View Full Version : Something of a confession

2007-12-30, 03:57 PM
Alright friends, I have a long story to tell you.

Much of this started a long time ago. I was a member of another forum, and although I enjoyed the community, I found a lot of the younger posters (People under 13) were sort of discriminated against. Like even when they made intelligent, well-thought out posts, some 20-year old ass would look at their profile and respond with a “Ur just a kid. U hav no idea what ur talking about.” I was annoyed, because I was under 13 at the time.

I joined a few other forums afterwards (Not this one), and needed a persona. Someone I could be without being me. I was friends with a British kid, and found England to be fascinating (Exotic, home of great musicians ect.), and was also told by a test that my math skill was two grades above my grade, and my reading and writing skill was into college level. I’d been friends with older kids for a lot of my life, and when I first walked into my advanced Math class, my teacher and most of the students thought I was older until about a week in.

Naturally, a combination of these two factors led me to create an alternate me. British, a few years older, pretty cool, all things I’m not. This was also the forum where my username of Raistlin1040 originated (I used a different one on the oldest forum). Eventually, I found Giantitp, and lurked for about a month without making an account. I discovered that it was a great community, and the age gap was huge, but there was no problem.

Unfortunately, this was also the time that my parents decided to tell me about all the pedophiles and stalkers on the Internet, and how the slightest detail could give you away. This freaked me out, and there was no way I was giving any information about myself out there. So I stuck with Raistlin1040, and kept up the act.

Originally, I was very rigid in the way I posted. Color had to be spelled colour. Always refer to it as football, not soccer. Say I had to Wikipedia G.I. Joe to know who he was. Stuff like that, to prove my “authenticity”. I even posted in the UKitp meetup thread, saying I’d love to come, but would be out of town during the meeting. It was all pretty theatrical, and hindsight tells me, stupid.

After a while, I got more relaxed, and my paranoia gave way. I gave away details about myself, favorite music, sports I enjoy, books I like, ect. It’s hard not to, in a forum with such a diverse group of people and topics. All the while, my false age of 14 and 15, born on April 13, 1992 was in my profile, my safeguard against being “discovered”. I could tell everything else about myself, and no one would figure out who I am.

Eventually, I didn’t really care about keeping up any act. I kept my fake age up, and that was about it. I took down my location of London, and replaced it with joke locations (Like my current one), and started spelling stuff the American way. I figured after a while, everyone would forget all the stuff I’d told about myself, and I could start over as myself.

But, then I got Rock Band. One of the first things I thought when I opened it was “Wouldn’t it be fun to play with some of the playgrounders?” Of course, then I realized I’d only be active on American time, and I don’t sound 15, or from England. Then I realized a bunch more stuff. Would never be able to go to any meetups. I could never meet any of you in real life, ever.

So I figured, screw it. You already know I like the Beatles, and KISS, and Guns N’ Roses. Some of you know I play Soccer and Baseball. The times I’m active, and the way I spell stuff obviously shows I’m American, so why lie any more?

I’m a teenager. Younger than 15. I live in America, but I’m not saying where. My birthday is not April 13 1992, it is in March. People say everyone lies on the Internet, and I don't know if it's true or not, but regardless, I'm sorry about lying. I don't know if anyone cares, but I'm sorry.

So there you have it. Enough said.

So…who’s up for Rock Band?

2007-12-30, 04:10 PM
Wow. Quite a story. Sorry, I'm not in America, but you know what? I say a lot of stuff on my life here, looking for advice and such,but I haven't given names away. Saying you're a girl or a boy is generally OK, as is saying your age, (Usually). Living in America, (Given how many Americans are online right now), would also be pretty non-descriptive. With what we hear all the time, it's easy to believe that the majority of people are stalkers or creeps. But they're not. The Internet gets bigger, and so do we. I don't have any idea what I just said, either. Meh.

2007-12-30, 04:22 PM
From the first lines of your post i was expecting this to be some rant on age discrimination online, and thinking about it i started out surfing at 14 or something and at the time i wasn’t minded at all, largely ignored all-round. I agree it happens and I know I myself was ahead of my age then (probably still am a bit, even at 18) I think that its bad that you need to lie about your age to get taken seriously and will try to restrain myself from being a cause of it. I think what you say isn’t very shocking it’s a harmless lie and it might have increased your surfing experience by a bit, and you haven’t harmed anybody with it. On the other hand being adult enough to confess this might work well towards people taking you more serious, which is a good thing.

2007-12-30, 04:39 PM
You know, many people lie on the internet, partly out of fear, partly because you can be who you always wanted to be. Don't feel to bad about it.

2007-12-30, 04:40 PM
Well, if you live anywhere near Massacusetts, we should totally hang out. :smallsmile:

Don't worry, Raistlin. The playground doesn't discriminate. We still love you.


2007-12-30, 04:50 PM
I've never really felt like I needed to do anything like you've talked about, but, really, GiantITP is really one of only a few times that I've been involved with forums or any sort of internet community. I was on Gaia for a while, when a bunch of other friends were, and I play(ed) RuneScape occasionally, but I didn't really have any troubles there.

By the way, I don't play as much as some, but my Xbox Live gamertag is CrusadingHero87. I prefer the guitar or bass on Rock Band, but my drumming is decent. :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-30, 04:54 PM
I lie. Maybe I don't. Perhaps I'm 23. Perhaps I'm 13. You can guess. I won't tell you. Pie is my favorite food. I mean carrots. Apples. Fried rice. Maybe a combination of the above. Am I American? I think I technically am. But I'm of Spanish descent. I mean Luxembourgian. I mean Taiwanese. ... I have an older sister. I mean a younger brother. A sibling then. I live in Arizona. I mean California. Silicon Valley. Lake Tahoe? In Cupertino, San Mateo, and Walnut Creek. Shane Co, now you have a friend in the Diamond business. Anyways, my favorite subject is history. I mean math. History is stupid. I mean writing. I mean history, not writing. I like writing. Do I? Do I even live in the US? Oh, wait, I do. My name is not Bob. I mean it isn't Joe. GI Joe is a stupid toy. I mean it's really stupid. Either way, I like beans. I mean I don't like them. No preference.

