View Full Version : The Eye of the Sun (IC)

2007-12-27, 11:21 AM
The castle walls loom overhead as you approach with the strange parchment soaking up the perspiration of your hand. The letter, plucked from the long list of jobs available on the Adventurer’s Needed sign, seemed like a good idea….at the time. Though, with the guards noticing you, a lump grows in the back of your throat.

You produce the paper, allowing the guards to read over it quickly, and are ushered to a small entry room before a large door with several intricate carvings displaying, what looks like, the anointment of a god-king. The door itself speaks for the enormity of the castle, and all of the money the king has accrued since his famous inauguration. You find a seat on a plush chair and reread the add:

Needed Immediately!
Adventurer’s to embark on a mission of Royal Importance. Please report to Castle Emery Midday on the 3rd day of Linetti. Pays handsomely.

Vague, but interesting. Your own thoughts of King Emery roll through your head, as well as the promise of being paid, as several other inquirers begin to enter the room (other PC's).

Other Info: OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3713135#post3713135)

Map (http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b63/tapemeasure/?action=view&current=MapFinal.jpg)

2007-12-27, 12:26 PM
Trying not to appear alarmed that the guards are all getting a good look at her, and hoping none of them recognise her from some of her previous exploits, Elle tries to compose herself and looks around the small entry room...

"I'll wager my right hand they have plenty of tasty loot-ables in this place!" she plots to herself.

She pauses to consider the striking carvings, wondering who the god-king depicted could be, before her attention is drawn to the enormous door and the rather comfortable chair...

Talking mostly to herself she says, "pays handsomely, eh? Yep, by the state of this place, I reckon that'd be about right!"

2007-12-27, 03:14 PM
Khamisi Kgosi

The guards pay little attention to Khamisi as he approaches the door, instead focusing on the large, spotted cat by his side, though his incredible height, and dark skin do warrant a stare. Calmly, without a word, he presents the paper to the guard, and walks through the door.

As he walks in, he hears the room's current inhabitant talking to herself.

"Perhaps, perhaps not," he says in reply to her statement. "It could be that all the wealth is tied up in this opulent waste."

With only a single, condescending glance at the chairs, he leans up against the wall, trying to avoid looking at the prideful carving opposite him.

2007-12-27, 07:04 PM

As he walks towards the guard he shows him the letter, telling the Guard "I'm here for the job." with a whimsical smile on his face.

Now heading into the room, he sits down onto one of the chairs, placing his helmet and his quite stuffed backback next to him before he takes a look around.

So far being distracted with the probably quite expensive carvings, it's just now that he notices what must be the other applicants.
"Hmmm, a elf and a huge dark skinned man... and... " as his eyes move downwards from Khamisi, he cannot help but blurt out the last part "Now thats what I call a kitty!"

As he realizes that he said the last part out loud, he stammers "Uh... I meant to say thats quite a nice pet... cat... tiger... that you have there." as he stares at Khamisi's Animal Companion.

2007-12-27, 11:34 PM

Karos walks boldly up to the guards and presents his letter. The guard looks skeptically at the unkempt dwarf but Karos ignores him quite used to it. He nods his head and walks in without waiting for word to proceed.

He enters the room at just the right time to hear the blonde human backpedal from his comment, so with a grin on his face he finds a seat.

2007-12-28, 08:14 AM
Canaan walks up to the guards, hands over his notice, and then continues past them, without even waiting for their approval. He observes the carvings, and can't help but think of the arrogance of King Emery envisioning himself a god.

As he enters the room he peers around at everyone gathered. Some he recognizes. Some he has even adventured with. Others he does not know. He gives a nod, and quietly goes and takes his seat.

This should be entertaining, at the very least. He calmly says as he sits.

2007-12-28, 10:14 AM

In response to Cosmo's surprise, Khamisi calmly looks up.

"The word you are looking for would be 'cheetah'." he says.

He then bends down, and gives Kwesi a scratch behind the ears. She purrs softly, closing her eyes.

2007-12-28, 04:57 PM
Philleas Fogg

Pipe in his mouth, hands stuck in his pockets, Fogg slowly approached the castle with a slow, leisurely saunter. At the site of the guards, the pipe travels slowly from one corner of his mouth to the other, and produces the required paper. After emptying the ashes of his pipe on the ground with a quick flick and tap, he takes the paper back, pocketing it, and proceeds into the palace. His very presence, old, worn clothes, long hair and beard both tangled and greasy, nails long and slightly yellow, seem to almost be a drain on the temple like appearance of the interior. And the smell...Well, safe to say those guards probably wrinkled their noses from behind their faceguards.

Sitting down on last plush chair, probably instantly soiling it from the dirt of his robe, there is a small squeek as he pulls out some tobacco and begins filling the bowl of his pipe. Sitting on his shoulder, almost veiled by the length of his hair, is a brown rat that is looking nervously at the cheetah. Taking a moment from stuffing his pipe to pet the creature, he starts to speak to the others gathered, even as his eyes remain on his pipe. " 'Ello chaps. All here for the job I reckon eh? Well, wouldn't say adventurers if they only needed one now would it? Philleas Fogg is my name, magic the game, all that sort. Specialized in illusions back at the University, like half the campus of course. Fully qualified wizard I assure you. " He says, though in a bored tone, as if stuffing his pipe seems more important to him than introducing himself.

2007-12-29, 08:35 PM

Noticing that the southener's feline seems to be under his control, the young cleric calms down and takes a closer look at the carvings again - but just for a few secounds, then he notices a familiar face. "As well as a fully qualified drunkard. Philleas! Nice to see you here." he says, pleasantly surprised to see the wizard. "I would never have expected to see you here. How comes you are actually applying for a job?"

2007-12-29, 08:56 PM

"A very good question, one I asked myself thoroughly on the way here, specially after those looks the guards at the front give you. However the answer is rather unavoidable I'm afraid. Simple answer is making illusions of dancing animals in the townsquare doesn't pay very well, and when the occasional strong willed person points out that it's all magic, well, having vegetables thrown at you doesn't starve a person, but it doesn't pay for booze either. So I thought it'd try some legit work." He explains, taking a tinderstick from a pouch at his side and striking the flame up against the arm of the chair, before putting the pipe to his lips and lighting the tobacco inside it with a couple of puffs. "What brings a cleric of the laughing rogue here though?"

