View Full Version : Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic

2008-01-02, 03:06 PM
Hey all,

How many people remember this gem of a game? Well, I was bored recently so I started playing it again. I started my character off as a scoundrel and then went into guardian. Things are moving along pretty well, and then I found the HK droid. I was planning on using him to fulfill the skills gap in my current party setup, and as I was interacting with him I got to the part where you can use repair to unlock secrets within him.

Of course, my character doesn't have the repair skill, so I can't. However, the quest log says something about finding someone with the appropriate repair skill. Can you find someone in game or somehow have one of your other characters repair him? I can't seem to get it to work.

Anyone know?

Darken Rahl
2008-01-02, 03:56 PM
Isn't the little droid good at repairing things? If not, level him up to become good at repair.

2008-01-02, 03:57 PM
Nope, it's gotta be the PC. You need 17 base ranks in Repair to restore him to complete functionality.

2008-01-02, 04:29 PM
Totally worth it, one should add, because of the stories he tells :smallbiggrin:

You can also watch these at youtube, though.

Midnight Son
2008-01-02, 10:11 PM
That was my first character in KOTOR as well. When I realized I couldn't repair him, I just had to make a scout for the sole purpose of finding out what he can do. All I can say is that HK's stories and dialog are the most entertaining part of the game. Plus, if you're evil, he makes a good companion in the endgame.

2008-01-03, 07:57 AM
I think I cheated to get that 17 repair (not on my original playthrough where I never got all his upgrades) at least once. I reduced some other skill though.

Sir Enigma
2008-01-04, 10:19 AM
I also cheated in the necessary repair skills, so I could hear the stories. I never really found HK47 worth using even after the upgrades though - he doesn't have enough feats, blaster rifles aren't that great and he can't be healed by Force Healing; I preferred either the Jedi characters, Carth or Canderous as my companions.

2008-01-04, 10:25 AM
As Sir_Enigma says, he's not the most optimal character combat-wise, but he does shine in the fight- ah, I'll have to spoiler this one. The second ambush.

Against Darth Bandon, since his stupid Life Drain Evil Soul Suck Horror Pentagram Lightning Storm does nothing against droids. Bring the utility droid as well and they'll alternate between flamethrowering him into a crisp and shooting him into a fine bloody mist.

2008-01-04, 11:22 AM
Ah, KotOR. I'd play it through again more if the beginning of the game wasn't so long-winded and boring second time through Taris. My first character was a Soldier/Guardian, very fun. Light side, of course. Everyone I know who's played the game says "I'm going to be Dark Side, *accompanying deep throaty breathing*" and ends up being Light Side because they couldn't stomach the evil choices. Well, after a second playthrough, that all changes.... :smallamused:

Yeah, HK is pants in combat. I don't feel guilty for making him spill his life story on the Ebon Hawk and never putting him into combat, he's probably better at keeping everyone ship-shape on the Ebon Hawk anyway.

"Threat: Get back to work, before I rip you a proverbial new behind."

2008-01-04, 12:11 PM
I'm on my third play through. It's been about 2-3 years since I last played it, but I had a craving to play it after playing Mass Effect.

I played as a scout (previously I played as a scoundrel) only so I could get my repair high enough to talk to HK-47. The stories aren't quite as outlandish as the Black Whirlwind's in Jade Empire, but still hilarious.

It still is a great game with interesting characters and fun missions.

Flying Elephant
2008-01-04, 03:00 PM
On the Xbox, is it normal to only get bonus skill points for INT at character creation? That kind of takes some of the fun out of playing a scoundrel...

2008-01-04, 05:56 PM
I never really found HK47 worth using even after the upgrades though

I don't know what you're talking about, but HK-47 is a very good back-up combatant for a Counselor/Scoundrel. Ignore blaster rifles as they do suck horrifically. Give him the Two-Weapon Fighting tree and dual wield Cassus Fett's Blaster and a Mandalorian Heavy Blaster. Give him the rapid-fire feat(it's name escapes me at the moment).

With Master Speed he attacks seven times, each one forcing a Fort Save (DC 22) or stun.

2008-01-04, 07:14 PM
On the Xbox, is it normal to only get bonus skill points for INT at character creation? That kind of takes some of the fun out of playing a scoundrel...

You do get the Int bonus all the time, but the formula is really screwed up compared to sane d20. Basically KotOR halves how many skill points you're supposed to get.

2008-01-05, 10:25 AM
Seriously the skill system sucks in the first game. However in the second game all skills are useful at almost all times.

2008-01-05, 01:04 PM
In the second game, however, Force rules so hard it's not even funny. Force Wave got me through every fight of the game from about midpoint onwards. Even Sion had to bow to my leet combination of compassion and the Force.

That is, until the final battle, where I started utter sucking as the baddie out-Forced me, forcing me to whip out my lightsaber. And then she whipped out her bloody lightsabers.

And then there's the plot. Seriously, I couldn't make heads or tails of it. What does "Wound in the Force" actually mean, anyway? For someone who has deafened herself to the Force, the Exile was pretty damn good at throwing people around. Just how often can someone crash a spaceship in such a convenient location?

Ohh, and Nihilus, what a schmuck. Idiot tries to slurp down the Exile, cripples himself and then gets slapped across his own command deck. Pardon me for expecting something more from a guy whose speech killed a planet. And worst of all, sithy sithy doom man doesn't even have a single line, despite being such a visible antagonist.

Ugh. Maybe I should play it again some day, just to see if my memories are merely coloured by the frustrating end battle.

2008-01-05, 01:18 PM
I've been hearing all these things about cheats for this game and was wondering where to get them and how to use them. because I've gotten to the point at playing this that i can minimize how many non jedi levels my character has but would like to know if anyone has ever found a mod that lets you rebuild your character mid game Such as transfering levels.
I did see this once and it was called the cloning tank or something but i cant remember.

