View Full Version : Christmas Doctor who

Emperor Demonking
2007-12-25, 02:09 PM
It seems like its missing something so far, in my opinion.

2007-12-25, 04:09 PM
Do you think we'll ever get real snow in London on Christmas day?

I did enjoy it though. There's something about the family sitting round the dining room table watching Dr Who while eating christmas dinner.

2007-12-25, 05:37 PM
Is this Russell T Davies' last script or something? If so, it would explain a lot. My family and I were literally in tears of laughter towards the end of it, just due to silliness. It was a good laugh, for a Christmas episode, but not something I'd want to watch in the actual series

2007-12-25, 07:40 PM
I found it fairly amusing. Especially the bit where... The fat woman ties rope around the angel-robot-thingy and jumps off the platform into the engine.

2007-12-25, 09:32 PM
You have to wonder what Davis has against Christian symbolism sometimes though. That's the second time we've had villainous angels. Although I think someone's been playing a bit too much KOTOR this time round.

2007-12-25, 09:44 PM
*mutters something about British being lucky and getting to watch this*

*waits for some pirate to upload it onto the interblag*

2007-12-25, 10:43 PM
*mutters something about British being lucky and getting to watch this*

*waits for some pirate to upload it onto the interblag*

You're not alone in either sentiment...

Emperor Demonking
2007-12-26, 05:39 AM
I dislike the anargram name.
was only used because she teleported. They gave away her death to early as well.

2007-12-26, 06:19 AM
A bit tiresome really. Astrid seemed to be there purely because she was Kylie, David Tennant over-acted as usual, and we never get snow like that on Christmas Day.


On th other hand, it was a nice laugh, had some funny lines (Allons-y, Allonzo!), nice graphics, and showed us a nice series of clips for next series.


2007-12-26, 08:07 AM
I really enjoyed it...it seemed like they were killing off characters a bit too fast for my tastes, but otherwise, it was pretty darn awesome.

I was really hoping the Queen would make a cameo towards the end there, but it looks like another "near-miss".

Also, in the teaser trailer, the girl in the glasses...

with the Sonic Screwdriver. Was that supposed to be The Rani?

Totally Guy
2007-12-26, 08:24 AM
It had an interesting take on the old "guess which party members die" scenario. Karma didn't work in the way TV usually does it. A character even mentions this.

I didn't realise it was Kylie Minogue. I thought I'd have recognised her voice as I was listening to her radio show when I was driving people to places earlier in the day.

2007-12-26, 10:39 AM
They gave away her death to early as well.

Come on, she was a Dead from the moment the Doctor suggested she becomes a companion, (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadStarWalking)

2007-12-26, 12:06 PM
Ah, the true spirit of Christmas: Brits pirating television shows and uploading them to torrent for the benefit of their deprived brothers in other countries.

I liked it, kinda. Wasn't really in-season quality, but whatever.

You have to wonder what Davis has against Christian symbolism sometimes though. That's the second time we've had villainous angels. Although I think someone's been playing a bit too much KOTOR this time round.

To be fair, there was a played-straight Satan arc.

2007-12-26, 12:23 PM
Also, in the teaser trailer, the girl in the glasses...

with the Sonic Screwdriver. Was that supposed to be The Rani?

Could very well be. We also saw:

Davros, UNIT, Sontarans and Martha. And someone else very special is showing up next season too. So...there'll be a three-episode arc with Donna, Martha and Rose. :eep:

2007-12-26, 01:20 PM
Could very well be. We also saw:

Davros, UNIT, Sontarans and Martha. And someone else very special is showing up next season too. So...there'll be a three-episode arc with Donna, Martha and Rose. :eep:

I assumed it was The Rani, between the sonic screwdriver and the comment somewhere along the line about "a mate".

Was that Davros at the very end? Or was he somewhere else in there and I totally missed it? I was almost positive when the Host hauled the Doctor down to the engineering deck there that Davros was behind it all.

Emperor Demonking
2007-12-26, 01:22 PM
Did they do that for a reason, making him like Davros and making him say terminate, which is one ex away.

2007-12-26, 02:31 PM
I assumed it was The Rani, between the sonic screwdriver and the comment somewhere along the line about "a mate".

Was that Davros at the very end? Or was he somewhere else in there and I totally missed it? I was almost positive when the Host hauled the Doctor down to the engineering deck there that Davros was behind it all.

I think it was him at the end. Looked just like him. And, yes, that thing with the Hosts convinced me it was Davros too - but then I thought that it would be too abrupt for new viewers. I only know about him through my dad's old videos - so how would a new-Whovian know what Davros was. Capricorn made a bit more sense.

Martha's in the Sontaran episode arc.

Donna and the Doctor will go to: Pompeii, Agatha Christie's estate and the planet of the Ood.