2007-12-30, 01:41 AM

"Oh well..." he beginns and scratches his head for a moment. "I guess you could say I am here by the will of olidammara and in a way thats the truth... I tossed a choin to ask the laughing rogue if it would be a good idea to take this job or not, and as you can see... here I am, led by the divine guidiance of the laughing one."

Digging around in his pockets he then produces a rather shiny gold piece. "Also, this is my last piece of gold." Playing with the coin in his hand, he continues. "No idea wonder where the rest of my gold went. Sure, I remember spending the one or other piece on drinks but... Ah, anways! If this gig pays as well it said on the add, I should be just fine."

2008-01-01, 04:52 AM
Philleas Fogg

"Hmmm, well I've always been a bit more stingier with my money to get quite that destitute..." He replies, the smoke from his pipe beginning to smell up the waiting area.

"Hmmm, can't say I know any of the rest of you lot. And you with the enormously large cat with the razor sharp teeth that is currently purring like a kitten, maybe tell me whether my familiar has any need to be afraid of your...friend?" he says, as the rat gives another squeak before trying to hide in his master's hair once again.

2008-01-01, 10:35 AM

Intrigued by the grace of the big cat, Elle had yet to look up to inspect the more recent visitors. It is plain to see that with her delicate Elven features, well kept leathers, and fine silvery hair woven into intricate braids, Elle takes no small amount of pride in her appearance. So it is that, as she stares at this ragged, dishevelled (alleged) magician, her countenance clearly tells of growing shock and dismay. And the appearence of a rat about his person is all too much apparently, for she is affected by a noticable shiver of disgust, and is forced to look away.

Steeling herself, she looks up once more and responds: "My name is Ellenor Carnesîr and I am pretty new here in town. I used to work in, uh... security," she pauses briefly to clear her throat, "however, I'm looking for a change, so I figured why not give adventuring a shot? The pay certainly sounds right."

"Although the company..."

2008-01-01, 04:36 PM

Karos quite enjoys seeing the delicate elf squirm at the sight of the rat. He moves his way toward the wizard and extends his hand, "The name is Karos, does the pet have a name?"

2008-01-01, 07:40 PM

Good day everyone. Canaan says after the exchange of conversation about the cat. I am Canaan. I have made a career of adventuring however since my last party....disbanded, let's say, I have been in need of new work. I must admit, I am looking forward to being in the service of a king, rather than wealthy merchants and other sorts.

Canaan has an air of superiority about him, yet he interrupts the conversation as if he were the unpopular kid trying to hang out in the wrong crowd. He remains seated in his chair, back straight, however you notice he uses his hands a lot when he speaks.

2008-01-01, 10:42 PM
Philleas Fogg

"He's a familiar, not a pet, big difference, the main one being that he can feel insulted and such. His name is Telemicus and usually he isn't such a cowardly git, but alas, animal instincts you know. Even magically bonded creatures can't seem to resist them at times." Fogg replies, smoke coming out of his mouth as he talks, shaking the extended hand with his own in a rather firm sturdy grip. This close the faint strange smell of spell components can be smelt in the mixture of body odor, sour liquor and tobacco smoke that surrounds the wizard.

2008-01-02, 08:35 AM

Karos lets out a laugh at the wizard's remarks, "The other diffrence is the damned things probly smarter than me." Karos notes the firm handshake and decides that, while unconventional, Philleas is someone he will look forward to working with.

2008-01-02, 11:14 AM
The large, carved door creaks and moans as it slowly opens as Karos retracts his hand from the greeting. A small, elderly man steps out, dressed in stately uniform, and stands as tall as he can, his nose pointed towards the ceiling. "The Chancellor will see you." he says as pushes the door back further until you hear a *click* within the frame. Once he has secured the door, the man steps to the side and motions his hand for you all to step onto the room.

Through the doorway, you can see a dimly lit room with a large desk postioned in the middle lit mostly by the rays of sunlight coming through large windows on the right. Seated at the desk is a human man with his head lowered as he scribbles into a large ledger book nearly the size of a dwarf. Looking about the room, from outside of it, you can see large bookshelves containig books upon books of all sizes and colors. You can see that the room hasn't been dusted for some time, and the smell of old books is strong enough to waft from the room with the door open.

The elderly man stands tall next to the door with his arm still extend, and with a nod of his head, he calmly repaqts, "Please enter."

2008-01-02, 11:36 AM

Canaan stands up and looks over the gathered group. Well gentlemen...and lady he adds with a slight bow, Let's see what fate awaits us.

With that he pulls a bright green crystal out of his pocket, and clutching it in his left hand, heads past the enderly man and into the room. He heads straight over to the giant bookshelf and begins scanning the titles and covers. He takes a few quick glances at the man seated and scribing. He attempts to read what the man is writting.

2008-01-02, 02:54 PM
The Fogg Man...aka Philleas Fogg

"Alright, time to get a job." He says quietly, getting up and repositioning his backpack before walking into the room, The embers from his pipe giving his face a fiery glow in the darkness of the room and adding to the slight sparkle in his eye at seeing all those books. Only a slight sparkle, odds are they were mostly old financial records of the kingdom.

2008-01-02, 11:41 PM

Karos makes his way into the room quietly with little regard for the books. His father taught him barely enough to read and write and definitly didn't pass on a love of literature. Karos relaxes up against one of the bookshelves and runs his hand along the haft of his fathers axe for reassurance.

2008-01-03, 06:02 AM

Still not entirely convinced about associating with such people, Elle takes a moment to gather up her things, before following at a distance into the large room to hear what might be on offer here.

2008-01-03, 09:07 AM

He quickly lifts his backpack on his back, takes his helm into his hand and follows the old man. While he usually would be more or less aware of his surroundings at the moment he is so busy with the thoughts racing trough his head that he doesn't pay much attention to the books or the old man. "Security? That can't be good. What if she was sent from the dictatorship? Then again, they never saw me personally, so no reason to worry I guess. Hmmm... altough they might have caught and questioned one of the rebels by now. Then they might very well be looking for me... better to stay on my toes for now." Now finally noticing the man looking at the book, he trys to refocus at the task at hand.