... hmm. That random rant I just had makes no sense to me at all. I wonder why I even typed it up. I'm bored. I mean I'm not. Maybe I just like typing? Am I annoying? I think I am. I mean I'm not. I think I'm not.

The playground has got to be one of the nicest forums I've ever been on. I mean the only one. The third one. The first. It's a very nice place. Despite the fact that I've expressed no emotion at all in this post, I really am a very empathic person. Did I express emotion? I can never tell. Meh.

Your rant relaxes me in a single way — for now I know that I a probably not the youngest person on these (or any... I mean some) boards. Just another worry lifted from my maybe burdened heart. I mean mind. :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-30, 05:05 PM
I lie. Maybe I don't. Perhaps I'm 23. Perhaps I'm 13. You can guess. I won't tell you. Pie is my favorite food. I mean carrots. Apples. Fried rice. Maybe a combination of the above. Am I American? I think I technically am. But I'm of Spanish descent. I mean Luxembourgian. I mean Taiwanese. ... I have an older sister. I mean a younger brother. A sibling then. I live in Arizona. I mean California. Silicon Valley. Lake Tahoe? In Cupertino, San Mateo, and Walnut Creek. Shane Co, now you have a friend in the Diamond business. Anyways, my favorite subject is history. I mean math. History is stupid. I mean writing. I mean history, not writing. I like writing. Do I? Do I even live in the US? Oh, wait, I do. My name is not Bob. I mean it isn't Joe. GI Joe is a stupid toy. I mean it's really stupid. Either way, I like beans. I mean I don't like them. No preference.

... hmm. That random rant I just had makes no sense to me at all. I wonder why I even typed it up. I'm bored. I mean I'm not. Maybe I just like typing? Am I annoying? I think I am. I mean I'm not. I think I'm not.

The playground has got to be one of the nicest forums I've ever been on. I mean the only one. The third one. The first. It's a very nice place. Despite the fact that I've expressed no emotion at all in this post, I really am a very empathic person. Did I express emotion? I can never tell. Meh.

Your rant relaxes me in a single way — for now I know that I a probably not the youngest person on these (or any... I mean some) boards. Just another worry lifted from my maybe burdened heart. I mean mind. :smallbiggrin:

That was......a truly epic post.

2007-12-30, 05:48 PM
@Bitzeralisis: Hm. You type like I feel. Only one solution for that... *medicates Bitz*

Raistlin, that's fine by me. Hell, I wouldn't be that hurt if someone I know online had been lying about stuff I really care about. It's the internet, you can do what you want, though telling the truth is better.

I'm glad you've gone public. *hug*

2007-12-30, 05:59 PM
Well, the part about not giving away your real name on the net is a good rule anyway. Just wait until you start gettin gpackages as Raistlin.
I got some music sent from a webshop in Japan, and it was adressed to Narmoth :smalltongue:

Anyway, I'm shure it's good to get of your chest. I don't think anybody will start acting different towards you because of it

The Orange Zergling
2007-12-30, 06:08 PM
GitP was the first place I could go without being told "lol u Idiot go bck 2 you're litel kidy ****".

I've found that if you only tell people how old you are if they ask, AFTER they know what your mind is like, it dispels a lot of stereotypes. And if they refuse to acknowledge calender age is NOT the same as mental age, mentally point and laugh at them for being such an idiot, and remember you're probably more intelligent and/or mature than they are.

But yay, truthfulness. :smallsmile:

2007-12-30, 06:58 PM
I'm really English and must've been 15 when I joined this forum but I did get a lot of age discrimination before then.

Probably because I act like an idiot.

2007-12-30, 07:11 PM
Age means nothing, except, when law is involved.
And the forces of nature.

I still want to see someone 70+ years of age come here, though.

I've seen age discrimination before, and have been wrongfully assumed before. I find, however, in the long run it's always easier to be as yourself as you can be. It hurts less people. Unless you can't be, then that's a different issue.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-12-30, 09:57 PM
Don't worry, I sometimes pretend I'm a 17 year old male.

It's to keep people away from guessing I'm an anthropomorphic personification.

((And whats wrong with spelling "colour" the correct way! Poor little U, crying itself to sleep in the American Language.))

Serpent Stare
2007-12-30, 10:09 PM
Nice, man.

And, the False Identity thing sounds like it was probably fun and intriguing for a while. I've considered doing it myself in order to be an online secret admirer to a guy I happen to know. I didn't, but I was seriously considering it for a while.

Anyway, if you can do all that, you could probably be a great roleplayer/DM, if you aren't already.

Eh... My congratulations to you for being grown up enough to reveal yourself in a mature and tastefully dramatic way. This is a neat thing to read. And I wish to add mine to the many voices chorusing that age and maturity are two different things. Not being taken seriously just because of your age is stupid on the part of those who don't take you seriously. I knew a friend for a while several years younger than me who could regularly teach me new words, and I have a pretty expansive vocabulary for my own age.

Anyway. Good luck, mate, and have fun, no matter who you are choosing to be at the moment!

2007-12-30, 10:43 PM
I'd like to start with a few small comments:

S'all good.
No worries.

Lots of people lie about stuff like age, especially to get into age-restricted things. Also, I don't really understand the internet stalker thing, because unless you give them something like your full name or address, they aren't exactly going to find you...and even if they could, it would be so complex, why would they?