2008-01-05, 01:18 PM
I've been hearing all these things about cheats for this game and was wondering where to get them and how to use them. because I've gotten to the point at playing this that i can minimize how many non jedi levels my character has but would like to know if anyone has ever found a mod that lets you rebuild your character mid game Such as transfering levels.
I did see this once and it was called the cloning tank or something but i cant remember.

2008-01-05, 01:19 PM
I've been hearing all these things about cheats for this game and was wondering where to get them and how to use them. because I've gotten to the point at playing this that i can minimize how many non jedi levels my character has but would like to know if anyone has ever found a mod that lets you rebuild your character mid game Such as transfering levels.
I did see this once and it was called the cloning tank or something but i cant remember.

2008-01-05, 02:19 PM
Ugh. Maybe I should play it again some day, just to see if my memories are merely coloured by the frustrating end battle.

Exile activates death-weapon. The deaths of so many people echoing through the Force soul-crushed any Jedi nearby. Exile feels this. He immediately cuts himself off from the Force to save himself. But the Force flows from all living things, so the Exile still feels the Force but cannot use it. The Exile returns to the Council. Council pisses themselves in fear. Exile gets exiled(dur!). Exile goes without the Force for some time.

Exile returns to Republic space. The Force coming from the Exile tries to make connections with other individuals. It succeeds, but it doesn't work like a normal connection. Instead the connection is reversed, where the Force drains to the Exile. Anyone the Exile meets makes the Exile more powerful. Sith piss themselves. Sith attempt to assassinate the Exile. Game begins.

2008-01-05, 02:29 PM
And then there's the plot.

Wookieepedia helps a lot with the plot of KotOR2. It's unfortunate that it is needed...but Lucasarts made Obsidian release that game only 60% done. The KotOR2 Restoration project is going along nicely, though. I look forward to playing the game mostly done, thanks to fan love pulling the missing material off the CDs and rebuilding it.

2008-01-05, 03:04 PM
I too will replay the second game when it is actually *finished*. Sadly, I still have to get around to playing the first one.

2008-01-05, 03:37 PM
ZeroNumerous, a nit I must pick: The Exile is canonically female.

2008-01-05, 04:11 PM
Nihilus wasn't such a bad boss fight. I mean, sure, he didn't exactly take the longest time to kill. In fact, he only took me like three minutes. But, the point remains. First, he was super tall. That was scary. And second, he did something like 200 damage with each blow. If I hadn't been such an unstoppable engine of death who was also willing to put my best friends directly in front of him while I sliced him up, I'd have lost. Well, maybe. Also there was that captain dude from Onderon on his ship who had such ludicrous damage reduction that I only did one or two points of damage with each attack. That was a long fight.

Sion and Darth Traya were easy, though.

Paragon Badger
2008-01-05, 05:36 PM
ZeroNumerous, a nit I must pick: The Exile is canonically female.

On the same note, Mical's contributions to the story are weaker than Brianna's. He's not even a real character. :smalltongue: They just added him late in the production. Hehe.

Furthermore, With the background of the sequel, KOTOR I's Darkside ending makes more sense and is generally more sound than the Lightside ending. But then there's the whole lame Deux-ex-machina excuse for getting Revan out of picture...

The canon is weak! Only the strong of plot should survive!

Male Darkside Revan-Male Lightside Exile
Amnesiatic Revan rediscovers his true identidy, Bastila is captured. At the crutial moment, Revan decides the seize the Republic by the balls when he has the chance. They return to Korriban, but for some LAME Deux-Ex-Machina 'Both ending savvy' reason, Revan leaves to fight 'True Sith', leaving the near-defeated Republic AND self-destructive Sith Empire in dissaray. The main Dark Jedi element shifts from Korriban to Malachor V, and becomes more stealthy.

Years later, Revan's overt warfare has brought the Republic to its knees, and the Sith's covert warfare (along with the Republic's own decay) causes much of the galaxy to enter a dark age, the Republic will collapse in a few months. The exile returns to space via Atris' machinations, discovers the lost Jedi, trains all of them in the force, including Brianna. Kreia kills the Jedi Masters, and tells Brianna that she killed the Exile as well. Brianna, believing that the Sith have revealed themselves in the form of Kreia, brings her as a prisoner to Atris. The exile returns to Atris, to search for Kreia. Atris reveals Kreia's location in Trayus Academy. Nihilus show up, tipped off by Kreia's bluff that a host of Jedi were hiding on Telos. Exile deals with Nihilus. Exile deals with Sion. Exile deals with Traya. Exile departs known space, the 'Lost Jedi' recreate the Jedi Order from the brink of annihilation, thus giving us a reason for their existence in the later timeline.

Anygender Lightside Revan-Anygender Lightside Exile
Revan helps the Republic overthrow Malak, the Sith Empire is defeated, survivors retreat to Malachor V. Despite winning the war, the Republic is somehow crippled enough that it will completely collapse in a few months. Revan unwisely/uncharacteristically leaves. Exile returns to space, ect. Jedi Order is revived.

Anygender anyside Revan-Anygender Darkside Exile
Same as before, except the Jedi Order is wiped out and the Exile trains Sith. Oops, the movies never happen. :smallwink: (Unless someone revives the Jedi order sometime in the next 3000 years)

My point is, at the start of the second game, the Republic's CRIPPLED. Like, post WWI-Germany crippled. It seems far more believable to me that the Republic was nearly destroyed in the Jedi Civil War, but the Sith stopped fighting the republic and turned on eachother. Rather than the alternative, which the Republic manages to destroy the overt Sith forces but still is crippled in the end.

Stable story structure > Canon. :smalltongue:

2008-01-06, 02:21 AM
And second, he did something like 200 damage with each blow.

You actually got hit? Wow. Thats.. Thats amazing.

But more on topic. I hated how hard it was to kill the main bosses as a true Sith would. Sure, Traya goes down quick to Force Kill, but Nihilus and Sion almost never succumb to it.

2008-01-06, 05:18 AM
But more on topic. I hated how hard it was to kill the main bosses as a true Sith would. Sure, Traya goes down quick to Force Kill, but Nihilus and Sion almost never succumb to it.