2008-01-03, 05:48 PM
Khamisi Kgosi

Khamisi walks into the room, Kwesi at his side, and it is apparent from his expression that he dislikes the stagnant smell of the books. He bends his head, pinches the bridge of his nose for a moment, and then looks up.

Why must I do this to myself...

2008-01-04, 09:19 AM

Perusing the books you find strange titles such as: "Y/E - 1435" ; "Y/E 1436"; "Y/E 1437"; etc. The closer to the man you get, though, the slower he writes until he finally stops to look at you above small spectacles that were barely visible from the doorway. An salt n' pepper colored eyebrow arches, and the man sets his feather pen down lightly, "Please have a seat young man." His eyes soften slightly as he looks to group and motions for you to do the same, though, as you look around you see no chairs, or sitting furniture of the ilk.

The returns the pen to the vial of ink on the desk and continues writing for just a moment more before laying the pen down and closing the book. With inspecting eyes, he looks each of you over carefully, arching eyebrows and squinting his nose at some of you. He takes a long swallow and leans back in his over stuffed chair, "I take it you are here for the job query that was posted, yes?" His hands come together at the finger tips as he waits only seconds for a retort before standing and turning around to the wall behind him.

You see his hand reach for a large red book on the back bookcase, and as he tilts the book, a map lowers itself into the center of the wall. He turns back to the group and adjusts his spectacles, "As some of you may know, King Emery's kingdom is vast." He turns back to the map on the wall and points to several kingdoms that are outlines in a thinly-dashed, blue line*. "others of you may have never even heard of King Emerey and his excellent leadership skills. A shame really...." His voice trails at the end of the sentence as his finger settles on, what looks like a jungle area. "In recent weeks, there have been several reports of forrest fires popping up, seemingly for nowhere. We have inquired the locals for an explanation, in hopes of something small, like vandalism. Unfortunately, the King fears that there may be a third party of rebels that are inspiring, or even lighting the fires themselves."

He pauses for a moment to look around at the group to make sure everyone is paying attention. "This is where you come in. The king is request that adventures...NOT the King's own....for WHATever reason....to investigate the fires." His eyes rolls quickly and you can see his obvious discontent with the matter. He manages to control his ire, though, and looks to each of you quickly, "Any questions? His beady eyes dart back forth over the top of the spectacles, almost piercing you. He stands with his weight on one hip and his lips perched together as a testament to his anxious nature.

2008-01-04, 02:34 PM

Somewhat irritated at the Chancellor's condecending demenour, Elle quickly becomes intrigued when the map is lowered, and steps forward to take a good look. After studying it, and waiting for the man to finish, she decides to ask a question.

Trying to appear confident and forthright, Ellenor pipes up, but her voice squeaks as she does so - betraying some slight nervousness at what might be stupid questions.

"Rebels? Who are they, and why are they rebelling against the King's rule?"

2008-01-04, 04:04 PM
Phil Fogg

At the Chancellor's invitation to sit, Philleas takes no time in acccepting it, sitting cross-legged on the middle of the floor, smoking his pipe and easily looking back at the man's harsh gaze and tone with his own careless air. The professors at the University had been worse than that when he'd been late for class afterall. Listening carefully to the man's words while appearing engrossed in smoking his pipe, His thoughts muse over the words. He almost smiles at Ellenor's question, before adding his own thoughts to the conversation. "Since we are being hired for this task, instead of it going to the great King's retainers, how much assistance and help can we expect from royal sources? Moreover, what assurance do we have that, while investigating these saboteurs, that we aren't mistakenly arrested by the forces in the area as the pyros ourselves, eh?"

2008-01-04, 04:16 PM

Karos decides to let those more suited for the intellectual matters ask and answer questions, but he listens intently so as not to miss anything. He grins slightly at Ellenor question, thinking that what we would hear is definitely only the kings side of the story but decides not to say anything.

2008-01-04, 05:38 PM

"Chancellor. My colleagues have posed some very good question, which I am anxious to hear the responses to. Further to those, I must ask another. You mentioned a "third" party of rebels. Are there two other parties the King is already aware of?

Canaan stood while listening to the chancellor, and only now take a seat beside Philleas. All the while, Canaan keeps his eyes firmly fixed on the chancellor, awaiting his responses.

2008-01-05, 01:48 AM

"Very well - of course I have heard about King Emery. And not just about his vast kingdom, his wisdom, but also about his extraordinary generosity and his refined taste in art.. - altough I should also mention, if you excuse my boldness, that not even the greatest king would be able to keep his kingdom together without solid administrative personnel.

What I would like to ask you is the following. As you, as well as King Emery, are surely aware in your vast wisdom, this investigation might be quite dangerous, especially if there really is a group of rebels. While it is, of course, our job to take that risk I think all of us would like to know how much down payment the kingdom will pay us up front for this dangerous mission?" While he spoke he was making wide gestures with his hands to underline his speech and kept a straight face, trying to look as serious as possible.

Just in case I'll have to do a roll for this... not really sure if that would be diplo or bluff, so I'll just roll for both.


2008-01-08, 08:44 PM
Khamisi Kgosi

"And although this may not be as important to my... associates, here, what is the area like? Is it a large wood? Is it a jungle? Is it hot, cold? Is there anything we need to be wary of?" asks Khamisi, in a way that is somehow vaguely insulting, though the overall impression is that he honestly doesn't believe he's being difficult. Also notable, is the fact that he is still standing.

[[OOC: Sorry about that... I'll be better....]]

2008-01-09, 03:07 PM
Addressing the questions as they pop up:

The chancellor looks you over carefully after you ask, Ellenor, but you can see him shake off whatever it was on his mind before he responds curtly, "If we knew who the rebels were, miss, we wouldn't bother with an 'unofficial' investigation."