So, good to know. Rock Band sounds cool, but I don't have it. And in what general area do you live :smalltongue:

2007-12-30, 10:52 PM
West coast, but not in California.

2007-12-30, 11:36 PM
Cool story, the irony as an young person my self (I joined when i was 15) i can certainly understand that story, i've also always wanted to be English, i think every American wants that in reality

2007-12-30, 11:49 PM
I'm really English and must've been 15 when I joined this forum but I did get a lot of age discrimination before then.

Probably because I act like an idiot.That's more intelligence discrimination :smallwink:

Good on you for "coming out" Raistlin :smallbiggrin: Personally, I really don't like the whole false identity thing. I make some fairly good friends on here, probably about as good as a lot of the ones in "real life", and I assume that they are who and what they say they are and treat them accordingly. If it turns out that they were lying about something the whole time, even something really small, it can really throw my whole image of them - if only because it means they lied to me, and I hate lying. I don't believe I've ever said anything about myself on here that isn't true... aside from being "hawt", of course ;P
Anyway, yeah. Good on you for coming out. It's apprectiated ^_^

V :smallredface:

2007-12-30, 11:54 PM
You know, I should have expected that joke. I should have. But Death came here and didn't crack a joke, and so I assumed I was safe.

Always the cute ones.

2007-12-31, 12:19 AM
i'm in the "eh, whatever" group of ppl. I've done this too, for roughly the same reason (i was in a debate group where i wasn't taken seriously. added 5 years to my age and all the sudden it was all "great post" and "good idea". ppl are stupid sometimes), but it is almost always better to be truthful. glad you let us know.

if my bro ever gets live, or if he brings rock band over here, i'd be glad to jam with you. as long as I can play bass.:smallbiggrin:

2007-12-31, 01:31 AM
I always keep my age hidden, but here, it doesn't really feels like it would matter.
As for the story, the only feeling I get is a slight disappointment. I'm 15. My birthday is April 11, 1992. And I do live in California. We could have been like, age brothers or something. Bummer.

Oh, and a semi-related anecdote. I talked with a fake British accent to a little British kid who was about 6 years old. He told me I talked funny, I was a hamster, and my name was actually Curly Hair mon, so I had no other choice but to pretend to have an accent.

@V: I have no clue...

Em Blackleaf
2007-12-31, 01:42 AM
@Coolgaelbert: ...Hamster? :smallconfused:

Oh, wow. I feel stupid now. I didn't think much of it, so I always assumed you were american. I don't know why. :smallconfused:
Shows what I know.

Well, confessions take courage. Good for you. :smallsmile:

I'm thirteen and I'm taken seriously in real life and on the internet. Hmm. Maybe I go to all the right places. :smalltongue:

I wanna play Rock Band. :smallfrown:

Thanatos 51-50
2007-12-31, 02:21 AM
Dude, its all gravy.
(MMMmmm, Gravy...) As soon as I get my Xbox hooked up to Live, I'd love a game of Rock Band (It'll be a while).

Lord Herman
2007-12-31, 03:17 AM
Don't worry about it, Raistlin. I never pay much heed to people's actual age on these forums. Most of our younger members, including you, act very maturely. In fact, from the way you post, I would have thought you were about my age.

I think it's up to you how much you reveal about yourself on these boards. Some people don't reveal their age, gender, or location. Some do. You don't have to tell us more than you're comfortable with.

2007-12-31, 03:39 AM
Well...Lying on the internet is like...Well...it's like lying on the internet :P

Almost everyone does it, I do it, not as often as I maybe should, but meh. There are only three things about me not really on the internet. My last name, my address and my phone number...And it's staying that way. Most of my other details can only be found on this forum if you look hard enough.

And I still can't believe I joined this forum over two years ago...*is scared by this*

2007-12-31, 03:48 AM
Ya know, the weirdest thing I find about all this is you wanted to be British.
Most British people are trying to get out of the damn country! They're moving to places in Spain, Portugal or the South of France! In their place our country has become a multi-ethnic dump for people who think its America-Lite!
I'm actually kind of touched you thought so much of us.

2007-12-31, 04:32 AM
And I still can't believe I joined this forum over two years ago...*is scared by this*I feel like such a noob, with my mere year and a half :smallfrown:

2007-12-31, 05:02 AM
I lie. Maybe I don't. Perhaps I'm 23. Perhaps I'm 13. You can guess. I won't tell you. . .

No, this sort of self-pretentious writing brands your age with two years' accuracy.

As for the original poster, good job on coming clean.
*hands over a PB&J sammich*
They don't seem to know about this glorious idea outside the U.S. . . .

2007-12-31, 05:38 AM
Ya know, the weirdest thing I find about all this is you wanted to be British.
Most British people are trying to get out of the damn country! They're moving to places in Spain, Portugal or the South of France! In their place our country has become a multi-ethnic dump for people who think its America-Lite!
I'm actually kind of touched you thought so much of us.

Now come on, don't turn this into a BBC have your say thread. I can summarize those in three words. "Blame the immigrants!"

What's a multi-ethnic dump anyway?

2007-12-31, 06:24 AM
Dude, Its not the person its the post. You had courage to post this and for that I'm starting to like you. :smallsmile: Not that I didn't already.

2007-12-31, 06:45 AM
I'm actually a 93 year old man from southern Nigeria who farms potatoes. True story.

2007-12-31, 06:50 AM
I'm actually a 93 year old man from southern Nigeria who farms potatoes. True story.

So, it's you who send all the letters about wanting to give away a million for helping transact 10 millions through my bank account?

2007-12-31, 07:55 AM
I'm just impressed you could come up with and enact such an elaborate hoax.

2007-12-31, 11:14 AM
I'm just impressed you could come up with and enact such an elaborate hoax.

