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Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-18, 08:42 AM
The mists of a cool morning in early spring burn away as the bright southern sun rises over the towers and minarets of East Bridgeport. Every day is Market Day in this thriving city, and a myriad of sights, sounds, and smells delight the senses. The smells of fresh bread and today's catch of fish mingle pleasantly. Merchants in booths sell olive oil, wine, cloth, and spices, while farmers sell produce out of their carts as their oxen stand patiently, chewing their cud. A young halfling goes from door to door, struggling with his wheelbarrow piled high with squares of peat, but smiling as coins from each door clink into his purse. At one corner, a street vendor shaves the first savory slices of meat from a kebab for a group of dwarven lumberjacks who are too hungry to pay any mind to the playful catcalls from a pair of gnome sailors. A few tall soldiers patrol the streets, watchful but still relaxed, as there is rarely trouble in this part of town. Always, there is the cry of the gulls and, if one listens carefully, the soft sound of the waves in the harbor.
The cobblestone streets are busy, as is the huge bridge that spans the Timber River over to West Bridgeport, the less affluent but older side of town known especially for the rich culture of the many halflings who have lived there for centuries. A few young boys fish from the bank next to the small piers where shirtless laborers hustle dwarven goods off of river barges. Curiously, a motley group of five adults (you) are standing on the riverbank beneath the overhang of the great bridge, somewhat awkwardly making small talk or absent-mindedly skipping stones, as if they are waiting for something.
A few minutes pass, then a wizened halfling can be seen gingerly making his way down to the riverbank where the five stand. He is clothed in religious-looking robes and wears a silver medallion that appears to be in the form of a horse rampant on his chest. His eyes sparkle beneath bushy eyebrows as his face wrinkles into a broad smile.

"Ah, excellent! I see the bards have spread the word of our little venture far and wide indeed! I am Father Eldon Highburrow, one of the founding members of the Adventurers' Guild. Please, follow me -- we can talk as we go, but all your questions will be answered once we arrive at our Guildhall."

I suggest roleplaying following him through a maze of streets on the way to the guildhall, and take this time for the characters to get to know each other, because we'll talk all about the guild once you get there. Feel free to be creative if you want to describe the area you're walking through; if something is completely out of line with the idea I have of this city we can always edit it. I think I mentioned before, Istanbul is one of my inspirations for Bridgeport.

2007-12-18, 01:27 PM
Sharn Vankessel

"Once more unto the breach..."

Words half whispered as he followed the halfling. Not once did he shift his stoic gaze downward, yet he kept pace and direction with him none the less. There was something definitely off about the man who, up until now, had spoken only his name.

Now amongst daylight, he pulls the hood from his cloak over his head to shield his eyes. He wears a pristinely polished set of scale armor and carries with him a large wooden shield. A large mace hangs from the left side of his belt. On the opposite side, a small crossbow and a miniature quiver that holds it's ammunition.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-18, 03:41 PM

With a hefty sigh and a grunt of effort, a young, redheaded girl takes a quick sip of the waterskin dangling above her sword-hilt shortly before hefting a rather heavy-seeming haversack onto both shoulders and flipping a small wooden spiked wall onto her arm.

She moves with a practised grace through the crowd, although the sharp protrusions on her arm my aid in the endeavor. Nobody wants to get stabbed on their way to the market, and nobody wants it to be primarily their fault. The woman, seemingly callously made no attempt to avoid people, figuring indeed that any attempts to do so would only increase the possibility of an injury to occur.

The biggest problem was that halfling. Such a small creature got lost in the corwds easily, even from Shiela's own short height.
"Pershaps, Sir," Shiela spoke calmly, although her tone was tinted with a bit of haste "You can simply begin giving us a summary now - rarely is anything more private than when thrust in the public's eye."

2007-12-18, 04:14 PM

The dour looking dwarf followed on after. His face looked serious, and somewhat grim. He was focused on finding out more about the mission, but also took pains to observe everything around him.

The city was much different from the dwarven cities he was used to--it was noisy, aboveground, and full of mixed races instead of a homogenous dwarf population. Even the arctitecture was different. Gone were the step-pyramids of his homeland, instead everywhere there were buildings with roofs shaped like onions.

The dwarf follows on, saying nothing, but listening intently to what others say.

2007-12-19, 08:45 AM

While keeping up with the group, Jeff examines the locals, making mental reminders of where he could come back later, if he has some free time.He has spent most of his life in the wilderness, making short trips into towns whenever he needed supplies, sell some skins of wild beasts or just hang out in a pub.

While I agree with your statement, we should wait until we get to the guildhall. People should not overhear things that are suposed to be private...

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-19, 09:31 AM
"Ah, here we are!" Eldon stops at an iron gate and opens it. A flagstone path of about a hundred feet cuts through an overgrown garden of bushes and small trees to the entry of a large house, which looks as though it could have once belonged to a very wealthy family, but where fine roof tiles and intricately carved shutters are missing, they have been replaced by mismatching cheap substitutes. Eldon opens the double doors. "Please, come in."

You step into a foyer that stretches across the front of the house. There is a stairway going up on each end, and to your front you are separated from another room by strings of glass beads hanging from a wide double doorway. From the other doorway in the foyer, next to the staircase on the right, comes a large, well-muscled man, followed by a frowning, middle-aged gnome with spectacles pushed down on his nose. A stout human woman and a wide-eyed boy who looks to be about nine stand on the stairs to the right.

"Well met, well met!" booms the man jovially. He has lost most of his hair, and his right eye socket is scarred shut. He is wearing riding boots and breeches with a loose, embroidered shirt, and has a short sword on his belt. "Welcome to the Adventurers' Guildhall. I am the so-called 'guildmaster,' but please call me Bruce. Eldon and I founded this guild along with Lankin here, who knows a good business opportunity when he sees one! Lankin is our quartermaster - he has made agreements with several merchants in town to give us discount prices, provided you adventurers go through him for all your equipment needs." Lankin nods in agreement. The woman on the steps coughs. "Oh, and of course," says Bruce, "this is my wife Elga and our son Brelgan. The three of us live upstairs on this side of the house, so I'd appreciate it if you will respect our privacy. You are of course welcome to use the Library behind me. Now, let me show you where you'll be staying."

Up the stairs on the left side of the house is a large room, the ceiling slanted to the pitch of the roof, with narrow windows. The room is jammed full of bunkbeds and wooden chests. A few of the beds have bedrolls on them with the closest chests closed and locked. Under each bunkbed is a battered tin chamberpot. A curtain is pulled across the end of the room closest to the street, hiding a few of the bunkbeds from view. On the opposite wall is a fireplace, presumably sharing a chimney with the fireplace in the common room below. A smallish man who looks to be in his thirties is snoring on the bottom bunk closest to the unlit fireplace, a heavy crossbow next to his chamberpot. "This is where you'll be staying, unless you have a home in Bridgeport and you'd rather stay there, as Eldon and Lankin do," says Bruce in hushed tones. "We have a few other Adventurers who live here, but I doubt you'll see any of them for a few days. Bil here is our night guard. Dependable as a rock, but not very sociable. I suppose the job suits him well." He leads you back down to the foyer.

Bruce then pushes through the strings of beads opposite the main entrance and leads you into the largest room in the house. There is a fireplace at the far end, a bar to the left with barstools, and behind the bar is a large dumbwaiter and a door to the back of the property. A few pathetic-looking hunting trophies and unimpressive weapons are mounted high on the walls. A comely young woman with dark hair and well-toned arms, wearing a simple undyed woolen dress, is taking chairs down from atop the several tables in the room. "This is our Common Room," says Bruce. The kitchen and storage rooms are below us, but the stairs down to them are just outside. Ana is here during the days and evenings, but she lives with her brother and his wife just a block away. She does not speak, but she listens well, and that's a good quality in a barmaid in my book!" Ana smiles prettily, then Bruce leads you outside, quietly muttering, "A good quality in any woman, for that matter..." Ana raises an eyebrow as evidence that she has a keen ear indeed.

In the back yard there is a stone patio, and cellar doors that are unlocked and open, revealing brown-stained stone steps leading under the house. Stacks of firewood, a well, and a small stable are closeby. The iron fence that runs around the property has a small gate in the back that opens to an alley, with a large stone jar sitting outside the gate. A cart drawn by a mule stops at the gate, and a miserable-looking teenage boy hops from the back. He swaps the jar with an identical one from the cart and climbs back in. The driver of the cart is an older man smoking a pipe. Bruce cries, "Hallo, Merrill!" The man turns to face you and bows his head, removes his soft leather cap and waves it with a flourish, as if he were a courtier saluting his king. He then gives a shake to the reins and the mule plods forward to the next house.

As you turn back to face Bruce, Lankin comes up the steps with padlocks and keys and begins to silently hand one to each of you. The padlocks match those that were on some of the chests in the Bunkroom upstairs.

"Merrill is a fellow guildmaster, believe it or not," says Bruce. He got fed up with some of the Council's decisions a few months ago, and stopped dung collection throughout Bridgeport until he got his own guild! My, that was a smelly three weeks! I know it sounds ridiculous, but the Doge, the Marshal, and many of the priests supported him, what with the way some of the guilds have been behaving. Turned out well for us, because you can thank Merill for our own guild status - his was the deciding vote! I don't need to tell you that the idea of an Adventurer's Guild was not a popular one, but you know what they say: Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. And politicians desperate for a shift in the balance of power created the perfect opportunity for me to spend my pension on this little venture. Oh, that boy on the cart is Quinn - I'm afraid he's a bit of a delinquent, but ever since they put him in Merrill's charge he seems to have mended his ways."

"Well, like I said, down those steps are the kitchen and stores, and that's about it. I'm going to go help Eldon finish drawing up your contracts. In case the bards didn't mention it - they usually gloss over details like this - we'll provide your room and board, ammunition and a few other supplies, stabling for your animals, and all the ale you care to drink! In return we ask that you not do anything to give the guild a bad reputation - we've enough enemies as it is - and we'll need fifty percent of your profits until we recover our start-up costs, at which time we can renegotiate your contracts. Oh, and Father Eldon will provide his services free of charge whenever he's at the guildhall, which is most days. Take some time to explore, get settled in if you'll be staying with us, and ask anyone any questions you have. Ana has some eggs and salted pork - and ale if you want it this early - waiting for you in the Common Room."

2007-12-19, 10:52 AM
Balthazar, LN Dwarf Wizard

The dwarf raises one bushy eyebrow, and laughs a quiet, wheezy laugh.
Then he begins to speak for the first time. His voice is loud and booming, but muted--as though he is trying to be quiet but somewhat failing at it.

All the ale we can drink, eh? Not the sort of promise I'd make around dwarves if I were you, Bruce. It's been a long ride for me, I think I'll take you up on that salted pork--and I would like some ale this early! Of course that will be after I get my things settled in."

Apparently self-satisfied with his "joke", the dwarf walks into the Guild, attempts to find his quarters, and then heads in to drop off his things in his quarters (and attempts not to wake up Bill in the process).

He'll try to drink the drink the ale slowly, in order to appear polite. He isn't sure how much humans drink in one sitting, but he is sure it is less than dwarves and he doesn't want to make himself look like a pig.

Also, being used to fine dwarven ale, he will try to be polite about he quality of the ale. Chances are, the quality of the ale will surprise him, as he expects all non-dwarven ale to be swill. So, if the ale is good, it will be a happy surprise and if the ale is bad it merely confirms his pre-conceived notions.

He's also a little confused about what to do with Ana, who is mute. Is it rude to talk to her since she can't respond? Is it rude not to talk to her, because it would be treating her differently? The end result is an awkward attempt at small-talk.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-19, 11:15 AM
The ale is not good, but it is palatable. Ana expertly serves food and drinks, and is polite in nodding yes or shaking her head no, but her response to anything that would require more than a simple yes or no is to smile and shrug her shoulders. If she is offended in any way, she gives no sign of it.

2007-12-19, 12:39 PM
Jeff, CN ranger
Nice place you have here, Bruce. Will catch up with you in the Common room.As he is walking towards the quarters, he mutters to himself:Damn, there are alot of people here...how can I remember all their names? In the forests the only things you could name were wild animals...I miss Fluffy the bunny, Nuts the squirrel and Stopbitingme the wolf...ah well, at least they turned out into some finely crafted gloves, hat and cloak :smallbiggrin: .

He reaches the quarters, finds his chest and puts his Longsword and bow and arrows in the chest, keeping the shortsword for a "just-in-case".He then locks the chest with the padlock.He looks at Bill and sees that he is sleeping.He takes out his shortsword and scratches the surface of the chest so that it reads: Touch and die! , while making sure he doesnt make a lot of noise.

Reaching the Common Room, hestarts to examine the trophies and weapons on the wall.If you want some new ones, I'll try to kill some beasts while adventuring.Then to Ana Some salted pork, please. And with that, he takes a seat.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-19, 01:55 PM
Shiela Tailor, CG Fighter

A bit upset at the mage's Psuedo-rebuke earlier, she soon found the point to be moot. No sense in giving prospective employees information as to what they were signing up for without drawing up some CONTRACTs, first. By the Lady, no, that would be a horrible idea.
She is not visibly miffed about Bruce's "Women should be silent remark".

That is how it came to be that a silent and visibly fuming Shiela angrily accepted the key and padlock before returing up the stairs with whomever else decided to do so.

After choosing the bottom bunk of any rack ((Author's note: "Rack" is nautical terminology for "bed")) near a wall, the young girl gingerly placed her pack, and shiled inside before sotting on the lid to carefully remove her armor. It was probably going to be a long stay, and while the suit wasn't particulalrly heavy, it did get in the way for some things, and started to get heavy after a while.

After doffing the armor and placing it inside the chest, Shiela also removed her belt so as to neatly place the belt pouches and her stiletto inside. She balks at removing her scimitar, weighing the consequences of openly carrying the weapon verusus not being prepared. In the end, she decides to leave remove the dirk in her boot, placing it inside the chest and procuring her red cloak from her pack, wearing it open, as it wasn't particulalrly cold inside.

With this, noted that the chest seemed somewhat crowded and so, removed and leaned her shield against the nearby wall, spikes pointing towards said wall. She then locks the chest, streaches and proceeds to head down the stairs into the common area for some food.

Sheila finds herself arriving pretty late to the parthy downstairs and slides into a chair near those who signed up with her, asking for pork and eggs from Ana with a smile (after all, shes not upset at her), and proceeds to speak with Jeff (Pointedly ignoring any conversational advances from that "Rude Dwarf")
"M'name is Shiela," she says, loudly enough so that everyone else in the otherwise quiet room so can hear her, but quietly enough so as to not disturb anyone. Its their collective faults its quiet, anyway. "What canneye call you?"

2007-12-19, 03:46 PM
Jeff, CN Ranger

Sheila, that is a preety name. My name is Jeff. So, what made you join the Adventurers Guild? I joined mainly because it would give me an opportunity to explore new places.

2007-12-19, 03:51 PM

Sharn takes the lock and key from Lankin and inspects them thoroughly. Not finding what he was looking for he finds the first seemingly unclaimed bed he finds and carefully arranges his possessions on the bed itself. On the far left he carefully placed his backpack, next to that his crossbow and bolts, then his shield, leaving his mace on his belt and his armor on his back. He places the lock and key inside the chest and heads toward the common room.

Once there he will give a polite nod to those already assembled and quietly asks Ana to bring "a morsel" to the library if such a thing is allowed. Whether or not she actually brings it to him he will spend his free time not actually reading any books but trying to memorize the library's stock and organization system and measuring the possibilities for improvement.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-19, 06:18 PM

The red-haired fighter hurrumphs slightly.
"Flirting will get you nowhere with me, Jeff. I joined so I can get out of this town - and so I could stop burdening my pa."

2007-12-19, 08:04 PM
Balthazar, Dwarven Wizard

Oh come on, ma'am. You can't have been that mush trouble. Hm. I'm drunker than I thought I would be at this point. This is human-made ale, not dwarven-made--I thought the alcohol content would be lower. Dwarves invented ale you know, a few thousand years ago. It was invented totally by accident....

He then falls asleep on the barstool. It's been a long day for Balthazar, and he hasn't slept much lately.

OOC:I'm playing this character a lot more weird than I expected.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-19, 09:13 PM
As Promised, Shiela rather rudely ignores the rude, drinking dwarf.