He turns to you Pilleas, as the next question comes, "First, and foremost, you are NOT a representative of the King. We will provide transportation...rather, a cart and a mule, to make travel somewhat easier on you." He moves back to his desk and begins scribbling something on a large parchment, "Please, take this," he says as he folds the parchment and seals the back with purple wax,"This should get you out of any...trouble you may get yourselves in."

Listening toy ou speak, Canaan, the chancellor sneers slightly, "I meant that the King hopes these rebellion, in whatever capacity, is the work of some other nation or group fo people, and not his own." He mumbles something under his breath as he puts the wax and parchment away* and turns to Cosmo as he begins.

The Chancellor chew on the words for a moment, "I think we can make some arrangements for you." As he speaks, he sits in his chair and disappears behind the desk for a moment, bent over and making a lot of noise. In a few seconds, his head pops back up from behind the desk and you can see him counting each of you, "Six. Alright." He nods to himself and bends over once more. When returns to an upright position, he brings up a small gold coffer, "This is half of each of your earnings. In fact, the coffer may produce a few extra coins to help along the way." His face contorts and shifts, but the closer you look, you can tell it's...a smile, though crude and unformed. His hands relax around the coffer for an awkward moment, and he slowly pushes it forward on the desk with a strange look of deceit in his eyes.

Khamsi's words brings him back, and his eyebrows arch on his forehead suddenly. He turns back to the map and stands briskly. Moving quickly to the wall, he points to the area where you can see strange squiggled lines around a dot labeled Tooj-Reh. He looks back at you with the same arched eyebrows, "These lines mean a jungle terrain." Again he mumbles something under his breath as reaches for the same red book to lift the map away once more.

Turning back to the group once more, "Now, are there any more questions, or can I return to my work?", his words dripping with sarcasm and a hint of annoyance.

2008-01-09, 04:29 PM
Mr. Fogg

As soon as the Lockbox is set on the desk and let go of by the Chancellor, Philleas is quickly back up on his feet and striding forward to take a hold of it, Quickly opening it up to take a look at what exactly they're looking forward to.

A smile on his face is illuminated by his pipe's reflected glow off the numerous gold coins and he closes it, tucking it under his arm.

"There is one other thing actually. You don't happen to have a smaller, more portable map than yonder book, do you? Can't risk getting lost you know."

2008-01-10, 08:08 AM

Karos eyes Fogg's pocketing of the payment wondering who nominated him group accountant but figures as long as he gets his share then he doesn't care who takes up that roll. He nods his agreement at the wizards request for a map. He'd wound up lost one too many times to not appreciate a clearly drawn out objective. Karos also start wondering himself who this group of rebels might be, but after a while of no constructive ideas he resigns himself to another job making another paycheck.

2008-01-10, 02:16 PM

His eyes followed the chancellor closely when he brought up the gold coffer and are now fixated on the coffer itself. His expression turns into a wide smile as Philleas tucks it under his arm. "Its probably full of gold... no, stuffed with gold!"
Then he remembers that he probably should at least say something to the chancellor. His eyes still fixated on the coffer, he says "Thank you... for... considering... masses of gold... err, I meant I thank you for your wise consideration of our risks.", at least managing to snap out of it for a few secounds before he goes back to fantasize about the masses of gold again.

2008-01-10, 02:40 PM

Canaan watches the others go crazy over the coffer, and is certainly glad to see happieness it seems to bring them. However to Canaan, money is a means to an end. He has spent his formative years honing the powers of his mind. He is not beholden to the trappings that require money, though he does grudgenly admit his dependancy on it for food, and shelter, and at least a certain amount of clothing!

Thank you, good Chancellor, for responding to all our questions in kind. I am confident we will be able to assist you in these matters discreetly, and efficiently.

2008-01-11, 05:12 AM

A look of shock, turning to puzzlement passes over her face as the Chancellor stares and then shrugs it off. "Does he recognise me? Did I say something stupid? Surely he doesn't think...?"

She's left to ponder the possibilities for a moment, but when the gold comes out (and Philleas snatches it up), it grabs her full attention.

"Ugh, that illusionist is vile... and that Chancellor is condesending and more than a little creepy, what am I even doing here...?" She glances breifly at the large doors they entered through, but then, slowly, turns back.

"Though it would seem that the coin is decent, not to mention legitimate. Makes for a nice change. And staying out of the city for a time would be a smart move..."

"Very well, let's get a map of the area and get going."

2008-01-11, 09:27 PM
Khamisi Kgosi

"No, I have no more questions. Though I do wonder what it is that it's so important for you to do." says Khamisi, before turning to his companions. "Shall we be off? The sooner we leave this... tomb, the better."

2008-01-11, 09:32 PM
Philleas Fogg

Turning towards the rough man, Philleas smiles. "My, are you this cheerful all the time Mister ah...I don't believe I caught your name."

Telemicus the rat takes a moment to sort've glare at the cheetah with his beady black eyes.

2008-01-11, 10:39 PM

"Khamisi Kgosi. I am merely... uncomfortable... in here.

Kwesi stares back at Telemicus, and bares her fanges ever so slightly. Sensing this, Khamisi looks down. "Down, Kwesi."

2008-01-12, 10:09 AM
The chancellor doesn't seem to even acknowledge the conversation going on a roudn him at the moment. His eyes dart about, as if looking for soemthing on the back wall. With a spark of inspiration, he turns back to the bookshelf and reaches for a book close to the red book he had been using.

Pulling from the shelf, he flips through it quickly, until finally stopping on a page that seems outof place with the rest of teh book. he pulls forth the folded paper, and sets the dusty book down on shi desk.

Carefully, he opens the paper, and unfolds they four part crease revealing an old map (http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b63/tapemeasure/?action=view&current=MapFinal.jpg)

"Well, it's not finished yet. Shaeffer has not returned in some time pen the remaining cities, but this should do you well for now. Should you come across another cartographer, they may be able to fill in the holes left behind by that....gnome...Here, it is yours." He folds the paper again and hands it across the table towards you Philleas.

This where we should probably start flushing out backstories in the OOC thread/PMs. Regardless, a map is produced~!