Use Force Crush. They can make their save but you can still spam it until they're dead.

2008-01-06, 06:05 AM
Force Crush annoyed me incredibly.
There were all these videos of the exile force crushing people while fighting their way up to the palace on Onderon, then you don't even get the bloody power until you've finished most the game, at which point my Sith Lord was so powerful Force Crush removed all challange. Apart from Traya. She was surprisingly difficult then.
It also didn't help that the Sith Mauruder power was the only good Prestige power for the Dark Side, so my Sith Lord felt like any regular Jedi instead of some super powerful Sith Lord.
Plus, there's the fact you got Force Crush, even if you hadn't learnt any of the Wound force power line.

2008-01-06, 08:49 AM
You actually got hit? Wow. Thats.. Thats amazing.

Well, yes, but I was so focused on offensive power that nobody had even been able to touch me up until that point in the game because they died faster than they could attack. He did miss once, I think.

2008-01-07, 03:17 PM
I actually have a tech question.

I reinstalled the first one yesterday and i was happily cruising through Taris and when the time came to enter the lower lower level it got to the loading screen for the elevator and it just stopped loading. and I dont know why because it was working all through out the other parts of the game. So my question is Could that be a problem that a patch would fix or would it be my computer?

2008-01-07, 03:33 PM
Force Crush annoyed me incredibly.
There were all these videos of the exile force crushing people while fighting their way up to the palace on Onderon, then you don't even get the bloody power until you've finished most the game, at which point my Sith Lord was so powerful Force Crush removed all challange. Apart from Traya. She was surprisingly difficult then.
It also didn't help that the Sith Mauruder power was the only good Prestige power for the Dark Side, so my Sith Lord felt like any regular Jedi instead of some super powerful Sith Lord.
Plus, there's the fact you got Force Crush, even if you hadn't learnt any of the Wound force power line.

That's such a waste. Easiest time ever for me was to go all out on Force Lightning and Force Wave. Just Force Wave them, then as they're getting up, Force Lightning them for the kill. If they're not knocked down or stunned by then, they're either dead or near to it. Then I went in with TWF Weapon Finessed Lightsabers to finish them off. Or if they even manage to touch you, go for full out Mass Drain Life and you heal yourself instantly.

Although against Malak, I just drained all the guys and then killed Malak with a row of flurries. But yeah, I'm usually either a Soldier/Consular or a Scoundrel/Guardian... only hard part about Malak was his nearly impossible to resist Stun/Horror/Ultimate Will Save Exploiter of Doom. Jedi Sentinel gets around that though :D.

Darth Bandon was ridiculously easy since all you have to do is keep force pushing him and his goons backwards. Nihilus was even easier since his attacks all missed and I killed him in two rounds with a combined Force Jump Sneak Attack enhanced attack followed by a Flurry...

Mr. Scarred Body all over was easiest cause he was pure melee and he'd only be able to hit me on a nat 20 or something... Kreia was a different story though. Those three lightsabers were a pain. I got around em by force waving them into the wall and using speed to run away towards Kreia and melee-ing her. I also managed to turn everyone into a jedi though... strange how something like 5 of 9 characters you encounter are force sensitive... and they said force sensitivity was supposed to be rare!

Ooh pro-tip: Bao-Dur can in some cases (if you do it right) wield a lightsaber and be able to use his bash shields ability. Which was totally awesome against shielded guys. Not that it mattered since I just went total damage and put double Baradium Ore Ingots and the one that does 2-12 Cold Damage in along with the Named Crystal in...

to the Above Poster:

You may want to search for a patch. There is one that fixes several things later on, but I have not actually encountered a problem with the Taris elevator...

2008-01-07, 03:57 PM
Four planets down, last one to go; I'm nearing the end.

I remember one thing that really and truly annoys me:
Pazaak is an unfair game. Going second gives the computer an advantage =P

Also, another annoyance. I was going for the romance with Bastila this time around and... uh... it never happened. Apparently, there was a requirement for her to reconcile with her mother, which makes no sense to me. Tantooine was the first planet I visited, so I couldn't restore to a previous save without losing significant progress.

As I played more through the game, the more I realized what I missed in Mass Effect. The characters in Knights of the Old Republic seem more fun and the quests spawned several follow-up quests that were interesting. I guess as a military ship, there was less room for fun characters and a requirement for there to be more serious characters. (Wrex was the only exception).

P.S. I prefer to believe that KotOR2 doesn't exist.

2008-01-07, 05:10 PM
I was initially repulsed by KoToR 1, but then I returned to it and realized that I was mistaken, as the game is very good. Unfortunaetly I was unable to defeat Malak on both tries, even though I went through the rest of the game fairly easily. I had high hopes for KoToR 2, but was disappointed. The plot didn't turn out to be better than in first game, and the game was horrbily easy, especially in the end. The only really difficult battle was the last one. All the time, I played on Light Side- I tried to go Dark Side on the second try in KoToR 2, but it requires being too much of a bastard.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-01-07, 05:21 PM
I enjoyed my two characters, even if they did resort to the cheesy tactic of staying at level two until becoming a Jedi.

-Lightside, Scout 2/Consular 18. Maxed-out wisdom, full lightside, all that stuff - your power DC is 42. Even Malak fails most of the time. Just spam out Force Kill (it doesn't even cost that many force points, despite being evil) at everyone you see, and a) they can't act, and b) they die to scaling power effects.

-Darkside, Scoundrel 2/Guardian 18. i has 4 attacks/round lolz. Master critical strike, two weapon fighting with a pair of fully upgraded Baragwin assault blades, literally nothing can stop you.

Midnight Son
2008-01-07, 10:15 PM
I enjoyed my two characters, even if they did resort to the cheesy tactic of staying at level two until becoming a Jedi.

-Lightside, Scout 2/Consular 18. Maxed-out wisdom, full lightside, all that stuff - your power DC is 42. Even Malak fails most of the time. Just spam out Force Kill (it doesn't even cost that many force points, despite being evil) at everyone you see, and a) they can't act, and b) they die to scaling power effects.

