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2008-01-04, 01:44 AM
Inaran Fae

Fine Fey
Hit Dice: 1d6 (2)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 0' (0 squares), fly 60' (Perfect) (12 squares) (Su) Ability
Armor Class: 22 (+8 size, +4 dex),touch 15, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-19
Attack: Cold Iron Short sword +13 melee (1+5/19-20)
Full Attack: Cold Iron Short sword +13 melee (1+5/19-20)
Space/Reach: 6"/0'
Special Attacks: Psi-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Misdirection, Telekinetic Entity, Telepathy 120', Spell Resistance 16
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 19
Skills: Hide +25
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse B, Precise Blow B
Environment: Temperate Forests
Organization: Solitary (1), Raiding Party (8), or tribe (50-200)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Items only
Alignment: Usually Evil
Advancement: By Character Class (Usually, Sorcerer or Wilder)
Level Adjustment: +5

Inaran Fae are treacherous, evil creatures of the night which descend without warning on various villages to enslave local populations, increase the size of their undead army, and steal valuable resources (primarily cold iron, the preferred weapon for slaying their pixie cousins). These dangerous creatures lack the modern mastery of magic enjoyed by most civilized societies, however, they still possess 'wild talent' in abundance. Every adult Inaran Fae is capable of unleashing powerful bolts of energy or enticing the weak-willed into obedience.

The Inaran Fae rarely wear anything beyond a masterwork dark cloak, helpful for hiding their small forms against the dark night sky, or armor.

An Inaran Fae stands about 6 inches tall and weighs about 1 ounce.
Inaran Fae speak their Tribal language and occasionally, common. Although a few of the more powerful tribes have formed temporary alliances with, and by natural consequence learned the languages of, gnolls, orcs, bugbears, ogres, and other dangerous monstrous races.


Psi-Like Abilities
2/day - Energy Missile (Acid Arrow if no Psionics), Charm, Psionic (Charm Monster if no Psionics). Manifester Level (Caster Level if no Psionics) 8th. The save Dcs are charisma based. Treat Energy Missile as if it is augmented to by 2 pp (+2 DC, +2d6 damage). Charm, Psionic as if it is augmented by 4pp (+2 DC, can target animal, fey, giant, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, aberration, dragon, elemental, or outsider )

Misdirection (Su)
An Inaran Fae is invisible, even when attacking. It may suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Telekinetic Entity (Su)
The Inaran Fae also use their telekinetic talents to propel themselves, granting them a fly speed of 60' and a maneuverability of perfect. They also may replace their strength modifier with their charisma modifier for purposes of carrying capacity.

In addition, the Inaran Fae attempts to slow any hostile weapons before it can strike the Fae. This grants it DR 10/cold iron.

Telepathy (Su)
An Inaran Fae may communicate to any creature that speaks a language in common with the Inaran Fae.


Knowledge: Nature
10|The dangerous, uncivilized creatures which hunt people by night.|
15|A subrace of the Pixies, these unsophisticated fell creatures enslave, create undead, and steal to increase their power.|
20|The most effective way to kill one of the Inaran Fae is with magic which can only be stopped by the strength of a person's constitution. The Inaran Fae are creatures with frail bodies unable to withstand even the least of rigors. Even then, their powerful minds are able to stop weak wizards from affecting them.|
25|The Inaran Fae are the product of a hybridization of Drow and Devil magics worked on captured pixies. Originally intended to be a servant race capable of sneaking about with supernatural ease, the Inaran Fae turned out to be too skilled at their given vocation. Large numbers escaped once they realized their personal interests would be better served outside their creators societies.|

Base Stats for the example creature is 10,11,10,10,11,11

Inaran Pixies as Characters
-6 Strength, +8 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +6 Wisdom, +8 Charisma
Fine Size: +8 bonus to Armor Class, +8 bonus to Attack Rolls, -16 penalty on Grapple Checks, +16 bonus on Hide checks
An Inaran Pixie's base land speed is 0 feet. An Inaran Fae's base fly speed is 60 feet with perfect maneuverability.
Racial Feats: Weapon Finesse, Precise Blow
Special Qualities (See Above): Telekinetic Entity, Telepathy, Spell Resistance equal to 15 + HD
Automatic Languages: Inaran Tribal. Bonus Languages: Common
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment: +5

Precise Blow
Weapon Finesse, Dex 16

When using a weapon which benefits from the Weapon Finesse feat, you may apply your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier for weapon damage rolls.

2008-01-04, 01:54 AM
I love the race... no real comments, except that the name makes me think of Inara from Firefly...

2008-01-04, 01:59 AM
I love the race... no real comments, except that the name makes me think of Inara from Firefly...

Wasn't meant too but I can see how that can happen. Glad you like it. =) I'm not sure its balanced as PC race (I tend towards PC-equivalent BBEGs) tho.

2008-01-04, 02:03 AM
Wasn't meant too but I can see how that can happen. Glad you like it. =) I'm not sure its balanced as PC race (I tend towards PC-equivalent BBEGs) tho.
Yeah, I definitely wasn't thinking of them as PCs... unbalanced they would certainly be in most campaigns.

2008-01-04, 02:09 AM
Yeah, I definitely wasn't thinking of them as PCs... unbalanced they would certainly be in most campaigns.

That probably means I should up the LA. =) I don't think they'd be that much more powerful than Pixies tho.

2008-01-04, 02:15 AM
That probably means I should up the LA. =) I don't think they'd be that much more powerful than Pixies tho.

I think the + to dexterity alone makes them a bit too powerful for +5, albeit with the size causing some limitations due to the fact that they probably don't do much damage... by the way, what's the strength penalty, I don't see it on your sheet...

2008-01-04, 02:18 AM
I think the + to dexterity alone makes them a bit too powerful for +5, albeit with the size causing some limitations due to the fact that they probably don't do much damage... by the way, what's the strength penalty, I don't see it on your sheet...

They have no strength score (like undead have no constitution score). I don't know how to do a null character on the forums. =)

-4 Strength, +8 Dexterity, +6 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +6 Charisma.

Overall, they have worse racial stat bonuses than the Pixies. (+20 vs. +18) although the Inarans are more concentrated. They also have no strength score, which is crippling from the view point of they can't push, pull, etc. They can just hold and manipulate things in the same square as them.

2008-01-04, 02:24 AM
They also have no strength score, which is crippling from the view point of they can't push, pull, etc. They can just hold and manipulate things in the same square as them.

Oops. Missed that.

Anyway, I'm not an authority on LA by any means, as I tend to ignore it ;) overall, I can just say these fellows look like good antagonists.

2008-01-04, 02:29 AM
Oops. Missed that.

Anyway, I'm not an authority on LA by any means, as I tend to ignore it ;) overall, I can just say these fellows look like good antagonists.

Heh, I on the other hand tend to build BBEGs using the same basic rules as PCs (the greater WBL helps with survivability).

Ya, they are intended to be one of the two groups of uncivilized antagonists for Erth. The other being the local tribes who are being encroached on by something comparable to the Age of Sail type colonization for valuable resources (e.g. the only sources of Mithral are either in Elven or Kobold hands, or in the Canton Archipelago's primary Republican colony). Not so much as for trade tho, nothing out there but barbarian tribes of gnolls, orcs, etc. and the Inaran Fae. =)

2008-01-06, 02:28 PM
Revised based on feedback on other boards.

2008-01-08, 08:50 PM
Revised it again.