View Full Version : World of Eninn: Rise of the Tyrant II

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2007-12-21, 04:38 PM

This is a continuation of the game that started with The World of Eninn (IC) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35072) and continued with Rise of the Tyrant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52337).

In their most recent adventures, our heroes have vanquished the haunting ghosts of a long-abandoned house, exposed the depredations of a village mayor, and ransacked the sewer hideout of a large group of cultists in the city of Wetilla who sought the assassination of the city's monarch. They now set forth across the wilderness to track down the remnants of this cult, who seek an ancient oracle.

What will they find at this ancient oracle? Is it a long-lost legend, or a fool's errand or old wive's tale? Will it have answers, or bring more questions? Will the heroes overcome their foes, or be lost in the wilds of the Dyninn forest? And what of the mysterious glass mirror and its connection to some other vile cult?

Cast of Characters:
Godwin Leynthallborn: This ex-noble's swashbuckling ways have led to a number of broken windows and overturned furniture, while his evocative music and drumming carry the magic of the ages. But somewhere behind this prankster's demeanor lies a past from which he runs, that might be more a part of him than he cares to think about. Will he find his place, or will his place find him?

Shae Moirae: A simple girl from a simple town, this skilled warrior combines dextrous finesse with a burning rage that she barely keeps contained. Will it consume her in the battles to come, as she follows in the footsteps of her parents? Will she find the answers that have driven her to the life of an adventurer, or will she pay fate's ultimate price?

Vandrel Silverstring: This wandering elf is a deadeye shot and accomplished woodsman. Having spent most of his life amongst the great boles of the Dyninn, will his current ties to his mate and their quest prove too confining?

Maeslyra Silastrae: The paths this elegant elf walks seem always split in two. At home at a noble's banquet, or the meager confines of a rough country campsite, will this devotee of Tethos find peace walking the twin paths? Or will he experience straddling the arcane and divine drive her to places meant not for mortals? And can she quell her inherent dislike of non-elves to work towards defeating the forces of the Tyrant?

Catherine Hartswell: This newcomer to the group abandoned a life of luxury due a noble lady, and finds herself on the road with this group of heroes. Heroes she herself has heard mentioned in prophetic tones. What does it all mean? Will the forces that forced her out of her family's home and onto the road of adventure find her once again? Will she find happiness away from her kith and kin?

Sunduval Fireknight: An initiate to the order of the esteemed paladins of Solis, the Sunfather, Sunduval is a knight who always gets his man. Or woman. Or orc. Or half-dragon lycanthropic blackguard. Assigned to aid a small group of heroes vanquish Tiranites plagueing a local hamlet, Sunduval follows the trail of evil wherever it may lie. Will his efforts advance his station amongst the venerable order, or will the dangers he face test the knight's stolid faith in law, order, and justice?

Clydesmaark: Inn roads to the city
Evening, Sunday 14th of Springdawn 1556

Compared to Wetilla, Clydesmaark is a place of strange smells and sights. The air is full of the odors of forge and hearth, cooking and drying fish, and loamy richness of riverbaked clay from which many of the dwellings and structures are roofed.

The streets are wide and clean, paved in mudbricks - the entire city seems to be exclusively fashioned from mudbricks - and full of people beginning their nightly rituals of drinking, eating, carousing, or just going home. The clientele, especially around the docks, seem a rough and rowdy crew.

Heading towards the Frog and Heron, the city brings back memories to Vandrel and Shae. The buildings in the upper scale merchants district are white bricks with red tiles, gilded in black along the eaves. The Frog and Heron sports a large painted wooden sign by way of advertisement, and the smells emanating from within are enough to make one wish to visit.

The inn and tavern inside is cozy and quiet. A dining room with individual oak tables and booths is waited upon by a bored looking human, while the rooms range across three floors: two up and one down. The stables are a large extravagant affair attached to the inn, with at least a dozen double-berths.

Rooms are either singles, doubles, with or without a private washbasin. For those without, a common washroom is available, one for each of the sexes, where hot water is available for refreshing oneself after a day of travel. Other amenities include polishing and mending of clothing, arms, and armor overnight, scented candles, hot towels, and manicurists on call. The price is of course expensive, but judging from the establishment well worth it.

The staff look disdainfully at Nimaia, but draw the line at Shae's dog. They explain that Bootsie is welcome to stay in the stables, but this is no place for the animal.

2007-12-21, 05:11 PM

Well, if the prices weren't bad enough – Shae visibly blanches when she sees them – now the staff had already started in on her.

Red starts to creep into Shae's cheeks. "Uh, I know that- I mean, I just wanted to get a room then I was going to- the horses- I mean-" Her jaw tightens -- of course she hadn't intended to have Bootsie past the reception area, she'd been keeping the dog out in the stables for days now. The problem with not showing fear is that the alternative is punching this guy in the nose. Instead of resorting to violence, Shae just mumbles an apology, eyes down, then says to the others. "I'll go make sure the horses are taken care of. Got an errand to run. Be back for dinner."

2007-12-21, 07:47 PM

Looking over the offerings, Maeslyra requests a double room with a private bath. She sneers and glares at the person she is getting the key from. "These are my friends. This is my cat. If any of them, including the cat, who is smarter than you are, is mistreated in the slightest fashion, this inn can look forward to having my poor review delivered to everyone I meet, most notably all my relatives in the Elven Court, the Duke DuMontis of Wetilla, who is a personal friend, along with his court, every bard I meet, which, as a priest of Tethos, will be many, and the entirety of the Syllwythinet Theatre Company of Arborlon. And I have a very good memory."

She snatches the key away and heads for her room with the distinct air of someone who is of higher station than everyone around her and knows it.

2007-12-21, 08:12 PM

Catherine steps over to the employee who had accosted Shae, voice quiet. All of my companions have, through their deeds, more than earned the right to call themselves my equals. Please treat them with the respect they deserve. I'm certain that Shae fully intended to deal with her dog just as soon as we had finished paying for the room. Then she smiles. Be firm with your lessers, but kind and fair. That's her belief. I'll be in the washroom if anyone needs me. Bring me some scented soap, would you dear? A peppermint and oatmeal mix please.

2007-12-21, 08:33 PM

the Fireknight will step forward and pay for his room and a bath. " Where's the nearest Armory here that you can recomend." . He smile at Maelystra's speech and smile again while paying. "If anyone needs me I'll be in my room. Dressing."

2007-12-23, 06:44 PM
Clydemaark: Evening at the Inn
Sunday, 14th of Springdawn 1556

Between Maeslyra's disdain and name dropping, and Catherine's endearments and entreaties, the staff hop to in providing and preparing rooms and services.

The evening will pass quietly.

Day of Naming
Early Morning, Monday, 15th of Springdawn 1556

Traditionally the day when adolescents in towns and villages across the realm, after 14 winters (or similar ages for non-humans), are recognized as adults, the Day of Naming is a joyous and festive holiday that celebrates youth and life and the transition to adulthood. The early morn finds the city of Clydemaark preparing their own celebrations in the town plaza. While the festivities will not be near where the inn is, the city itself is bustling as merchants provide wares, and people set up tables and tents down along the river.

The day dawns cool, with a fine mist of dew.

2007-12-24, 05:35 AM

Shae wasn't sure which method she preferred -- Maeslyra's not-so-veiled threats or Catherine's politeness. Both were effective in drawing the heat off of her, however halfway through the exchange the teenager's cheeks are bright red. Checking in had become the high-profile, embarrassing sort of event she had been expecting all along. I hate these places.

She slinks out the door on her errand and doesn't return for a few hours. After that she takes a quick dinner and retreats to her room. Shae resists the urge to barricade the portal with a dresser, not knowing what quarter to expect the next social attack to come from. I hate these places. Lots.

* * *

The next morning she's up early and has the horses readied shortly after, even forgoing breakfast in her haste to escape the inn. Her stomach grumbles as she waits for the others, but she refuses to tread foot back inside, instead chewing on some jerky that does little to assuage her hunger.

2007-12-24, 08:03 AM

Predictably, the elves take meals in their room. Maeslyra is in good humor when she emerges on Vandrel's arm, the cat in the pouch of her pack already. Having absconded with a muffin that she intended to snack on later, Maeslyra offers it to Shae. "Was something wrong with your breakfast? I found these muffins to be quite good. This one, I think, is blueberry."

2007-12-24, 10:41 AM

Sunduval will dress and put on his Full Plate armor. He will come down and eat dinner with Godwin and any other member of the troupe he can find. He will retire early and awake before the morning rise. The Fireknight will take to walking through the town on naming day, passing out one gold coin to all the good boys and girls on their naming day. "Blessings of Solis upon you. May he light your path in all of the dark places you may walk." . He will stop off by the armoror and pick up his supplies and inquire to use of the anvil for the day to pound out some scorpian claw marks and some noticible puntctures from crossbow bolts.

Nighttime will find him back at the Inn. The next morning he's up early and brings out fresh biscuts and some hard boiled eggs left over from his attack on the breakfast. "My thanks for taking care of Sunchaser this morning. How was your day ? Greetings Maelstra and how are you ?"

2007-12-24, 11:09 PM

"No, I uh- I just wanted to get ready, so I skipped breakfast. Long ride. Thanks." Shae takes the muffin from Maeslyra and finishes it in just a few bites. There wasn't any point in complaining -- more than that, it wasn't really fair to complain at all. One night in someplace like this wasn't going to kill her, and Shae knew that. She just couldn't summon up the courage to face multiple forks and incomprehensibly described food, so she'd headed straight outside.

Anyhow, complaining would pretty much take away the enjoyment anyone else had felt. So, she tried to find something positive to say. "The bed, uh, was very comfortable. And they had fluffy pillows."

She assists anyone who needs help in mounting, then mounts up herself. "Guess we should get going."

I'm assuming the absent ones are with us, but the holidays have rendered them speechless. Obviously Shae wouldn't ride off without everyone.

2007-12-25, 09:00 PM

Catherine takes Shae's help and swings on to her horses back, giving it a scratch behind the ears. Glancing reluctantly back at the Frog and Heron, she says, I'm ready of course, but do we really have to leave today? I thought maybe we could stay in town for the festival and enjoy ourselves a little. And uhh... perhaps gather some intelligence? Surely a festival would be a primary source of intelligence.

2007-12-26, 07:09 AM

With Vandrel's help, Maeslyra shows that, even if she is getting no better at riding, she is getting a little better at climbing up onto a horse. The ungainly and graceless movement that usually betrays her lack of skill has, by now, been replaced with something a little more practiced. Nimaia meows and is removed from her pouch so she can ride in her usual place, sitting in front of Vandrel.

Chuckling from behind Vandrel, though she is near enough to his height that she can easily see over his shoulder, Maeslyra shakes her head at Catherine. "We have something to do, and it is not here. Besides, the woods are more enjoyable by far than any inn, no matter how grand or sumptuous." She leans just enough to rest the side of her head on Vandrel's, and smiles.

2007-12-26, 02:09 PM
West of Clydemaark: Country Roads
Monday, 15th of Springdawn 1556 (Day of Naming)

The weather turns out to be ideal for travel. The morning is cool and crisp, warming up during the day. Not a cloud dots the sky.

The group makes good time leaving Clydemaark, traveling thru farmlands and winding oxcart paths. Most of the small farming communities are busy with their preparations for the celebrations later in the day, and the party encounters troubadours and entertainers seeking a quick performance at the various festivals.

Travel otherwise is uneventful. At the end of the day, the travelers find themselves on the outskirts of the farmlands, the cultivated lands slowly growing more wild and untamed in their appearance. The night is likewise clear, and ends up being pretty chilly.

Tuesday, 16th of Springdawn 1556

The weather holds, and the group makes their way past increasingly isolated communities: typically four or five families banded together similar to Sun's Light. Paths are few, with the group having to use landmarks and general direction sense to not get lost.

Again, travel is uneventful. No other travelers are seen, and the communities the group does pass look on suspiciously at first, offering a tentative wave when it's apparent the party seeks to continue traveling past. A few offer fruits and vegetables for sale for the travelers.

Night will find the group under the canopy of the forest, settling in for another cool rest.

Wednesday, 17th of Springdawn 1556

The third day out is again the dull monotony of travel. The only sign of civilization is the overgrown derelict of a farm house the party passes around midday. The weather is again cool at first, warming considerable, and chilly at night.

Thursday, 18th of Springdawn 1556

The fourth day looks to be more of the same - the incessant plodding of the horses under the great quiet of the forest. The creaking boles and chirping birds, the rustling wind and the buzzing insects, and the clink and thud of tack and saddle are the only sounds to accompany the travel.

The monotony is broken, however, as a sound of voices breaks the forest symphony:

"Gar bargu bar gar gar."

"Har blar hurr garu gurr gar."

"Nur hir hargarblar gur blarr burblar!"

"Huth blur garni blar?"

"Jor ji hur har harhar?"

"Zurrzar zuru! Zuri harzu blar!"

The voices come from the northwest, and are soon accompanied by something or somethings moving loudly thru the forest.

Also, I'll need a KN: Geography check to make sure you all aren't lost. :D

Lost Sage
2007-12-26, 11:15 PM

Godwin hisses sharply to the others "cover!" and tries to reign Turin in behind a bush that will provide some cover from the direction of the voices. He will reach for his bow while trying to determine the language being spoken. how dangerous? can we outrun them?

Any language Godwin recognizes?
KN Geography: [roll0]
How fast can the horses move through the trees?

2007-12-26, 11:21 PM

Shae dismounts quickly, moving her horse behind some trees. "Dismount. They startle the horses you'll be thrown." She helps the others down if they need it, then sets to calming and quieting the horses. "Vandrel going to check it out, or best if we just stick together and stay put?"

2007-12-27, 12:38 AM

Sunduval will dismount and cast Comprehend languages from his new divine spells. He will then form up next to Shae while listening. "Ready and I understand their language now."

2007-12-27, 03:00 PM

Vandrel guides the horse to the nearest tree quickly as he can, and slips from the saddle, pausing only long enough to assist Maeslyra getting down. "Allow me," he says quietly as he draws his bow and and arrow from his quiver and begins stalking quietly towards the voices, keeping low and against trees as he moves quickly and quietly through the trees, leaving no trail behind him or disturbing the brush. A slight grin slips across his face as he moves. He was home.

Move Silently: [roll0]+11=23
Hide: [roll1]+11=27

Moving at 20' per 'round' (which is half his normal speed).

2007-12-27, 03:13 PM

Catherine smiles at Maeslyra, unable to become upset despite the elf's usual arrogance. It was polite arrogance at least, something she imagined only an elf could manage. Well, as cute as you two are, I don't suppose I can put up too much of a fuss. No longer distraught in the aftermath of battle, she supposes she had judged them too harshly at first. Certainly they'd be difficult to get along with, but certainly if she persists then they'll become excellent companions.


Catherine places both her hands on Shae's shoulder as she gingerly lowers herself from her steed. Should he really be doing that? It might be that they mean us no harm, and it wouldn't do to put us in a situation where people that can't understand our tongue misunderstand our intentions as well.

Lost Sage
2007-12-27, 03:36 PM

Following the others lead Godwin will also dismount. He stays behind the bush where he had stopped Turin, bow in one hand, reigns in the other.

2007-12-27, 04:20 PM

Taking the help as quietly as she can manage, Maeslyra says nothing and nods to Vandrel. She scoops Nimaia off the horse and deposits her on the ground, where the cat slinks into the undergrowth to follow Vandrel.

Not interested in offering any more noise than she absolutely has to, Maeslyra looks at the horse and rolls her eyes. Shae would say whatever needed to be said to Catherine, and that's good enough for Maeslyra. Facing away from the direction that Vandrel crept off in, she casts a spell as quietly as she can manage. If there is a fight, it may help. If there is no fight, the waste is minimal.

Nimaia is not bothering to hide or tiptoe, and is staying 10 feet away from Vandrel, to his left.

Maeslyra casts Longstrider.

2007-12-27, 05:15 PM

She whispers quietly as she lowers Catherine down from the horse, "That's the point. Vandrel sees if they're coming our way, sees what they are, leads them off if needed. Fight avoided. Or it can't be avoided, we're warned. You see?" Shae nods, smiling, then realizes her hands are still around Catherine's waist even though the girl has had her feet on the ground for quite a bit of Shae's explanation. "Uh." Backing away with an awkward smile, Shae puts her hand on her sword and hurriedly looks out in the direction Vandrel headed.

Lost Sage
2007-12-27, 05:30 PM

Godwin watches as Vandrel and Nimaia move into the bush... scouting.

The bard quietly hums a tune to message the party members together, then whispers "I've got a message spell on everyone but Sunduval."

Cast Message on Vandrel, Shae, Catherine, Maeslyra

2007-12-27, 09:59 PM
Somewhere West of Clydemaark

Vandrel moves ahead of the group, with Nimaia not far behind. Godwin hides the horse behind some growth, while Sunduval invokes a spell to interpret the loud voices crashing thru the forest.

Vandrel only gets a few dozen yards before several large forms come bursting from the trees. They stand easily 10 feet, and carry small logs as clubs. Spying Shae, Catherine, Maeslyra, and the horses, a wicked sneer spreads across their wide mouths.

No surprise round, as they've heard your group as well.

They have not seen Vandrel. Everyone else has Line of Sight.

Map. (http://bp3.blogger.com/_Kbg4dLEcAXw/R3RmTy7-PnI/AAAAAAAAAIw/n7KZO7OaMSA/s1600-h/Ogre+Encounter.jpg)

Active Spells: Longstrider on Maeslyra, Comprehend Languages (see PM) on Sunduval, Message on Godwin

2007-12-27, 11:02 PM

[roll0] for init

Sunduval will raise his morning star. his sheild with the sun etched into the metal with gold.

"You shall not feed upon Hooman or Horsie this day, Ogrun. This day belongs to the GOD OF THE SUN, come face his knight in combat."

He will bang his shield with the heft of the morningstar and will channel his divine energy into his weapon to sheath the spiked head in fire. he will move five feet forward while speaking.

AC 22
HP 48
init 6

2007-12-28, 12:44 AM

A few seconds ago she was the epitome of an awkward teenager. That changes the second the creatures come into sight. Shae draws her sword and moves forward, sure-footed in her quick strides towards the monsters. "Block them between those trees if we can. Don't go in too far. Let them come to us."

If Shae goes before them: Move to I7, hold attack and then swat the first one to come near, assuming one does.
If they go first, go ahead and close and attack one if possible, otherwise close but stay just out of their reach. (Basically, don't take an AoO from their reach unless she gets a hit in, too.)
Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
AC: 21, 22 versus whichever one she closes with/closes with her OR a random one if there's no way to tell by her turn.
DR 1/-, 5 resistance to cold, fire.