2007-12-19, 09:39 PM
Iva, GG Human Bard

Iva kept pretty much to herself thus far, it had been a long, fruitless night and she wasn't much in a talkative mood. Besides, there were more men than women and even though the younger girl looked like she could easily fend for herself Iva didn't much like the odds. She was pleased to see that of the three men in the group one was a dwarf, Better be safe than sorry though. She hadn't much contact with many people outside of the traveling circus she had been apart of for so many years, but dwarven men seemed to be a bit more trustworthy as a whole than most other races; so long as they were sober in any case.

She followed the entourage through the city and into the guildhall, staying to the back and keeping her cloak closed with the hood up. She listened as the proprietors of the guildhall spoke their spiel, Bruce's comment about women just about made Iva leave right then and there, but she needed to money and now she knew at least one person likely to cause her problems. Better to have knowledge than to face the unknown.

Taking her key and padlock to her room to stash her bag away she hesitated to remove her cloak and stow it away as well. I might as well deal with all the sneers and cat calls now, since I kinda know what to expect. Leaving her cloak and veil in the trunk as well she headed back down to the common room, checking the whip hanging from her side as well as her flute case to make sure it was in working order, one never knew when a good song could change the mood of any tavern.

Iva reaches the bottom of the stairwell, just in time to hear the other red head announce her name. Iva not really caring much about what the fellow that was sitting across from her said, paid no attention to Jeff as he introduced himself.

Could you possible bring out some eggs and mayhaps a small portion of ale hun? Thanks." Iva said to Ann. Iva wasn't much of a drinker, but she learned a long time ago that having a glass of something to drink was an easy way to avoid answering questions she didn't want to. Walking over to the table where the others of her group were sitting, Iva took note of the layout of the common room and noticed that there really wasn't a proper place to sit and play without taking up table space.

"Mind if I sit here hun?" Iva directed at Shiela as she took a seat next to the younger girl. Her question wasn't so much a question as it was just being polite as there wasn't really anywhere else to sit as it were.

[color="Purple"]I'm Iva by the way.

((OOC: Sorry for my late appearance, I have kinda been hibernating the last couple of days.))

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-19, 09:58 PM

With a broad smile, the young redhead waves towards the empty chair, aware that Iva's question was more a statement than a question.
"Please, be my guest - we were just discussing our varied - motivations, you might say - care to chip a copper in the pot?"

When the lady bard takes her seat and names hershelf, Shiela offers up her given name in return.

Wow, I'm playing a charecter thats actually personable for once! Also, I imagine the seating arrangement like so:


Any objections/differing viewpoints?

2007-12-20, 12:36 AM
Iva, CG Human Bard

"Well, I'm a traveling entertainer...so I travel quite a bit and it gets mighty lonely, and awfully boring, traveling by ones self. Besides, there is supposed to be a good deal of cash in this adventuring business, so I figured why not."

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-20, 12:49 AM
Shiela Tailor, CG Female Sword-and-Board Fighter (Because I feel like it)
"And you prefer the company of the heavily armed to your performing kin?" Shiela asked incredously, then shrugged her shoulders, "I guess there is less petty rivalry and more protection that way."

2007-12-20, 01:46 AM

"Well.... let's just say I have a pretty unique act that doesn't mesh well with other acts. Iva states trying her best to avoid dealing with her past with 'Jargon's Traveling Show of Wonders'. Suddenly remembering that just across the table was a very....not-awake dwarf.

"So what is his story, I have yet to meet a dwarf that can't hold his liquor."

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-20, 02:02 AM

"Well, he is as rude and brash as other dwarves" Shiela says, making no effort to mask her contempt for the minor slight he delivered earlier. "As far as his story, he went to the Land of Infinite Beersteins -the drunk- right after he said I 'Couldn't be that much of a burden' and ranting about how his -poorly groomed- race invented ale."

After a moment, her voice raises slightly, as if struck with an ephinony. "No, no, thats not right, I shouldn't base my opinions on dwarves just from him. And I shouldn't form opinions of him from that one remark, either... Okay, I don't know his story at all."

2007-12-20, 10:25 AM

The armor clad man walks stiffly back into the common room at this time and takes a seat at the table, though not too close to anyone in particular. For a moment he just stares straight ahead, then he looks at the dwarf with a raised eyebrow.

"Just how long was I gone?"

2007-12-20, 10:49 AM
After murmuring strange things in his slumber, the dwarf snaps awake.
At first he is wild-eyed and confused, but only for a moment.
He seems to understand the situation quickly.

Ah. I must have fallen asleep. I bet you think I can't hold my liquor, but to tell you the truth I was close to falling asleep anyway. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in several weeks, and none in a proper bed either. I think I'll take the hint my body is giving me and get to sleep--and in a real bed for once!

And with that the dwarf walks upstairs. His walk betrays none of the ale he's had to drink.

OOC: Yeah, he's still sober. What with 17 Con, and a +2 racial bonus against poison. lol

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-20, 11:31 AM
Bruce (entering the common room)
"Your contracts are prepared, bold adventurers, and if you will all make your way into the library Eldon will help you sign them, then he will enter your names in the Roll at the Council Chambers when they open in an hour. So please, finish your food and drink, but it would be helpful if Eldon could be on his way before the Chambers get too busy, or the good Father will be there all day. Oh, and once you sign you may take your insignia, and also Lankin has some small welcome gifts for you down in the stores."

(Should you go into the library, this is what you will see.)

The library is decorated in an odd assortment of styles. A map, which appears to be fairly new, adorns one wall, with a worn spot over the city of Bridgeport. A few shelves have books and scrolls on them, but most are empty. The table appears to have been fashioned from a large wooden door, and there are two rough-hewn benches about six feet long, one on either side of the table. On the table are pen, ink, and sheets of parchment (the contracts). Also on the table are several small silver brooches, in the form of three intersecting lines: a winding road, or perhaps a river, overlaid with a crossed sword and a staff. A narrow window opening onto the back yard allows some light into the room, but there is also a candelabra on the table and a torch in a bracket on the wall.

(If you are literate in Common, this is what the Contracts say - Eldon will read it accurately to you if you request it.)

Let it be known that the signer of this contract is a full member of the Adventurer's Guild of the Fair City of Bridgeport, having agreed to the following expectations and benefits:

Expectations: Member is expected to spend most of his or her days actively seeking opportunities for experience, glory, and profit. Member will contribute his or her talents to support other members and the Guild as a whole in pursuance of the same. Member will exercise reasonable discretion in these activities, especially when conducted within the city and surrounding area of Bridgeport. Member will endeavor at all times to prevent the Guild from dishonor or excessive financial loss. Member will contribute 50% of monies earned through any activity to the care of the guild treasurer, until such time that the value of 1000 gp have been contributed. Thenceforth, member need only contribute a tithe of 10%. Should a member experience material gain in a form other than coinage, a reasonable contribution to the guild is expected.
Failure to follow these expectations may result in temporary or permanent forfeiture of your benefits, and a guild officer may ultimately request the Council of Guilds expel you from the Roll of Members.

Benefits: Member shall enjoy free room, board, stabling, and drink at the Adventurers' Guildhall. This privilege shall not be extended to family or guests without the approval of a guild officer. Members are free to go where they please and do as they please, provided activities meet the above expectations. The member shall enjoy the physical sanctuary of the guildhall and representation by the Guildmaster in the Council of Guilds. Requests for loans or grants of monies or equipment, when necessary for a highly profitable adventure or in situations of dire need, may be granted by a majority of guild officers. Should a member be wounded or fall ill while conducting legitimate guild activities and return to the guildhall alive, his healing shall be provided for with guild resources. After ten years of active adventuring, member shall enjoy guild benefits for life, as long as his or her conduct remains good (as determined by a majority of guild officers), whether or not he or she continues to seek adventure.

The new member shall proudly wear the insignia of Adventurers, and a guild officer shall enter the new member's name into the Roll of Members of the Council of Guilds at the first possible opportunity. This contract shall not expire until such time as the new member should resign his membership, or such time as the Council of Guilds decides his membership must be revoked, in accordance with the laws of Bridgeport.

______________, New Member
Bruce Wrightson, Guildmaster
Eldon Highburrow, 2nd Adventurer
Lankin Copperbags, Guild Treasurer

(If you go down to the kitchen and stores, this is what you see.)

It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dim light in the cool basement of the guildhall. Two fireplaces share their chimneys with those of the rooms above. There are three spits for roasting meat, cauldrons on hooks that can swivel in and out of the fireplace, and various other cooking accoutrements. A block of kitchen knives, a mortar and pestle, and a small supply of herbs and raw vegetables sit on one side of a table identical to the one in the library. Wooden buckets, sealed with pitch, are in one corner, along with some cleaning supplies. A calico cat, not fully grown but missing part of one ear, yowls at you and skitters behind some wooden pallets, on which are stacked sacks of grain or flour. Some casks and bottles are stored next to the dumbwaiter which may convey them to the bar above.
Walls made of large bricks separate the half of the room that is furthest from the door (and closest to the main street) into three smaller rooms. Two of the rooms have no doors, and you can see they are each lit with dim, slow-burning torches. You can see smoked and salted meats hanging in one room, while the other is crowded with various adventuring equipment. The third room has a sturdy door, locked with two large padlocks.
Lankin sits on a stool outside the equipment room. He hands you a sack with five days' trail rations, five torches, and a standard bundle of ammunition for your ranged weapon (slings and bullets are available for those without a ranged weapon). He then solemnly counts out ten gp worth of coins to any character who answers that he or she lacks this amount (any combination of gold, silver, and copper that you want), explaining that it should be used as your expense account for guild purposes.

2007-12-20, 01:39 PM
On his way up the stairs (which were not built with dwarves in mind) Balthazar happens to hear Eldon's announcement, and decides to reserve his nap for later on that day.

Balthazar heads for the library, looks over the contract carefully, signs it and attaches the brooch to his robes in a prominent spot. Next he heads down to the stores. When Lankin offers 10 gp to those without any funds, Balthazar says nothing and waits for the others to leave the room, or at least pay attention to something else.

He whispers to Lankin
Pardon me friend..I'm in need of a few gold myself. I was a bit embarrassed to ask in front of everyone. Who ever heard of a dwarf without gold?

2007-12-20, 01:57 PM

Gotta love bureaucracy...says Jeffon his way towards the Library.Signing the contract, he takes the brooch, and pins it near his heart. After this, he goes towards the stores. Supplies, eh...well thank you Lankin...they will come in handy.He takes the sack.By the way, is that the guildhouse cat? is it friendly, does it have a name? I just love cats...

2007-12-20, 02:00 PM

"Master Eldon was in the library? I didn't see him there... of course that doesn't mean he wasn't. Absence of proof is not disproof. Maybe he was there but I did not wish to see him there? Contracts, that sounds important. Best to hop to it then... regulations. Thank you Master Bruce."

Sharn marches (literally) back to the library with a haste he has yet to show today. Before signing the contract, he takes the time to read over it several times and commit the more important parts to memory. (more specifically, conditions for discharge)

He takes his Guild Symbol and heads to the store room, graciously accepting the provisions, but asking for only half the offered amount in gold. After thanking Lankin, Sharn heads back upstairs and sits on his chosen bed to inspect his newly acquired insignia.

It shouldn't be a problem to add this to my uniform. The dilemma is finding a place to openly display the insignia without depreciating the importance of my Lady's crest. Vexing...

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-20, 03:48 PM
Down in the kitchen, young Brelgan crawls out from an almost impossibly narrow space behind the grain sacks, holding the cat in one hand.

Brelgan (to Jeff)
"Yeah, he lives here and he's friendly. He just doesn't like strangers much. My mom likes him because he keeps mice away."

The cat escapes from Brelgan and runs up the cellar steps. Brelgan scampers after it, and Jeff follows him up, leaving Balthazar alone with Lankin. After listening to Balthazar's whisper, Lankin rolls his eyes and discreetly complies with Balthazar's request.

2007-12-21, 08:49 AM
Jeff, CN human ranger

Following Breglan, Jeff asks:But does it have a name?

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-21, 08:59 AM
Brelgan (to Jeff)
"His name is Patches."

2007-12-21, 10:16 AM

So, wanna see if I can trach Patches down? lets see if we can find him :smallwink:

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-21, 12:09 PM
Elga comes downstairs and sends Brelgan to go play in his room, then suggests to each of the adventurers that, since she wants to do some thorough cleaning of the guilhall this afternoon, why don't they go for a walk around town? (Presumably, to stay out of her way!)

Edit: Jeff locates Patches in some bushes a few feet away.

2007-12-21, 12:24 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Jeff sighs.Seems I should look for Patches later...Here little Patches! Come to daddy, I wont hurt you. Such a cute kitty you are, yes you are!

And presumably, if the rest of the group are with him:
So, wanna go search for a fish market?

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-21, 05:45 PM
Jeff briefly attempts to coax the young cat out of the bushes...

Handle Animal [roll0]

(edit)...and is successful. The cat comes to Jeff and rubs against him and allows himself to be petted.

If Jeff tries to pick him up he will scare and run and hide again.

2007-12-21, 06:07 PM
Sharn walks outside, once again fully equipped and with his new insignia holding together his cloak, as Jeff suggests a destination. "A fish won't do anything, but swim in a brook. He can't write his name or read a book. To fool the people is his only thought, and though he's slippery, he still gets caught."

He tilts his head slightly to the side as he watches the cat's activities. "Maybe not such bad idea..."

2007-12-21, 08:32 PM
Sharn walks outside, once again fully equipped and with his new insignia holding together his cloak, as Jeff suggests a destination. "A fish won't do anything, but swim in a brook. He can't write his name or read a book. To fool the people is his only thought, and though he's slippery, he still gets caught."

Gylvin Liadon, Elven Wizard

Gylvin overhears Sharn's ryhme & says Would you happen to be the Bard that Bruce was telling me about?. Gylvin smiles shyly and gives a brief wave as he tucks what is obviously a copy of the Guild contract into a pocket in his cloak.

You see before you a young elf. He is dressed in what would be considered sensible clothing for an adventurer who is not quite sure where he'll be going next. His appearance is serious and reserved. He does not appear to be unfriendly, more likely he is shy. Gylvin is carrying a quarterstaff and, if you look closely, a discretely placed dagger that can be readily drawn.

For GM
I signed the guild contract and accepted the standard rations, arrows and 10gp

{OOC: I've not posted my character sheet for public view. My character is rather reserved & would not be comfortable sharing that much of himself yet. Only the future will tell if Gylvin trusts his compatriots enough to share his personal info. }

2007-12-21, 11:29 PM
Iva follows the procession into the library to take a look at the contracts. Fifty percent, hmm. Oh well, at least I have my performing skills to rely on if I have to. Seeing that everything is in order Iva signs the paper and takes the brooch. She keeps the brooch in hand since attaching it to her leather armor would be fairly difficult without removing it, and besides she rarely goes out without her cloak so she will attach it there when she finds time to make it back to the bunks.

Making her way to Lankin down in the stores, Iva notes the other man that was at the table talking to the proprietor's kid, but as usual ignores the finer details of what was going on. She takes the offered sack of supplies and the sling, but declines the gold. Iva doesn't really need the rations and torches, as she carries her own supply, but maybe one of the Sheila wouldn't mind carrying it around, just in case.

Iva picks up a few words of the chatter coming from the other man, Jeff was it... Then another fellow who she had noticed earlier, but she had not seen much of him while they were waiting for the contracts to be finished, made some comment to Jeff in a rhyme scheme. This caught Iva's interest enough to start paying attention as a elven man entered and spoke.

So, Bruce mentioned a bard, but failed to note that I am clearly feminine in nature. Let's see how this turns out.

2007-12-22, 01:18 AM

Sharn looks about wildly, searching for the source of the new voice until finally settling on the elf. He inspects the newcomer quickly and again tilts his head. "Do I really look like a bard? I wouldn't think so. Of course, I don't know many bards in the first place so I have very little to compare. If I need to be classified, I suppose I would be called in some circles a 'holy man.' I must ask..." he leans forward and squints, "How long have you been an elf?"

