View Full Version : My starting homeworld ideas.

2007-12-17, 10:22 PM
Heres a brief overview of my campaign setting, classes and races. Im working out just enough to give my players a feel for the setting before i flesh it out a bit more.

anyways, any comments, what you liked, what you didnt, what could do with some work, what sounds cool in your head that youd like to see in a setting..

Brief History of Ajur.

A dash of creation.
In the beginning there was the Void, the swirling maelstrom of entropy and chaos that begets and consumes all of creation in an infinite dance of life, death and time. Out of this near nothingness a bubble of reality formed. A quirk of nothing more than it was meant to be, and so it was. This bubble, cocoon, womb held the essence of an entire universe, a nigh infinite source of energy and power, a moment passed, and the newly born universe drew forth its first breath, its first heartbeat tolling out the ages to come. With this first breath the bubble expanded, releasing energy in all directions, these primordial powers swirling and converging in a tumultuous orgy of genesis, manifesting the planets, stars and galaxies themselves in one brilliant explosion of light.
With the first beating of the heart time began, and all past, present and future was born, each set to wander throughout the eons, until the Void consumed them once more.
The first life was conceived in this instant, the stars themselves alive with vigor and light, breathing their benevolent or baleful energies onto the planets that danced to their gravitational tune, their molten surfaces suffused with the raw elemental power of creation.
Gomah, Ajur’s newly risen sun, breathed the words of spirit onto the planet’s still tumultuous surface, laying the bedrock for the verdant life that would eventually spring from its cooling crust.
This first breath awoke the World Spirit Ajur, infusing the planet with a sense of destiny and gifting it with the ability to direct her own fate. Thus Gomah was content with its new creation and fell to slumber away the ages until entropy took him and he consumed all of his progeny in a cataclysmic wave of annihilation

Elemental Soup.
Ajur, its birthing pains still radiant, let forth tears of joy at simply existing, these tears filled up the crackling sky and came crashing down in gigantic droplets that cooled the seething crust of the earth and filled the deep chasms and cracks of the ground, creating the first oceans.
With each tear smiting the ground, new spirits sprang up, each with their own duties to perform in Ajur’ bubbling infancy. Some would sculpt the mountains; others would tame the winds or simply carve the earth into shapes that pleased their souls.
Thus the world was born, rivers ran, mountains towered above hills which in turn gave way to flat wastes before reaching the near endless, still steaming, seas.
The newly born spirits delighted in their creation, relishing all its glory and their own success at creating such a paradise. Ajur was not content however, she wished for more than the simple elemental furor of her spirit children. Thus she called them all together at a great convergence and set in motion her new plan.

First mortals.
Ajur spoke to her assembled spirit host and told them of her plan to craft beings to live upon her soil, of life that grew and changed with the passing of time, who would revel with the spark of life and honor the spirits that gave them such wondrous gifts. Much of the spirit host agreed with Ajur, their duties of world sculpting complete they wished for new prospects and playthings. Some disliked the idea, not wishing to share their new world with finite beings who would not share their ideas for a perfect world.
Each spirit offered Ajur a gift in the forging of these new life forms, some gave perceptive abilities, others felt physical needs to be paramount, many felt infusing the new souls with conscience and wonder to be the most important ideal. Eventually over what would have been millennia in recorded history, Ajur was satisfied, as were her spirits for the most part. With a dirge like song from the entire spirit choir all of Ajur flourished with new life, plant, animal and all between.
The most favored of these newborn entities were the elves, in which all the spirits had an equal say at their time of creation. These mortal beings were gifted with long life and the potential for great intellect, unlike any other race upon the world. It was Ajur’ wish that these new beings would be the custodians of the world, ensuring it remained in balance.

A not so golden age.
The Elves quickly took to civilization under the tutelage of the spirits, discovering the basics such as fire and the wheel before turning to agriculture. A single millennium had passed and before long they had experimented with metallurgy and the basics of elemental magic. Cities of stone grew upon the surface of Ajur and many of its animal species were subjugated as livestock for the elves, now calling themselves collectively the Hakari. This mollified some of the spirits, who felt all creatures should benefit from freedom and a certain level of choice; others stated the way of all living things, espousing such ideas as food chains and the natural order of intelligence, i.e. Ajur at the top, then the spirits themselves, elves second, then the beasts of Ajur

Whispers of discontent.
An age was well on its way to completion, and the Hakari had mastered Ajur’s elemental magic, allowing them to construct great citadels that towered into the sky and sank deep into the earth. The elves were artful crafters of armour and weaponry, as well as fine sculptors, craftsmen and farmers. Despite all this, many Hakari grew distant from their spirit tutors, or as some felt, overseers, shying away from their teachings the Hakari shunned their council and soon grew jealous of the spirits immortality.
Several elemental masters of the Hakari discovered a great secret, that the spirits and the world are intrinsically linked, that to alter one is to affect the other, and so in secret, the Hakari elders worked to bind the spirits to their will just as they had taught the animals of Ajur to become their beasts of burden. In their arrogance they began a plan, swaying the leaders of the elven nations to their cause the Hakarian elemental masters set their arcane traps throughout the nations, and patiently bided their time to strike.

