View Full Version : Windows Vista Problem

The J Pizzel
2007-12-29, 02:59 PM
Hey gang,

I consider myself pretty computer savy to the point thats it's one of my job descriptions and that all my friends and family call me to fix thier computer problems and network problems. Here's the downfall, I've never used Vista on a regular basis at all. I've worked on a few computers that had it, but none of mine used it.

Well, my in-laws (whom love me to death for always happily working on their computer problems (including my grandmother-in-law)) have bought me a brand new Toshiba laptop (which I'm using as I type this) and so far I'm happy with the specs on it except for one major problem:

I hate a cluttered desktop. And we all know when you get a new computer it comes with all kinds of crap on you desktop that you'll never use. So, I checked them all out and made sure none were vital and starting bringing the ICONS to the trashbin. Mind you, I didn't remove them from the computer, just from the desktop. After I do this, the next time my computer starts up it says there was a problem configuring start up and that it needs to go into Windows start up "fix it". This process takes about 3 min then restarts and all the ICONS that I've removed from my desktop are back.

I haven't even gone to Add/Remove Programs yes, so I haven't deleted a damn thing from this computer. Just removed some ICONS from the desktop. Any thoughts on what causing this?


2007-12-29, 03:20 PM
I have no idea, but I know the biggest mistake I ever made with computers was purchasing Vista. It is on no single way an improvement of XP and in many ways less as many things are not compatible.

2007-12-29, 03:26 PM
Not everything on your desktop are icons. In fact, you really shouldn't have ico files on your desktop. Instead, it contains programs and shortcuts. Try not to delete "My Computer" and you should be set.

The J Pizzel
2007-12-29, 03:34 PM
Uh, an Icon is just a picture that represents a program or a shortcut to a program. Now, all the icons that I've deleted are infact, just Icons. I know this because everytime I drag it to the Recycle Bin it sas "just deleting this Icon will only remove it from the desktop, to delete the program go to add/remove programs". That's how I know I haven't actually deleted any programs. I'm just deleting the Icons.

An "My Computer" isn't on the desktop. It doesn't come on the desktop in Vista. It's only on the start menu.


2007-12-29, 03:35 PM
Some things actually save to the desktop--just move them to some other folder besides the recycle bin. :smallannoyed: I know, but that's Windows for you.

The J Pizzel
2007-12-29, 03:37 PM
Some things actually save to the desktop--just move them to some other folder besides the recycle bin. :smallannoyed: I know, but that's Windows for you.

How bout if I make a folder on my desktop labled 'toshiba junk' and just move dall the Icons in there. Think that would work??


2007-12-29, 03:40 PM
Depends on your settings. If you want it on your desktop, you can goto Appearance and Personalization/Personalization in your CP, then click "Change Desktop Icons."

The J Pizzel
2007-12-29, 03:48 PM
Depends on your settings. If you want it on your desktop, you can goto Appearance and Personalization/Personalization in your CP, then click "Change Desktop Icons."

Ha, good to know. Thanks. See, thats the kind of stuff that ticks me off about Vista, I don't know where this stuff is anymore.


2007-12-29, 04:04 PM
Vista is... a new thing. A lot of people have problems with it because it isn't XP. And you shouldn't confuse it as such. It has a few more, very useful tools that takes some practice to get used to. Program files? Hehehe, use the search feature at the bottom of your start menu.

2007-12-29, 04:22 PM
How bout if I make a folder on my desktop labled 'toshiba junk' and just move dall the Icons in there. Think that would work??


I'd hope so... if it doesn't then I'm really confused.

Vista is... a new thing. A lot of people have problems with it because it isn't XP. And you shouldn't confuse it as such. It has a few more, very useful tools that takes some practice to get used to. Program files? Hehehe, use the search feature at the bottom of your start menu.

On the other hand, I heard a rumor about if you have something that might be pirated files on a vista computer, then it'll shut down and not turn on again. Now I have no idea if that's true, but that seems like a pretty stupid feature.

The J Pizzel
2007-12-29, 04:51 PM
Hey, I made a junk folder and saved it all there. Works like a champ. Thanks!!


2007-12-29, 04:52 PM
On the other hand, I heard a rumor about if you have something that might be pirated files on a vista computer, then it'll shut down and not turn on again. Now I have no idea if that's true, but that seems like a pretty stupid feature.

I heard a rumour that it'd delete any files it suspects are pirated.

