View Full Version : Bruce Lee Vs. Ryu

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 01:03 PM
The Fight is held in a World turny kinda setting (DBZ) and ringout counts as a win.

Ryu has a Chi block and cannot preform any energy attacks during the match, both know that afterwards they must defeate Sub Zero at with his full power or the world will be frozen solid (work with me) so they hold back a little bit.

Who would win?

2007-12-27, 01:23 PM
Ryu, because he has other things besides his blast that would kill a normal man and can take effects that would kill a normal man. Bruce Lee was a great combatant, but he was still just a man.

2007-12-27, 01:34 PM
Bruce Lee. Without his silly energy attacks, Ryu is a pretty slow hitter with a strong uppercut and the dumbest signature kick I've ever seen. I mean, at the rate he hurricane kicks, you could just grab one of the legs to stop him. Plus, he's a really easy character to counter in Street-Fighter itself because he's so predictable.

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 01:46 PM
I'd go with Bruce lee, He's not dumb he'll avoid what needs to avoided (such as the uppercut) and when Ryu is open throw a cupple of fast punches at him...but please continue discussion..This looks intresting.

2007-12-27, 01:56 PM
Vs. threads go in Silly Message Board Games.

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 02:03 PM
Bluish Wolf...Two questions

1. What does that comment have to do with this Discussion?

2. Are you a Mod?

can you answer those. if the first one is answered sanely I will digress and take this as a misunderstanding.

if the second one's answer is 'yes' I'll bow to your Moderator abilities..and again..digress

I beilve this is a Media Discussion just as much as the Sauron Vs. Thread.

Not a SMBG like Kiss/Kill....or Hurt/Heal if I want a one word post responce I would post it there. I want enlightened discussion not 'oh Ryu would win' I want along with it a reason why. So this is a Media Discussion. There is a bit of reasoning. and such.

2007-12-27, 02:06 PM
Tialait, two questions

1) Is Bluish wolf correct or not, and if so

2) Should you not be thankful for him for pointing our your mistake?

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 02:08 PM
Solo, two statments

1. There are NO Vs. Threads in Silly Message Board Games
2. There are alot of Vs. Threads in Media Discussion.

Solo..do you have something to add to this discussion?

2007-12-27, 02:13 PM
Solo, two statments

1. There are NO Vs. Threads in Silly Message Board Games
2. There are alot of Vs. Threads in Media Discussion.

Solo..do you have something to add to this discussion?


Shall I add it?

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 02:16 PM
Thank you solo...for imput has been...annoying...

So how about more posts about the fight and less about where this thread should be? /derailment.

2007-12-27, 02:19 PM
This is media discussions, does Bruce Lee fighting Ryu have anything to do with media?

Not really.

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 02:23 PM
Bruce lee was a great martial artist..plus famous. and in the media quite a bit. as he had alot of movies and such...Media

Ryu is a Video charitor, a Movie hero. and a Anime Charitor..all the same charitor. Hence he is Media...the two fighting is about as valid as any Sauron Vs. Thread..or any other Thread here that pits two Icons against eachother.

I don't see how everyone else's threads don't get flooded like this and this one does. Gee..I kinda feel singled out...I just wanted to see what peaple tought..didnt think i'd get griped out when there are tons of other threads almost exactly like this one here.

2007-12-27, 02:25 PM
I don't see how everyone else's threads don't get flooded like this and this one does.

Perhaps this says something about your choice in thread topic, then?

And I bet ten quid on Bruce Lee.

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 02:26 PM
I think Bruce lee would win too...

I've seen worse...Topics...Batman vs. the dark lord...come on now...all seriousness batman so wins...

2007-12-27, 02:27 PM
The Fight is held in a World turny kinda setting (DBZ) and ringout counts as a win.

Ryu has a Chi block and cannot preform any energy attacks during the match, both know that afterwards they must defeate Sub Zero at with his full power or the world will be frozen solid (work with me) so they hold back a little bit.

Who would win?

I'm no expert but as I understand it Bruce Lee is trained in a number of martial arts before developing his own style and I suspect the fight will last barely a minute and will leave Ryu out cold as the real fight will be in the second round ala the streetfighter games.

Metal Head
2007-12-27, 02:37 PM
Ryu. Hitting 2-dimensional people is hard when they decide to face you sideways.

2007-12-27, 04:16 PM
rule 67, people. if its martial arts, Bruce Lee always wins.

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 04:39 PM
alright...let's try Ryu Plus his Spirit powers...and let's even make it DARK Ryu...with thepowers Bison gave him.

2007-12-27, 05:21 PM
With spirit powers? Ryu, no question. A man, no matter how trained in martial arts, cannot withstand that kind of power.

Bluish_wolf and Solo, there's a thread in Board/Site Issues that I'm going to look up in a minute and link you two to that tells people such as yourselves to sit down and shut up. A moment, if you would be so kind.

Raiser Blade
2007-12-27, 05:33 PM
With spirit powers? Ryu, no question. A man, no matter how trained in martial arts, cannot withstand that kind of power.

Bluish_wolf and Solo, there's a thread in Board/Site Issues that I'm going to look up in a minute and link you two to that tells people such as yourselves to sit down and shut up. A moment, if you would be so kind.

Yup mini-modding can be worth a small infraction. Especially if you are rude about it.

On topic. Bruce Lee > Ryu

2007-12-27, 06:57 PM
My apologies.

Lady Tialait
2007-12-27, 06:58 PM
It's alright *hug*

I think Bruce lee would still kick Ryu's butt even with the Hadukan...after all...it's not like its BM's ...*shiver*