View Full Version : 2008 Predictions

2007-12-31, 01:24 AM
Think you know what will happen in 08? Ladies and Gentlemen, step right up!

If Apple stops pumping out iPods, I think they will make a gaming system. It will link up with iMacs and iPods to play media on your TV, as well as games. Depending on the price, the hardware, the game licenses they get, and how well it plays media, It could get off the ground. Very possible that it will go the way of the PS3 though.

2007-12-31, 01:25 AM
Think you know what will happen in 08? Ladies and Gentlemen, step right up!

If Apple stops pumping out iPods, I think they will make a gaming system. It will link up with iMacs and iPods to play media on your TV, as well as games. Depending on the price, the hardware, the game licenses they get, and how well it plays media, It could get off the ground. Very possible that it will go the way of the PS3 though.

I don't know...Apple's not too keen on invading new areas of electronics unless it's sure it can do very well.

The iPhone is bit of an exception, but even that relied upon the old power of the iPod to carry its sales.

2007-12-31, 01:51 AM
Spore will come out!


2007-12-31, 02:46 AM
Obviously, there will be an election in the United States. My guess: it'll be, once again, a divisive year, with Republicans and Democrats calling each other all the manner of epithets. I'm holding out for a more moderate candidate, but that's unlikely, given the political spectrum. I can't make too much of a judgment until the caucuses in Iowa are finished. I would say the Democrats have the advantage, here, but with an economic crisis, the conservative vote might be somewhat more influenced. It's hard to promote universal heathcare with such an unsure market.

What else? College admissions! It's going to be shattering. Some of my close friends are going to get into their dream schools, and others will not. It'll be tragic.

On a global level? I can see the subprime mortgage crisis rolling over into the new year, and continuing to mess everything up for a while. I don't think the general economy is going to hit a recession, though, but it's not going to be like the last few years. The U.S. propensity to spend during times of economic upset is going to hold the market up--the aggregate supply curve, and all that nonsense. In any case, I can definitely see the inflation levels rising in the U.S. (both due to the lowering in value of the USD and the continued lowering of the interest rates the Fed is deadset on making).

Hmm...I'm guessing the elections in Pakistan will either be completely fraudulent or somehow cause a civil war. With the death of Bhutto, the electoral process is much more one-sided.

I believe that A Dance with Dragons will finally be published, after all of these years. Maybe I'm just being optimistic.

There will be at least one catastrophic event that involves the deaths and/or evacuation of a substantial amount of people who happen to live in Southeast Asia, probably Indonesia or India. This will be completely ignored by the American people, who are all to busy watching the latest celebrity show. (On that note, I think that Southern California will at least have two major fires). Hurricanes will probably strike, but I don't think they're going to be Katina-level. I just get that vibe.

At the Macworld Expo, I think Jobs is going to announce the end of the Mac Mini. Maybe a new Mac Nano will rise to make it's place.

I'm out of ideas.

2007-12-31, 02:52 AM
Ahh! My thread!

You do know politics are a no-no here, right?

2007-12-31, 02:58 AM
Giant space potatoes will rule the earth, and everyone will begin wearing shoes on their ears by mid-July.

... Oh, wait, that's the prediction for 2080. Nevermind. >.>

2007-12-31, 03:04 AM
Ahh! My thread!
They should really have "forum first aid" classes somewhere on the interwebs :smallsmile:

So, what 2008 holds... Euro 2008 is what I am waiting for. Still cannot believe Russia made it past England. For that, thank you, Croatia for saving Russian team! After victory over England, Russians did their best to screw up, lost to Israel and barely won against Andorra... And still Russia is in Euro 2008, go figure :smallbiggrin:

Giant space potatoes will rule the earth, and everyone will begin wearing shoes on their ears by mid-July.

... Oh, wait, that's the prediction for 2080. Nevermind. >.>
Stop informing the ones in darkness! They must be kept oblivious so that we, the enlightened, may shine when Day of Cleansing comes!

2007-12-31, 03:09 AM
The Second Coming Of 500ft Jesus?
The Return Of Gozilla?
Huckleberry Finn will be brought back from the dead?
I'll actually get a PS3? (yeah... like that'll happen)
One huge huge boost to Portal will be released and it will start to be worshipped by all.

The Extinguisher
2007-12-31, 03:40 AM
Real Life Portals.
We can only hope. We should whip Valve harder.

Moving on: Ohmm...

In January a song will be released from a new band that will stay in our hearts forever. Unfortunatly, the band will soon break up in early March.

In February there will be an airplane crash into the North Atlantic. Fortunatly, the only thing on it will be a shippment of assorted citrus fruits. Unfortunately, this will ruin the citrus market, and the sales of orange juice will drop drastically.

At the end of March, there will be a big virus scare that will result in many people spending April inside. Thawing snow will cause mass fence damage across the world.

In May, the broken fences cause cattle to roam free, damaging many farms. Unable to afford upkeep, they are closed down and the farmers are left to search for new jobs.

June will see a joint treaty between every country abolishing the month to extend July and August even longer. This will later be apealed by the Southern Hemisphere to no avail.

Due to the lack of citrus, scurvy rates increase in July. A speciality hospital is set up in New Mexico. Many people take this as a sign that the age of Pirates is back. Piracy rates increase on the net and in major rivers across the globe.

The amount of money spent to combat Scurvy and fence-damage comes back to haunt everyone in August. There are major cutbacks in the Police Force, and many former police officers take up piracy.

The pirates refuse to pay taxes, and so the government must find more money. In September, they begin to tax the heck out of everyone else. A crackdown is attempted, but the lack of police force causes it to peter out.

Freezing rivers in November leads the pirates to migrate south. High density of New Mexican pirates causes their natural food to die out, and thus the pirates begin to die off. Pirates go into hiding and promise to be back in spring.

