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Lost Sage
2008-09-30, 10:57 AM

The bard will raise his eyebrows at Sunduval's assessment. "I'm confused Sunduval. I thought we made it clear after the sewers. Shea is battle commander. She gives the orders in a battle. Are you saying that I am not letting her do that? Or that I should be? I followed you after you broke ranks in the temple true. I thought you needed backup. If you think that was out of line then let's go ask Shae."

"But as far as leading outside of battle..." he shugs. "I don't know what you mean by 'I have to get these people to follow me or let Shae or Maeslyra lead'. Is there a problem? Can you give some examples of what's bothering you?"

2008-09-30, 11:33 AM

Now, Shae was no purist. Her brothers had used plenty of spells on her, and she and her more martial brothers had given them plenty of wedgies in return. But that was part of being in a family – what you did to each other was done with a certain… spirit in mind. Usually the spirit of "I can’t believe you did that and when I get my hands on you you’re so going to regret it."

But you didn’t sucker punch people. Well, okay, you did if they were asking for it. Maybe that was the problem she had with what Catherine had just done – she’d sucker punched Colin and he wasn’t asking for it.

"Any discussion should have everyone in it, Catherine." She sends it back through the spell, but the whisper is loud enough for anyone near where Shae is sitting to hear. She had no idea how to address the morality of using a harmless spell on an unwilling bard (who Shae truly had no fondness for due to his unabashed cowardice). She did know this much, though: once you went down the road of four people talking and two left out, when the issue at hand affected everyone, you were making a group Shae didn't much want to be a part of.

2008-09-30, 11:58 AM

Maeslyra purses her lips. Catherine hadn't gotten her point at all. Not in the slightest. Then she casts a spell on Colin for no apparent reason. That just changes her expression to one of incredulity. At Catherine. She gets up immediately and moves to where Colin is, bending to help him. Turning her back on the rest of the group, she speaks quietly, but not through the spell. "You have my apologies. She does not represent us. You are welcome here among us. Let me help you with the wood."

2008-09-30, 12:45 PM

We've got everyone. I couldn't get Sunduval, but you can relay things to him Godwin. And Hope, before you go welcoming him among us, let's be clear that you don't represent us either. Let's not divide ourselves with statements like that.

2008-09-30, 02:01 PM

"Probably nothing but stress good friend, thank you for listening., for whatever reason I don't feel like we are not moving together towards a common goal. If you feel good about the last battle then I will let the matter drop, I can't shake the feeling that we could do better."

Sunduval will move back to the fire and await the awesome smelling pheasant.

"Thank you for cooking Catherine, my efforts cooking often yeild less than savory results."

2008-09-30, 02:18 PM

Shae pulls out her sword and begins to check it over for nicks. The blade had held up well, but better safe than sorry. She hadn't heard what Maeslyra said, but Catherine's response makes it clearer. Shae again responds without much care for whispering. "There's no division. We let him go, he gets captured or already works for them, he talks, they use it, we die. We let him go, he's harmless, he dies in the woods, most of us can't set foot in a temple again. I refuse to let either happen."

2008-09-30, 02:26 PM

Turning around to fix Catherine with a level gaze, Maeslyra lifts an eyebrow. "I never said that I do." She shakes her head a little sadly and turns away again to help Colin with the wood. Whatever problem Catherine has, she can only hope that Shae can help her resolve it. Maeslyra feels mightily out of her depth with the girl.

2008-09-30, 02:30 PM
Your logic doesn't hold up. He said he'd be fine on his own, so if we let him go of his own free will then there's nothing on our conscience. And if he's working for the enemy then we need to drive him away as soon as possible before he learns more, since remaining with us is obviously what he wants. If he is a spy then our relationship isn't sustainable, he'll either have a way to speak with them secretly, or else he'll leave of his own will when he decides he knows everything he needs to. That's if he doesn't decide to betray us.

Anyway what I was really getting at was if we want to help him with his little side quest for the missing bard.

2008-09-30, 02:41 PM

She doesn’t even bother with pretending to whisper. Honestly, all of this reminded her of Godwin and Maeslyra’s antics back in the village when they were looking for the missing guardsmen. It was frustratingly indirect and involved way too much talking. And it didn’t help how that Catherine was looking to poke holes in her logic at each and every turn – sure, Shae could refute each point logically, but honestly… why bother? Catherine would never listen. That stung.

"Catherine, godsdamnit, if you’re going to call me an idiot peasant just come out and do it. You wouldn’t listen to me inside that damn temple when I had a plan, and you’re not going to listen to me out here." Even if it’s obvious everyone feels the same way I do for once.

Shae stands up. "Gotta exercise." She moves off through the woods a way and starts a series of footwork exercises, sword and shield in hand.

Lost Sage
2008-09-30, 02:50 PM

Godwin accepts the fire knight's explanation with a nod. "Feel good? I don't know. It was touch and go for me for a minute there. But it's touch and go every time I walk into a seedy bar on the wrong side of town. Maybe I trust my luck too much. But what I would like to know is what prompted you to charge the beast in the first place?"

The bard continues on to say "It worries me that you are worried. You've been a rock Sunduval. We can always depend on you to be there and stand firm. That you are worried also makes me think that my optimism is overacting again. Our internal problems..." he indicates with his head in the direction of Catherine and Shae "..may get the better of us yet. But I will say this. I'm in for the long run, and a hope again for a long and arduous path before with face the tyrant. There are too many gaps in our emotional armor the way we stand now."

As they join Shae and Catherine the bard nods affirmative at Shae's words but doesn't speak. When Shae moves off he stays around. If Catherine needs someone to argue with he can play that role. It's in the training.

2008-09-30, 03:00 PM

"Thanks Godwin." The knight will watch the comings and goings of the group with a ditacted amusement and then will go to spar with Shae which would like a wolverine taking down a grizzly bear. "Mind if I cut in ?"

If Shae doesn't wish to spar he will content himself with patroling the perimeter until the meal is served.

2008-09-30, 03:13 PM
Having finished skinning and gutting the pheasants, Catherine hurriedly puts them over the fire. Watch these for me, she says to Godwin and then runs off after Shae.

When she finds her she moves close, but not quite close enough to disrupt her exercises. What did I do wrong? she asks softly.

Lost Sage
2008-09-30, 03:36 PM

well, that didn't work. watch these? yes, that is something i can do.

The bard goes to his pack and unpacks his drum carefully. Then he sits by the fire playing softly and watching the pheasants roast. The rythms are slow and very quiet. At 30 feet away it is a scarcely heard vibration that seems to come from the air itself.

2008-09-30, 03:50 PM

With Catherine's departure, Maeslyra stops the pretense and puts a hand on Colin's arm. "It's alright. You can stop. We already have a fire. I'm not sure what that was about, but it seemed inappropriate to let you do this alone, even if it was for no reason. Please, come sit with us again." She nods towards the fire with a friendly smile, then looks down at the few pieces of wood she's carrying with a light chuckle. "At least we won't have any trouble keeping the fire going all night."

2008-09-30, 03:52 PM

Colin looks at the fire, at the wood in his arms, and at Maeslyra. He nods, still looking a little foggy. Looking a little lost, he makes his way towards the sound of the rhythms, happy to just close his eyes and listen.

2008-09-30, 04:03 PM

She spars with Sunduval for a minute, moving quickly and striking harder than perhaps she should for a sparring session. Fortunately her strength isn’t enough to do any serious harm through the plate armor as she’s just using the flat of her blade.

When Catherine appears, Shae continues for a moment longer, then stops. Sheathing her sword, she waves a hand to Sunduval and then moves off to speak with Catherine. ”It seems everything I’ve said today you’ve disagreed with, and every time I’ve turned out to be right, and you still keep disagreeing. That doesn’t come out of nowhere. I feel like – like you just don’t respect me. You might like me, but you don’t much respect me. I can't... have that. Not so long as I'm supposed to keep charge in a fight, and not if we're...”

Shae clears her throat and looks off before looking back down at Catherine. ”Anyhow. Maeslyra was being nice to Colin because it’d be a sin not to help him if he’s innocent – she’s a priestess of Tethos, he’s a bard, case closed. Personally, I can’t leave a man in the woods to die if he’s innocent , and I can’t abide by someone who would. He turns out to be guilty, I’ll kill him myself, but not before. You don’t harm innocent people, ever, if you can help it." She hoped she always could help it – that she never hurt someone who didn’t rightly deserve it. Shae knew the world wasn’t that perfect, though. "And not giving aid -- that's what a priest might call a sin of omission. It's just as bad as killing him yourself.” A wise person might reason that's why Shae saw no wrong in killing enemies who had fallen -- just watching them die was the same as killing them. And, to her even crueler. If she was bleeding to death with no hope of help, she'd want the merciful thing done.

“And I don’t think it’s okay to go using magic on people like that, not even an irresponsible coward like Colin. When will that stop – are you going to use a spell on me next time I piss you off?”

2008-09-30, 04:51 PM

Catherine's eyes widen and her response is just below a shriek No! She blushes and calms, but is still shaking her head vehemently. Never. Never ever.

She takes a deep breath and crosses her arms. Colin is a freeloader and a scoundrel. Someone like that... you make them feel too welcome, and you'll never be able to get rid of them as long as they can continue taking advantage of you. She frowns. I used... too hard of a stick to draw the line. I'm sorry you had to see that.

And... back at the monastery, a kind scholar named Yochi was responsible for my education. She begins to smile at the memory. He would always say something completely ridiculous and dare me to prove him wrong. And then we'd argue, and I'd make my case, and he'd make his, and he'd always end up being right. But that's how he taught me. By provoking me into disagreeing with him. Her smile widens as she speaks, but she becomes solemn as she returns to reality. I thought it would be like that with you too... forgive me. She bows her head and looks at the ground.

2008-09-30, 05:33 PM
A Night in the Forest
Overnight, Sunday, 21st of Springdawn 1556

Twilight fades to the deeper gloom of night, as the fire crackles and pops. The air is on the chilly side of cool, as the stars twinkle into fiery existence far above the canopy. The hush of the gloaming gives way to the night chorus of creatures that make the forest their home: crickets and locusts provide a chirruping backdrop to the louder calls of night birds and the occasional lonesome cry of the forest wolf. A slight wind picks up, and the trees seem to sigh as they, too, settle in for a long, dark night; their great boles creaking with age.

As each in turn sleeps, or meditates, or lies sleepless under the umbrella of green-gray leaves, your dreams are formless shapes of yesteryear gone by, of stories told and unsung, of old and young, and life anew. In the morning they burn away like cobwebs in the sun, forgotten with the dawn's light.

Morning, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

The day dawns clear and chilly, though looks to quickly warm under the bright sun; the spirits of the forest have coated near everything in a fine dew. Through the trees, from the campsite, the ruins can barely be spotted. They are nothing more than a jumbled pile of rocks, with a slight mound that could be a cave or hillock. Already a family of squirrels can be seen investigating and playing over the debris.

Feel free to continue last night's interaction as you wish. The night will pass quietly.

Lost Sage
2008-09-30, 06:51 PM

After supper Godwin picks up his drum again. He plays and sings a few quiet melodies. The music is easy going and relaxing, a counterpoint to a stressful day. He pauses for a little while the others start getting ready to turn in. Later you can hear him murmuring to himself, putting words to a tune. Later still there is just a soft, resonate tone that drifts off into silence. The bard starts to match his voice to it. The effect is odd... like the sound is not fading away but actually going somewhere else. You don't have to put up with it for long as he soon stops and lets you get to sleep.

Godwin wakes early. Unusual for him. He immediately takes himself away from the group and over toward the temple. He sits and looks at the ruins trying to recall his dreams. But it's no good. The energy of the new day has driven them away like it has the shadows. He sighs and walks back to camp.

2008-09-30, 07:51 PM

Sunduval will nod and move back to allow Catherine and Shae to converse. He will sit and eat the meal provided and then turn in early to greet the morninglord at the sunrise.


Sunduval will kneel in the light of the first rays and prays for guidance and spells so he can redeem himself in his God's eyes first. All concerns and stress bleed off of him and when done he will stand and wave to Godwin.

2008-09-30, 07:59 PM

“Colin’s a lot of things, but he’s still a person. Don’t you mistake me trying to be civil for actually liking him, though.” Shae puts a hand on Catherine’s shoulder. ”And let’s just say that where I come from, fighting with someone as much as you’ve been fighting with me meant you were asking for a headlock and a noogie, not a debate.”

”Anyhow. I don’t think much of anyone wants to listen to me, but I don’t know how to keep everyone safe if no one does. We have to work as a group or people like you get killed in the first seconds of a fight. It’s tough enough dealing with that.”

Shae smirks. ”Damn, that’s a lot of words. I’m sick of talking, why are you always getting me talking” With a quick movement, Shae ducks down and scoops up Catherine, throwing the girl over her shoulder like a sack of flour. ”Time to go apologize to the nice people for ever doubting me.”

Shae tromps into camp, Catherine still over her shoulder. ”Hi everyone. Catherine would like to say how very, very sorry she is that she ever doubted me on any ocassion, and that she was rude to zap Colin, even if he’s a coward that’s probably never done an honest day’s work in his life.” Shae points a finger at Colin when she says that, a little playful, but with an “I’ve got my eye on you” undertone. She then turns around so Catherine can face the group and holds her in place a moment before putting her down.

”Now where’s my food!”

* * *

The next morning Shae awakens early, as always, after a fitful night’s sleep, as always. She gets started on checking on the horses and feeding them. After a while, Bootsie joins her, poking around her pack for food. ”Good idea. I’m hungry.” Wrapping up her work, within a minute Shae is nosing around the camp, seeking our breakfast.

2008-09-30, 08:22 PM

Catherine protests at first but quickly realizes no harm is intended. Then she can no longer contain herself, she breaks into giggles, quivering against Shae, hanging limply over her shoulder. By the time Shae makes her proclamation and then swings her around to the group, her eyes are watering. She sinks limply into a squat, recovering.

Eventually she sees that the meat is finished. Weariness has overcome her, but she manages to salt it and serve it to those who haven't yet grabbed their own share. She takes a small slice for herself before rolling out her bedroll and collapsing in it. She sleeps well into the morning.

2008-09-30, 08:49 PM

Finally sitting with Vandrel, in his arms, Maeslyra relaxes. It has been a long day. She smirks at Catherine's position, shaking her head in amusement, but that's her only real reaction to it. It just seems like a time and place to be quiet. She eats sparingly, feeding some of her food to the cat by hand, and watches the fire. Once the food is gone, Nimaia stands up and slowly stretches every muscle she can, some twice, and yawns widely. Then she bumps her head into Maeslyra's side and does the same to Vandrel's leg.

This brings out a grin, and Maeslyra stands up, brushing her dress off. Nimaia steps to where her elf was just sitting as said elf offers Vandrel a hand up. Then she kneads the blankets and curls up on them as her elves walk off, into the trees. That's what elves do. She meows once, as if to explain to everyone else, or maybe reassure them, before putting her head down and purring.


Maeslyra sits quietly as the others start to wake. She's been awake for hours already by the time dawn rolls around, just keeping her mind and body still enough for the power to return. Then come prayers, a quiet melody to avoid waking anyone who has yet to do so. Nimaia sings with her, also quietly, producing a gentle harmony in praise of Tethos. When she is done, Maeslyra focuses on Nimaia, speaking just as quietly as they sang. "I had no idea you knew the words." The cat meows and the elf nods. "That makes sense. It's a good harmony. I like that very much." The cat meows again and swishes her tail. Maeslyra chuckles and says, "I agree."