I also thought the "I need a mate" thingummy indicated Rani, or maybe he wants Donna to carry Time-Tots?

2007-12-26, 03:38 PM
I think it was him at the end. Looked just like him. And, yes, that thing with the Hosts convinced me it was Davros too - but then I thought that it would be too abrupt for new viewers. I only know about him through my dad's old videos - so how would a new-Whovian know what Davros was. Capricorn made a bit more sense.

Martha's in the Sontaran episode arc.

Donna and the Doctor will go to: Pompeii, Agatha Christie's estate and the planet of the Ood.

I also thought the "I need a mate" thingummy indicated Rani, or maybe he wants Donna to carry Time-Tots?

The more I think about it, the more out of place that line seems. If it indicates either of those, though, it's definitely the former.

Last of the Time Lords, that sort of thing.
Although I can hear the "I wouldn't if you were the last man..." jokes coming already. :smallyuk:

2007-12-26, 03:47 PM
Is this Russell T Davies' last script or something? If so, it would explain a lot. My family and I were literally in tears of laughter towards the end of it, just due to silliness.

How is that different from any other Russell T. Davies script for Dr. Who? I'm sure he's done good things in other media, but the sooner he leaves Who and Steven Moffat gets the head writer gig, the better.

2007-12-26, 03:48 PM
I thought it was pretty good, although you did get the feeling they were really hurriedly killing off the characters. It originally looked like the episode was going to be longer, but at the 'Unstable Metal Bridge' sequence, it was 'Bang, dead, phew, oh noes, bang, dead, bang, dead, lets move on'. Still, I liked the Earth 'historian' (what was his name? Can't remember).

Donna looks like she won't be a bad companion, from what small things we could see from the trailer. I'm jumping the gun a bit, I just have that gut instinct. I'm not a big fan of the 'Companion Love' which recurs. With Rose it was a 'I want to tell you but I won't ' secret love, and with Martha it was 'Ooooh, time lord eh, well, my beds next door'... obvious flirty love. Looks like the Doctor will be in for a surprise if he expects the trend to continue with Donna (although it'll probably end up happening anyway).

Can't wait for the next series now. WANT THE STATUES AND SALLY SPARROW TO COME BACK. Power to the fans! :smallbiggrin:


And if it wasn't for Russell T Davies, there wouldn't be a new Doctor Who series. So we kinda owe him. I don't get it, the episode wasn't dreadful, none of R.T.D's are really pathetic, just average or above average, most of the time.

2007-12-26, 05:20 PM
How is that different from any other Russell T. Davies script for Dr. Who? I'm sure he's done good things in other media, but the sooner he leaves Who and Steven Moffat gets the head writer gig, the better.

Yes, but Jekyll was painful! Are we so sure that "Blink" wasn't some kind of immense fluke?

Meanwhile, I think Donna will be quite a good companion, but I fear that she will be used as a tool for Davies to show off his comedial talents, which, let's face it, he isn't brimming with. My family claim they will boycott the show if it becomes a comical farce: The Doctor and Catherine Tate, or something of that nature, but I'll stick with it. But, yes I want Sally Sparrow back too.

I hear rumours about Rose's return. She works for alternate Torchwood and has babies with Mickey. What d'ya think?

2007-12-27, 04:40 AM
I thought it was pretty good, though for the life of me I could not work out what Bakashakalaka's actual name was, and never will.
I am also absolutely dreading Catherine Tate. A one off Christmas episode is fine, but a whole series? One... whole... series?
Cat-Muffin Cannot Cope.
Though the chance have Martha back? Sure. Hell, I'd take Rose back if it meant no Catherine.

2007-12-27, 05:41 AM
I thought it was pretty good, though for the life of me I could not work out what Bakashakalaka's actual name was, and never will.
I am also absolutely dreading Catherine Tate. A one off Christmas episode is fine, but a whole series? One... whole... series?
Cat-Muffin Cannot Cope.
Though the chance have Martha back? Sure. Hell, I'd take Rose back if it meant no Catherine.

Bannakaffalatta? I think. :smalltongue:

Totally Guy
2007-12-27, 05:51 AM
I just had a dreadful thought.

Sally Sparrow ending up in Torchwood. Then marrying Captain Harkness and, because he's an alien or doesn't have any birth records and stuff, they use her surname. Then he becomes captain Jack Sparrow.

2007-12-27, 05:56 AM
I just had a dreadful thought.

Sally Sparrow ending up in Torchwood. Then marrying Captain Harkness and, because he's an alien or doesn't have any birth records and stuff, they use her surname. Then he becomes captain Jack Sparrow.

Took me a while to work out what you were on about. Then it clicked.


2007-12-27, 05:59 AM
I just had a dreadful thought.

