View Full Version : I'm off to the emergency room.

Emperor Tippy
2007-12-28, 10:16 PM
I have what is most likely appendicitis and am off to the emergency room. This is just an FYI encase something goes bad. It's been interesting. So if you don't here from me for a few days I'm most likely dead.

2007-12-28, 10:18 PM
well that is certainly.....morbid, considering your humor i really want to make a light hearted joke but i don't want to in case your being serous.

Well regardless, good luck and i certainly hope you don't die

Emperor Tippy
2007-12-28, 10:21 PM
Thank's, and I am being serious.

2007-12-28, 10:21 PM
Awww man. Appendicitis sucks. My brother had it and was in the hospital for a week, before getting a complication and having to go back for more surgery and another week of r&r, not to mention the constant IV drip... I guess that's not exactly what you want to hear right before going into the hospital, is it?

Anyway, wishes for a speedy recovery that is complication free.
Best of luck.

Edit: Oh yeah, and hopefully everything before the recovery will go well too.

2007-12-28, 10:23 PM
The doctor's going to have to poke your belly. Hope you don't cap him.

Emperor Tippy
2007-12-28, 10:24 PM
The doctor's going to have to poke your belly. Hope you don't cap him.

Well I'm sure I can make an exception just this once ;D

2007-12-28, 10:29 PM
Its nice that on your way to the emergency room you tell people you don't know personally on a message board.

2007-12-28, 10:31 PM
I'm sorry to hear that, best of luck to you. Don't die.

Now stop talking to people you've never met online and go get your appendix removed! :smalltongue:

Em Blackleaf
2007-12-28, 10:33 PM
Awww man. Appendicitis sucks. My brother had it and was in the hospital for a week, before getting a complication and having to go back for more surgery and another week of r&r, not to mention the constant IV drip... I guess that's not exactly what you want to hear right before going into the hospital, is it?

Anyway, wishes for a speedy recovery that is complication free.
Best of luck.

Edit: Oh yeah, and hopefully everything before the recovery will go well too.
Did his appendix burst? Because if he had an IV drip, it seems like that would be because of an infection.

I hope you get out of this without complications and I hope you have a speedy recovery. :smallsmile:

2007-12-28, 10:34 PM
The doctor's going to have to poke your belly. Hope you don't cap him.
Well I'm sure I can make an exception just this once ;D
Tsk, tsk. Make one exception and suddenly everyone will want to touch your tummy.

Edit @ Em Blackleaf: His appendix burst yes. I'm a little hazy on the details (I was, like, 10) but I recall being told that the doctor dude in charge of him showed the pictures of his insides to all the other surgeons because he'd never seen anything like them.

2007-12-28, 10:35 PM
Thank's, and I am being serious.

is death very likely in this operation?

Good luck all the way, its been nice knowing you

2007-12-29, 12:21 AM
is death very likely in this operation?

Good luck all the way, its been nice knowing you
No. Surgery for appendicitis is pretty much the safest out there. I've seen it done several times. I'd say it is safer to undergo that surgery than it is to drive to the hospital for 10 minutes to undergo the surgery.

Sometimes, if a surgery is done in the abdominal area, doctors would cut off appendix anyway - it is useless and can get inflamated (which leads to appendicitis).

Appendicitis is dangerous (though not lethal with modern medicine) if surgery is not done in time: appendix can burst and the whole area is infected. However, that is not the case here: appendicitis had been caught early on and Emperor Tippy is scheduled for surgery. If appendicitis is not so early, the surgery would have been done immediately. No doctor in his right mind would wait with appendicitis at advanced stage.

So, I'd be a lot more concerned about antibiotic-resistant bacteria over there in a hospital - a reason why any doctor who prescribes antibiotics for flu should be executed.

In any case, good luck, Emperor and see you around in a few days (unless they keep you there "just in case" for a week like they did one of my friends :smallmad: ).

2007-12-29, 12:54 AM
Aw, I'll miss you, Tippy. :smallfrown:

Get well soon!

2007-12-29, 01:11 AM
Actually, I recently heard some stuff about the appendix actually doing something in your body. I didn't look into it though, so I'm not sure if it's true.