Lost Sage
2008-09-30, 09:11 PM
last night

Godwin smiles good naturedly at Shae and Catherine. He meets Shae's eye with a nod that seems to say 'that was great'.

in the morning

The bard waves back at a Sunduval as he returns to camp. He is in a good mood it's funny, yesterday i couldn't take the prophecy seriously. now, well, it feels like i've stepped into a song. what a difference a day can make.

At the camp Godwin gives everyone a cheerful 'good morning'. Then continues on to say "It's a beautiful day! Time to clear the air and take stock, if you don't mind. We've done what we came to do. The tyrant's forces have suffered another defeat at our hands, we have vanquished an ancient evil, and we witnessed the last words of the ancient prophet of Oeur. However, we still have some decisions before us. We have a cave which we know nothing about and we have a prophet's directions to the last resting place of the famed jester Lilia Taverncall. They may be the same and they may be not, and either of which may or may not have some bearing on the prophecy that we were so privileged to hear yesterday. What say you? What's our next move?"

2008-10-01, 12:14 AM

Finding no food being cooked, Shae lazily throws herself down into a sprawling, slouching seat, leaning her back against a tree. She kicks out one foot slowly, tapping Catherine’s nearby sleeping form until she wakes up. "Wake up, Godwin’s saying a lot of words."

Shae digs around in her pack, pulling out a piece of cheese. Finding a bit of mold on it, she shrugs and then pulls the green spot off with her fingernail. Tossing the moldy bit aside, she starts chewing on the cheddar. She opens her full mouth to speak, then with a sheepish grin she closes it again, chews, and then swallows. "We should check out the ruins here for sure. It’s our mess, if we did something awful by accident we have to fix it." Shae takes another bite of the cheese, carefully consuming it before continuing. "I don’t know about traipsing off to find some bard’s grave, though, if this isn’t it. This prophecy seems important enough that we should get it into the right hands as soon as we can."

She almost pops the last large piece of cheese into her mouth, then stops herself and instead waves the piece at Catherine, offering the noble the once-moldy-somewhat-chewed-on piece of cheese. As she does, she continues speaking, "I understand, though, if this is something you feel we have to do, and I'll certainly help," she finishes, pointing a rough knuckle at first Godwin and then Maeslyra.

2008-10-01, 12:31 AM

"I believe that we should inspect the ruins once more aye and then report in, unless the last resting place of the famed bard is close. i don't believe in coincidences and the Prophecy does mention the seeker of music lost."

The knight will retighten up his armor from the previous night and reattach the forearm and leg plating.

2008-10-01, 02:46 AM

Catherine grunts and blinks her eyes open sleepily, before sitting up. Mmm, morning already? She takes the cheese from Shae and pops it into her mouth without giving it a second glance and then smooths out her shoulder length red hair before pulling it back and tying it into a bun with the aid of two silver hairpicks.

That seems like a reasonable enough step, yes. But who exactly do we turn to here? Those men knew about this prophecy beforehand, and they were willing to go to any lengths just to hear it. We need to find somebody who has more knowledge about this matter, and whom we can trust.

She scrunches up her brow and then turns to Maeslyra. What about your church hope? Do they sponsor libraries or academies at all? Perhaps we could journey to one.

2008-10-01, 02:56 AM

Vandrel sits quietly with Maeslyra as the others begin to stir and go through their morning routines. He rises and stretches himself out slightly, working the blood through his limbs. "'Reporting in' is no simple task," he says in reply to Sunduval. "Looking into this matter may just bring us closer to what is going on. Things always seem to have a way of spreading their effect wide."

He glances towards Maeslyra, raising an eyebrow slightly as she speaks with the feline at her side. He chuckles softly, accepting it, even if it seemed strange.

2008-10-01, 07:15 AM

"I would very much like to investigate the ruins. Even if there is no bard resting place here, I should like to take one more look at the site of a true Oracle. There may be more to learn of Oeur, if nothing else. Such an opportunity would be nigh criminal to pass on."

Nimaia meows in a questioning sort of way and Maeslyra nods. "Yes, we'll be nearby. Don't go far." With this Nimaia stands up and trots off into the trees, tail straight out from her body and the tip swishing just a bit.

Maeslyra watches the cat go with a small grin, then turns back to the others. "We have an employer. I would suggest that we bring this prophecy to him. He may have other employees with enough knowledge to decipher it. Whether it is the 'right' thing to do or not, it is what we are paid for." Maeslyra shrugs a bit. "We, of course, do not have to give him all the copies of it. I trust Trinias, the high priest in Wetilla, so we could ask him about it. He may have some ideas about who this 'First One' is. I only have vague suppositions."

Lost Sage
2008-10-01, 09:14 AM

Godwin withholds any of his comments on the prophecy. While he is now pretty sure that Colin is just what he says he is that does not change the fact that information could still be extracted from him if he was captured. In any case, it seems clear to everyone that their next step after they get back is to find this 'her' it talks about.

"Yes, I would like to check out the ruins also. And if it doesn't contain the last resting place of Lilia Taverncall I would like to spend at least some time following the Oracle's directions in the other way, toward the peak that Colin saw. I can't help but wonder that maybe Lilia came out here for a reason that may be of interest to us. But we can decide that when it occurs. For now, we got ruins to investigate!"

The bard is almost annoyingly cheerful, and moves around camp humming while happily helping with breakfast and packing up.

2008-10-01, 02:30 PM

”I can just imagine what our employer will do with this prophecy,” Shae says, her dislike for the foppish noble obvious in her tone. ”But yes, we have a job to do, so we do it.”

Shae stands, packs quickly, then sets about the task of gearing up – belting her weapons, strapping her shield to her arm, grabbing a small satchel and putting a few essential items in it. All the while she finds herself bits of food – jerky, cheese, hard bread, cashews – and pops them in her mouth. ”Know what I hate about jerky?” she says, in-between bites, ”You can’t chew it fast enough to get it into your stomach so’s your not hungry.” She tosses some jerky to Bootsie, then continues her preparations, fetching a glaive that had been strapped to her horse’s side for the trip and never used. She fashions a makeshift strap for the glaive and slings it over her back, trying to tighten it so it’s not awkward to carry.

She gives the horses a final once-over, setting Bootsie to guard them. ”I come back and they’re not here, no more jerky for you.” Bootsie flips on his back and rolls around, then jumps up, sitting himself in his best “guard dog” position with a bark.

Shae shakes her head, then joins the others. ”Ready when you folks are.”

2008-10-01, 03:55 PM
A Jumbled Mess
Morning, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

After morning preparations, the group finds itself facing what remains of the ancient shrine they had visited the prior evening. Weathered white and grey stone and marble lie piled up in a small mountain. One can barely discern that it once was a man-made structure, it is so given over to the chaos wrought from its collapse.

A small mound of dirt - embedded with pieces of former masonry - branches off of the debris pile. The dark mouth of its opening is blocked by large stone blocks. It takes a group effort to move the heavy slabs preventing entrance, but once the day light spills in, the small cave is revealed to have likely been the former nest of the guardian that defended the shrine.

Warily investigating, no dangers are found within, or without. Inside the small den, bones of victims or prey lie scattered about. Some are obviously humanoid; their arms and equipment rusting and decaying in the damp cool environment. Perhaps they made it as far as the guardian's warren before dieing, or perhaps they were merely dragged here for other reasons.

In one corner is a round heap of coins. Catching the daylight, a few gemstones can be seen poking through the cluttered mess.

2008-10-01, 06:39 PM

Maeslyra leaves without waiting for Nimaia. The cat is nearby, hunting up her breakfast, and there doesn't seem to be any actual danger here. She knows where everyone will be, too, and will undoubtedly be able to hear them without issue. It only took a short time to pack up her and Vandrel's thing, and to help him remove evidence of the fire and camp in general.

Walking through the ruins slowly once it's declared 'safe', Maeslyra pauses to just touch some of the tones. There's nothing special about them now, but putting her hand on the cold stone makes it more real, more solid. "May you have peace, Oracle," she murmurs as she brushes her hand across a stone where they found her. Prophecy was such a burden to bear, and that woman had been trapped with it for so long.

Eventually, the cat trots up and watches everyone heave the stone aside. She mewls, which causes Maeslyra to walk over to her once the stone is out of the way and pick her up. The scritching begins as others look through the small cave, and the purring begins soon after.

Lost Sage
2008-10-01, 08:00 PM

The bard dusts himself off. The hard manual labour subdued much of his earlier cheerfullness. It's not something he is used to.

"Well, let's see if there is any magic here." he says. Then he gives a short whistle, like he is calling something, and begins looking around carefully.

casting detect magic

2008-10-01, 08:07 PM

She takes a certain joy in helping lift the large pieces of rubble, grinning as they're moved aside and fall to the ground. It might just be the labor that's putting her in a good mood, though the great crashing noise and clouds of dust caused by moving the larger slabs help. "Nice!"

Activating her light, she slips into the lair, making sure it's safe. Once she knows it is, she begins gathering up the items she can -- those that Godwin indicate are magical, and those that look to be of good quality otherwise. She tosses an empty sack towards the coins and gems, waving her hand towards them if anyone wants to get started gathering them up themselves.

2008-10-01, 08:45 PM

Catherine rises up and keeps pace with Shae and Maeslyra. Hold on, am I missing something here? That... man, wanted us to take care of his assassins, and we've done so. Why do you feel that we're still obligated to him?

During the excavations Catherine hangs back and keeps her hands clean. The servant she summons however is more than willing to do her share of the work for her, brushing aside rubble and dragging away huge pieces of masonry.

2008-10-01, 08:54 PM

"I don't know if this applies to you, Catherine, but most of the rest of us are on his payroll. I needed a job after my last caravan ended. Fifty gold a month." She peeks her head out from the lair for a minute to look at the devastation. "We should ask for a raise."

2008-10-01, 08:58 PM

Catherine licks her lips. So theoretically speaking, nothing is stopping us from sending a message telling him he can keep our pay and we quit.

2008-10-01, 09:06 PM

"Nothing but our words. Mine means something. Wouldn't if I did that. No real room for discussion for me, at least." Shae ducks back inside the lair and continues the grimy work of pulling out the items of worth.

2008-10-01, 09:15 PM

Catherine frowns. I see. How long is your contract?

2008-10-01, 09:44 PM

The Fireknight will accompany the group back towards the ruins.

"Well said Shae, I have the tenants of Fireknights and Solis to follow as well so I understand about devoting oneself."

The man in full plate will help move rubble and coin alike. Once he draws near to the elven skeleton he will kneel and extend his hand over the skeleton's head without touching it.

"Rest well, unknown elf and companion on your journey to the gods with the blessing of Solis, the Morninglord. May he ensure that your path is well illuminated to the afterlife."

2008-10-02, 06:37 AM

"We have all given our word to work for him, including yourself, Catherine. Breaking it by message is incredibly poor form." As Maeslyra answers Catherine's question, she does her best to sound as if she is speaking to an equal. "It is entirely possible that those who work for him can provide information or context about what we have learned, and I doubt he will give us access to them if we quit. In his employ, the tasks we have undertaken at his behest have led us to the destruction of undead abominations, the arrest of an incredibly disturbed pedophile, and the rooting out of a branch of an evil cult, which ultimately led us here, to this place.

"While we may not personally like the man, it cannot be denied that his realm includes problems we are better suited to solving than his other retainers. For myself, I would rather have the policing force of an area backing me as I traipse all over the countryside to make it a better place, than to have them suspecting me at every turn. Under the Duke's employ, we have what is effectively a sort of deputy status, which is more beneficial than it is harmful to us. If he has some insurmountable objection to our following the lead of this prophecy, that would be the time to consider breaking the contract, not before."

2008-10-02, 10:13 AM

Vandrel nods slightly as Maeslyra speaks. He helps as he can with the work, but keeps an eye and ear to their surroundings to help make sure that nothing encroaches upon their work. "Add as well, that if he does 'turn' on us, it is a better warning than if we do not keep an eye on him. We know that the forces we have fought sought to attempt to turn them to their will."

2008-10-02, 10:34 AM

"We should presume his innocence before declaring him guilty of any wrongdoing. Has the Duke done anything to betray the group before ? Will he allow us to act on the Oracle's message without his oversight or does he trust us enough to do so. He seemed pleased to see one of my order in his lands so I harbor no ill will or suspicion towards him."

Sunduval will get ready to leave once the items are collected.

"These two were well equipped then just too few in numbers for the task.

2008-10-02, 10:43 AM

Catherine glances at Sunduval and rolls her eyes. So I guess you don't have any problems with the whole torturing of prisoners. She sighs and then nods. Then I guess it's decided. I won't bring it up again for now.

2008-10-02, 03:36 PM

"I am against unnecessary torturing of prisoners, where does that comment stem from ? I have specific rules of engagement, confinement and aggression. Do you think that the Duke is up to something sinister or is this a general distrust of authority figures ?"

Sunduval will raise one eyebrow while speaking with Catherine as if this line of questioning intrigues and confuses him all at the same time.

2008-10-02, 03:38 PM

Catherine puts her hands on her hips. When we went to see Antionette, he was torturing her! Were you even paying attention?

2008-10-02, 04:08 PM

"That was a ruler exercising his right to question a known assassin. I was there in the dungeon, it was unfortunate but without a zone of truth extracting information from spies and assasing gets rather physical."

Sunduval will now set his features to a more caring expression but without a look of sternness.

2008-10-02, 04:11 PM

Catherine grits her teeth and glares at Sunduval. Nobody has the right to treat someone else badly. Not the duke, not you. No one. If your god truly grants you your strength, then I spit on him and all of his followers.

2008-10-02, 04:40 PM

"True Solis's path is not for everyone, thank you for sharing your opinion on that subject. With respect I don't extend mercy to assassins or person of evil, I can't allow a environment that does not impose boundaries on ethical behavior. If you cross the line there must be punishments for those infractions. I am sorry if that seems excessively cruel to you. Solis is provider of warmth and comfort but also the blazing heat of retribution. I will ponder more on the subject and pray for guidance when in communion with my god, thank you again for your viewpoint, Lady Catherine your nobilty does you justice."

Sunduval will bow slightly.

2008-10-02, 05:49 PM

Emerging from the lair once again, Shae opens her mouth to say something, then shuts it to consider her words a little longer. What had happened had happened, and continuing to discuss it was like a dog chasing its own tail: you got nowhere fast and had a headache to boot. It wasn’t a subject she treated lightly, but at the same time there didn’t seem to be any use in discussing it now.

”He might be the leader mentioned in the prophecy. Not saying he’s right to do what he’s done, but I’m saying: there’s whole lot at stake. People don’t have prophecies spouted by oracles of dead Gods because someone’s going to skin their knee.” She puts a hand on Catherine’s arm. ”Sometimes you just have to do what you can. Better chance right now of helping people working with the Duke.”

Shae lets go of Catherine’s arm and dusts off her hands, then reaches over and brushes off Catherine’s arm where she touched the sorceress. She looks around at the others. ”Guess we should look for that peak, huh?” She eyes the ruins, looking for any high point she can clamber up on to have a better vantage point looking for a peak.

2008-10-02, 06:55 PM

Finding what is specifically going on to not be exceptionally interesting, Maeslyra walks around the ruin, just brushing her hand on the stones while carrying her cat. She finally stops when she hears Shae mention looking for the peak. Nodding, she sets the cat down and adjusts the straps on her pack. "Such a shame that we cannot spend more time here, but then, there isn't much to see. Colin, which way was that peak you saw?"

2008-10-02, 07:04 PM

The petite sorceress sighs and leans her head against Shae's arm.

She doesn't face Colin as she speaks, but she uses a tone of voice that she never speaks with to anyone else. I hope you aren't planning to mislead us. We're taking your word on this.