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-22, 05:45 AM
Elga returns, this time looking a bit distressed. She finds each of you and explains herself, with a touch of embarassment in her voice:

"...I'm really sorry, but to tell you the truth, I didn't just want you to go outside so I could clean. You see, there are a few unsavory looking people outside the front gate... I don't think they're adventurers... and I was hoping that just by you walking out there with all your weapons they'd go away. Anyway, they're starting to make a bit of a ruckus...I don't suppose you could look into it?"

Turning to look out the window, you see four people out on the street. They appear to be arguing, especially once one steps forward and pushes another to the ground.

2007-12-22, 08:13 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Now that I think of it, I was a bit reckless when I left my "big toys" in my chest...wasn't I Patches?He says this while stroking the cat.
Then he pulls out his shortsword.So, anyone else has a weapon readied? Think that if we try to appear more fearsome in front of them, we could just scare them off...

2007-12-22, 10:19 AM

"Do I really look like a bard? I wouldn't think so. Of course, I don't know many bards in the first place so I have very little to compare. If I need to be classified, I suppose I would be called in some circles a 'holy man.' I must ask..." he leans forward and squints, "How long have you been an elf?"


"I wasn't sure. I don't know humans very well and you all tend to look alike to me. I thought your ryhme about the fish was amusing and made an assumption that you were a bard. I have however noticed that holy ones often tend speak less directly than others. About how long I've been an elf, I'd hazard to say that I've been one since birth. :smallwink:

All I really know is that I heard that an adventurers guild was reqruiting and since I'm unemployed, I came over. I signed a contract and was told to go find the rest of the "Cougars". I was afraid he was referring to a group of old ladies that like to seduce younger men, then realized that it was probably some team name. Are you one of my new squad?"

"Great", Gylvin thinks. "The first person I meet and I sound like an idiot introducing myself. Maybe I should have stayed at home. The world's so big that I've got to see it, I just don't know if I'll learn to live among these strange races before dying of embarassement."

2007-12-22, 11:09 AM
"...I'm really sorry, but to tell you the truth, I didn't just want you to go outside so I could clean. You see, there are a few unsavory looking people outside the front gate... I don't think they're adventurers... and I was hoping that just by you walking out there with all your weapons they'd go away. Anyway, they're starting to make a bit of a ruckus...I don't suppose you could look into it?"

Turning to look out the window, you see four people out on the street. They appear to be arguing, especially once one steps forward and pushes another to the ground.

"I'm not much of a threat to local tough's, but I'll happily lend support to a couple of my team members who are better at handling this type of situation. I can always stand there and look ominous with my quarterstaff."

"Fantastic." Gylvin thinks sardonically. "I've only been here a couple of hours & I may find myself in a fight that I don't want to be in simply because I need to "bond" with my team.":smallsigh:

If at least two team members with combat skills go outside to intimidate the troublemakers at the gate, Gylvin will follow. He will stand behind and to one side of his team mates so that he has a clear view of the undesireables. He will also mentally "Prepare" to react in case melee breaks out.

2007-12-22, 11:53 AM
Iva, CG Human Bard

Hooligans, well lets best get this over with. Iva thinks to herself as she removes her whip from her waist in preparation and follows Jeff out.

Initiative - [roll0]
For if and when it happens. If I happen to get a good roll Iva will attempt to trip the nearest hooligan

Attack Roll - [roll1] -1 = 10
If it succeeds Strength Check to Trip - [roll2] -1 = 14(not sure if this one is correct)

2007-12-22, 12:54 PM

Humph. Scoundrels.

With that, Balthazar rolls up his sleeve, briefly practices his most menacing face, and heads outside with quarterstaff in hand.

Balthazar has no intention of starting a confrontation, but if he can scare off the toughs he will attempt to do so.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-22, 02:39 PM
As you approach the closed (but not locked) front gate of the Adventurers' Guild property, you see four human males, who look to be of about the same age as Fin and of similar low social status. You do not see any armor or prominently displayed weapons. They are loudly arguing in a language that sounds a bit like Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish, and Elvish mixed together... you almost think you could understand what they were saying if it wasn't for the strange accent and the rapidity of their speech. The young man who was pushed to the ground gets up and shoves another man against the gate, causing the iron mechanism to clatter as it shakes.

I'll wait for everyone to post once before I post again here.

2007-12-22, 02:51 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger
Can we help you...gentlemen?says Jeff, with his shortsword held behind his back.

forgot the +1 to init, but it does not matter....

2007-12-22, 05:34 PM

Sharn unhooks his heavy mace from his belt and shifts his shield to get it in a more comfortable position. "So you're the type to stay in one shell? I've been meeting more and more of those lately. We'll have to continue our discussion later, we've been called to arms."

Weapon in hand and at the ready, he marches forward to the gate and takes his position just to the side of Jeff (who I am assuming is up front).


EDIT: Oh come on! lol!

2007-12-22, 08:53 PM

Gylvin follows Sharn and Jeff to the gate area, remaining a bit behind yet close enough to hear what everyone is saying. Since there are no weapons openly displayed, Gylivn thinks to himself "Looks like typical low-life bullying. Probably not a lot of danger here, but you can never be sure...."

Gylvin listens to the four locals as they argue and actively concentrates on trying to understand what they are saying.

Initiative (just in case): [roll0]
Concentration Check: [roll1]

2007-12-22, 08:55 PM

Perhaps we should calm down a bit, lads.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-23, 01:16 AM
The young men ignore the adventurers, continuing to argue violently in their strange tongue. They are just on the other side of the closed but unlocked gate from you.

Gylvin thinks he can pick out a few phrases by combining his knowledge of Elvish, Gnomish, and Common: "You took it, it was mine..." "If you say that again, I'll kill you..." "You're a donkey!" (the actual word in Gnomish is ruder)

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-23, 05:15 AM

Sorry for the lack of posting - internet problems - namely the fact I'm being charged for months where I wasn't provided service, and the office is closed until after christmas

Shiela, CG Human Fighter.

After moving swiftly to sign her contract, Shiela snatches up the insignia and affixes it to her claok. She doesn't often wear it, and showing one's colors can be a bit disadvatnageous at time.

After doing such, she moves towards the store-room, and accepts the money and sling. "I already have rations and torches of my own," She explains, simply.
Upon doing so, the Fighter, instead of heading outside with the rest of the group, heads upstaris to re-arrange her trunk, doffing her cloak as she does so.
Upon looking out the window, she notices the ruffians at the front gate, and her new guildmates approaching them. With a sigh, Shiela dons her cloak once more and snatches up her rather intimidating shield.

She makes her way down the staircase, looking rather grim, and makes an attempt to step out of the front door dramatically.

She - very sternly - marches to the gate and draws her bright cloak back to reveal the scimitar at her side, her shield snapped to a "ready" position.

"Would I be able to help you, gentlemen?"

Dramatic entry: 1d20+4
"Would I be able to help you, gentlemen?": Intimidate Check [roll=Intimidation]1d20+4[/roll
Ready for action!: Inititave Check: [roll=Inititave]1d20+4[roll]

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-23, 05:30 AM
Shiela recognizes the language the men are speaking as TradeCant, which is similar to BattleCant, though based more heavily on Gnomish. She will probably be able to communicate basic ideas with them, though any topic of war or trade will be unintelligible.

The men freeze for an instant when Shiela speaks, then one of them walks up to the gate, directly in front of Shiela. His eyes narrow as he looks at the insignia on her cloak, then his hand suddenly darts through the iron bars.


The would-be thief is too slow, and misses his grab at the brooch as Shiela easily leans backward, out of his reach. Before he can withdraw his hand from the bars of the gate, the other adventurers have the chance to react.

Those of you who have already rolled initiative don't need to roll again. If you haven't rolled initiative yet do it. Everybody post what they want to do. It doesn't matter what order you post in, but I'll go by order of the initiative roll as far as what happens.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-23, 05:36 AM

Shiela, CG Human (Angry) Fighter

Shiela reflexivly steps back from the grasping hand, and raises her shield up, after drawing her scimitar, the woman bashes her shield against the gate (woe be to his hand if he can't pull it back in time).
"Speak your business, retreat, or continue to cause trouble! The choice is yours, however, you should be aware that the third option will lead to you being gut like fish!"


<OOC> Just figured I'd drop in the follwoing friendly reminder, Shiela is speaking in BattleCant - so her words should be (Mostly) unintelligable to the res of her party.

2007-12-23, 08:30 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Well I dont think that Patches would be interested in these particular fish...but whatever... Keep your distance or be injured. Your call! And he reveals his shortsword.Upon a second thought, he says.It is not the size that matters, it's the skill that you wield it...

2007-12-23, 12:02 PM
Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Gylvin survey's the sorry lot in front of the gate. This looks more like a job for the local constables, not an adventurers guild

Fellow Cougars, this lot is not worth our trouble, if you would kindly step back a couple of feet ....

[SPOILER] Gylvin casts a sleep spell (15ft radius, range 110ft). He attempts to ensure that the outer radius encompasses the locals nearest the gate yet does not put his team members in the effect radius. If Gylvin is not sure that his team mates are out the area of effect, he takes no action.

HD of creatures affected [roll0]
If concentration check is needed to see if the effect radius is determined correctly [roll1]

2007-12-23, 12:17 PM

Balthazar casts Grease on the hooligans.
Grease is a 10x10" square, so he'll try to encompass as many of them as he can. If it is only possible to hit one of them with it, he will aim for the one which looks the most physically threatening. If they are all of similar apparent threat level, he goes for the closest one in such a way as to not hit his team members.

Grease, Ref DC 14.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-23, 02:20 PM
The man cries out in pain as his arm is pressed against the inside of the gate by Shiela's shield. The threes stand for a moment, unsure what to do, but after sizing up their impressive-looking opponents, they start to run. Then mighty words of magic are spoken. A grease slick appears on the road, but the hooligans' light feet are not effected. Then the three escapees suddenly fall to the ground, asleep. The last man, still pinned to the gate by Shiela, begins to wail with fear.

Thanks for the Spell DC Kara, that helps me. You have no idea how long it takes just for me to navigate through the web pages of the SRD to information on a spell. Sunday night is especially bad here, everybody seems to be using the satellite's limited bandwidth.

2007-12-23, 02:50 PM
Then the three escapees suddenly fall to the ground, asleep. The last man, still pinned to the gate by Shiela, begins to wail with fear.


I'd like to suggest that we bind these miscreants before they awake. We can then inform the guildmaster of the incident so that he can decide whether or not to call the city guards and allow the local legal system handle the issue. If the guards handle it, no one can claim that we are acting as vigilantes. Does someone have some rope, I'll gladly assist.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-23, 02:50 PM
Shiela - A woman in a position of authority

Shiela continues pinning the man's arm to the gate. And moves her sword hand to the gate, she repositions her grip on the hilt os that she is holding both the scimitar AND the gate at the same time, keeping the gate closed (as it is unlocked and may swing open if she pushes too hard).
"Now, then, I know this thing is rather spikey, so if you want to keep using that grubby hand of yours, you'll tell me whats happening - NOW!"

Provide any circumstance bonuses, you may desire!

Also, note that Shiela has switched to Common.

Before she does this, Shiela fishes her key out of her pocket and tosses it to the elf.
"My trunk, upstairs, near the wall, in the backpack, silk rope."

2007-12-23, 07:45 PM
"My trunk, upstairs, near the wall, in the backpack, silk rope."[/COLOR]

Gylvin, Elf Wizard

Gylvin accepts the key from Shiela. "I'll be right back." He then hustles up to the dormitory and retrieves the rope. Gylvin ensures that the trunk is locked properly and does not look through any of his comrades belongings other than the backpack as instructed.

Gylvin then races back to the gate. "Here's the rope & your key" Gylvin will follow Shiela's lead in securing the prisoners.

If Gylvin passes any of the guild leadership he will briefly explain that there was an incident at the gate and the guildmaster may want to come out

2007-12-24, 10:39 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Umm...do we really have to inform the city guards? I mean, we can just interogate them ourselves...and if they dont want to speak, well...there are some methods of bersuasion we could try. Dont worry about the corpses, after you skin them, they usually are easy to dispense...forest animals, rivers ,an open fire and some spices...or does that apply only to wild beasts?

2007-12-24, 11:31 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Umm...do we really have to inform the city guards? I mean, we can just interogate them ourselves...and if they dont want to speak, well...there are some methods of bersuasion we could try. Dont worry about the corpses, after you skin them, they usually are easy to dispense...forest animals, rivers ,an open fire and some spices...or does that apply only to wild beasts?

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

"First, I never said that we should call the guard; I suggested that we have the guildmaster make the determination. Second, why would we want to question some local ruffians who were having what appeared to be a personal argument that was getting out of hand(we're not the law in this town). Third, while it is sometimes necessary to use force to gain information in battle, your suggestion seems like a thinly veiled excuse for amusing yourself with torture. Finally, I suggest you re-read your contract with the guild where it concerns conduct within Bridgeport and the surrounding area"

Member will exercise reasonable discretion in these activities, especially when conducted within the city and surrounding area of Bridgeport. Member will endeavor at all times to prevent the Guild from dishonor or excessive financial loss

Gylvin is disgusted by Jeff's cavalier attitude towards killing the locals. Gylvin wonders, "What type of group have I signed up with?"

2007-12-24, 11:49 AM

No longer seeing a threat, Sharn returns his weapon to it's proper place. As the trio gracelessly fall on their faces, an almost hint of a smile can be caught on his face. "That worked rather out rather nicely, well done my friends."

"Dont worry about the corpses, after you skin them, they usually are easy to dispense...forest animals, rivers ,an open fire and some spices...or does that apply only to wild beasts?"

"That would not be wise. Though the theory is sound, spirits have a tendency to take offense to that sort of thing being done to their bodies. Trust me, I know a thing or two..." He trails off mid sentence, any semblance of amusement vanished. His mouth continued to move, as if trying to speak, but there were no words. After a few moments he shakes his head and continues, "That and you'll likely be wanted for murder."

2007-12-24, 11:53 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Jeez, people cant take a joke...doubt that they would even recognise one...maybe if it would run around naked and scream " I am a Joke!"...or something like that mutters Jeff for himself, while he is looking for Patches the cat.

2007-12-24, 12:45 PM

Balthazar dismisses the grease spell.
Hm. Looks like that grease spell wasn't effective. It might still have some bugs in it.

OOC: I know that grease spells can't have bugs. Also Doc, would it help out if the spell-casters provided SRD links to their spells, when cast?

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-24, 07:16 PM

Shiela looked over her shoulder at her new partners.
"Killing is my job, okay?" she said as an almost indifferent aside to Jeff, ignoring is naked-running-joke joke.
"You guys should tie up the other 'victi' ... 'guests' until I finish interrogating this one, I'm better with knives than rope, remember?"

It is immediatly obvious to those who have both spoken to her before and retain the slightest bit of personal skills that Shiela is putting up an act for the sole reason of her interrogation.

2007-12-25, 12:41 AM

Glyvin uses Shiela's rope to bind the prisoners. the neck of one prisoner is bound to the hands of the one behind him, thus guaranteeing that attempts to escape the rope binds are evidenced by choking the person in front of him.

Once the "guests" are secured, Gylvin goes back inside and asks for a guild officer to come out.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-26, 01:18 AM
Eldon comes outside, looking very serious, having been informed of the situation.

"It's probably best that we keep this low-key without a lot of other people being involved. I also think I would prefer if this lot did not see the interior of the guildhall. Take them into the stables, and perhaps there we can learn their reasons for being here and trying to steal a guild insignia." Bruce is currently indisposed, but I shall come with you. I am curious myself as to what is behind this."

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-26, 11:40 AM

"Aw, You mean I can't even ribbonize this one?" Shiela says in what (seems like) a taunting tone, before turning back to her prisoner.
"Now, I'm going to let you go for just a few seconds, and we're going to take a walk. You hear that? A walk. Running would be a very bad thing for you at this point."

The Fighter then releases the man's hand and slips to the other side of the gate with everyone else, keeping her weapons at the ready, and stepping directly behind the prisoner.

2007-12-26, 01:01 PM

Looking toward the dwarf, he puts his hand on his chin in a contemplative manner. "It helps to think dirty thoughts when casting Grease. Gets you in the right state of mind... or at least that's what Melvin The Unclean always said, 'Correct state of mind will further your magical prowess.' Of course he was notoriously perverted so he may have been talking about something completely different. In either case, it's worth a try."

Turning his attention back to the task in front of him, Sharn walks toward Shiela. "Do you need assistance?"