I'm impressed that he actually took the time to do so. Lying on the internet is one of the most unremarkably common thigns one can do. It's not a big deal, and to actually find someone apologizing for it is a... new experience to me.

2007-12-31, 11:19 AM
I don't, and I find it disturbing how many people seem to be taking it for granted. That debacle with false accounts a while back already has me looking suspiciously at newcomers. Looks like I'm gonna have to start on the oldcomers, too :smallannoyed:

2007-12-31, 11:21 AM
I don't, and I find it disturbing how many people seem to be taking it for granted. That debacle with false accounts a while back already has me looking suspiciously at newcomers. Looks like I'm gonna have to start on the oldcomers, too :smallannoyed:

It's a fact of life, that. While you may not personally like it (and frankly, I don't either), it probably isn't going to change in this lifetime, unless the internet is completely overhauled. So we might as well get used to it, and make the best out of it.

2007-12-31, 11:34 AM
Ya know, the weirdest thing I find about all this is you wanted to be British.
Most British people are trying to get out of the damn country! They're moving to places in Spain, Portugal or the South of France! In their place our country has become a multi-ethnic dump for people who think its America-Lite!
I'm actually kind of touched you thought so much of us.

most americans secertly wish to be british

2007-12-31, 12:07 PM
Well, despite my avatar, I'm not really a green-haired elf with a pseudodragon. But, like my screen name, I really am a mistake in Latin.

Anyway, the "fake identity" thing is understandable. There are certainly weirdos in the world, and you have to take precautions. For some reason, creating make-believe personas is practically second nature to people on the boards. :smallbiggrin: But I would suggest that you really don't need to lie or mislead if you don't want to. If you don't want people to know something about you, don't tell it. If you're not comfortable with sharing what your age/hair color/favorite food is, don't share it. If somebody presses you on it, ignore them - they're probably the weirdo!

2007-12-31, 12:46 PM
Exactly. I'm not really a 6'6" 280 lb. Fighter who feels no pain, but I like to pretend I am. I took a college latin class and built myself a persona. I'm pretty sure most of the people in that class still think I'm 20 years old with a young face. Deception comes naturally to me. (So much so that I suprise myself when I do tell the whole truth.) Even so, I don't feel the need to hide who I really am on the web. (at least on GitP.:smallsmile:)

2007-12-31, 02:01 PM
I'm lying right now.

You can't tell me that's not deep :smalltongue:

2007-12-31, 02:02 PM
Well, about the confession I don't think it's sucha big deal, whereas I really can't see the point of you lying like that. Internet paranoia seems to have rooted itself in the minds of people (though I don't deny that the threat is real).

That said, I agree with Serpentine in the respect that I don't like being lied to. People lie and BS a lot in the internet, that's a secondary effect of the anonimity it allows. I think it brings the worst of some people, making them say and do things they wouldn't in real life.

I have some pride in the fact that I've never lied about myself in the internet and that those who know me from here know the real me as much as the people who know me in real life. I don't see the point otherwise. And I have to say that (maybe naively) I expect the same from others.

I do understand the risk that internet can mean for kids, the thing about internet predators and the dangers about revealing too much personal information, but one thing is having caution and something different is to lie to people just because you can.

2007-12-31, 02:17 PM
I have a confession to make as well .... Contrary to what I have said in the past, I've never cared for muffins.

Gods, it's such a relief to take that weight off my shoulders!

2007-12-31, 02:26 PM
I have a confession to make as well .... Contrary to what I have said in the past, I've never cared for muffins.

*narrows eyes in evil stare*

Edit: Also, thinking about it, I'm not sure I should be posting on a thread that's basically about internet lies considering my gender icon.

2007-12-31, 02:26 PM
And I'm not actually a glowy blue sword! *gasps*

I must admit, I have lied about my age on many signup forms, but everything in my profile here is true.

2007-12-31, 02:28 PM
I never properly trust any internet people (cause I don't know anyone too well) so lie to me if you want. I doesn't bother me...

2007-12-31, 02:43 PM
I agree, FDL, Serpentine, I would hate to lie on the internet, and be lied to. But on the other hand, my parents have instill a lot of paranoia about the internet that the media instills in them. And I have obscured some facts about myself in the past, I might be doing it now. But don't get me wrong, it's just something I do.

Some people have taught me that who you are is not often what people deem as who you are. Is it wrong?

I have a confession, I'm not really an anthropomorphized dog-girl. I'm just a girl that really likes dogs.

2007-12-31, 02:48 PM
On lying on the internet: for many, if you don't, you get persecuted.
This forum may be an exception, but, it's hard to break it if you already have been.
Especially if the persecution is both online and offline.

2007-12-31, 02:51 PM
And I'm not actually a glowy blue sword! *gasps*

I must admit, I have lied about my age on many signup forms, but everything in my profile here is true.

Yes, well I really am a statue of The Thinker who gained sentience and visits GiTP's forums.

2007-12-31, 03:07 PM
most americans secertly wish to be british

I disagree, we just want the power of the accent over the ladies, all the queen stuff and wacky food the English can keep.:smallwink:

Mc. Lovin'
2007-12-31, 03:08 PM
Originally, I was very rigid in the way I posted. Color had to be spelled colour. Always refer to it as football, not soccer. Say I had to Wikipedia G.I. Joe to know who he was. Stuff like that, to prove my “authenticity”. I even posted in the UKitp meetup thread, saying I’d love to come, but would be out of town during the meeting. It was all pretty theatrical, and hindsight tells me, stupid.

That is SO cool! seriously, to go that far is clever, I woulda never thought of it. Seriously you should be some kind of theif or somthing of the sort

EDIT: This could be a very clever way for an internet weirdo to get people to finally break their lies on the internet and FIND THEIR REAL LOCATION!