Lost Sage
2007-12-28, 12:55 AM

The bard moves forward to position Catherine and Maeslyra behind him. If the creatures are still together he whistles a tune and tosses some dust in the air. If they are in front of him he will drop his bow and defend himself with his rapier. If neither, he looks for an opportunity to flank one of them.

init 1d20+2
if he has init: casting glitterdust to get all 3: DC 15
if in front of him: total defense: AC 21
if attacking others move to flank and take an attack if he can.

Edit: opps, didn't read Era's post properly.
sigh... not much chance now that a challenge has been issued... oh well, let's try it his way

Godwin steps toward Sunduval to better see the creatures. "Begone Ogrun!", he demands imperiously "Or your carcasses will feed the crows."

With his free hand the bard fingers the ground mica in his pouch.
{Intimidate [roll0]}

2007-12-28, 07:31 AM

Nimaia's panic causes Maeslyra's hand to move to her chest involuntarily, where she clutches tightly onto her dress. It takes a moment to smother it out so she can act, then she pulls a wand from her pack and taps Shae with it before she can run off. She looks for Vandrel, having lost sight of him when she turned away, sending out a note of inspiration for him.

Init 15
Putting Maeslyra next to Shae, at O11
Use wand: PfE on Shae.
Inspire for +4 to damage on Vandrel if she can see him, otherwise on Shae.

Nimaia moves and climbs up the tree at G12. If she needs a Climb check, she has +6 and is a panicked cat. Is there a bonus for that?

2007-12-28, 02:18 PM

Catherine's eyes widen at the sight of the giants. Oh... oh my! Quickly, she gathers her wits and reaches into a purse about her shoulder, lighting a candle quickly and efficiently and then sprinkling a powder-like substance about her, managing to draw a perfect circle despite her urgent movements.

Cast Summon Monster II.

2007-12-28, 09:03 PM

Vandrel frowns deeply and moves to the east, away from the immediate area of the fight and notches an arrow, letting it fly as he gets a clear shot.

Initiative: [roll0]+5=7
Attack: [roll1]+9=10
Damage: [roll2]+3+4+[roll3]=---

2007-12-29, 11:52 AM
Forest Encounter: Round 1

A cloud of glittering particles fills the air as Godwin completes his spell. The three ogres swat the sparkling motes, annoyed. One seems dazzled, and crashes into a tree.

The first ogre rushes forward, blithely passing Vandrel hidden in the trees, charging at the knot of people and horses. Their bulk makes passage thru the trees difficult, however. One bears down swinging its great oaken tree-***-club at Shae. The blow deflects off her shield, sending a powerful jolt down her arm. Only her instincts allowed her to avoid getting severely clobbered.

A second one rushes down around the left, closer to where Godwin and the horses are.

The third continues to have difficulty with the bushes and the colored lights.

From the forest emerges a fourth giant-kin. This one stands taller than the ogres, and has a second neck and head sprouting from its wide shoulders. It runs through the lights, the two heads chiming, "Hruh guh noo!", and stumbles about flailing, blinded.

Shae steps up to the towering creature, jabbing at it with her sword. She pierces the thick hide armor, causing the ogre to grunt in pain.

Maeslyra touches Shae with the wand, imbuing her with protective magic. Vandrel, still hidden somewhere up ahead and blocked by the lumbering creature, is out of sight for Maeslyra, so she sends her inspirational magic to Shae.

Nimaia, having managed not to be stepped on despite spitting and hissing her little heart out, races for the nearest tree, and rushes up it.

Catherine begins her spell...

Vandrel, having seen the lumbering ogres rush past, tries to whip off a shot at one of their backs. In his haste, the arrow thunks into a branch of one of the trees he was hiding in.

Sunduval's morningstar erupts into flame, and he moves up to stand near Shae.

One ogre is at L4-M5
Second is at K9-L10
Third is blinded up at B2
Two-headed giant is also blind, and up around B4

Godwin: I was confused as to where you wanted him to be: in front of Maeslyra and Catherine would've placed him in front of Shae, as well. Right now I have him at N8?

Catherine: I'm assuming you took a 5' step to get out of threat from the ogre, before casting. You're at O9. Let me know otherwise. :D

Shae is at M10

Sunduval I put at O10, next to Maeslyra and behind Shae for now. He's away this weekend, so I'll be running him. Feel free to suggest actions for him. :D

Vandrel is visible to Maeslyra now, and I have him at H10

I'll update the map when I can. Still in TN, and don't have internet on my laptop. Which has the maps.


17 Godwin
16 Giants (2 Blind)
15 Shae Inspired +4 Damage, Protection from Evil 10 rounds, Maeslyra
11 Catherine
7 Vandrel
6 Sunduval

2007-12-29, 12:38 PM

Vandrel curses softly under his breath and moves further from the giantkin. He takes aim at the one engaged with Shae as the head of the arrow sparks with electricity.

Moving to H12

Attack: [roll0]+9=13+4(Maeslyra)=17+3(Godwin)=20
Damage: [roll1]+3+[roll2]+[roll3]= 11+3(Godwin)=14
(Ignore the d20 roll, it was a 5 on the roller thread. Stupid copy paste errors.)

2007-12-29, 12:45 PM

Maeslyra frowns at the arrow flying wide. She taps Sunduval with her wand while sending power to Vandrel, hoping that Tethos will guide this arrow to its mark. She stays where she is, though, the effort of controlling the panic Nimaia is feeding to her keeping her rooted to the spot.

PfE for Sunduval.
Inspire +4 to attack for Vandrel.
No move.
Nimaia climbs higher into the tree.

2007-12-29, 01:54 PM

The blow causes numbness to ring through her shield arm. She spares a glance behind her to see where the others are. "Whatever you do, don't let them get near you, back up if you can. Focus attacks on this guy." She shakes her shield arm a little, trying to force feeling back in it as she carefully watches the large creature. Twisting her body, Shae puts all of her force behind a blow aimed at one of the ogre's thunderous thighs.

Attack: [roll0] (Heh!)
Damage: [roll1]
AC: 23/24 versus this guy
HP: 44/44

Lost Sage
2007-12-30, 02:16 AM

"We've only got a few shots before the other 2 regain their sight - let's make it count!"

The bard positions himself to protect Catherine and starts singing a battle song

Let us lift the green flag high
Underneath this foreign sky,
Unroll the verdant volume to the wind,
As we hasten to the fight...

Start bard song: +3/+3 on init 17, continue singing this round
Era: Godwin is trying to position himself so that Catherine doesn't get attacked (and thus ruin her spells) - probably N7 or Q8. Of course, he doesn't want to get attacked himself but if necessary he will block the way.

2007-12-31, 03:31 PM

After an eternity measured in times of conflict, Catherine finishes her spell. She cries out in celestial, a beautiful language that rings across the battlefield. I call upon the divine pack! Myzra! Ardent! Helios! Unleash your fury!

A pack of black dogs appear around the beast that Godwin confronts, brutally biting and tearing with righteous fury.

She then spins and approaches Shae. Shae! Hang in there! I'll help you! Her delicate fingers instantly weave another magick.

Summoned 3 celestial dogs. I'll put one in front of the ogre and two behind it so they're all flanking. Each will smite evil and can hear Godwin's song.




Edit: Guess I rolled too many, discount number 4 please?
Also moving toward Shae and casting grease on the weapon of the monster threatening Shae, Reflex save DC 16.

2008-01-01, 01:30 AM
Forest Battle: Round 2

Godwin begins his magic-laced song, instilling feelings of confidence and power in his companions. Moving and dodging, he positions himself to block the advancing ogre on the flank.

The horses, smelling the approaching threat, retreat. Shae's dog Bootsie moves to corral them.

The ogre battling Shae sneers, barking out "Oggi oni ogg!" before slamming his club into the tree next to the warrior as she neatly sidesteps the powerful blow.

Godwin's avoidance is not so lucky. The ogre pokes and prods, before clipping the bard in the arm soundly with its club. {10 Damage}

The other ogre and the two-headed giantkin stumble around in the slowly fading sparkles.

Shae tries to take advantage of her foe's missed blow, but is overeager, almost getting the blade caught up in its flea-bitten hide coverings.

Maeslyra spreads the magic of the wand to Sunduval, as he prepares to enter the fray.

Three mystical hounds appear around the ogre that struck Godwin as Catherine completes her spell. They nip at the ogre's calves and heals, drawing blood and pained growls. The sorceress completes another spell, and the ogre battling Shae bobbles its large tree-club momentarily before catching it.

Vandrel let's fly, mostly blindly. The potent magicks surrounding him however guide his shot true, the electrified arrow stabbing into the ogre's shoulder.

Sunduval crashes forward after seeing Godwin struck, Maeslyra's magicks barely warding him from the long reach of the creature's club. He sends the fiery morningstar crashing into the ogre's outstretched arm. The large giantkin looks panicked, surrounded by so many foes and badly injured.

Map (http://bp2.blogger.com/_Kbg4dLEcAXw/R3neQS7-PoI/AAAAAAAAAI4/Cb-gtVeh_QQ/s1600-h/OgreT.jpg)

Godwin: If you'd like to post a second round's potential actions, Lost Sage, go ahead. Might make things easier. :D

17 Godwin 10 Damage
16 Giants (2 Blind 2 rounds)
15 Shae Protection from Evil 9 rounds, Maeslyra
11 Catherine
7 Vandrel
6 Sunduval Protection from Evil 10 rounds

2008-01-01, 07:04 AM

Already, this wand is paying off. Maeslyra reaches for her own power, the song of soothing weaving into and out of Godwin's for a few moments. With just a few steps, she reaches out to the bard, transferring her power to him.

Inspire on Vandrel, +4 to damage.
Move to Q9
CLW on Godwin: 6 + 2 = 8

2008-01-01, 12:28 PM

With a careful movement, Shae sidesteps around the ogre, banging her sword on her shield to keep his attention as she does. "Look at me, that's right. Big noisy me." As she circles the ogre, she takes in the rest of the battlefield. "Doing fine here. How long until the other two join the party, Godwin?"

Move around the ogre to J8 so she's closer to the ettin and the other ogre when they start being able to see again.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC: 23/24 versus this guy
HP: 44/44

Lost Sage
2008-01-01, 04:25 PM

The bard grunts in pain as the orge's club crushes his left arm and shoulder oooo, i don't want another of those Thankfully, the celestrial hounds appear and surround the masive creature, and Sunduval dashes across to his rescue. Still singing, Godwin takes advantage of the reprieve and moves back out of range of both orges, drawing an arrow from his quiver.

'Spite of tyrants we will not die,
Our spirits to the saints above may soar, soar, soar;
And our spirits to the saints above may soar.

"Two bow shots." he answers Shae "On the third they'll be gate crashing."

He draws a bead on the two-headed monster still in the glittering particles and lets fly.

Arrow at ettin
att: (1d20+9)[13]
dam: (1d6+4)[8]

As the arrow flies forward Maeslyra touches Godwin on the shoulder, the pain in his shoulder lessens considerably. He nods thanks while moving to get a better angle on his target.

next round
Godwin lets fly another arrow at the two-headed monster, trying to soften him up for later.

and again for next round
att: (1d20+9)[28]
dam: (1d6+4)[7]

Liberty Is ours to claim,
Now 'tis glory leads us on, And spangles gloomy slavery's night;
If freedom's shattered bark...

no more time left, they're coming next round. ah there's an idea...

2008-01-01, 04:31 PM

The fireknight will quickly return a strike to the wounded ogre while awaiting its next strike, hoping his armor will withstand the devastating club. his fiery morningstar will swing just wide of the creature.


AC 24 with PFE
HP 48

2008-01-01, 05:51 PM

Catherine pointedly avoids looking at the carnage her servants reap, but from the sounds alone she can plainly hear that they have done as she has asked. Excellent! Don't stop now, go and help Shae when you've defeated that opponent! For emphasis, Catherine points at the other teenager so there can be no misunderstanding.

She doesn't wait to begin another spell.

Cast Summon Monster II again, use the summoner charm on this one. Any attacks I have left if the dogs kill this one will go to attacking the one that Shae is fighting, unless it flees in which case they'll take attacks of opportunity but let it live if it gets away.




I forgot to add the flanking bonuses, so those attack rolls are 27, 12, and 17.

2008-01-02, 11:59 AM

Vandrel growls softly at his aim and moves closer to the giant, drawing bead on the creature as he moves. He skids to a stop in what seems better position and lets his arrow fly.

Edit: Moving to J12 (sorry, forgot to type that part!)

Attack: [roll0]+12= 25
Damage: [roll1]+10+[roll2]= 19

If the one Shae is fighting is down by his turn, he will fire on the one the others are fighting, if its down, he'll turn his attention towards the two blinded ones, but will lose his point blank bonus, and skirmish.

2008-01-02, 01:36 PM
Forest Encounter: Round 3

Godwin fires at the two-headed monstrosity, but his arrow misses its mark.

The ogre surrounded by dogs and the knight lashes out at one of the beasts on its heel. The large club crashes heavily into the dog, sending it flying with a yelp. The dog slams into a tree, and comes to ground with a thud before it is silent.

The ogre fighting Shae continues to pound away at her ineffectively, completely missing her this time. Its wounds and the exertion are slowing it down.

The blinded ogre stops flailing at the tree, and with a roar charges off to the southwest with its club raised. It stumbles after a short distance, rubbing its overstimulated eyes.

The two-headed creature also stumbles away from the dazzling lights, swing its clubs two and fro, smacking the large tree with a resounding thud.

Shae effectively counters this time, slashing the brute clean across its chest, ripping a large gash across the motley hide it wears.

Maeslyra channels her divine energies, sending inspiration to Vandrel and healing to Godwin.

The ogre struggles to recover from its violent blow against the one summoned hound. The remaining dogs leap to attack. One grabs the ogre's ankle, which opens the way for the second to jump and latch onto the giant's throat. Waving its massive arms frantically, the behemoth topples backwards, the dog still latched onto its neck.

Vandrel adjusts his aim, and takes the large target clean in the back. Shae sees the creature's eyes go wide, then empty, as it collapses in front of her.

Round 4

Godwin again fires his bow, this time catching the large creature in the shoulder. It shrugs away the arrow with annoyance.

More slowly, the two-headed giant stalks around the large tree, blabbering with both heads as it does so. The ogre that had gone charging off returns, moving more tentatively towards the group.

Ettin is at F7-G8
Ogre is at J4-K5

Catherine: down to 2 dogs from the first summoning

17 Godwin 2 Damage
16 2 Giants
<--------Here on Initiative------------->
15 Shae Protection from Evil 7 rounds, Maeslyra
11 Catherine Summon II 1 round
7 Vandrel
6 Sunduval Protection from Evil 8 rounds

2008-01-02, 01:47 PM

There wasn't much to be done about it -- the sheer reach of the giant's arms meant it was going to get to try to hit her before she could hit it. Twice, it seemed. Inhaling deeply, the teenager steels herself and sets off towards the monster. "Hold the other one, Sunduval."

Move to H7.
Attack: [roll0] (Critical Confirm: 15. Curses)
Damage: [roll1] (Critical Damage: 16 more... not that it confirmed!)
AC: 23/24 versus the ettin
HP: 44/44

2008-01-02, 02:10 PM

Catherine shoots an alarmed glance at Godwin, before returning her attention to command. That's okay Ardent! You did well! Myzra! Helios! Charge the err... the one with two bloody disgusting heads! Now... rise from the feet of the angels... help me Valiant! An immense black mastiff with glowing white eyes appears, bounding at the ettin and barking loudly. Hey Vandrel! she cries, speaking in Common once again as she averts her eyes from the carnage that ensues. Give Sunduval some cover fire, I think we've got this one under wraps! She begins another spell quickly, moving toward the ettin and pointing to one of its bludgeons.

Summon a celestial riding dog, the two celestial dogs will charge to h8 and H9, the riding dog will charge to E8, thus flanking.

[roll1] (smite evil)



Cast grease on one of the ettin's weapons, reflex DC 16.

2008-01-02, 02:23 PM

The crystal on Vandrel's bow... Maeslyra takes a quick look around, then goes to meet Vandrel, casting as she walks swiftly. Once she meets him, she transfers the spell to him.

Move to K12.
Cast Guidance on Vandrel
Inspire Vandrel for +4 to damage.

Lost Sage
2008-01-02, 04:42 PM

"No..." is all Godwin can say as Shae moves to attack the two-headed monster by herself. He exchanges looks with Catherine.
i hope she know what she's doing.

next round

plan B... The bard whistles and tosses a bit of fleece in the direction of Shae and her opponent. Suddenly Shae splits into two Shae's - fighting side-by-side. It's hard to tell which is which, especially as the image combines and shifts from one side to the other.

Casting silent image of Shae (confined to area G9-L4). Shifting the image in and out periodically so the Ettin can't keep track of which one is the real Shae (a.k.a. mirror image with only one image)

2008-01-02, 05:15 PM

Vandrel nods to Maeslyra, taking a few quick steps after she's cast the spell to focus fire upon the giant Shae charges towards. He raises his bow, the arrowhead cracking again, and lets it fly, spending the guidance to assist it towards the vital spot of his target.

Moving to: J10
Attack: [roll0] + 13 = 22
Damage: [roll1] + 10 + [roll2](skirmish) + [roll3](Elec) = 25

2008-01-02, 10:04 PM

The fireknight will pull his morningstar to his chest and roll his wrist to send the head of the weapon in to the Ogre's knee.

"Oh I have this Shae and now that it is hobbled I will be right over."


2008-01-02, 11:26 PM
Forest Encounter: Round 4 Continued

Shae manages to slip in under the giant's blind attacks, landing a solid strike to its meaty thigh.

Moving, Maeslyra casts a simple spell, sending the elven magic to guide Vandrel's bow.

Catherine again completes the summoning, and another dog appears. She utters a second spell, trying to cause the two-headed monstrosity to lose it's weapon, but the spell seems to have no effect.

The dogs race over to the blinded giant, biting and gnashing. Two draw blood, sending the giant into a thrashing spasm of pain and fear.

Vandrel sends his own arrow over the backs of the magical dogs into the melee, striking the giant in the shoulder. Electricity crackles across it's front, as the giant jerks around from the shot.

Sunduval takes on the last ogre, crashing his flaming morningstar into the beast with all his strength. The large creature roars in pain.

Round 5

Godwin casts his illusion magic, causing an image of Shae to dance about near her.

The giant-kin, now able to see again, attack with fear and fury. The ogre sends its large club at Sunduval, who easily deflects the mighty blow with his shield.

The two-headed Ettin flails away at the two attackers surrounding him. Blood flows from its numerous wounds.

Two of the dogs are struck, and killed instantly by the mighty blows of the giant's clubs. The creature seems to ignore the illusionary image of the warrior girl. Shae tries to block the mighty blow with her shield, but the attack is so powerful it feels as if her arm will be driven clear into her chest. {16 damage}

Lots of 18+ for the bad guys...woo!