In Decemeber, the people lead a revolt against the government for the high taxes and succeed. All promises of the new government get broken within a week. The people rebel again and put the old guys back in charge. Everyone is happy.


That's my prediction for 2008.

Archonic Energy
2007-12-31, 07:02 AM
Spore will come out!


followed by Duke Nukem Forever.

heh :smallamused:

2007-12-31, 08:09 AM
followed by Duke Nukem Forever.

heh :smallamused:

Didn't they release a trailer for that actually?
My God, if it did come out, and Spore did, what would we make fun of?

Emperor Ing
2007-12-31, 08:15 AM
list of things to look forward to
Star Wars Force Unleashed
My Birthday, naturally
1st Anniversary of when I joined GITP
The unleashing of my ABR backstory comic

2007-12-31, 08:26 AM
That's my prediction for 2008.

Hm... seems a tad bit unlikely.

2008 will of course be a very good year for Khorne.

Homeopathy will officially replace normal medical science, then a massive plague that everyone knew was coming will kill 60% of the population.

The Iron Man film will do better at the Box office than the Batman one.

Rainforest destruction will be banned completely except in countries that actually have rainforests.

and just for a laugh I'll say that Duke Nukem Forever comes out before Spore but sucks anyway.

2007-12-31, 11:05 AM
the good guys win.

2007-12-31, 11:26 AM
Anime will gain greater prominence. With the continuing advent of the Writer's Strike (which doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon), bored Americans all over America shall reach over to the TV remote, and find that they have no choice but to watch Code Geass Season 2 and Full Metal Panic III,

And they will like it.

2007-12-31, 12:15 PM
My prediction for 2008:

My bank account will decrease by about $90 sometime in June.
The number of "Wizard vs. Monk" threads will steadily be overshadowed by the "3.x vs 4e" threads.

Archonic Energy
2007-12-31, 12:28 PM
My God, if it did come out, and Spore did, what would we make fun of?



Cat Muffins. :smallwink:

2007-12-31, 12:45 PM
Fire. Fire reigns from the sky and puts the people on a new leash. They think it's longer, but it's actually retractable.

Water flows, and droughts are sated with vengeance. It rips through the lands and brings many people and places with it.

Air offers new convinces, few people care. A storm brews; have we learned from our last one?

Earth will split, shake and shutter, and those that thought they knew her most will feel betrayed.

People find solace in a new, up-in coming religion; or do they? People who follow that religion offer little exploration in faith, and only see beliefs. Dictated beliefs causes them to falter in faith, and turn to other aspects of culture to assure them.

Culture and customs continue to offer nothing new, that is until late in the year, a little known band releases a little known song, and though it is new and great, few people actually care. In the next year, when the band is conflicted by their lack of success, their song actually will be listened to and enjoyed by most. Will it be too late?

Who once was our enemy remains our enemy.

2007-12-31, 01:08 PM
Well, lessee, time to whip out the old book o' prophecies

A heathen god will rise from the sea, and form a chain of largely unsuccessful strip malls

The leaders of the entire world will realize what asses they have been and will declare world peace. Soon after every one will be removed from office by an enraged and blood thirsty populace.

Axel Rose will release his latest album. It will be the soundtrack for Spore.

Robots, and lots of 'em. And not the sissy little one foot discs that vacuum. We're talking 200 ft. tall death monsters armed with various futuristic force beams. "Why?", you might ask? Well, we at the DoD prefer to ask "why not?".

Due to a large shipment of defective calenders, May 14th will not occur. Bugsysservant will be sad when he misses his birthday.

Aliens will contact Earth for the first time, but only to ask for directions and to see if we "have a light"

And that's about it. If any of these don't occur, you just weren't paying close enough attention. Jerk.

2007-12-31, 03:33 PM
the world will end:biggrin: and i feel fine

2007-12-31, 03:38 PM
I will eat food and breathe, OH OH and drive, and curse out my boss in ym head, hooray for 08! :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-31, 03:56 PM
Explosions. Lots of 'em.


2007-12-31, 05:33 PM
(regarding Apple entering the game console market)
I don't know...Apple's not too keen on invading new areas of electronics unless it's sure it can do very well.Not to mention that Apple Inc has historically been apathetic toward the gaming market. That, and the market is already saturated with the current consoles.

Oh, and predictions for 2008? Hmm, lesee:

Duke Nukem Forever will be panned in reviews and not do terribly well.
The second Friday in June will be a Friday the 13th.
Miko will not return, but threads about her will continue ad nauseum.
Roy will be Resurrected.
Everyone will get a year older.
I will eventually get beyond being a Pixie in the Playground.

-- Dave

2007-12-31, 05:51 PM
A Small Selection:

- Series 22 of Never Mind the Buzzcocks will come out, as will Series 2 of Torchwood, and series 4 of the new generation Doctor Who

- The new Star Trek film will be released, starring Leonard Nimoy, Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, and more.

- Virtual reality games will begin to be developed by both Japanese and American companies.

- Spanish will begin to reach American-English as the first language of the population of the United States of America.

- I might get a new boyfriend? (Please?!)

Mc. Lovin'
2007-12-31, 06:39 PM
- My luck will be GREAT as usual ~ :smallbiggrin:
- GCSE's will be passed, college will be attended
- A lot more things will go right

Rare Pink Leech
2007-12-31, 11:31 PM
2008 will last longer than 2007.




What? It's a leap year.

2007-12-31, 11:55 PM
The stars will be right and we shall travel to R'lyeh and the old ones will come again!

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

2008-01-01, 12:47 AM
Here's hoping for the Phantom!

Raistlin, as long as I'm on the earth, it's a given.

2008 will be ''freakin' awesome''