2008-01-12, 01:47 PM
Philleas Fogg

"Thank you most kindly sir. I'm sure you'll find out work on this job most satisfactory." Fog says, looking over the map, nodding in it's satisfaction that it'll do, and pocketing it. Then with a slight bow, he swivels around and begins to head out of the room with his usual slight swagger, almost wit the slight suggestion that if the group doesn't follow to closely they might see that coffer again once he turns around the next corner.

Telemicus meanwhile has uttered a slight squeak and moves close to his master's ear, nattering all sort's of things into it about the nasty nasty giant dire kitty. Philleas of course only receives the feelings of anger, annoyance and fearful instincts.

2008-01-12, 07:22 PM

Karos follows the wizard out the door wondering how everyone else will take to someone who looks like Fogg does obviously taking the lead in matters. It never matters to Karos who is in charge as long as he doesn't have to do it himself. He looks around the others he will be travelling with a shrugs to himself thinking he could probably have worse for a leader.

2008-01-13, 07:55 AM

Only after emitting an audible "Tut!" does Elle turn and follow the others out the door.

"Here we go then," she thinks to herself.

2008-01-13, 08:55 AM

As Philleas heads out of the room he follows closely behind him, so as not to let the gold get out of his sight. "Better to watch that coffer closely. Wait now... didn't Philleas specialize in illusions?" He reaches out to tap at the coffer under philleas arm with his finger.

2008-01-13, 03:30 PM
Party Leader Fogg

Suddenly, almost causing those such as Cosmo, Elle and Karos to bump into him, the wizard stops and turns around.

"Oye oye, careful you lot, give a bit of space will you. Just making sure but somebody grab that letter eh? Nonofficial we may be but I'll sleep alot better at night knowing I'm not going to be charged for trespassing or some similar crime. I get enough of that just staying around the city, don't be needing it at some far savage corner of the kingdom eh?" He says before once again turning on his heel and continuing out.

2008-01-13, 07:56 PM

Canaan quietly follows the group out of the chancellors room, looking back at the old man one last time.

2008-01-15, 01:27 PM
Heading out into the castle, you can note a few of the servants tending to what looks like a gala of some sort. That, or the king just likes to eat a roasted pgi in the middle of the day for the heck of it. the smells of breads, fruits, and various meats waft through the castle and pluck at your senses as you make your back to the gates. You can tell eyes are following you as you walk, and looking about, you can see the occasional servant who stops his/her work to ogle you.

Outside of the castle, the sun is high in the sky, and the day seems to have shifted towards evening some. The faint sound of a hammer striking an anvil can be heard, though it is drowned out by a cart that is making its way towards the group hauled by a elderly mule. the man towing the donkey looks to be near exhaustion as he stops close to you,

"You...the...one's...taking this...damned donkey?" The man's heavy accent is muffled by gasps for air as he wipes sweat from his brow and looks at the donkey with a begrudged face. Looking over hsi shoulder at the donkey, you can almost make out a slight, curious smile on its lips. That is, of course, IF donkeys could smile.

2008-01-15, 02:47 PM
Philleas Fogg

"Well, if you're the one who's going to give it I'll hardly be one to look a gift-horse in the mouth...gift-mule...gift-donkey...oh bother it all. Yes, we'll be taking that, thank you very much." Philleas says to the man, sitting down on the back of the cart, setting the coffer beside him and leaning back. His rat familiar climbs down his master's arm and crawls onto the top of the money box, sniffing the air and peaking about, having half a mind to filch some small bit of the food being prepared inside.

"So, we got the job, huzzah and congratulations all around. What say we make the first purchase with our funds a round of good meal and drink at some classy tavern and decide how we are to approach this auspicious task set upon us." the wizard says in a tone that makes it seem as if he cares very little about actually completing the task and more about spending the now recieved gold on good times.

2008-01-15, 03:28 PM

I am afraid I do not drink. Dulls the mind don't you know. But a good meal might be just the thing. If we are heading to a jungle filled with rebels and wild animals, I would much prefer to fill up on chicken and pig, rather than the first jungle cat to attack us.

He looks over at Khamisi and Kwesi and with a wink continues

I don't imagine our feline companion fancies that idea much, either.

A sad attempt at humour, Canaan has never been one to crack jokes with ease, and those that make it out, often make others question his intent, though it is never ill. The finer nuances of social skills are often lost to him.

2008-01-15, 06:10 PM

"Well if our friend 'ere doesn't drink, I'll have his his share. And I guess a meal would go over well too, I haven't eaten in awhile," Karos tries to think what he ate yesterday but continues to draw a blank.

2008-01-15, 08:37 PM
Khamisi Kgosi

"Actually, I'm not certain what Kwesi would think of jungle cat. I've never had it myself. Though I do believe stocking up may be a good idea. says Khamisi. "Now... a more immediate problem..."

Khamisi walks over to the donkey, and his hand snaps out and grabs the donkey by it's lower jaw, dragging it until the it's facing Khamisi.

"Now, I know your kind. The most stubborn beasts I've met. But you... you will cooperate. You will do what I tell you to. You won't do anything along the lines of kicking any of our friends here, won't you now?


"I thought so. Very good." says Khamisi, releasing the donkey.

2008-01-16, 10:07 AM

Still clearly feeling socially awkward, uncomfortable, Elle adjusts the longbow across her shoulder and steps forward to speak...

"Perhaps it would be... prudent, to see just how much gold we have, before we come up with clever ways to spend it?" She says in a slightly annoying "I'm-a-bit-smarter-than-you" tone.

2008-01-16, 12:21 PM

"And what better way to figure out than to count it at some nice quite tavern with agreeable food." Fogg says in a definately annoying 'I'll-still-get-my-way' tone of voice. However after a moment of smiling and puffing on the remains of his pipe, he seems to relent. "Alright, alright, none of this now eh? Here, take a look for yourselves, plenty of gold for a little merry-making before hand." He says, picking Telemicus up by the scruff of his neck, an indignant squeak coming from the rat, and opening the chest to reveal roughly 900 gold coins in the coffer.

2008-01-16, 01:49 PM

Having listened to the in his opinion quite favorable suggestion so far, he decided to speak up now. "I could not agree more. Theres plenty to go around, time to have some fun. I could use a drink and a good meal now."

