View Full Version : Will the sub title be changed?

2007-12-19, 03:05 PM
"Updates three days a week without warning."

Yeah well I guess I want more of a good thing. LOTS more like well three per a week or more like three per hour. But at any rate it has been a while since there have been three a week hasn't it? I was wondering what might be the problem other than it contains well three issues+ per posting compared to other web comics. Is it health? Writer running out of ideas? The art taking longer than it used to? At any rate I need more Oder of the Stick!!!!!

I figure three per hour would be enough.

2007-12-19, 03:07 PM
If you read the news post (http://www.giantitp.com/index.html#RD4eKf1OFBCveGJ2pdt), you would see the reason for the update schedule.

2007-12-19, 05:52 PM
Rich tries to get out 3 a week, but due to his unknown illness, sometimes he can't. He's behind, yes, but we don't want to rush him. :smallfrown:

2007-12-19, 06:01 PM
as I have state on other thread such as this....

It is free :) you can't rush free.

It would sadden me if Rich decide to scrap any new version and just produce pure book (which I own them all thus far AND the games)

2007-12-19, 09:20 PM
What it says is true... three times a week, without warning.

He's just a couple of strips behind, but when he can he'll gives us four a week in order to counter this deficit. When he can. We don't want to pressure Rich.

The Kool
2007-12-19, 09:38 PM
It's health.

It's free. Take what you get.

2007-12-20, 12:26 AM
While I think people are doing a good job of answering the why in the OP, I think they are ignoring another point raised.

It has been a while since there have been three a week. In fact my friends and I now refer to them as this week's OotS and next week's OotS etc.

I know its because of Rich's health and that you can't rush free, but thats not what the thread title asked. It asks if the update schedle should be changed to reflect reality. I think it should. There is no point in telling people it updates 3 times a week without warning if it doesn't. Changing to 3 times every 2 weeks without warning (a little something for us second ed fans :) ) or even twice a week without warning would give fans, especally new ones who don't know the drill an acruate picture. Also it puts less stress on Rich, because it sets a realistic goal instead of one that can only be reached once every 4-5 months or so. And if his health permits 3 updats a week one week, then thats a bonus.

2007-12-20, 12:42 AM
Isn't the update schedule one of the big taboos? Stop asking about it.

2007-12-20, 01:10 AM
So's your face!

But seriously, the man does the best he can. Keep up the good work Rich!

2007-12-20, 01:22 AM
It has been a while since there have been three a week. In fact my friends and I now refer to them as this week's OotS and next week's OotS etc.

It is currently 3 times a week, or nearby. Last week there were 4 as Rich caught up, and, true, we are a day behind, but he will catch up. It seems that, when he is behind, he ends up catching up with 2-or-3 page updates 3-or-4 times a week, which is what I call above and beyond the call of dooty.

Lay off and take a breather, folks.

2007-12-20, 01:36 AM
<initiating suck-up mode>

You can not rush frickin' genius!

2007-12-20, 03:50 AM
Clearly, there was no reason for alarm.

You cant see it, but this is my "I told you so" face.

2007-12-20, 10:14 AM
I vote that ditty little sentence be changed to "Updates once per week" maybe followed by whichever day of the week it usually gets updated.

It would give Rich enough time
It would not rush Rich into getting it done on time
When he manages to get another done, it would be posted as "bonus" and everybody would be happy

2007-12-20, 11:54 AM
I vote that ditty little sentence be changed to "Updates once per week" maybe followed by whichever day of the week it usually gets updated.

Problem is that it doesn't usually get updated on any particular day of the week.


2007-12-20, 01:27 PM
I could live with once per week, at least its still better than Goblins.

2007-12-20, 02:59 PM
I agree. I don't know what some people are seeing, but I've been seeing a new comic every 2-3 days for a while now.

2007-12-20, 03:43 PM
IMO Rich should just get rid of this title..
put like "update whenever it has to be" and thats it, no one would have reasons to cry about..

As it is he IS saying that it updates 3 times a week, and we all know thats not true, so just make the title say it..

2007-12-20, 06:04 PM
Warriors are fine L2P.
Wait.. wrong forum.......

Sub title is fine L2P.

2007-12-20, 09:13 PM
As it is he IS saying that it updates 3 times a week, and we all know thats not true, so just make the title say it..

No, as I said, those of us who can count know that we've been getting three a week for several weeks now.

2007-12-21, 02:23 AM
No, as I said, those of us who can count know that we've been getting three a week for several weeks now.

Lets count

514: 20 dec
513: 15 dec
512: 13 dec
511: 8 dec
510: 3 dec
509: 30 nov
508: 24 nov
507: 23 nov
506: 14 nov
(you can keep counting by tracking the "new comic is up" topic, i just got bored here by now)

From november 14th till today we had 9 comics, and thats 5 weeks

Thats barely a 1,8 comic per week, less than 2, much less than 3.

So, yeah, sadly, the sub-title is wrong :(

As i said, just change it to "updates whenever it has to be updated" and thats it, nobody else will complain, at least about this =p

2007-12-21, 02:29 AM
Meh, You see you are the only one complaining about this despite all we've told you. This won't get us anywhere.

Go read the news, please. (Oct 14 news, to be precise)

2007-12-21, 02:41 AM
As strange as it would sound, im not really complaining.

Yes, I do in fact dislike getting fewer comics per week than we usually had long time ago, and I think one of the facts that makes OOTS go down hill is this, the readers lose the focus on it, you see a new comic you barely remember what happened before..

BUT, thats my opinion and its not the discussion here and it shall not be :)

What im saying, supporting the original idea of this whole topic, is that changing that sub title would just be better for everyone, its not something hard to do, it wont hurt anyone, and even if for you or someone else it absolutely doesnt matter, for others it may does, there WILL be way less complaints if rich just says that will be one comic per week and there will actually be one comic every week than if he says that will be 3 per week and we get 1, sometimes 2..

Its something easy to do that will calm down a lot of ppl =p

And also, its just about this news you mentioned that im (and the OP and everyone else who agrees with that) saying to change it to something that would be easier to accomplish :)
Three-a-week (on average), if it was 2 a week, this topic wouldnt even exist, you saw all the math i did on the last post right? =p