2007-12-29, 04:57 PM
I'd hope so... if it doesn't then I'm really confused.

On the other hand, I heard a rumor about if you have something that might be pirated files on a vista computer, then it'll shut down and not turn on again. Now I have no idea if that's true, but that seems like a pretty stupid feature.

Anyone who knows software knows that this is just a myth. Any file that it suspects to be pirated won't play in media player and complains about needing license. Use winamp. On top of that, for windows to shut down and not start up again is just a good excuse to go out and get Linux like you should do anyways.

I would hate to see something like that happen, but with Vista, Microsoft's goal does seem to be to make computer as user-unfriendly as possible. So, I wouldn't put it past them.

Jack Squat
2007-12-29, 05:59 PM
On the other hand, I heard a rumor about if you have something that might be pirated files on a vista computer, then it'll shut down and not turn on again. Now I have no idea if that's true, but that seems like a pretty stupid feature.

I remember that going around awhile ago...I know they had the capability to do it to multiple versions of Vista using the same key, but nothing else.

They've since disabled that ability, so you're free to use the same key on multiple different computers; so long as it's still within fair-use policy.

2007-12-29, 06:21 PM
Chances are that you deleted something that was not a shortcut. Shortcuts always have a small arrow on the icon which shows you that it is a shortcut. If you deleted anything that did not have an arrow, make sure that it is not a Windows component such as Recycle Bin or My Computer.

Jack Squat
2007-12-29, 07:38 PM
Chances are that you deleted something that was not a shortcut. Shortcuts always have a small arrow on the icon which shows you that it is a shortcut. If you deleted anything that did not have an arrow, make sure that it is not a Windows component such as Recycle Bin or My Computer.

Actually, you can delete the Recycle Bin...I do it sometimes when meaning to empty it. You can stick it back on by right-clicking and going to appearance.

My Computer isn't a standard icon on the desktop, neither is the Documents folder (He said Computer wasn't on there, my only reason for mentioning this). However, I think the same thing applies to them as well...you can delete the icon, but it won't delete the component.

2007-12-29, 07:41 PM
All the rumors about Vista shutting down when detecting pirated files are based on some of the technicalities in the license. While it's a very interesting thing to look into, and if you google "Vista DRM Concerns" or something like that you'll find a lot about it, what it comes down to is that the license says Vista's ALLOWED to read your stuff and theoretically COULD deactivate on detecting pirated files, as far as I know there haven't been any cases of it actually happening.

((I could be wrong, but that's my knowledge of it.))

2007-12-29, 09:02 PM
I have Vista and I had no problems emptying my desktop - I think I did it by:

rightclick on the desktop >> choose 'personalization' >> on the side panel, click 'change desktop icons >> uncheck all boxes.

Hope that helps. :smallsmile:

2007-12-29, 09:04 PM
Speaking of Vista problems... I accidentally Deleted my Recycle bin and it won't undo:smalltongue:
Bit ironic eh? Recycling the recycle bin?:smallbiggrin:

2007-12-29, 09:08 PM
It's still there. Your icon is just missing.

Go through same procedure I just indicated, but re-check the "recycle bin" box.

Unless you're kidding...in which case...:smallfurious: :smalltongue: :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-29, 09:18 PM
No, I wasn't.

thanks for the help:smallwink:

2007-12-29, 10:16 PM
Ok. We seem to be mixing up some technical terms here.

An icon is the little picture you see that represents a file or folder on your computer. It can also represent several system related interfaces. Icons are stored as an icon file (.ico) in dynamic link libraries (.dll) or in the executable program itself (.exe). It is nothing more than a picture.

A short cut is a file (.lnk) that provides a link to a file or folder. You can put shortcuts in a convenient place (such as your desktop) to make your programs, files, folders, etc. easy to access. Shortcuts must have an icon, if no icon is specified, a shortcut will use the default icon (which Windows has in a DLL file). Deleting a shortcut does not delete the icon, nor does it delete the file or folder it is providing a link to.

Shortcuts are normally easy to spot, as unless you have changed your system settings, there will be a small arrow over the icon. To make things even more confusing, this arrow is an icon in itself which is overlaid on top of the shortcut's icon.