Lost Sage
2008-10-02, 07:42 PM

Godwin is strangely quiet during the discussion of torture. Afterwards he turns to Catherine and says softly "I know what you mean Catherine. It's hard to stand by when something like that is happening. Doubly so when you can see a person inside that just seems like a mislead soul. I can only offer words of a priestess now long dead. Unfortunately they have been used so much that people do not hear them any longer. But they are worth contemplating..."

'May I be granted the strength to change things I can, the serenity to accept with things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.'"

The bard prepares to mount up. His early cheerfulness now seems to have utterly vanished.

2008-10-02, 09:12 PM
The Peak and the Pines
Midday, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

At the ruins, at mention of the peak in the prophecy, Colin perks up. He had been quiet during the discussion of torture, generally stayed out of the way as the others investigated the den. Now, he seems to remember why he was there. "Ah, yes then. Right away. I seem to recall..."

He sets off, then turns around, then straightens himself out once again, all the while muttering to himself. He then begins walking back the way the group came. Past the now forsaken camp, with the forgotten bedrolls already collecting the forest detritus. Past the now burnt out tree where the cultists had met their end. Past where the party had first met him.

Finally, after a few hours tramping through the woods, the group comes to a small clearing. Colin points out, rather surprised, the ash in the center, "I found it! That was my campfire!" Looking about, he leans against one of the tall trees - a pine - and scratches his head. "Now, which way was it? North, I think?"

Those of keen eyes can spy, behind him and through the forest, a rather abrupt hillock, covered in moss and capped in stone. It stands a good 2 or 3 hundred feet high. Halfway up its readily climbable slope is what looks to be a small ledge.

Lost Sage
2008-10-02, 09:38 PM

Godwin smiles and points to the hill "Over there I think."

spot for the hill (1d20+4)[24]

2008-10-03, 10:32 AM

"Behind you," Shae says to Colin, pointing where Godwin's pointing. After a moment taking in the scene, she sets out towards the hill. "Anyone see a way in? Maybe on that ledge?" Shae gives the hillock a once-over, searching for a way in.

Spot: [roll0]

2008-10-03, 11:16 AM
I Spy
Midday, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Colin turns, flaps his jaw like a fish, and utters, "I...I...I suppose that's...it then." Others quickly make out what looks to be a recessed ledge in the hill. Godwin seems to note something - a glint or reflection, or perhaps sunlight catching metal - from within the recess.

Colin sets off towards the hill, and the ledge. Cautiously at first, then with determination.

2008-10-03, 11:46 AM

Vandrel follows along, leading his and Maeslyra's horse and enjoying the walk. He goes so far as to smile most of the way. Away from the ruins the forest seemed better to him. Hopefully soon it would reclaim the land.

As they stop by the campfire he eyes to the north and nods towards Godwin. "It would appear so. It would seem we have a bit of a climb up though." He raises an eyebrow to the others seeing what they thought. "There's pleanty of daylight left, we may as well head that way and see how tough it looks from the base."

2008-10-03, 09:03 PM
A Hill Out of Place
Midday, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

But a short ways ahead, the forest clears, revealing the sloped mound rising into a stoney peak some 300 feet high. The ground first dips, in what almost looks like a moat, then rises at roughly a 50 degree incline. Halfway up looks to be a recessed ledge, easily 100 feet wide.

The climb up looks easy, if tiring. The surface of the mound is covered in moss and simple ground cover; denuded of trees and brush, it looks strangely out of place with the rest of the forest.

Colin stares up the slope, and asks sheepishly, "So, who's first?"

2008-10-03, 09:39 PM

Catherine gives Colin a pleasant look. Did I hear you volunteer?

2008-10-03, 10:53 PM

"I'll go last if I fall in this armor, I'm doing more damage to whoever is behind me than to my own self."

The knight takes off his backpack and starts rummaging for rope.

2008-10-04, 01:24 AM

"No, you didn't," Vandrel responds to Catherine, rolling his eyes. He moves to his horse and pulls a length of silk rope from it. He sets out, trailing the rope behind him. As he moves, he draws out his longsword, swinging it over in his hand to use to stabalize himself. He keeps the blade out of the dirt as much as he can, only intent to use if he begins to slip to stab into the earth to stop himself.

Going to taking 10 or 20 on the climb, depending on how difficult it looks and ability to take it, for a 12 or 22 depending.

2008-10-04, 01:51 AM
Catherine looks from Colin to Vandrel and then turns her back completely on both of them. After a while, her gaze turns to the slope, and then to Shae, and in a moment there is a glint her eyes.

Umm... Shae? She blushes faintly and clasps her hands together. Can I have a piggy-back ride? Without waiting for an answer she waves her hands and twirls around, a child-like gesture that is evidently an ingredient to her magic.

Shae feels her shoulder's pop, her bones thicken, and in another moment, the warrior is ten feet tall.

Cast Enlarge Person on Shae.

2008-10-04, 08:29 AM

Taking a long look at the climb, Maeslyra sighs lightly. That it doesn't seem difficult is small comfort, given the amount of time and effort it will probably take. She follows behind Vandrel, using her hands just as much as her feet when necessary.

If anyone else wants to go on front of Maeslyra, feel free. If some kind of Climb check is needed, Maeslyra has +0.

Lost Sage
2008-10-04, 08:52 AM

Godwin holds out an arm to signal Vandrel to hold on.
"No Vandrel, let me go first. Believe it or not I've actually done this a few times. A long time ago... but I've done it. And I've got these boots."

The bard will attempt to go first to bring up the rope for others. He places his feet carefully, testing each step so it doesn't slide.
+6 to climb. Taking 10.

2008-10-04, 09:16 AM
The Stone Portal
Midday, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

The climb up is arduous, and tiring, but not difficult. The soft moss of the hillside provides easy footholds; only the sharp incline causes thighs to burn and lungs to strain. Shae finds it a rather easy climb, given her new size, though.

Over the lip, the ledge turns out to be deep: a conical hole in the side of the hill, strewn with assorted rocks, stones, and boulders that culminates in a large stone slab with bronze inlay. It seems to be blocking some sort of entrance.

The Climb DC was a whopping 0. So yea, no problems getting up the hill.

Stone block looks like it can be moved, but it is heavy. DC 25 Str check.

2008-10-04, 09:44 AM

The Fireknight will take his time and move slowly up the hill.

"Whew, nice climb and I'll be ready to assist you in moving the rock."

(+2 for Shae's Str check to the rock from Sunduval's roll to asssit Shae.)

Lost Sage
2008-10-04, 05:25 PM

"Just a minute before you move that. What's that inlay?"

Godwin will examine the inlay briefly. The style and words (if present) might give some lead as to the culture or race of the people who put it there. If not, Shae and Sunduval can go ahead with trying to move it.

I don't know what kind of knowledge roll would apply. Can you just look and Godwin character sheet Era?

2008-10-04, 05:39 PM

Shae waits until Godwin's looked at the inlay, then leans in and starts to pull at the stone slab with Sunduval. She starts to shift it, but can't move it fully. "We're all going to have to pitch in. If we can't do it, we can always get Annabelle up here to help, I can guide her up the hill."

We may want to take 20 on this, and get everyone to pitch in.
16 with Sunduval and other bonuses.

2008-10-04, 07:33 PM
A Study in Bronze
Midday, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Godwin examines the bronze inlay of the stone portal. It crosses from top to bottom, and left to right, forming a circle of bronze about a foot in diameter at the center where the two bands meet. Across the surface, slightly worn from erosion, are patterns that somewhat resemble lightning bolts on the top to bottom bar, and patterns that look to be shooting stars along the left to right bar. In a few places, the bronze seems to have been dented, nicked, or chipped.

Shae and Sunduval's efforts cause the stone to barely budge, but its sat for too long in this position. The stony ground has even formed a slight depression from the weight of the large stone disk.

I'll allow someone to take 20 on their strength check, but only if they present their method of attack to budge the stone. Something more than 'I push really hard'.

There is about 20-30 feet clearance on either side of the stone, and another 5-10 feet above it. The disk itself is 15' in diameter, 5' thick, and circular. The surface is smooth stone, with some evidence of erosion (edges are rounded, a few pits in the surface).

I used Search, Godwin, to represent you noticing some of the finer details.

Lost Sage
2008-10-04, 09:31 PM

The bard looks at the stone with a frown.
"Now why would someone come out into the middle of the forest and make a big, big hill. Digging all that dirt from down there and pilling it up. Then put a cave in it with a huge stone slab with bronze inlay in front of it? It screams 'crypt' to me. Or maybe some kind of shrine that is now sealed against animals."

The bard racks his brain for some culture that was in this area in the past, or was known to build these hills and the inlay that is before him.

knowledge(history): (1d20+5)[19]
knowledge(religon): (1d20+2)[5]

"What about you Colin? Do you know why Lilia came this way? What was she looking for? Or any idea who could have built this? In any case..." he says to the others. ".. it seems likely that she got in and didn't come out, and that someone put the stone back afterward."

The bard seems absorbed in speculations as to the reason for the hill and it's current sealed state. But eventually he suggests "Why don't we try to attach ropes to the top edge of the stone and try to pull it over. Anyone got a grappling hook?"

2008-10-04, 10:03 PM

The knight will swing his arms back and forth to get circulation back into his shoulders.

"Unless they were sealing in some horror from the olden times."

2008-10-04, 10:52 PM

Colin peers alongside Godwin at the bronze bands, and rubs his chin. He hums. He haws. He crosses his arms, "Lightning bolts. Stars. Druids are sometimes associated with lightning bolts. Hele is the goddess of lightning. And stars...maybe? Perhaps its a shrine to Hele. Or some wizard. Don't wizards like lightning bolts. And stars?"

He shrugs. "I don't know why she came out here. Adventure, perhaps? Whatever it is, it must've had something valuable here. But yes, curious, if she's in there, who sealed it up?"

2008-10-04, 11:43 PM

She's pulled more than a few stumps out of the ground back at her village. "Need leverage. And rope." She has rope in her pack, and leverage is easy to find in the forest. She jogs down the hill, trying not to tumble down it as she moves. At the bottom, she collects the strongest dead wood she can find, and the rope she has on Annabelle. "Don't look so smug, girl. You're pulling this next if we can't handle it." Shae creates a large loop at the end of the rope.

Moving back up the hill, she hands the study fallen branches to those who seem best able to use them -- Sunduval, Vandrel and herself. She tosses the rope to Godwin. "We get any sort of purchase, throw the rope up in there, get the loop around the stone. Then we'll all pull at once. Tip it over." Saying little more, Shae drives her lever into the side around the slab of stone, pushing hard. As she gains any purchase, she drives the lever in further. Once there's enough room, she nods to Godwin to toss the rope around the slab so they can pull it together.

So, her, Vandrel and Sunduval drive in levers around the rock. Apply force to get some clearance. Then Godwin tosses in the looped rope. Then pull the looped rope herself, with everyone else's help. (Including our low-strength casters, thank you!)

By the way, this is my way of explaining a take 20 situation.

2008-10-05, 12:46 AM

Catherine grips the rope firmly and tugs, planting her feet in the ground.


Lost Sage
2008-10-05, 01:14 AM

Godwin plays his role as best as he is able. He is sure to stand to the side when they lever the stone away to get a gap. He wouldn't want to be crushed if it decided to fall.

Once the rope is on he joins the others to pull but slides on the stones and is more a hinderance then a help.

str (1d20+1)[3]

2008-10-05, 07:23 AM
A Heave and a Hey, Ow!
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Using makeshift pitons to make room for the rope, the loop is tossed over. The first pull on the rope seems to do nothing. On the second, however, the stone CRACKS as it tilts slightly. On the third, the crack expands, with the stone circle tilting precariously forward. On the fourth and final pull, the large stone seal falls crashing loudly to the ground.

The dust has not even cleared when two large mounds of earth rise up from the ground. The animated rock just out an appendage, one slams into Colin, while the other appears next to Sunduval, battering him in the back. {9 Damage}


2008-10-05, 10:53 AM

Nimaia pushed against the stone with her head, though she didn't really have much strength to offer. Still, it was an effort. Maeslyra drops the rope after a great heave that hurt her hands from a lack of gloves. She rubs her palms with their very mild rope burns on her dress, then looks up again as she hears the solid thump of an impact on Sunduval's armor.

The words to a spell come without delay as she steps to make sure she is clear of the mounds of earth. Nimaia takes to the better part of valor and hides behind the big rock.

init: [roll0]
5 foot step as needed to avoid AoO.
If she cannot get clear of an AoO even with a 5 foot step, Maeslyra will cast Distract Assailant (Will DC 15 negates, renders creature flat-footed) on whatever is threatening her. Otherwise, Inspire Vandrel for +4 damage.
Cast Shield of Faith on Sunduval (touch spell, +2 deflection bonus to AC, lasts 3 minutes).

Nimaia Hides: [roll1]

2008-10-05, 11:35 AM

"Uhhhhh that's gonna leave a dent. Carefull, something tells me it was trapped."

Sunduval wll rub the area to discern the extent of the bruise.

2008-10-05, 11:55 AM

"What the..." it takes a second for Shae to register they're being attacked. Then she draws her sword and steps over to help Colin, "I probably don't have to tell you this, but get back."

Initiative is 10.

Attack: 12
Damage: 9

AC: 22
HP: 57

2008-10-05, 01:08 PM

The knight will turn and draw his morningstar from his belt. he will shortswing the morningstar with the head of the weapon traveling in a quick circle to connect with the earthen creature.

Lost Sage
2008-10-06, 01:31 AM

Godwin is not all that surprised when they are attacked. He is a bit slow reacting to it though. The bard draws his dagger while moving to a strategic position. His primary aim shield Maeslyra and/or Catherine from attacks, while not being attacked himself if possible.

While he moves he collects the subtle lyrical energies and projects forth the song:

"Roland was a warrior
from the land of the midnight sun
With his blade and bow for hire,
fighting to be done

init (1d20+2)[10] +2 for 12 from the dagger
move to a good place as described, avoiding AoO, by tumble if needed
Start singing! (what a weird thing to do every battle...)
bard song: +3 to hit/damage/save vs. charm/fear

2008-10-06, 04:43 PM

Vandrel blinks and moves back as the stone comes loose. The earthen beasts behind cause him to take pause for a moment. "Little more than a trap," he says as he draws his longsword and counterattacks.

Initiative: [roll0]+5=24
Attack: [roll1]+7=20
Damage: [roll2]+2+4=8
(If I remember correctly, elementals are immune to precision based damage)

2008-10-06, 05:23 PM

Shae, try this on for size!

Catherine quickly starts a spell.

Cast enlarge person on Shae again.

2008-10-08, 08:08 PM
Beating on Rocks
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

The circular stone portal, having crashed heavily to the rocky floor, lies with a thick crack up its center. Past it, a passageway can be seen receding into the hillside. Stairs can be made out within a short tunnel.

Round 1

Vandrel reacts quickly to the appearance of the stony beings, drawing his longsword and striking at one of the creatures. It chips away several bits of rock, but the creature does not react. Sunduval slams his morningstar into the same animated rock with a powerful blow. Shards of stones spray away from the moving mound.

Catherine invokes a spell, and Shae once again feels the world grow small around her. Colin, surprised by the blow, backs away from the earthen form.

Godwin moves to protect Maeslyra and Catherine should the creatures make a move towards them, while singing a jaunty song that inspires his comrades making them to swing faster, and hit harder.

Maeslyra steps forward, touching Sunduval's shoulder. Protective magic flows over him, shielding him. In a what is almost an instinct, her faith spreads its mysterious inspiration towards Vandrel.

Whether or not its her new size, or the surprise of the attack, Shae's strike with her now large sword merely glances off a small boulder in what might be the thing's shoulder.