We're on to you "Raistlin1040" if that is your real username

2007-12-31, 03:08 PM
I don't lie on the internet, because I'm a trusting person, and I assume that no-one's going to want to hunt me down and do whatever (or even go to the effort or be able to, even if they did want to).

I don't usually like people lying to me, but I usually can understand it if it's for the sake of their own safety due to the fact that they don't know me that well. However, I'd rather people didn't say anything at all, rather than tell me a lie (it's not like I need to know someone's age, so if you don't want me to know you're X-years-old, don't tell me so, just don't tell me you're Y-years old instead)

Not sure what I was trying to say here. Well done Raistlin on learning to trust us, anyway :smallsmile:

2007-12-31, 03:17 PM
I tend to to lie a good deal, but i havent here. usually its only age, but still.

Also, i'm not actually the prinicapality from the book Good Omens. I just really like the name.

The Orange Zergling
2007-12-31, 03:28 PM
most americans secertly wish to be british

I want to move to Britain asap, does that count?

2007-12-31, 04:09 PM
I tend to lie on the Internet as well, but have mostly withdrawn from it here. Mostly.:smallwink: Upon beginning, I also got picky over "colour" vs. "color", but have decided it's worthless. (Hint: Alternate between the two, just to mock any such wierdos who would care) Oh, and I'm not in America, and still wish to be somewhere else. America, actually. It's like a circle of wishing to be somewhere else!

2007-12-31, 04:38 PM
I disagree, we just want the power of the accent over the ladies, all the queen stuff and wacky food the English can keep.:smallwink:

No we want everything about the English accept for the food (i mean who does) and the Island because we want the respect the English get (i have a southern accent and in my NY school people think i'm English and alway assume i'm smart. We also want the cultural nature of the English, even though we are a lot more like the Irish and the Germans in culture:smallsigh: but the English have cool accents
It is the secret american dream, become english with good food

Also, i feel so strange, i am pretty honest about who i am on this forum (i mean you could read all my posts and piece me together like a puzzle) except i'm not bald (yet)


2007-12-31, 05:19 PM
Bah. Until proven otherwise, I see you all as 21-year-old men/women (judging by your avatar and whether or not I think you're cross-gendering) living in Western USA that have absolutely no other interests or hobbies or commitments other than this forum.

Honestly, since we're all completely anonymous here (unless we get into meetups), I couldn't give a stuff about who you really are nor who you think I really am.

Confessions about such things are immaterial.

2007-12-31, 05:30 PM
No we want everything about the English accept for the food (i mean who does) and the Island because we want the respect the English get (i have a southern accent and in my NY school people think i'm English and alway assume i'm smart. We also want the cultural nature of the English, even though we are a lot more like the Irish and the Germans in culture:smallsigh: but the English have cool accents

What's not to like about stodgy food held together by grease? I mean, really

2007-12-31, 05:44 PM
What's not to like about stodgy food held together by grease? I mean, really

i don't have anything against it personally it is just my family, my friends, my stomach, my liver, my kidney, my throat, my taste buds, my eyes, my digestive system and my left foot have problems with the food:smallwink:

2007-12-31, 06:05 PM
Your comments on our food wound me. Each one feels like a dagger across my soul. :smallwink:

Seriously, if you've never had jam roly-poly and custard, you're missing out.

Until I went to America for the summer 2 years ago, I never realised that custard wasn't common over there. We mystified a few shop attendents with that request, I can tell you.

"Cus...tard? Is that a British food or something?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess so."

As to lying on the internet, I was fairly protected from the darker side of the internet until recently by a seriously over-active Parental Control programme. (Seriously. It blocked the Microsoft Online Help function. Presumably in case porn was involved. "F1! How dare you!") Now I am free, I don't lie, I just am careful with the info I give out.

2007-12-31, 06:09 PM
Bah. Until proven otherwise, I see you all as 21-year-old men/women (judging by your avatar and whether or not I think you're cross-gendering) living in Western USA that have absolutely no other interests or hobbies or commitments other than this forum.

Yup, pretty much my opinion on it. That's why the You thread shocked me so much. It really shouldn't have, I don't really know what I was thinking, but still...

I've always wished I was Irish. I look fairly Irish, and sometimes I tell people I am. I'm sure there are some Irish genes in my, they're just not as obvious in my family as me.

2007-12-31, 06:10 PM
^ I'm 1/8th Irish. I want to go there sometime.

2007-12-31, 06:18 PM
I kept telling me mum that I wanted to go there, and then she challenged me to come up with 5 places I wanted to go or things I wanted to do. I came up with them on the spot. It looks like a trip to England or Scotland is sometime in our medium future, and I hope we can make it over.
I actually can pass me of as a variety of ethnicities. I do it for fu with people I don't know too well. It helps to see how ignorant other people are what life is like in other people's shoes. So far I've pretended to be a German exchange student, an English person ( I had a truly terrible accent for that one), Filipino (people can be clueless), southern drawls, all sorts of fun stuff. I do usually tell the truth after I've got them believing me for a while.

2007-12-31, 06:49 PM
It is the secret american dream, become english with good food

And thusly speaks the people who deep fry Mars Bars. :smalltongue:

2007-12-31, 07:20 PM
I don't, and I find it disturbing how many people seem to be taking it for granted. That debacle with false accounts a while back already has me looking suspiciously at newcomers. Looks like I'm gonna have to start on the oldcomers, too :smallannoyed:

Hmmmm what is this debacle you speak of. I am unfamiliar with it.

@^ Sometimes we also fry twinkies too! :smalltongue:

2007-12-31, 07:32 PM
A bunch of the townies decided it would be fun to have multiple accounts (There was no rule against it back then), to be able to portray a lot of characters. Eventually, there were too many alts, and people could vote more than once in polls, so the mods just said enough.

At the time, some of the people with alts thought it would be fun to do what I did. Make up an alternate persona for their alt.