-Darkside, Scoundrel 2/Guardian 18. i has 4 attacks/round lolz. Master critical strike, two weapon fighting with a pair of fully upgraded Baragwin assault blades, literally nothing can stop you.I never even bothered munchkining it and nothing could stop me. I died the first time I faced Malak in the endgame, but only because I wasn't expecting his special little trick. Went back to my previous save, thought about it for a minute, then went in a wiped the floors with him.

I found both games to be fun, though 1 was definitely better than 2. I'm still hoping that they finally decide to make 3. Just, take the time to finish it first. I don't need it for Christmas...I need it complete.

2008-01-08, 09:16 AM
It was far too easy to munchkin the second game. I believe I ended up with something like +50 to every stat thanks to massive lightsaber gem abuse.

2008-01-08, 12:25 PM
Am I the only one who got his ass kicked repeatedly by Malak? Couldn't even get to second phase of battle. If I stayed away, he'd blast me into oblivion. If I closed for melee, I was hacked down within 10 seconds...

Granted, I was a single sabered scoundrel/sentinel without speed, but the only time I had any difficulty before that was soloing 2 force immune monster thingies in last Korriban temple. Even the last level with infinite enemies didn't stop me.

Luckily for me, I had recovered each and every single mine in the entire game. You'd think he'd wake up after the twentieth mine blasting into his face. Nope, he kept chasing and chasing me...

I learned my lesson, KotoR2 endgame was a breeze. Councilor/Master+all wisdom gear+storm=Death Incarnate. Any and everything was utterly annihilated. Nothing stood after 2 storms. Only thing that killed me is the greater storm beast, and it was once.

Also: Double sabers+speed+flurry=Pwn. No boss survives more than a few rounds. Traya was a breeze, while Sion and Nihilus didn't even stand a chance.

2008-01-09, 10:05 AM
All the time, I played on Light Side- I tried to go Dark Side on the second try in KoToR 2, but it requires being too much of a bastard.
When I first played both KoTORs I went with what Seemed cool and ended up with a crappy nuetral jedi who got his ass handed to him in the endgame.
So when I tried to go light and dark respectively I had no problems at all.

It's been said before but consular/sith lord just owns in the second. Also in the first:scoundrel/consular. Dual wield Cassus Fett's blaster and Bendak's blaster. then use the force freeze field and get sneak attack on everyone.

Mando Knight
2008-01-10, 07:09 PM
Am I the only one who got his ass kicked repeatedly by Malak? Couldn't even get to second phase of battle. If I stayed away, he'd blast me into oblivion. If I closed for melee, I was hacked down within 10 seconds...

Granted, I was a single sabered scoundrel/sentinel without speed, but the only time I had any difficulty before that was soloing 2 force immune monster thingies in last Korriban temple. Even the last level with infinite enemies didn't stop me.

It's the Sentinel. Those guys seem weak compared to the Guardian and the Consular--the Consular's lack of feats and the Guardian's lack of lotsa Force Powers.

I learned my lesson, KotoR2 endgame was a breeze. Councilor/Master+all wisdom gear+storm=Death Incarnate. Any and everything was utterly annihilated. Nothing stood after 2 storms. Only thing that killed me is the greater storm beast, and it was once.

Also: Double sabers+speed+flurry=Pwn. No boss survives more than a few rounds. Traya was a breeze, while Sion and Nihilus didn't even stand a chance.

Has anyone else ever tried the Jedi Weaponmaster route? Seriously, you'll be KOing Sith left and right... without your buffs. Two sabers afford you excessive crystal use, allowing for massive defense, huge attack bonuses, devastating damage... and possibly even a 17-20 or better base critical threat range... Master Speed, Master Aura, Master Valor, then jump attack and Master Flurry. Makes Traya quiver in her Consular boots.

2008-01-10, 07:58 PM
It's the Sentinel. Those guys seem weak compared to the Guardian and the Consular--the Consular's lack of feats and the Guardian's lack of lotsa Force Powers.

Has anyone else ever tried the Jedi Weaponmaster route? Seriously, you'll be KOing Sith left and right... without your buffs. Two sabers afford you excessive crystal use, allowing for massive defense, huge attack bonuses, devastating damage... and possibly even a 17-20 or better base critical threat range... Master Speed, Master Aura, Master Valor, then jump attack and Master Flurry. Makes Traya quiver in her Consular boots.

The Jedi Weapon Master route seemed too easy. Just about everything died with one hit. But if I remember correctly, the buffs you apply to yourself
still affect Darth Traya, since she is Kreia.

2008-01-15, 06:04 PM
Lil' tips for KOTOR1 people.

Omygosh ennemies!

Remove ultraevolutive armor + 12 of doom. Cast master speed, cast master force shield. Put armor back. Slaughter.

T'was kinda easy :/.

2008-01-15, 07:43 PM
I'm actually slightly confused by the original KotOR. I've just reached Dantooine, and for some reason there are two Bastilas. One of them is stood with the Council, and the other is in my group, and I can't remove her from it because "Blah blah this character is not available at this time" or whatever it says.

Not "This character is coming with you and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

I assume it's been caused by my usual practice of stacking about seventy mods onto a game at once, but I don't know *why* any mod or collection of mods would give me Bastila on Dantooine.

Heh. Reminds me of what happened to me at the end of Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhall, when the end boss was duplicated at the start of the battle. That hurt, and it hurt a lot.

As for another niggle of mine... the Jedi Sentinel. Why, oh why, oh WHY are they so useless in the original game? "Sorry Mr Skill User, you're actually useless at them."

