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View Full Version : Making Duskblade+Abjurant Champion Work

shaka gl
2007-12-26, 09:17 PM
Hey, a player of mine is playing a Duskblade and I thought that, with a few houseruling, the combination with the AC (from Complete Mage) could work. I was thinking about adding some Abjuration spells to the duskblade`s list, but Im sure you can come up with other choices. All ideas are welcome and I dont have any problems with modifying rules.

And, If you dont think this is possible, any suggestions on other PrCs for Duskblades are welcome.


2007-12-26, 09:23 PM
Arcane Disciple, maybe? Extra Spell works by RAW, but it probably won't get allowed by most DMs.

shaka gl
2007-12-26, 09:54 PM
Arcane Disciple could work. Which domains grant the most Abjuration spells?

2007-12-26, 09:54 PM
Um, why? The Duskblade class is very full and cool as it is. Duskblade 20 is an awesome build.

Kurald Galain
2007-12-27, 05:55 AM
Arcane Disciple could work. Which domains grant the most Abjuration spells?

Probably the protection domain.

However, this is not such a good trick with the Duskblade, because Arcane Disciple only adds stuff to your class list, not your personal spell list; you still have to use one of your precious one-per-level slots (or the sucky Extra Spell feat) to actually cast it.

It may be more worthwhile to take a level in wizard to get those abjuration spells. You can even go duskblade 3 / wizard 3 / ultimate magus for awhile. Note that the Duskblade's channeling ability also works with spells from your other classes, if any.

2007-12-27, 06:33 AM
I'm pretty sure the duskblade can already cast at least 1 Abjuration spell. Look up "resitance".

Duskblade13/Abjurant Champion5/Unseen Seer2.

+9 shield and 6d6 SA.

2007-12-27, 09:51 AM
Well, if you're looking for a 20 level build, Duskblade 13/Chameleon 7 will give you almost every spell you could want, and a high enough caster level to make hr/lvl buffs last all day. Not to mention, really, really good spells to channel.

2007-12-27, 01:53 PM
Duskblade 5/Abjurant Champion 5/Whichever Full Base Attack Class Inspired You to Take Abjurant Champion in the First Place isn't a weak build, particularly if WFBACIYtTACitFP plays up the Intelligence synergy. I don't see a point to giving the Duskblade 9 free AC, though. It's not a weak class and there's no reason to use theat it as if it were.

And sources for Shield? I don't know of any doman which provides it, so it will have to be learned through the cheesy interpretation of Extra Spell if you really want it. Looks either that or you're going to have to bend the rules if you're really interested.

And does the player have any interest in this at all? There's no reason to fix what isn't broken if the player isn't going to care either way.

2007-12-27, 03:44 PM
Duskblade13/Abjurant Champion5/Unseen Seer2.

+9 shield and 6d6 SA.

Dumb question: where are you getting all that SA from. Certainly not Unseen Seer alone.

2007-12-27, 04:28 PM
Dumb question: where are you getting all that SA from. Certainly not Unseen Seer alone.

Hunter's Eye. persisted if possible. actually come to think, thats 7d6

2007-12-27, 04:39 PM
I'm pretty sure the duskblade can already cast at least 1 Abjuration spell. Look up "resitance".

Duskblade13/Abjurant Champion5/Unseen Seer2.

+9 shield and 6d6 SA.

Where do you get shield from in this?
Unseen Seer's advanced learning is divination only.

Oh, and checking -- no domain in the spell compendium grants shield from what I can see.

2007-12-27, 06:38 PM
imarvinTPA (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/spells.php?ID=3461) says no domains grant shield at all; the only sources are sor/wiz 1 and Wu-jen 1.

Although... what happens if you try and take a domain that grants Anyspell? Anyspell says that it lets you "read and prepare up to a 2nd-level arcane spell from a scroll or spellbook in a 3rd-level domain spell slot." You don't have domain spell spots, and you don't prepare spells. So is Anyspell just totally useless to a Duskblade, even if they get it?

2007-12-27, 07:48 PM
my bad, i forgot duskblades don't get shield.

Still, you could go bard1/duskblade13/SublimeChord2/Abjurant Champion4 (AbjC for BAB?Casting rather than shield), and do Spiked Chain + Whirlwind Attack + Arcane Channeling + Irresistable Dance.

Dance puppets dance!