Ribbonize? I don't believe I'm familiar with that terminology. Sounds messy. I'll have to look into it later.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-26, 01:17 PM

"Only if your services aren't taken up elsewhere, this guy looks fragile enough" Shiela informs the cleric, before leaning in and whispering "Although, if you're better at interrogation than I, I really COULD use quite a bit of it once we actually get everyone to the stables"

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-26, 01:17 PM
The ruffians wake and find themselves bound by the hands and neck, and surrounded by sharp steel. Meekly, they allow Eldon to direct them into the largest stall in the stable, designed to accomodate a mighty warhorse. Eldon leaves the adventurers at the gate of the stall.

"See what information you can get out of them. Bruce asked not to be disturbed after a restless night, but I'm sure he'll want to see these ruffians before you let them g... before you dispose of them." He grins slightly and winks at Shiela, then heads for the guildhall.

2007-12-26, 01:26 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Here kittykittykitty, where are you Patches? I got some trail rations, if you are hungry...Well, it seems that Jeff does not care alot about the ruffians, seeing as he cant maim them or anything, so he focuses on...more important tasks, like getting aquainted to the "local wildlife".

2007-12-26, 01:59 PM

Looking toward the dwarf, he puts his hand on his chin in a contemplative manner. "It helps to think dirty thoughts when casting Grease. Gets you in the right state of mind... or at least that's what Melvin The Unclean always said, 'Correct state of mind will further your magical prowess.' Of course he was notoriously perverted so he may have been talking about something completely different. In either case, it's worth a try."

Turning his attention back to the task in front of him, Sharn walks toward Shiela. "Do you need assistance?"

Ribbonize? I don't believe I'm familiar with that terminology. Sounds messy. I'll have to look into it later.

Balthazar, Dwarf wizard

I always think of my mother-in-laws cooking personally.

2007-12-26, 02:10 PM
Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Gylvin is speaking to Shiela and Sharn. He is facing so that the prisoner's cannot see his face. Gylvin winks slowly before speaking loudly:smallwink: . "It's kind of a shame that we're inside for the questioning. My people have some effective means of getting people to talk. The easiest one is to hang them by their wrists from a tree branch and keep adding rocks to a bag tied to their ankles. It's not very productive early on, but as the spine stretches and tendons tear, it becomes quite effective.

Another way that's faster (yet messier) is to tie the prisoner spread eagle and tie an inverted Iron kettle over his belly. You then take a rat & slip it between his skin & the kettle. That's pretty unsettling for the prisoner, but it becomes downright terrifying once you start putting hot coals on top of the kettle. It seems rats don't like to be baked alive so they generally try to dig their way out....

I'm sure human methods are just as good, just sharing a little culture."

Having amused himself by trying to scare the prisoners, Gylvin steps aside & is willing to assist whoever takes the lead in questioning the "guests"

2007-12-26, 03:50 PM

Sharn responds quietly, so the prisoners cannot hear. "I'm not fond of torture. I'll stand guard out here to discourage any interruptions."

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-26, 03:56 PM
Patches appears out of the underbrush and starts brushing against Jeff and purring, but he will still squirm and run away if Jeff tries to pick him up.

2007-12-27, 03:50 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger
Nice kitty...good kitty...want some food?And with that, he takes one trail ration from his sack, and starts eating from it, occasionally giving some pieces to Patches.

2007-12-28, 01:24 AM

Well, I suppose we should wait for Bruce, and then turn them over to the authorities.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-28, 08:11 AM
The four prisoners wait, with varying signs of anxiety, to see what their captors will do with them.

2007-12-28, 08:07 PM

Well, I suppose we should wait for Bruce, and then turn them over to the authorities.

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Gylvin is still standing so that the prisoners can't see his face. "Eldon's delegated the task to us. There's no need to bother Bruce with something as trivial as this." Gylvin looks over towards Shiela and asks in a bored tone "Would you like to start or should I?" Gylvin looks at Shiela and is willing to defer to her if she takes the lead.

2007-12-28, 10:06 PM

He also indicated Bruce would like to see them. I suppose there isn't any harm in starting without them however.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-29, 03:58 AM

"Please, friend, I believe I've had plenty of face time with one, already - your culture's methods intrigue me, and I would personally, LOVE to see them first hand." Shiela suggests to the elf, and heads toward a convient corner of the room to lean against the wall.


Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-29, 08:30 AM
"What do you want from us?!" shouts the prisoner who had tried to snatch Shiela's insignia. "Just tell us what you want!"

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-29, 08:44 AM

"Oh, look! They speak Common!" Shiela rejoices towards noone in particular.
She then leans in, trying her best to look threatening, considering how she had earlier bashed his hand into a metal gate with a rather heavy chunk of wood laden with rather spikey protrusions, she reasons that this shouldn't be too dificult.
"Let start at why you're after this." she follows up, presenting her Guild Sign.

In case you want a roll, Doc.
I really should have put ranks in Intimidate.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-29, 09:12 AM
The young man who spoke up now lowers his gaze, not making eye contact with the frightening girl standing over him.

Hooligan Spokesman

"Jus' another job. Those kinda things fetch good prices."

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-29, 09:25 AM

"You see, not only are you conflictig yourself in that statement there, I noticed you spoke in TradeCant at the gate.
Then you used the word "Job" in direct conjucntion with the phrase "Just Another". You then made a statement indicating a random pick-pocketing type crime, as if you intended to sell this in the Underground.

I want every last juicy detail - and until I get it, I'll let my friend here - who you HEARD describe Elven Interrogation Practices to you - spread his culture a bit until you DO give me everything.

Have fun."

The red-head makes sure to put a really, really hard tone in her voice.

OOC> I'll stop here until other people start posting, so it seems less of an exchange between the DM and myself. Yay for quirky military schedules.

2007-12-29, 09:51 AM

If you think the elven practices sound bad, well, I won't even bother to describe the dwarven ones to you. They'll just make you faint, and then you won't be of any use to us.

Intimidate check: [roll0]

2007-12-29, 10:44 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Now be a good kitty, daddy is going to check up on the others....

Arriving at the stables, Jeff asks Sheila in a whisper:So, have they said something useful?

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-29, 10:52 AM
Hooligan Spokesman

"Look 'ere, we're not spies or anything. Jus' blokes who make a livin' takin' things from folks sometimes, no reason to gut us like we was a stack o' codfish! Everyone knows there's places in town to buy and sell things that you can't buy and sell out in the open. Somebody gives us this address, says she'll give good coin for anythin' interesting, we didn't 'urt nobody!"

2007-12-29, 02:13 PM
Hooligan Spokesman

"Look 'ere, we're not spies or anything. Jus' blokes who make a livin' takin' things from folks sometimes, no reason to gut us like we was a stack o' codfish! Everyone knows there's places in town to buy and sell things that you can't buy and sell out in the open. Somebody gives us this address, says she'll give good coin for anythin' interesting, we didn't 'urt nobody!"

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

"Oh good idea! I hadn't thought of gutting you! Wait, I guess I did when I mentioned the rat & cauldron" Gylvin looks the spokesman in the eye and says "We're not inclined to hurt you any more than we need to in order to get the information we want."

"Give us your names, who you work for normally (thieves guild?) and exactly what woman is asking for information about our humble home. Include where & how we contact her. Details, honesty and speed are critical for you right now. In case you haven't noticed we used a great deal of patience in capturing you. Sure one of you may have a few bruises now, but the rest simply got to take a little nap."

"Here is the way the rest of the night will go:
1. I'd like to wrap up quickly since I'm getting tired and cranky. When I'm cranky, I'm not very pleasant.
2. You've got one opportunity to explain yourselves completely. I don't like repeating myself.
3. If I'm not satisfied with your answer, I'll take it out on one of your comrades before asking again. Then I'll hurt another if I'm still not satisfied. I'm not going to hurt you until you're the last one alive. If you don't answer honestly, you'll have to deal with your friends if/when we let you go. I don't think they're going to like getting a beating because you're being a hero. Let's see how long you live after we give you to them at the gate."

Gylvin turns to his friends, "Can one of you start a large pot of water boiling? I'll show you a technique we use on cutpurses. Scalding hurts like hell but doesn't have to leave permanent disfigurement. "

If you need an intimidation check

Gylvin studies the prisoners in order to determine which one is likely to break first if force needs to be applied. (Spot modifier +4, not sure if the roll statment is going to work correctly). 1 spot per prisoner if needed.
[ROLL] 1d20+4 1d20+4 1d20+4 1d20+4

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-29, 02:28 PM

Shiela simply grins at the proceedings before whispering back to Jeff.
"We're just about to get there." she says quietly, before rasing her voice to a conversational, matter-of-fact tone.
"Could you get that 'boiling water' thing done, Jeff, I always enjoy wathing people ply their trades. Did You know they say this elf is a REAL expert?"

Untrained Sense Motive checks! One for each Hooligan, if nessecary, otherwise, the first roll, of course. Also - lets make the Spokesman the first target, and each other Hooligan based on how close they are to Shiela - closest first.
All checks at +1 for Wisdom.
Sense Motive Check - to see who is cracking under the pressure faster, solely so Shiela can instantly go "Bad Cop."

2007-12-29, 02:40 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Get boiling water?!? Am I some kind of servant? Cant it be: "Can you please send these guys to the grave, Jeff?" Oh well...I will go now...And he starts walking towards the exit.
Hide check, to hide somewhere, since Jeff thinks that Sheila only bluffed.[roll0]

2007-12-29, 02:59 PM
[QUOTE=bayar;3722599]Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Get boiling water?!? Am I some kind of servant? Cant it be: "Can you please send these guys to the grave, Jeff?" Oh well...I will go now...

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Don't be to upset, there's always the chance that they may try and hold out information. Think about how much fun you'll be able to have then.

Gylvin turns & speaks softly to Blathazar. "Would you mind taking care of the water? I hope we don't need it but we need to be able to walk the walk. Also, while you're out getting the pot, could you ask a couple of other fighters to "come watch." If these guys try to put up a fight, we may have trouble helping Shiela."

2007-12-29, 03:41 PM

Sharn continues to 'stand guard' outside, nodding to Jeff as he walks in. He looks a bit troubled, but doesn't say anything.

OOC: This is pretty much the obligatory "Yeah, I'm still here" post.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-29, 05:47 PM
Hooligan Spokesman
"Easy now, easy, we're not tryin' to die for no county 'ere. This 'ere is Hawkins, Mups, Neer, and I'm Klep. Jus' four blokes tryin' to keep food on the table, and not by workin' fer those blasted gnomes, nor no guild, neither. She that hired us jus' come up to us when we was hangin' around the docks yesterday. Never seen 'er before in me life. Tall dame, all wrapped up in a great cloak and scarf, said she heard we might be lookin' fer work, to just get any papers or anything else that looks interesting and she'd pay us tomorrow for it if we met her at dusk, same place - sixth dock east o' the river. I think she might have thought we'd break in to the house at night, but I didn't want none of my boys to end up with an arrow through 'em, so I thought maybe one of you'd come to us and we could pick your pockets safe enough. My idea for the row at the gate. Now take it easy on me chums 'ere, some of 'em ain't so bright, and there weren't no boat nor warehouse who'd take 'em."

Hawkins, Mup, and Neer all nod glumly in agreement with Klep.

2007-12-29, 05:58 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Jeff jumps out of his hiding place.So, all we have to do, is go to the docks, wait for the gnome chick to appear, put HER to sleep, and start questioning her while she is tied up...clothes optional...

2007-12-29, 08:35 PM
Hooligan Spokesman (Klep)
"... Tall dame, all wrapped up in a great cloak and scarf, said she heard we might be lookin' fer work, to just get any papers or anything else that looks interesting and she'd pay us tomorrow for it if we met her at dusk, same place - sixth dock east o' the river... My idea for the row at the gate. Now take it easy on me chums 'ere, some of 'em ain't so bright, and there weren't no boat nor warehouse who'd take 'em."

Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Jeff jumps out of his hiding place.So, all we have to do, is go to the docks, wait for the gnome chick to appear, put HER to sleep, and start questioning her while she is tied up...clothes optional...

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Gylvin motions for the group to gather in a small circle and speaks quietly so that the prisoners cannot hear. "It sounds plausible enough to be true. Does anyone think they're lying? If we agree that it sounds like the truth, I'd suggest that we report out to Eldon and bring up Jeff's idea about capturing whoever hired these geniuses.

If he approves, we can always feed these guys & keep them here until tomorrow evening."

Gylvin chuckles to himself. "We don't even know what this woman looks like and Jeff already has her undressed mentally. She'll probably be uglier than a pig in a wallow with the personality of zombie." :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-29, 08:37 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Whispering to the others:Actually, they said they met her yesterday and agreed to see her tomorrow, which means they will see her today...

2007-12-29, 11:21 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Whispering to the others:Actually, they said they met her yesterday and agreed to see her tomorrow, which means they will see her today...


Whispers: "Oops, I missed that. Good catch! :smallredface:

{OOC: What time of day is it currently? }

2007-12-30, 12:24 AM
[QUOTE=bayar;3722599]Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Get boiling water?!? Am I some kind of servant? Cant it be: "Can you please send these guys to the grave, Jeff?" Oh well...I will go now...

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Don't be to upset, there's always the chance that they may try and hold out information. Think about how much fun you'll be able to have then.

Gylvin turns & speaks softly to Blathazar. "Would you mind taking care of the water? I hope we don't need it but we need to be able to walk the walk. Also, while you're out getting the pot, could you ask a couple of other fighters to "come watch." If these guys try to put up a fight, we may have trouble helping Shiela."


Hm. I don't recall any of us bringing up gnomes initially. Gnomes are usually good people, I'm surprised they'd be involved.

Balthazar walks off for a pot, and grumbles a bit about how the human was already sent for water (under his breath, after leaving the room) and goes to find anybody handy.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-30, 02:32 AM
As the sun has passed it zenith and evening approaches, the warmth of the early spring day subsides, and a biting cold wind begins to blow.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-30, 06:10 AM

"Question: who is going to stand watch over these folks?"

2007-12-30, 06:22 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Not me !

2007-12-30, 10:53 AM

"Question: who is going to stand watch over these folks?"

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

"Well, we're going to need approval from a guild officer before we do anything. Maybe they'll guard 3 of these guys if Klep is willing to point out his employer. By the way, I can't cast another sleep spell until I get some rest, so we might need to use force. I'll go get a guild officer."

Gylvin leaves the stable in search of a guild official. If he finds one, he explains the interrogation results and the need for both speed and someone to guard the prisoners if Team Cougar is allowed to try and capture the woman trying to buy info on the guild.

Bonecrusher Doc
2007-12-30, 02:28 PM
Eldon returns with Gylvin and Bil.

I spoke with Bruce. Bil will guard the prisoners here until tomorrow morning, when we can quietly turn them over to the authorities. I believe Balthazar and Ana have already started some soup for their supper. I assume you'll want to take at least one of them with you this evening to meet with this woman they talked about. I'm sure any crime financier would know better than to show up at a rendezvous point without first seeing their contact there, and the scene looking safe.

2007-12-30, 09:54 PM
Eldon returns with Gylvin and Bil.

I spoke with Bruce. Bil will guard the prisoners here until tomorrow morning, when we can quietly turn them over to the authorities. I believe Balthazar and Ana have already started some soup for their supper. I assume you'll want to take at least one of them with you this evening to meet with this woman they talked about. I'm sure any crime financier would know better than to show up at a rendezvous point without first seeing their contact there, and the scene looking safe.

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

"Well Master Klep, we'd like you to point out your employer to us tonight. No need for you to get involved in any of the "fun". We just need you to meet with her, we'll do the rest. Upon successful completion of your portion, you friends will be released unharmed tomorrow morning. Actually, I'd suggest that you return here to our protection if we get separated tonight."

Glyvin turns to his friends and says "I'd like to recommend we get everyone together and form a plan. Shall we meet outside the stables in an hour?"

{OOC: At this point, I'd recommend a formal roll-call of who will be attending tonight's festivities. }

2007-12-30, 10:33 PM
Keeping herself mostly out of the way, Iva listened and watched the goings on from the group. When the interrogation issues began she decided to leave the proceedings to her comrades, still not trusting the men of the group much.