Midnight Son
2007-12-31, 09:30 PM
I have absolutely no desire to be British or have their accent. A good Aussie accent would be awesome, however. Chics dig a man with an Aussie accent.

2007-12-31, 09:54 PM
It's a fact of life, that. While you may not personally like it (and frankly, I don't either), it probably isn't going to change in this lifetime, unless the internet is completely overhauled. So we might as well get used to it, and make the best out of it.Common != okay. Alright, I haven't been on a lot of forums and I know this is a fairly unique one. Well then, if you're going to form any sort of a relationship with me beyond "just another poster", I want to know exactly who you are asap. Anything else is deception and unacceptable to me, and if you've been actively lying about something significant you'll most likely lose a good deal of my respect. There, that's my stance.

A bunch of the townies decided it would be fun to have multiple accounts (There was no rule against it back then), to be able to portray a lot of characters. Eventually, there were too many alts, and people could vote more than once in polls, so the mods just said enough.

At the time, some of the people with alts thought it would be fun to do what I did. Make up an alternate persona for their alt.
A different debacle, but I'm not sure how freely it can be talked about so I won't.

2007-12-31, 10:41 PM
I have absolutely no desire to be British or have their accent. A good Aussie accent would be awesome, however. Chics dig a man with an Aussie accent.

How did you find my weakness? :smallwink: Well that and guys that know how to fix computers...

What was the thread topic?

Oh, people pretending to be who their not. People do that on occasion. Sometimes it gets carried a little far. But good for you for letting us know you aren't who you said you were.

2007-12-31, 10:46 PM
And thusly speaks the people who deep fry Mars Bars. :smalltongue:
It is an attempt to make food that is more "Unique" than British food

Tried a deep fried Oreo once, five seconds after the first bite it is pure bliss.
Then the pain comes

^ I'm 1/8th Irish. I want to go there sometime.
Love Ireland,

I accually look very english or German (Blonde, blue eyes, Extremely pale skin, funny accent so i love those two countries

I have absolutely no desire to be British or have their accent. A good Aussie accent would be awesome, however. Chics dig a man with an Aussie accent.

ah but the assie accent is the bastard child of the English Accent, so it is still close enough (for the record, wanting an irish, scotish, or Welsh accent also counts)


One things that English people do make that tastes great is Tea, i hate coffee :smallyuk: love tea

2007-12-31, 11:11 PM
And thusly speaks the people who deep fry Mars Bars. :smalltongue:

Technically, its only the scots that do that

Remember folks, there more than one group of people in britain *says the welshman*

2007-12-31, 11:19 PM
Technically, its only the scots that do that

Remember folks, there more than one group of people in britain *says the welshman*

I confess to having a thing about Wales. :smalltongue: It has nothing to do with the accent...I have a Welsh name, largely Welsh heritage, and I feel like I should see something of the country. I'm trying to get my grandparents to take me there when I graduate from high school (seeing as they promised to give me a trip somewhere).

2007-12-31, 11:21 PM
I confess to having a thing about Wales. :smalltongue: It has nothing to do with the accent...I have a Welsh name, largely Welsh heritage, and I feel like I should see something of the country. I'm trying to get my grandparents to take me there when I graduate from high school (seeing as they promised to give me a trip somewhere).

Advice from your motherland: Bring an umbrella

2008-01-01, 12:42 AM
this may be a bit off topic at the moment, but your post just made me register so I could reply..:smallbiggrin: Nice posting anyway :)

EDIT: I've been hanging around for about a month or two as well:smallcool:

2008-01-01, 04:36 AM
Technically, its only the scots that do that.

Not even all the Scots. Mostly Glasgow, I think.
Never been to Scotland or Wales either. I've been to more places outside Europe than I have inside.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2008-01-01, 07:12 AM
But Death came here and didn't crack a joke, and so I assumed I was safe.

I send my Agents to represent me sometimes instead.

Where is that llama when you need him?

2008-01-01, 10:21 AM
People lie on the internet all the time. Of course, lieing is generally considered a bad thing, so no one likes coming out and saying that they are a liar. Considering that, I'd say that its cool that you are able to come clean, so to speak.

But, just FYI, take everything you hear on the internet with 10,000 grains of salt.

2008-01-01, 05:34 PM
Not even all the Scots. Mostly Glasgow, I think.
Never been to Scotland or Wales either. I've been to more places outside Europe than I have inside.

We deep fry everything in the states, marshmallows, oreos, M&M your name it, it gets deep fried.

2008-01-01, 06:57 PM
And thusly speaks the people who deep fry Mars Bars. :smalltongue:

You guys wouldn't know good food if it immigrated and started cooking delicious meals in your own country.

Oh, wait, they're called Indians.


2008-01-01, 07:23 PM
Now kids...lying on the internet may get you Sitkowned (http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98489&page=1)


2008-01-01, 08:52 PM
I have absolutely no desire to be British or have their accent.

You do, deep down inside...

A good Aussie accent would be awesome, however. Chics dig a man with an Aussie accent.

No we don't. French, maybe...

2008-01-01, 09:03 PM
And thusly speaks the people who deep fry Mars Bars. :smalltongue:

Oh no you didn't just diss fried mars bars!:smalltongue:

I tried one in new york, and it's amazing! It feels like your having cardiac arrest, but it tastes so good!!!!!!!

2008-01-01, 09:11 PM
I am very impressed; since you don't have your age nor your birthdate on your profile, it hadn't even occurred to me that you weren't an adult. I myself am 13 as of October 13th of... well, last year. :smalltongue: I joined when I was newly 12, and it's fun to sometimes look back at how the quality and depth of my posts have changed. People in Everquest (an online MMORPG) would never believe me when I typed to them at thirty words per minute that I was six years old, so I suppose that makes us kindred spirits in some sense.

