View Full Version : The Phobia Thread

2008-01-06, 04:02 AM
Simple enough really. What're you afraid of, rationally or not?

I wouldn't say phobia, so much as irrational dislike, but I find myself just a little discomforted around spiders. Not much, but just kind of edging away if they are moving near me...

But I am somewhat phobic of needles...they just make me feel really uncomfortable. Not panicky, but...irrationally nervous.

Tempest Fennac
2008-01-06, 04:30 AM
I also have arachnaphobia and a fear of needles as well as a phobia of being seen naked. Until recently, I also had a phobia of people seeing my bare legs and feet, but I think I've gotten over that one. I don't know if this is really a phobia, but I also hate getting dirty.

2008-01-06, 05:33 AM
@^ Sounds like an obsession rather than a phobia. Quite a few Aspies with obsessions have obsessions with staying clean. And those seem more like fears than phobias...No offence.

I has a phobia of injections. And quite a bit of other medical stuff. I faint. And get dizzyness attacks. And sometimes panic. At least, I did panic when we were told we were going to have to have a TB jab. Yay for not having to have it!

Other than that....I'm slightly nervous of hypnosis and snakes, but they're not really phobias, due to the fascination I have with hypnosis and snakes....How does hypnosis get to work? Snakes...Why do they make people feel nervous?

2008-01-06, 05:33 AM
I have a phobia of insecure surfaces. This includes deeper waters. I will start panicking.
Insecure does not include ledges, heights, trampolines, or things like that. I would be more afraid standing on a 1 foot high crate that is shaky than standing on a ledge of a 9th floor balcony.

I also have a major discomfort against anything that reminds me how my internal organs work, notably, my blood stream. If I see blood moving out of my body in a controlled manor (larger injuries, not so much) or even know about it I will usually pass out. Small injuries cause the same thought which leads to this, so, I'm extremely difficult to have my blood sugar tested.
Even excessive reading or speaking about it can cause me to feel faint.. such as typing this.

Large dogs make me nervous. I have a bad history with dogs.

2008-01-06, 05:52 AM
yeah, blood usually gives me the creeps, even though I try to control this...by rallying myself up...

But it was this one time when I was watching TV and wanted to shut down the fan...and shreded my thumb in the blades...I was more pissed off by it, went to the bathroom, started washing the wound, and disinfecting it...I woke up in bed, with my father slapping me to wake up...he kinda overdid it...it hurt :smallbiggrin:

Tempest Fennac
2008-01-06, 07:24 AM
I'm guessing the snake phobia could go back to when humans were traditionally hunter-gatherers due to how snakes, as well as other animals, could easily kill humans (especially if they were poisonous due to a lack of effective antidotes/a lack of knowledge about which herbs can nullify poisons). Also, snakes, and reptillian creatures in general have often been antagonist in fiction and some conspiracy theories which could be another reason why people fear them. Blood could come into it for similar reasons (it's not a good thing if you can see your own blood or organs). I'm surprised you remembered me mentioning I have Aspergus Symdrome, Castaras (it's been a while since I posted anything on the statting Autist's thread).

2008-01-06, 07:26 AM
I have a fear of spiders, clowns and heights when there's nothing secure between me and the big drop.

2008-01-06, 08:23 AM
I have a fear of spiders, to counteract this, I now have 2 cats who love to play with anything that moves by itself...my spider problem has gone down significantly

I do not like revolving doors, especially the tight, skinny one we had in the desert. I had to put my M16 a certain way and walk very slowly to get through it. I never liked it, nor did I like the revolving glass doors inside the Al Faw Palace (place I worked in the desert). People would shove those things and you either have to hurry or slow way down. I don't like it, I keep thinking I'm going to get stuck.

Those are the main two things that I can remember....on the other hand, no fear of chocolate, it's much to tasty.

2008-01-06, 08:28 AM
Everytime we have a phobia thread show up, I have to post.
Hi, I'm the local toteophobe, aka total coward.
There is very little in this world that doesn't scare, and everything out of this world certainly does.
Like ET.
Especially ET.

2008-01-06, 08:30 AM
Spiders, Clowns, Being Alone. :smalleek:

2008-01-06, 08:36 AM
Clowns always freak me out. They're just disturbing with those huge grins painted on their faces.

Of course, nothing compares to my fear of heights. I can't even climb a stepladder without fear of falling. Although for some reason I have no problem riding roller coasters like Kraken.

Edit: How did I forget my phobia of Rush breaking up? I couldn't even get out of bed for a few days during their hiatus. The forces of the universe have prevented me from ever getting tickets to a Rush concert, so I really want to see them live.

2008-01-06, 08:39 AM
I am terrified of the police, and also the FSB/military/Homeland Security depending on where I am. Whenever I hear sirens I freeze up like a frightened rat.

This is not entirely unwarranted, but still.

2008-01-06, 10:06 AM
Been bitten on the butt by a German Shepherd (Puncture wound. Tetanus shot. Blah.) but not afraid of dogs.