The sundering.
A rogue comet came close to Ajur at this time and fearing for her children, she sent her spirit host out to this wayward interstellar traveler, to sway its destructive path. The spirits gathered en masse and hurtled towards the comet, slowing its advance and setting it in the sky of Ajur forever more. They named it Tivulis or ‘wanderer’ and it became Ajur’s heavenly consort, being lead by her in a cosmic dance throughout the eons. Thus the moon of Ajur was created, and at the same time, with the spirit host away, the Hakarian elves initiated their plan of enslavement.
Tapping deep into the elemental powers of Ajur, from deepest core to highest zephyr, the Hakari brought up a huge magical shield that blocked the spirits from returning once they had set Tivulis properly. This severed Ajur’s link to her true first children, causing her to become agitated and alarmed. Volcanoes boiled up at her cries of anguish and the very earth was torn with great cracks. The oceans seethed with rage at the Hakari, blistering with steam and smashing the coasts with giant waves.
Trying to quash the will of the entire planet through their arcane power, many of the Hakari elemental masters simply exploded with the sheer weight of power pressing between their thoughts. The spells that would bind Ajur to the elves were sent spiraling out of control, the traps set to catch the essence of the world imploded, taking much of the elven nations with them.
Such destruction was seen from above where the spirit host could do naught to help their stricken mother as she thrashed in pain. All was not lost however, using their incredible powers the spirits began to undo the barrier set up by the Hakari, it was a masterful creation, but under the scrutiny of powerful energy beings it began to crack and waver. In an instant the magical shell burst, sending shards of arcane power in all directions, severing matter and spirit alike, renting holes in the universe itself.

Exile or bust.
Ajur now freed from her cage and aided by her spirit children sought to undo the carnage before it was irreversible. In a giant amalgamation of elemental energies drawn from herself, Tivulis the newly created moon and the ancient broiling power of slumbering Gomah, Ajur severed the connection the Hakari had to their magic. Unable however to banish her foolish elven children from all creation, due to her weakened state, she clawed back the broken pieces of the Hakari spell shield, and infusing them with the wrathful energies of a baleful world god-spirit, shunted all remnants of the elves and their civilization into a shadowy twilight realm through one of the rents in the fabric of the universe. Thus the plane of Erisor was created, a literally hollow planet of death and chilling winds made entirely of the torn flesh of Ajur and the gaping wounds caused by the Hakari.
The last acts of Ajur before she would fall into a near infinite slumber, like Gomah, to replenish her energies were the following. She sealed the planar rifts across her surface that were the last links to Erisor and the Hakari, blocking their links to elemental magic and the light of any true star. She then healed her blistered surface by drowning it in a thousand year rain and finally she give her spirit children part of her waning soul, so that they could act with more impunity and power, should the need arise during her sleep.

Cleaning up the mess.
Without the guidance of Ajur, the spirits did their best to recreate the once beautiful surface of the world, they once again crafted the mountains, swept large tracts of land into great plains, however some of the wounds would never heal, leaving deep canyons and ravines as eternal reminders of the Hakari folly. The seeds of life were also sown, with the hopes of less abrasive species coming to fruition. Thus the ancient ancestors of both Humans and Tesh were created, much more carefully watched by their spirit mentors.
Through accelerated evolution brought on by careful magical intervention, the spirits gifted both Humans and Tesh with the forerunners of intelligence and thought less akin to simple instinct. Each race was taught to respect the land, to give back to the earth that reared them and to honor each other as fellow beings. Many spirits were careful about introducing magic to these new intelligent species, remembering the Hakari and their lust for power and so they allowed themselves to let their new children discover its secrets in time, rather than simply passing the knowledge on through tutelage. And so millennia came and went, the slow pace of both the fledgling species were ponderous compared to the swift rise of the elves, but the spirits felt this taught self reliance and a healthy dose of ‘who’s the boss?’, so that the mistakes of the past never came to fruition again.

Age of discovery.
Both Humans and Tesh had an insatiable love for exploration and often assisted each other in discovering what lay on the next horizon, this pleased the spirits who had put much hard work and love into its creation. Each race brought something to the table when creating new settlements, both in culture and technology. It was a new age where travel was seen as part of life, bringing about many nomadic cultures. Thus the new face of Ajur was populated, the two species developing as societies and civilizations wherever they went. There were setbacks of course; a struggling winter might hinder travelers just as an intolerable summer could wither crops.
Each species prevailed however, and soon Ajur had many differing ethnicities and cultures populating her, each with their own burgeoning ideas for the future.
This populating of the earth brought with it many new wonders; the discovery of the underworld was one such great feat, a new environment to explore and to witness first hand. Thus the two new peoples of Ajur crawled upon her face like tiny ants, exploring every nook and cranny, and for a time there was peace.