Deciding that now would be a good time to spread some of his wisdom around, he continues "Sometimes, you work hard and then it's important to enjoy life for a while, enjoy your gains - you know what I mean." After a short pause for dramatic effect he continues "Then there are other times where you didn't really work hard, but suddenly your pokets are full of gold. And its just as important to celebrate those times! Also, it's a matter of no small importance to appease the god of luck, or we may never find ourselves in such a lucky situation again."

He pauses again, but not for dramatic purposes this time, or so it seems - in fact he looks rather thoughtful. Then his face brightens up."By the way... could it be that I did not introduce myself? Anyways, my name is Cosmo and I'm a cleric of the laughing rogue, also known as Olidammara. Alright then - so how about we go and find ourselves a nice tavern?"

2008-01-16, 02:42 PM

Cosmo my new friend, that is an excellent idea.

He looks around the group and then at Ellenor, recognizing her lacking social skills as similar to his own, he makes a partial, awkward bow and motions in front of him

After you, good lady.

2008-01-16, 03:15 PM

The burrow snaps its head back from you Khamisi like child that had been scolded too often, and with a snort and quick trot its hooves, it looks to be understanding and willing to comply with the request, though none too happy about it.

And, if by divine force, the group sets out into the city of Vorgyth and all of its sights and sounds that lies therein. With the wagon in tow, the sounds, howeever, are a bit muted and anyone with a lick of sense regarding machinery can tell that the wheels of the wagon have long since been greased. Never the less, the motley crew of impromptu adventurer's make their way through the city towards a pillar of smoke billowing from a large chimney of an even larger older-looking home. Logic being as it is, it looked like the right track to follow. Luckily, this aged house just so happens to be an inn. Or at least, one is to believe that, what with a sign barely hanging above the road says: Lady Rathemon's Room N' Board

Looking over the house, with a quick glance, you can see the home was once a fancy estate to Vorgyth. Those paying careful attention can see that homes around it, too, were once of great repute. But time being the bearer of delapitation, the neighborhood has fallen some.

Before thoughts of turning away can really sink in, sounds from inside grab your attention. A muffled voice can heard saying, "Blast it all, Lizzy! That's almost a perfect pie! Why can'tcha make somethin' like dat fer me every once in awhile?!" Again, as if theg ods themselves were intervening, the smell of freshly baked toffleberry pie wafts through the cracked windows.

2008-01-16, 03:38 PM

Disarmed by Canaan's courtesy, it occurs to Elle, as they walk to the inn, that perhaps she ought to try using some of her own good graces. "Besides," she thinks, as the waft of the pie drifts tantalizingly by, "I always as a sucker for toffleberries."

"Well Gents, what would you all say to some pie? My treat?"

Knowing that she can trust at least Philleas to follow, she proceeds inside without waiting for an answer and orders up the pie, a jug of beer, and a pitcher of wine.

Say 5 sp or so?

2008-01-16, 04:10 PM
Philleas Fogg

"I'll give an aye to that." He says with pleasant cheer, scooping his rat onto his shoulder, tapping the remaining ashes from his pipe and then walking into the common room of the inn with the coffer. Taking care to pick a table with enough room for them all, he begins to fill his pipe once more, lighting it with a ember carefully plucked from the common room's hearth, and then begins to physically count the gold while awaiting the other's to get comfortable and the food to arrive.

2008-01-16, 05:44 PM
Khamisi Kgosi

"That... that is a plan I will go along with quite happily..." says Khamisi, his eyes closed to better focus on the scent. He inhales one last time, and then follows Phileas indoors.

2008-01-17, 11:17 PM

Karos looks as eager as ever and the smell and promise of pie. On the way in he looks over to his druid friend and says with a large grin on his face, "So do we need to order a slice for the kitten?"

2008-01-19, 04:39 PM

"Free pie? Now thats a offer I won't pass up on." He says as he follows Ellenor into the inn. Then he sits down, watching as Philleas beginns to count the gold. "Free pie and a pile of gold just for some sweet-talk to a old bureaucratic geezer... reminds me again why I've become a adventurer!" he thinks as a smile slowly forms on his face.

2008-01-23, 06:22 AM

After savouring the toffleberry flavour for a few moments quietly, Elle addresses the group.

"Well gentlemen, I for one am keen to get on with the job." Gesturing to the coffer whilst she has another bite of pie, she continues. "If that's only half of our payment, then I'd very much like to see the other half. It sounds like we'll be sleeping rough, so I'd like to buy a few supplies, but I'll be ready to leave shortly. Does anyone object to leaving today?"

2008-01-23, 11:14 AM
Pusing open the creaky door, the smell of toffleberries is nearly stout enough to topple even the most stalwart of dwarves. But, its a smell that brings a smile to anyone's face.

The inside of the inn is that that one could expect from any inn you amy find these days. The high, vaulted ceiling is supported with large beams that look more like whole trees. Chandeliers dangle from the beams, each with only a few, small candles that give a warm ambience to the large room that is spread out before.

It's fairly evident that the inn is not accustomed to visitors at this time of the day, as you can see that most of the tables have their chairs turned upside down, obviously to make it easier to clean. The only table that is set properly has a burly, short man with a burly short beard covering his chin. From this distance, you can make out what looks like a toffleberry stuck in the middle of the thick, black mess of his beard. The man looks up for a moment with a mouth full of pie, " Be wiff you in a moment", though it doesn't sound that clear, and he continues to devulge in the now half-slice of pie set before him.

From behind a half door, you can hear the clanging of a pan and the crash of a dish before a lithe girl emerges. Her eyes light up as she spots the group, and more at the sight of the large cat next to Khamisi. She quickly runs her fingers through dark hair, and pulls it back quickly as she moves through the door and passed the man at the table. "See fhat toffleferries fue Fizzy?"

Her eyes cut the comment in two as she finishes tying her hair back and wiping her hands across her apron that looks like it s nearly covered in flour. Ripping the apron off in one motion, she moves to a table closest to the group and begins taking the chairs down, "Afternoon. Care for a takard, or a pint, or maybe even a pitcher of water?" Her eyes dart across each of you as she manages a smile that shows the stress she carries under her eyes from years of serving. Before you can even think about helping her with the chairs, you can see she has them all set and ready for each of you. She steps back, with small smile, eagerly awaiting a command.