Godwin: Gave the Ettin a Will save vs. the illusion, which it passed

Bard Song: 7 rounds
17 Godwin 2 Damage
16 Ettin, Ogre
<--------Here on Initiative------------->
15 Shae Protection from Evil 6 rounds 16 Damage, Maeslyra
11 Catherine 1 dog, 8 rounds
7 Vandrel
6 Sunduval Protection from Evil 7 rounds

2008-01-02, 11:36 PM

She's almost driven to one knee by the force of the blow, and actually can hear the sound of her shield arm's bones straining with the shock. Her vision fills with colored motes. Shaking her head, Shae breathes in deeply, forcing herself to stand upright and shift into a defensive stance. "Fine. I'm fine."

Her hazel eyes watch the giant-kin carefully, and Shae paces around it like a cat on the hunt, looking for an opportunity to strike. When it comes, she hits quickly and surely, aiming a solid upwards thrust at the belly of the creature.

Combat Expertise, on! (+4/-4) After attack, five foot step back from the Ettin so anyone trying to heal her won't get an AoO. Of course, it does put them dangerously close to the Ettin...
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC: 27/28
HP: 28/44

Lost Sage
2008-01-03, 12:20 AM

"#$!@#" the bard swears quietly but deliberately in dwarvish when the two-headed giant ignores the image. Shae's image grimaces and makes a rude gesture at the beast before winking out of existence.

next round

{if the Ettin still stands}
Godwin dashes in a lays a hand on Shae's shoulder, healing some of the damage of that mighty blow.

CLW on Shae: (1d8+4)[7]

{if not}
Godwin aims an arrow at the remaining Giant and lets it fly.

att: (1d20+5)[25] (includes the -4 for firing into melee)
dam: (1d6+4)[10]
att: (1d20+5)[18]
dam: (2d6+8)[16]
whoHoo!!! I hope the Ettin does go down. That's respectable even by Vandrel's measure

2008-01-03, 07:49 AM

Fully intending to use her wand on Vandrel, Maeslyra's head snaps around as she hears the club hit Shae heavily. She stops in mid-movement and casts a spell, moving close enough to reach out and brush Shae on the shoulder with it.

Move up so she can reach Shae.
Deliver CLW to Shae: 3 + 2 = 5
Inspire on Vandrel for +4 to damage

2008-01-03, 11:56 PM

After feeling the shockwave travel through shield and body as the club skitters off, the Fireknight will bring the morningstar up from the knee and into the groin region of the creature.

2008-01-04, 02:28 AM

Vandrel continues his slow movement across the field, raising his bow to fire another around towards the enemy facing Shae.

Moving to: J10
Attack: [roll0]+12 = 15
Damage: [roll1] + 10 + [roll2] = 20

Firing at the enemy engaged with Shae if its still standing, otherwise the other giant.

2008-01-04, 02:08 PM
Forest Encounter: The bigger they are...

Shae stabs at the two-headed giant. Her jab meets resistance from the hides, but she muscles the blade thru to the soft belly underneath for a deadly wound. She steps away from creature, and feels Maeslyra's healing energies course into her.

The summoned dog grabs the giant's ankle as the creature clutches at its belly, stumbling and falling to its knees, then face first. Its hot blood and belly spill onto the forest floor.

Vandrel fires at the remaining ogre, but the arrow sticks into the creatures oversized club. The shot distracts the ogre, however, and Sunduval slams his morningstar into it, sending it staggering backwards slightly. Seeing the ettin dieing on the ground, Godwin fires a shot from his own bow. The staggered ogre takes the arrow in the neck. Blinking once, twice, it collapses backwards with a heavy thud.

<--Combat Over-->

2008-01-04, 02:25 PM

Only now, once the fight is done, do Shae's hands start shaking. The monster had killed those dogs in one hit each. It could have taken her head off in one swing. It nearly had. "Holy f---ing s---," she murmurs, a tremble in her voice, glazed eyes taking in the massive corpse before her. "F---ing f---."

The adrenaline pumping through her system is sickening now that the danger has passed, causing her to tremble and sweat, though at least it deadens the pain in her arm. The now-pale teenager has half a mind to walk behind a tree and throw up. Her heart pounds in her chest and she can't seem to catch her breath. Her vision is narrowed and grey, and motes of color still dance around, obscuring the forest. Shae's bloody sword is held so limply in her right hand that it almost slips out.

Fighting people was one thing, after a while you just got used to it. But she'd never seen anything this large. It was twice her height. As tall as the house she'd grown up in. The massive clubs it wielded were as big as her. And she'd run right up to it and poked it with a sword. Because it was her job. "F---," she mutters again, in shock, a little lost.

2008-01-04, 03:55 PM

Catherine had been at least spared the shock of having to approach and attack an immense wall of muscle and fury, but the feeling of being penned in by monsters with long arms and ground-eating strides had disturbed her greatly. But she had remained deadly and functional because of the presence of her summoned allies, they may never die in a battle, but they still depended on her to direct them, and hopefully make sure that they suffered as little pain as possible before returning to their home plane. It takes her several moments to gather that the battle has ended, for a moment she is looking for an opportunity to call out an order or cast a timely spell, and seeing no opportunities horrifies her, makes her feel as though time is running out and she is doing nothing. But then she realizes the truth. There is nothing left to be done for her.

The tension and fear evaporates, replaced with boundless joy. We won! She cries, delighted. Godwin is closest at the moment, and she rushes him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Without even waiting for a reaction from the bard, she then dances over to Shae and throws her arms around her, grinning stupidly.

The immense mastiff with white glowing eyes seems to share his master's enthusiasm, for he rises upon his hindelegs and plants his paws on Maeslyra's shoulders, enthusiastically and repeatedly slurping her face.

2008-01-04, 06:05 PM

Maeslyra takes stock of the situation, letting the frenzy of immediate action start to ebb. Her first instinct has her taking a step towards Shae, intending to finish the healing she started. Then the dog, something she is not fully paying attention to, thumps into her, which is more than enough to send her, not braced and not very strong to begin with, sprawling to the ground with a shriek.

She flings a hand out to deliver a spell straight into its face, then scuttles backwards to get away from it. She reaches back into her pack, pulling out a wand that she points at the thing.

Um, Maeslyra doesn't like dogs and probably weighs less than it does.
Distract Assailant on the dog, which doesn't matter if it works or not, because obviously the dog isn't trying to actually attack her.
I assume someone will say/do something before she can use a charge off the wand of Magic Missile on it.

2008-01-04, 07:21 PM

The Fireknight will look over his allies and the general area before sinking down on one knee and lowering his eyes. "Thank you Solis for delivering us from this evil, thy light and heat comfort us in the dark places we tread." The knight will stand walk amongst the Ogres.

"Whoo, good job Shae. Those things really pack a mean club. Wonder how many fell before them until they found us." The knight will begin searching the bodies and will restrain a laugh when the mastiff pounce on her.

2008-01-04, 09:09 PM

Shae snaps into action, not because she feels any less overwhelmed, but because she has to. Catherine's arms around her cause her to inhale sharply. "Uh." Blinking once, she rapidly takes in the scene. She drops her sword. Her right arm reaches around Catherine and quickly undoes the strap holding the shield to her left arm – that arm now swelling painfully around the leather binding anyhow. The shield clatters to the ground.

Stepping forward, her right arm still around Catherine, Shae's left hand then whips out and grabs the huge mastiff by the back of the neck. "No. Bad dog. Sit!" Her face, already pale, goes stark white with the exertion of moving the injured arm, but she firmly holds the huge dog by the scruff of its neck, pulling it back and down to get it to sit. "I got him, Maeslyra."

2008-01-05, 12:16 AM

Thesre. Upon that simple foreign utterance, the beast hops off the elf mid-lick (Shae's hand could scarcely budge its powerful body) and peers at the wand in her hand. Seeming to understand its meaning it then gives Maeslyra a stern and disapproving look. Good. Now help her up. Haruch dir uron. The immense dog pads behind Maeslyra and begins nudging her back, easily able to provide a stable and unyielding surface to rise on as it is nearly equal to her standing height even on all fours. Sorry for startling you like that, says Catherine though she's incapable of concealing her immense amusement. I've learned to control them pretty well, but that doesn't mean they're golems. Sometimes my own feelings influence their actions.

She's leaning against Shae, still caught up in victory revels and completely lacking in inhibitions.

2008-01-05, 07:36 AM

Maeslyra moves quickly out of the way of the dog, wishing to have nothing to do with it. She ignores Catherine and takes Vandrel's hand to rise, only then realizing she still has the wand pointed at the dog. The wand goes back into her pack and she finishes carrying through on her intentions. She looks to Shae, saying quietly just one word, "Healing". Whatever she's feeling at the moment, it is being carefully restrained in every way. The pulse of divine energy flows from her just a few seconds later, then she moves off to go retrieve her cat.

Sacred Purification, which heals 8 hit points.
It reads like the bad guys are all very, very dead. If that is not the case, Maeslyra will wait, either for them to slip away or for someone to coup de grace them.

2008-01-05, 08:32 AM

Sunduval will stand and rest his hands on hips as he feels the divine energy wash over him. He will doff his helm and run a gauntleted hand over his hair as he smiles at Maeslyra. " what spell was that you cast from your wand? I feel almost impervious to their blows. Please thank your deity in your evening prayers from me. While I am a man of the Sungod, I do not stand alone against this enemy. My thanks friends for your interventions spells, arrows and song."

2008-01-05, 03:23 PM

Everyone's words seem like they're coming from a hundred miles away again. Blinking, Shae lets go of the dog once it moves away from Maeslyra. She nods absently when the elf says a word and leaves, though she's not quite sure what the word was. The pain leaves her arm, though, only the slightest twinge to remind her of the ettin's blow.

All the while she can feel the warmth of Catherine against her.

Suddenly, she can hear again. The world comes into focus and stays that way. Shae exhales, and slowly releases Catherine. "Uh. Work. To do." She leans down and collects her sword, cleaning it as best she can before sheathing it again. She returns her shield to her back, and then sets about making sure the ettin and ogres are dead. Finally she starts to collect together anything of value from them that she finds, or that anyone else points out.

2008-01-05, 05:44 PM

Vandrel frowns, stepping directly between the dog and Maeslyra, shoving it away from her if it does not get the picture. "Control your beasts," is all he says to Cathrine stepping away from it and assisting Maeslyra.

The girls reactions to things boggled him. She grew sick over human but apparently took joy in anything else. That was worse that even Maeslyra's views.

2008-01-05, 08:06 PM

Her reverie broken, Catherine stares at Maeslyra. Again she had been spurned, this time when she had tried to apologize. Which meant of course that her apology hadn't been accepted, and in the worst possible way. It makes her feel like an awkward little girl. Shae's apparent rejection only bruises her ego further.

Excuse me, she says quietly. But it isn't a beast, and it isn't my job to control it. It's a being of good from the celestial realms that came here to aid us in our battle, and it deserves your respect. I don't see why the two of you are getting so upset over it, it just wanted to give Maeslyra some kisses and got a bit carried away.

Lost Sage
2008-01-05, 10:29 PM
Godwin's satisfaction watching the last Giant fall is almost palatable. wow! we did i...


The kiss from Catherine snaps him away from the scene. The nearness of the beautiful young woman stops any other thought as hormones kick in. He smiles, but Catherine is already gone and hugging Shae. The adrenaline, relief, and flash of desire have left him speechless - a rare occurrence. The bard blinks once,... twice,... and finally brings the world back into perspective. nope, not going down that road. been there.... done that.... not going again. He watches, somewhat dazed, at the interplay between the teenagers and the elves. It's familiarity completes the process of coming back to himself.

The bard slowly stows his short bow back into position across his pack. "Whatever else" he says to the others in tones of reconciliation "We make an incredible team. I've heard of entire caravans being wiped out by one of those things... and we faced four."

"Diversity is very powerful. We have a lot of it. But it doesn't make getting along and easier." he finishes, looking back and forth between the elves and Catherine.

2008-01-05, 10:53 PM
The Forest Somewhere West of Clydemaark
Midday, Thursday, 18th of Springdawn 1556

The giants do not stir as Shae begins poking and prodding thru their meager belongings. The clubs the creatures were using were nothing more than small trees, uprooted and converted to weaponry. In one case roots and dirt still cling to one end of the makeshift club.

Amongst the hideskin pouches of the ogres can be found bits of bone, feathers, and indiscernible bits of dried meat.

The ettin has a much larger pouch slung across its back. Within is a veritable cornucopia of assorted 'treasures': a pouch containing about a five pounds of small pebbles, a haunch of wormy meat, a large silvery cloth - encrusted with what can only be dried slime and mucous - that could be a cape or cloak or poncho, a small well-chipped bust of some old bald man with black stones set around the neck, a moderate sized leather coin purse (containing about 200 gold coins), a half-rotten woven basket, and a partially eaten duck.

2008-01-06, 04:32 AM

For now, she avoids the conflict. First, she's not really up to it. The fight has filled her head with horrible somethings, left her drained, and with a strange feeling of dread.

And she can't fault anyone or take a side. Animals should behave. They shouldn't leap on people. It must have been frightening for Maeslyra, and then humiliating when Sunduval and Catherine found her reaction amusing. But the dog meant no harm, nor did Catherine. There wasn't really a clear right or wrong. So, like so many of Shae's earlier conflicts with others, it was just a thing that needed to happen. They could clear the air, or they could decide to suck it up and move on, but they couldn't just avoid it. Anyhow, it didn't need her involvement.

Shae brings over and lays out all of the contents of the bags, even the items that seem worthless, like the bag of pebbles and the half-eaten duck. She throws the haunch of maggoty meat down with a satisfied grin, the same one she'd get when she'd pin down one of her less martial brothers and see how close to their face she could get a string of drool without actually hitting them. It actually makes her feel normal for a second, the gross, playful malice of the act. She squats down and begins looking over the mucous-coated cloth. When there's a break, she looks up and interjects, "What's magical, what's valuable? My money's on the duck. Uh. Half-duck."

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

2008-01-06, 09:41 AM

"Protection From Evil." Maeslyra gives the response to Sunduval as she walks away. It takes a few moments to convince her cat to climb down from the tree, but Nimaia gets the calm from Maeslyra and jumps down. Only to be scooped up into Maeslyra's arms. "Yes, you did the right thing, Nimaia," she murmurs soothingly. "They were much bigger than you. There is no shame in being afraid of things larger than you whose intentions seem hostile."

Maeslyra gives Catherine a completely neutral gaze. "First, do not tell me who or what deserves my respect. Second, I may not feel remorse for killing these creatures, but joy is not an appropriate response to the death of sentient beings. Third, you do not have the liberty to dictate to me how I perceive anything."

She turns away from Catherine, uninterested in pursuing the issue. She casts Detect Magic and takes a look over the objects Shae has brought over.

2008-01-06, 05:09 PM

Catherine's lip trembles, and she darts over, standing in front of Maeslyra. Wh-what are you talking about? That's completely unfair! We won! We're alive! Why don't I have a right to be happy about that? Do you expect me to be miserable every time we win a battle? What have I done to deserve this treatment? We've bled together! We should be friends!

Catherine bursts into tears and runs away, finding a tree to hide behind.

I just want to be friends, is that too much to ask for? To be friends with my allies?

2008-01-06, 07:26 PM

"That one," Maeslyra leans around Catherine and points to the cloth, "is magical. Weak Evocation. That's it. Must be a cloak or cape or something." She watches the little girl run off without waiting for any other sort of input and rolls her eyes. "Honestly, Shae, I am not trying to upset her on purpose. I am just not good with children." A pause, and a half a smirk forms on her face. "Or dogs."

She peers down at the cloth on the ground and wrinkles her nose in disgust. "Is that...snot?"

2008-01-06, 09:10 PM

"Damn. I thought it would be the maggots you noticed." Shae pulls off her gloves for a minute, using the heels of her bare hands to rub her eyes. "Speaking as the other child of the group – and don't pull that 'you are very wise, young one' bulls--- – no, you're no good with kids. You had me on edge from day one. You're a very… there's a lot of you there, you know? Very charming. Very powerful. You're a person who… well, people want to be liked by you, Maeslyra. And you don't like many people. It's not easy."

"Same time, Catherine told me she'd suck it up. That saving the world or whatever the hell we're up to was more important than worrying about every time you or Vandrel hurt her feelings. Frankly, I don't want to spend the next two weeks chasing her behind a tree every time she loses a fight." Shae shrugs, pulling back on her gloves. "I don't have a solution. I really don't. I'm just saying, there's two sides."

2008-01-06, 09:52 PM

Blowing out a breath through her mouth, Maelsyra nods. "Yes, two sides," she says with some measure of resignation and sadness. "I know that. Does she? Maybe. Maybe not." She shrugs lightly. "You've seen my temper. I know it's there and I am making the effort to control it. All change takes time. And that is not something I can explain to her. It is also not your problem."

She turns to look in the general direction that Catherine went. "It should not be that only one person here can connect with her, but that seems to be the case. She is not really so different from me, actually. Take away the..." she casts about for the right word, "innocence? No, that isn't really the word for it. Naiveté, I suppose. But there is a lot that I've come to see in me that is in her, too." This statement only seems to sadden her a little more. She begins to turn away, then stops, looking at Shae. "I am truly sorry that you always seem to have to be in the middle. That is not my wish, but I strongly suspect that I will only make it worse at this point."

Nimaia starts purring and bumps her head up against her elf's chin.

Lost Sage
2008-01-06, 10:24 PM

The bard purses his lips. Uncertain if he really wants to get involved any further. He feels for Catherine. He knows what it's like to be banging against that sort of personality. His more conservative instincts tell him to leave it alone. But that part of him that jumps out of windows is as strong as ever, and not likely to chance being left out of something as unpredictable as this.

Godwin walks slowly over the tree Catherine is behind. Giving the girl time to have that first good cry. When he gets there he doesn't walk around the tree, but just to the side, neither looking at her nor turning his back to her.

"Catherine." He makes it a statement, not a question - an honest, open voice without judgement.

"Do you like cats?"

Having gained the girl's attention he turns to look in her direction. Giving her as much attention as she is giving him.

"I'm not talking about the playful kittens... Or the kind that jump in your lap or rub against your legs. I'm talking about the older ones that sit in the windowsill, disdainfully watching the comings and goings of mere mortals through their domain. Well..., Maeslyra is like a cat. She has been watching this world for longer then all of us humans have even lived... all of us combined. She has a lot of wisdom. But the wisdom she doesn't have is remembering what it's like to be a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. Us children must really get on her nerves sometime."

"But you know... if you just let the cat be. Give it respect and go about your business as best as you are able. Eventually you'll come to an understanding. That understanding is useful in more ways then you can expect. At least, that's what I've found."

"But please!" the bard says looking directly at Catherine with worried grin "Don't tell Maeslyra I compared her to an old cat sitting on a windowsill!"