At the elf's mentioning meeting outside in an hour, Iva went upstairs to gather her cloak and some supplies for her performing arts, as she already had an idea how she might be best useful to the group, while keeping her known diplomatic experience tucked away for a rainy day as her comrades seemed to be getting the job done well enough.

Completely covered in the black cloth with the guild's insignia pinned into the folds of the cloth, Iva waited outside the stables waiting for the someone to start this meeting.

2007-12-31, 12:20 AM
Gylvin, Elven Wizard

"Shall we meet outside the stables in an hour?"


Sharn nods and, seeing as he already had everything he needed, simply sat on the ground leaning on the barn. He closed his eyes and began praying in a language that sounded too foul to be civilized.

That language would be Abyssal for those who might recognize it.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-31, 01:36 AM

Shiela bows quickly. "I'll return in an hour."

As the red-head leaves, she immediately heads upstairs and meticulously dons her armor, making sure to leave her cloak, and therefore guild insignia behind for the assault.
She spends the rest of her preparation time quietly praying to The Lady, and returns to outside the stables with five minutes to spare.


2007-12-31, 09:38 AM

Balthazar keeps working on the soup. Whenever someone isn't looking, he adds potatoes. When he hears of the meeting, he agrees to attend at the proper time, but he stays with the soup until then.

2007-12-31, 10:11 AM

Jeff gathers his gear from his chest, making sure no one has tampered with it. He is waiting outside.

((I will be away until tomorrow...about 24 hours from now))

2007-12-31, 02:39 PM
Gylvin, Elven Wizard

In anticipation of the team meeting, Gylvin speaks with Klep and his friends about the general lay-out of the area that the party will be entering. His goal is to develop a map of the dock area and some good locations for party members to either remain out of site until the woman is met or sniper locations for archers.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-01, 05:10 PM
With the description provided by Klep, the party members sketch a crude map of the immediate area of the rendezvous.


Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-01, 06:04 PM

the red-head take this oppertunity to study the map right after she arrives, picking up a twig, she scratches out an approximation in the dirt.

2008-01-02, 12:17 AM

Hm. I see. And in what exact location on this mapped out area would the individual we are pursuing being meeting your representative?

2008-01-02, 07:10 AM

I could hide near those crates, and be ready to either snipe or ambush her, depending on the distance.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-04, 02:16 AM

Hm. I see. And in what exact location on this mapped out area would the individual we are pursuing being meeting your representative?


"Right at the corner of the dock. Where Dock 6 meets Dock street. There are enough people coming and going and making deals on the docks there that business like this is not noticed."

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-04, 03:24 AM

The fighter sketches out a quick, potential tactic.
"So, we put an archer here, and here. Meaning Jeff, and someone else who happens to be good with a bow." Shiela says as she points to the areas marked with an "A", and she draws short, dotted lines towards the traget (Marked by a "T" over a red Sqaure), "Make sure you guys keep and establish a line of sight, in case things go wrong.".
"We're gunna have our little hooligan (H) here approach the target with a sigil in hand - we'll use mine if we have no spares. I'll hide out by the warehouse in plain sight (F) - Kelp said the place was busy, right? It should be easy to mill around unnoticed.
"At these spots here (M), we'll station some magical support, again, in case things go awry. When and if that happens, I'll charge in from my location, and pin our fair Lady Target down so we can forcefully extract some intelligence on the spot.
"Now, if by The Lady's Grace, nobody notices the jig is up, ou Archers should be close enough to eavesdrop, and/or, we can send a strong swimmer (who doesn't mind swimming through the port ) up around the back, that'll be our primary listener, after that, we shadow the woman to someplace quiet, and extract some intel there.
"Can anybody think of any equipmet we may need like, for example, signal mirrors for our swimmer and myself - to alert for a charge or that our swimmer is in position?"


OOC> It seems that, in addition to intimidate, I need to put some ranks in Craft (TacMap) and Craft (Cunning Ambush).

2008-01-04, 10:49 AM

The fighter sketches out a quick, potential tactic.
"So, we put an archer here, and here. Meaning Jeff, and someone else who happens to be good with a bow." Shiela says as she points to the areas marked with an "A", and she draws short, dotted lines towards the traget (Marked by a "T" over a red Sqaure)

Gylvin, Eleven Wizard

"I'll take one of the bowman positions. If we have to fire, we'll need a signal to Klep & whoever is with him to back off."

Jeff, how about you let me fire first? If you see a magic missle slamming into someone, that should be a clear enough sign to everyone that the jig is up."

{OOC: Sorry about the delay in posting, my shift scheduling has been crazy.}

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-04, 11:07 AM
Gylvin, Eleven Wizard

"I'll take one of the bowman positions. If we have to fire, we'll need a signal to Klep & whoever is with him to back off."

Jeff, how about you let me fire first? If you see a magic missle slamming into someone, that should be a clear enough sign to everyone that the jig is up."

"Yeah, that'll work, you're an Elf, right? That means you come good with a bow - erm - do you have a bow? Something for when the magics turn out to not work optimally, ya know?" Shiela comments, "conviently" forgetting that she'd probably be just as good - if not better than - the mage as a bowshot.
"As for Klep, the thing is, none of us would be able to get close to the meeting without setting off some alarm bells in the target's head therefore, the swimmer - I was thinking we may be able to enlist Iva in that capcity, she doesn't exactly carry much in the way of equipment, and looks to be pretty agile. Also, I happen to be in position of a couple of steel mirrors we could use for signaling, using streetlights or sunlight. A glint off the mirror and BOOM, we rush into action.
"I say we sent Klep in alone, eavesdrop, and then tail the target after the meeting. Klep may even get to go free if he does his job well, though his buddies certainly wouldn't like being abandoned like that to the local constablary..."
She says this last part more to Klep than the others, even looking the ruffian straight in the eye. Yes, she approves of slipping away when the oppertunity arises, but would it really be noble to abandon those guys who you'e looking out for?

EDIT > OOC> Just checked out the specfics, Glyvin is abetter bow-shot than Shiela, terms would be equal if not for her trait that gives her -1 to all attack rolls, though.

2008-01-04, 12:32 PM

Sounds like a good plan to me. I'm afraid I'm not the best with a bow--since I've never used one. I'm alright with a crossbow, but my spells are better.

I think with Jeff being an archer, and Gylvin and I on spell duty we should have enough ranged combatants for backup.

Of course that all assumes our target doesn't have any backup, which is probably not a very good assumption.

2008-01-04, 12:53 PM

Ok, Gylvin, you fire first, with any luck, she will be distracted by you and not notice me when I fire the arrow...

But if she has back-up...I will fire an arrow at her and switch to my blades...and just hack someone that is near me and looks ugly :smallbiggrin: .Just kidding guys, I am not a killer...more of a hunter...

2008-01-04, 12:55 PM

Still sitting on the ground, though no longer making any noise, Sharn listens intently to the others discus the plans and tries to work out in his head just where he'd fit in best.


Of course that all assumes our target doesn't have any backup, which is probably not a very good assumption.

He jumps to his feat, "Backup in case of backup. I can do that."

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-04, 01:00 PM

"Remember, guys, we're going to try and GATHER INFORMATION not out-and-out kill. This is still a city, and rushing into a fight would be problematic, at best, if a fight does break out, we need to resolve it swiftly and as subtly as possible."
The fighter steps away from her map "I'll go up to my room, grab the mirrors and my holdouts, I'll meet ya'all down here, before we move out."

Ready To Skip Time

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-04, 04:49 PM
I'm ready when you are. Go ahead and describe yourselves leaving the guildhall and proceeding to the docks, just out of sight of dock 6 (nothing happens on the way there). Describe your instructions to Klep. I'll post again to tell you what you see once Dock 6 comes into view.

2008-01-04, 05:16 PM

"Remember, guys, we're going to try and GATHER INFORMATION not out-and-out kill..."

"Spoil sport" :smallbiggrin:
"There's an old elven proverb that goes "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Hopefully there won't be any bloodshed tonight. I'll go get ready to leave"

Gylvin goes to the dormitory and stores most of his posessions in his locker. He leaves the quarter staff and takes his long bow, a quiver of arrows and his dagger in addition to his spell book and components. He then rejoins his companions and follows them as they leave the guild hall grounds.

{OOC: I just realized I hadn't picked out a bed yet. If it's not too late to do so before we have to leave, I pick one near another Team Cougar member. If it is too late, I ask one of my team mates if I can stow some gear under their rack until we get back

I didn't refresh the screen after reading Shiela's post, so I missed the instructions to begin going down to the docks.}

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-04, 11:32 PM
"There's an old elven proverb that goes "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail."


"I like that." When Shiela makes it to her rack, she grabs her stiletto and dirk, placing them in their "standard" locations (Stiletto on the left hip, just dorsal of her scimitar, dirk in her right boot) and belting her brand-new sling on her right hip, as well as he belt pouches (the sling and bag being between puches two and three). She swiftly detaches her guild insignia for the cloakand heads down stairs.

She explains Klep's situation to the boy as they walk towards the gate.
"We're going to the docks. You are going to meet your contact and giver her this-" Shiela begins as she places her insignia in his hand. "The plan got a wee bit complicated, and your friends are hurt real bad - thats why they're not with you right now. In the conversation with your contact, you will, subtly as possible ply her for as much information as to who she is and why she wants this as possible. We'll be watching and listening with great interest.
If everything is resolveed peacefully, you may go. Come back here, and face your legal ramifications like a man.
If a fight breaks out - run back here, as fast as you can. You should be safe on Guild grounds.
You're on the Honor system to return here. For the record, I don't expect that to happen. I hope your friends forgive you for abandoning them."
When the reach the gate, Shiela waits patintly on her companions that haven't already arrived. As they roll out, she takes point, right next to the prisoner at all times, explaining "I'm the local girl, might as well show ya'all how to get there."

2008-01-05, 01:21 AM

Balthazar refers to authority in terms of his placement, and the directions to the dock.

2008-01-05, 04:57 AM

Jeff follows the group, trying his best to spot any enemies...which more or less cover anyone breathing in a 10 mile radius....

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-05, 09:17 AM
As Dock 6 comes into view, you see a few workers walking along the street but nobody waiting at the corner of the dock yet.

2008-01-05, 09:34 AM

Walking as normally possible, Jeff takes his position at the crates, trying not to draw attention, asif he was a worker there...He keeps his bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, ready at any moment to aim at shoot...

Hide check:[roll0]

2008-01-05, 11:16 AM

Balthazar whispers to Shiela
"I'm going to try to hide. Where do you suggest?

Balthazar then goes and hides where Shiela suggests.
Balthazar takes 10 on the hide check, for a result of 12. Not a particularly high check, but I've learned not to trust the dice on hide checks, lol.

2008-01-05, 04:42 PM

Walking as normally possible, Jeff takes his position at the crates, trying not to draw attention, asif he was a worker there...He keeps his bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, ready at any moment to aim at shoot...


Gylvin enters the dock area by walking behind the wharehouses and entering into the main dock area from between the wharehouses two docks down from dock 6, opposite Jeff's position. He moves down the street in an easy, relaxed manner as if he doesn't have a care in the world.

When he reaches his position opposite Jeff, he looks for a discrete place to stand and tries to blend in with the scenery. He casually leans his long bow up against a crate (in easy reach) and stands an arrow next to it. As he settles in, Gylvin reminds himself to remain alert, yet relaxed. He observes the area around him discretely and listens for any sounds out of place.

{OOC: Jeff's post didn't say which position he took up as the archer. If he took the left position, I enter the dock area between wharehouses 3&4. If right, I enter between 7 & 8}

Spot Check: [roll0]
Listen Check: [roll1]
Hide Check: [roll2]

If needed, Initiative roll: [roll3]

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-05, 06:15 PM

Shiela directs Balthazaar to theleft "Magepoint", between warehouses 6 and 7.
She then turns to Klep. "Is anybody here someone you recognise as working for your contact? How are you supposed to get the contact to meet you?".
Just for simplictiy's sake, Shiela and Klep stand between warehouses five and six. Shiela is leaning up against Warehouse five and keeps looking at the target's supposed-to-be location. Shes obviously trying to "act casual".

I'm not so sure as to the rules for hiding in the crowd, so I'm just going to make a normal Hide check. Its +2 for dexterity, -5 for Armor Check Penalty, for a total of -3. [roll0]
This second roll is solely incase that one botches, ignore otherwise. [roll1]

2008-01-06, 05:12 AM
OOC: I am in the right crates...forgot there were 2.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-06, 02:41 PM
She then turns to Klep. "Is anybody here someone you recognise as working for your contact? How are you supposed to get the contact to meet you?".

I don't think she'll show unless I'm there waiting. Shall I go wait at the dock for her?

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-06, 02:43 PM

Suspecting that to be the case, anyway, Shiela nods in agreement and keeps an eye on the boy.

2008-01-06, 06:23 PM
I will assume the party agrees. If not, let me know and I'll edit this post.

After getting approval, Klep walks up to the dock and leans against a post, not unlike many of the dock workers who are waiting for boats to come in.


Gylvin agrees but suggests that Klep wait several minutes after the team takes their positions so that it does not look suspicious. In hindsight, he also wishes he had remembered to get a jug of beer so that he could have something to take his mind off the smell of the dock areas.

2008-01-06, 07:24 PM
OOC: Yet again work makes me angry by not allowing me to get any sleep and missing excellent posting opportunities. But since Iva's not much of a swimmer I'm gonna improvise a bit and....well do my job as a performer :) YAY FIRE!!! I'm just gonna assume Sheila agreed with her and go with it (as she would even if she disagreed)

As the party approached the docks Iva took a roundabout trek through the surrounding buildings so that she could get herself ready to perform. Folding her cloak in half at the waist and adjusting her belt to effectively turn her cloak into a skirt of sorts.

Taking the three torches that she had taken from her bags back at the guild house Iva made double sure the flask of firewater was tightly stoppered and fastened to her belt for easy access. She would have to change a few things from her usual series of events because she had told Shiela to 'Watch for the Dragon' and as such she would not be able to use the flask before her usual acrobatics.

Lighting the three torches Iva made her way to the dock juggling the burning torches in progressively more showy manners. Starting with a normal juggling act then slowly adding her body into the mix making it a dance with the torches, and eventually getting to the point where she was integrating flips and other complicated acrobatic movements into the dance.

This lady better get here soon or I will have to pummel her myself....

Wee! I'm not sure what rolls you actually want so I'll just give you all I can think of that might apply.

Balance - [roll0]
Perform (Circusry) - [roll1]
Tumble - [roll2]
Listen - [roll3]
Gather Info? - [roll4]
Spot - [roll5]
A good ole dex roll - [roll6]

Thats all I can think of applying here.

Edit: Eww, what a wonderful time to roll a 1 on a tumble check.....yuck

2008-01-07, 12:43 AM

Not really having a place in this plan, Sharn begins to stumble aimlessly amongst the workers as if he was drunk.

How degrading. Well... this is the best I can manage I suppose. I'd much proffer a straight fight to all this sneaking around. Let's see... what was it that Heronu the Sage said... 'the best place to hide is in plain sight.'

Eventually he falls face first on the ground (effectively hiding his Guild Insignia) by the crates near the meeting area.

Ow... maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-07, 12:01 PM
The docks are a busy place, full of watercraft ranging in size from small rowboats to galleys with rows of oars and multiple sails. After waiting a few minutes as requested, Klep walks up to the dock and leans against a post, not unlike many of the dock workers who are waiting for cargo to load or unload. A small fishing boat tacks its way to the end of the dock and lets down its anchor. Some urchins run down the street laughing, occasionally bumping into other pedestrians. Iva gets a few curious looks. A few moments later, a tall woman in a hooded cloak walks down Dock Street (coming from the West) and engages Klep in conversation. The apparently experienced cons look very casual, their body language conveying small talk, but those watching carefully can see Klep pulling out the guild insignia and the woman examining it.

2008-01-07, 12:43 PM
... A small fishing boat tacks its way to the end of the dock and lets down its anchor. ... A few moments later, a tall woman in a hooded cloak walks down Dock Street (coming from the West) and engages Klep in conversation. The apparently experienced cons look very casual, their body language conveying small talk, but those watching carefully can see Klep pulling out the guild insignia and the woman examining it.

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Gylvin discretely surveys the fishing boat and its crew. He's suspicious that a small boat would dock just as Klep was making his contact and wonders if the crew are paying attention to the woman and Klep.