The first rocky being - what Catherine easily recognizes as an earth elemental - extends a rocky fist straight out from its torso. The blow catches Sunduval in the torso. His armor absorbs most of the powerful blow, but he's still bruised. {12 Damage}

The second also slams into Shae's now large form. The warrior tries to turn away from the blow, but is just a second too slow. Still, she avoids any life threatening wounds. {9 Damage (-1 for DR)}

Vandrel: Did you roll a d20 for damage? :D Also, Inspire comes after your initiative - was that factored into your damage as well?

The Map (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Kbg4dLEcAXw/SO1ZUlqM09I/AAAAAAAAAPw/E6XwUhA66f0/s1600-h/caveentrance.jpg).

24 Vandrel Inspired +4 Dam.
20 Sunduval Shield of Faith, 21 Damage
18 Catherine
16 Colin
12 Godwin
10 Maeslyra, Shae 8 Damage
4 Elementals

2008-10-08, 09:10 PM

Catherine grits her teeth and narrows her eyes in determination, staring at Shae as she is struck. Earth elementals! Strike them hard or stay your hand! Glancing blows won't hurt them!

Cover me Shae, I'll summon!

Cast Summon Monster II.

2008-10-09, 12:32 AM

”Uh. Huh.” She’s very big now. Lumbering, really, slower than usual. It’s more noticeable now that it’s in a fight. One of the elementals strikes her and she shakes her head in response., barely feeling it. ”Help Sunduval.” She checks quickly over her shoulder to make sure everyone is okay, and then brings her sword down towards the elemental before her.

HP: 48/57
AC: 20 (normally 22)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-10-09, 12:37 AM

The Fireknight quickly focuses his return strike on the creature and as the morningstar passes over the knight's head the tip ignites again.

Darn normal damage, will use the belt next round

Power Attack
Fire damage

Lost Sage
2008-10-09, 02:57 AM

strike hard... strike hard... well that leaves me out. maybe I can harass them though...

The bard moves cautiously around behind the elemental fighting Sunduval and prepares to attack next round. He continues singing to enhance the creatures that Catherine will summon.

The deal was made in Arroch
on a dark and stormy day
So he set out for Sirenus
to join the bloody fray

Move action: maintain +3 bard song
Move action: move behind the one on Sunduval. Do they have reach? (careful not to provoke a AoO if they do) In any case I think I will not threaten them (and give Sunduval a flanking bonus) until next round - unless I can cut corners :).

2008-10-09, 08:44 AM

Standing right behind Sunduval, Maeslyra reaches out again with another spell. If hitting hard is what they need to do, she can give him the power of Tethos to do just that. With her other hand, she pulls out one of her wands.

Cast Bull's Strength on Sunduval. Lasts 3 minutes.
Inspire Vandrel for +4 to damage.
Pull wand of Magic Missile out of pack.

2008-10-10, 09:57 AM

Infused with the power of two deities the Fireknight will send his morningstar into the creature again. The moringingstar stikes soundly again.

"Tethos and Solis give you their regards monster."

2008-10-10, 11:43 AM

Vandrel frowns as he sees his strike glance off. He renews his effort, not having a blunt weapon to work with.

It would appear so. *shrug* If you want, I'll just let you roll for Vandrel, I just seem to screw it up.

2008-10-11, 07:28 AM
Combat is Elementary
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Round 2

Seeing his first blow doing only minimal damage, and the creature focused on Sunduval, Vandrel stabs into the creature with a powerful blow from his thinblade. Sinking in deeply, he twists the blade, and a large chunk of earth and rock separate from the creature, reducing its integrity. Not moments after, Sunduval slams a mighty, fiery blow into the creature as well, causing the whole thing to shudder. Rocks and pebbles fly off, littering the ground around it in small stones.

Catherine begins a lengthy spell.

Colin, seeing that he's no longer in immediate danger, moves up, and touches a hand to Sunduval's shoulder. Some of the pain from the dirt-man's blows eases. {7 Healing}

Godwin maneuvers around a big rock to place himself behind the teetering earthen creature, while Maeslyra imbues Sunduval with a spell that causes his very muscles to expand!

Shae, having gained control of her new size and form, slices a sizeable chunk of rock from the elemental facing her, her blade momentarily sticking inside the collection of dirt.

The first rocky creature - near a loose pile of rubble from the blows its received - lunges an earthen fist out at Sunduval again, but between his armor and the protective magics, the blow is easily deflected. Shae likewise blocks a rocky thrust with her shield, and kicks against the creature to free her blade.

Vandrel: Nah, go ahead and roll yourself. It's not like I don't screw up rolls now and again. :D (For reference, you got a 23 on the attack and a 14 on the damage).

Godwin: They're human-sized, so only 5' reach.

Sunduval: I used the first roll, since you wouldn't've had Bull's Strength yet.

24 Vandrel Inspired +4 Dam.
20 Sunduval Shield of Faith, 14 Damage
18 Catherine
16 Colin
12 Godwin
10 Maeslyra, Shae 8 Damage
4 Elementals

2008-10-11, 11:17 AM

The Fireknight will move to the creature's flank suddenly in preparation for the last hit and then turn to assist Shae in a flanking maneuver.

Twirling the moriningstar over his head he brings down the weapon at it's apex down onto the creature.


2008-10-11, 02:37 PM

Well, being even taller than normal had its advantages, it seemed. "Anyone need any items retrieved from high shelves?" she quips, stepping in and trying to deliver another blow to the rocky creature below.

HP: 48/57
AC: 20 (normally 22)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-10-11, 03:04 PM

Taking one step back, Maeslyra sends a pair of darts into the fray, hoping to end this quickly.

5 foot step back.
Use wand of Magic Missile at whichever elemental is still there, preference to the one Sunduval is facing: [roll0]

2008-10-11, 04:17 PM

When Catherine completes her spell, an eagle springs forth from a burst of light in the sky, snowy white and majestic.

Catherine glances at Godwin and grimaces. Err... Godwin. It doesn't have a back. Be careful over there.

Eagle is going to attack Shae's earth elemental.




Lost Sage
2008-10-13, 01:03 AM

Godwin edges forward and stabs cautiously at the crumbling mound, hoping to distract it for Sunduval. His song however, betrays nothing of his hesitancy

His comrades fought beside him,
Van Owen and the rest
But of all the Arroch warriors,
Roland was the best

Fight defensively as a standard action (+2 to AC for 17, -4 to hit), to provide flanking bonus to Sunduval.
attack: (1d20+4)[6]
damage: (1d6+5)[7]
sing as a move action (+3)

2008-10-13, 10:55 AM

Vandrel frowns towards the beat, stabbing with his sword again. "Well, if you see any marmalade," he responds to Shae.

Attack: [roll0]+7+3=14
Damage: [roll1]+2+4+3=14

2008-10-13, 08:04 PM
Barshing Rocks
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Round 3

Stabbing at the elemental with his foil, Vandrel merely strikes a glancing blow off a piece of rubble. Sunduval's powerful swing has a much more noticeable effect: the blow sends dirt and small rocks spraying all over Godwin and the elf, as the whole form seems to disintegrate into individual stones and pebbles. The sun-knight moves to assist Shae.

Catherine completes her spell, and a majestic eagle springs into existence. It immediately flutters about the remaining elemental, grasping and snatching at the rocky form. It seems somewhat confused over what, exactly, it needs to do to injure the being.

Colin stares at the pile of rock that had been the dangerous elemental. He snaps to, and again chants a minor healing spell. {11 Healing, Sunduval}

Godwin, newly covered in dust and dirt, manages to continue his song with nary a sputter.

Maeslyra levels the wand, and two blue darts fly out and strike the second elemental. Flecks of stone fly off the primal creature. Shae veritably smites the creature with an overhand chop (which the newly summoned eagle screeches at as the blade narrowly misses it), sending a large rock rolling on the ground, which stops at Maeslyra's feet.

The elemental's form seems much less sturdy than it was moments ago. Still, a small pillar of rock just out from the core, and slams into Shae's chest. Her training and skill allow her to turn so that the armor absorbs the blow - the pillar skidding across the chain while the padding soaks the impact - leaving her uninjured.

Godwin: You can adjust your position, if you wish to close with the one Shae's fighting.

Sunduval: No cleave since it was too far away. BTW, you have a max of 60 hit points, not 50. Unless you prefer to have fewer...

24 Vandrel Inspired +4 Dam.
20 Sunduval Shield of Faith, 3 Damage
18 Catherine
16 Colin
12 Godwin
10 Maeslyra, Shae 8 Damage
4 Elementals

2008-10-13, 08:48 PM

Shae grunts as she's hit in the chest, twisting away as she does. "Oof." She looks down at the elemental, annoyed, and for a brief second contemplates giving it a kick before shaking off the impulse. Instead she strikes at it once more with her sword, "Marmalade? Now I'm hungry again."

HP: 48/57
AC: 20 (normally 22)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Lost Sage
2008-10-13, 09:24 PM

Godwin moves to flank the other elemental. With Shae and Sunduval in front of it he can annoy it enough to cause trouble - and trouble is what he is good at. He ceases his concentration on the more sublte aspects of his song to focus on fighting. But he continues the tune nontheless, so ingrained is it in his thoughts.

So the LFB decided
they wanted Roland dead
And that son of a bitch Van Owen
cut off Roland's head

Roland the headless Arroch warrior
walks through death, the bloodcoast's greatest son
You can still see his headless body
stalking through the night...

stop bard song but continue singing. +3 benefits for the next 10 rounds.
move opposite Shae
still fighting defensively
attack: (1d20+4)[5] (+2 for flanking, not that it matters)
damage: (1d6+5)[10]
AC: 17

2008-10-14, 06:28 AM

Taking another step back to make sure she is out of the way, Maeslyra keeps the wand leveled at the elemental creature. Part of her mind idly wonders if the markings on the stone had been holding the summoning for these things, just waiting for someone to move it or break it. That seems the most likely explanation. Perhaps a little more caution would be prudent here.

5 foot step back
Should it still be animate by the time Maeslyra goes, use the wand on it again: [roll0]
Nimaia watches behind us.

2008-10-14, 12:21 PM

"Thanks Colin." the Fireknight will step next to the earthen creature bringing his morningstar crashing into the center mass of the monster.


2008-10-15, 09:08 AM
The Two Step Pummel
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Sunduval slams home a solid hit, while Shae cleaves her oversized sword into the elemental. A pair of magical darts fly in, and suddenly the pile of rocks appears to realize it is just a pile of rocks, and collapses in a heap on the ground.

Combat Over

All is quiet on ledge; a light breeze wafts in, blowing the dust cloud resulting from the elemental's destruction about.

2008-10-15, 12:32 PM

Catherine glances at Godwin and wrinkles her nose. Godwin. Some of us are trying to explore here.

2008-10-15, 12:38 PM

"Well done," Maeslyra says. She starts to tuck her wand back into her pack, then thinks better of it and just keeps it in hand. While she's thinking about it, she pulls another wand out so she has one in each hand. "Shall we?" She uses one of the wands to point into the passageway, eager to get into, and (more importantly) back out of, this hill.

{Pulling out wand of PfE}

2008-10-15, 01:11 PM

Well that's that, good work Shae. Hmm those things sure pack a whallop I wonder if they are put there before or after the famous bard came here ?"

Sunduval will watch over the others searching *detect EVIL*

Lost Sage
2008-10-15, 01:52 PM

Godwin glances at Catherine and snorts, "Really?" he says lightly.

The bard turns to the opening, taking Maeslyra's lead and keeping his dagger out. "So... Druids. Good call Colin." he says, encouraging the other Bard. "Anything we need to get ready before we go in? Marching order?" he asks the others.

2008-10-15, 02:00 PM

"Well. Uh." Shae puts away her sword and stands with her hands behind her back, trying not to accidentally bump into anyone or (heavens forbid) step on anyone's toes. "If you give me, uh, a moment. I can't, uh, fit into the tunnel yet." She does her twelve-foot-tall best to fade into the background, feeling extraordinarily large and clumsy.

Once she returns her to normal size, she sighs, the relief obvious as the worried wrinkles in her forehead smooth themselves out. "Dunno. Vandrel up near the front to look for traps? Seems like those elementals were one, should expect others."

2008-10-15, 02:15 PM

Vandrel breathes a sigh of relief as the last elemental dissolves into the earth. He stands near the others, his sword still drawn as he looks into the cavern.

"That was my thought," Vandrel replies to Shae. He eyes the cavern unhappily and moves forward past the others. He moves slowly, looking over all surfaces which might hold danger for the group. "Keep a bit back, just in case," he says. "I can get back to you fast enough if there is something hostile."

Search: [roll0]+10=26
Spot: [roll1]+10=16
Listen: [roll2]+10=11 or 0

2008-10-15, 04:46 PM

Not a problem! Chirps Catherine.

She mumbles something and Shae shrinks.

2008-10-15, 07:28 PM
Into the Hill
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Vandrel advances cautiously past the broken portal to the descending grey stone stairs. Stopping periodically to feel the flagstones for any inconsistencies, he edges slowly down into the hill.

The stairs are about 15' wide, with a 10' ceiling. The air is cool, dry and musty. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Vandrel peers into an irregularly shaped room, with a large dias in the center. He pays it only a cursory glance, as his fingers have run over a slight ridge in the middle of a flagstone. Dust has filled in the gap of what seems to be a pressure plate at the bottom of the stairs.

Taking in the remainder of the room, Vandrel sees it is about 60' long, and about 50' wide at its widest, and the ceiling rises into a domed peak about 25' up. At the far end is another short passage blocked by a stone door. On the dias in the center is what appears to be an organ, or piano perhaps. Flanking the far door are two granite statues of dragons.

Vandrel can attempt to disable the pressure plate, or avoid them; it's easy to step across them.

2008-10-15, 07:38 PM

"Good enough then I'll be rear guard. We can't take any chances."

The Fireknight will fall back behind Colin.

Lost Sage
2008-10-15, 10:36 PM

Godwin nods his agreement with the marching arrangements. "Then I'll stay up front with Shae." he announces.

When they arrive at the room and Vandrel hesitates at the bottom stair the bard says quietly "Let me check this place for auras." he hums a riff and starts examining the room.

Casting detect magic - 5 minute duration

Lost Sage
2008-10-16, 10:41 AM

Godwin is surprised. "Hey! there's really strong illusion from within that room. I can't tell anything else though. I think we'll just have to go in. Anything we should get ready first?"

Edited: see OOC posts

2008-10-16, 03:19 PM

Vandrel frowns slightly, crouched over the plate. "Do not step here," he says, pointing directly at the pressure plate. He reaches into his pocket, keeping an eye and ear on the room, then very gently makes an x across the stone. He stands, then peers into the room as he draws out his bow. "Be ready, just in case," he says. Once everyone is ready, he steps into the room, still moving carefully and avoiding the pressure plate.

Attempt to disbelieve: [roll0]+4=16
Searching Still, to avoid other traps: [roll1]+10=29
Spot: [roll2]+10=28
Listen: [roll3]+10=30

2008-10-16, 03:31 PM

Catherine steps over to Vandrel's side. Hold on... I'll activate it. I just need a hundred pound weight and everyone to step back.

2008-10-16, 03:38 PM

Vandrel shakes his head. "No, just step around it," he says firmly. "You have no clue what it does. It could very well collapse the entire place or fill the entire tomb with flames. Step around it."

2008-10-16, 03:40 PM

Catherine is still staring at the pressure plate. Which would seem to make it more important that we find out what it does in case someone or something else activates it. Unless you think we should post a guard by it?