2007-12-29, 01:14 AM
i remember when i had this nasty nasty complication. I thought it was just a stomach ache for about...a week or so. woke up one day and couldn't walk and my mom (who by the way, really and truely seems to know FREAKING EVERYTHING) went "omg u have appendicitus!" and called my doctor. the nurse was like "our next appointment is at noon tomorrow, is that ok?" my mom said "i think he has appendicitus" and the nurse goes "How about right now?" lol. much laughs afterwards. i was sent to the ER, my skin was yellow from jaundice when i made it in, they performed surgury on a ruptured appendix which had caused gangrene across my abdomine. fun stuff. spent 2 or 3 weeks in the hospital, went home for 3 days and developed a complication that sent me back for another week. I'm alive though! got some cool scars too.

For some reason, i always take normal routine things and make them life threatening. appendicitus that nearly killed me, i had a cuncussion that they thought gave me a...i forget the word (there's those cuncussions coming in handy), its where a blood vessel ruptures in your brain...i just can't keep things simple.

wow. totally didn't mean to type a life history there. my b. anyway, much luck to Tippy, hope his goes much much better than mine did.

2007-12-29, 01:16 AM
Actually, I recently heard some stuff about the appendix actually doing something in your body. I didn't look into it though, so I'm not sure if it's true.
Well, I think it was used to help animals digest grass or something. Not an issue with us anymore since we cannot digest grass anyway and appendix had been shrunk a lot compared to what animals have.

Then again, it might secrete some enzymes or hormones into blood or lymph... anyway, I know a lot of people who had it cut out and they are perfectly fine with it.

2007-12-29, 01:19 AM
Well, I think it was used to help animals digest grass or something. Not an issue with us anymore since we cannot digest grass anyway and appendix had been shrunk a lot compared to what animals have.

Then again, it might secrete some enzymes or hormones into blood or lymph... anyway, I know a lot of people who had it cut out and they are perfectly fine with it.

its not a necessary thing, but it contains lymphoid tissue and may have an immunologic role, it may even produce antibodies.

kinda like tonsils. u dont need them, but they do have some small purpose to your body.

2007-12-29, 01:23 AM
Well, I think it was used to help animals digest grass or something. Not an issue with us anymore since we cannot digest grass anyway and appendix had been shrunk a lot compared to what animals have.

Then again, it might secrete some enzymes or hormones into blood or lymph... anyway, I know a lot of people who had it cut out and they are perfectly fine with it.

Yay for knowledge!:smallbiggrin: (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/10/10/2055374.htm)

2007-12-29, 01:36 AM
i had a cuncussion that they thought gave me a...i forget the word (there's those cuncussions coming in handy), its where a blood vessel ruptures in your brain...i just can't keep things simple.
Hematoma. Although I would not take concussion lightly. Here is where my knowledge of English breaks down. In Russian, there is "shaking of the brain" (literal translation) and there is concussion. Both are essentially the same thing, "shaking of the brain" being a mild one and concussion being a severe one. Is there a word for "light" concussion in English, or are all of them called "concussion"?

i remember when i had this nasty nasty complication. I thought it was just a stomach ache for about...a week or so. woke up one day and couldn't walk and my mom (who by the way, really and truely seems to know FREAKING EVERYTHING) went "omg u have appendicitus!" and called my doctor. the nurse was like "our next appointment is at noon tomorrow, is that ok?" my mom said "i think he has appendicitus" and the nurse goes "How about right now?" lol. much laughs afterwards. i was sent to the ER, my skin was yellow from jaundice when i made it in, they performed surgury on a ruptured appendix which had caused gangrene across my abdomine. fun stuff. spent 2 or 3 weeks in the hospital, went home for 3 days and developed a complication that sent me back for another week. I'm alive though! got some cool scars too.
:smalleek: :smalleek: :smalleek:
If that was before discovery of penicillin (which is now totally useless thanks to it being abused for amost a century :smallfurious: ) you would be quite dead...

