View Full Version : To the Dawn of War players: Merry Christmas, here's your present!

Renegade Paladin
2007-12-25, 11:32 AM
The Steel Legion mod for DC was released late on Christmas Eve. (http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=175490) Praise the Emperor and Merry Christmas! :smallwink:

2007-12-25, 02:54 PM
Soldiers! Sing!

"We don't have no Christmas Eve
Inquisition says it's peeve
We just have our lasergun
But it is an equal fun!"

Hooray for the Steel Legion, and apologize my rhyming.

2007-12-25, 03:16 PM
Heretic! This foul "Christmas" is obviously an act of Chaos.

2007-12-25, 03:35 PM
Heretic! This foul "Christmas" is obviously an act of Chaos.

A celebration of peace and the God of 'Santa'?


2007-12-25, 03:41 PM
A celebration of peace and the God of 'Santa'?


The Fury of the the Emperor's Inquisition shall cleanse the universe from this foul heretical cult!

2007-12-25, 03:45 PM
Reporting back from battle!
Once again, it has been proven that man cannot be stopped, hath he just enough faith in Him and a gun big enough to obliberate His enemies. The Steel Legion has proven to be in excellent condition, working fine, smooth and efficient. It's weapons are feared throughout the Imperium by the foes of man, and their discipline is a shining example to all of the Imperiums soldiers. Also, the Steel Legion showed up with a formidable and orderly look, just as it is fit for the legions of His Righteousness. Overall, I can just state again that this is necessary addition to the great forces of the God-Emperor, manifold be His blessings.

And we believe that this Christmas is actually of heretic eldar origin,which would fit those bastards just right. As they are weak, as is the fate of him who turns away from the Light of the Emperor, they trick our loyal soldiers into believing that such a blasphemy as peace between the races can exist. We supsect a hideous plot by thos treacherous, pointy eared scum.
Every soldier is reminded that he is to prepare for the upcoming Smitemass, for anything less than a perfect display of the power and wealth of His followers will not be tolerated.

2007-12-25, 05:11 PM
Excellent Brother Golemsvoice. Are they clean of heretical taint? (IE: Glitches)

Also, DIE FOUL HERETIC! Smitemass was brought down by the great Sebastian Thor at the end of the Age of Apostasy. Of course, if you are at a far edge of the Imperium, you may not have heard of Birthmas where loyal citizens of the Emperor celebrate His birth.

2007-12-25, 08:14 PM
Isn't the Steel Legion mod being included in a combination pack of sorts, alongside Tyranids, Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters?

2007-12-25, 08:19 PM
I just found out last night that there are mods available for DoW, an apparently great one that allows for the His Holy Inquisition! It saddens me beyond measure that, without a computer, I cannot give Him proper praise with blade and bolter.

Shas aia Toriia
2007-12-25, 08:26 PM
Yay! Everybody likes DC! 'tis a great game. But on a side note. . .

Drivel! Any who know not the most glorious date of His birth are clearly heretics for not properly worshipping the Emperor, and all of His servants!


('Course, why I bother posting when I'm a proud Black Templars player. . .)

Castellan Toriia, ready to smite the xenos and the heretic alongside those. . . less-then-fully-armed guardsmen, Marshal!

2007-12-25, 09:00 PM
@Blayze: By the Emperor's Holy Light I hope so.

@graymachine: Indeed. Inquisition Daemonhunt.

Calm your rage Castellan for the expanse of this great Imperium is long. Smitemass was once on the same date as Birthmas, it has merely taken on a less militant tone according to the words of Sebastian Thor. Ironically, this 'Christmas' is on the same day as Birthmas. How dare these foul heretics mock the Emperor's Day of Birth!

2007-12-26, 10:43 AM
Hark! We just found out that indeed we now celebrate Birthmass, and Smitemass has been declared heretical ages ago. The ones responsible have been brought down by His justice.
And indeed, as it was made by the most studious Tech-Adepts, and it is inherit with the spirit of man that foul xenos machinery will never claim, this mod is pure and without fault. We already filed a dossier suggesting to award medals to the smiths of this wonderful piece of technology. But on the other hand, we should just praise the Emperor, for it has been made in His name. The only complaint that we can make is, that after testing it (not very long, but His servants should not have much free time, for a easy mind is the traitor's nest), is, that the might of the Imperium's mighty furnaces, the tanks that strike fear in the hearts of the heretics, and which are the servants of the righteous, are too weak compared to the hammer of the Imperial Infantry, so that the weak-minded might loose faith in His divine weapons.

2007-12-26, 06:00 PM
All Men in His service are His Holy divine weapons.

But yes, the Steel Legion is named such for the might of their machines.

Lord Herman
2007-12-28, 12:30 PM
Isn't the Steel Legion mod being included in a combination pack of sorts, alongside Tyranids, Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters?

There is indeed a combination mod. The alpha version is already out, combining Inquisition Daemonhunt, the current Tyranid beta, the Witch Hunters beta, and the Steel Legion mod. I believe the Blood Angels mod will be added as soon as they have a playable version out, and more mods will probably be added later.

2007-12-28, 12:39 PM
I am currently submitting this to my cognator's machine spirit now(downloading it to my computer), I believe it will accept.

2007-12-28, 12:44 PM
Does anyone know what this mod is called? It would make finding it much easier.

2007-12-28, 01:00 PM
Could anybody instruct me on the proper rituals of activation for this
(how do I go about getting it to work)

Lord Herman
2007-12-28, 02:05 PM
I believe it's simply called the Combiner Mod. It can be found on the RelicNews forums, in the Adeptus Modificatus section.

edit: Linky! (http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=170305)

Commie, you'll need to install all the component mods seperately for the combiner to work. You then select the combiner mod in the mod menu.

2007-12-28, 02:21 PM
I believe it's simply called the Combiner Mod. It can be found on the RelicNews forums, in the Adeptus Modificatus section.

edit: Linky! (http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=170305)

Commie, you'll need to install all the component mods seperately for the combiner to work. You then select the combiner mod in the mod menu.
I got it to work

Mc. Lovin'
2007-12-28, 07:11 PM
I just found out last night that there are mods available for DoW, an apparently great one that allows for the His Holy Inquisition! It saddens me beyond measure that, without a computer, I cannot give Him proper praise with blade and bolter.

How can you not have a computer and be posting in this here thread? O_o

Also would this work with the steam version of DC?

2007-12-28, 07:15 PM
(with the exception of the voice acting (which is escusable) the mod is incrediable. it gets 2 bloddy red thumbs up)

Renegade Paladin
2008-01-06, 03:34 PM
Isn't the Steel Legion mod being included in a combination pack of sorts, alongside Tyranids, Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters?
I know the Daemonhunters mod has been incorporated into Dawn of War Expanded, but I don't know about any plans for the others. I'll talk to Riker about it; I'm on the DoWXP playtest team.