2008-10-16, 03:47 PM

Vandrel rolls his eyes and moves back to the pressure plate, pulling a knifefrom his hip. and begins working quickly. "Stand back," he says as he begins forcing dust and dirt around the plate to prevent it from moving.

Disable Device: [roll0]+10=13

Ok, admitably, I didn't attempt to disable it because I didn't think he had disable device. Its Open lock that he doesn't have though. *coughs*

2008-10-16, 03:49 PM

Catherine steps back and frowns. I have a safer way to do that you know...

2008-10-16, 07:06 PM

The Fireknight will stand back and watch Vandel ply his craft.

2008-10-16, 07:56 PM
The Mage's Tomb
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Vandrel finds the pressure plate surprisingly easy to jam; he simply applies leverage with his knife, lets a few loose stones and dirt slip into the crack, and with gentle testing finds the pressure plate no longer depresses.

Stepping across the threshold into the room with the piano, Vandrel feels the hairs tingle on the back of his neck. To either side of the door, and pointing towards whomever should cross, are two heavy crossbows ready to unleash their payload on whomever should've triggered the pressure plate.

But that's not causing his trepidation. Turning back to the center of the room, Vandrel catches sight of a man step - out of thin air - from behind the piano on the dais. The man is old; his hair is white, and he has a long wispy beard. He wears white robes with assorted grey patches and gold embroidery. His hat - a pointed hat that is long out of style - is ringed in many, vibrant colors. As the figure passes in front of the statue, Vandrel can make out that he is semi-transparent; the dragon statue behind him remains mostly visible through the white robes.

The figure begins to speak loudly; loudly enough for even those that have so far remained up the stairs. At first, the words seem like so much gibberish, as if a chorus were all reciting different parts of an unintelligible speech. Quickly everyone comes to realize that the figure is speaking in many languages, all at once: Elvish, Common, Orcish, and many others unknown to the listeners. He says:

"Welcome, intrepid travelers! I am Hagrod the wise, Hagrod the magnificent, Hagrod the all-knowing! Here lies my final resting place. If you are brave, or perhaps just fool-hardy, you can test yourselves against my superior intellect. If you should win out, then all my wealth and knowledge is yours! So come and test your might and wit. Or die trying. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Haha! Ha! Ahem…"

As it speaks, the figure paces around the room, gesticulating wildly.

"This small room is what I like to think of as my Childhood Remembered. Ah, what a wonderful childhood I had. I cast my first spell at the age of 6, you know. Dissected my first humanoid by the time I was 11, and conjured my first elemental at the early age of 14. Sure, the thing burned down half the village of Pyrstol, but that wasn’t my fault. My mother raised me, an only child. My father had left us. I later tracked him down. Slovenly drunkard. I tricked him into stepping thru a portal into the Abyss.

My fondest childhood memory is of my mother’s voice. Ah…

Anyhow – beyond this room you’ll find several tests of knowledge and deduction. But first, you must play for me. If you are good, you may continue. If you are not…well, it was so nice talking to you!”

Further investigation reveals, upon the dais, a lead plaque, with the following engraved:

The song of old; of childhood’s dream;

Wonder-filled and sung serene.
Into the night we yearn for more

Now listen close t'what we adore.
Knights and naves this song know well,

Loved by all that hear its tale.
Earn your pass by playing it well!

2008-10-16, 08:09 PM

Once Vandrel stands from the trap he found, Maeslyra starts down the stairs. She gets a sort of dubious, raised eyebrow expression at the apparition, then sighs as it finishes. "I hope one of you gentlemen plays?" She looks to Godwin, then Colin. Nimaia meows, which causes Maeslyra to nod.

2008-10-16, 10:41 PM

Shae watches the spat over the pressure plate, but doesn't step in. If she said Catherine had a point, Vandrel would be upset with her. Worse, if she said what she really wanted to -- that until Catherine became a master trapsmith she needed to let Vandrel do his work the way he wanted -- well, then Catherine would be upset.

Weighing the matter carefully, silence seemed the best option. And keeping a fair distance, in case she ended up with fewer eyebrows than the gods had seen fit to equip her with.

Her hand goes to her sword when the illusion appears, only to move away quickly when she recognizes it for what it is. #$%@ing bards. What else could she expect if they were seeking a dead bard, except a whole passel of puzzles and chatty illusions? They couldn't have a normal dungeon, of course.

It gets worse when she realizes what they're in for. "Oh no. Word problems." She says it with the resigned tone only a fighter home-schooled by her wizard mother could perfect.

Lost Sage
2008-10-16, 11:56 PM

The bard watches with interest as Vandrel disables the trap. He'd never seen that done before. It didn't look very hard.

When the elf steps into the room it's another matter entirely. The old man appears and starts to speak, but the bard just can't seem to focus on one language. It would be a lot easier if he just knew fewer of the languages being spoken. He struggles for a time before finally tuning his ear to common - his mother tongue. As a result he misses most of the preamble. But he does get the important parts at the end. hmm, sounds like it could be fun, without the sudden death part of it that is.
"So... I got the part at the end, did anyone get the part at the beginning? Why are these tests here?"

To Maeslyra he answers "Nope, sorry. Keyboards are too hard to carry around. I can sing that melody easily though. Do you play keyboards Colin?"

2008-10-17, 12:00 AM

Catherine steps behind Shae and puts a hand on her back, trembling as she stares at where the spirit vanished. Doesn't anything faze you? I guess not.

2008-10-17, 02:02 AM

Shae looks over her shoulder at Catherine. ”Huh? It’s just an illusion. Oh, uh… I mean, it’ll be okay.” She reaches a gloved hand back, putting it on Catherine’s shoulder and guiding her into the room.

Shae smirks at Godwin’s question. ”Why are these tests here? Because Hagrod’s a self-important prick that couldn’t deal with the idea of his own mortality. I bet he cheats.” Shae takes a look at the plaque, even though she knows she doesn’t want to. ”Guess if you play the wrong song, something bad happens.” Shae looks at where the person playing the keyboard would stand, then around. ”Might be smart to find out what that something is, and prevent it, if you don’t know what song he’s asking for.”

2008-10-17, 06:52 AM

Colin furrows his brow, puzzling over the plaque. "Hrm...no, I'm no pianist, but if it's a children's song, how difficult can it really be?"

Colin mutters to himself the words on the plaque.

2008-10-17, 06:58 AM

Chuckling at Shae's summation, Maeslyra nods a little. "I also sing, not play. I do not believe I am familiar with any human children's songs, anyway." She stays to the parts of the room that have already been stepped in or checked over by Vandrel, Nimaia at her feet still.

Lost Sage
2008-10-17, 11:02 AM

Godwin reads the plaque carefully. Then stands back and stares at it. "Do you think it's talking about 'twinkle, twinkle little star?' It's one of the best children's song I know."

"That I can probably manage. It's in C major and only has 6 notes. I teach it to kids."

2008-10-17, 11:16 AM

Catherine tilts her head. No I don't. What about that part of 'knights and knaves?' I think that's important somehow. Anyway, I doubt he'd pick something like that. What's the most tasteless song you know Godwin?

2008-10-17, 12:55 PM

"I may know the words to this one but as to the melody...

Twelve pairs hanging high,
Twelve knights riding by,
Each knight took a pear,
And yet left a dozen there.

But this riddle is not something that yeilds to my strengths."

the knight will look over the room and and plaque.

2008-10-17, 03:14 PM

Colin holds his finger up, and exclaims, "My good man, I think you might be on to something!"

He leaps onto the dais, saying quietly, "Nothing ventured..." With a glance back, Colin smirks, "Ready?"

2008-10-17, 03:30 PM

Catherine nods quickly, taking a deep breath and trying to huddle against Shae.

Lost Sage
2008-10-17, 03:42 PM

"Whoa Colin! Don't touch those keys!"

"Sunduval, Catherine, I know that 'Knights and naves' are in the riddle, but that doesn't mean there are in the song. It's just that they know the song well also. What about 'wonder-filled' and 'sung serene'? What about 'into the night'? And you even know the melody?"

"No.." the bard says decisively "...my bet is on twinkle twinkle little star. And I can play it."

The bard steps up beside Colin. "So, unless anyone has any other ideas I'll try it."

Godwin will wait for any other comments. If there are none he will give people time to prepare for the worst and then play the tune on the keyboard, singing softly along with the notes.

perform keyboards: (1d20+9)[29]
(Yes, it's +9: +3 cha, +3 for the circlet, and +3 for bardic knack)

2008-10-17, 06:32 PM
Opening Performance
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

At Godwin's command, Colin steps away from the keyboard. Looking somewhat crestfallen and yet relieved, he meekly slinks back towards the entrance.

Godwin had been around piano's, keyboard, and harpsichords, but never had any formal training. Regardless, something seems to have stuck, as he manages to play a perfect round of "Twinkle, Twinkle, little star". The keyboard, though slightly out of tune, coughs up the notes clear as a bell.

At the end of the song, a deep grating reverberates through the room as the stone door at the far end rolls out of the way. Another room beyond - hexagonal in shape - is revealed. In the middle of the room (spied through the doorway) is a large statue of a man, somewhat resembling the figure that appeared briefly before the piano.

I love mixing metaphors :D

2008-10-18, 08:17 AM

Listening to the tune, Maeslyra nods. The tune is vaguely familiar, though the words are all new to her. Her mouth quirks into a smile as the tune has the desired effect. If there was one thing she wouldn't ever waste time questioning a bard's judgment regarding, it was music. She walks towards this new door, only peering into the room from a distance, that Vandrel might take a closer look first.

2008-10-20, 01:57 AM
Vandrel stands back as the discussion of music is raised. It was far from his area of expertise unless it was what song a bird played. As they discuss, he moves slowly around the room, looking and observing what clues other than the original might have been left over time.

As the door opens, he raises a brow slightly, sliding his feet apart to allow him to move quicker. With the apparent danger gone, he moves towards the open door, eying the statue with displeasure. While the song made... something happen, they didn't really know what the desired effect was. He keeps a hand on his sword as he searches closer to the opened door, then slowly into the room, keeping his eye on the statue at all times.


Lost Sage
2008-10-20, 01:59 AM

When the last note is struck the deep grating noise suddenly reminds the bard of what they where doing. He looks up with a start. whoaaaa, i can't believe i drifted off like that. it's such a pretty song...

He smiles as if he knew all along he was doing the right thing and walks over in front of the doorway. "So... I guess we'll be graced with that visage every step of the way?"

2008-10-20, 02:53 AM

Catherine looks slowly around and then makes a sign for victory before stepping forward and trying to get a better look through the door.

2008-10-20, 03:40 AM

The fireknight will move to the next room with the group neither commenting or showing any surprise at the recent developments.

2008-10-22, 02:21 AM

When Catherine huddles against Shae when the bards work out the piano, she instinctively begins to lecture the other girl. "You’re not going to be able to move out of the way if-" Shut up, Shae. A smirk on her face is more aimed at herself than Catherine. Shutting up good. Talking bad.

After the problem is solved, Shae snorts at Godwin as she walks to the now-open doorway, "Yeah, we’re going to see his ugly mug a lot. Self-important prick." She stays back until Vandrel gives the all-clear, then moves in. If her eyes rolled any harder they might just pop out of her head. "Word problems." She snorts again.

2008-10-22, 08:27 PM
The Room of Doors
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Not finding anything suspicious, Vandrel is able to deem the entrance to the next room safe. At least as far as he can tell.

The next room is octagonal, approximately 60' in width and breadth. In the center is a large statue of a human wizard or arcanist in robes and a hat, of which the style is considerably dated. At the base is a bronze plaque reading "Hagrod the Knowing, ER989 - ???".

Five stone doors lead off of the room: one to the west, east, northwest, northeast, and a larger, more ornate stone door leading directly north (the door you come through is from the south).

Next to each door except the northern, large door is a carved likeness of Hagrod's face, with blue crystal stones for eyes.

As soon as Vandrel steps through, again the figment appears.

"Wonderful." Something in its tone seems bored, or perhaps not entirely pleased. "Congratulations: you made it through that simple challenge. But I cannot simply pass on my estates to any fool that can play a few notes. Before you are several doors. Behind each one lies a challenge, and a reflection, on my life. Succeed at each challenge, and you can pass onto my resting place past the northern door. I don't need to elucidate the results of failure, do I?"

The image winks out. One by one, the eyes of each of the carved faces light up with a magical blue glow. When they are all lit, they simultaneously dim again, returning to their non-glowing state.

Colin seems agitated, or excited. "She must be here...somewhere. I bet she got this far." He incants a minor cantrip, and scans around each of the doors.

2008-10-22, 08:37 PM

Catherine looks sharply over at Colin. It looks like it's going to be even more difficult from here. Hadn't you better go and wait by the horses? You wouldn't want to get in anyone's way.

2008-10-22, 08:42 PM

"Colin, you may stay if you want, noone is forcing you to leave or stay. I bet the bard made it almost to the end based on what you said she had a quick mind and was pretty creative. We will have to do our best to keep up with her."

Sunduval will remain in the back of the party.

2008-10-22, 09:29 PM

Well, this was getting uncomfortable. Shae was no fan of Colin, but she was a fan of not purposefully alienating everyone in the group. People needed to think, not fight. She leans down slightly and puts her hand on Catherine's shoulder. Quietly, she says, ”Cool it, huh? Until we’re out of here, just drop it.”

Straightening, Shae rolls her eyes again at the situation, pointing to one door after another in turn. “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch an ego by the toe.” She shrugs, unwilling to finish the rhyme. ”Any one is fine.” Her movements are becoming more tense the further they move in, like a bowstring that’s just started to be pulled. It’s something instinctive, a distrust crawling around in her head. Everything was just too… intellectual.

Lost Sage
2008-10-22, 11:10 PM

"You're right Shae, anyone is fine." The bard seems to be enjoying their predicament. He has the urge to spin around with his eyes closed and point at a random door - but something in Shae's manner stops him. hmmm, maybe a little less frivolity...

He walks over to the east door and looks back at the others "Ready?"

2008-10-23, 08:31 AM

Looking all around the room, Maeslyra crouches at the base of the statue and smirks. "Yes, ego is right. He clearly had this place constructed himself. Interesting that the year of his death was not inscribed, though. I wonder if his body is here or not. One would think that if he had actually been interred, those doing so might have filled it in."

She nods to Godwin, feeling that perhaps brute force would be rather unnecessary here. That being the case, she stows her wands.

2008-10-23, 08:47 AM
Catherine folds her arms as she looks around. Hagrod the Knowing it says? Should be Hagrod the Forgotten. Wonder how many people stayed home to his funeral.

She nods over to Godwin, but doesn't wait for him to open the door. Instead it simply opens on its own, and she moves toward it. Ready before you are.

2008-10-23, 11:02 AM

Vandrel stands near the statue, letting the others chose the door to open. He draws out his bow and readies himself, just waiting to see what happens.

Lost Sage
2008-10-23, 12:19 PM

Godwin nods and turns to the now open door. He stops, then frowns for a second.

"Vandrel? There was a trap right? At the other entrance? And we didn't set it off? What I mean to say was that the plate on the floor did not trigger the speech. So maybe there are tricks and traps in every room. I wouldn't be surprised - the guy's mind is stuck in a rut. Would you mind checking this threashold please?"

Once Vandrel checks the entrance Godwin will be happy to enter the room.

2008-10-23, 09:28 PM
Room of Prowess
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

The east door opens as Catherine's magical servant pushes the large stone block inwards. After a short passageway, it opens up into a rectangular room with four circular platforms.

The main platform in the center is the highest, it's floor rises about 3 feet. There are three smaller ones, attached to the main one, and a step lower in height, to the north, east, and south.

