now and wish you all a great game.

2024-06-13, 09:30 PM
I do think some good points were brought up on the Essence side, particularly the bit about slowing down the game. That kind of thing is lethal to play by post. So I’m going to say let’s go with Essence for ease of play.

Essence isn't for me, so I'll leave y'all to it, I hope you put together a great game.

Soras Teva Gee
2024-06-14, 04:03 AM
Mostly complete but for Artifact armor.

To the world Hanari shows the face of an exemplary Dynastic scion. She Exalted early in her ninth year well, a testament to the refined pedigree, and proved both studious and capable. And this is no House puffery, for indeed few students ever arrive at the House of Bells as well prepared as Hanari. A master of the sword, initiate of martial arts, fair with bow and horse, and studied in everything from the elemental strategy to the schools of Immaculate poetry. All of which she handles with the well timed grace born of unflappable patience and the quiet dignity of the humble.

Beneath that mask, well it is not all untrue. Certainly Hanari is capable, but a life of intense study has left her greatly unsocialized and she is far more desperate for camaraderie than she will admit, at least to her tutors, parents, and great-grandmother Mnemon. And while not the sort of thing discussed publicly she is held in less esteem by the House then she was.

For one Hanari was destined for the Heptagram or failing that the Immaculate faith but she rebelled against this path boldly declaring that the House would need warriors above all in the days to come. She meant it earnestly too and so rather then lose a promising prospect her path of study was changed. Hanari would vindicate herself by the skill she soon showed thus her family and House continue their support, but not with as much ardor as she might have otherwise claimed. Something Hanari herself considers a necessary sacrifice to make House Mnemon stronger in the long run.

4 Fortitude
3 Force
2 Finesse

5 C. Combat
4 Physique
3 Sagacity 3 War
2 Athletics 2 R. Combat
1 Navigate

[Close Combat] Excellency
Body Mending Meditation
Flow Like Blood

Martial Arts:
– White Reaper Form

– Ritual: Theanoan Method
– Spell: Cirrus Skiff

Primary: Artifact (Armor)
Secondary: Backing (House Mnemon)
Tertiary: Resources

Major: Courage
Minor: Wonder

Major: House Mnemon (Loyalty)
Major: I must show the world a noble face
Minor: I am tired of being alone
Minor: I enjoy simpler pleasures

GREAT CURSE: Elemental Behavior
– “A Water Aspect confronts dangerous and difcult obstacles that are not soon overcome.”
– “Water Aspects tend to attack the obstacles that stymie them with total abandon, utilizing disproportionate, ruthless, or impractical means without hesitation.”

Essence: 1 // Motes: 5
Parry: 5 // Dodge: 3 // Soak: 2+3 // Hardness: 3+1
Resolve: 2

Health: [0] [0] [-1] [-1] [-2] [-2] [Incap]