2008-01-07, 06:23 AM

"Sometimes you have to make things worse to make them better. A good throwdown might do wonders. These skirmishes do f--- all. Anyhow," Shae pauses, figuring how to make this sound benign as it can, since it was addressing a rather private conversation in public, "it's fighting dirty I can't stand, not fighting itself. People should go on and get mad if they want. Anything less feels dishonest. If I'm a jackass, someone should tell me. Then I'll put them in a headlock and we'll reach a new level of understanding."

She grows more serious, standing and walking towards Maeslyra, jerking her head off to the side. A few steps away, she says quietly, "Listen, it's best if I don't talk to Catherine, I think. You're no idiot, you've caught what these guys haven't. If I talk to her, I'm being the friend she so desperately wants, but I have another motive. One she very obviously has no interest in. Until I can be the… until I can be just the friend she wants, I think it's best if I steer clear. Otherwise it's like lying."

She notices Godwin then, and points, "Anyhow, looks like Godwin's dealing with it. The good thing about Catherine is I don't think she cares much what's said, so long as it's in a nice tone." A smile starts to break across Shae's face and she explains herself further, "That's a polite way of saying: if I'm ever crying behind a tree and you send Godwin to talk to me, he'll probably come back missing half his teeth. Nice guy, incredible knack for saying the exact wrong thing to me." She rubs her eyes again, tired. "Maybe that's more about me than him, though. Anyhow, I'm talking your ear off. I'll go get to work. Got a snotcloth to pack." The word 'snotcloth' makes her eyes dance in merriment, and she scans Maeslyra's face for the disgusted look she knows is coming.

2008-01-07, 08:03 AM

Some of what Shae says about herself snaps a piece into place for the elf. She nods and starts scritching her cat. Then she shrugs quite lightly, almost unnoticeably. "I would prefer not to fight with Catherine at all." She glances off again to where she can now see Godwin. "I should talk to Godwin sometime soon, I think." It is said generally as if she perhaps didn't mean for it to be out loud.

She does not fail to disappoint with an expression of distaste at the mention of the 'snotcloth'. But then she smirks. "I can clean it up. Vandrel," she turns and scans for him, then waves and calls to him in Auran. Then she turns back, now grinning and casts Prestidigitation, setting to the task of cleanup.

2008-01-07, 09:19 AM
Forest West of Clydemaark
Midday, Thursday 18th of Springdawn 1556

Once cleaned, the cloth reveals itself to indeed be a cloak. The material is silvery, with gold him. On the inner lining runes are stitched into the cloth around the border.

Shae examines the now clean clothing, but cannot discern its function or purpose.

2008-01-07, 11:19 AM

"Have no idea what this is, aside from a big old ettin hanky." Shae folds up the cloak and hands it to Maeslyra. "Let me know if you figure it out." She eyeballs the remaining goods and grabs the bag of coins and the bust, taking them to the horses.

Bootsie bounds over to greet her. "Yeah, I saw you. Good dog, keeping those pesky horses in line." She carefully puts the bag and the bust in Godwin's saddle bags, then sets to checking over and calming the horses, preparing them to depart.

2008-01-07, 04:44 PM

Catherine composes herself eventually. A mean old cat, hmm? She giggles tiredly, and then sighs. She's so beautiful, wise, confident. I wish I could be a little more like her, but I'm not an elf and that will never come to be. So I guess I feel like I can only be at peace with her if she would... look at me once in a while, make me feel like I exist, tell me I did a good job instead of telling me that I enjoy the death of my enemies. That's so not fair! Ugh. She rises up. I still don't feel like I'm a part of this group. All that's keeping me here is that I don't have anywhere else to go. Without friends I'll have nothing and then I'll probably die or live life as though it were a shadow of death. But thank you Godwin. Thanks for cheering me up even when I act like a baby. She gives the bard a quick but firm embrace and a peck on the cheek.

I've made up my mind that that's the last time I'll cry. Even a noble can't expect to be respected unless they deserve respect. Her eyes still bleary, she moves back to her horse, standing beside it and waiting to leave, only assisting the others if requested to.

2008-01-07, 09:57 PM

With the cloth now clean, and shoved into her hands, Maeslyra runs her fingers over it and shakes it out again. A single eyebrow lifts as she examines the hem and realizes what she's holding. "Now this," she mutters mostly to herself, "this I could use." She folds the cloak up and stuffs it in her pack, intending to discuss its power and disposition with the others later.

She looks around and notes that this matter seems to be well in hand. After dropping the cat gently to the ground, she moves over to where Vandrel is and gets in his way, not letting him go anywhere without a kiss.

Lost Sage
2008-01-07, 11:36 PM

"Uh, you're welcome" replies Godwin to Catherine's thanks and hug. yup, and that's a little closer then i am comfortable with.

The bard does his best to ignore the lingering feeling of the hug as he walks back to the others. what i need... is five solid nights in Capaal. but i'm not likely to get them am i? instead, i'm wondering through trees with some crazy women fending off two-headed monsters that want me for breakfast.... huph, so who's crazy here?

He walks over to Turin and notes a new bulge in his saddle bags. Investigation yields a bunch of gold, which is welcome, and an oddly shaped lump resembling a bald head, which is not. The bard takes the head over to Shae. "You want to find out if anything is inside?"

Godwin will keep the black stones from around the bust's neck after they break it - who knows....

2008-01-08, 12:48 AM

Sunduval will stand watch looking around this latest battlefield and replaying his fight over in head. he will smile at Maeslyra's response and nod.

After the treasure is collected he will remount Sunchaser and head off slowly in advance of the group at a slow gallop.

"Vandrel, do you think we backtrack their trail to fond out more about these massive creatures ?"

2008-01-08, 03:41 AM

After she checks over the horses, Shae washes her face and hands, then leans her head against Annabelle's flank like she did when she was younger. Sighing deeply, she closes her eyes. A wave of regret fills her, a deep longing for a life she had just a year ago. As quickly as the melancholy overwhelms her, she pushes it away. Keep moving, Shae.

She helps Catherine on to her horse with just an extended hand, keeping her eyes averted, pretending to be intensely interested in something far away. Godwin's invitation is met with a nod. Shae takes the bust, places on a bit of hard ground, and whacks it with her mace until it cracks. It's a satisfying feeling, to have such a deliberate physical effect on the world, but it's fleeting. Shrugging at the rubble she's left in her wake, she returns to her horse and mounts up, swinging her leg over the horse in a fluid movement. "Don't think we should get distracted tracking these guys back. This is the rough, no one out here for them to hurt if there's others. If they have a lair it could be days away, anyhow. Let's just get to where we're going." The shorter this trip was, the easier it would be.

2008-01-08, 09:31 AM

Vandrel observes and keeps an eye on their surroundings as the others deal with the reminents of the giants, making no attempt to get away from Maelsyra when she comes to him. He stands with her, quietly observing. He looks at the bust, peering for a few minutes to try to remember the face of the bust. He does however chuckle as Shae destroys the is. "Take the gems," he suggests at they move back to the horses.

"I would have to agree with Shae," Vandrel says as he remounts, then helps Maeslyra mount the horse. "They are not our quarry right now. Hopefully their lair is far away," he adds as he settles in for the ride. "And in the opposite direction from where we are travelling."

He starts the horse back towards their, staying slow until everyone is under way, then continuing on at a normal pace.

2008-01-08, 12:11 PM

"I normally do not condone the destruction of artwork, but that isn't really art anymore." Maeslyra nods and settles in behind Vandrel. I have to remember to recharge the stone on the bow again tonight. And to check Nimaia's claws for damage. Alas for privacy. She snuggles in against Vandrel and sighs lightly, then starts ruffling his hair absently.

2008-01-09, 08:30 PM
Continued Travels
Early evening, Thursday, 18th of Springdawn 1556

Leaving behind the corpses to fertilize the forest, the group presses on. Travel is slower, as no roads or paths exist to follow. Landmarks and the sun above are the only sign to go by.

Near the end of the day, the party wanders into a clearing. Ahead lies the ruins of an old tower. Little is left of it. Stones and masonry lie scattered about. In the open space, between the group and ruined tower, a small figure leans over the corpse of a small wild pig. The figure looks like an old wizened halfling with buck teeth. Dressed in simple cloths and holding a large scythe, with one hand it is dipping its headband into an open gash of the slain pig.

Without really noting the groups advance, the short figure begins speaking in a melodious language, lilting and musical, yet haunting and somehow terrifying. He goes about his work on the pig after placing the now wet-and-bloodied hat upon his head, tearing off skin and fur to get to the underlying meat.

In Sylvan:

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
Jack dipped his wick in a poor pig’s neck.
And lo came six fine strapping talls,
Eager to let ol’Jack make fall!


2008-01-09, 09:34 PM

Lifted from her reverie by a change in the horse's pace, Maeslyra is peering over Vandrel's shoulder when they come upon the scene. It's bizarre in so many ways that she just accepts it and turns back to the others. "The gist is that he knows we're here."

She otherwise waits. Its intentions are completely murky, and Godwin is more skilled with negotiations of most sorts, anyway.

Lost Sage
2008-01-10, 04:20 AM

Godwin doesn't understand the language, but identifies it as Sylvan the woodland tongue. The halfling's behaviour is certainly strange enough, but they are the visitors here, not him.

The bard dismounts and leads Turin to within 15 feet of the odd person
"Greetings. We're visitors here. Perhaps you could tell us something of the way ahead?" he asks respectfully in common.

2008-01-10, 04:39 AM

Shae drops Annabelle's reigns, freeing up her right hand. It doesn't quite stray to her sword yet, instead staying firmly by her side. She knees the horse slightly, moving her to the side and out of Godwin's way. The words mean nothing to her, but there's a sing-song, rhyming aspect that puts her ill at ease. Someone doing something so bloody shouldn't be so damn happy about it.

With a sideways glance to Maeslyra and Vandrel, she whispers, "Careful. My brother always said if someone's rhyming at you, they're going to f--- you." As Annabelle shakes her head and snorts, Shae adds, "'Course, he was saying that about a poetess I was, uh, anyhow. Maybe he meant it literally, come to think of it." Rising up in the stirrups, Shae looks at the strange man, trying to recall anything her family might have told her about odd halflings reciting poetry in the woods.

Knowledge: Arcana [roll0]
Shae will keep pace with Vandrel moving up. It's fine if Godwin wants to move in ahead of her, but she's not going to let freaky pig-killer and Godwin get close enough to tangle without her being nearby... just not so near that she's threatening.

2008-01-10, 06:04 AM

Vandrel frowns, reining in the horse about twenty from the figure. "I do not like this," he says quietly, looking over the small man. "Be careful," he adds, watching as he thinks.

Spot: [roll0]+9=27
Knowledge(Nature): [roll1]+6=16

2008-01-10, 08:01 AM
The Tower in the Forest
Early Evening, Thursday 18th of Springdawn 1556

Godwin dismounts, and approaches the small creature as he works on the dead pig. He speaks again in the same singsong language, finally facing the nearing bard, and giving him a toothy, leering grin.


A fine feathered polly, all pretty and nice
Came up to ol'Jack in the forest this night
One look at the plumes on the yellow-haired bird
And ol'Jack right then knew what he wanted to do!


2008-01-10, 10:29 AM

"Godwin, I have a feeling that he doesn't really wish to be disturbed." Any more than he already is, anyway. "I would recommend that we leave him to his...occupation." She smirks and, unable to resist, adds, "before he becomes perturbed."

2008-01-10, 10:53 AM

"Godwin," Vandrel says as he raises his brow, eyes locked on the diminutive figure. "Step away from the fey," he says before grinning slightly and slipping into Sylvan.


"Ol' Jack best be nimble
and Jack best be slick,
or down will come lightning,
down it'll come quick."

Lost Sage
2008-01-10, 02:06 PM

Godwin stops, nods once, and moves back toward the group. Being careful not to take his eyes off the strange man.

"OK then..." he says to the others "what next?"

2008-01-10, 04:29 PM

Catherine shifts uncomfortably on her horse, unable to avoid staring at the little old man. What do we do next? Why don't we get out of here now? And I mean right now, something about that being is just too disgusting. Let's break into a trot for the next mile why don't we, his legs look stubby and ineffectual after all.

2008-01-10, 04:47 PM

"Three options with obstacles: converse, crush or circumvent. Option three. Let's go around. Slow, not to upset him." Shae jerks her head towards the edge of the clearing. "Go. I'll take up the rear." She turns her head to watch the strange little man, waiting for the others to move before starting to as well.

2008-01-10, 08:55 PM
Tower in the Forest: Meeting of the Fey

The wiry little man, with the blood-drenched cap, changes his focus from Godwin to Vandrel when the elf speaks up. His sneer changes to a toothy grin. Keeping his eyes on the elf, the little man reaches down, and with one hand picks up the wild pig's corpse (which is almost as big as he is), lifting it over his head, and tosses it back towards the tower. He lazily swings the scythe in a arcing movments, speaking out again in the sing-song language:


Well, ol'Jack, he is nimble, and often right slick,
From the fine fairie folk he's taken his nick.
And played with the lightning, and danced with the moon
To these tall's he's a'spyin', he'll teach them real soon.

2008-01-10, 09:11 PM

"That may not actually be one of the choices here," Maeslyra says softly. She grabs her cat by the scruff of the neck with one hand and pulls her back, putting her on top of her pack. Nimaia, grasping that there is something going on, climbs into the side pouch.

She whispers to Vandrel, then pulls a wand from her pack. This action might trigger a fight, but it's a calculated risk.

Lost Sage
2008-01-11, 02:31 AM

Godwin risks a quick glance at Maeslyra. He hated not being able to understand a language [i]that's two languages in one day. abysmal.

"So maybe we should just back up slowly and see what happens." The bard starts taking he own advice, first glancing back to see that they had not become surrounded by others of the same ilk. "Unless..." he things out loud "... he is interested in trade."

2008-01-11, 02:54 AM

She nods to Maeslyra. "Okay." Whatever the little man was saying, it certainly didn't sound friendly. Leering and taunting, really. Swinging around a scythe was no way to make friends, and he seemed to want their attention when all they wanted to do was leave. He was like a drunk man at last call: itching for a fight of some sort.

Shifting in her saddle, Shae prepares herself to act in case the horses became startled.

Ready action to grab any horse that bolts or starts. Shae's horse is a war horse, so not too worried about Annabelle booking it.
+12 Ride
+8 Handle Animal

2008-01-11, 05:10 AM

Sunduval unable to follow the language of the Slyvan, has watched with interest the body language of the small man. Once the blade apprears he will look around for the backup to the small one. Seeing none he will detect evil,

2008-01-11, 11:20 AM
The Tower in the Forest
Early Evening, Thursday 18th of Springdawn 1556

As Maeslyra pulls the wand from her pouch, the little man's eyes dart to her. He leers a toothy smile, but then turns his back and walks back towards the dead pig, still swinging the scythe, all the while humming to himself.

He seems to ignore or not understand Godwin.

2008-01-11, 01:48 PM

The Fireknight will dismount and stand near to the others he will whisper to Maeslyra.

"It's evil be on your gaurd."

2008-01-11, 02:31 PM

Vandrel swings his leg over the side and drops to the ground, but stays near the horse as they begin moving away, keeping his hands on the reigns of the horse, but keeping an eye on the creature as they move. His hand rests on the hilt of his long blade, ready to pull it out if the creature makes any movement towards them.

"Be warey," he says quietly as he guides the horse along away from the creature. "He is not done with us," he adds. "Do we wish to try to face it now, or wait for its trickery?"

2008-01-11, 02:52 PM

She remains on horseback, eyes on the little man as he moves back towards the tower. "If he's going to cause problems for us, then we should deal with him now. Waiting gives him the advantage. Don't want to fight at night." She looks thoughtfully down at Vandrel, before returning her watchful eye to the fey. "Any disadvantage in dealing with this now? Will it cause us trouble?" While Shae was comfortable in the outdoors, she hadn't gone this far into the woods before. Likely it had rules just as strict (and as hostile to strangers) as a noble's manor.

2008-01-11, 02:57 PM

Still on the horse, Maeslyra nods once to let Sunduval know she heard him. "It's a trap. Attacking first and head-on is not the answer. We must flush it." She stays where she is for the moment, leaving where she is going to Vandrel. There are enough of us to watch in every direction as we move. "Shae," she points to her eye, then in the direction they are going. She makes suggestions in a similar fashion to everyone else but Vandrel.

If we are skirting around, I assume the fey is to the left.
Shae watches forward
Vandrel watches left
Godwin watches behind
Sunduval watches right
Catherine watches up and ahead
Maeslyra watches up and behind

Consider Maeslyra to also be watching directly overhead.
Spot +5
Nimaia is cowering in the pack.

2008-01-11, 03:10 PM

"Bootsie, guard." She lets her eyes leave the fey and begins to look ahead, taking the lead. Her right hand, which had been hovering nearer and nearer to her sword, reaches out slowly and grabs the bridle on Catherine's horse. "Catherine, you should dismount." With her knees, she guides her horse a little away from the others, spreading them out in case of any magical offensive.

Spot and Listen are +1 for Shae
Spot and Listen are +5 for Bootsie
Shae will try and put at least 15 feet between her and the main group.

2008-01-11, 06:06 PM

Sunduval will nod and start watching in the direction Maeslyra and moves about 10 feet out while stopping grab Sunchaser's reigns.


2008-01-11, 06:38 PM

If you say so, murmurs Catherine, though she doesn't seem to like the idea at all. She seems to understand Maeslyra's signal, and tries to keep watch ahead, but can't help but glance back at the strange old man a little bit too frequently. She dismounts clumsily without any support, just sliding off her horse and plopping gracelessly to the ground. I don't see why we need to go so slowly though. She can't understand why she's so wary either. She's not a coward, but something about a forest takes her completely off posture. It seemed more dark and forbidding than it had a right to be, and the only explanation she could think of was that it just seemed too... grounded. In what?


Now where did that come from?

2008-01-12, 09:43 AM
The Ruined Tower

The group circles slowly around the tower counter-clockwise, keeping the wiry little man to their left. For his part, the small Fey sits on a piece of fallen rubble, and laughs a wheezy laugh.

Nothing else seems to threaten the party as they make their way around the tower. Vandrel estimates there is perhaps another hour of daylight left.

Lost Sage
2008-01-12, 10:24 AM

Godwin leads his horse, watching behind the group. He makes sure to maintain a good 15-20' distance between himself and the others to keep them spread out.

"Let's get into the trees and out of sight before we mount up."

A thought comes to the bard. He looks to the group for a second to hum a few notes, then returns his wary eye to the ruined tower and it's unsavory guardian.

detect magic

2008-01-12, 02:58 PM

Shae waves a lazy hand towards the bow on her back. "Either we turn him into a pincushion, or we get out of here, but whoever it is isn't coming out to play until we make a move or it's dark." Which was smart of them. If there was a "they".