2008-01-23, 01:36 PM

Giving a puff to his pipe as he counts gold coin after gold coin onto the table, the wizard responds to the girl. "I'll have a tankard of your finest ale." Then he turns back to his counting of the coins, before quickly raising his head again. "What am I saying. Scratch that, a bottle of one of your finer wines please. Something in a good year, maybe a halfling brand. They have a nice sweetness to them I find. Oh, and keep the toffleberry pie coming if you'd please." he says with a smile almost sweet enough to make you forget his appearance and..smell...

A small squeaking erupts on his shoulder. "Hmm? Oh, umm, a bowl of nuts, unsalted if you would, and a small saucer of milk too. Maybe some cheese if you have it. Telly can be a bit of a pig after smelling gold."

Continuing to count coin after coin into neat columns of ten on the table, Fogg replies to the Elf. "Hmm, leaving today? Well...I suppose we could forgo the traditional night of revelry and such. Just leave with a slight uncertainty to the step. Yes, I think that could be managed. I wouldn't mind taking a moment to stock up on necessities either. Don't want to run short on tobac mid-trip afterall."

Umm...can I get a concrete number on the gold coins here? Or is it definitely 150 a person?

2008-01-23, 03:36 PM

Canaan enjoys his slice of pie as he watches his new friends. Philleas, the de-facto leader of the group carefully...very carefully... counting the gold coins. Everyone else eating their pie and drinking their wine.

Excuse me my dear. Canaan says to the serving lady. A pitcher of your water would quench my thirst quite nicely he says, before turning back to the group

I must agree that forgoeing our night of fun in favour of getting on with the mission would be a wise decision. I enjoy a good meal and a soft bed as much as the next person, but I believe you'll agree that this mission is more important than that. And I know more than one of you is looking forward to the other half of that coffer!!

2008-01-23, 04:40 PM

As the waitress comes to the table Cosmo waits untill Philleas and Canaan have spoken before he orders. "Well hello there... Lizzy, isn't it? Lizzy, I'd like to order some good elven wine. Maybe something well aged if that'd be possible... oh, and if you'd feel like joining us later, feel free to do so. Perhaps you could use a little break from work?" He says, winking as he mentions the break from work, followed up by a somewhat flirtatious smile.

As he notices the ongoing conversation about leaving he turns to the group with a look of slight confusion on his face "Ummm, what where you just talking ab.. never mind, got it - this whole burning forests business. Yeah, I'd be ok with leaving today. I'll also have to get a few supplies, but then I'd be ready."

Then he turns to Canaan and bends a little bit forward over the table as he speaks to him with a low voice "You know, its not so much the other half of the coffer, but the "additional expenses costs" that make it worth all the hard work." smiling mischievously.

2008-01-23, 07:33 PM

Karos continues grinning from the moment Phileas told the waitress to keep the toflleberry pies coming til well into his third or fourth slice. After his fourth slice he slows down long enough to hear the conversation around him and comments, "I'm fit to leave today." He also motion to the waitress and asks for ale, leaving the wine to the finer folks, and he also motions for another slice of pie.

2008-01-29, 10:04 AM

Canaan delicately finishes off his second peice of pie. Watching him eat, you can clearly tell this is a man who likes to look professional at all times. He would not allow a single crumb to fall on his attire.

"Well everyone" he says as he puts down his fork and pushes his empty plate away "I think it's about time we hit the road. We have a long way to travel, and we aren't going to get there quickly waddling away as we will. Ugh, so much pie!"

He takes a last sip of water, and pushes his chair out, standing. He then sits back down quickly, his face turning beet red.

"If that's alright with everyone, of course? Perhaps there is some more planning we should do before we head out?" He darts his head, looking around the table at everyone.

2008-01-29, 09:33 PM
Filleas Phogg

"Hang on there a second, I think some people want to get rid of some of this wonderful gold we've just received before leaving." Fogg says, and begins to slide ten columns of gold to each person, including himself, each column containing ten coins. The rest he sweeps back into the coffer with a toffleberry stained hand and closes it. "I personally don't have anything I need, so I'll just stick around here and take care of the bill when it comes. Then when everyone's back we can all set of to fame fortune, or at the very least some more gold."

2008-01-31, 04:41 PM

"Yes - I'd still have to make some purchases. Shouldn't take me more than, uh, a half hour I guess? So I'll be back shortly." He says as he gets up. "Oh and... Philleas, while I'm already out shopping, should I get you some tobacco?"

2008-02-01, 12:52 PM

Producing a small hankerchief, Elle delicately dabs at the corners of her mouth, now that she's finished her slice.

"Very well, I'll grab some supplies, and meet you all back here before we set out. Shouldn't be longer than an hour."

She gathers her things and leaves the Inn. Vaguely cognizant of the possibility of there being no gold and no Philleas when she returns, once outside she quickens her step.

Elle would like to purchase: Trail rations (10), a tent, sunrods (5), and waterskins (5), which she'll put in the back of the cart. I make that to be 35 gp worth, and I went ahead and deducted 5 silver for the toffleberry - can amend if necessary.

2008-02-03, 02:47 PM
Dr. Phil

"Hmm? Oh yes, plum near forgot abut that with these toffleberry pies. I was nearly about to trade one addiction for another. Just a good solid brand if you would Cosmo, nothing too fancy or too cheap." He says as he pours himself another glass of wine.

2008-02-07, 10:48 PM

Karos sits at the table and finishes his last piece of pie, although he considered for a while asked for another. He waits around while the others set out for supplies, always being one to favor travelling light himself. He decides to waste the time getting to know the man whose taken charge. "So..you dun this kinda work before?" he asks Phileas while small traces of what was left of the pie dribble down his chin.

2008-02-08, 10:52 AM
One Hour Later....

The noon sun begins it's decent into the evening sky as the group reconvenes outside of the inn after all inside finished their respective plates and paid in full to Lizzy. The streets are a bustle with merchants and commoners milling about, and the words of a rumor is easily heard to anyone who may be paying attention; Dun Murl has been revived and the Dwarven King has returned. Obviously a big to-do for those talking about it*.