2008-01-16, 01:10 AM
I really like this game, and I have to say, as unpopular and unfinished as it was, I preferred the sequel. Forgive me, but what's really interesting about the Star Wars franchise is the nature of the force... and since the prequel movies, I've only really had a stomach for alternative looks at the meaning of the force, and explorations of its philosophy. The second game gave far more of that kind of story than the first. The first one had a lot going for it, but in the end it was another story of essentially Designated Badguys versus Designated Goodguys... and you got to have a largely immaterial choice as to whether you were one or the other. Sure, the Sith had plenty of moments to kick the dog, but in the end they were just a different government that happened to be led by a ruthless dictator who apparently forced his followers to be evil because the Dark Side told him to. It wasn't about philosophy, it was about political science. Also, it gave birth to what I call, "Bioware Roleplaying" where you have the same responses to any stimuli:

1.) I'm Good
2.) I'm Evil
3.) I just don't care/I'm skipping this quest

Not that Kotor2 didn't have its own problems, obvious and not. I felt it had more the multifaceted responses I remembered from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, which was one of its stronger points. It made me feel my portrayal of the Exile was unique, a good person who refused to admit he had done wrong in the Mandalorian wars... who believed the Jedi Council was and is necessary, though in this case was wrong. He believed that action was sometimes necessary to protect people, but there was a line that existed in each person's heart and had absolute faith that no one truly wanted to cross that line ever. There were subtleties in the game which allowed me to express in one way or another every aspect of that description, where as *Coughspoiler* in Kotor1 I can sum up my entire portrayal of that character as "Light side protagonist."

Kotor 2 was far far too easy though. I made my character to be primarily a buff- character, with high charisma, Battle Meditation, Valor spells, and so on... but when I picked up the first lightsaber I started cutting people to ribbons so easily on my own that I barely needed sidekicks, and started having T3-M4 follow me around just because I liked the cut of his gib.

While the Mining facility intro area was amazingly cool and atmospheric the first time, it was just insanely long and tedious the second time. I was actually never one to mind the first chapter of Kotor1 on Taris because I felt there were interesting things to do on Taris that made you happy to stick around long enough to actually move the plot along to chapter 2, while in Kotor2 you're more motivated by fear, and when you already know how and when you're getting out of it all it loses something. Also, it's like 8-10 hours of gameplay, and you don't really interact with anyone beyond an HK-50, Atton, and Kreia.

Kreia is cool on the level of Vergere from the New Jedi Order novels, and as the hardcore MWS/Traitor fanboy I am, that's saying a lot. She's probably the #2 or #3 coolest thing that has ever happened to Star Wars.

2008-01-16, 10:03 AM
Kotor 2 was far far too easy though.

Considering all the stat bonuses you could heap onto yourself, there's no reason it wouldn't be easy. +50 to every stat or something, thanks to two pimped-out lightsabers? Sign me up. Heh, and I was playing as a Sentinel/Weapon Master, the sort of mixture that says "Give me your damn skill points" and then follows up with "Pass me those feats or I'll gut you."

"All too easy."

2008-01-16, 11:44 AM
Considering all the stat bonuses you could heap onto yourself, there's no reason it wouldn't be easy. +50 to every stat or something, thanks to two pimped-out lightsabers? Sign me up. Heh, and I was playing as a Sentinel/Weapon Master, the sort of mixture that says "Give me your damn skill points" and then follows up with "Pass me those feats or I'll gut you."

"All too easy."

I didn't even cheese and Kotor2 was a breeze. I was as well a Sentinel/Weaponmaster, but I only had a single, one-bladed lightsaber, with a final dex of only about 24 or so, and I still found myself eviscerating every foe I came across. At least the final boss in Kotor1 was hard if you weren't optimized. (The first time I got to the end of Kotor, I was a Scout/Sentinel who had never bothered to pick up any sort of attack Force power, so I couldn't deal with the pods myself... so I had to hack through Malak's lifebar something around 9 times... with a single, single bladed lightsaber...) Kotor2 is a breeze, even against major bosses if you aren't actively crippling yourself, or don't understand the system at all.

My favorite build in Kotor1 was Scoundrel5/Guardian15 with Master Speed and Two weapon fighting. Force Leaping from outside their perception gave you a full round of sneak attacking with no fuss. I basically walked through the Star Forge on Hard difficulty with this build. To me, playing a Consular is just making it hard on yourself... I played a Dark jedi Consular using all the very best attack spells, and I died my way through the Star Forge on Hard... having to survive each fight by the skin of my teeth after one or two tries.

I actually preferred the Light side ending to the Dark side one in Kotor1... The Dark side ending is basically you standing there as Bastilla talks about how awesome you are, and your troops listen.... then it ends. In the Light Side it explains that your legend will live on forever, as Revan, the Prodigal Knight, and the galaxy's savior twice over. but that great danger still exists, and you may once more be called to protect the galaxy. It was mildly cool, while the Dark one was just... "And then you're a Sith lord!" The Light Side ending also meshes better with the story of Kotor2, where the Republic still exists, and Revan went into the unknown quadrant to try and save the galaxy a third time. Unfortunately, there are no endings to Kotor2, because the game is horrendously unfinished... so I can't tell if I'd like the dark or light ending better to that game.

2008-01-16, 12:56 PM
Yeah, agreed KotOR2 is way too easy. Though I still enjoyed the storyline and making decisions and such.

Also, to everyone who said that 1 was hard (on Malak or whatever), I'm thinking you all missed one really important feature: The ability to use items off on the Items Screen. If you have advanced Medpacs or even better, Life-Support packs, you can use one every round through the menu without losing a turn.

I'm not sure if that is how it is supposed to work (if you use an item while the game is "live" then it takes a turn, but if you pause and go to the menu, it does not, seems like a goof to me), but it makes those tough fights way easier.

Also, right when a battle begins, i.e. you are in the "Paused" mode. You can use unlimited items from the menu. So you can take a hyper strength, hyper alacrity, hyper stamina (or whatever it was called for + Con), and also a hyper-battle stimulant and you're all buffed up and pimped out and ready to fight.

Another reason why #2 is really easy is the Force Chain ability allows Kreia to cast all the "Cannot be wearing armor" powers which then affect the exile.

KotOR1 Storyline spoiler

I really liked the story to #1, and I remember not really guessing about the fact that the MC is Revan until far into the game. If you play it through a second (or 5th :smalltongue:) time, it is so obvious.

