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View Full Version : Sea Currents in Eberron

2007-12-29, 02:17 AM
So, I already know that the answer to this question is probably "no," but I figure asking couldn't hurt. Has anyone worked out a model of the weather patterns and sea currents in Eberron? I'm trying to flesh out some locales for my group and it would be nice if I could use some underlying structures like trade routes to guide me. If anyone has, I'd be interested in seeing the results.
Along the same lines, does anyone have any links handy to materials on real-life examples of this kind of stuff? Having it already done for me is ideal, but I'm not opposed to working out a system of currents myself; I just need a good explanation of how different geographic features influence the weather.
Any help would be great - I'll post my findings here if folks show enough interest.

2007-12-29, 02:38 AM
The Eberron boards at Wizards of the Coast generally have a thread or two on this subject running. All I've really got is that there's probably trade winds running from Sarlona to northeastern Khorvaire (explaining the human migration pattern) and a current similar to the North American gulfstream running from Xen'drik to Aerenal (and at least as far north as Q'barra as well) to explain the Elf migration. The western Bitter Sea would be something like the Gulf of Mexico in my game to account for Sharn's extremely Houston-or-New-Orleans-like climate.

2007-12-29, 02:55 AM
Thanks, those are some good starting places. I'll take a look at the Wizard's board too... I don't really like their forums though.

2007-12-30, 02:04 AM
So, I went and looked around the Wizard's forums in a stretch of insomnia last night, and couldn't find anything specifically about sea currents. Lots of discussion on maps and such, which is handy, but do you have a particular thread in mind that you could point me to?

2007-12-30, 02:16 PM
It was a while back. Probably archived back on the boards1.wizards domain.