2007-12-29, 01:41 AM
Hematoma. Although I would not take concussion likely. Here is where my knowledge of English breaks down. In Russian, there is "shaking of the brain" (literal translation) and there is concussion. Both are essentially the same thing, "shaking of the brain" being a mild one and concussion being a severe one. Is there a word for "light" concussion in English, or are all of them called "concussion"?

we have mild concussions and severe concussions. i've had...2 severe and 4 or 5 mild ones. if i have anymore i'm gonna be banned from sports. :smalleek:

an the word i was thinking of was Aneurysm. i incorrectly described it. its actually a bulge and weakening of the walls of a blood vessel, rather than a burst (a hematoma).

either one would have been bad. i didn't really want brain surgery when i was 10

Mauve Shirt
2007-12-29, 10:11 AM
I have been in the hospital for both an appendectomy and a lobectomy, and while neither are fun, both are safer than the diseases that were being fixed. Don't say things like "it's probable I'm going to die", have faith in your doctors. They know what they're doing.
ESPECIALLY for an appendectomy, that's an almost routine operation.

The Bushranger
2007-12-29, 10:24 AM
Best wishes for your speedy recovery!

2007-12-29, 11:42 AM
If you die, I'm going to forge your will and inherit your avatar. But hey, don't worry, it's not like I'm going to steal it while you're away or anything!

Good luck, and I hope you have a swift recovery.

Midnight Son
2007-12-29, 12:24 PM
Say hello to Linda Cardellini for me. :smalltongue:

May your surgery be as painless and you recovery as swift as possible.

2007-12-29, 12:53 PM
well iff you do die from apendix bursting, atleast you will go out with a bang.:smallbiggrin:

eurgh the horrible horrible pun

2007-12-31, 04:46 PM
Right just as long as it is taken out in one piece our puff pastry fellow will be fine and soon eating our pie lady scrumpsious treats again....if it bursts-who knows....one of my friends had hers burst in middle of nowhere China after it was misdiagnoised as mild food poisoning and had to have multiple surguries without painkillers or ether....nearly didn't make it....very worrisome....get that dangly bit out soon mate!

Darth Mario
2007-12-31, 04:50 PM
And it has been confirmed by his presence in another thread that ET is, in fact, alive.

Well done there.

2007-12-31, 04:51 PM
Why go the emergency room? As we have learned from the Simpsons, removing an appendix only requires a pocketknife and a few seconds to make the incision and yank out the appendix before it explodes. :smallbiggrin:

"Don't thank me ... thank THE KNIFE!"

2008-01-02, 07:35 PM
Yay for knowledge!:smallbiggrin: (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/10/10/2055374.htm)

Even without the rest of the stuff in that article, it's cool just for the simple fact that they were able to use the phrase "mutant koalas." :smallbiggrin:

Recover fast! ...Or the koalas will destroy you. :smallwink:

2008-01-02, 11:47 PM
friend of mine walked around for two days with a burst apendix, when she finally told her mom she was in pain and got rushed to the hospital they told her she was on deaths door, but they got her back ok. the doctors told her later it looked like it had burst about two days before removal.

of course the number of times i'd heard about a doctor telling a patient they were about to die, kinda makes you wonder, i've heard it a bunch of times but nobody ever seems to die from not going to the hospital.

2008-01-03, 01:42 AM
friend of mine walked around for two days with a burst apendix, when she finally told her mom she was in pain and got rushed to the hospital they told her she was on deaths door, but they got her back ok. the doctors told her later it looked like it had burst about two days before removal.

of course the number of times i'd heard about a doctor telling a patient they were about to die, kinda makes you wonder, i've heard it a bunch of times but nobody ever seems to die from not going to the hospital.
In her case, the doctor was quite right. I wonder how she managed to stay 2 days with burst appendix - the pain should have been unbearable: she literally had an infection all over her gutts.

2008-01-04, 02:54 AM
get that dangly bit out soon mate!

Get well soon Tippy, I'm sure you'll be fine... the quote? Well who could resist?

2008-01-04, 12:10 PM
Well I'm glad he made it through okay (assumedly, from DarthMario's comment).

Though this incident really does make his avatar creepy.