"You said he wasn't done with us. If he's going to try and stick us like pigs in our sleep, we should kill him now. If he's just going to wake us up and cackle a bunch of nonsense poetry, let's move. What's more likely?" It was like dealing with bullies. Some you needed to take down hard or they'd do it to you. Others were just bluff and bluster. Until Vandrel and Maeslyra revealed more about what the man had been saying, and what sorts of nonsense this type of fey got up to, it was hard to make a decision.

2008-01-12, 04:12 PM

Nodding to Shae, Maeslyra frowns. Her knowledge of fey is limited, mostly to stories. Elven stories, which makes them likely to be more reliable than those that humans come up with, but still just stories. It feels like a trap, it looks like a trap, and it sounds like a trap. Whatever the trap is, it doesn't seem to have been sprung, but them walking away will surely not be the end of this.

"I don't know if he will be trouble if we just walk away, but the last thing he said was: 'Well, ol'Jack, he is nimble, and often right slick, From the fine fairie folk he's taken his nick. And played with the lightning, and danced with the moon. To these tall's he's a'spyin', he'll teach them real soon.'" She looks over at the fey, and takes a few moments to compose a rhyme before calling out.

Sylvan:Jack's got a tower
Or is it really his?
Is he the power
Or does he dance for who is?

2008-01-13, 08:30 AM

Sunduval will keep his post and watch the right flank as they wind their way around the ruined tower.

"Solis, I carry your light in my heart and even with an hour of your radience left we shall prevail. So say we all." Sunduval will whisper a recitation of the book to pass the time, this is just loud enough for him to hear.

2008-01-13, 08:40 AM
Tower in the Forest

The little old man perks up as Maeslyra offers her poem, then rocks backwards, holding his toes; his scythe leans next to him on the piece of rubble. A wheezy, coughing laugh echoes thru the clearing, before responding again in the singsong rhyming. After he finishes he breaks down into another paroxysm of laughter.

{Sylvan, natch:

Ol'Jack is the King of this mighty fine tower,
His brothers he fought over many an hour.
Ten score and twenty, and a century more,
Jack tacked his first victim to this tower's old door.

Now ol'Jack is a mighty king of his own,
And sits himself on a magnificent throne!
But the Hunt, it calls poor ol'Jack to the fight,
When the bugles herald the falling of night.

So the King of the Tower is servant to none,
But a servant who heads on the Hunt in a run.
A servant, a fine king, of both I am but
That don't mean I can't stab you in your soft gut!


2008-01-13, 06:51 PM

"If I am understanding him correctly, this area will not be safe for us tonight, but not specifically because of him. He continues to make threats, yet seems uninterested in actually carrying them out." Maeslyra shrugs and repeats what the fey just said for everyone else's benefit. "Bizarre creature. It seems like a rather clumsy sort of dominance game. If anyone has any questions, he seems willing to answer them for now."

Sylvan:So Jack is the master of all he surveys,
And yet he must cleave to the horn that bays.
What does the Huntsman command that you seek?
Do you hunt alone, or as part of a clique?

2008-01-14, 07:03 AM

"Sounds like we should focus on finding a defensible location, rather than putting distance between us and here, then. If this 'Hunt' chooses to moves at night, it means they do it well." She shifts in her saddle, looking over her shoulder. "Don't remember anything particularly attractive to make a stand in back there."

She rotates, intended to look ahead, but stops halfway. She smiles a little, taking in the tower. "So. That tower looks easy to defend. Nice clear space around it. What say we club that guy over the head, stick him in a sack, and take his f---ing tower?" Shae shrugs. "If he's going to be our enemy tonight, no harm in making him one now."

2008-01-14, 09:57 AM
Tower in the Forest

The small old man stops his rocking, rolls off the fallen column, and picks up his scythe. He swings it around in lazy arcs; sometimes he strikes it off rubble or the tree, sometimes he just cuts the air. All the while he chants.


A willow, the tree, all buzzing the bee.
Ol'Jack in the back slices open your knee!
A willow, the tree, it means you know harm.
Ol'Jack on the sack lops off your good arm!

A willow, the tree, the wood sheds a tear.
Ol'Jack will attack, as he cuts off your ear!
A willow, the tree, all covered in soot.
Ol'Jack doesn't lack, when he takes off your foot!

...this continues, with many variations and body parts. The old man cackles after each verse, as if he finds them immensely entertaining.

2008-01-14, 10:42 AM

She only repeats the first stanza, then lets him ramble, shaking her head. "He's just going on like that. I'd say a pre-emptive assault might be a good plan." Maeslyra pulls out another wand and uses it while the fey is still chanting, then she climbs down off the horse and stows the wand again.

Mage Armor from wand on Maeslyra.
If Jack doesn't launch into an assault at that, start using the wand of Protection From Evil on everyone in this order: Vandrel, Shae, Sunduval, Godwin, herself, Catherine.
The wand is only CL 1, which means 1 minute of duration. Feel free to interrupt Maeslyra's wand use to start fey-slapping.

2008-01-14, 11:14 AM

"Best to just get to it then as it is not expecting then," he says as he turns, drawing out his bow as he takes a few steps and launches an arrow straight at the Fey, its head crackling with electricity. "Our weapons will be less effective against him to an extent," he adds as he draws the next single arrow from his quiver.

Attack: [roll0]+8= 10 ((Assuming he's outside 30' at this point))
Damage: [roll1]+2+[roll2]elec= 6
2 charges left on the crystal

HP: 36
AC: 20

2008-01-14, 11:26 AM

At Maeslyra's words, she draws her sword, nodding.

When Vandrel fires and explains about the fey creature being resistant to weapons, Shae puts two and two together and realizes what he's saying. "Vandrel, silver are the grey-fletched arrows. Black-fletched are cold iron. Whatever works." Unfastening it quickly, Shae drops her quiver to the ground. "I'll wait for him to come to us. He said brothers, right? Might be others." She draws her sword and moves Annabelle forward, placing herself between the Fey and the others.

Move halfway between the Fey and the group and hold -- swatting any who come near her if possible.
Shae is still mounted. Annabelle is a light Warhorse. Shae has a +12 to ride.
In the quiver:
Five cold iron arrows
Five silver arrows
Ten normal arrows
Initiative: 15

Lost Sage
2008-01-15, 12:43 AM

The bard watches the small creature carefully. What he gathered of the conversation makes him uneasy about the situation. The man has not actually attacked. Words are cheap, and who knows what little 'dominance games' the creature likes to play. Whatever this hunt is and what part the creature has to play in it a preemptive strike makes him uncomfortable. Evil or no, it's always been his preference to avoid or distract, and a scythe is a nasty weapon. Still, Maeslyra called it, and he has to trust her.

"No magic in the area." he informs the others while moving into position to protect Catherine's summoning. He brings in some lyrics of his own, throwing off the strange uncertainty that the group has acquired dealing with the creature.


Old jack should take his silly rhymes away,
and his threats that have no power
For there is no call to be so rude
to folks that come calling on his tower

init: [roll0]
move to protect Catherine from attack
+3 bard song. continue singing until further notice to affect all summoned creatures.

2008-01-15, 09:56 AM
Tower in the Forest: Round 1

Vandrel fires a quick shot, but the small man is dancing around behind the fallen pillar. The arrow plunks off the old stone.

The little man does a hop, still singing his little chant, and runs into the ruined tower. His voice seems to grow more distant when he enters the crumbling edifice.

Shae advances on horseback, while Godwin sings his song.

Maeslyra: I assume use the wand on Vandrel? You can change this.

The Fey is inside the tower, and out of sight at the moment. I'm placing everyone, oh, about 100' from the tower. Shae's already about 50' from it. It's a large circular stone tower, with crumbling walls and tiled roof (broken and eroded tiles litter the ground around the tower), about 3 or 4 stories tall, and perhaps 40' in diameter.

22: Vandrel
21: The Fey
17: Maeslyra
15: Shae
13: Catherine
4: Godwin
1: Sunduval

2008-01-15, 12:51 PM

"Use caution if you go in there, it's his tower, after all." Maeslyra taps Vandrel with her wand then starts hurrying her way towards the tower. She'd like to use it on Shae and Sunduval, too, and they are likely headed into the tower, so she'll have to get there.

Yes, use the wand on Vandrel last round. Move only this round, to get closer to the tower. Moving technically at x3, but she sure doesn't want to be in front. She'll stay behind Shae.

2008-01-15, 01:25 PM

"Right. No need to rush." In a stunningly quick movement Shae jumps off of Annabelle and lands lightly on the ground to stand slightly in front of Maeslyra. She points her sword, red tinted and gleaming in the fading light, towards the tower. "Unless someone's got a better idea, it's the best spot around to defend from whatever this 'Hunt' is. I'm not one to get threatened and then go wait in the dark for this guy and his friends to come gut me." Shae shakes her head and snorts at the idea.

Just to see if she can... Quick Dismount, DC 20: [roll0]

If the others agree, Shae will leave Annabelle and Bootsie with a 'Guard' command 50' from the tower (so they attack enemies who approach), then double-move into the tower. She won't move unless others are in agreement.

2008-01-15, 02:15 PM

Oh hey, says Catherine dryly. We're going to kill another sentient creature. And this time we don't even have to wait for it to attack us. It makes me so excited I just want to dance for joy.

She dismounts clumsily. Not that I'm arguing. He gave me the creeps. I just wanted to point out how much delight I take in the killing of others. Her voice is completely devoid of cheerfulness.

Mmm, faithful servant, cast of air. Come forth and serve me.

She raises her hand, casting a spell. Shae, try and knock that scythe out of his hand. I'll see that he'll never get a chance to pick it back up.

Cast Unseen Servant. Dismount and move toward Shae.

2008-01-15, 03:44 PM

Vandrel moves quickly towards the tower, arrow notched til he is next to the door, keeping a bit of distance between himself and the opening. He merely rolls his eyes at the youth sprouting nonsense to try to goad the others into an argument in the middle of battle. It showed how little respect and intellegence she had. He nods towards Shae as he stands, listening and watching for any sign of the Fey.

Spot: [roll0] + 9 = 13
Listen: [roll1] + 9 = 24

2008-01-15, 07:50 PM

Sunduval will dismount Sunchaser near Annabelle and close his visor. "Right, time to start working."

The fireknight will advance until he is even with Shae looking into the darkness.

Lost Sage
2008-01-15, 09:11 PM

Godwin smiles grimly. He didn't have much of the muse left after the fight with the Giants, and he wasn't about to let this one drop while they regroup. He switches to a song. One that he knows well so that he has some attention for other things.

Of war and peace the truth just twists
Its curfew gull just glides
Upon four-legged forest clouds
The elven angel rides
With his candle lit into the sun
Though its glow is waxed in black
All except when 'neath the trees of Eden
The bard moves forward with Catherine, rapier drawn, still playing the role of her bodyguard.

continue the bard song
move to continue protecting Catherine

2008-01-16, 10:10 AM
Tower in the Forest: Round 2

Vandrel moves up cautiously near the archway leading into the tower. Peering into the gloom with his elven sight, he notes the inside is rubble strewn flagstones, with a circular staircase running counterclockwise along the wall. He does not spy the little man inside, but can hear his wheezy tittering and occasional rhyming chant.

Shae, Sunduval, and Maeslyra move up to the tower as well. Catherine completes her cantrip, and a breezy whoosh flows past her ear, stirring her hair. Her elemental servant is ready to serve. Godwin stays near her, adapting and continuing his song.

22: Vandrel
21: The Fey
17: Maeslyra
15: Shae
13: Catherine
4: Godwin
1: Sunduval

2008-01-16, 11:22 AM

With a thought, a ball of light draws out of the silver headband and appears next to Shae's shoulder. The solid white light, though not very bright, helps light the inside of the tower as she moves forward. Shae smirks at the paltry globe, that does its best job lighting her head. This way he can see who he's hitting with that scythe. She clears her throat, moving forward cautiously. "I'll go in first. You spot him, call it out."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1] (Psssst... I think I hear the ocean.)

Illumination is equal to a lamp, I believe. If anyone wants to add to that, fabulous.

Move into the tower, and if nothing is on the first floor, go up the stairs. If someone else spots the little bastard, follow their direction to him. Double move, unless it's not needed. If she has an action, stab the fey. STAB HIM!

2008-01-16, 12:15 PM

Maeslyra picks up a rock. Prior to casting on it, though, she looks to Sunduval. "I can cast Light on your shield, or on this rock." Whichever he prefers, she follows through with the spell and stays behind both him and Shae.

Cast Light on either the shield or the rock, Rapscallion's choice (or he can suggest something else at hand).
Single move to bring her to the tower, but not going inside it yet.
Spot, Listen: 21, 13

2008-01-16, 12:18 PM

Catherine follows behind Shae, her expression distant.

2008-01-16, 12:47 PM

Vandrel follows Shae into the tower, bow sweeping around the interior as he moves, attempting to keep to the shadows inside and catch sight of the fey.

Just moving 1/2 speed (20'/rnd), attempting to stay hidden and silent as he tries to catch sight of the fey.

Move Silent: [roll0] + 11 = 27
Hide: [roll1] + 11 = 12

Spot: [roll2] + 9 = 19
Listen: [roll3] + 9 = 10

*sighs* I hate the stupid board roller.

Lost Sage
2008-01-16, 03:04 PM

Godwin follows, singing softly.

The statue stands with folded arms
Its iron claws attached
To curbs 'neath holes where pris'ners wail
Though it shadows metal badge
All and all can only fall...

spot: (1d20+3)[4]
listen: (1d20+3)[10] (minus something for singing I'm sure)
Probably shouldn't have bothered...

2008-01-16, 09:49 PM
Tower in the Forest: Round 3

Maeslyra intones her spell, providing light for Sunduval to carry into the gloomy tower. Shae invokes the magic of her helm, and a small light spreads out from the helmet.

Stepping into the tower, Shae is greeted by a large chunk of masonry crashing down; only her reactions save her from being crushed, managing to deflect some of the rubble. {6 damage} Above her is the wiry man, grinning toothily. He laughs, before running up the spiraling stairs.

Vandrel enters soon after Shae, but cannot catch a clear shot of the fleeing man. Everyone else soon crowds around the entrance, or just inside the tower.

17: Maeslyra
(21): The Fey
15: Shae
(22): Vandrel
13: Catherine
4: Godwin
1: Sunduval

2008-01-17, 01:41 AM

Catherine snaps out of her fugue and lets out a loud scream, rushing into the tower. Oh my! Shae! Are you alright?! What was I thinking? We're in a dangerous situation and all I can do is moan about how Maeslyra's treating me?

2008-01-17, 05:32 AM

The masonry almost comes crashing down on her head, but a slight scraping sound alerts her and the teenager springs into action. Shae twists her body to the left and the rough rock scrapes her swordarm, breaking the skin with a nasty scrape, before it strikes her thigh. She looks up, eyes narrowed in annoyance, and sets off running up the stairs, bounding up them two at a time. "Ow! You little f---! Com' 'ere!" From her expression, the next thing to come crashing down to the ground will be the fey.

Finally registering Catherine's scream, Shae pauses in her chase for a second and looks down at the summoner from the stairs. "I'm alright. Watch yourself, grab some cover." She manages a slight smile before continuing her hurried ascent.

Since the little man acted as she stepped in, Shae would have known he was up the stairs and gone up them, as per the double move direction last round, no? She's going to continue to run up them towards the dink until she reaches him. And then she's gonna kick his little rhyming ass.

And it's band around her head, not a helm! Shae is too cool for helmets. Uh, no offense, Sunduval.

AC: 21/22
DR: 1/-
HP: 38/44 (assuming DR wasn't included in last attack, she was down 1 hit point from before)
5 resistance to cold, fire.
Move: 30', double move if needed both rounds

Spot: [roll0] + for Godwin: 23
Listen: [roll1] +3 for Godwin: (Woo, 34. Now she really can hear the ocean.)

2008-01-17, 06:44 AM

Damnable fey. Maeslyra reaches back and pulls a different wand out of her pack without looking. Because her eyes are focused on watching for Jack. She points this new wand forward, trying to compose a rhyme to see if she can taunt him to reveal himself, even for just a moment.

Sylvan:Jack is quite clever, he's pulled us within,
But Jack is a twit and a little lambkin.
He's called us to bay with a kick to the shin
And he'll find out what we'll do to win.

Ready Wand of Magic Missile
If she sees him, blast him.
Spot, Listen: 8, 12

Lost Sage
2008-01-18, 02:18 AM

With a crashing but meaningless blow
No sound ever comes from the Gates of Eden

The savage warrior sticks his head in sand
And then complains
Unto the shoeless hunter who's gone deaf
But still remains
Upon the beach where hound dogs bay

2008-01-18, 10:36 AM

Vandrel growls slightly as he moves into the tower, sprinting up the stairs after the fey . As soon as he has a shot, he lets a cold iron arrow fly from Shae's quiver.

Attack: [roll0]+9=24
Damage: [roll1]+3+[roll2]=13

HP: 36
AC: 20
Assuming he's can get within 30' of the Fey...

2008-01-19, 01:48 AM
Sunduval will acsend last. "Why is it always stairs when we need to run." His clanking and clinking provided a nice counterpoint to the heavy puffing as he runs up the stairs after the quarry.

2008-01-20, 10:09 AM
Tower in the Forest: Round 4

Maeslyra can hear the little fey, now up on the second or third floor, cackling at his own antics. A few times she catches a glimpse, but never long enough to enact the wand as he heads higher into the tower.

Shae watches the little fellow run off, giggling to himself. Pursuing, she hears an ominous thump, Thump, Thump,Thump,THUMP,THUMPTHUMPTHUMP from ahead, as a large roughly hewn stone sphere about 4' in diameter begins bounding down the stairs.

Vandrel fires off a difficult shot at the fleeing Fey, as it stays crouched along the higher stairs. His cackling immediately ceases, however.

The little fellow continues to run higher, disappearing from sight up the stairs as he hugs the wall.

Those on the stairs: (Shae, then Vandrel, then Sunduval)
You have 3 options to deal with the stone ball:
1) Leap over it: Jump DC 20 check, failure means 2d10 damage
2) Jump off the stairs: Jump or Tumble to avoid damage as normal (you're 15' up)
3) Deflect the stone ball: DC 20 Strength check (if you have a shield, you get +1 for light, +2 for heavy). Success means the ball drops off the stairs and those behind you don't have to check; failure means 2d6 damage.

Those below can easily avoid the rolling ball.

Shae is about 3 move actions from the Fey right now. The top of the tower is about 6 move actions away.

17: Maeslyra
(21): The Fey
<-----Here on Initiative---->
15: Shae 6 Damage
(22): Vandrel
13: Catherine
4: Godwin
1: Sunduval

2008-01-20, 10:39 AM

"Oh crap." She has only a few seconds to decide -- jump off, or stand her ground? Quickly, she wedges herself against the wall as best as she can, using it to brace her shield and create an angled surface for the ball to bounce off of. Time slows down as the ball thump, thump, thumps down the stairs at her, and she's almost thankful when it finally strikes. Her bracing does little to help, though.