Also, I really liked the darkside ending for #1, especially the part just before the ending where Bastilla is talking to the commander and saying how Carth died and such.

KotOR2 Storyline spoiler

I've played this one through probably 4 times now, and I still get confused by the game, which I think is a result of the odd dialog. From what I can remember, the Exile is on the Harbinger heading to Telos, but they don't say why. The exile just returns from places unknown without any real reason.

Then, the Harbinger encounters the Ebon Hawk (uhh, how did Kreia get the Ebon Hawk?), which was being attacked by a Sith vessel. Harbinger pulls the Ebon Hawk on board. The Sith vessel turns up empty (all stealthed Sith), and Darth Sion who they think is dead. Then they take Sion, put him into medbay.

When things start to go crazy in Harbinger (Sion breaking out of the tube and the sith assassins killing people off), Kreia gets the Exile, who was unconcious because of the HK unit's motives and enters the Ebon Hawk. I'm guessing she tries to fly off, but the attacks from the Harbinger basically disable the Hawk.

Then, during the prologue, TM-34 repairs the ship and lands it on Peragus. However, somehow the HK droid was on the ship in a locked room (He comes out guns blazing at the end of the prologue).

Did I get that all right?

2008-01-17, 11:40 PM
I've always preferred blaster rifles to the lightsabers (something just doesn't click with me and laser swords, though I did set up a good one near the end all the same for 'backup'), and I played through both games using ranged characters first.

The first one I got screwed over at the end because blasters ended up being practically useless.

KotOR 2 I took a different approach - no armour, tricked out rifle, master speed, and the light side 'Force Enlightenment' uberbuff when it became available. Maybe it was just how the customisation system made for ridiculously powerful weapons, but it was funny watching all those Sith running at you and responding with the Scarface routine. Sure, they go on about how jedi can deflect blaster bolts, but when you've got such a high attack modifier and full progression of the precise shot line (I think... it was the one which piled on deflection penalties)...

'Say hello to my little friend!'

Even Kreia went down like a baby - three floating lightsabers do nothing to help guard against a hail of blaster fire, juiced up by Master Rapid Shot and Master Speed.

Probably didn't help her that ranged characters end up with twinked out dexterity, either.

Paragon Badger
2008-01-18, 12:32 AM
KotOR2 Storyline spoiler

I've played this one through probably 4 times now, and I still get confused by the game, which I think is a result of the odd dialog. From what I can remember, the Exile is on the Harbinger heading to Telos, but they don't say why. The exile just returns from places unknown without any real reason.

Then, the Harbinger encounters the Ebon Hawk (uhh, how did Kreia get the Ebon Hawk?), which was being attacked by a Sith vessel. Harbinger pulls the Ebon Hawk on board. The Sith vessel turns up empty (all stealthed Sith), and Darth Sion who they think is dead. Then they take Sion, put him into medbay.

When things start to go crazy in Harbinger (Sion breaking out of the tube and the sith assassins killing people off), Kreia gets the Exile, who was unconcious because of the HK unit's motives and enters the Ebon Hawk. I'm guessing she tries to fly off, but the attacks from the Harbinger basically disable the Hawk.

Then, during the prologue, TM-34 repairs the ship and lands it on Peragus. However, somehow the HK droid was on the ship in a locked room (He comes out guns blazing at the end of the prologue).

Did I get that all right?

The Exile decides to return to the galaxy after they decide they've spent enough time in solitude. Atris puts out information throughout the galaxy of your return, in an attempt to bait out the Sith. This also leads to pretty much EVERY Bounty-hunter knowing who you are.

It succedes. As the Harbinger picks you up on route to Telos, Traya and Sion pin-point your location. Traya infiltrates the Harbinger somewhere down the road.

The Harbinger checks out the Sith Warship, is infiltrated and systematically destroyed. Traya kidnaps you and takes you to the Ebon Hawk, which was with the Harbinger. HK-50, the Harbinger's 'protocol droid' stows aboard the ship as well.

The Ebon Hawk narrowly escapes Sion's attack, and Traya is in a coma/trance. T3-M2 (or whatever) pilots the ship to nearby Peragus. HK-50 carries out his vile machinations... Excuse the pun. The events of KotorII begin.

2008-01-18, 01:27 AM
Consular/Watchman is VERY, VERY nasty.


Watchman gets sneak attack. Consular gets boosted Force powers and lots of them. It's perfectly possible to ensure you're ALWAYS hitting for Sneak Attack. Add to that a full 5 attacks and....slice-and-dice.

2008-01-19, 08:12 PM
Kreia is cool on the level of Vergere from the New Jedi Order novels, and as the hardcore MWS/Traitor fanboy I am, that's saying a lot. She's probably the #2 or #3 coolest thing that has ever happened to Star Wars.
I despise Kreia. Nothing I ever did was the right decision. If I did an action LS, then she would be berating me about helping the weak. If I did an action DS, then she would berate me about taking advantage of others. If I tried a balanced approach, she would tell me that apathy is death.

So, I left her in limbo the ENTIRE GAME. I didn't care if the only characters I had were her and Atton. I didn't bring her out once, and only talked to her when the quest I was doing demanded it.

And a side note to defeating Malak in KoToR 1; kill the Jedi in suspended animation. Each one you kill is one less life bar for you to deal with. I still don't understand why some thought this fight was so hard, but then again, on my first try, I only dealt with Malak at 2 life bars.

EDIT: It was only surprisingly easy because by the time I had the game, I had read an article in a magazie that Malak was the hardest Bossfight of 2003.

I would not say he was difficult by any measure, but I didn't use but 1 or 2 stims/buffs.

2008-01-19, 08:37 PM
I remember fighting Malak. I pumped myself up on stims, used a couple immunity type force powers, and beat the proverbial crap out of him. He did his little draining thing on the jedi, I ran around the room frying the jedi in stasis, then used fifteen medpacs, a bunch more stims, and did it again.

It was surprisingly easy.

