View Full Version : Rock Band

Vespe Ratavo
2007-12-26, 11:10 PM
Does anyone else have it? Anyone want to form a band? I'm Shrapnelwolf on Xbox Live. I play Hard Guitar and Bass, Medium Vocals (Hard on some songs) and Easy Drums.

Feel free to use this thread for the organizing of Playstation 3 bands as well, should you be so inclined.

2007-12-27, 12:33 AM
I'm Tim E Shift on live, and right now I'm doing east guitar/base. I haven't tried any of the others, but I've been itching to do so.

A Rainy Knight
2007-12-27, 09:22 AM
I'm TheGreenKnight9 on Xbox Live. I can do the guitar on Hard, the drums on Medium, and the vocals... not at all.

Darth Mario
2007-12-28, 09:11 AM
I don't have it (and likely never will, unless/until it comes out for the Wii), but I've been playing it at a friend's house with a full band. I can play Guitar/Bass on Expert (practice from guitar hero), vocals on hard and drums on hard/medium, depending on the song.

2007-12-31, 09:00 PM
My copy doesn't work (Disk was scratched when I got it, and stopped working yesterday), but I'm getting a new copy sometime soon (Fridayish). blakeman101 on Live. I already sent Vespe a Friend Request, and I'll probably say yes to most from people on here.

2008-01-01, 12:58 AM
Just a question for all you lucky Rock Banders out there.

I've heard great things about the game, but is it worth it to buy it if I already have Guitar Hero? It is a little pricey.

I'm anticipating that the answer will be 'YESYESYES OMGZ IT'S AMAZING,' but I figured I would ask. Y'know. Just in case.

Better to be safe than down a few hunnerd bucks, I always say. :P

Tussy the Druid
2008-01-01, 01:11 AM
Well that depends. It's really fun if you can get a group of friends together to rock it out. If you don't have a whole lot of people, it might be less enjoyable. Plus, if you just like the guitar, as the drums and vocals can be difficult (for me at least) you might just want to stick to GH3/2. But if you want to rock it out with friends, play new songs, play new instruments. DO IT.

2008-01-01, 01:43 AM
Right Sneak, I just got it tonight and I have to say it rocks. I've played GH III, and this trumps it easy. First off, the tutorials are actually worth sitting through, as they actually teach you stuff worth knowing (like tips on how to hold the drum sticks or guitar). The guitar is really fun from the start, annd the strumming is waaaay better than Guitar Hero's. I actually found myself using the wammy bar, my only complaint is that activating the overdrive (the equivalent of GH's Star Power) usually wrecks my combo, making it not worth doing sometimes. The drums are fun, although I'm nowhere near as good at them as the guitar, but I can't tell if thats because I play guitar IRL, or if they're actually more difficult. Either way, they're amazingly fun, especially once you get the basic patterns down and can figure out the rythyms. Finally there's the microphone. Now this one is hard to get, because the set up doesn't mention that you need to use a normal x-box controller with this as well. I personally didn't like the singing, but I'm not into singing at all. It tells you what pitch to sing in, but It can sometimes be hard to match. The best part however is the customization of your rocker. You can purchase more guitars (or drumkits or bass guitars I don't know about microphones), clothing, shirts, pants, shoes, glasses, earrings, rings, gloves, and bracelets. My only major complaints are that A, when you're trying to use the whammy bar, there's no good place to put it, and B, the guitar effects are often triggered when I use the whammy bar.

So in short, I've played GH III, and I loved it. I bought Rock Band, and I'd be playing it now if I hadn't been kicked off the TV:smallbiggrin:

In short, the extra 70 is well worth it.

One final note, guitar hero guitars will work with Rock Band, and you can use the headsets that come with your X-Box to sing with, however Rock Band guitars cannot be used with Guitar Hero.

Vespe Ratavo
2008-01-01, 03:53 AM
You can purchase more guitars (or drumkits or bass guitars I don't know about microphones)

As far as mikes go, you can change its color or win a gold, silver, or transparent one.

Oh, and Raisltin, I'll accept your friend request as soon as I get my Xbox back in my room (probably tomorrow). It's currently in the living room due to the unforeseen enthusiasm of my family and friends for Rock Band.

Raiser Blade
2008-01-01, 04:17 PM
Gamertag: Gamemenace

Will be on later today.