An image of a young man - shirtless, muscular, and with a sheen of sweat giving him a very athletic appearance - stands atop the main platform. Above the other three all sorts of monstrosities appear, only to be blasted, ensorcelled, or banished out of existence by the image of the young man as keeps up a running commentary:

"Burn, cretin" he says, followed by a searing lance of fire at a hapless hobgoblin.

"Freeze, foe!" is followed by a blast of frost towards a floating orb of eyestalks.

"Begone, beast!" and the smell of ozone fills the air as lightning crackles around some fish-headed creature with grey-green scales and large, powerful hind limbs.

Lost Sage
2008-10-24, 12:13 AM

"You know..." Godwin says conversationally "...I find it difficult to imagine the amount of treasure that would be worth watching all this."

2008-10-24, 06:06 AM

"Fortunately," Maeslyra says as she follows Godwin into the room, "we aren't really here because of treasure." She smirks. "My expectation is that we will find one or more dead bodies and a music box. With low expectations like this, it is difficult to really be disappointed." She watches the illusions for a minute or so, looking to see if there is a pattern in the creatures that appear, the methods employed to dispatch them, or the things the young man says.

2008-10-24, 06:10 AM

Catherine looks around and furrows her brow. Is this his idea of an ordeal? What's supposed to happen? Is he trying to bore us to death?

2008-10-24, 07:07 AM
Room of Prowess 2
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Almost as if responding to Catherine's complaint, the image of the athletic wizard turns to face the group. He holds out his hands, and says merely, "Your turn." with a smirk.

Behind him, three beings materialize: what looks like nothing more than living fire; a wretched, gray-skinned humanoid with wicked fangs and claws; a misshapen six-foot tall, green skinned humanoid with a large spear-like weapon.


Map (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Kbg4dLEcAXw/SQG6KYZ5weI/AAAAAAAAAP4/xLR1VpDN4uI/s1600-h/Prowess.jpg)

2008-10-24, 09:26 AM

"No it looks like "gore to death" is the order for the day, one side coming through. Pardon me, excuse me, sorry about that."

The Fireknight will slowly and methodically move to the front of the group.

2008-10-24, 10:08 AM

Vandrel rolls towards the northwestern corner of the room, raising his bow as he does. "That was bad, very bad," he responds to Sunduval. "They let you get away with puns like that in your order without repentance?" He sights down the arrow at the gray skinned humanoid and lets the arrow fly.

Initiative: [roll0]+5=23

Attack: [roll1]+10=24
Damage: [roll2]+2+[roll3]+2=17
(Assuming for the sake of argument that it is in fact, undead as it sounds)

2008-10-24, 10:32 AM

Nodding as if she rather expected this sort of thing, Maeslyra moves with Vandrel. Nimaia follows, just a few paw pads behind her, watching for a place to be helpful. For now, that seems to be at her elf's feet, making sure she doesn't trip.

Initiative: [roll0]
Inspire Vandrel for +4 to damage
Move as necessary
Cast Guidance on Vandrel

2008-10-24, 11:13 AM

"Good puzzle," Shae grunts as she moves forward, drawing her sword. "Move with them, Catherine, Godwin," she says, jerking her head towards Vandrel and Maeslyra. She herself heads in a northeasterly direction, meaning to place herself between the monsters and the others.

Initiative = 17
If she goes before the creatures, move all the way up to... okay there is no grid. Move all the way up to the southwestern corner of the most northerly monster and attack. She's trying to set herself up for AoO against anyone else who moves past her, if possible. And she'll take an AoO if the monster has reach.

If she goes after the bad guys, move to intercept and put herself between the baddies and the goodies.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-10-24, 01:01 PM

"Well when one of the domains of your God is madness Vandrel, then who cares ? But shhhh it's a secret."

The knight on his init will move up to support Shae. Once there he will use his attack or a standard to ignite the morningstar if the creature does not close.

Lost Sage
2008-10-25, 04:40 PM

Godwin is a bit annoyed at the turn of affairs. Why does there always have to be fighting? He draws his dagger and moves to the northwest corner behind Shae. The song he sings is a children's tune sang in a sassy voice. Perhaps he feels that it matches the emotional maturity of their posthumous antagonist.

Three little kittens,
They lost their mittens,
And they began to cry,

init (1d20+2)[10] + 2 for dagger
anyone acting later gets +3 to hit/damage
as always, trying to protect the other 2 casters.

2008-10-25, 08:27 PM
Prowess: Round 1
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Vandrel reacts almost immediately, snapping his bow up. Guessing at the creature's nature, he fires an arrow into it, seeking to damage bone and sinew, not necessarily artery and organ. Its shoulder snaps back, and it hisses a toothfull reaction.

Shae advances upon the same creature, and is assaulted by its foul stench. Her stomach churns, yet still she manages to strike it with her sword. A black ichor oozes out from the slash she gives it.

In return, the stench-giving monstrosity throws itself at her. She deflects one of its claws, but the creature bites down on her forearm, and scratches at her face. An icy numbness seems to spread from the bite...{6-1 Damage Bite, 4-1 Damage Claw, DC 15 Fort save or paralyzed 1d4+1 rounds}

The fiery creature advances upon her. A flickering flame darts out, but Shae manages to deflect it with her shield.

The tall humanoid misshapen thing with the spear points a finger at Catherine, and feelings of doubt wash over her. {Will Save DC 11, shaken 1 round if passed, frightened for 1d4 rounds if failed.}

Drawing his dagger, Godwin invokes his song, guarding against would be attackers.


Sunduval moves up, igniting his morningstar with the power of his faith, while Maeslyra casts a simple spell to help guide Vandrel's aim.

From last fight, I had Shae with 8 damage, and Sunduval with 3 damage.

23 Vandrel Inspired, Guidance
17 Shae 16 Damage
14 Monsters
10 Godwin
9 Catherine
6 Sunduval 3 Damage
-10 Maeslyra

2008-10-25, 08:43 PM

There was only one difference between fear born from within her own heart and magic that produced fear artificially. And that was that magic created fear that was far more potent than anything natural. Catherine couldn't pretend that it wasn't real... because it was real, as real as the allies she called to her side.

I can't ignore it, but I can still disregard it. I'm fine. We'll win just like we always have.

Shay, I can't move and summon at the same time, you know that. Listen, stay away from the spellcaster. I repeat, do not engage the ugly green one, alright?

Cast Summon Swarm.

2008-10-26, 02:32 AM

”No, Catherine, I don’t actually know-,” then it hits her. The stench. She’s dealt with a lot of smells in her time, days old corpses, barns needing to be shoveled out, but this is… it’s horrid. Shae chokes back her vomit just in time to be struck by the wretched creature. There’s something cold now, seeping through her, and Shae’s almost worried she’ll stop moving all together. Frozen.

I need to… I need to… She can’t remember what she needs to do. Instead she just wants to kill whoever or whatever is making her feel bad. Whatever is causing her pain, and threatening the people around her. Get it the f--- together, Shae. She does, for the moment, striking at the creature in front of her in a single, focused assault before she drops into a defensive stance.

Attack = 25
Damage = 7
(Assuming no criticals available against the undead gentleman.)

AC = 27 (+5 combat expertise)
HP = 41/57

2008-10-26, 07:32 AM

A quick scan over the three enemy creatures, combined with an assessment of the team provides a suggestion for how to handle this particular problem. She intones the words of a spell, one she has only lately gained access to, ending it by pointing at the greenskin creature.

Inspire Vandrel for +4 to damage
Move if necessary to avoid any Bad Guys
Cast Mark of Judgment(PHB2) on the green spear-dude. Will DC 15 negates.
Anyone who hits it with ranged or melee attacks heals 2 points of damage per hit.

2008-10-26, 05:36 PM

"You have a point," Vandrel says as he circles back southwardly, keeping a line on the grey skinned beast. He lets another arrow fly as he does, his hand quickly lancing back for another arrow. "I knew you weren't entirely stogy I suppose."

Attack: [roll0]+10+3=18
Damage: [roll1]+2+2+4+3+[roll2]=28

2008-10-26, 09:58 PM
Prowess: Round 2
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Last Round

Colin falls back, while Catherine begins a lengthy spell.

Round 2

Vandrel snaps another arrow into the grey-skinned monster. The arrow whizzes past Shae, taking the monstrosity in the neck. It slices through skin and muscle, nearly decapitating the foul creature. It collapses; black ichor spills across the floor.

Shae, with one less foe, strikes at the fiery creature assaulting her. She can feel the intense heat as if it were a dull warning, but her and her equipment remain unharmed, thanks to her magical protections. She strikes something solid within, and the flames spark and whirl where her blade passes. {Ruling that if you don't take damage thanks to fire resist, you don't have to worry about making a Reflex save to avoid catching fire}

The fire being again lashes at her, but Shae is prepared, and shields herself from the flame jet.

The tall monstrosity with the spear advances on Sunduval, striking at him. The attack is amateurish, and the knight deflects it in due order.

Here is a Map (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Kbg4dLEcAXw/SQUuCv-nJaI/AAAAAAAAAQg/t2xsluL-X2E/s1600-h/Prowess2.jpg).

Shae: had you strike the other creature, since the undead one was made re-dead.

23 Vandrel
17 Shae 16 Damage
14 Monsters
<--HERE on initiative-->
10 Godwin
9 Catherine
6 Sunduval 3 Damage
2 Colin
-10 Maeslyra

Lost Sage
2008-10-27, 01:05 AM

"Nice shot Vandrel!"

Godwin let's go his breath. He was worried about the undead, but Shae and Vandrel took it in stride. He drops the dagger and reaches for his bow. Aiming carefully he takes a shot at the large thing in front of Sunduval.

10 more rounds of bard song
Arrow to hit (1d20+5)[14] (+6+3(song)-4(melee))
dam (1d6+4)[9]

2008-10-27, 01:06 AM

Oh no! Sunduval, withdraw now! Damnit Godwin, I said don't engage it!

Summon a rat swarm in squares F-G 6-7. Swarm acts under its own control and attacks all creatures nearest to it.

Save DC 14 or nauseated.

Standard action: Concentrate on maintaining the swarm.

2008-10-27, 09:50 AM

The Fireknight will hold his ground and await the party's actions while fighting defensively.

"Catherine, what are you basing you withdraw request on ?"

2008-10-27, 10:15 AM

With her intentions now vastly less useful, Maeslyra stops her spell before it really starts and pulls a wand from her pack. pointing it at the fiery creature, she uses it to assist Shae.

Wand of Magic Missile, against the fire elemental:[roll0]
Inspire Shae for +4 to damage

2008-10-27, 11:00 AM

Vandrel refocuses his attention towards the other humanoid form they were facing, moving to get proper range and attack it. "It does not seem to be following your desire not to engauge it, Catherine," he says, letting his arrow fly, its head crackling with energy. "Perhaps you can ask it to move back to where it was?"

Moving to F1

Attack: [roll0]+10+3=29
Damage: [roll1]+2+4+3+[roll2]=16
Skirmish Damage if it Applies: [roll3]

2008-10-27, 11:17 AM

When the undead monstrosity drops, Shae puts her weight a little more forward, becoming slightly more aggressive in her fighting. That had been the one that worried her most. The cold, gross feeling from its attack still crawled around her body, but she shook it off as best she could as she swung at the fire elemental.

(1d20+7)[9] (-2 for sickened, +3 for Godwin, -3 for combat expertise and a +3 AC)
(1d8+6)[9] (-2 for sickened, +3 for Godwin)

AC = 25 (+3 combat expertise)
HP = 41/57

2008-10-27, 11:18 AM

On the basis that I'm your ally and I'm asking you to trust me!

But even as she speaks, the swarm of rats that she's conjured are squeaking and tearing over both the spear-wielding enemy and Sunduval.

2008-10-27, 03:05 PM

The fireknight will take a backward movement 5 foot step.

"Done, my lady thank you for your consideration."

He will spin the morningstar in a defensive pattern and hopes that his opponent does not become suddenly competent.

2008-10-27, 08:08 PM
Prowess: Round 3
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Godwin drops his dagger, and fires an arrow at the misshapen humanoid. His aim is high, and the arrow cracks against the back wall.

Catherine completes her spell, and a small horde of rats materialize in the room, scampering over, under, and all around the strange creature, while Sunduval withdraws back from it and the chittering rats.

Maeslyra levels her wand, and two darts fly into the mobile column of flame, as Shae swings her sword into it. Whatever she struck last time, she was unable to find. The tip of her sword is red-hot from the creature.

Vandrel presents an example of marksmanship, firing an arrow into the rat-covered creature. It howls a slobbery howl as the arrow takes it in its shoulder. The creature levels its spear, and charges at the elf. Twisting his body, Vandrel narrowly avoids being impaled, allowing his chain shirt to absorb most of the jab. {6 damage}

The living inferno flares again at Shae, but her defensive posture makes it easy for her to avoid the blast.

Map (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Kbg4dLEcAXw/SQZlr9iNTGI/AAAAAAAAAQo/njmpXWQaDBA/s1600-h/Prowess3.jpg)

Vandrel: That's a go on precision damage. The fiery creature is immune to criticals/precision.

23 Vandrel 6 Damage
17 Shae 16 Damage
14 Monsters
<--HERE on initiative-->
10 Godwin
9 Catherine
6 Sunduval 3 Damage
2 Colin
-10 Maeslyra

2008-10-27, 08:15 PM

Seeing that everyone else is engaged with the green creature, Maeslyra keeps her attention on the fiery one. She takes care to move out of the way should anything get close, and the cat continues her vigilance against dastardly things that might trip them both up.

{Magic Missile vs. fire: [roll0]}

2008-10-27, 10:31 PM

"Oh goddamnit-" whatever-it-is-that-isn't-on-fire rushes past her and Sunduval both and gets to exactly where it shouldn't be -- within striking distance of Vandrel. "Do whatever you have to do to take it down, Sunduval. Catherine, either drop that spell or summon everyone rat-proof suits, he's not gonna stay where you think he should."

She drops her defensive stance entirely, wanting to make sure the elemental doesn't try to move around her as well. Her strike lacks finesse of any kind, a broad, strong stroke to just get the attention focused on her. Despite the energy she puts behind it, it manages to connect with nothing but air.

Ah, rolled a 1 for attack. Nothing else seems important. Heh.

AC back to 22.

Lost Sage
2008-10-28, 02:28 AM

"Whoa!" exclaims Godwin as the green monstrosity goes charging by him. I second that Shae.

Hoping to take one down quickly he keeps up his attacks on the green creature. Stepping back gives him a good angle as it's attention is focused on Vandrel. He notches another arrow and fires at the creature's back. if i miss at this range i should go home

9 rounds of +3 bard song left

Step back 5', Arrow again:
to hit (1d20+5)[20] (+6+3(song)-4(melee))
dam (1d6+4)[10]
Hey! I don't get much better than that :)

2008-10-28, 02:54 AM

Catherine clenches her fists and stamps her teeth. I would if I could, believe me. They're here to stay now, so you'll just have to deal with them until they go away on their own. Ugh.

Catherine shoves her material pouch back in her purse and whips out her dagger, stalking over to the spear-wielding troll and grabbing it by the hair. She wrenches its neck back and brutally runs her dagger across its throat.

Move to E2. Attack.


2008-10-28, 10:07 AM

The fireknight will move over to the spear weilding creature and deliver a standard blow to the monster. he watches and recovers from the blow to rat infested creature.
I did not include a +2 from flanking in the roll to hit making a 19 or +2 from a charge.

2008-10-30, 01:54 PM
Prowess: Round 4
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Firing at point blank range, Godwin manages to plunk an arrow into the creature's leg. It seems to graze along its scaly hide, though, barely drawing a line of blood.