2008-01-19, 10:51 PM
Does anyone else feel there's just too much damn killing in Knights of the Old Republic? Sometimes that's all you do - run through corridors cutting down anyone in your way. And when those people are just low-ranking grunts, the Old Republic version of Stormtroopers, it wears me down a little. I don't see why they have to die - if I'm playing a Jedi who's fallen to the Dark Side and who simply doesn't care, then fine, but if I'm playing a Jedi (and I feel uncomfortable with the phrase 'Light Side') who's trying to keep to the Jedi Code, then I'd prefer to sneak past, use Force Suggestion, or just plain snatch their guns away or cut off their hands. If Obi-Wan can sneak through the Death Star without killing a single person, can't I have a few options for avoiding combat?

The Jedi Knight games had more options for sparing your opponents' lives than Knights of the Old Republic. Doesn't that feel wrong? A FPS giving you more freedom to RP ethics than an RPG?

2008-01-20, 12:19 AM
Mmmm... KotOR. i love that game. I think I've played through it 5 or 6 times now. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
I do have some questions about the second one, though. I've never been able to get myself a prestige class. How exactly do those happen? And I'm also bad with cheese and such, so often times I got my butt handed to me on a platter. What are some other good character class optimizations/ lightsaber gem tricks?

2008-01-20, 02:07 AM
coolgaelbert - To get your prestige class, you need to talk to Kreia around the third planet. Somewhere in the conversation tree will be the option to train. She also upgrades your personal lightsaber crystal, as long as it's possible and it's in your inventory. Personally, pick a side of the Force, and stick with it. Not only do you get attribute bonuses for being as Light or Dark as possible, but I believe the personal crystal to be better as well.

2008-01-20, 02:34 AM
I despise Kreia. Nothing I ever did was the right decision. If I did an action LS, then she would be berating me about helping the weak. If I did an action DS, then she would berate me about taking advantage of others. If I tried a balanced approach, she would tell me that apathy is death.

Thats because she's insane. Incurably so.

KOTOR2 Spoiler
She wants to kill the Force, you know.

So you're never right because her idea of 'right' is too twisted to be replicated in any sane individual.

Coolgaelbert: Jedi Guardian/Weaponmaster. Learn Master Speed. Dual-wield a pair of lightsabers. Get your hands on a Ankares Crystal if you can, but Ophila crystals work in a pinch. Finish out the Two-Weapon Fighting feat tree and pick up the Master Flurry feat. A grand total of eight attacks a round. If you have trouble hitting your opponent, Upari crystals increase your attack bonus and damage at the same time, but it's abit more random than Ophila crystals. Just remember to customize your lightsabers to have the Keen property.

My Dark Side Jedi Guardian/Weaponmaster was dealing around 60+ damage a hit on average. It's a very effective method if you're going to just charge down a hallway cutting down everything in your way.


Not because men are better in KotoRII, but because the Handmaiden is better than Loser McSuckyface. He's named Mical, I think. Anyway, if you get buddy-buddy with the Handmaiden, you eventually learn Battle Precognition, which adds your Wisdom modifier to your AC when you're unarmored.

Plus, Brianna is just more fun to have around than Mical.

2008-01-20, 09:56 AM
Each time i play it, i find that im drawn to basicaly the same Character - Scout/Sentinal Maxing out Skills and have Juhani and HK-47 as much as possible when out and about

2008-01-20, 02:14 PM
I despise Kreia. Nothing I ever did was the right decision. If I did an action LS, then she would be berating me about helping the weak. If I did an action DS, then she would berate me about taking advantage of others. If I tried a balanced approach, she would tell me that apathy is death.

That's what made her so cool! She saw through meaningless distinctions of Light and Dark and questioned motive and she criticized your perception from being separate from reality in some cases. She wanted you to be aware of your reasonings, and not turn away from reality, either to congratulate yourself for doing good when you hadn't really, or to exert power over others with no view of the future. It was an amazing relationship between the Exile and Kreia. She loved you after a fashion. She needed you, and were her every wish. She wanted to manipulate you into doing what she wanted with your wounded soul... but also wanted you to see the situation from her perspective... to agree with her in the end. Her final goal was a wish born of desperation and madness, but she also gave much wisdom.

The key to not being frustrated with Kreia in your party criticizing you all the time is to remember the nature of your relationship is that of a master to a student. She is teaching you about the Force, and about causality and philosophy... and is doing it by questioning your motives. Talk with her enough and she'll always tell you that what she really wants is for you to make your own decisions unimpeded by preconceptions, foolishness and self-delusion. She wants you to Choose, and Act.

Also, to everyone who said that 1 was hard (on Malak or whatever), I'm thinking you all missed one really important feature: The ability to use items off on the Items Screen. If you have advanced Medpacs or even better, Life-Support packs, you can use one every round through the menu without losing a turn.

Oh wow, no, I didn't know about that. Whenever I needed to heal it was a long period of running away and administering heal packs or Force Heal. I can totally see the game being amazingly easy with instant potion drinking.

And a side note to defeating Malak in KoToR 1; kill the Jedi in suspended animation. Each one you kill is one less life bar for you to deal with. I still don't understand why some thought this fight was so hard, but then again, on my first try, I only dealt with Malak at 2 life bars.

The first time I fought Malak, I didn't have any Force-based attack power except Force Wave, and you can't just cut them with your Lightsaber. I had no ability to affect them, so I HAD to fight Malak the 9 consecutive times essentially... and because I don't like the idea of two weapon fighting as a Jedi I was a Single-bladed lightsaber user with Duelist. That WAS hard. Even so, even I didn't need to do the "Run away, placing every mine I've ever recovered in the entire game" like some people had to. Malak CAN be very hard without a min/maxed build.

2008-01-20, 03:19 PM
coolgaelbert - To get your prestige class, you need to talk to Kreia around the third planet. Somewhere in the conversation tree will be the option to train. She also upgrades your personal lightsaber crystal, as long as it's possible and it's in your inventory. Personally, pick a side of the Force, and stick with it. Not only do you get attribute bonuses for being as Light or Dark as possible, but I believe the personal crystal to be better as well.