Mentally, Gylvin asks himself:"What the world are we going to do if she makes a break for the boat?"

Gylvin continues to pay attention to what's going on around him and tries to hear what Klep & the woman are saying.

{OOC: How many masts are on the fishing boat and what type of mast are they (if multiple)?

EDIT: Sharn, your post does not say where you fell on your face. Can you be a bit more specific, my future actions may depend on where you are. /end OOC}

Spot Check on boat/crew: [roll0]
Spot Check on surroundings (if needed): [roll1]
Listen Check on Klep/woman: [roll2]

2008-01-07, 02:03 PM

Mental talk:A tall one? I prefer medium sized, smaller than me of course...tall ones make you look like you need protection or something...


2008-01-07, 04:56 PM

Balthazar positioned himself where directed.
He watches the exchange between Klep and the contact with interest.
Hm. I don't recall anyone giving him an insignia, I suppose they may have done that while I was out of the room.But knowing this man's reputation I would think treachery more likely. he thinks to himself.

Balthazar watches closely, and looks around briefly to see if there is anything else happening.


2008-01-07, 04:59 PM
Hm, I think I didn't do the rolling html properly.
Spot: [roll0]

I used spot and listen in case he sees something by mistake.
I wasn't sure if you can use search to just look around, or if you have to physically be where you are looking. Balthazar is searching for anyone who looks suspicious (besides Klep, the associate, and the party).

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-07, 11:22 PM

The read-head, for all her worth, is attmepting to look like just another little girl checking out sailors. But is, instead, very INTENSLY listening to Klep and the woman.

That boat was not part of the plan. Crap. Bad, very bad.
OOC> Note that Shiela is thinking, and not saying the above line.

Perfrom (acting) check?: 1d20
Listen Check 1d20+2

2008-01-08, 08:32 AM

Between the noise on the docks and her multi-tasking Iva abandons her attempt to listen in on the conversation, and instead makes her way down the docks toward the boat.

I don't like the looks of this one bit, not at all.

Making her way to block off an escape attempt via the boat that had conveniently arrived as woman had. Knowing that she wouldn't be much of a threat to any but the weakest of people physically Iva vehemently begins looking around for anything that might be particularly flammable to use as additional a distraction, or perhaps a weapon of sorts, that might allow her comrades to reach the escapees in time.

Spot - [roll0]
Search - [roll1]
Not sure which one you want....and btw flammable clothing would be glorious <.<

EDIT: *grrrphace*

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-08, 12:02 PM
The boat has its starboard side to end of the dock. It is not touching the dock, but its anchor is keeping it in place a couple feet from the dock. The sail is full with wind, causing the boat to tug at its anchor. The main halyard is visible. Wind is approximately from west to east, or from stern to bow.

There are two gnomes on the the boat, just sitting and talking to each other.

Remember, your character may not know all the nautical information that you (the player) know metagame.

There is some straw scattered around the crates. You do not see any patricularly suspicious looking characters on Dock Street, but there quite a few people of many descriptions.

Those closest to Klep and the tall woman can see Shiela's insignia now in the woman's hand. A long, blonde curl escapes from the womans hood and blows in the wind.

I couldn't get in to the house, but I snatched this fancy pin from one of their pockets.

How many people did you see around the house? How were they armed?

Um...we...I only saw two or three people and, uh, one of them had a crossbow.

After Klep's stammered lie, the woman takes a step back. She scans around but makes no sign that she sees anything, pockets Shiela's guild insignia, then shakes hands with Klep. A glint of metal indicates that some coin probably changed possession.

2008-01-08, 12:28 PM

Jeff prepares his bow in case the woman might want to leave the randevous point, either in the crowd or on the ship...and after, he will get out of cover and go towards her.Come on baby, make my day, take a step towards the boat or the crowd...daddy needs some gore right about now...

In other words...ready action. will roll attack and damage in case it is necessary...

2008-01-08, 08:53 PM
... The sail is full with wind, causing the boat to tug at its anchor. The main halyard is visible. Wind is approximately from west to east, or from stern to bow....

Gylvin, Elven Wizard

Gylvin continues to watch the meeting between Klep & the woman. If the woman seems to make a break for the boat, Gylvin will fire a magic missile at the halyard line. If it connects the rope should break and the mast will tumble down to the boom.

Gylvin discretly picks up his bow and arrow. He does not prepare to fire. He also silently curses the short sighted mages of old who didn't realize that sometimes you'd like to blast an inanimate object.

{OOC: Thanks Jeff, I forgot about that rule for magic missle. }

Doc: Go ahead and make any rolls that you want for me.

2008-01-10, 07:26 AM
OOC: Magic Missile does not damage inanimate objects...

2008-01-10, 10:39 AM
Balthazar, LN Dwarven Wizard

Balthazar gets himself ready to cast grease.
If the gnomes in the boat make motions to get the sailboat moving, he will cast grease on the oars.

DC 14 Reflex for gnomes, assuming that happens.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-10, 12:55 PM
Gylvin's keen eyes:
The woman and one of the boat crew make eye contact for a split second. The gnome then looks toward a chest at the bow of the boat, and the other gnome nods. As the woman continues to scan around, she does make any obvious sign that she recognizes any of the party as interested in her, though her eyes linger on Sheila for a second.

Jeff and Sharn's keen ears:
The woman mutters under her breath, "Damn, somebody's gotten to him!"

Tall Woman
(to Klep, sternly): "That's all I need from you."

The woman begins to walk away quickly West, back in the direction from which she came. One of the gnomes opens the chest on the boat and reaches into it, while the other gnome seats himself in the stern, near the rudder and anchor.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-10, 12:58 PM
Just so you know, you can see oars in the floor of the boat, but they are not in the oarlocks and the gnomes did not use them as they approached the dock - just the sail.

2008-01-10, 02:40 PM

In the blink of an eye, Jeff shoots an arrow from his hideout.Then he begins going in the direction of the woman, having a second arrow in hand...in case he needs to shoot-to-kill.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-10, 02:53 PM
"Damn, it, Jeff!!" Shiela curses under her breath as she quickly moves straigh past walk, trot and jog into full-blown charge, a few seconds before reaching the woman, she lets her legs collapse underneath her, and swings them to the front.
Using the majority of her body as a massive rudder to direct battering-ram feet, the Fighter attempts to slide-tackle the woman.

[Charge + Unarmed Attack + Trip Attempt)
Inititave! [roll0]
CHARGE! (Plus 3 STR, Plus One BAB, Minus One Trait, Plus two charge)[roll1]
Unarmed Attack! (Subdual Damage!) [roll2]
Trip! (STR Check) [roll3]

OOC>I'm choosing very purposefully to Slide-Tackle here, common sense saying that Shiela will be too low to be shot by Jeff's Arrow unless he messes up too much (I'm not seeing it in his roll, If I remember it right). I'll quite happily take being prone at the start of next round if there is one.

2008-01-10, 05:47 PM
Jeff targeted the woman...

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-10, 05:49 PM
Jeff's arrow strikes the woman in the shoulder. She grunts and staggers for a few feet as she starts to run. Shiela begins to charge toward the woman. A few people in the crowd start to realize what is going on and open their mouths to scream.

The gnomes on the sailboat at Dock 6, who have been discreetly keeping an eye on things, spring into action.

The one in the stern cuts the anchor rope free, allowing the wind to start pushing the boat southwest, out to sea. The other gnome, in the bow, loads a magazine of bolts into a crossbow and raises the stock to his cheek.

Shiela's compact body hurtles into the fleeing woman. The woman gasps at the force of the blow and staggers again, but manages to keep her feet and continues to run.

2008-01-10, 05:56 PM
Everybody, get out of the way! We are just capturing a extremely dangerous person! It is for your own good!screams Jeff, trying to control the crowds.

Bluff check:[roll1]

Also, he will try to get on that boat, one way or another.

2008-01-10, 06:01 PM
Keeping an eye on both the gnomes in the boat and the woman was beginning to vex Iva just a tad bit.

Can we please get this mummer's farce over with...

No sooner than the thought occurred the world surrounding the docks seemed to freeze as everyone sprung into action.

About time.

Knowing that she had no chance of making her way to the lady Iva grabs one of the torches out of the air letting the other two drop to the ground. She then makes a running leap towards the boat.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Iva shouts as she is leaping through the air hoping to knock the gnome with the crossbow down as she lands.

Again not sure how this will work with the leap attack bit, so I'm just gonna roll it as if it were a charging overrun, if the whole leaping thing is against the charge rules (although I could find nothing that said so) just subtract the bonuses and whatnot.

Jump - 1d20+2 (-1 for str, -1 for armor, +4 for 40 ft base speed)
Overrun attempt 1d20+1 (-1 for str, +2 for charge)

Rolls in OOC....

2008-01-10, 08:15 PM

Initiative: [roll0]
Balthazar casts Grease targeting the woman, Ref save DC 14.

2008-01-10, 09:14 PM

Hearing the rucus and not having much time to see what's going on, Sharn does the first thing that comes to mind. He stands as quickly as possible and starts to run toward the boat, not realizing until half way there that there happens to be a gnome with a weapon aimed in his direction.

The situation could be more favorable, but if all I had were favorable conditions then I wouldn't be who I am today.

Sharn continues to move forward, forcing a manic grin to hopefully make the sailor think twice before shooting.

Had to stand from prone, so only moving 20 sadly. But I'm on my way!

[roll0] If I can get away with it

2008-01-10, 10:32 PM
Jeff's arrow strikes the woman in the shoulder. She grunts and staggers for a few feet as she starts to run. Shiela begins to charge toward the woman. ...
Shiela's compact body hurtles into the fleeing woman. The woman gasps at the force of the blow and staggers again, but manages to keep her feet and continues to run.

Gylvin, Elven Wizard
Gylvin notices the woman attempting to escape and fires a magic missle at her. Once the missle is released, he then grabs an arrow and prepares to fire at the first opportunity.

Magic Missle Damage: [roll0]
I don't know if you want a d20 roll to see if the spell comes off, so here's a roll just in case. Add +/- as appropriate: [roll1]

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-10, 10:52 PM

With a fierce Warcry, Shiela lets out a short spurt of unitnelligable BattleCant, reaching he had out to grab the womn by the shoulder, and throw her to the ground.

Initiating a grapple.
Touch attack: [roll0]
STR Check: [roll1]

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-11, 05:02 AM
Gylvin's Magic Missile slams into the woman. She cries out and struggles to maintain her feet, her legs barely supporting her. In the next moment, Balthazar's magic creates a slick surface, causing both Shiela and the tall woman to fall. While Shiela merely slips back to the ground she was rising from after her attempted slide tackle, the tall woman's fall in her staggered state is spectacular. The loss in traction causes her feet to go completely out from under her, and she does not put out her hands to catch herself in time. A gasp goes out from the spectators as her head slams into the cobblestones and she lies sprawled awkwardly, her eyes closed and blood starting to pool around her. Shiela crawls a few slippery feet until she is on top of the woman, and establishes that she is unconscious but breathing.

Iva leaps off the dock towards the gnome with the crossbow standing in near the bow of the small boat a few feet away. The gnome throws himself against the mast, amidships, to avoid being overrun. Iva amazingly manages to stick her landing on the deck of the small boat, and turns to face the gnome with the still-loaded crossbow. The gnome in the stern is wide-eyed at the sudden chaos around him, and catches sight of Sharn's wicked grin. His hesitation results in his only action being that he stands in the stern and draws a short sword from his belt.

At the sound of Jeff's shout, the crowd scatters away from the action. The adventurers don't know if the bystanders believed Jeff's words or not, but they seem to be avoiding involvement in the situation, as crowds are wont to do.

The gnome amidships lets fly his crossbow bolt at Iva, only an arms' reach away from him. The bolt lodges deep in her chest, and blood sprays the deck of the small boat.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-11, 06:41 AM

Good, she was still alive, they got what they needed. "Retreat! We have the package, no need to get killed." She yells to her companions before looking towards Iva. "I can't help you up there, Iva!" She warns.
Assuming her voice lost admist the chaos, the red-head snaps her shield into postion and goes for her sling.

No attack actions - ready shield + draw weapon
<<Sorry,didn 't read the OOC thread, first.>>

2008-01-11, 10:18 AM


Sharn hesitates for a moment to look over his shoulder. Sheila was fine, but their quarry was bleeding. An opportunity to... no. There are more important things now.

Continuing his run toward the boat, he extends his hand toward the Gnome with the sword and channels his energies. <Abyssal> "Courage leaves you, swine." </Abyssal>

Moving again, hopefully I can make it to the boat this turn. Casting "Cause Fear" DC 13 Will save vs. fear. (Not an Illusion, so no racial bonus to their save)

2008-01-11, 11:43 AM
The pain from the bolt protruding from her chest was excruciating, and not something Iva would ever want to have to deal with again. With her free hand she grabbed the glass flask containing the firewater and throws it on the floor near the gnome's feet.

With the torch still in hand Iva looks directly at the gnome. "Do anything I don't like, move, breath funny, look the wrong way, and you, me, and everything else on this little boat of yours goes up in flames." She says knowing perfectly well that she might not be able to make it to shore if she really did start a fire on deck and was forced to jump into the water.

In her mind she praying that her bluff works or that Sharn can get to the boat in time to stop the other gnome

Flask = ranged attack vs AC 5 = [roll0]
Bluff attempt - [roll1]

Sheesh stupid gnome, doesn't he know that I only have so many hp....he could spit on me and knock me out of the race for good...

2008-01-11, 11:48 AM

Gylvin is torn about what he should do next. He stars in horror as Iva is struck in the chest by a cross bow bolt. He looks over and sees their quarry laying on the street bleeding from a nasty head wound.

Gylvin thinks to himself:"Dam. Several options and none of them good" Gylvin decides that since the more "combat" oriented party members can handle the gnomes on the boat, he should try and help the strange woman on the ground. He carefully approaches and if he sees that the ground is still slick, he gets on hands & knees to crawl across the slick area that caused Shiela and the target to fall. Once there, he attempts to provide whatever first aid he can. His Intent is to stabilze here until proper medical attention can be given.

Healing attempt (1 rank healing): [roll0]
Balance Check for crossing greasy area (if needed): [roll1]

EDIT: LOL! This is why I didn't go to medical school!

2008-01-11, 02:02 PM

Hang in there Iva! Help is on it's way!He starts running towards the boat,putting his bow on his shouleders draws his swords and attempts to jump onto it.

[roll0]-1 from armor check penalty...

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-12, 09:12 AM
Gylvin keeps his footing, but his clumsy attempts at first aid do not seem to slow the woman's bleeding.
Jeff barely makes the five foot jump onto the boat, having to steady himself with a hand on the gunnel as he lands near the gnome amidships.
The gnome at the mast lowers his unloaded crossbow without daring to break eye contact with Iva.
The gnome in the stern is shaken by Shorn's spell, but holds his position at the rudder, steering the boat further away from shore while keeping his short sword en garde.

2008-01-12, 09:53 AM
Since it hasn't come up for my turn yet, I'm, assuming I can change actions since the woman has been dealt with.
I'd like to instead cast Grease on the rudder. DC 14 for the gnome using it to be able to continue to use the rudder.

2008-01-12, 03:34 PM
Gylvin, Elven Wizardd

"I'm about out of useful spells" Gylvin says to Shiela. "What do you think about Balthazar and I dragging the woman back to the guild before she dies? We'd need you to cover our back though." Balthazar, can you come here?"

Gylvin hates the idea of splitting the party, but he's confident that Sharn, Jeff & Iva can handle the two gnomes. The strange woman must be saved or the whole mission was for nothing.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-12, 05:19 PM
"I don't need two people, I may barely even need one." Shiela responds quickly, her eyes darting around and assessing the field.
"You're decent with a bow. Use it." she finally declares before calling across the field to Balthazar.
"Balthazar, you're with me!"

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-13, 06:26 AM
Meanwhile, Balthazar's spell that he cast just before Sharn and Jeff reached the boat took effect, slickening the rudder of the small boat.


The gnome loses his grip on the rudder, and the boat starts to turn slowly in one spot, the small land-bound waves pushing opposite the pull of the breeze in the sail.

2008-01-13, 09:44 AM
Noticing the gnome had fallen for her bluff and that the other gnome was having difficulties with the steering mechanism Iva decided that she might as well try to talk these two into dropping their weapons.