Catherine approaches the creature from behind, and attempts to stab it in its neck. She finds the hide difficult to pierce, barely scratching the creature with her attack. The rats she summoned first move towards the fiery creature, but back off from its intense heat; several of the front rats actually burst into flame, though the pack itself is still too numerous to count. Instead the pack flees away from the fire, seeking solace against the wall.

Maeslyra enacts her wand again, and plunks two more mystical darts into the fire creature. Patches of dark smoke now fill the maelstrom.

Sunduval slams his morningstar into the creature. The flames seem to have no effect on the misshapen monstrosity.

{DM Action} Vandrel, caught with his back against the wall, draws his thinblade and stabs at the creature. He lands a blow squarely in the monster's stomach, but the blade does not pierce. It bends sharply, before sliding off to the side, drawing a shallow bleeding cut across its skin.

Shae swings widely at the fire, but it withdraws easily to avoid the strike. It takes the opportunity to lance out a blast of fire, to which Shae is only able to partially block. Something solidly wraps around the shield, striking her arm. Her magical protections prevent any serious burns, but she does get singed from the heat. {4-1 damage, 6-5 fire damage, Reflex Save DC 14 or you catch on fire (1d4 rounds, 1d6 fire damage each round)}

The spear wielding creature again stabs at the elf, who proves too nimble to pin. The jab merely sparks as it catches a few errant bits of his chain mail.

Bard Song: +3 Att/Dam/Saves vs Fear
23 Vandrel 6 Damage
17 Shae 20 Damage
14 Monsters
<--HERE on initiative-->
10 Godwin
9 Catherine, Rats (1 round left)
6 Sunduval 3 Damage
2 Colin
-10 Maeslyra

2008-10-30, 02:09 PM

Seeing that Shae is getting hurt, over and over, Maeslyra quickly intones the words of a spell to provide her some succor. She passes it off to Nimaia and keeps herself out of reach of either of the creatures. Nimaia darts out form under her elf's skirt, dodging feet to find Shae. She doesn't call attention to herself, she just steps close, touches whatever body part she can reach, and gets out of the way.

Cast CLW, give it to Nimaia, let her deliver it to Shae. The cat has a higher AC (19).
For Shae: [roll0]
Move as needed to stay out of reach of AoOs and regular attacks.

That's almost not a waste of time. *sigh*

2008-10-30, 02:44 PM

What am I doing? If I'm going to let my anger and frustration guide my actions, I'd be better off just plunging this dagger into my own heart.

I can do something. That fire is hurting Shae badly! But it can't hurt a creature born from the fires of hell.

Get ready to withdraw Shae. Reinforcements are on the way! Catherine backs away from the spear-wielding brute and begins another spell.

Take a 5 foot step back and cast summon monster II.

Lost Sage
2008-10-30, 09:28 PM

Godwin glares in disappointment at the scratch he made on the beast's leg. bloody hell! i can do better than that he thinks angrily.

He drops his bow, and steps forward to pick up his dagger and plunge it into the creatures back. The dagger's wave-like blade flashes in the firelight.

I think I can do this yes?
5 foot step, pick up the dropped dagger, attack.
I'm thinking that since it is facing Vandrel it doesn't see me and doesn't get an AoO right?
to hit: (1d20+8)[21]
damage: (1d4+5)[6] (with +1 dagger)

2008-10-30, 09:32 PM

The Fireknight will grimace slightly that the monster has not turned to fight him.

"Impervious to flame, let's try might."

The Fireknight will swing the morningstar in a large arc from the ground up and impacts the monster on it's side.

2008-10-30, 11:37 PM

"I'm fine. The fire won't hurt me," not exactly true, as she could feel the heat scorch through her armor and start to singe her flesh. But it probably looked a lot worse to everyone else. Even if she was slowly getting worn down -- the cold sickness, the battering outside, and now this -- she still had plenty more kick left in her. Still, better safe than sorry, and she becomes less aggressive again in her stance and swing.

(1d20+7)[16] (-2 for sickened, +3 for Godwin, -3 for a +3 to AC)
(1d8+6)[14] (-2 for sickened, +3 for Godwin)

AC = 25 (+3 from combat expertise)
HP = 37/57

2008-10-31, 01:43 AM
Vandrel frowns slightly as he arches around the spear. "Fun dance," he says to the larger figure as he continues his motion, rolling around the large man until his back is near Shae's, using the improved position to stab out at him.

Tumbling to G3
Tumble: [roll0]+12=28

Attack: [roll1]+7+3=16
Damage: [roll2]+2+3+[roll3]=17

2008-10-31, 10:11 AM
Prowess: Round 5
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Jabbing the dagger at the creature, Godwin easily hits. But again, he finds he only causes a mere prick of blood to well up, as the dagger barely punctures the beast's scaly hide.

Stepping back, Catherine begins a casting, while Sunduval again slams his mace into the creature. The powerful blow causes the creature to spit out a wad of phlegm at Vandrel, but little else.

The rats scamper and scurry, shedding members as it runs wildly about the room. Individual rats begin to disappear in little black puffs, until none are left.

Maeslyra casts her spell of healing, and Nimaia runs underfoot, rubbing up against Shae's[b] leg just as [b]Shae feints, then jabs at the fiery creature. Again she strikes something solid, and the flames withdraw a little less brightly. She notes her arm did not, in fact, catch fire. Perhaps it was her magical warding, or luck, or her waving it around that extinguished the flames.

Vandrel falls sideways, tucking into a roll, and pops up next to the spear-wielding creature. Jabbing at its exposed side, he again finds his blow resisted by the hide of the creature, but twists the blade allowing it to slip through and cause a more serious wound. The creature howls, spinning towards the elf again. It lashes with its spear in a wild, high swing that the elf ducks under. Shae feels a slight breeze at the back of her head from the passing strike.

The fiery creature sparks out a new blast of flame, but the warrior-girl was ready for it. She'd almost got the timing of its attacks down to a rhythm, as she leans sideways and uses her shield to block the jet.

Shae: Reflex save passed (see last round).

Vandrel: You forgot flanking +2 to hit.

By now everyone should realize the spear creature has some sort of DR.

Bard Song: +3 Att/Dam/Saves vs Fear
23 Vandrel 6 Damage
17 Shae 16 Damage
14 Monsters
<--HERE on initiative-->
10 Godwin
9 Catherine, Rats (1 round left)
6 Sunduval 3 Damage
2 Colin
-10 Maeslyra

2008-10-31, 10:25 AM

With everyone ganging up on the spearman, Maeslyra returns to assaulting the fiery one. Shae may not fully need the help, but the sooner the fire creature could be extinguished, the sooner Shae could lend her aid with the green one. She points her wand again as Nimaia trots back to her and rubs on her leg.

{Magic Missile at fire elemental: [roll0]}

Lost Sage
2008-10-31, 10:56 AM

Frustrated, the bard backs off and sheathes his dagger. There's not much he can do here, if even a magic weapon can't pierce that hide.

time to try something else He draws a wand while maneuvering over close to Shae. But he finds it difficult with the battle going on. He doesn't want to get close to either creature.

Positioned 10 feet away from Shae's right side he calls out "Shae! I can heal you if you take a step in this direction."

drawing wand
moving to F5 or thereabouts (not sure of the current map)

2008-10-31, 11:21 AM

"Thanks," Shae calls back to Maeslyra, before taking another swing at the elemental. Then she quickly sidesteps to put herself closer to Godwin.

I have been forgetting that Shae gets healed 1 point of damage each time she does damage with her sword. I will start remembering now. So, as of last round (since she hit) she has 15 damage, not 16.

Attack, then a 5' step towards Godwin.

(1d20+7)[22] (-2 for sickened, +3 for Godwin, -3 for a +3 to AC)
(1d8+6)[12] (-2 for sickened, +3 for Godwin)

2008-10-31, 01:31 PM

Catherine's eyes blaze with the fires of hell, and the scent of brimstone is strong in the air.

As Shae steps away, a horrible being appears in her place. An amorphous blob whose membrane traps a thousand distorted faces screaming in agony. Sin... flesh... sacrifice... failure...

Fearlessly it surges at the body of fire. As tough as you are Shae, it's impossible to harm the lemure. Try to let it take the heat.

Catherine backs away from the spear-wielding monster and aims a quick spell at it, tossing a rind of pork onto the ground.

The lemure has 13 hp, DR 5/good or silver and immunity to fire.



I'll cast grease on the other monster's spear, Reflex DC 16.

2008-11-04, 10:48 AM

Vandrel keeps moving, attempting to double back the way he came before his blade lances out at the spear wielding being before him.


2008-11-07, 09:42 AM
Prowess Displayed
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Shae slashes her blade into the fiery creature, as a pair of magical darts streak over her should disappear into the flames. The multi-faced creature that has appeared next to her also lashes out at the elemental. The fires shrink, extinguishing into a cloud of black and grey smoke and steam.

Vandrel again slips sideways, jabbing his foil into the creature's thigh as Sunduval crashes his morningstar solidly into the beast's back. The powerful blow careens the creature into the opposing wall, and it slumps into a battered heap on the ground, its spear flying and clattering across the room.

Combat Over

The image of the bare-chested young man nods, speaking, "I've seen better. But I suppose that's good enough." The illusion disappears.

2008-11-07, 10:26 AM

Once it is clear that the enemies are truly dead and she has no chance of reawakening them by doing so, Maeslyra sends out a pulse of healing.

{+9 hit points for all the injured}

2008-11-09, 05:00 AM

Whatever’s appeared next to her, she knows it’s not okay before she even sees it. It’s an animal’s sense of what’s right, and what’s wrong. A chill runs down her spine and the teen jerks her head sideways, then looks down at the monstrosity that stands where she once stood. It’s just a tool. Catherine put it there. It’s just a tool. Shae feels sick to her stomach as she steps away, though likely that’s more from the other monstrosity that attacked her. She shakes her head, putting away her sword, then moves back and leans her back against a wall, just nodding in recognition when Maeslyra heals her.

2008-11-09, 05:47 AM

Catherine pats Maeslyra on the shoulder as she passes her, though she herself evaded injury. The amorphous horror turns from the scorched ground and stands before the summoner as if awaiting further orders. She doesn't give it any though, instead she turns to look at Shae.

When a cruel man dies, his soul is faced with the truth of his existence. If he is weak, then he will be unable to accept the enormity of his evil deeds. In that case his mind is then overwhelmed with hatred and regret, and destroyed. The shell that remains then becomes a slave for devilkind.

Her gaze drifts to the rest of her companions. Think about that, please. There is a lesson to be learned. She places a hand on the flesh of the abomination, and it ceases screaming in pain and begins whining and whimpering. And as for you, my poor lost souls. Back to Hell where you belong. A crevice opens up into the ground and the unspeakable thing falls shrieking through it.

2008-11-09, 01:29 PM

"Evil shall always reap it own false rewards, we should always look for lessons learned, Catherine. Especially in our own actions."

Sunduval will estingush his morningstar and look to Vandrel "Everything alright there Vandrel, the monster was focused on you for some reason yet explained. Maeslyra my thanks for the healing."

2008-11-10, 11:23 AM

Vandrel chuckles softly as he wipes his thinblade on whatver material is on the beast before sheathing it. "I hurt it," he replies to Sunduval with a shrug, ignoring the attempted life lesson. How demons and devils came to be mattered little, much less than that they were killed or banished. "Most things get rather, irate when that happens."

2008-11-10, 11:31 AM

"That you did Vandrel, I had to summon up all of the force and strength I possess but I could not get it to notice me until the end. Thank Solis you're alright."

The Fireknight will look over the room.

Lost Sage
2008-11-10, 11:54 AM

Godwin notices that Shae is a little pale. "You OK?" he asks as he steps over to finish the healing he had promised. "Those things where revolting, and the fire thing... I couldn't think of anything to do with it. But how do you feel? No lasting effects?"

His voice is concerned. He watches Shae's face carefully as he hums a long drawn out note and touches her arm with the wand in his hand.

heal Shae (1d8+3)[9]

2008-11-10, 05:25 PM

She’s dubious at best about Catherine’s answer, the doubt clear on her face as she looks from the girl to the – Demon? Devil? – whatever, then back again. She had no logic to fall back on, except that whatever Catherine had summoned was hideous and frightening and horrible. It just felt wrong.

The tension in her shoulders eases slightly as the creature is dismissed, and she takes a moment to think through Godwin’s questions before answering them. ”Fine. Just feel sick, but it’s getting better, not worse. I’ll be fine in a few minutes I think. Let’s keep going. Thanks.” She pushes herself off from the wall and starts back to the common room.

2008-11-10, 06:21 PM
Room of Doors
Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Soon after the fight, the defeated creatures (or their remnants, at least) disappear much as they first appeared: into nothingness.

Back in the central octagonal room, Colin is nowhere to be found. Another door, however, is open, leading down a corridor to the northeast about fifty or so feet long.

The light nearest the room you were just in is now aglow.

2008-11-11, 01:05 AM

"Solis take all fools and sunder them. Colin has taken off, is he mad. Let's go after him."

the Fire knight will wait for Shae to form up point.

2008-11-11, 03:15 AM

Shae draws her sword and comments dryly, "Well at least we don't need to check for traps." With a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure the others are with her, Shae moves down the corridor looking for Colin.

Lost Sage
2008-11-11, 03:39 AM

Godwin just shakes his head as he follows Shae. For someone so afraid of trouble he sure is good at getting into it.

2008-11-11, 03:42 AM

Catherine pulls out her dagger. This is when he'll show his true colors. I'm going to skin him alive.

2008-11-11, 07:55 AM

Maeslyra remains silent on the issue of demon summoning. It is something she would never stoop to doing because the morality is clear on the subject. Catherine's attitude towards it is such that she feels it is pointless to discuss it. After all, she already knows her skills with conversion are subpar.

"Yes," she says with an eyeroll, "a bard following his curiosity: truly, a damning offense." She shakes her head and follows along. "This is, after all, his quest."

Nimaia meows up at her elf, which produces from Maeslyra: "Indeed."

2008-11-12, 11:21 AM

Vandrel smirks at they start after Colin. "Be careful where you tread still. Just because he did not set them off doesn't mean that there are none." Vandrel takes point, his bow in hand as he moves down the corridor, making some attempt to make sure they do not set off anything that Colin did not.

Search: [roll0]

2008-11-13, 10:12 AM
Following the trail
Late Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

The hallway terminates in a stone door about 50-60 feet in; the hall is about 15' wide, and heads northeast. Vandrel cautiously makes his way down the hallway. Colin's trail is easy to spot: a bit of dirt here, a scuff in the light layering of dust there. Suddenly, however, the trail disappears about midway down the hall. Feeling the flagstones, Vandrel's sensitive touch notes several of the floor tiles have slightly larger gaps between their neighbors, and those gaps are free of grout and filler, as if the stone were meant to be depressed.

Just beyond those stones is where the trail ends; there's a considerable amount of disturbance in the dust in a large area, and Vandrel spies a continuous, incongruous line running the width of the hallway.

2008-11-13, 05:25 PM

The fireknight will stop at Vandrel's suggestion and will carefully step where the elf directs him to go.

"Friend Vandrel, do you think these are weight sensitive ? I hope Colin does not have anything in common with a gelatinous cube at the moment."

2008-11-17, 11:23 AM
Vandrel frowns slightly as he peers over the trap. "Well, he definitely set it off," he says, pointing towards the pressure stone. "Do we want to just bypass it and see what's ahead, or open it intentionally and see what might have happened to our fearless friend?" He chuckles softly and glances back to the others as he stands near the trigger of whatever it is they might have run across.

2008-11-17, 11:34 AM

Catherine sighs. We'd better see if he's dead or not.