Oh. That would explain it. I've always left her in the Ebon Hawk once I had someone to replace her. She's a great character, I'm sure, but I never really grew attached to her.

2008-01-20, 04:20 PM
I found all the boss battles easy. Lets see... Nihilus is easy because if you get him down to 1/2 hp with Visis in the party you can have her cut off his conection to the ship stunning him for a while, and there is a way (I think you need visis with a blade wepon) to get her to kill herself in that fight and stun Nihilus long enough to kill him. (And get a lot of dark side points)
Scion is basicly a tank so force powers work well on him. Especialy if you use [Persuade] options on him after killing him. Eventualy he can get a -4 or -5 to will saves by the last fight with him.
Also my charactor (Dark side, jedi sentanal 15/sith lord 10) had a very high demolitions skill and a TON of mines so when I got to the final battle I just turned the entire place into a minefield and ran around.

I somehow had no problem getting Kreya to like me.
Oh and coolgelbert to get a prestege class you need to be level 15 and have visis join you. To get visis to join you you need 2/3rds (I think) dark or light side.

Edit: Mikal? Rings a bell... isnt he from the first game?

2008-01-20, 10:02 PM
My characters got pretty broken. My last Character had plus 6 con from being maxed out lightside, not to mention Pimplicious armor and lightsaber

2008-01-21, 08:29 AM
To get your prestige class, you need to talk to Kreia around the third planet

Not quite.

You'll only get the option to go Prestige unless you're heavily Light Side or Dark Side-which you are determines the prestige classes you're offered. (Makes sense.) They're basically upgraded versions of your base classes. Light has Weaponmaster/Watchman/Jedi Master, dark has ????/Assassin/Sith Lord.(I don't recall the name of the Dark Side Fighter Prestige. All I remember is that it has a 'rage' feature, exactly like Hanharr's, as it's unique.) Also, as mentioned, you need to hit at least Level 15. It is perfectly possible to hit your Prestige class almost as soon as you get off Telos. There's that many Light/Dark options to pull, as long as you're focused about it.

By the by, an unarmed build is MORE than possible, though it only really WORKS with Light-Side, because of the buffs.

Point to note: it is worth abusing the Force Cave for very high levels at least once, if only to see some of the crazy powerful stuff that's createable at that point. You need absolutely absurd ranks in your skills to make them(Hence the need for levels), but....

2008-01-29, 01:32 PM
kotor 2 was a fairly good game, I didn't try to max out my lightsaber so it wasn't too easy, my biggest beef with it is that I rarely found a normal lightsaber, I HAD TO EQUIP JUST ABOUT EVERY SINGLE GUY WITH A DOUBLE HANDER, renting kotor one later today, does it bake be bad that the only reason I wanted to be a jedi was so I COULD steal bastilas saber, I always wanted a double bladed yellow.

2008-01-29, 05:37 PM
kotor 2 was a fairly good game, I didn't try to max out my lightsaber so it wasn't too easy, my biggest beef with it is that I rarely found a normal lightsaber, I HAD TO EQUIP JUST ABOUT EVERY SINGLE GUY WITH A DOUBLE HANDER, renting kotor one later today, does it bake be bad that the only reason I wanted to be a jedi was so I COULD steal bastilas saber, I always wanted a double bladed yellow.Usually I don't bother to decipher posts such as this but I was intrigued by the contradiction here. You didn't like having so many double-bladed lightsabers.... yet you always wanted a "double bladed yellow"?

2008-01-30, 08:37 PM
kotor 2 was a fairly good game, I didn't try to max out my lightsaber so it wasn't too easy, my biggest beef with it is that I rarely found a normal lightsaber, I HAD TO EQUIP JUST ABOUT EVERY SINGLE GUY WITH A DOUBLE HANDER...

This is a beef I have with Kotor2 actually, the quest rewards that give you lightsabers are actually randomized what type of lightsaber you get, and the randomly generated loot from corpses or boxes never include lightsabers (AFAIK). If you save before getting the reward for a quest which gives you a lightsaber, (for example, the Salvagers on Dantooine) you can see what you get a couple times in a row, and decide from there. Myself, I got almost all Short Lightsabers my first time through, which was annoying.

2008-02-03, 10:22 PM
I'm sooooo mad... I could never kill Malak or Traya.... I played through each game up to that point twice, too!

Mando Knight
2008-02-03, 10:56 PM
I never had any problems with that... but then again, I also took an optimized two-weapon Guardian path... I uber-buffed, leap attacked, then Flurried my way into victory in just a few rounds. That, and I was always epic level... they made dual-wielding overpowered there...

2008-02-03, 11:09 PM
Yeah, flurry was pretty broken. Some broken builds for Sequinox

1. In KoTOR1 light side scoundrel/consular. Uses dual blasters(Bendak's and Cassus Fett's) anad force freeze field( can't remember the name). He basically gets sneak attack on everyone.
2.In KoTOR 2 Dark side Sith lord. Melee doesn't really matter but when you get Force crush you will beast. Hell you can almost kill Traya without even closing to melee.
3. Anything with flurry.

2008-02-04, 11:39 AM
The dual blasters thing works even better in KotOR 2. Use Mandalorian Disintegrators if you can get them, otherwise use Mandalorian Heavy Blasters. Be sure to be a Consular and have your prestige class be Watchman or Assassin. Also remember to take the Force Deflection tree and the Precise Shot tree. Use Stasis Field, Force Wave, or Insanity. Proceed to shoot for immense damage.

2008-02-04, 11:51 AM
Of course, my character doesn't have the repair skill, so I can't. However, the quest log says something about finding someone with the appropriate repair skill. Can you find someone in game or somehow have one of your other characters repair him? I can't seem to get it to work.

The special repairs on HK have to be performed by your own PC, not by one of you NPC assistants. You have to have a Repair skill of 17 to succeed on them all.

If you want to fully optimize HK, you have to plan for it from the time you start, basically.