But I digress: at least in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with revealing your age online to a welcoming community such as this one, as long as you don't give away too much personal information. I have no intentions of giving anyone online my last name, my area code, or the city I live in, but I don't feel that any online pedophile is going to find me based on the fact that I'm a 13-year old from Southern California named Nick.

By the way, your older British persona certainly had me fooled, and I don't care that you lied. I mean, I dislike lying, but it IS the internet, after all. I both admire and respect the fact that you came clean as well as how effectively you kept up the disguise. (I mean, inserting a "u" into color and favorite? Calling soccer "football"? Posting in the "UK Meetup" thread? I never would have guessed. :smalltongue:) I look forward to seeing more of the real you.

2008-01-01, 09:26 PM
That's... quite a tale. I was also guilty of it once, and to a far greater degree, so I can completely understand why you wanted to 'be' someone older.

However, I put that behind me when I was fourteen. I figured out that, regardless of how well-liked the deception was, the people with which I was posting would probably think the same of me whether or not I was covering up how young I really was.

It was on a pretty small scale, to be sure; by the time I decided to blow my cover, there were only about four regular posters aside from myself and the moderators had completely abandoned the place.

But regardless of the reasons we started, which are definitely parallel, we seem to have stopped for very different reasons. Rather than the material and logistic difficulties presented to you by your situation, I simply could no longer stand being dishonest with the people that had come to call me their friend, and I was beginning to realize that regularly trying to make myself into a different person, and even to begin developing and cultivating this person as a separate person, was very unhealthy.

That was four years ago. Since then, I have not lied about myself on a forum in even a small way. Way I figure, I go out there warts and all and they take it or leave it, no skin off my nose. Some ex-alcoholics know good and well that they can't have even a single drink or they will fall back into the depths of their addiction. I know good and well that I am a crazy person. If I let myself starting framing myself up as someone else, even in just a minuscule way, it will get too out of hand to reverse or even control. It's just not worth it.

I am glad to hear you've decided to cease the charade. You'll probably come to find that people will not really treat you any differently at all; you may not be British, but I sincerely doubt that you would or could fake what you're really like regardless of whom you are claiming to be, and the 'new' you probably won't seem all that new and unfamiliar at all.

2008-01-01, 09:41 PM
You do, deep down inside...

Scorpina knows all

No we don't. French, maybe...
Really? I should not have dropped french

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-01-01, 10:08 PM
I send my Agents to represent me sometimes instead.

Where is that llama when you need him?

You called, Boss? I was looking for him, but your papers have him as living in England still. You may want to update this info. We can't reap them if we can't find them.

Archonic Energy
2008-01-02, 05:41 AM
I disagree, we just want the power of the accent over the ladies, all the queen stuff and wacky food the English can keep.:smallwink:

my Accent has Power?

*runs to america*

2008-01-02, 08:46 AM
Common != okay. Alright, I haven't been on a lot of forums and I know this is a fairly unique one. Well then, if you're going to form any sort of a relationship with me beyond "just another poster", I want to know exactly who you are asap. Anything else is deception and unacceptable to me, and if you've been actively lying about something significant you'll most likely lose a good deal of my respect. There, that's my stance.

Just to clear up: I have never said that i was, in fact lying on any forum whatsoever, or that I think it is nice to do so. I simply said that regardless of our preferences lying on the internet appears to be a fact of life, and we should therefore get used to it.

I agree that lying on the internet is not particularly commendable, but I can understand the reasons why people do it, and I also understand that it is being carried out with great regularity. Which is why I was so surprised to see someone actually ashamed about lying on the internet. It's just...well, it's somewhat similiar to my reaction when I found out that some of my acquaintances actually unfolded milks cartons, dried them and stamped them flat before stacking them neatly in the recycle bin. It's not exactly a bad thing, but it's just.. strange.

Lord Iames Osari
2008-01-02, 08:53 AM
Don't worry, I sometimes pretend I'm a 17 year old male.

It's to keep people away from guessing I'm an anthropomorphic personification.

((And whats wrong with spelling "colour" the correct way! Poor little U, crying itself to sleep in the American Language.))

Bah. Stupid letter "u," sneaking into good strong Latin words like honor and armor and arbor... :smalltongue:

2008-01-02, 08:56 AM
Just to clear up: I have never said that i was, in fact lying on any forum whatsoever, or that I think it is nice to do so. I simply said that regardless of our preferences lying on the internet appears to be a fact of life, and we should therefore get used to it.*sigh* My general "you" strikes again... Sorry, I wasn't specifically talking about you, I meant... "you", the general reader of that post.

2008-01-02, 09:05 AM
*sigh* My general "you" strikes again... Sorry, I wasn't specifically talking about you, I meant... "you", the general reader of that post.

No worries. Misunderstandings happen all the time, whether they persist is the more important thing.:smallsmile:

Now, to talk about my own personal viewpoint, I have already expressed my belief that lying on the internet is a continuing trend, but one that I ultimately do not support. Of course, that deosn't mean we should remain ignorant about it.

Hmm.. on another note, I sometimes find that on the internet, I talk and behave differently than from how I behave in real life. I'm a lot more gregarious and outgoing, for one. How does this stack up with "lying"? Does the presentation of a different aspect of your personality constitute deception?

2008-01-02, 01:21 PM
I both admire and respect the fact that you came clean as well as how effectively you kept up the disguise. (I mean, inserting a "u" into color and favorite? Calling soccer "football"? Posting in the "UK Meetup" thread? I never would have guessed. :smalltongue:) I look forward to seeing more of the real you.

(To the OP): I think those were kinda stupid things to make. I mean, it's not like anyone would think twice or investigate you wanting to blow your cover. I'm sorry to say this, but that part of the whole thing I see as a little immature, and is what aggravates it as a lie. In any case, well, don't feel bad cause I really don't care whether you're British or American or from Iceland.