There are certain icons you can find on your desktop which represent things like My Computer, My Documents and the Recycle Bin. These can be considered a special kind of shortcut, as they don't point to a specific file or folder, but instead tell Windows to open a system component. While it is possible to remove the icons from your desktop, you can't remove the system component.

ie. You can't delete the Recycle Bin.*

*Note however, it is possible to turn off the Recycle Bin completely, in such as all deleted files are deleted immediately without being stored in the Recycle Bin.


What it sounds like for the OP, is that Toshiba has some program or has activated some Windows Vista protection that detects when the shortcuts that Toshiba placed on the desktop are deleted and recreates them.

2007-12-30, 06:40 AM
I had to buy a new PC. most storebought new ones come with Vista. I HATE Vista. Just for the record :)

2007-12-30, 07:07 AM
Boy howdy. This is the first computer that I bought from a big box store instead of geeks running a business out of their home, and it will be the last. Not only do I have Vista crap, but I've got all sorts of nifty-keen Hewlett-Packard crippleware crap to go along with it, so I evidently can't do some things that ordinary people claim to be able to do in Vista. I bought my last computer four years ago, and when the geek asked me if I wanted XP on it, I rolled my eyes and said "I *want* 98 on it, but that was two generations ago." And, guess what, my machine got 98 on it.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me is that I can't play Oblivion on a modern-age Microsoft OS, and all the rumors that there are no clear reasons why it wouldn't work are clearly lies. And then I go to a support site which recommends that I install Microsoft Virtual Machine and play it as if it were on an XP box. Except ... wait for it ... Microsoft VM isn't supported on Vista, the only operating system in which you'd need such a kludge.

2007-12-30, 10:27 AM
You know how to get your family from bugging you about this? Buy them an iMac.

2007-12-30, 10:30 AM
Cause then neither you nor your family will know how to work it.

If Windows is a Puzzle game, Mac is the lottery. A 1:15,000,000 shot of getting it to work right.

2007-12-30, 11:12 AM
:smallconfused: What mac are you using?

2007-12-30, 12:09 PM
Cause then neither you nor your family will know how to work it.

If Windows is a Puzzle game, Mac is the lottery. A 1:15,000,000 shot of getting it to work right.
Erm. I'm probably not the most qualified to discuss technology, but Mac's interface is far more intuitive, at least for me, and I have far fewer bugs on the Mac.

2007-12-30, 12:52 PM
Is this the "list your complaints about Vista" thread? Because I'd like to tack one on. I have a Vista running HP laptop, GE Force 6200 nvidia graphics card, 2 hard drives and all sorts of wonderful amenities, and it can't run games worth a crap. Apparently Vista is somehow siphoning the graphics card's memory or something like that, and I can't seem to fix it. I went on some website that measures your computer's ability to play games based on their specs, and it told me the system had an obscenely low whichever it was (this was a while back). I can play some games but they are laggy and cumbersome. My old computer wasn't nearly as fast or strong, and it played games 100x better. I want to throttle this thing.

Jack Squat
2007-12-30, 01:00 PM
Is this the "list your complaints about Vista" thread? Because I'd like to tack one on. I have a Vista running HP laptop, GE Force 6200 nvidia graphics card, 2 hard drives and all sorts of wonderful amenities, and it can't run games worth a crap. Apparently Vista is somehow siphoning the graphics card's memory or something like that, and I can't seem to fix it. I went on some website that measures your computer's ability to play games based on their specs, and it told me the system had an obscenely low whichever it was (this was a while back). I can play some games but they are laggy and cumbersome. My old computer wasn't nearly as fast or strong, and it played games 100x better. I want to throttle this thing.

Is your sidebar off? What about transparent windows...both of those kill resources.

I have them on, however, because I don't game on my laptop too often...and when I do, it's Lemmings.

2007-12-30, 01:16 PM
I'm no good with computers, how do I check/turn them off?

Jack Squat
2007-12-30, 01:25 PM
for the sidebar, right click on it, and click on "close sidebar"

to turn off transparancy, go into personalization (right click on background and click "personalize", click "window color and appearance" and uncheck the "Enable Transparency" box

2007-12-30, 03:31 PM
I am not seeing a difference, but every little bit helps! Thanks for the advice.

2008-01-03, 10:39 PM
My parents got my grandma a Dell/Vista machine, and then spent 3 days getting it to connect via even dialup... I use Ubuntu, which worked as soon as I installed it, I can tell you, Vista is pathetic. Hopefully MS will get off its fat arse and fix the bugs soon. --Aereshaa, the linux user.