Reeling from the blow, she yells up the stairs, "Got a few dozen more? No? Too bad for you." She sets off again in a slightly lopsided gait, bounding up the stairs.

Got a 15.
Up up up and away!

2008-01-20, 02:05 PM

The fire knight will be surprised when the rock makes it past Shae, so surprised that he barely has time to set. He can feel small pebbles under his feet as he lowers his center of gravity and flexes his knees to take cover behind his mystical shield. His eyes wil go wide as the rockball bounces off the steps ahead and launches itself towards the knight's head. As resounding PANG echos throught the empty ruins. "Good" is all the knight will say as he shakes his head trying to clear the starfield he currently percieves. Only his training keeps him upright.

2008-01-20, 02:47 PM

After making sure she's not about to be flattened, Catherine runs up the stairs. Shae! Wait! Please, I think there's a better way to do this!

2008-01-20, 03:40 PM

There probably was a better way to do this. However, waiting to find out what it was would let the fey stop and concentrate on harming them. Instead of concentrating on running for his life, which was what he should be concentrating on, as far as Shae was concerned. "Good. Explain it so we can help, or carry it out. Can't stop until you do." She continues running up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Well, truly, Shae could stop. There was no rush if everyone moved to safety so nothing could drop on their heads. But the red narrowing her vision didn't want her to stop until she'd thrown that little giggling man off the top of the tower.

2008-01-20, 04:20 PM

Just stop! Catherine is on the verge of tears, witnessing Shae's injuries. I can help but only if you stop for a moment!

Lost Sage
2008-01-21, 01:29 AM

Godwin stares sharply at Catherine when she dashes up the stairs. not a good..., all manner of nasty traps... However there was not much he could do. Adding another victim to a random boulder would not help the situation. He will have to wait here until the way up is secure.

The bard continues to do all he can really think of - sing.

At ships with tattooed sails
Heading for the Gates of Eden

With a time-rusted compass blade
The Jinn and his lamp
Sits with Utopian hermit monks
Perhaps the strange lyrics where indeed appropriate for their frustrating opponent.

2008-01-21, 06:51 AM

Climbing up the stairs seems like a bad idea from where Maeslyra stands. For her, anyway. For the others, it makes sense. She takes a quick look upwards. They hadn't hurt the fey yet, so far as she knew, and people are getting hurt. She focuses her will, casts a spell, then moves back outside the tower and starts circling the base of it. Nimaia climbs out of the pack and starts sniffing around on the ground so Maeslyra can focus her attention upwards.

To Godwin and Shae: "If it gets to the top, see if you can maneuver it to the side. I'm staying down here to watch for a shot."

Swift action: Sacred Purification: +8 hit points for the injured.
Standard action: Cast Message on Godwin and Shae.
Move action: Leave tower and move out a bit to get a view of the top while staying within 100 feet of said top of tower (the range for Message, and within the range for the wand).

Nimaia gets out of pack, then starts checking around for things sneaking up, places where Maeslyra might trip or whack her head, obvious traps, etc.
Spot, Listen, Search: 21, 8, 7

2008-01-21, 10:15 AM

Vandrel lets a breath hiss from between his teeth as he sees the ball rolling down the stairs. He leans towards the open side of the stairs, watching it approach. As it nears the group, he steps to the side, leaning further to catch the edge of the stairs with both hands as he drops his body just past the edge as the ball rolls past, then immediately rolls back onto the stairs and to his feet. Not wasting any time he begins to move up the stairs again, keeping his bow trained upward.

Tumble Check: [roll0]+11=29

2008-01-21, 10:51 AM
The Tower in the Forest: Round 5

The rolling stone ball smashes first against Shae, as she attempts to deflect it off the stairs. It dents her shield slightly, leaving her shield arm slightly bruised, but she emerges mostly unscathed from the enounter {3 DR 1=2 Damage}. Vandrel cartwheels past the tumbling rock, while Sunduval tries to use his substantial muscle to deflect it, but merely gets pushed aside {5 damage} as the ball continues down the stairs, and rolls to a stop near the entrance.

Shae races up the stairs, two at a time. At the third floor, she spies an open portal - an old wooden beam hangs out with a rope dangling from it. The stairs continue up for one more level.

Vandrel, Sunduval, then Catherine are close behind.

Godwin continues his song, watching the four ascend around the spiral stairs up the tower.

Maeslyra channels her positive energy bloom, then heads outside. Circling around, her investigations are met by the toothy man, scythe in hand. He leers a spikey grin, and slashes at her with his weapon! She barely avoids having her leg lopped off, taking a light gash across the thigh as the grizzled little man closes, blood in his eyes. {9 damage}

Going down? Third floor, about 25' up.
1) You can make a climb check DC 10 for half MR, or DC 15 for full MR. Failure means you take falling damage.
2) Standard Jump/Tumble rules. Jump check DC 15 to reduce the height, Tumble DC 15 to also reduce the height.
3) Stairs: Catherine takes 2 Move Actions. She's about 15' up if she wishes to jump), others would take 4 Move Actions to get down via the stairs. (Each MA reduces height by, oh, about 7')

17: Maeslyra 9 damage
(21): The Fey
<-----Here on Initiative---->
15: Shae
(22): Vandrel
13: Catherine
4: Godwin
1: Sunduval

2008-01-21, 11:37 AM
AC 14 HP 11/20

"Out here!" Maeslyra lets loose with her wand and stumbles backwards a little. Nimaia lets out a loud, angry mewl of defiance, but doesn't do anything so stupid as actually trying to attack it. Instead, she backs off and keeps watching in case the little fey has friends.

Assume the shouting happens as an immediate action, so do that right away to let everyone know.
Step back and let the trained professionals beat the crap out of Mr. Creepy Fey
Magic Missile, from the wand: [roll0]
Nimaia's Spot and Listen are +5

2008-01-21, 12:48 PM

This is going to suck. Still, she doesn't hesitate, instead diving off the stairs as if it was nothing unusual to launch herself off a staircase while twenty-five feet above the ground. She twists in midair like a cat, landing on her shoulder and absorbing a great deal of the momentum as she rolls in the dirt.

Shae springs up to her feet then sprints outside to find Maeslyra. "Tricky little bastard."

Jump: [roll0] (So only 1d6 damage?)
Run out and towards the guy. STAB!

2008-01-21, 01:35 PM

Catherine closes her eyes, which is probably not a good idea, but helps her build up the courage to leap off the stairwell. After stumbling to the ground, she rises shakily and points a finger at Shae. Servant! Go to her side! Shae! Remember, put its weapon on the ground if you can! No sooner do these words escape her lips than she begins a spell.

Ordering Unseen Servant to approach Shae, it has a move of 15 feet. Casting grease on the fey's scythe.

2008-01-22, 12:28 AM

The fireknight will move after the stone's passage. Upon reaching the top, he will move to intercept the Fey.

Lost Sage
2008-01-22, 02:45 AM

Godwin responds to Maeslyra's yell as quickly as any. But his turn toward the entrance is checked momentarily as Shae lands in front of him in a clean jump COOL!. Behind him, he can hear someone else hit the ground it's raining, it's pouring,...

Tossing aside such silly thoughts he charges outside to defend Maeslyra, still singing one of his favorite songs

Side saddle on the Golden Calf
And on their promises of paradise
You will not hear a laugh
All except inside the Gates of Eden

Relationships of ownership
They whisper in the wings
If he is first he places himself between Maeslyra and the Fey, otherwise he circles around to flank

If first:
Move to places himself between Maeslyra and the Fey,
If later:
Move to flank and attack: (+2 for flanking)
att: (1d20+8)[22]
dam: (1d6+4)[10]

Tumble check (+9) for AoO if he needs it to get into position

2008-01-22, 12:23 PM

Vandrel growls as he hears Maeslyra's scream and immediately crouches, dropping to the floor below, sprinting outside with his bow at the ready.

Not sure if the jump counts as a full 40' movement or not, if not he does take the shot at the fey (At +9 to attack and 1d8+3+1d6 damage).
Jump: [roll0]+3=22
Backup Tumble: Which is funny...
Tumble: [roll1]+11=12

2008-01-22, 01:18 PM
The Tower in the Forest: Round 6
It's Raining Me...er, Adventurers!

Shae jumps down, landing hard and rolling. The twinge in her ankle, and bruises to her shoulder and hip are the only protests. Running out while shaking off the limp, she comes upon the diminutive fey, its scythe already bloodied.

Vandrel follows Shae off the stairs. He tucks his roll, but fails to take into account some poorly placed rubble on the rocky floor. The jutting rocks bruise his back, but hardly slow down the spry elf. Sprinting outside right behind the warrior-girl, he brings up his bow, looking for a target.

Catherine stumbles on the rubble at the bottom as she jumps down, cutting open her shin. Rushing outside, her breezy companion following suit.

As the others rain down from above, Godwin hurries in the direction he saw Maeslyra go, drawing his rapier on the way. A quick lunge, and he catches the fey off guard, stabbing it in the shoulder. The wound closes somewhat, but the wincing fey was obviously injured.

Maeslyra steps back while charging the wand. Two purplish darts slam into the small creature.

The wicked fey chants:
{in Sylvan}
The blood, the blood, I drink it down,
The fair o'elven lady!
The blood, it spills, all on the ground!
My cap doth runneth over!

He bears down again on Maeslyra. Grunting with the blow, he strikes Maeslyra hard in the side with a wicked gash {13 Damage}. She collapses, blood oozing from the wound.

Everyone can see the creature/be in melee with it this round. He's somewhat injured already, from an arrow that scored its back, Godwin's lunge, and the magic darts.

Shae: 4 Nonlethal + 3 Lethal (-1 from each for DR)
Vandrel: 2 Nonlethal + 6 Lethal, and yes, it was an MA to jump down, and an MA to get outside.
Catherine: 3 Nonlethal + 6 Lethal
Sunduval? Jumping down? Or using the stairs?

17: Maeslyra 22 damage
(21): The Fey
<-----Here on Initiative---->
15: Shae 3 Non-lethal+2 damage
(22): Vandrel 2 Non-lethal+6 damage
13: Catherine 3 Non-lethal+6 damage
4: Godwin
1: Sunduval

2008-01-22, 01:36 PM

Catherine barely notices her bleeding injury as she rushes outside. She lets out a scream as she sees her ally fall. If nothing has indicated just how healthy she is, the volume and duration of her scream dispels any doubts of her health and well-being.

She pulls a healing potion out of her purse and takes a step forward, but then pauses. Servant! She cries. Help her!

As the healing potion floats toward Maeslyra to hover above her lips, she begins a spell.

Servant has a move of 15 ft. per round, this round it will approach Maeslyra, next round it will take a full-round action to administer a potion of cure light wounds to her.

Also I'm casting grease on the scythe now. Reflex DC 16.

2008-01-22, 02:11 PM

Vandrel moves quickly towards Maeslyra and the Fey, firing his bow at the Fey as he does, the arrowhead cracking with electricity.

Attack: [roll0] + 9 = 11
Damage: [roll1] + 3 + [roll2] + [roll3](elec) = Yea, right.

How nice, another crappy roll out of the board roller. No surprise there.

This is the 3rd of 5 coldiron arrows.

2008-01-22, 03:57 PM

"Motherf---er." She doesn't really have time for much else than that simple curse. Shae wheels around as she comes through the tower door and charges straight towards the murderous Fey. With a grim expression, she slashes her blade low, across his belly.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-01-23, 12:00 AM

Sunduval will jump down trusting in his ability to absorb damage. He will move over to Maeslyra. He will channel all of his healing energies into her.

The knight will look up at Jack as he releases the energy.

"You have the right to silence, Fey. If you give up this right I will be right over there; however I would start running now."

Lost Sage
2008-01-23, 05:01 AM

The bard's song almost falters when Maeslyra goes down with a huge gash in her side. His eyes narrow as he continues on

And wait for succeeding kings
And I try to harmonize with songs
The lonesome sparrow sings
There are no kings inside the Gates of Eden

The rapier stays trained on the Fey and his eyes flash with determination say your prayers ugly, the calvary is here

Unaware that others are rushing to her aid Godwin draws a wand from his vest with his left hand and touches his fallen friend.

Wand: (1d8+3)[7]

2008-01-23, 06:48 AM

The last thing she sees is the world rushing in a very strange direction as the force of the blow to her side knocks her to the ground. Everything goes quite black for what seems like an eternity. Then she blinks and coughs a little, seeing trees, then Sunduval comes into view, leaning over her. It's bizarre in so many ways. Although she clearly remembers the last time something like this happened, it's still disorienting to a high degree.

She shakes her head a little and it all comes flooding back. The wand isn't in her hand anymore, but Nimaia is sitting there with it in her mouth. Perhaps it's just the fog of the blow still clinging to her mind, but she grabs the cat and points her to use the wand as she backs away in a kind of crawling squirm.

5 foot crawl?
Using the wand: [roll0]

2008-01-23, 07:45 AM
Tower in the Forest: Round 7

Retro: Last Round
Sunduval comes crashing heavily to the ground {16 damage}. Bruised and battered, the knight rushes outside, prepared to engage their foe.

This round:
Shae crashes her sword into the little creature, blasting thru his meager defense. The blade seems to resist actually biting into his flesh, but she powers it thru, drawing blood and a yelp from the grizzled fey.

An arrow flies past the melee, as Vandrel's is unable to find a suitable opening in the scrum.

Pulling a vial from her belt, Catherine hands it off to her immaterial servant. She then completes a spell just as the little old man is swinging his scythe backwards. The haft becomes coated in a thick, oily grease, and the weapon sales away from the creature.

Seeing the fey disarmed, Godwin draws a wand from his vest, and applies it to Maeslyra as Sunduval kneels down, channeling life force into her. Coming to, Maeslyra crawls a short ways from the melee. Nimaia picks up the dropped wand in her mouth, and two purplish bolts fly forth from it.

Disarmed and badly injured, the little Fey scowls at his enemies, before running away.

The Fey has Withdrawn. He's 1 round from the cover of the forest.

17: Maeslyra 3 damage
(21): The Fey
<-----Here on Initiative---->
15: Shae 3 Non-lethal+2 damage
(22): Vandrel 2 Non-lethal+6 damage
13: Catherine 3 Non-lethal+6 damage
4: Godwin
1: Sunduval 16 damage

2008-01-23, 10:01 AM

Vandrel dashes after the Fey at top speed, notching the fourth cold iron arrow into his bow as he runs and takes aim, pausing only momentarily to let the arrow fly, its tip crackling with the last charge of the crystal.

Moving Vandrel's full 40' and firing.

Attack: [roll0] + 9 = 20
Damage: [roll1] + 2 + [roll2] = 8

If the fey is within 30' when he fires, the attack is at a +1 and there is an additional 1d6 with skirmish.

2008-01-23, 10:20 AM

"Little," is the only part of her thoughts that Maeslyra actually verbalizes in a snarl. Still just pointing the cat, which would be comical if the situation were different, she stays on the ground to use the wand.

Cry havoc and loose the Magic Missiles of war!

2008-01-23, 03:33 PM

Forget it. Bring me that scythe, servant. She waves her hand again, causing the grease on the scythe to vanish, and approaches to close ranks with Shae.

Standard action, dismiss grease. move action, approach the scythe.

Servant will pick up scythe and hand it to me.

2008-01-23, 06:22 PM

Just to the edge of the wood. Shae sets the limit with herself now, cutting a deal with the rules in her head. The Fey barely gets ten paces from her before she sets off in a sprint, feet pounding into the earth. Near the edge of the clearing her long legs enable her to catch up with him. Wasting no time, Shae strikes for the Red Cap's neck.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Or, uh, you know: 16. When I actually roll 1d8+8!

Lost Sage
2008-01-23, 09:23 PM

Not to be outdone the bard sprints after Shae, dead set on stopping the Fey from reaching the woods. Under his breath the song is still singing... almost as if it had a life of it's own, forgotten by him.

Each one wishing for what the other has got
And the princess and the prince
Discuss what's real and what is not
It doesn't matter inside the Gates of Eden

attack! (1d20+8)[13]
damage! (1d6+4)[10]

2008-01-23, 10:28 PM
The Tower in the Forest: Old Man and his Tooth
Evening, Thursday 18th of Springdawn 1556

Shae catches up to the little fey, as it sprints for the forest. A mighty crash of her sword topples the little man, as an arrow streaks into its neck.

The halfling-esque creature convulses, and begins to shrink. Godwin arrives on Shae's heels as the creature shrivels into nothingness. A single tooth remains, momentarily hanging in midair before toppling to the ground.

Catherine's invisible servant picks up the dropped scythe, as she dismisses her spell, and drops the weapon into her hand.

Combat Over. Maeslyra can save the wand charge.

Lost Sage
2008-01-24, 06:12 AM
Godwin watches the tooth in amazement. "This..." he says to Shae while crouching close and examining the tooth "... bares closer inspection."

"Would Fey magic, radiate as magic?" he asks Shae.

The bard uses a scrap of leather, paper, bedding or cloth from his pack to pick up the tooth without touching it and bring it back to the others. There he asks the same question, adding: "It's odd, when I detected magic earlier I didn't see any. I'm not specialist in magic, but how would that work?"

2008-01-24, 06:18 AM

She expects to be standing over a body, and instead it's a tooth. "Well f--- me." Shaking her head Shae sheathes her sword and bends down, putting her hands on her knees. Panting, she tries to catch her breath. Running up stairs, jumping off said stairs, and then sprinting across the ground -- all while carrying sixty pounds of gear -- certainly took its toll.

Straightening, Shae turns back to look at the others. "I guess, Godwin. Don't see why not. You might have been too far away to see anything." Walking back to the others, her eyes scan the ground looking for the cold iron arrow that Vandrel had missed with. After a quick glance over the others, she says, "Close call, Maeslyra. You guys okay?"

2008-01-24, 06:27 AM

Maeslyra slumps back, lowering the cat/wand, then lies back on the ground and lets out a breath. "Close, yes." She sends out a pulse of healing, followed quickly by another when that one doesn't seem to take care of it all for Sunduval. The long gash down the side of her dress liberally festooned with her own blood, along with the smaller one over her thigh, are enough to attest to how close it really was.

{+16 hit points for any injured from 2 uses of SP}

2008-01-24, 01:28 PM

With the threat of danger gone, the gash in Catherine's leg is immediately felt, making her grateful for the expedient relief. Thanks Maeslyra! She grins and steps over to the elf, leaning on her new-found scythe patting her shoulder in a rather timid gesture considering her tactile nature. I'm glad you're all alright, she says, moving past the elf and stepping over to Shae with a smile. I don't know if this fight was strictly necessary or not, but I do know I'll sleep better knowing that that creep isn't going to decapitate me in my sleep.

