View Full Version : Poor Haley

Tre of the Wood
2007-12-30, 01:08 PM
The giant really hasn't been fair to Haley. Now, I'm not talking about being trapped in AC or anything, I mean art-wise. Haley has had no art upgrades other than simple added care in drawing mouths -- which everyone. Recently she was given a different accesery (her new cloths) but I don't count that as an upgrade. Practically everyone else has been upgraded. Elan's cloak and hair, Belkar's cloak clasp and daggers, Roy's boots, Durkon's belt, Varsuvius' runes on her robes, Redcloak's eyes, mouth, ears, fangs, and holy symbol... and so on. Hell, even the MITD gets an art upgrade, not even counting the umbrella! Seriously, compare his eyes in the early comics to his eyes in the newer ones. Say what you want, but Haley is due for an upgrade.

2007-12-30, 01:12 PM
The Giant has said before that every one of the OotS will get a major art upgrade. He also said that it will be at the time of a major turning point for the character. Elan is the first, and the change is significant. All the others you have pointed out were fairly minor, and they just came with The Giant getting better at his trade. Haley, and the rest of the Order, will get their upgrades when the time comes.

2007-12-30, 01:55 PM
Heh, I could see Belkar in a costume similar to the one Kratos from God of war has.

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-12-30, 02:28 PM
Well, black is used for the resistance, but the major turning points in Haley's life are:

1. Allowing herself to love
2. Becoming the leader she knows she can be

She admitted her love for Elan just before the battle, and Elan returned her love.

So, now she has to deal with some of the problems Roy has worked his way through: How to use your people to their best ability, how to get over himself, how to accept that you can't win every battle.

O-Chul seems to be weighing heavily on her mind. What happens when she finds out Belkar ditched him to save his own skin. Bros before Palis? :smallamused:

2007-12-30, 06:09 PM
The Giant has said before that every one of the OotS will get a major art upgrade.

Eh? When did he say that? He said in one of the intros in "No Cure for the Paladin Blues" that ONE of the characters was going to get a major revamp, but I'm darned sure I've never heard him say that any of the others were going to get a similar treatment.

2007-12-30, 06:20 PM
Recently she was given a different accesery (her new cloths) but I don't count that as an upgrade.

...Then what do you count as an art upgrade? Pretty much everything you gave as example of other art upgrade were just clothes change. Its a stick figure comic, except new costume or new hairstyle, they cant really have other art upgrade. Her new outfit is a major art upgrade as far as I'm concerned.

2007-12-30, 06:41 PM
I may be mistaken. I don't have the books, but I seem to recall someone quoting The Giant making a statement that they all would get a major upgrade at some point. But, it has been a while, and I don't know where to find it anymore.

I still believe that it was all of the characters, but now I'm not so sure...