Sally Sparrow ending up in Torchwood. Then marrying Captain Harkness and, because he's an alien or doesn't have any birth records and stuff, they use her surname. Then he becomes captain Jack Sparrow.

I'm sorry, but the acronym LMAO is generally what I'm doing. Oooooh dear. That was good. (And probably not beyond the script writers!)

2007-12-27, 07:18 AM
Decidedly 'meh'. I liked the ship's aesthetics. I liked the Earth Historian guy, even if I did expect people to start alling him 'richard'. The whole Cyborg-prejudice thing is bugging me, because it set off my analogy-detector, but I can't work out what its an analogy FOR. If they were setting off EMPs all over the place, why did none of the ships systems get damaged. The midshipman didn't really seemd that bothered by the gunshot wound. He should have bled to death in the first 10 minutes, really.

People were killed off needlessly. The fat woman could just as easily have pushed the angel off.

Another thing this episode made me realise, is that Dr. Who hasn't really done anything with spaceships other than using them as a setting. A little ship-to-ship combat could be interesting, now we have the CGI to do it.

And I'm fairly sure the shots in the Titanic's grungy areas were using the same sets as they used for the HMS Valiant.

And I'm with Jibar: I really don't see Catherine Tate working as a companion. But then, I jsut don't like her.

Emperor Demonking
2007-12-27, 07:39 AM
Decidedly 'meh'. I liked the ship's aesthetics. I liked the Earth Historian guy, even if I did expect people to start alling him 'richard'. The whole Cyborg-prejudice thing is bugging me, because it set off my analogy-detector, but I can't work out what its an analogy FOR. If they were setting off EMPs all over the place, why did none of the ships systems get damaged. The midshipman didn't really seemd that bothered by the gunshot wound. He should have bled to death in the first 10 minutes, really.

I thought it was gay analogy, what with the marriage part.

2007-12-27, 07:40 AM
I'll definately agree with the killing off characters too early thing. If I was the Doctor, I would have gotten everyone out that room asap. It was a death trap :smallwink:

If Donna falls for the Doctor, or vice versa, I'm gonna be p!$$3d. People do that much too often :smallfrown:

2007-12-27, 08:39 AM
I thought it was gay analogy, what with the marriage part.

Heres a fun game, try and find an episode where RTD doesn't make a gay analogy, reference or aside. Also i can't wait until Douglas Adams rises from the grave and stalks RTD for shameless ripping off Starship Titanic.

2007-12-27, 09:16 AM
Heres a fun game, try and find an episode where RTD doesn't make a gay analogy, reference or aside. Also i can't wait until Douglas Adams rises from the grave and stalks RTD for shameless ripping off Starship Titanic.

Well, I'd say they're even now, considering Adams recycled the Professor Chronotis character from his Doctor Who serials in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.

2007-12-27, 11:09 AM
If Donna falls for the Doctor, or vice versa, I'm gonna be p!$$3d. People do that much too often :smallfrown:

Face it, he's a time-travelling trollop(e)! When he gets a male assistant, then we'll get an inter-spacial-racial homosexual couple, which'd be fantastic. I reckon that, at some point, RTD will release the new power that the Doctor (and the other Time-Lords/-Ladies) possess: Pheromone Emission.

2007-12-28, 04:54 AM
Say, have any of you read some of them conspiracy theories about Doctor Who?
One of them is that every time a Timelord regenerates, their personality is formed based upon the interactions of the last one. I know it doesn't sound like something Russel would pay much attention to, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some big book of Who that writers may not break.
Basically then, before Ecclestan was the Time Wars, so he became absolutely enamored with life and living, humans especially. Rose and Jack falling in love with him then meant that the next Doctor, David Tennant, was an especially loving being, far more open to relationships than previous Doctors, but also prone to feeling extremely lonely.
If this is true, then we're all screwed and we will see the Doctor and Catherine Tate getting together.

2007-12-29, 05:04 AM
I thought the Christmas episode was okay, if not amazing. The Host weren't nearly as cool as the Weeping Angels, though.
The thing that really bugged me was the villain behind it all, and his motivation. It all seemed very flimsy and unconvincing, and not really very interesting. A head on a cart? Wow. How exciting. It's like Davros but without the daleks.
I think that Catherine Tate's character would be quite interesting, and I'm prepared to reserve judgement about her until further notice. However, one thing - this is a companion who has seen the doctor's dark side, and think's he's ruthless and vicious and cruel. I think it should be very interesting to watch that play out.

Emperor Demonking
2007-12-29, 10:43 AM
They really wanted you to think it was dalek or Davros.

Clive Swift was in a davros episode before.

2008-10-21, 03:51 AM
Have a get together with family members and friends at Christmas party in London (http://www.dickenschristmasparty.co.uk/) with great dinner, Christmas drinks and cocktails at reasonable cost.