The first speakers.
The Illum people were a nomadic culture who often traveled throughout the lands of other nations, bringing with them the news of all Ajur and throwing great festivals for all and sundry. The Illum celebrated the spoken and written word, holding it as both a gift from the spirits and a means to facilitate their lucrative trading system, for no other people could transport goods from the east rocks to the western reach with such enthusiasm and prompt delivery. The Illum longed for a homeland to call their own however, a place to pool together both resources and their love of language. Lokis, a great spirit of Ajur took the Illum under his guidance and led them to a great fissure in the earth, a remnant of the Hakari war, and striking a sizable path for the Illum, Lokis allowed them to venture down into the gorge like edifice until they came to the entrance to an underground cave system. The caves went on for miles and being spirited travelers the Illum set out to explore their vast depths, delighting in the echoes their voices made on the cool stone. Lokis plotted their course with care and steered the Illum towards a feasible cavern habitable for such a large contingent of humanity. Thus the Illum began constructing their new land, sealing their exit from the world above in the process. Pleased with his adopted people and their progress Lokis gifted the Illum with glowing sigils of power around their brows, offering individual Illum magical powers associated with different mystical word combinations. These new found abilities allowed the Illum a distinct advantage within their subterranean home and soon they had forged an empire under the earth.

Trials and tribulations.
Just as not all the spirits of Ajur could agree about every issue, so the people upon her surface. Arguments turned to skirmishes, skirmishes to engagements, and engagements to full out battle on occasion. It was a period of much technological creation, much of it war based however architecture, medicine, magic and agriculture all benefited from this renaissance period that often tore the sedentary rural lives many Ajurian were living. It was a time where the foundations for the great cities of the future were struck, as well as the settling of kingdom borders, and despite the occasional bloodshed, the spirits of Ajur reveled in their children’s creativity.

The dragon or the egg?
It was a cloudless night when Tivulis wept tears of stone that fell with screams of fire upon the soils of Ajur, for a full hour they rained, igniting vegetation and cracking rock. If that were not odd enough, when the natives of Ajur went to investigate they found not huge rocks or other space jetsam, meteors had been known to fall to earth before, but living breathing, gargantuan reptiles. Each held a clutch of stone eggs in their claws.
With cacophonous cries of pain the first dragons had come to Ajur, their scales of different hues and colour. Such was their fury and might at falling from the heavens that many lashed out upon their discoverers, fearful of attack from these small bipeds; others took to the sky with a lopsided gait, unused to such heavy gravity. Each fled the scene of their descent with their clutch of unborn progeny, leaving their mortal bystanders in awe and wonder.
It was a point of concern for many kingdoms at the time, would these new beings be a bane or boon to the people of Ajur, and if bane, how could any man, or indeed army stop such a gargantuan beast.
A short time after, several dragons who had sought out each other for common protection and interests contacted the leaders of both Tesh and Human nations for diplomatic talks. It was understood that these great beings had fled their old world after fighting an enemy both numerous and deadly, and that they wished for nothing but survival for themselves and what was left of their kin.
The dragons offered the astounded mortals many secrets of magic and technology, crafting the pathway for a new golden age of growth and unity between the natives of Ajur and their draconian allies.

Up, up and away.
With the otherworldly powers of the more benevolent dragonkind, cities of both grandeur and wonder grew upon Ajur. Seats of discovery and culture with burgeoning technological and elemental magic centers, these cities were built upon a guild based structure, each doing their part to advance the city as a whole. For the most part, the wars of yesterday became the political quagmires of today.
It was a time of great trade opportunities and a unification of both currency and many laws governing the lands. The Illum people were discovered, their underground homes and network of subterranean highways a new wonder for the surface races. After some social and cultural hiccups, diplomatic relations were made, and despite their wary nature the Illum signed a proclamation of peace with the major nations of Ajur.
It was a time of unprecedented peace, minor battles had always been part of the semi feudal nature of many countries of Ajur but with such wealth flooding society, there was little reason to invade neighboring states for resources.
It was also a time of unbridled materialism and decadence and the creation of burgeoning middle classes, both guilds based and independent.
Money talked in this new climate, much less so than the breeding and blood privilege of earlier ages, this threw many into culture shock and also led to ‘old money’ versus ‘new money’ conflicts, civil affairs for the most part, but woe to those who got embroiled in the affairs of the rich.
To put it glibly it was Ajur’s renaissance and much more, it was a time of outward optimism and internal political commotion, of rising skyward in buildings of steel and stone and delving deeply into the earth for wonders unseen and untouched.

Portents and signs.
Talk of wild weather and unnatural beasts stalking both the streets and rural outskirts had begun to reach the ears of important individuals. These odd phenomena started off as rare occurrences, however they increased exponentially as winter crawled out from under the leaf cover of autumn. Soon people started to go missing, or turned up days later, gorily split inside out or otherwise raving madly at unseen assailants.
Those sensitive to the natural balance of Ajur and its elements soon began to worry, something was out of phase, and energies they had not sensed before were working at unraveling the underlying fabric of reality. Many focused their elemental powers to stave off this unknown influence but soon it became all to clear that what was happening could not be undone with their power and resources.
The winter was incredibly harsh that year, a chill that cut to the bone and winds that snuffed out hearth fires with ease. Snow fell at a depth unheard of in living memory and many communities became isolated in a heavy cover of stifling frost, becoming easier pickings for the starving wildlife in many rural areas.
It was at the end of this long frozen season, with the premature hope of spring and thaw on many Ajurian’ minds that the beginning of a new dark era began, the clouds fled the sky in an instant, unknown constellations sprang up where none were before and animals going mad with fear.