"Its good that you can see reason, now that we have an understanding I think it is best that you and your friend back there slowly put your weapons on the ground at your feet and gather yourself around the mast where I can keep an eye on you both." Iva says loud enough for the two gnomes to hear and understand her clearly.

Good ole diplomacy - [roll0]
Disregard next bit if this fails

Turning her attention to her comrades, while still keeping her eyes on the two gnomes. Now then, Jeff if you wouldn't mind taking care of these gentlemen's weapons and perhaps taking a look in that box it would be mighty appreciated, and if you don't mind Sharn see if you can get this boat under control, I'll keep my eye on these two."

2008-01-13, 10:54 AM
"I don't need two people, I may barely even need one." Shiela responds quickly, her eyes darting around and assessing the field.
"You're decent with a bow. Use it." she finally declares before calling across the field to Balthazar.
"Balthazar, you're with me!"


Gylvin says to Shiela: "I suggested Balthazar & I carry her so that you would be free to step in if an ambush happens. :smallmad: You're leaving yourself open for a surprise attack w/ no way to defend yourself unless you drop her. An opponent will have advantage over you for several seconds. Of course, I'm sure you've already prepared for that contingency. After all, you've probably gained a lot of experience in your 16 years.

Intimidate check against Shiela (Because there's no "Biting Sarcasm skill): [roll0] :belkar:

Gylvin then turns and heads towards the dock. He readies his bow and stands guard at the end of the dock. He will draw his bow and take aim at anyone (except a guild member or city guard) who approaches the dock.

He thinks to himself "I hope that young human pup doesn't get Balthazar killed. Typical fighter, more bicep than brains."

2008-01-13, 12:10 PM

Balthazar instinctively follows after Shiela, wondering if it is the right tactical decision. Curse my dwarfish respect for authority! Oh well, I doubt I can get into any more trouble than I'm already in.

OOC: Yay, my Grease spell worked this time! In case nobody has noticed, it's my favorite spell. :)

2008-01-13, 04:56 PM

"Secure the boat. Right." Sharn looks around for some rope and, if found, attempts to secure the craft to the dock.

Why the blazes am I doing this? I am a divine vessel, not a bloody knot... tying... person. I should have paid attention in my Nautical Skills class.

Use Rope check. I really hope this works.

2008-01-13, 06:21 PM

"Secure the boat. Right." Sharn looks around for some rope and, if found, attempts to secure the craft to the dock.

Why the blazes am I doing this? I am a divine vessel, not a bloody knot... tying... person. I should have paid attention in my Nautical Skills class.

Use Rope check. I really hope this works.


Gylvin looks around to see if there is anyone approaching the dock area. He notices Sharn looking for something. He figures that Sharn may need some help from dockside but can't decide if he should go help or not.

If Gylvin spots anything suspicious, he remains at the end of the dock. If he doesn't spot anything, he sprints to the end of the dock and calls to Sharn: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Spot Check for suspicious persons in area: 1d20+4

EDIT: {OOC: Given the abysmal roll in the follow-up post, I assume Gylvin is running down to the end of the dock. }

2008-01-13, 06:26 PM

{OOC: Ok. Let's try the spot check again. This time formatting correctly. Sorry about the double post}

Spot check for suspicious persons in the area : [roll0]

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-13, 11:56 PM

"I'll leave a hand free." Shiela promises, scooping the unconcious woman over her right shoulder, and snapping her shield foward on her left arm. Looking back towards Balthazaar, she says:
"We need to get this woman back to the guild as quickly as possible. Stay on your guard. Hopefully, the teamates right here can handle this."

Shiela'a maximum load is 260 pounds. She is currently carrying:
Scimitar - 4
Shield - 15
Two Daggers - 2
Scale Mail - 30
Sling - 0
Ten Bullets - 5
Making total load: 56 pounds. If the woman weight 118 pounds, that would be enough to put Shiela into a Heavy Encumberance, but she would need to weigh 204 for Shiela to need help at all.

Either way, movement rate is 20 ft/round. Moving at a x2 (Jog) and double moving every round means a travel rate of 80ft /6 secs.
Just quick calculations for the DM's sake,

2008-01-14, 03:32 AM

Presumably the gnomes surrendered, Jeff takes their weapons, and keeps them on guard with his longsword.Are you alright Iva? Need some help?

Then to the gnomes:Dont do something stupid, because I know how to gut things...and spilling your guts on the ship will atract seagulls...

OOC: if Iva's persuasion did not work, Ignore the first part.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-14, 04:49 AM
The gnomes slowly place their weapons down, glance at each other, and...jump overboard. They both start swimming with apparent skill, in an easterly direction.

__________________________________________________ __

As Shiela hoists the bleeding woman over her shoulder, she realizes she is lighter than expected. She must be quite thin under that cloak - either that or it's the adrenaline.

The woman is 6'0'', only 140 lbs.

2008-01-14, 10:14 AM

As a response to Shiela, Balthazar draws out his crossbow and loads it.
Looks like the team can handle themselves. I can cover our retreat. I'm doubtful the woman can make it back alive.

2008-01-14, 10:25 AM

((This is assuming the ship is now secured.))

Ignoring the Gnomes, Sharn jumps aboard the ship and rushes to Iva. He sets his shield down and takes a look at the bolt in her chest. "You're lucky, that could have been a lot worse. I can work with this. Hold still, this will likely hurt like hell at first." He flattens his right hand and channels healing energy into it. With one swift motion Sharn yanks the bolt out and places his hand on the wound, magically sealing it shut.

After the spell's effect is finished he will quickly retract his hand and hold onto it as if it were in pain. "There, how do you feel?"

Casting Cure Light Wounds

2008-01-14, 10:44 AM
The gnomes slowly place their weapons down, glance at each other, and...jump overboard. They both start swimming with apparent skill, in an easterly direction.


"Do you guys want to search the boat while I stand look-out? There may be some interesting loot. Hmm, I wonder if we can claim the boat itself. We should be able to sell it & make some profit."

2008-01-14, 11:25 AM

You took the words right out of my mouth, Gylvin. The boat should be worth a nice bag of gold.Plus the weapons...and whatever it is aboard.Sheating his swords, Jeff says:Now, please excuse me, I have 2 gnomes I need to skin...probably still alive,And with that, he jumps in the water and starts swimming after the two gnomes.
Feel free to shoot the two so I can get to them faster...but try not to kill them while in water...


Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-14, 11:34 AM

With a heavy grunt and a sigh, Shiela takes off at full speed back towards the Guilhouse.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-15, 04:10 PM
Shiela jogs toward the guildhouse carrying the unconscious woman. Balthazar jogs along with her, crossbow at the ready.

Gylvin strides over to the end of Dock 6, where the small sailboat is secured. On the boat stand Sharn and the newly-healed Iva, a torch in her hand. Jeff, having just dived off the boat, rapidly gains on the swimming gnomes.

A trickle of pedestrians returns to Dock Street as the locals sense that the area may be safe again.

Jeff catches up with one of the swimming gnomes.
Make a melee touch attack to grab the gnome, then (if you succeed)a grapple check to try to hold. No special modifiers for being in the water because it balances out with the gnome's grapple or escape artist checks.

Gylvin, at the end of the dock, brings forth his bow, draws an arrow to his cheek, and lets fly at the other gnome in the water.

Down the street, a matronly townswoman accosts Shiela and Balthazar:
"Oh my! Do you need help? Where are you taking that poor woman?"

2008-01-18, 12:31 AM
Jeff tries to catch one of the gnomes, hoping to hold him, so that they have someone to interogate.


2008-01-18, 04:58 AM
Gylvin, at the end of the dock, brings forth his bow, draws an arrow to his cheek, and lets fly at the other gnome in the water.

After firing his shot, Gylvin pulls out another arrow and stands ready to fire again if needed. Since he's near the boat he glances into the craft for the first time & checks to see if his team mates are ok. He quickly glances around the deck of the boat to see if he spots anything interesting before turning his eyes back to the gnomes & Jeff.

{OOC: @ doc. The attack roll in your post didn't roll properly. I've duplicated it in the spoiler. If you don't need it, then please ignore }

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Spot check for anything interesting on deck of boat: [roll4]

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-19, 05:51 AM

"We're fine, theres a commotion on the docks, we're getting this woman out. She needs healing."

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-19, 06:45 AM
The gnome kicks furiously, eluding Jeff's attempt to grab his ankle. Gylvin's arrow finds its mark on the other gnome, who cries out as he is struck, but continues to swim without slowing. The water around him starts to cloud with his blood.

Iva and Sharn look around. There is little equipment on the small boat. The large chest that doubles as a seat contains a 50' coil of hemp rope, a lantern and a pint-sized flask of the type usually containing oil for burning, a spare anchor, a few small crossbow bolts, and a 10'x10' sheet of canvas. On deck there is a small light crossbow and a small short sword. The boat is tethered to the dock with another coil of hemp rope that looks to have once been 50' feet long, but had 15' cut from it when the anchor was cut loose. The knots Sharn tied are simple, but keep the boat within 5 feet of the dock. A few people on the street and on other docks crane their necks to see what is going on.

Reminder: Spot is used primarily to look for hiding creatures, while Search is used when looking for small details.

The townswoman stares, wide-eyed, as Shiela jogs by with the woman over her shoulders. The woman is still unconscious, but Shiela no longer feels blood trickling onto her back. When the townswoman catches sight of Balthazar's loaded crossbow, she takes a step back and makes a quiet little gasp.

Gylvin fires another arrow, but this one splashes harmlessly into the water.

2008-01-19, 07:15 AM
The gnome kicks furiously, eluding Jeff's attempt to grab his ankle.


"Hey Jeff! Just let him go, he's probably only a hired flunky anyways. He's not worth drowning over and we're drawing a lot of attention to ourselves."

Gylvin suggests to Iva & Sharn that they grab anything that looks useful & put it into the chest. "We can take turns carrying it back to the guild house.

2008-01-20, 02:02 AM
To the townswoman:
Er, sorry miss. No cause for alarm.

and with that he resolves to be more careful where he points the crossbow, after all no point in scaring people.

2008-01-20, 04:54 AM

I wont! We need to capture at least one of them! You just keep shooting !And with that, Jeff tries to grab the gnome again.


Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-20, 06:58 AM

The gnome, while an excellent swimmer, is outmatched in grappling by the larger man. Jeff grabs and gets a good hold on the struggling gnome.

The other gnome swims a short distance further away, then pauses to tread water as he looks around...


EDIT: Balthazar, Shiela, and the unconscious woman arrive at the guildhouse. The three officers, Bruce's family, and Ana are all relaxing in the Common Room.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-21, 03:50 PM
Suddenly the non-grappling gnome shouts a single word in gnomish that causes the gnome struggling with Jeff to freeze for a moment, allowing Jeff to get a "pin" hold on him. Strangely, the gnome who looked as though he could have gotten away starts swimming back towards the sailboat - not even towards Jeff, as if he were going to help his partner.

An instant later, the water erupts in foam - and teeth. A fearsome shark slices through the surface water for the last few feet that separate him and the gnome with the bleeding arrow wound. The gnome's scream is cut short, and with a flip of the shark's tail, both disappear below.

Looking around, the adventurers spot a few dorsal fins heading toward them.

Please note the edit on my last post: Balthazar, Iva, and Sleepyhead are all back at the ranch.

2008-01-21, 03:59 PM

Few things have surprised Sharn. This is one of them. A look of mixed emotions can be seen on his face. An odd combination of shock, amusement, terror and fascination. Without even thinking about it, Sharn grabs the nearby stretch of rope and tosses one end out to the water. "Jeff! I think catching them alive just became a secondary priority!"

2008-01-21, 04:44 PM

Well, that was exciting. I think I'm going to get a pot of tea and perhaps a pipe.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-21, 04:53 PM

"Well, hey there, guildmasters! Guess what I found! A potential informant. Yeah, sure one of us ruined a chance at a peaceful and subtle intlligence extraction, but those folks are probably still at the docks dealing with some unessecary stuff I ordered them to retreat from. If you can, you know, set this one with the others and make sure she doesn't die, I'll go back and see if they need help." Shiela says breathlessley as she uncermoniously drops the unconcious body and draws her scimitar, flashing her grimmist smile.

2008-01-21, 10:02 PM
Just as Sharn was finishing up his healing spell and making sure that Iva was ok, the lone, bleeding gnome was attacked by a shark. Feeling much better, Iva dove for the crossbow and began loading it as Sharn was casting out a line to Jeff who was still in the water with the other gnome.

Gylvin, I suggest we start shooting at the sharks now! If we wound one of them maybe that will draw the attention of the other sharks long enough to get Jeff and our captive out of the water."

Having finished loading the crossbow, Iva takes a shot at the closest shark that she can see.

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2008-01-21, 10:31 PM

"Well, hey there, guildmasters! Guess what I found! A potential informant. Yeah, sure one of us ruined a chance at a peaceful and subtle intlligence extraction, but those folks are probably still at the docks dealing with some unessecary stuff I ordered them to retreat from. If you can, you know, set this one with the others and make sure she doesn't die, I'll go back and see if they need help." Shiela says breathlessley as she uncermoniously drops the unconcious body and draws her scimitar, flashing her grimmist smile.

Balthazar's smile at having arrived back turns into a grimace.
Oh. Right. There was trouble. he sighs. I suppose that tea and pipe will have to wait. Bother
And with that the despirited dwarf heads back.

2008-01-21, 11:44 PM

Shark, a fierce and suitable name for such a beast.

"Actually, I'd much proffer to not be on this end of its teeth... thank you."

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-22, 12:27 AM
As Shiela and Balthazar leave the guildhall running, Father Eldon begins to minister to the woman as the others crowd around him.


Iva's crossbow bolt glances off the water - the nearest shark does not seem to notice. The remaining gnome struggles to free himself from Jeff's grip.

[roll0]. If his escape succeeds, then: [roll1]. To see if his Escape succeeds, Jeff needs to roll an opposing Grapple check (unless he wants to just let him go).

Don't worry about being in exact initiative sequence anymore for this encounter.

2008-01-22, 05:47 AM

As much as I would want to let you get munched on, we should both get out of the water.Jeff tries to hold tight to the gnome, but also grab the rope so that Sharn may pull him out of the water, before Jeff becomes munchies for sharkies.


Edit:I belive that Jeff did not make any progress while swimming...so, how do I catch the rope that Sharn tossed me ?

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-22, 06:11 AM

"Out of my way!" the red-head screams as she barrels through the Bridgeport crowd, shield set before her, scimitar flashing in the sunlight, moving at a full sprint. The curved blade is reversed, and the soft edge is set aginst her arm, whilest the killing edge is exposed. Any casual observer can tell that shes primed for a fight, and ready to whip the blade out into a fighting position at a moment's notice.

All shes doing is try to not accidently cut anyone.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-22, 06:58 AM
Jeff starts to go under with the effort of trying to wrestle with a gnome, get towed to shore, and swim all at the same time, but one moment later he feels his opponent begin to swim cooperatively with him. Evidently the gnome has no desire to become shark food either. Iva and Sharn help Jeff and the gnome up onto the heavily laden sailboat. Along with Gylvin on the dock, they all watch breathlessly as the dorsal fins circle for a short time, then disappear one by one beneath the surface. With the horrific end of his partner, the gnome seems to have given up resisting and sits quietly in the boat. A few moments later, Shiela and Balthazar come running back to the dock, out of breath and sweating.

2008-01-22, 07:27 AM

I thank the gods for their help, today.Jeff gets off of the boat, and lays on his back on the ground.

2008-01-22, 10:03 AM

With a somber look, Sharn grabs his shield and jumps back onto the dock, only to lay it down again. He removes the mace from his belt and takes off his cloak as well, and kneels facing the water.

"Wee-Jas, our Dark-Eyed Lady, though he may have been our enemy, this gnome met a bloody and untimely end. Watch over that poor bastard's soul and help his spirit rest. Guide him to his proper place in the afterlife so that he may find peace. In the name of the Scarlet Order, I beseech you."

Rising again he grabs his things and returns them to proper order. "That will have to do for now, sadly. How is our other prisoner? I would have much rather been given the chance to examine her myself."

2008-01-22, 04:54 PM

Hi Sheila ! Did you manage to talk to the tall woman yet ?

