View Full Version : Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse

2007-12-18, 10:04 PM
Anyone read this comic? I borrowed the first volume of the collected works from a friend of mine and I thought it was hilarious. Sort of like Monty Python meets H. P. Lovecraft. I haven't seen anymore of it, though, and I'm wondering if it just fizzled out or they're not selling it here or what?

I even like the art, which is weird because usually I think Templesmith's work is waay to psychedelic and vague to be good, but it seems to work with Wormwood. Mostly its just Wormwood's personality that gets me, he's a laff riot.

2007-12-25, 01:15 AM
Wormwood is amazing, although I think it's got a bit too "weird surreal" and not "silly surreal" for the Python comparison, it's definitely hilarious. If you've read the most recent issue, Wormwood himself shares your opinion on Templesmith's art. I, personally, love the vaguery; my other favourite artist in comics right now is Ashley Wood.