The cracking of the shell.
On the first day of spring the sky rent in two and the earth shook with terror. Gale force winds whipped up out of nowhere across the continent hammering all the major cities of Ajur with snow and hail. The air shimmered and for an instant the whole surface of the world was luminescent like a vivid desert mirage, as Erisor, the exiled ancient crust of Ajur tried to meld upon Ajur’s newer ground. Much like a body fighting off a debilitating infection the planet tried to shake off its attacker forcing Erisor back into its own semi phased out plane. For the most part Ajur was successful, for although she was just roused from her recuperating slumber, her anger was terrible to behold. However Erisor’s grip was not to be denied and after a cosmic struggle between the ancient world spirit and the corrupted skin of her own flesh, small pockets of Erisor became ensconced in Ajur’s surface, permanent portals belching out planar magic and creating unnatural gateways.
Many people died that fateful day, the swirling energies and undulating realities wiped many communities off the map, replacing them with cancerous wastelands. It was after this catastrophic event that the true terror began, the coming of the Hakari had been announced in blood and terror, and it was just the beginning.

The scourge.
The Hakari swarmed from Erisor’s arcane doorways with regimented decorum, fifty elves abreast in endless ranks. Mounted upon flying ships and giant beasts the nobles of the Hakari lorded over their cronies from the back of the legions. Many of these doorways had formed near populated areas of Ajur, there was little time to mount a defense or flee before the Hakari war machine was upon the civilian population. There was no mercy offered from the enemy, they simply slaughtered all they could find, once they had secured several of the main cities of Ajur the Hakari left those left with enough sense to run to serve as terrified emissaries, sowing fear in the rest of the populous.
In under a week the races of Ajur had fallen from their lofty perch, crushed under the might of the Hakari, many were forced to flee east, where the Hakari influence unknown. There were many pockets of resistance, staunch defenders of Ajur, many were ragtag bunches, barely militia, formed of patriotic or crazed individuals. Many communities were eradicated in the weeks after the initial incursion, their bodies left in huge pyres to burn, sending smoke signals of death to any within eyeshot.
A month passed and the beleaguered refugees and armies of Ajur heard from their new genocidal enemy. A single being, lithe, beautiful and predatory, stood before the remaining nobility, military generals and governing hosts of Ajur’s major empires. His words cut through the assembled crowd like a sword through stomach lining.
“I have been chosen to deliver this edict, to you, the newly sprung bastard children of an unwholesome womb. The true masters of Ajur have returned from their exile, your unwanted stewardship is at an end, as are your petulant empires and indeed your very lives. There will be no diplomacy, there will be mercy, and you will all taste defeat at the point of Hakari steel. If you wish you may send your own souls to the false gods that lord over your inferior forms and save my brethren the trouble, the manner of your death matters not however, for each of you will know the heat of the pyre soon enough.”
The emissary then evaporated in a wispy shadow before the awestruck crowd, his speech still ringing in their shocked ears.

Gingerbread men.
The Jezzik, newly arrived on Ajur from millennia in subjugation grew to love this new world and its freedom. They fought the Hakari with unrelenting zeal in an attempt to stem the tide of the Hakari war machine, but their numbers were too scattered to do much damage. The first encounters the Jezzik had with Ajur’s natives were sometimes bloody affairs, the natives’ reactions ones of fear and hatred to anything and anyone that had come from the Erisor gateways. Eventually word got to many Human and Tesh communities of staunch clay figures fighting the Hakari at every chance, many sending spies to investigate.
After surveying these mysterious construct beings, diplomatic ties were instigated, as many felt that the enemy of my enemy must be a friend, and so, slow at first, the Jezzik were offered amnesty within Human and Tesh communities. Many felt that being creations of the Hakari the Jezzik should all be turned to rubble, that they were spies sent to subvert the remaining resistance of the newly growing Hakari Empire. This sentiment in recent times has slowly began to dissipate with the acts of many Jezzik the stuff of tavern gossip and spoken with an air of awe.

Dark age.
A new shadow has fallen across the face of Ajur, the Hakari are now fully entrenched in several key sites, many of the main cities of humanity and Tesh are laid to waste, left to slowly smolder and degrade. The refugees of the now defunct nations are rebuilding their lives and often recruited into military service due to the many casualties.
The spirits of Ajur are in an uproar however some Hakari malignance blocks much of their efforts, an unknown type of magic that subverts the natural law.
These are dark times that call for brave individuals to take up arms against the external threat of the Hakari and the internal threats of subterfuge, civil war and other political intrigues.

Character Classes of Ajur.

The people of Ajur are a crafty and diverse lot from all walks of life. Provided in this chapter are many of the different character classes on offer for any denizen of Ajur or indeed Erisor.

Dragon Shaman:
The Dragons of Ajur are magnificent beings, powerful, graceful, fear inspiring and intelligent, for any who have stared upon their majesty; it would be folly to not admit their greatness. As a Dragon Shaman you have dedicated your life to a particular dragon, developing a symbiotic relationship with this giant magical creature, providing you with an array of magical abilities while the Dragon gains a loyal ally and agent.

A melee combatant with a dazzling selection of supernatural abilities, the Dragon Shaman is not simply a hack and slash meat shield, she can provide your entire party with powerful auras that strengthen their resolve or allow them to mend bone and knit flesh. Such is their power that at high levels Dragon Shamans gain both the aide and favor of their dragon sponsor, absorb titanic amounts of damage and heal the blind or deaf with a touch.