Hmm.. on another note, I sometimes find that on the internet, I talk and behave differently than from how I behave in real life. I'm a lot more gregarious and outgoing, for one. How does this stack up with "lying"? Does the presentation of a different aspect of your personality constitute deception?

No, you're not lying there, you're not voluntarily saying something that isn't true. You're just doing as you feel, you can perfectly be different in the net and IRL.

And just a little clarification, that arose some days ago. I don't condemn the fact that people might have reasons to hide facts or change them because they feel they have too, in cases of discrimination and persecution, or even with issues of self-perception. I think there can be exceptions, while I still think lying and unsincerity in general is bad.

2008-01-02, 02:09 PM
Trog's a troglodyte. That's Trog's story and Trog's sticking to it. Trog sent that human to the meetups in Trog's stead. He lied too. He's actually shorter.

On an unrelated note:

According to the DnD Races and Classes preview book:
"Some humanoids, most notably gnolls and troglodytes, received a significant increase in power (in 4th Edition)."

BOO-YAH! :smallamused:

EDITY: @V Yup. It's now one of the standard classes. They sound pretty nasty.

2008-01-02, 02:12 PM
Trog, do Warlocks exist in 4e? If so, I really deserve a power boost I mean, admittedly I kick ass on occasions, but in others I'm lacking...

FdL does have a point Mr.OP. It shouldn't matter what pretence you were keeping up. You seemed like a nice guy, and we were all good with that. As long as you keep it that way, we're going to continue liking you. :smile:

2008-01-02, 05:00 PM
Americans are not supposed to have the "u" in colour?

Wow... I've been doing it wrong all this time
No wonder I failed my English test...

2008-01-02, 09:23 PM
my Accent has Power?

You have no idea

Midnight Son
2008-01-02, 09:48 PM
You do, deep down inside...Since I very much doubt that you would, in any way, be impressed by my British accent, I'll have to go with something else...

No we don't. French, maybe...Well, there we have it. My French accent is a bit rusty, but I can make with the Pepe Le Pew any time

"Pretty good, eh? For a growing boy, that is. Because, my darling, I am a boy and I am growing fonder of you every day!"


Vespe Ratavo
2008-01-02, 11:18 PM
I signed up when I was twelve, and I'll be fourteen next month. Never lied about it, but then again I wasn't particularly shouting it out.

That's why I like these forums. No discrimination on any basis. Except maybe spamming or being a jerk. :smallbiggrin:

And of course, I'm up for Rock Band any time. :smallwink:

2008-01-03, 12:27 AM
my Accent has Power?

*runs to america*

Well I hear it works in reverse to some extent. But yea American women love European accents with a special like of English, French and Italian. I can't be sure of what english accents are especially liked as I know there are accents based on different Island, Nation, Kingdoms, cites or what ever you divide you selfs up by I can't keep track.

2008-01-03, 12:34 AM
I can't be sure of what english accents are especially liked as I know there are accents based on different Island, Nation, Kingdoms, cites or what ever you divide you selfs up by I can't keep track.... :smallconfused:
Shires? England is its own nation... Hm. Is England the kingdom (queendom at the moment?) or is Britain?

2008-01-03, 08:02 AM
... :smallconfused:
Shires? England is its own nation... Hm. Is England the kingdom (queendom at the moment?) or is Britain?

Britain sorry. It hard to keep its strait if your in the U.S. we really can't figure the 4 kingdom thing out. U.K. England Britain same thing to most of us. See now if you all spoke different languages we might remember but you all speak English and we normally think of Britain as England classically so if your on that island nation we tend to think of you as English. I'm not saying its right, its just how it is.

Your Ignorant American,

Archonic Energy
2008-01-03, 08:29 AM
Well I hear it works in reverse to some extent. But yea American women love European accents with a special like of English, French and Italian. I can't be sure of what english accents are especially liked as I know there are accents based on different Island, Nation, Kingdoms, cites or what ever you divide you selfs up by I can't keep track.

i wonder how quickly they'd tire of someone constantly speaking in Cockney rhyming slang... :smallamused:

and i don't see many ladies over here swooning at american accents... not that there aren't any.

anyway i think a trip to New York should be made post-haste.

2008-01-03, 08:44 AM
... :smallconfused:
Shires? England is its own nation... Hm. Is England the kingdom (queendom at the moment?) or is Britain?

The United Kingdom is the kingdom. Britain does not (I believe) include Northern Ireland. The UK is split into Countries and Counties. The Countries are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. SOME of the counties are Shires Worcestershire, Yorkshire for instance, but others are not, Devon and Greater Manchester for example.

2008-01-03, 08:56 AM
The United Kingdom is the kingdom.Well duh >.<
I think I'll stick with Australia's states (and territories) and... regions or whatever we call them. I've gone blank. The something of New England... I forget.

2008-01-03, 09:35 AM
Now kids...lying on the internet may get you Sitkowned (http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98489&page=1)


Few things are more joyous than a moderator with IP tracking powers and the willingness to use them for the forces of Good. To paraphrase another board I can't link to directly, "Dear [original poster complaining about breaking up], [newbie trying to discredit you] is posting from the IP you've been using for the past few months. I'd be wary of your ex trying to get back at you, if I were you."

On the flip side, few things are less joyous than a poster on a board which agrees to the falsity of the Internet using reality's information for the forces of Evil (under the guise of Truth, or Law, or Holier-than-Thou). What Raistlin did here, revealing his own truth before anyone else does, is the best defense against that. Defense after the fact relies on how much of a jerk the revealer is vs. how desperate the need to get come-uppance on the revealed vs. taking the spear with grace vs. single shot vs. ongoing war.