So what do you think Shae? It seems a far more potent weapon than my dagger. Catherine lifts the scythe and takes an experimental swing with it. Or tries to anyway. Not accounting for the killing weight in its head, when she lifts it over her head she unbalances herself and it crashes to the ground behind her. She lets out a shriek and blushes. Well... maybe not.

2008-01-24, 03:38 PM

Shae tenses, ready to move, when Catherine raises the scythe. Not because she thinks she is threatened in any way, but because she anticipates what happens exactly: the girl, unused to the weight, loosens her grip and firmly embeds the weapon in the ground behind her back.

Smiling, Shae moves around and yanks the scythe out of the ground. She gives it an experimental heft, then shakes her head dismissively. "Crap weapon. Belongs in a field. Like bringing a milking bucket to a knife fight." With a jerk of her head, she indicates Catherine, "You're much more use doing what you do. Don't bother yourself with weapons."

Putting the scythe over her shoulder for the moment, she glances to where they left the horses. "If he wasn't just mouthing off we ought to get ourselves situation for the night. See what's up the top of the tower, too."

2008-01-24, 09:34 PM
Catherine beams at Shae's praise. Thank you so much. It really means a lot to her. Earlier today, and during the battle when her advice had been ignored, she had been wondering whether she was really part of the group at all.

At Shae's suggestion she helpfully reenters the tower, going from floor looking for piles of rubble or architecture that stands out to see if it might contain anything interesting.

Here's a few Search checks if you want them.


2008-01-25, 12:03 AM

"My thanks Maeslyra, seems I did more damage to mystelf than you took from yonder Scythe. Well as long as you feel better and my ankle has stopped sweliing. I swear Vandrel makes that jump look easy."

The Fire Knight will assist Maeslyra in standing if Vandrel is not close enough,

2008-01-25, 01:21 AM

Hmm? Hey... what's this? Hey everyone! Look what I found!

Catherine reaches down into a nook and pulls out a small chest, trying the lock before excitedly rushing outside with it.

Lost Sage
2008-01-25, 01:48 AM

Godwin stands, still holding the tooth. No one seemed to be interested in his questions. But there was a Fey, now there's only a tooth. Did the Fey die? Or go into the tooth? Will he come back?

The bard thinks hard, trying to remember anything that might help him understand what just happened. He has very little knowledge of magic beyond the magic of music. Unfortunately he seems to have felt that lack quite frequently of late. One thing is for sure. After they pull everything out of this tower he wants to do a detect magic on this thing.

knowledge check on just about everything he can think of: Arcana +4, History +4, Nature +2, Planes +4

2008-01-25, 07:37 AM

Vandrel stands a few moments, staring towards the tooth before turning away and sprinting back to Maeslyra's side. Kneeling over her for a moment, let lets out a sigh as she lets loose her healing bursts. "Are you alright?" he asks quietly as he helps her up. He listens to the others as they speak, squeezing Maeslyra's hand a moment before moving away and looking for any of the arrows that missed outside, then moves inside the tower.

He blinks as Catherine starts to pull the chest out. "WAIT!" he says loudly, then quickly steps away from her. "It could be trapped..." he says, a frown on his face.

Search Outside: [roll0]+9=22
Search Inside: [roll1]+9=25

2008-01-25, 08:00 AM

"Yes, I'm fine." Maeslyra smiles at Vandrel as soon as she sees him. She takes his help up, giving him a light kiss on the cheek before letting him walk away. "My thanks to you, as well, Sunduval, and Godwin."

Now that she's back on her feet, she picks Nimaia back up, taking the wand from her and stowing it in her pack again. "You were great." She nuzzles the cat for a moment before peering over at the tooth Godwin has. "So, it became just a tooth? Well, the fey are rare and strange, are they not? Perhaps it is simply what this kind does when they die."

She takes a moment to hum a little tune and wave a hand at her dress, causing the slashes to mend together. No sense wandering around flashing everyone when she doesn't have to.

"I don't think I have any spells that would be useful in examining it, but it certainly is fascinating. Vandrel does know more about fey than I do."

2008-01-25, 05:33 PM

When Catherine had gone inside to search, Shae had instead headed across the clearing to round up the other horses, bringing them, as well as her own animals, up towards the tower. "Gonna get dark soon." She works efficiently to remove their tack and start placing it within the tower. "Maybe we move them inside, we take the higher floors. Anyone looked to see what-" She snaps to attention as Catherine comes out carrying the chest.

Shae gently takes the chest from Catherine, setting it down on the ground. "Tricky enough to roll boulders at me. Tricky enough to trap a box. Let Vandrel handle opening it, eh?"

2008-01-25, 08:51 PM

Catherine's eyes widen and she passively allows Shae to take the chest from her. Ah, oh. I just assumed that since we won there wouldn't be any further danger. How foolish of me.

Lost Sage
2008-01-25, 10:58 PM

The bard hears his name and looks up. He flashes a smile at Maeslyra "Not at all. You had me worried." before looking back down at the tooth. After looking at it for a second more he wraps it up carefully.

"Right" he says to Shae. "But after we setup our defences I want to open that chest and see what magic there is around here."

The bard will help getting the horses in and seting up a defensive location.

2008-01-26, 09:53 AM

"If there is any credence at all to what that fey said, I recommend we camp without a fire tonight. Or, at most, that we only have one for cooking, then douse it as soon as that is done." Maeslyra casts Prestidigitation and begins cleaning up any visible blood on everyone, starting with herself.

"The upper levels should be checked over, also. The fey may have set up other traps that were not yet encountered up there."

2008-01-26, 09:59 AM

The Fireknight will watch the opening of the box with interest. "I agree with Maeslyra, we can't leave this place until it's completely checked out." Sunduval will walk out to the horses to check on them after the excitement over the box dies down,

2008-01-28, 10:33 AM
Tower in the Forest: Somewhere west of Clydemaark
Evening, Thursday 18th of Springdawn 1556

The remainder of the tower is searched out; it appears to be an old military guard post of indeterminate age. A very weathered and faded engraving on the stones on the second level read, in large block letters, "TVTCLA STIPCS 121". Further writing below it is too worn to be legible.

The top of the tower is crenelated and open, with a clay tile roof that is broken and holed in many places. Various bird's nests adorn the ledge around the roof.

With your experience with languages, you realize the writing is likely Old Imperial

In your investigations, you can't help but feel something watching you, the hairs on the back of your neck raising.

2008-01-28, 02:22 PM

Vandrel eyes the box unhappily for a moment and begins checking it over as best he can. Once he's done, he nods to the others then slowly makes his way up the tower, checking for any additional traps or other hidden surprises in interest of making sure it safe for the night's stay.

I'm running short on time today, Eratosthenes can make the rolls for me if possible.

2008-01-28, 04:05 PM

Catherine quickly hurries to find Shae, and from then on won't stray more than a few feet from her, though she doesn't voice the cause of her fear, since she's afraid it will sound foolish and her companions will think less of her than they already do.

Setting camp is a lot easier with her presence, since all she needs to do is command that a task be done before an invisible force obediently sets about causing it to happen.

2008-01-28, 07:07 PM

All Maeslyra is really interested in is setting up camp on the second floor. With her spell, she just does a quick spot cleaning before pulling out her and Vandrel's blankets. Then she cobbles together a cold meal from what they already have. Nimaia walks back and forth, rubbing her body all over Maeslyra's legs a she moves around, then her back when she sits.

Once her elf has gotten to the actual eating part, Nimaia climbs into Maeslyra's lap and starts sniffing at the hand with the food. Which naturally makes Maeslyra open her hand so the cat can eat. The elf looks at the cat and gets a sort of distant, pensive expression as she shuts out the rest of the world to contemplate and dissect the fight with the fey.

Lost Sage
2008-01-29, 02:16 PM

Godwin helps move rocks out of the way to clear a space to camp on the second floor. He puts some near the edge and by the stairway in case they are needed later in the night. Ecountering the engraving he stops to examine it curiously. "Huh. Old Imperial" he says to no one in particular. "Hey everyone, looks like this was built back in the great war."

After camp is setup his attention turns back to the sythe, the tooth, and the box. "Hey Vandrel?... is it locked? If not maybe Catherine could have her servant open it."

2008-01-29, 10:03 PM

"The great war you say ? Does it say anything more ?.. We should honor and remember the past lest it come back to haunt us anew. "

Sunduval will make camp for himself and spread out his bedroll.

"We should set watches, no telling how many other creatures are here in the vicintiy."

2008-01-30, 03:22 PM
Tower in the Forest: Somewhere west of Clydemaark
Evening, Thursday 18th of Springdawn 1556

The camp is prepared as Vandrel gives an all clear for any devious surprises. Between Catherine's immaterial helper and Maeslyra's prestidigitations, the tower turns from a rubble-strewn ruin to an acceptable shelter for the night.

With the site being cleaned, Vandrel examines the small chest. Confident there are no traps on the chest, he works on the simple lock. A single-tumbler design, the elf uses his fine sense of touch to feel the internal spring-coil catch, and the lock is defeated with a satisfying *click*.

Setting the box well away from the rest of the group, Catherine's aerial servant opens the box. Nothing untoward happens. Inside the small chest is a single leather pouch, two vials of liquid, and several (8) dark blue stones.

Lost Sage
2008-01-30, 05:13 PM

Godwin peers at the items with interest "OK, let's see what we have here." He brings over the sickle and the tooth, places them on the ground and unwraps the latter carefully. Humming a tune under his breath he gazes at each item in turn.

When he's done he will examine the tower for any traces of other enchantments.

Detect Magic

2008-01-30, 05:28 PM

Vandrel moves, watching Godwin look over the items. "The tooth probably will be magic," he says. "When Fey die, they usually leave something behind. What it does is unknown though. It could help, it could be cursed, it could serve as a warning to other Fey," he says with a slight shrug, nodding towards the others. "They might know or be able to tell more."

Lost Sage
2008-01-30, 11:06 PM

The bard nods in agreement with Vandrel. "No surprises then. The tooth is magic - weak enchantment. The vials are too and they look the same - weak transmutation. Shae or Maeslyra might have a better chance of knowing what they are then me." The bard hands them over to anyone who wants to examine them more closely.

He looks back into the chest and picks up a gem, saying "I wonder what these gems are worth?" as he holds it up to the fading evening light.

"In any case. I seem to be the only one worried about the tooth and what we should do with it. Maybe just hide it under a rock? In any case, I'm happy to leave it here when we go. But I don't want to throw it out just yet."

on gems: appraise +4

2008-01-30, 11:28 PM

Catherine wrinkles her nose. Why not exactly? It's a rather disgusting thing to be obsessing over if you ask me.

2008-01-31, 10:38 AM

Disturbed from her contemplations by Godwin, Maeslyra takes each object in turn and looks it over. "This potion increases vitality and strength for a half hour. If you can get past the smell, that is." The tooth makes her take pause, though. She turns it over several times in her hand before passing it to Shae. "I cannot say with certainty, as I have little experience with such things, but it seems to me that it could be used to increase strength for a short period of time."

As soon as Shae pipes up with a different possible use, Maeslyra frowns at it. "Perhaps it would be best to just hold onto it until we can consult with someone who has expertise in this area."

2008-01-31, 02:31 PM

Catherine peers over Maeslyra's shoulder. No, that's not right either. If you put in your mouth... your teeth grow into fangs... eww! Who would even think of doing something so disgusting?

2008-01-31, 04:32 PM

"Well, the fey had large teeth. Maybe it just depends on how it is prepared. At any rate, if we all disagree, it is hardly prudent to try using it." Maeslyra takes the tooth back and drops it into her pack, not terribly concerned about it any further. Slipping into the blankets she and Vandrel use for a bedroll, she lies down and starts scritching the cat absently while watching Vandrel.

2008-01-31, 04:49 PM

Vandrel nods slightly to Godwin. "Leaving it, whether its beneficial or not seems unwise," he says. "All that does is leave it in the hands of someone else to use, which could just lead to more trouble." He chuckles at Catherine's reaction to the tooth. "There are worse things done for helpful magics," he says as he stands, stretching slightly. "I heard once of someone splicing dragon parts to their bodies and whatnot, just a rumor though."

"Normal watches?" he asks, raising an eyebrow as he walks over by Maeslyra and settles next to her, brushing his hand downward over her hair as he does. He sits listening to the others til everything is decided upon, just being close to Maeslyra and relaxing, slipping into his meditation as normal afterwards.

2008-01-31, 10:33 PM

the fireknight will look over the Potions as they are displayed "Interesting." and then reply to Vandrel "Normal watches as opposed to adjusted watches to take for injured or the infirm. Shae, you and then me for watches. that way we don't waylaid during the night by something coming upon us. I will sleep through the first watches and then stand watch during the morningtime while Maeslyra recovers her spells."

Lost Sage
2008-01-31, 10:49 PM

"Ah...." says Godwin intelligently. "It's just a magic item then? I was thinking it was connected to the life of the Fey somehow. Which reminds me... there still is this 'Hunt' we where talking about earlier. Should we take extra precautions because of it? Not that..." he pauses and shrugs "... I'm in a postion to handle double watches."

2008-02-01, 06:21 AM

"It will be both of us," Maeslyra indicates Vandrel and herself with a hand, "after four hours. Perhaps, for tonight, it would be best for Shae and Sunduval to share a four hour watch. We can stay long enough to make up for it."

2008-02-02, 09:47 AM

"The double watches is a good idea. I will take the last watch before morning."
The Fireknight will lay out his bedroll and sit down looking over his armor for obvious signs of wear and then go through a detailed check of every stap and buckle. Seeing the masterwork creaftmanship is up to par, he will remove the plate pieces without articulation and settle down for the night.

Lost Sage
2008-02-03, 12:40 AM

"Great, thanks."

Godwin looks out across the clearing, thinking about pulling out his drum. probably not a wise move if we're trying to be unobtrusive... besides.... any music i make here would probably be too wierd for comfort... hmmm that would be fun

The bard suddenly grins, thinking of hiding among the stones and making the wierdest sounds he can manage. He turns and walks over to sit on a stone by the wall, watching the silhouette of the forest in the night sky. He'll spend more than a half hour there, singing softly of Fey magic and Giants, before coming back and climbing into his bedroll.

2008-02-03, 09:38 AM
The Tower in the Forest: Somewhere west of Clydemaark
Morning Friday, 19th of Springdawn 1556

The night passes, for the most part, uneventfully. A few birds make their nests in the ceiling above, and their comings and goings thru the dusk and dawn hours mingle with the sounds of the trees creaking and groaning in the night.

The wind picks up sometime around midnight, howling thru the open holes in the roof with a whistling and keening moan that dies down just before dawn.

Dawn will burst forth, that air brisk with chill. The clear skies and bright sun though promise a warm day ahead.


Catherine continues to have the feeling that she is being watched as she beds down for the evening, and has a strange dream of misshapen animals loping thru the forest.

She awakes from her dream sometime just before dawn. Sitting on a ledge above, illuminated faintly by a shaft of light from above, sits a small bird unnoticed by Vandrel or Sunduval. A simple dove, it flaps its wings, revealing small tentacles that flap about before again tucking underneath the wings. The bird opens its beak, and holds it open as words ramble thru Catherine's head:

Forest gleaming tower crumbling watcher watching waking waking! Beware beware flesh rumbling rumbling. Heed the voice, the voice! The voice! From the forest leaves and choice! The ravens spy! The ravenspy! The ravenous spy! The craven scry!

The strange bird flutters away silently up and out thru the holed ceiling.

2008-02-03, 12:25 PM

Drifting back up out of her meditations due to cat fur rubbing on her face, Maeslyra opens her eyes and looks around with a bit of confusion. She usually does this the other way around: trancing first, then sitting up for a while. She hasn't missed a sunrise when sleeping outdoors in quite some time, and it is marginally unsettling.

Tethos doesn't care how she delivers her prayers, so she stays curled up in the blankets and begins to sing, softly and unobtrusively. It is a long chant that seems like it could go on forever.

2008-02-03, 03:36 PM

Catherine is stunned at first, staring silently at something that only she has noticed and trembling in terror. Following that, an extremely scream that she doesn't immediately identify as her own wells up in her throat, piercing the dawn. It is cut off abruptly with a choking sob and she buries her face in her bedroll as she quietly weeps.

It's happening again. No matter what I do, where I go, I can't escape it. Why does it have to be me? What did I ever do to deserve this?

2008-02-04, 11:46 AM

Vandrel moves quietly outside the tower as his later watch wears on, his hand on the butt of his sword, but bow still in the quiver as he watches and listens to the forest around them.

The scream sends him sprinting into the tower, his sword unsheathed. His eyes scan the room looking for the source of trouble. Seeing none, he frowns deeply. "What was that?" he asks as he moves next to Maeslyra.

2008-02-04, 12:01 PM

The elf lifts her head from her song of prayer, peering around. Seeing nothing, she rolls over and continues. Nimaia sits up, yawning and stretching. The prayer pauses just long enough to answer Vandrel in a whisper when he stoops at her side, but then resumes.

Lost Sage
2008-02-04, 12:22 PM

Throughout the night Godwin sleeps soundly. The chill in the night has him so far down into his bedroll one can only see a nose and a tuft of black hair. The scream shocks him out of some very bizarre and interesting dreams. He pops his face out of the blanket and tries to focus on what is happening.

huh...what?...rocks... tower... Vandrel, yes, that's Vandrel... he's behaving normally... something screamed... somebody screamed... Catherine?...

The bard keeps still and watches what the others are doing.

2008-02-05, 07:39 AM

Sunduval will stop in his rounds while the morning devotions for greeting the sunrise echo in his head. After the scream ends abruptly he will head towards the stairs and start up at running jog which sounds alot like pots and pans clashing against each other.

He will arrive after Vandrel and detect evil after Vandrel's question.

2008-02-10, 02:12 AM

Dully aware that the others are up, Catherine rises, face blotchy and haunted. She dully goes about packing up and preparing to leave, though her hands are shaking and she hardly manages to accomplish anything at all.

2008-02-10, 08:36 AM

When her prayers are complete, Maeslyra gives Vandrel a more proper morning greeting before packing their bedding away. As she shakes the blankets out and folds them up, she can be heard muttering to herself, "a pillow. I need to get a pillow." The new cloak she is now wearing doens't seem to hamper her movements any more than the old one did, but the silvery material does make her stand out.

She moves briskly and efficiently, putting a minimal breakfast together for anyone who still needs to eat, and helps clear it up afterwards.

Lost Sage
2008-02-10, 07:52 PM

From deep within his bedroll Godwin watches the camp go about it's normal wakeup routine - abet a bit earlier then normal what the...???. He looks back and forth between the faces wondering if he was hearing things. Eventually he pulls himself out of the blankets and grabs some breatfast, eating while packing to stay awake. "Thanks Maesylra".