Element Bender:
Air, Earth, Fire and Water, each of the four elements together comprise the entirety of Ajur. Benders seek to tap into a part of this elemental power, through strict training and arduous physical and mental exercises.
Element Bending masters are awe inspiring combatants, one with their chosen element; they can turn aside their foes with ease.

The Element Bending classes (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) are different in many aspects, due to their individual elemental seed lists and DC orientated casting nature, however their primary role in an adventuring party is to be a ranged blaster, the Earth Bender and Fire Bender may find combat to be useful from time to time and the Water Bender can provide some healing ability, however their poor armour options leave a lot to be desired in many areas of melee and ranged attacks can be deadly.

The ethereal realms and their sublime magic allow wise mortals to see into the immaterial worlds of past and future, of destiny and fate, to channel their mind and make their thoughts manifest. Such is the power of the Guru that she can weave this mist like substance from beyond the material plane and create supernatural energies for spiritual enlightenment and power.

A mystic with a vast repertoire of spells, the Guru bends the ethereal and astral to her whim, only hindered by her imagination and strength of mind. The Guru develops her power through strict regimens of meditation coupled with hundreds of hours of research. The Guru pays homage to the many spirits of Ajur for protection, wisdom and guidance whilst on her spiritual exploration, for astral traveling the other planes of existence can be disconcerting and downright dangerous to the ill informed.

Words have power, one word from the right magistrate can save a criminals life, or condemn it. Any literate person can tell you the thrill of a good book, how it can inspire and move the reader.
Some take this belief of word power a step further, developing an understanding of the words themselves, and their secret magic. These individuals are called Heralds, or as some are known ‘Wordsmiths’. These Wordsmiths bring their unique brand of magic to the common people and aristocratic alike. Equal parts storyteller, vagabond, spy, lore gatherer and rabble rouser the Herald plays many parts during their lives, often going by different aliases, gathering fame or infamy as their exploits are in turn told to all who will listen.

At first glance the Herald may appear very Bard like due to their flavor; however the Herald is no fifth wheel character. They have their place as the figurehead for any party of erstwhile adventurers; their healthy allotment of skill points and spells doesn’t go astray either, allowing this jack of all trades class to ensnare her opponent’ mind with a word, or coax their soul to simply shed its mortal coil, think Gandalf with less beard.

Glory in combat; this is the true calling for any Knight. The rushes of adrenalin as you smite your enemy’s skull into two blood spraying halves. To feel the rough and tumble of the earth as you charge headlong at your opponent, dashing his defenses, and sundering his body.
Glory comes at a price however, a code of conduct must be observed, any simple fool can take up arms and attack their fellow man. One must always honor ‘The Code’ to truly be called a Knight.
The true tin soldier, a Knight revels in frontline combat, bedecked in their armour, often riding upon a stout charger; he crashes upon the enemy like a relentless wave upon the beach.

Part crusader, part meat shield, the Knight follows The Code, a set of principles that give the adherer martial powers and blessings to defeat his chosen foes. The Knight is the best front line combatant an adventuring party can afford, and while his skill repertoire isn’t that impressive, the Knight is good at what he does, and can stick around long enough to keep doing it.

All armies need those who have a keen eye and keener mind, often to gather information, to strike at enemy weaknesses, or to simply ‘remove’ a threat. Such is the life of the Stalker, mostly a lonely affair, spent silently awaiting their next mark, each stalker brings a swath of deadly attacks to bear and the range of efficient skills to make sure that sometimes, all you need is one clean attack to take your victim down.

The stalker is your slice and dice assassin meets sniper, skilled to the eyeballs to get the best out of all those checks you’ll need to make, sneaking stealthily behind your mark before piano wire garroting them to oblivion. You can focus on either melee or ranged combat, or a little of both, but don’t spread yourself too thin.

The entropic void is home to many unnamed and indescribable denizens, whispering sweet words of power to those mad or strong willed enough to listen. While neither good nor evil, the void provides the secrets for many individuals to uncover and master; however most come at a cost.

The Warlock is the classic medieval conjurer, calling upon otherworldly beings for power and information to aide his allies or to quench the life from his enemies. The Hakari elves were the first to discover the power of binding void spirits to their will, and this has given the class a sinister and unnatural reputation in the eyes of Ajur’ other sentient races. The power gained by this much maligned source is not to be underestimated however.

White Raven:
Blending incredible swordsmanship with subtle magic, the White Raven is an apt tactician that can bolster his allies with both offensive and defensive capabilities.
Named after the founder of this style of combat expertise as well as being an ancient portent for victory, a White Raven can strike fear into the hearts of many enemies. White Ravens are not front line melee fighters, they like to aide other members of their team, directing pin point attacks at weak spots, splintering their enemies defense and resolve with lightning efficiency.

Cooperation, teamwork and leadership are the three keystones to the White Raven philosophy.
White Ravens are first and foremost a melee class, however due to their lack of armour they will not last long when pushed to the front lines. Their power is a subtle one allowing the whole adventuring party to converge at a single point to defeat their opponents with effective attacks. A master of maneuvering, the White Raven need not play second fiddle to other characters; however his strength lies with his ability to command.