The road awaits just beyond the Southern Gate of Vorgyth, beyond it adventure and gods know what else. Looking at the map, Tooj-reh should be no more than a three day travel, barring any interruptions** or any unforeseen events that only the road holds. The cantankerous donkey brays loudly, drawing some attention from the passers-by, signaling his intent.

DM Notes:

* - Feel free to continue the IC chatter between Phil and Karos, I just wanted to move this along so it does go sour. Also, if anyone wishes to engage the rumors, please feel free. I don't want to railroad you into the story just yet :smallwink:

**- I think I mentioned this before, butI'm unsure on the time I told you. If I haven't, or if I had mentioned a different amount, shoot me a PM or let me know in the OOC. Sorry...been awhile....

2008-02-09, 10:57 AM

Karos is very interested in the rumors of he return of the Dwarven King since he was raised without a clan and with little knowledge of dwarven society. If he hears any rumors of that nature he will strike up conversation to learn what he can.

Don't know if I need to roll a gather info but here it is anyway
Gather Inormation:[roll0]

2008-02-12, 02:22 PM

Elle will wander over to hear more tell of the Dwarf King, and listen closely to Karos' conversation.

2008-02-14, 09:43 AM

He rummages his many pockets, before he pulls out a package of tobacco. "By the way, heres your tobacco phil." he says as he hands the package over. "So, everbodys talking about that dwarven king... never heard about him, you've got a idea whats so special about that guy?"

2008-02-14, 11:16 AM
Since there is enough interest...if you are not intrested, please skip :smallbiggrin:

......A louder voice can be heard amongst the group of gossiping, " I tell you the truth, Rimbar Steelaxe has relinquished the hold on Dun Murl! I'm coming from Sin Rael myself, and I thought the same as the rest fo you...until i saw it with my own eyes. Rimbar and a scraggly group of adventuring types have set up a encampment outide of the old gates. There are dwarves of all types migrating back to the Citadel of One."
......"What did the fight off? I thought the old mines were long barren and cursed?" Another voice chimes in above the rest.
......"From what I heard, some tpye of demon and a priest of dark powers. I never saw any of this, but most of those I spoke to all stated the same thing, 'a beast from the depths of the abyss itself.' Soemthing that started with an 'A'*"

[ooc, again] * - Anyone with at least 3 ranks of Know: religion/demonology can take a stab at this. Please PM results.

2008-02-15, 06:13 AM

Once the voice is finished, Elle muses quietly to Karos as they make their way back to the group.

"Sounds like old Rimbar has his work cut out for him. But you know what they say - while the cat's away the mice will play! This would be a lucrative time to be in the Citadel of One my friend."

Once they've returned to the party Elle puts her hands on her hips expectantly and says, "Well? Shall we get on with this gentlemen?" as if she'd been waiting all this time.

2008-02-15, 11:51 PM

Karos feels almost in a trance as he listens to the tale of the dwarf King, his finger lingering on his father's ax. It takes him a few moments to snap back to reality and his gives an approving grunt in response to Elle's question, not yet ready to trust his own voice.

2008-02-21, 07:12 AM

Canaan listens to bits of the story of the Dwarven King as he passes buy. He has spent much of his life honing his skills of the mind with a little adventuring mixed in. In all that time, he has never found himself with so much gold in his purse.

He walks through the street vendors looking to see any goods that might be of interest to him.

He meets up with Karos and Elle as they are heading back. "Interesting story about the king. Perhaps once we have completed our charge, we can see if the rumours are true. We may learn a lot spending some time there, especially you, Karos.

2008-02-26, 06:30 AM
You can see Phileas get lost in a thought before turning toward your attention, " Well, I've never heard of this dwarven savior story, but there a few out there to get confused with. Dwarven History is riddled with heroes who manage godly acts. Id have to see it in person before claiming this R-I-M-B-A-R is a 'hero'." Phileas' words are slow and concise, and manage to bring a sense of reality with them that washes off the gossip. His quick fingers dig into the pouch of tobacco just obtained for him, and his pipe packed and to his lips before the words are even finished.

Khamisi watches the exchange and only shakes his head at Phileas, "We could make that trek once her have found out what's behind these...umm..." His eye dart around quickly as he poorly tries to cover his words, "You know....problem. If these rumors are true, Rimbar may be in use of adventurers such as ourselves. That, and I'm interested to see what will become of the haunted Dun Murl. That place has been untouched for decades now...." His eyes fade away and a hand lifts to the head of Kwesi to give her an involuntary scratch. The cat's head tilts and settles into this leg and you can see the content in her eyes, too.

Phileas puffs on teh pipe for a moment, seemingly gathering his words together, "Mayhaps we should...." His words leave a sense wanting on anyone listening; as if there was something more to them.

2008-02-26, 07:24 AM

Canaan picks up on Phileas' meaning. "I agree Phileas. Let us get a move on. There will be time for tales of hero's and Dwarven kings when our job is done.

Canaan looks at the group, waiting for someone to make the first move for the Southern Gate, and their journey.

2008-02-26, 08:02 AM

With a wry grin, Elle nimbly hops up on the cart, and makes herself comfortable. She pops her pack in the back, wraps her cloak about her, and lays her bow across her lap.

When she is quite finished, she looks up in the general direction of Karos and Cosmo, and says with that same grin, "lead on, gents."

2008-02-26, 11:45 PM

Not one for taking the lead Karos sets up on the side of the wagon and follows along as they set off on their way.

2008-02-29, 09:57 AM

"Now that looks pretty comfortable... I hope you don't mind if I dump some of my stuff in here, its quite heavy." He says as he takes a loudly clanking bag out of his backpack and puts it into the cart.

All the Alcohol, the 100 ft. rope, 5 of 10 trail rations, the bedroll,the canvas and the sledge.
As he is finished, he says "Alright then! I'm ready to go. Perhaps we should take up some marching order. You never know what we may encounter on those roads and there are plenty of rebels out there. They might confuse us with the kings troops." Then he trys to get everyone to get into their position.