Taking advantage of packing he moves close to Catherine and asks "...'morning. Ah... did I hear you earlier this morning?"

The timber of Catherine's voice was quite distinctive, and he usually didn't have that much trouble distinguishing waking from dreaming.

2008-02-10, 08:57 PM

Catherine gives Godwin a jolted look of alarm and then breathes out a sigh. Oh umm... no? I mean, I may have had a nightmare. Did I scream? I hope I didn't wake you, I'm sorry. She goes back to eating a handful of dried berries, and seems to have nothing further to say until she speaks up in a quieter tone. It's just these woods. They really unnerve me, you know? It's silly, but something about forests just scare the Gods out of me. And those monsters we fought haven't exactly helped the matter. Excuse me. She rises suddenly, inclines her head, and brings a pile of her things downstairs to pack them onto her horse.

Lost Sage
2008-02-10, 09:47 PM

Godwin watches Catherine walk off. "Huh." he says to himself.

The bard finishes his own packing and heads downstairs to load up Turin. He gives the horse a stroke and palms him a vegetable he kept from breakfast. "At least the things you do make sense." he whispers in the horses ear.

With a grin the bard mounts up and calls to the others "Ready to go?" He can't help but smile - the night passed without death and destruction, it's a beautiful day, he's moving again, and sitting on a horse is actually starting to feel good. Who'd 'a thunk?

2008-02-11, 12:07 AM

Sunduval will finish his assinged watch and stop to pray to Solis for his protection in the coming day. His words are quiet and resolute but loder than in days past when he would pray in silence.

Sunduval will gather his things and head the down the stairs to Sunchaser saying greetings to everyone he passes. " Blessings of Solis upon and may his warmth shelter you against evil."

2008-02-11, 03:51 AM

Vandrel eyes Catherine as she pretends nothing happened for a moment then relaxes. Something had her spooked. He shakes his head once, relaxing as Maeslyra finishes her prayers, smiling and returning the greeting as she rises. He helps Maeslyra pack up their things and carry them to the horse. "We should be careful," he says, looking around at the surrounding forest as he leads his and Maeslyra's horse out. "I have a feeling this is not over." He pulls himself up onto the horse and smiles to Maesyra as he helps her mount.

2008-02-11, 10:02 AM
The Dyninn Forest: Somewhere west of Clydemaark
Midday, Friday, 19th of Springdawn

The morning trek thru the tall boles of this undisturbed forest passes uneventfully. The tower is soon forgotten amidst the calls of birds and the rustle of the wind thru the canopy of trees.

With no path and only the sun and landmarks to guide you, it is hard to judge the distance covered. But by the saddle sores for those unused to long distance travel, it seems like an eternity.

As the sun peaks middday, the party finds themselves following a dry streambed towards the west. Rounding a curve in the embankment, Vandrel is the first to spot a pair of huge boar standing, grazing, and staring back at him and the rest of the group with huge red eyes.

At about 50 paces ahead, they are the largest wild boar he's seen. Standing 8 feet at the shoulder, and twice that in length, their tusks are as long as a knight's lance. The lead creature paws at the ground, lowering it's head menacingly, while the rear one snorts a burst of steam: a low-pitched cavernous sound.

Assuming regular party order.
They are about 50 yards ahead (150 feet).
The terrain is flat between the group and them, about 15' wide. On the left side (south), it slopes up quickly (difficult terrain, climb check DC 10 to move up it) for 20' before leveling off. To the right (north) there is a slight embankment, and then slopes down gradually.

There is no cover along the old stream bed. Atop the rise to the left/south are trees. About 15' to the right/north are saplings and small undergrowth, with larger trees about 25-30' beyond that.

2008-02-11, 01:28 PM

Having settled in behind Vandrel as she usually does, Maeslyra is watching the world go by in silence. Her head is resting on Vandrel's shoulder and one hand happens to be scritching Nimaia's cheek when a subtle movement of his head and Nimaia's half-frightened, half-annoyed burst alerts her to something unexpected. She lifts her head and looks, blinking a couple of times to be sure she is really seeing what her eyes seem to think she is seeing.

If it is needed, init is 18.
If Vandrel dismounts right away, then Maeslyra will, too.
Get wand of PfE from pack.
If we don't dismount right away, use wand on Vandrel.

Lost Sage
2008-02-11, 02:25 PM

The bard's eyes open wide at the sight of the two giant animals. He reacts quickly.

"Trees! So they can't charge us...!"

Taking his own advice he wheels Turin to the right, moving quickly but firmly. Up the slight embankment they go and down into the undergrowth. He dismounts behind the first tree and slaps Turin further in for protection.

2008-02-11, 10:36 PM

If the group rides up then the Fireknight will go last into trees. He will star into direction of the lead animal.

((Detect Evil on porcine doom machine.))

2008-02-12, 11:19 AM

The ranger frowns deeply towards the two swine as they lift their heads. As Godwin speaks, he hisses at the bard. "Slowly," he says, attempting to stay calm and keep his voice even, as he turns the horse up the embankment and down, keeping his eyes on the swine and slipping his feet from the stirrups.

If the boars do anything but watch them(ie Charge or follow:
As the horse nears the trees, he drops the reins over the saddle horn and pushes himself up. "Shae, take control of my horse," he says as he lifts his leg, letting Nimaia slip onto the saddle under him as he rotates off the horse, rolling to his feet as he hits the ground and draws his bow, facing the swine.

Fast Dismount: Ride Check: [roll0]+4=18
Tumble (For maintaining his feet as he dismounts): [roll1]+11=30

Lost Sage
2008-02-12, 12:05 PM

"Ooookay" says Godwin slowly, trying to match his pace and mood to the Elf. But he watches the beasts carefully, ready to dash the remaining distance should they start to charge. i assume he knows what he's doing

2008-02-14, 12:22 AM

It had been a strange evening. As strongly as Shae intended to avoid Catherine, Catherine seemed to be equally fixated on staying close to her. After one or two -- admittedly halfhearted -- attempts to lose Catherine, Shae gives in and does her best to be a comforting presence. Not sure how to do that, precisely, she just stares off into the woods and nods from time to time, hoping she gives the illusion of perceptiveness.

And the morning was stranger still. She'd been awake for Catherine's scream (and truly, awake most of the night, as the jumbling of the watch schedule meant she was nowhere near tired when she was supposed to sleep, and exhausted when she wasn't) but saw nothing to cause it. Nightmare, I guess. Several times through the day's ride she starts to say something to Catherine, then stops. Let's see, 'Nightmare, huh? I have those! I wake up thinking I'm drowning to death every morning!' No, uh, just no. Okay, how about, 'I'm sure there's nothing to be frightened of. Aside from, you know, everything.' Uh. Okay. Not good. Just don't say anything, Shae.

She's about to try again when they spot the boars. "Slow is right." Heeding Vandrel's advice, Shae takes the rear, slowly moving her horse up into the trees. She keeps her right hand free to grab the reigns of any animal that starts.

2008-02-14, 05:35 AM

Catherine gets a look of stunned fear on her face, but she gathers enough wit to take Shae's lead and back away. She doesn't dismount yet. They don't look too fast, can't we just ride off? Maybe we can... outrun them.

2008-02-14, 07:45 AM

Turning to regard Catherine, Maeslyra puts a finger to her lips. Quietly, she says, "I have seen a slightly smaller version take down a running horse." If it was anyone but Catherine, she might have added 'while I was watching from a perch on a tree branch 15 feet up'. No need to discuss how she came to be there, whose horse it was, or how she got out of the situation, either.

2008-02-16, 05:51 PM
A Boaring Encounter
Midday, Friday, 19th of Springdawn 1556

The group angles their mounts out of the stream bed towards the protection of the forest. The horses protest only mildly, smelling the large creatures ahead.

As the horses wheel about, the two enormous animals begin trotting down the stream bed towards the group. Snorting loudly, and tossing their wicked tusked snouts from side-to-side.

As the horses reach the beginnings of the saplings and smaller trees, Vandrel slides out of the saddle. Bootsie hangs around Shae's mount offering only a low growl/whine.

The two animals - large versions of boar or wild pigs - are now about 80' from the group.

The horses are at the beginnings of the forest proper, with saplings and small trees that can be used for cover. Any attempts to move quickly (i.e. anything more than a move action/double move action, i.e. a run) requires a Ride check.

2008-02-17, 10:11 AM

As Vandrel slips off the horse, Shae reaches out and takes the horse's bridle until Maeslyra finds the reigns. Her hazel eyes continue to watch the boars warily.

After a moment, she shakes her head, apparently in response to some internal discussion she's having. "Too risky to run. Either do some voodoo, Vandrel, we fight, or we scare them off. They think we're weaker, and on their turf, which is why they're still coming. Animals respect strength." She gives Godwin a glance. "Got anything scary?"

2008-02-17, 12:23 PM

As it seems that there is some sort of standoff taking place, Maeslyra stays on the horse, taking up the reins. As unobtrusively as possible, she casts a spell and reaches down to brush Vandrel's arm with it. "Running is a bad idea. Fighting is not precisely a stellar one."

{Cast Guidance on Vandrel}

2008-02-17, 12:28 PM

Vandrel holds his bow low, but ready as the peers towards them. He nods slightly, only breaking eye contact with each to look to the other as he stands near the trees, ready to withdraw into them should the boars become... chargey.

Wild Empathy: [roll0]+1+1(guidance) = 16

2008-02-17, 01:54 PM
Boars in the Field
Round 1

Maeslyra imbues Vandrel with the aid of her magic, as he tries to stare down the huge beasts. The enormous boar stop their forward movement at the challenging elf, pacing back and forth, pawing the ground and snorting in the air. For a moment, there is utter stillness, as the lead boar seems to acknowledge the elf's right to be there, lowering its head slightly in submission.

A crack of a branch from an errant horse's hoof breaks the scene, and with one violent puff, the two towering wild boar squeal and charge! The horses near panic, trying to flee the creatures.

Except Shae and Sunduval, I need Ride checks (DC 15) from those still mounted to control your mounts, else they begin to flee. If failed, roll a second Ride check (DC 5) to remain in the saddle. Failing that results in 1d6 falling damage.

Initiative (those who've already rolled can use that roll).

The boar are about 70' from Vandrel, charging at the horses.

I'll come up with a map later today.

2008-02-17, 07:30 PM

Although it is true that when one thinks of 'nobility', one also tends to think of 'mounted', this is not remotely the case for Maeslyra. Or, truth be told, for her parents or grandparents. The word is: carriage.

Maeslyra's grip on the reins is neither tight nor expert, and the leather slips right through her fingers as the horse makes its sudden movements. Leaning one way as the horse starts to bolt in the other, she slides right off the side of it and twists to try to make the landing as delicately as possible. She hits the ground rolling a little bit, but not nearly enough and lets out an "oof". Rolling a little bit more of her own volition, she gets up onto her feet and stows the wand she has out, realizing that it will be useless here.

{3 damage from the fall}

2008-02-17, 07:50 PM

2008-02-17, 08:07 PM

F---. Shae gives a nod as Maeslyra rolls off the horse and on to the ground. "Bail off the horses, however you can." Even if Catherine and Godwin could control their mounts, once the boar got among them they would either be thrown or one of the horses would be killed. Better to let them run and find them later.

She wheels her horse around and gallops to intercept the boars, drawing her sword. The effect is dramatic -- she and the horse move as one, and her crimson cloak billows out behind her as she slides the horse back down into the stream and charges the boars. The drama, however, is entirely lost on Shae. Ugh. I look like a poncey knight. She bangs her sword on her shield before she strikes, trying to draw the boars' attention with the clanging. "Clear off! Go!"

If she goes before the boars, move towards them to come between them and the group, and hold an attack. She'll move all the way to them (with a charge) if possible.
If she goes afterwards, she'll just move to intercept if needed, or attack the nearest one if she doesn't have to move.
Shae has a +12 to Ride and is riding a Light Warhorse trained for combat.
From the roller thread:
Ride with Knees (DC5): (1d20+12)[29]

Shae's Attack: (1d20+8)[25]
Shae's Damage: (1d8+5)[12]

Annabelle's Hoof Attack: (1d20+4)[6]
Annabelle's Damage: (1d4+3)[6]

(If there is no need to move to engage the boars as they are in melee by init 12, then Annabelle does a full attack action, so add:
Annabelle's Second Hoof Attack: (1d20+4)[8]
Damage: (1d4+3)[4]
Annabelle's Bite Attack: (1d20-1)[18]
Damage: (1d3+1)[3])

2008-02-17, 09:25 PM

Catherine, whose horse tended to ignore her heavy-handed commands and simply follow Anabelle, was at first confused and then alarmed. Just as she was about to lapse into a panicked effort to bring her horse back around and towards the fray when Shae's advise instantly quelled her frantic mind.

Ahhhh! She lets out a shriek, not out of fear, but simply out of anticipation of the pain that is to follow as she leaps headlong from her saddle, landing hard on her plump rear.

Without rising, she pulls a pork rind from her purse and holds up a hand in preperation.

Ready an action to cast grease on the ground proceeding whichever character the boars charge, hopefully somewhere that they both cross.
If they've already acted by my initiative count then I'm just going to stand up instead.

Lost Sage
2008-02-18, 12:33 PM

Godwin shakes his head at Shea's request for something scary. "Maybe I can distract them if..." his whisper trails off as the action begins ...they were not charging...

The bard seems to realize the boars are going to charge almost before the boars themselves do. He positions himself about 5' behind the nearest substantial tree and begins his magic.

"Stay away from the dust!" he calls to Shae.

init: 22

I assume Godwin is already off his horse behind the first tree, and the horse is headed into the trees, since he started doing that before Vandrel.

If he has initiative on the boars he will cast glitterdust in front of the boars as they charge. Getting both if possible, or only the lead boar if not.

Otherwise he will start singing a +3 bardsong.

2008-02-19, 10:13 PM

Vandrel huffs unhappily. "Why did you have to do that," he hisses out as he moves perpendicular to their charge and raises his bow and aims at the boar closest to the tree line and lets loose, the arrowhead crackling with energy.

Attack: [roll0] + 8 = 21
Damage: [roll1] + 2 + [roll2] + [roll3] = 16

Both are +1 if they are within 30'.

2008-02-21, 01:01 AM

Sunduval will dismount as suggeted and ready for a boar charge taking a position near Godwin.

2008-02-21, 04:54 PM
The Giant Boars
Round 1

With nary a thought, Godwin keens a note, flicks his wrist, and a field of glittering particles spring into existence between the charging boars and the horses.

Maeslyra's horse is the first to jump, leaping away. Attempting to slide out of the saddle, she gets hung up, and lands with a roll. She'll be bruised, but it is a minor injury. She stands.

Catherine's horse is close behind, and the noble girl follows the elf's lead, also landing on her rump. Remaining sitting, she enacts a spell. A thick layer of grease coats the ground in the same vicinity as the sparkling particles.

Shae reigns in her horse's instincts to follow the fleeing creatures, and draws her sword. She kicks, and the horse prepares for the charge of the two huge boar - she's left as the sole remaining target of their ire.

With a quick glance - and comment - back towards the horses, Vandrel slides out of the way of the charging boar, sending a well-aimed arrow into the thick neck of the lead creature. Sparkling energy singes the fur, and blood spurts from the wound.

The two creatures barrel straight thru the sparkling lights and greased foliage. The first slips up, crashing and sliding along the ground. It comes to a rest - its forward momentum expended - in front of Shae's horse.

The second creature maintains its footing, but thrashes about blindly. Even blind, the four-foot tusks are still a deadly weapon. It flails about, stripping a sapling of all the bark and foliage from the hapless plant.

Shae's warhorse rears, and stomps down on the creature. The hoofs seem ineffective against the tough hide, but the horse bites a bit of fur away. The warrior-girl herself stabs downwards, the blade adding another bleeding injury near Vandrel's arrow.

Sunduval dismounts, his horse moving off after the fleeing mounts with a slap. Drawing his sword, he moves close to the bard.

22 Godwin
18 Maeslyra 3 Damage
17 Catherine 3 Damage
12 Shae
9 Vandrel
7 Giant Boars
4 Sunduval

2008-02-21, 05:39 PM

Get ready! I'll summon! She's out of breath from her fall and subsequent action, and hastily constructs another spell, this one lengthier. She doesn't bother to stand, there isn't time and if she were even conscious of her position of vulnerability, she'd assume that Shae would protect her fragile (and immobile!) body.

Begin to cast summon monster II

2008-02-21, 07:31 PM

Nimaia leaps off the horse at the last possible moment, landing on Maeslyra's pack. "I have an idea," she says absently to the cat. "Go for Shae." She grabs the cat, casts a spell, and provides a guiding toss for Nimaia to jump at Shae. Nimaia, for her part, makes a loud mewl as she flies through the air. It doesn't sound frightened at all. More like exhilarated, really.

Heh. *cough* Yes, familiars should not be ignored. It makes them angry.
Cast Shield of Faith, use Nimaia to deliver it to Shae. I'm not sure how far away she is, or the range increment for Exotic Weapon(cat), but I figure the cat can jump to do most of the work since Maeslyra sucks at hitting things anyway.
If Shae is obviously too far away, then she'll go for Vandrel or Sunduval instead.

Nimaia's Jump check: 24
Nimaia's touch attack, if needed: 11 + 3(bard song) = 14
Maeslyra's roll for...um...whatever Era thinks fits: 13 (nothing added)

Inspire on Vandrel for +4 to damage.

Lost Sage
2008-02-21, 08:52 PM

Godwin starts slightly at the ferocity of the boar still standing, blinded though it is. He adjusts his position behind the tree slightly and readies his bow. A slight smile touches his face as he starts singing:

The boar's head, as I understand,
Is the rarest dish in all this land,
Which thus bedecked with a gay garland
Let us serve with a song...

starting +3 bard song - singing until further notice

2008-02-22, 12:12 AM

"Nice." Between the glitter and the slick grease, the situation had gone from out of control to, well, not quite in control, but close enough. She spares a glance over her shoulder to check on the others, then turns her attention back to the boar. Injured and blinded, it was still deadly, especially to Annabelle's unarmored flanks.

With just a nudge from her knees, Shae moves the horse slightly to keep them between the others and the boar. Then, a light kick causes Annabelle rear up again, bringing her hooves crashing down on the beast. Shae strikes shortly after, aiming for the animal's throat.

Ride with Knees (DC5): (1d20+12)[26]

Shae's Attack: (1d20+11)[18]
Shae's Damage: (1d8+8)[9]

Annabelle's Hoof Attack: (1d20+4)[11]
Annabelle's Damage: (1d4+3)[5]
Annabelle's Second Hoof Attack: (1d20+4)[24]
Damage: (1d4+3)[4]
Annabelle's Bite Attack: (1d20-1)[10]
Damage: (1d3+1)[2]
Critical confirm for Annabelle's hoof: (1d20+4)[16]
Damage: (1d4+3)[7]