2007-12-18, 02:27 AM
No cat people or bear men.
any chance of making manbear pig your sixth race? also props for the reference to rath. i like how you've excluded dwarves.

2007-12-19, 01:18 AM
I need some ideas to base each of my races cultures and ideals on. here are a few of my ideas.

humans being pressed into confined fortress city states have had to mingle many of their cultures together, so I was thinking new york style suburbs with different ethnicities etc, but i still wanted an overall 'human' culture to come through.

the elves are ancient, from a ice waste primordial world where power is prized above all else, so i was thinking egyption, but it doesnt much fit the ice realm feel, but i dont want norse barbarian elves.

Illumian value words and writing, they are underground, pale, mysterious, but still fundementally tied to their human roots, I was thinking something crossed between greeks and the deep imaskari from FR.

Jezzik, a newly freed race that isnt that prolific as they cant breed, when one dies, without magical aide, thats it, so i wanted them to be immortal but know that slowly their race will die, and also to be related but not like the elves in culture as they spawned the Jezzik.

Killoren, i love the name so im keeping it, savage, vengful and full of sylvan goodness, wanderers as well I can't think of an overall theme for them.

Tesh. basically a cross between native americans, aztecs and maybe some asian cultures, I want them to wear colourful tribal masks and such, have a deep spirit and element worship, especially for the air and earth.

So yeah, any ideas would be appreciated, im writing up some more indepth race stuff atm if you need some extra info.

2007-12-19, 01:54 AM
does geography play any role in how your races develop their settlements?

2007-12-19, 02:18 AM
deleted, changed the content.

2007-12-19, 08:46 PM
Races of Ajur.

The people of Ajur fall into six distinct races, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and distinct outlooks on life and their place within the world.

Once a disparate bunch, rife with petty squabbles between nations and city states, humanity was the dominant race of Ajur, their adaptable and pragmatic nature allowed humanity to venture across the face of Ajur.
With the coming of the Elves however, the Humans of Ajur have been forced back from their ancient homelands and made to coexist with each other despite their tribal and cultural differences.
Today the Humans of Ajur, collectively known as the Ajurites, live within fortress like cities, united, somewhat delicately under one banner, cloistered off from the predations of the Hakarite elven scourge. This state of perpetual war and bloodshed has bred a race of driven individuals, each one giving their all to their chosen profession or path in life.
Physically humanity is a mixed bunch, this is due to the melting pot of different ethnicities, each with varying characteristics, and therefore humanity runs the gamut.
The Humans of Ajur use the rules listed in the Player’s Handbook.

The ‘Hakari’ loosely translated as "first and only". Xenophobic to the point of genocidal tendency, proud to the point of arrogance and preternaturally graceful, the Hakari believe they are meant to rule all of Ajur. They wish to wipe clean its skies, surface and underworld from the taint of the "lesser races" or "vermin scourge". This genocidal mindset has come not through some divine mandate of cleansing, as the Hakari bow to no spiritual master and no god would heed their call if they did.
The Hakari are a parasitic race from the coterminous plane of Erisor that bleeds through onto Ajur where the planar borders have been breached.
Erisor is a frozen and harsh place eroded with glacial ice and sweeping tundra, bereft of warmth from its distant giant red sun, the sky a burnt fiery umber in colour, doused in perpetual twilight.
Deep coppery tan skin, black and lavender eyes, dark bronze-blue hair, chiseled delicate features and an arrogant self absorbed, cat like, demeanor are the five basic traits of all the Hakari. Genetic variances are not common due to their long life spans offering little in the way of evolution, however rare Hakari are born with ice blue eyes. These individuals are seen as the "Chosen of Erisor", destined for great things.
Hakari Elves use the following racial rules.

• +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Graceful and smart, the Hakari are frail due to living in harsh freezing conditions and their arrogant mindset often leads to rash decision making and flippancy.
• Medium Humanoid.
• Hakari Elf base speed is 30ft.
• Low Light Vision. Hakari Elves can see twice as far as a human in bad lighting. Elves retain all colours and detail while in poor illumination.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell like abilities. Due to their innate magical nature, Hakari Elves can shrug off harmful magical effects.
• Weapon Proficiency: Hakari Elves receive martial training during their childhood. All Hakari have the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, longbow (including composite) shortbow (including composite) and shortsword. Edged and piercing weapons are favored by Hakarian elves.
• +2 racial bonuses on Balance, Listen, Spot and Survival checks. Elven senses and physiology are preternaturally keen.
• Automatic Languages: Hakarian. Bonus languages, Common, Undercommon, Infernal and Abyssal.