2008-01-22, 04:56 PM

*puffing somewhat*
He re-unites with the faction of the party that stayed:
I'm more in shape than most wizards, and most dwarves for that matter, but my people have always had short legs and running is problematic.

Anyway, I digress. What is going on? Is everyone in our party alright? I see blood in the water.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-22, 05:03 PM

"Shes... *pant* with the Officers *pant* I ran right ba- *pant* back here in case *pant* you needed *pant* help *pant*. Everything alright? *pant*"

2008-01-22, 05:07 PM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

I could say alright-ish...one gnome....escaped, while the other one is in the boat. Oh, and that is not blood...that is...paint, from a boat...they accidentally dropped a barrel of red paint in the water...Jeff is in no way in a mood for arguements, so he tries to bluff his way out of it...

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-22, 05:17 PM

"You *pant* killed one, didn't *pant* didn't you?"
Shiela straighens up and catches her breath.
"Jeff, we'll talk later. Secure the prisoner, and someone lead me to any loot we can cart back"

2008-01-22, 05:25 PM

Hearing what Sheila said, Jeff jumps up from the ground and screams:Killed one....KILLED ONE ?!?!? It is because of me that we still have one ! You want to know what REALLY happened ?!?! One of them got wounded by a bolt while in the water, and a ****load of sharks came in and devoured his ass. The one you see on the boat is the one I wrestled in the water, so that YOU could interogate later. Thanks to Sharn, you have him ANd me alive and kicking. So unless I hear an apology, you are on my "to kick" list...as in kick ass...he almost has steam coming out of his ears.

2008-01-22, 06:13 PM

Sharn steps between Shiela and Jeff. "Calm yourselves, both of you. Shiela, you should not be so quick flinging accusations at your own team mates. What he says is true, the Gnome died by the fang and not by the sword. Jeff, a unit cannot function with their members lying to one another, especially when it's a very bad lie. Lastly, there will be no 'looting.' We are not brigands, and the property on that boat does not belong to any of us. We'll most likely need to file a report on this."

2008-01-22, 06:21 PM

A report towards the guild...and sell everything so that we can pay our guild dues...

2008-01-22, 07:03 PM

Having settled down just a bit from the whole ordeal Iva took a few deep relaxing breaths to help calm the pounding in her chest from the adrenaline still in her system.

Brigands or not Sharn, we should be taking the stuff that we can back with us. One, so that if nothing else we can keep the real thieves and other opportunists out of it all. And second, have you ever heard of false bottoms? Quite useful to hide things in, not to mention other people. I personally would like to take a closer look at the thing once we can get back to the guild house, just in case this turns out to be a much more sinister problem than we expect.

With that being said, Iva started gathering what she could and started placing anything that was loose or otherwise valuable in any way in the chest.

2008-01-23, 12:39 AM

"Keeping thieves at bay is the City Guards' duty, not ours. Bah, make whatever justifications will help you sleep at night. I shall have no part in this behavior."

Sharn will march off to the Guild House escorting the new prisoner after he is properly bound by someone other than himself.

2008-01-23, 01:30 AM
City Guard, hmph. A lot of good they do. Wait a second, shouldn't there have been some of the guard here.....Was this planned? I'll just keep this to myself until we get back to the guild house, just in case. But this doesn't bode well in my mind."

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-23, 03:30 AM

"Well, Jeff. The dead gnome is the least of my problems with you, first of all..." Shiela began, but was immediatly cut off by Sharn's admonishment.

"Actually, it seems as though, with the crew disposed off, that we own everything we can get to on the boat. Spoils of combat." Shiela responds with a grin. "Assuming the lady we have capture owns the boat (which is a large and dangerous assumption) we effectivly own the boat, too. As things are, however, I'm looking foward to discovering any items hidden via flase bottoms or somesuch, smuggled good and the like, which may give us a better handle on whats going on. Or didn't you see our Lovely Lady signal the gnomes?"

2008-01-23, 10:01 AM

Doubt that it is worth a lot...Jeff goes towards the gnome, to tie him.It is for everybodies good....nothing personal.

(use rope check in OOC)

2008-01-24, 03:11 PM

*shakes his head in disgust*
I still can't believe gnomes would be involved in this, they're usually good people. A tad annoying perhaps, but usually good people.

2008-01-25, 04:17 PM

So, are we ready to head back to the guildhouse? The boat is not going anywhere...

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-26, 08:10 AM

"Jeff, Sharn, Balthazar, go ahead and bring our prisoner to the guildhall." Shiela tells them before turning to Gylvin and Iva.
"Okay, now - whats the sitrep?" She asks rather business-like, and once the others (Especially Sharn) are out of earshot, she interrupts whatever they may be saying with "And where is any loot we can carry back?"

2008-01-26, 09:51 AM

Wait a minute...why should only 3 of us go to the guild house? Cant we all go?

jeff began to not trust Sheila, ever since she thinks of him as a psichotic killer.
Sense motive check:[roll0]

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-26, 10:31 AM
Argh! Shiela's only probelm with Jeff is that he fired before it was nessecary. Anyway:
Bluff! [roll0]
Victory is mine!

Shiela, CG Human Fighter with a good lie.

"We're going to sanitize the area," Shiela explains quickly. "Remove evidence of the Guild's involvement. Iva is staying to act as a street performer, and we need a mage to clean quicker. I'm not wearing the guild insignia, so I can pull the ol' "Crazy Lady with a Sword" deal on witnesses and not get the Guild in trouble."

There I made the Bluff believable, even

2008-01-26, 11:43 AM
Jeff, CN Human Ranger

Ah, good thinking there. It is not wise to let evidence in plain sight...unless you are in the wilderness, where animals and theelements can cover it up.After a moment:Look for a buyer for the boat, we could pay some of our guild dues with it...and the items aboard it.To Sharn and Balthazar:Ok, lets escort the gnome to the guildhouse.the rest will come later.

2008-01-26, 11:50 AM

Sharn glares at everyone for a bit, then shakes his head. "The chaos shall be brought to order in Acheron."

Feeling a little violent, Sharn "nudges" the gnome with the rim of his shield. "Move." He repeats this act any time the gnome shows any sign of slowing or if he drifts toward another direction.

2008-01-26, 12:28 PM
[Shiela, CG Human Fighter with a good lie.

"We're going to sanitize the area," Shiela explains quickly. [COLOR="Green"]"Remove evidence of the Guild's involvement. Iva is staying to act as a street performer, and we need a mage to clean quicker.

Gylvin, Ticked-off Elven Wizard

"I wasn't aware that "mage" was a synonym for "cleaning lady" in Bridgeport." Gylvin says coldly to Shiela. "Knowledge of the Arcane Arts requires years of dedication and study. Mages are not some comon scullery maid that will jump to the tune called by a teenaged puppy with more muscles than brains."

"I'd suggest that you use the household skills you learned growing up to clean up this mess. While you are working out your glorious biceps, may I suggest that you also exercise that muscle between your ears and reflect on how you could have offended at least 2 of your companions within 5 minutes. Leadership is a lot more than screaming orders and puffing one's chest out. I'd suggest you ask some of your betters in the Guild for some pointers on "people skills" before you find yourself without a team."

"As for myself, I think I'll follow my collegues back to the Guild. If you'd like something "sanitized", then get a mop."

Gylvin is seriously ticked off at Shiela's demeanor. He joins the group escorting the gnome back to the guild and leaves with them.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-26, 12:47 PM
Gylvin, Ticked-off Elven Wizard

"I wasn't aware that "mage" was a synonym for "cleaning lady" in Bridgeport." Gylvin says coldly to Shiela. "Knowledge of the Arcane Arts requires years of dedication and study. Mages are not some comon scullery maid that will jump to the tune called by a teenaged puppy with more muscles than brains."

"I'd suggest that you use the household skills you learned growing up to clean up this mess. While you are working out your glorious biceps, may I suggest that you also exercise that muscle between your ears and reflect on how you could have offended at least 2 of your companions within 5 minutes. Leadership is a lot more than screaming orders and puffing one's chest out. I'd suggest you ask some of your betters in the Guild for some pointers on "people skills" before you find yourself without a team."
Shiela, Oops.

"This mess which I put the plan together to not cause in the first place? If someone hadn't fired early, we'd be done by now." Shiela points out calmly.
"Also note that I never raised my hand and said 'Let me lead.', and all of you were asked if you had a better plan. That being what it is, feel free to head back to the guildhouse."

Shiela heads for the ships gangplank. "Ya'all can head back home if you wish, I'll find some way to do this myself if thats the case. Noone is stopping you."
And with that, Shiela heads to the boat and inspects the deck.
Taking twenty on a search check to look for the following: Blood on the Deck, a Swab, and any loot worth cartin'. Result = 21

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-26, 03:16 PM
The large chest that doubles as a seat contains a 50' coil of hemp rope, a lantern and a pint-sized flask of the type usually containing oil for burning, a spare anchor, a few small crossbow bolts, and a 10'x10' sheet of canvas. On deck there is a small light crossbow and a small short sword. The boat is tethered to the dock with another coil of hemp rope that looks to have once been 50' feet long, but had 15' cut from it when the anchor was cut loose. The wood that makes the deck of the boat has been treated somehow to make it resistant rot, and Iva's blood and "fire-water" wash away easily with a little seawater. There does not appear to be any hidden compartments or anything else unusual on the small boat.
Looking around, the adventurers see that people seem to have returned to business as usual. If anyone raised an alarm, there are still no authorities around. The sun has set, and dockworkers on the other docks light oil lamps for light to work by. If the adventurers choose to sell the boat, they could try the shipping company building - light shines from its windows, and every so often a person goes in or out - or they might accost any individual on the docks, though the only likely prospect is one man who seems to be supervising the roustabouts unloading a boat on Dock 8.

2008-01-27, 11:16 AM

Ok, I'll help escort the prisoner. Perhaps before going we should try selling this boat. It looks like there is a potential customer near Dock 8.

On the other hand, that might be illegal. I'm not well versed in Bridgeport's legal system quite yet, although I will correct that soon.

2008-01-27, 11:56 AM

Doubt that it is illegal...I mean, it is OUR boat after all :smallbiggrin: , we "salvaged" it.

2008-01-27, 09:57 PM

"Now don't you worry your head about a thing, us ladies will take care of things on this end. You gentlemen's skills will be better utilized making sure that our gnomish friend is comfortable back at the guildhouse. And don't you worry, I'll make plenty sure that the boat gets taken care of properly, in the most appropriate fashion." Iva smiles at the dwarf and Jeff, before turning around to help Sheila.

The elf is no better than the rest of the men.... Like I thought the dwarf is the only one of the bunch worth mentioning, in any capacity. Oh well, now that they are gone the girls can get things fixed up the way they should.

Looking around to make sure that the other two have left the premises, Iva turned her head to Sheila. "Ok, now that we have things under control, I assume you want to know what the heck happened. The long and the short of it is, after I had jumped aboard the other gnome, who is now residing in the belly of a shark, got in a lucky shot and got me pretty good. I managed to keep them occupied long enough for Jeff and Sharn to catch up. Instead of surrendering like I told them to, the gnomes dropped weapon and jumped ship and Jeff followed in pursuit. By this time the bolt in my chest was hurting mighty bad, so I don't remember much, but from what I remember the elf got a good shot in at one of the gnomes, hoping to disable him so Jeff could catch one of them I suppose, I can't recall to well. In any case, Sharn fixed me up and here we are now, down one gnome to shark attack and up one boat and everything on it."

Having finished her shpeal Iva takes a look around at the man Balthazar had mentioned. The dwarf was right, that man over there may be able to help us out, I would rather keep clear of the shipping company unless we absolutely had to do business with them. I'll leave the choice up to you, but I honestly think we might have a better chance at getting a single sailor to cooperate than dealing with a company, easier to convince if you know how to talk to them. Iva said with a small wink.

Note that Iva will not under any circumstances continue speaking (ie the last two paragraphs) until Jeff and Balthazar leave. So if you guys decide to not go along with Iva's suggestion (although, who would want to upset her in the first place :smallwink: ) then ignore all of that which she said.

2008-01-28, 11:14 AM
Balthazar, Dwarven Wizard

The dwarf shrugs and continues escorting the gnome back to base. If the gnome tries to strike up a conversation, he politely declines, and notes he'll have to wait for his superiors.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-28, 11:31 AM

Shiela nods as she carts a bucket of seawater up to the deck and washes the blood off.
"We both know you're easier on the eyes than I am," Shiela joked "I'll clean this boat up, try to fix it up good, and how about you see about that sailor?"

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-28, 01:56 PM
Balthazar and Sharn walk shoulder-to-shoulder with the captive gnome back toward the guildhall, after placing a cloak around him so that his bonds would not be visbile to the casual observer. Gylvin walks a little to the side and ahead of them. Shiela finishes cleaning the boat, putting everything except the anchor and ropes inside the chest. Iva watches the man on the nearby dock for a moment, who stops supervising the loading and walks from the dock to the street, in the direction of the shipping office. Jeff watches everyone else, deciding what he wants to do next.

I figured you guys wouldn't want to cause any more unusual scenes, hence the cloak on the gnome.

2008-01-28, 02:08 PM

Jeff is escorting the gnome with Gylvin, Sharn and Balthazar.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-01-30, 12:32 PM
Bruce meets the four male members of Team Cougar at the front door and, after they quickly explain why they have a bound gnome with them, walks them around the outside of the guildhall to the stable in the back, where he has prepared individual cells for prisoners, complete with shackles, in the unused horse stalls.

Bruce (quietly, but concerned)
"It's warm enough now that Bil can stay out here to watch them until we get a dungeon built. I'm giving him a raise. Tell me again, where is the rest of your team?"

2008-01-30, 10:04 PM


Oh, we're whispering. Everyone else is back at the docks.

2008-01-30, 10:52 PM
Tell me again, where is the rest of your team?"


"Iva and Sheila stayed to discretely remove any evidence and get rid of the boat. They should be back in a little while."

Thanatos 51-50
2008-01-31, 01:56 AM

whilw waiting for the bard to do her thing and find a buyer for the boat, Shiela begins meticoulously tying the spare anchor to the length of rope on the side, untying and re-tying to make sure everything is as perfect as she can make it
Taking 20 on the USE ROPE check - result 22

Meanwhile, she attempts to remember any sea shanties she heard as a girl and sings what she remembers quietly to herself as she works.
Intelligence check to remember a song? [roll0]
Perform(Singing) Check [roll1]

2008-02-01, 10:42 PM

Not to make a show of anything, Iva unties her cloak from her waist and returns it to its proper use. She then makes her way to intercept the man before he can reach the shipping office.

"Excuse me sir. I was wondering if perhaps you might be able to help me. You see, I am looking to sell a small fishing vessel. Its craftsmanship is superb, so I have been told. I noticed you were overseeing the loading of cargo for those other ships, perhaps a man of your particular talents might be interested in purchasing my vessel, I only ask for the most reasonable price." Iva approached the man, speaking in a sweet innocent voice, subtly allowing her body to help catch the eyes and ears of her 'victim'.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-02-02, 05:40 AM
The man looks a little surprised at being accosted for a moment, then pleased when he sees who is talking to him.

Man at the Docks
"Well, it just so happens I am in the market for a small boat - that one over there? Oh yes, it suits my needs, how much are you asking? Hm, that looks just like Marty's boat, but he's been away for a month now. If you don't mind my asking, why are you selling it?"

Iva has no idea of the actual value of the boat: [roll0]. Iva will need to make a Bluff check if her next action is telling this guy a story.

Bonecrusher Doc
2008-02-02, 04:02 PM
"After you left, the City Guard showed up. Someone mentioned your little scuffle outside the gate. We explained ourselves, and they took our side but insisted on taking the ruffians we were holding here. I didn't tell them about you taking Klep with you, and I don't think the other toughs will mention him either. Speaking of Klep, what did you do with him?"

Bruce and Bil lock the gnome in a stall not adjacent to the stall where the woman is shackled and sleeping. Bruce hands Gylvin a dagger.

"Oh, the woman had this on her."

The slender dagger is ornamented at the hilt with some sort of red gemstone surrounded by a swirl of inlaid gold.

2008-02-02, 09:33 PM

Sheila had him. Other than that I don't know but I don't think we have to worry. She can be... persuasive. Are we expecting more trouble from the Town Guard?