She takes off her backpack and points toward the place ahead of Vandrel. Servant, put that over there please.

2008-11-17, 12:21 PM

"If he lives we should render aid if we can." Sunduval will stand well back from the trapped area.

Lost Sage
2008-11-17, 02:43 PM

The bard's brow furrows at Vandrel's words. In his book moving on is not really an option.

"Definitely." he says, backing up Sunduval and Catherine. "What's the best way to open this?" he asks Vandrel. "Does anyone have rope?"

2008-11-17, 05:10 PM
That's the Pits
Late Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

The invisible force takes the bag, and sets it down upon those stones Vandrel identifies as the pressure plates. A moment later, a soft *clank* precedes the floor in the hall opening down, revealing a pit.

Below, about 20' down in the pit, lies Colin, eyes staring lifelessly towards the ceiling. At least three spikes impale him.

Next to him lies a humanoid skeleton.

Lost Sage
2008-11-17, 05:39 PM

Godwin takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. He shakes his head "Poor guy. With all those narrow escapes I thought he could pull off at least one more.... (sigh) We should go down and get him. I volunteer, if someone can lower me."

2008-11-17, 06:15 PM

She walks cautiously up to the edge of the pit, looking down inside. "Huh." Part of her felt almost satisfied at the outcome -- not that she'd wished anything to happen to the bard, particularly, but he hadn't listened and then look at what happened. That's awful, Shae. It was awful, but she'd learned a while ago that you thought awful things when you saw a dead body. You were glad it wasn't you, mostly, that could be where it came from.

She shakes her head, clearing it. "If you think you can pull the body off of the spikes, Godwin. Otherwise I'm fine to go down, and I might be a bit more used to it. Dead body and all. Weirder when you know them." She's talking too much. "Anyhow. Rope's outside, we used it to pull down the door."

2008-11-17, 06:37 PM

Catherine steps beside Shae, her red locks of hair falling about her face as she looks down. For a while she just stares down at the pit, her mind not really processing what she's seeing. Then she takes a clumsy step back and falls on her butt.

Catherine could look a devil in the eye and command it to slay her foes without so much as flinching, but even after two pitched battles she still couldn't look directly at a humanoid corpse without getting sick. But seeing a death trap was far worse. It was a cruel device deliberately designed to kill, and cause as much pain as possible while doing it. Her stomach churned but she forced it to settle down.

I hated him, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about this. Well, at least now that they don't have him to fawn over, they'll start giving me the courtesy I deserve. The thought immediately made her feel guilty and she deliberately pushed it aside.

Bring me my pack back, Catherine says softly, and it floats to her side. She pats it without taking it. I've got more rope in here. I don't think any of us should go down there though... it's too... there's spikes... she closes her eyes.

2008-11-17, 06:41 PM

Maeslyra paces up and peers down in through everyone else. She gives a small sigh. Colin hadn't really seemed like he deserved that end, so far as she could tell. Realistically, though, it did remove a loose end from this whole escapade. She steps back and shrugs. "We can put his body inside that bag, I suppose. Until we have time to give him a proper sending. Pull out the bones while you're down there, too, whomever is climbing down."

Lost Sage
2008-11-18, 10:08 AM

"I think I'll be alright." the bard says quietly to Shae "But it would be nice to know you are on the other end of the rope."

The bard feels subdued. A lot of conflicting emotions are running around inside him. He liked the guy, once he got past his suspicions of him. There was a certain childish naivity about the other bard and he couldn't help but feel that that was somehow betrayed by this death. He also felt a bit of relief that the problems brought about by Colin's presence are now gone. Finally, and underlying it all, was the grim reminder that this was not all fun and games, as Godwin so often liked to take it as.

Godwin will work with Shae to lower himself and get the bodies ready to be hoisted up. When he does get down to the bottom of the pit he will first look around for any further sign of danger.

2008-11-18, 10:32 AM

Vandrel frowns slightly as he looks over the trap. "Hold a moment," he says before Godwin descends. "The trapdoor reset itself in the time that he set it off to that which we got here," he says as he kneels at the edge. "And we did not hear it activate." He stands and moves to Maeslyra, opening her pack and withdrawing a pair of torches which he proceeds to attempts to jam the door open with.

Disable Device: [roll0]+10=30

2008-11-18, 11:59 AM

"We can recover the body after we search the rest of this place. We aren't going to perform a service for the body until Sunrise anyway.We can do this later."

The knight will take a moment to set down his morningstar and shield and go to help with the rope.

2008-11-18, 12:09 PM

"I would rather retrieve the bodies now, that we have no need to return to this point later. It may be impossible to return later, or very difficult. It will only take a few minutes, and we are under no such time constraint that a few minutes one way or another make a difference." Knowing that she would be of little help with ropes and lowering and such things, Maeslyra hops across the gap to get herself out of the way, followed shortly thereafter by Nimaia. They both stay close to the edge of the pit, not venturing any farther down the tunnel.

2008-11-18, 02:01 PM
Grape or Strawberry?
Late Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Vandrel feels around the lip of the pit, and finds what he thinks is a gear or tumbler that operates the doors of the pit. Jimmying it with his blade, he manages to get it to jam enough to hold in the open position. It won't hold if someone repeatedly jumps on the pressure plate, but barring such an act, it should suffice for their tasks at hand.

Godwin, with Shae's help with the rope, can manage to climb down into the pit. Moving slowly makes it easy to avoid the simple metal spikes, though the floor is slick with blood.

The skeleton is very old. Colin landed across its back, crushing its lower spine and ribcage into dust. Underneath Colin's corpse is an old, rotted pack.

Forcing Colin's corpse into the bag will take a few minutes, and while difficult, can be done (though it might make a mess of the inside of the bag). Not much else of interest is down in the pit, besides the old bag and the skeleton.

Lost Sage
2008-11-19, 02:42 AM

Godwin will cut open the rotted pack with his dagger and spread the contents around a bit. Any coins or gems in the pack or around the skeleton can go into a small sack. He will also whistle softly and scan the place for magic (including Colin), making sure any magic goes into the sack also. Is it a human skeleton? Or smaller?

take 10 for search 15 on coins/gems around the floor or in the pack

2008-11-19, 07:39 AM
Checking the Pit
Late Afternoon, Monday, 22nd of Springdawn 1556

Godwin is almost overwhelmed by the magical aura coming from the bag. The source, once the bag is opened, appears to be a bone recorder. Also of note is a belt that was around the skeleton's waist.

On Colin, in his pack are two vials and a slender metallic wand. There are no gems or coins to speak of.

In his search, Godwin does find an old piece of parchment in the skeleton's hand. It reads:

Here lies Lilia Taverncaller
Broke her leg down a holler
Rest went on to meet their doom
Left me here in the fading gloom.

Lost Sage
2008-11-19, 11:15 PM
Godwin reads the parchment, then lowers it and slowly runs his eyes over the crumbling skeleton. Sadness and silence consume him for a moment. He sings quietly, just loud enough to echo softly through the halls.

Alone in the dark she laid body broken
with nothing but rhyme to watch her decline
left here by companions and abandoned by time
the weight of ages leeched the flesh from her bones
'till a chance seeker joined her, a chance embrace
destined to lie together, a small saving grace
two minstrels, never met, now joined for all eternity

After a moment of silence he calls up to the others "It looks like we found Lilia Taverncaller. I'm going to bring her up also. We can bury them together." The party can hear the sounds of him moving the bodies around and searching, then a low whistle.

"I think I know what Colin was really looking for." he says, holding up a bone recorder. "I've never seen anything like this." he proclaims, turning the recorder over in his hands. Then he stores it carefully in his pack along with the other valuables. Then Colin goes into the bag and Lilia's bones into the sack. Finally all is ready.

"Ready to come up." he says to Shae.

2008-11-20, 01:19 AM

She pulls the rope out of Catherine’s pack, with a quiet, ”It’ll be fine, no one else is gonna get hurt.” She’s quick and efficient with the rope, using Sunduval as an anchor and helping Godiwn get down safely.

Once the identity of the second body is discovered, Shae’s reaction is a little less reverent than Godwin’s, though she keeps her silence after a quiet, ”Huh.” Well, it made sense. First, that Colin was looking for something more than he said. Second, that he’d meet the same fate as the last curious bard that’d stuck their nose where it didn’t belong.

When Godwin’s ready to rejoin them, she’s just as efficient as before, helping to pull the bard out of the pit, barely leaving any work to him at all. ”Well. Mystery solved, time to go home?” She asks it lightly, an awkward joke. Come to think of it, if Lilia hadn’t made it, and her “pals” hadn’t made it, there was a decent chance that there’d be a nice heap of money at the end of this. ”No. Guess not, huh,” she answers her own question quickly.

2008-11-20, 07:35 AM

"We could just leave," Maeslyra nods to Shae, "but I must confess that I am intrigued by the possibility of the secrets held in this tomb. Fate brought us this way, and I would be lying if I said that I am not interested to discover why. And what brought Lilia here in the first place."

Nimaia sits, looking down into the pit, tail twitching back and forth. She meows quizzically and starts licking a paw, to which Maeslyra shakes her head. "That seems unlikely. I expect it is more tangentially related. The significance will probably not be apparent until later. It is possible the owner of this tomb had some information that may be helpful to us if we can just find it. It is also possible - and more likely - that there are items here which may be useful to our quest."

2008-11-20, 11:15 AM

Vandrel smirks slightly doing what he can to help get Godwin up from the pit. "They apparently underestimated the task at hand," he says with a shrug. "Rather painfully it would so appear." he smirks slightly. "I have no problem with continuing, but we need be careful, obviously."

2008-11-20, 11:53 AM

Catherine smiles at Shae and stands up, taking her hand and squeezing it. We can do anything if we try. Let's all believe in each other!

Lost Sage
2008-11-21, 01:30 AM

The bard {back to being the only bard!} is quiet as he is hauled out of the pit. To him there was no question about moving on. Wanting to continue was as normal as breathing. But he also had other things on his mind.

"Thanks" he says to Shae with a smile. "I found some things of interest" he says to the group. Without preamble he sits down and starts pulling items from his pack. First come the vials and the wand, which he studies carefully before handing them over to others. Then comes the belt. Finally, and with great care, comes the recorder. He spends a long time examining the recorder, racking his brains for anything he might know of such an object. sometimes i wish i would have gone in for epic tales like old Ransuer. he would know what this is.

Finally, he holds up the recorder for others. "Has anyone heard of this recorder? It has the most powerful magic I have ever encountered."

Knowledge Arcana:
vial one: (1d20+5)[8]
vial two: (1d20+5)[21]
metalic wand: (1d20+5)[15]
belt: (1d20+5)[8]
recorder: (1d20+5)[20]
And for the recorder:
Knowledge history: (1d20+5)[14]
Knowledge local: (1d20+5)[24]

2008-11-22, 04:36 AM

Shae can’t help it -- in some regards, she’s a very basic person. Good is good and bad is bad, and you just know which is which. Not to say she didn’t try to get beyond that, but she hadn’t been given much of a reason to. Just a lecture with a lot of fancy words. Nothing much that really mattered to her.

She draws back her hand momentarily when Catherine grasps it. Just a few moments ago, that very same hand of Catherine’s was stroking a demon.

It seemed wrong. At the same time Catherine didn’t seem wrong.

With an audible exhale of air, as if she’s just tired of thinking about it, Shae squeezes Catherine’s hand back. Then she sets to work looking at what Godwin’s brought up. ”That potion’ll hide you. A brother got ahold of one and used it to get himself into- well, trouble.” She smiles just a bit at the memory. ”No idea about the rest. Haven’t been studying much since we set out.” She looks over the pit. "Easy jump. Guess that's our next room then."

Lost Sage
2008-11-22, 10:06 PM

Godwin remains sitting on the floor turning the recorder over in his hands while the rest of the party gets ready to move on. No one seems especially interested in it but him.

i know what this is. i remember that story Ransuer first told me. really, it can be no other. not with that kind of power. how did such a treacherous thing come to me? and what the hell do i do with it now that i have it? i guess this caps off the theory that we are chosen for this bloody prophecy. but i'm starting to feel pretty manipulated by it all. by all the gods, Colin was probably sent to his death just so we could recover this artifact. i'm not all that keen on being some god's puppet. but then again, maybe that's not the way it works. maybe it happened because it had to happen. damnit, life would be a lot easier if i didn't ask so many questions.

With a sigh the bard places the recorder carefully back in his pack and closes it up. Standing up, he heaves the pack onto his shoulders. It must be his imagination, but the bag feels a lot heavier now. With a shake of his head he rejoins the others.

2008-11-23, 03:28 AM

"I'm sorry Godwin, I don't know anything about that recorder. I hope you're right Shae about this being an easy jump. Masrterwork full plate does not jump all that well. Solis thank you for allowing us to continue on the path with your illumination."

The Fireknight will take the rear most point and get ready to leap over the pit covering.

2008-11-23, 06:51 AM

Already on the other side and noting the intent of others to join her at this point, Maeslyra makes sure she and Nimaia both are out of the way for everyone else to make the hop across.

2008-11-24, 04:11 PM

Vandrel shakes his head when asked about the recorder. He had seen such instruments, but had no clue about any special ones. He makes the easy jump, pausing only a moment to make sure that the others were alright with making it, and that Maeslyra was across safely. He then quickly sets about the task of searching the rest of the hallway for a other hidden surprises, taking care to watch out for and listen for anything.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2008-11-24, 04:28 PM

Catherine takes a running start and clears the pit much more than she needed to. Even so, she lets out a sigh of relief. While Vandrel carefully searches the hallway, she takes a different approach. ordering her servant to drag her backpack ahead, to see if it will set off any traps.

Lost Sage
2008-11-24, 04:46 PM

Godwin jumps the gap without noticing it and falls in beside Maeslyra. If there was anyone who had heard about this instrument it would probably be her. "Have you heard of a recorder called the Soul of the Art? Forged at the dawn of time from the first bard's forearm and all that? Well, it's in my pack." he says with exaggerated nonchalance. He looks over at the elven woman. For a moment, he looks like a lost boy who has been wondering from place to place not knowing where he had been nor where he was going. Then a glimmer of humour returns and he continues with "That should make things interesting I expect."

2008-11-24, 04:51 PM

Catherine stops suddenly and turns to Godwin, expression dead serious. Godwin... do you know what that thing is?

2008-11-24, 05:05 PM
"Catherine," Vandrel says, keeping his voice very calm and even. "Please let me deal with checking for traps. I would prefer you not set them off because you are impatient. I have my abilities, allow me to use them."

2008-11-24, 05:09 PM
OOC:Taking Ten.

Sunduval take a running charge and leap over the trap.

"Sounds like a legendary item item you there Godwin. I look forward to yu playing it sometime."

2008-11-24, 05:59 PM

All she really has a chance to do is nod to Godwin before Catherine starts whatever she's starting. She shrugs a little bit and closes her mouth without actually saying anything, turning her attention forward again and walking along with Godwin.

2008-11-25, 02:42 PM

When Godwin doesn't respond immediately she turns to Vandrel. A number of cutting responses go through her head in response to his audacity, but she says none of them. It's time for some healing.

She steps over to face Vandrel, counts to ten under her breath, and then smiles at him. Let me give you something to consider Vandrel. What if my response to your request was "Oh, I'm sorry Vandrel, my unseen servant doesn't seem to be doing what you want it to. Maybe you should try asking it politely." And what if you were shooting at a monster and I said, Vandrel, please stop shooting that monster just because you're impatient, I want to kill it with my magic. It will take longer but I think it's the best way. Wouldn't you be affronted if I mocked you during a tense situation? Or if I assumed that you were doing something just because you were impatient and not because you believed it was the best course of action?