Cautious and studious, Illumian individuals are also ambitious in the extreme, carefully analyzing any given situation before mastering all the options open to them.
Illumians appear humanlike at a distance; however up close several disparaging physical attributes become clear. Illumians have no body hair whatsoever, their milky pink skin often covered in pale sky blue tattoos instead, strong vertical and horizontal lines a common choice. Illumian eye colour is most often a sky blue as well; however ocean green is another often noticed shade. The most notable feature of any Illumian however is the luminescent sigils that float, halo like, around their foreheads, endlessly circling.
The Illumian psyche is complex, taught during childhood through strict doctrine to be all they can be, each Illumian strives to master as many skills as they can during their lifetime, nothing is worth doing by halves. This trait can be seen as somewhat single minded to other races; Illumians coming off as aloof and stubborn.
The complex array of differing sigils that hover around each Illumians head are insubstantial bioluminescence, bright as any normal candle. Each differing sigil gives an Illumian an innate power; these sigils were a divine gift to the first Illumians by several spirit deities who held the power of the spoken word as their highest form of divine expression. The progenitor Illumians were humans given this spark, which through generations of isolation bred true, developing into a distinct species.
Illumian culture began beneath the earth millennia ago, their glowing sigil nimbi illuminating the way into a surreal underground environment full of wonder, both a part and apart from other races, these first speakers of the word as they would come to be know themselves sought private refuge to plumb the depths of their new powers.
In the present age of war Illumians have ventured from their subterranean cities to the surface in an effort to help aide against the Hakari blight that seeks to quash all other life from Ajur. Combining their strong support of Ajur’s spirit deities and all Illumians inbuilt drive to master new experiences, they are a shining beacon of hope against the near immortal elven tide.
Illumians speak their own language derived from the ancient runic sigils atop their brow; this language can be difficult for non Illumians to read due to its fluid script and archaic syntax.
Illumian use the following racial rules.

• Humanoid (human): Illumians are humanoid creatures with the human subtype.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Illumians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Illumian base land speed is 30 feet.
• Luminous Sigils (Su): The sigils that orbit an Illumian’s head glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle. Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating for a moment (as a standard action), but they don’t receive the sigils’ benefits. Restoring the sigils to visibility is a free action.
• Luminous sigils are insubstantial and disappear into any matter they touch. Each Illumian has a power sigil which infuses her soul with energy. An Illumian character chooses this power sigil at character creation.
Aesh: +2 bonus on Strength checks and Strength based skill checks.
Hoon: +2 bonus on Wisdom and/or Constitution checks and Wisdom and/or Constitution based skill checks.
Krau: +1 bonus to caster level for all spells and spell like abilities.
Naen: +2 bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence based skill checks.
Uur: +2 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity based skill checks.
Vaul: +2 bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma based skill checks.
• Superior Literacy: Illumians are always literate, regardless of their character class. Speak Language is always a class skill for Illumians.
• -2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Illum.

The Jezzik, both a noun and the plural, are a created race, forged many millennia ago by the Hakari to construct their Erisor spanning empire. The Jezzik were relentless in their crafting of great citadels and impregnable bastions, however over the centuries they developed a spark of sentience and a want for freedom, why should they bow to the whims of these willowy meat creatures? Eventually the Jezzik rose up against their masters, the Hakari, who after a terrible clash, cast the Jezzik down onto Erisor’ empty wastes, dismissed as the failed creations the elves saw them to be.
Here the Jezzik, free, but trapped in a greater icy prison, simply waited, knowing that they were basically immortal, many assumed their masters would simply die out, and that the Jezzik would become the dominant form of life upon Erisor.
When the Hakari breached the planar boundary to Ajur however, the Jezzik saw their chance for a new life, an escape from the frigid hell much of Erisor had become. Freedom was theirs for the taking, however many came to blows with Ajur’s natives in the first decades of the Elven incursion; it wasn’t until negotiations were made that many Jezzik were allowed amnesty in human lands. Jezzik are tireless and unrelenting beings, a great attribute for many human business owners, or military officials, and thus the Jezzik have found a niche for themselves to exist upon Ajur.
Jezzik stand near 7 feet tall, genderless ceramic statues, weathered by Erisors’ harsh climate they are mighty beings to behold. Twin fiery orbs and a flame wreathed mouth is a Jezzik’s most distinguishing feature, all situated where one might expect its head to be and in the right places.
Jezzik speak in a monotone rumble much like stone scraping coal. Despite their genderless appearance and inability to procreate, many see individual Jezzik as either male or female, however this is simply a means of other species to differentiate many of the golem like creatures differing personalities. The Jezzik have no need for such frivolous notions as gender and sex.
Despite their fearful appearance, many Jezzik are both wise and chatty, having spent millennia simply waiting and existing, they have had a lot of time to think upon the nature of all things, and often wish to share their knowledge.
Jezzik can be of any colour, sometimes where repairs have been made, they are many different shades of fired earth, from a dusty white to deep terracotta.
Jezzik use the following racial rules.

• Living Construct Subtype (Ex):
- Jezzik derive their Hit Dice, base attack bonus progression, saving throws, and skill points from the class it selects.
- Jezzik have a Constitution score.
- A Jezzik does not have low light or darkvision.
- A Jezzik is not immune to mind effecting spells or abilities,
- Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition and energy drain.
- Jezzik cannot heal damage naturally.
- A Jezzik is affected by any supernatural ability that cures hit point damage or any spells of the healing subschool, however only receives half of their effects.
- Jezzik, once reduced to 0 hit points is disabled, only allowing a single move or standard action in each round. When his hit points reach -1 to -9, a Jezzik is inert and falls unconscious, making him unable to perform any actions. A inert Jezzik does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to him, as with any living creature treated as stable.
- A Jezzik can be raised or resurrected.
- A Jezzik need not eat, sleep or breathe. However Jezzik who still require the minimum time to prepare spells.
• +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Powerfully built and overly strong, Jezzik are somewhat frightening to many of Ajur’s natives and are still trying to understand their new adoptive world.
• Medium. As medium constructs, Jezzik have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Jezzik base land speed is 30 feet.

With the coming of the Hakari the Killoren were awoke from their eon slumber by the spirits of Ajur. The Killoren are an ambitious and aggressive race when it comes to defeating the Hakari, they are a force of powerful beings bent on defending Ajur to their last breaths.
Often seen as the guardians of places of natural beauty and power by other races, Killoren seek to send back the scourge of the Hakari to Erisor, before returning to their dream sleep.
Killoren are quick to react but patient to anger, knowing that often the best offence is a good defense. Their mannerisms are often odd to other natives of Ajur, however all these races can see the benefit of having manifested nature spirits as aides.
The Killoren are a three caste society, however each individual Killoren can channel the energies of each caste, only one at a given time however. The Ancient caste are the lore gatherers and preservers of sacred sites for the Killoren, they are ethereal beings who are both wise and powerful. The Destroyer caste are a Killoren armies’ frontline, their powerful attacks smash the enemy with nature’s fury, tearing them asunder. Finally the Hunter caste, comprised of the sharpest and stealthiest of the Killoren, woe betide any being caught in their trap, for death will be their only friend.
In the present age Killoren provide Ajur with the hope of turning back the Hakari tide, their fey nature and basically immortal lifespan allowing the Killoren to be steadfast guardians and tireless warriors.
Killoren use the rules listed in Races of the Wild.

The Tesh are a small slender race of omnivorous beings that live upon and in the sprawling savannah canyons and within the shaded depths of Ajur’s woodlands.
Tesh appear child like at a distance, wrapped in hugging cloaks for warmth, these shawls however are membranous skin wings that allow Tesh to glide and eventually fly when stretched out from their ankles to the wrists. Tesh often tattoo these skin wings as they get older, spiral and wide eye motifs are popular as well as individual clan markings.
The average Tesh stands a little over three feet tall, males slightly taller than females, their bodies covered in a thin coat of protective hair, barring their face, ears, hands and feet, however males have been known to grow fetching side burns, moustaches and goatee. Teshlan hair and eyes can be of any colour; however a deep chocolate black-brown coat and dark crimson red eyes are often the most prevalent.
Tesh favor brightly coloured and loose clothing that does not hinder their flight, cloud, air and sun symbols often dot these garments.
Tesh facial features are somewhat bestial, their mouths sporting an extra two pairs of incisors compared to humans, their ears slightly pointed and their noses slightly more round and flat.
Carefree, jovial, social and quick witted the Tesh have come to be accepted by both Human and Illumian civilization, some see them as precocious childlike figures however, and treat them as such, something the Tesh frown upon.
Tesh live a semi nomadic lifestyle, situated around a large permanent settlement, often crafted straight into cliff faces or gorges. Forest dwelling Tesh weave complex spherical abodes linked with spider web rope structures for strength and support.
Tesh are not a savage species however, simply more attuned to the natural world than many of the other species, they embrace their freedom and seek to explore, rather than be confined by urban sprawl.
With the coming of the Hakari, many Tesh have been forced from their homes to retreat into Human lands, many signing into active military service, their reconnaissance abilities highly prized.
Tesh use the following racial rules.

• -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Graceful but fragile the Tesh are also well liked but can be somewhat glib.
• Small Humanoid. As a small creature, Tesh receive a +1 size bonus to Armour Class, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on hide checks. They use smaller weapons than humans use however, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a medium character.
• Tesh base speed is 30ft. despite their size, Tesh are nimble on their feet.
• Low Light Vision. Tesh can see twice as far as a human in bad lighting. Tesh retain all colours and detail while in poor illumination.
• Gliding (Ex): A Tesh can use his wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. Tesh glide at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). Even if a Tesh’s maneuverability improves, she can’t hover while gliding. A Tesh cannot glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.
If a Tesh becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, his membrane wings naturally unfurl and powerful ligaments stiffen the wings. The Tesh descends in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter what the actual distance of the fall.
• Flight (Ex): When Tesh reach 5 Hit Dice, she becomes able to fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). A Tesh can’t fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted.
Tesh can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to their constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they’re fatigued at the end of the flight. Tesh are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because Tesh can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, they can remain aloft for extended periods (even if they can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued).
At 10 Hit Dice, Tesh have enough stamina and prowess to fly for longer periods. They can fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running.
A Tesh with flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the Tesh must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. A Tesh can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon; if the attack hits, it does double damage.
A Tesh with flight can use the run action while flying, provided she flies in a straight line.
• +2 racial bonuses on Climb, Jump, Tumble and Use Rope checks. Tesh are agile and athletic.
• Unerring Direction: Tesh have an instinctive sense of which direction is north, even underground or otherwise unable to see the sky or other visual cues. This ability only works upon Ajur.
• Automatic Languages: Teshlan, Common. Bonus languages: Undercommon.

2007-12-24, 06:07 AM
Still looking for helpful ideas about cultures and such, I need more fluff.

Like what culture would suit the Hakari, or what combination, and how would all the intermingling human and Tesh cultures get along etc. Any and all ideas are appreciated.