Fallen 20 feet a couple of times (onto my chest). Got the wind knocked out of me each time but not afraid of heights.

Seen Arachnaphobia and had it for many years but now I solve that by killing them with extreme prejudice now so I'm not really sure if that counts. I wouldn't want one crawling on me though.

Speaking in front of groups of strangers is still something I like to try and avoid unless it is on a topic I know very well. So... maybe that counts? :smallconfused:

2008-01-06, 10:44 AM
I'm guessing the snake phobia could go back to when humans were traditionally hunter-gatherers due to how snakes, as well as other animals, could easily kill humans (especially if they were poisonous due to a lack of effective antidotes/a lack of knowledge about which herbs can nullify poisons). Also, snakes, and reptillian creatures in general have often been antagonist in fiction and some conspiracy theories which could be another reason why people fear them. Blood could come into it for similar reasons (it's not a good thing if you can see your own blood or organs). I'm surprised you remembered me mentioning I have Aspergus Symdrome, Castaras (it's been a while since I posted anything on the statting Autist's thread).

I also have Aspies. :smalltongue: I also have a weird memory for that sort of thing. :smallsmile:

2008-01-06, 10:55 AM
Rats, and to a lesser extent, mice.

It's not what I'd call a phobia. I can think about the creatures with no distress. I can watch feral ones running around outside. I'm even happy to interact with other people's pet rats and mice. But, if I come face to face with a rat or mouse infesting my own flat I will scream. On several occasions I have screamed myself hoarse. And it's completely involuntary. There's nothing conscious in that scream. It's as if I've been seized by a deep primal fear.*

Here follows a story, spoilered in case anybody else shares the same fear.
During my original experience of a rodent infestation, I discovered my flat-mate in the kitchen. She'd pushed all the furniture into the middle of the room and was attempting to encourage the rat out of the door by chasing it with a broom. Unfortunately the rat kept on dodging her and climbing up the curtains. Thus she presented me with a mop and the instructions, "Stand there, and if the rat comes towards you head it off by waving the mop." So I stood there. And the rat came towards me. And I waved the mop. But. The rat nimbly leapt over the mop, and latched its claws into the skirt of my sundress.

I remember feeling those hard little claws scrambling through the thin fabric as the rat tried to climb upwards...and then I had my first ever out-of-body experience. I kid you not. My consciousness shot straight out of my body and hit the ceiling. I lost all physical sensation, and have no idea how loud the scream was, except for the fact that my flat-mate shut me in my bedroom and refused to let me out until she'd removed the rat because she thought her ears wouldn't survive another assault like that.

I have a few other memorable infestation stories (which can be supplied upon request), but luckily, one of the side-effects of my tendency to collect cats is a strange :smallwink: absence of rodents in my life.

*Possibly some genetic memory of the bubonic plague?

The Orange Zergling
2008-01-06, 11:06 AM
Spiders, insects, and needles, especially syringes.

Hell, I even get uncomfortable around pins.

Mc. Lovin'
2008-01-06, 11:24 AM
It's not exactly a phobia but ... I really dont like being in the same room as rabiits unless I can watch them or somthing like that.

2008-01-06, 11:30 AM
I hatehatehatehate spiders. x_x
And, I have... agoraphobia.

Raiser Blade
2008-01-06, 11:43 AM
I have heights...aphobia.

Or whatever you call it. <_< >_>

Gem Flower
2008-01-06, 11:47 AM
Tourists. Tourists scare me. A lot.

2008-01-06, 12:14 PM
I have this thing with corpses.
Which isn't so very great when you study medicine and actually have to dissect them.
I get physically ill, so even when I was able to overcome my dislike for them, I still have fear of being severely ill in the classroom because the formaline-smell.

Don't know if it's really qualify, but it's very unpractical

2008-01-06, 12:22 PM
Spiders. Bad.
Even the thought of them or typing about them makes me panic. I wake up sweating after dreaming about them.


Ego Slayer
2008-01-06, 12:22 PM
I have heights...aphobia.

Or whatever you call it. <_< >_>
Acrophobia. =P

Archangel Yuki
2008-01-06, 12:24 PM

I'm afraid that I don't know how to love.
:smallsigh: Stupid comic references.

Tempest Fennac
2008-01-06, 01:59 PM
You could be right in regards to rats, Dish. I didn't mention this earlier, but I also really hate corpses for some reason (I can't think of any reasons why apart from the theory about death I mentioned earlier).

2008-01-06, 03:27 PM
I'm Agoraphobic, scared of open spaces. It's strange, because if I'm, say, in the beach or in an open fied, I don't get it. But if I'm swimming in deep water, I get nervous, since I can't see the bottom.

Also, it forces me to sleep with blankets, whether it's cold or warm. I need blankets to feel something is holding me down...... :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-06, 03:44 PM
I have coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. I don't really know what causes it, it may just be the freaky grins and happiness that is disturbing to me. Or the fact that I watched the movie It when I was little.

I think I also have claustrophobia, although it isn't the small space that bothers me, it's just when it gets to the point where I can't move in a confined space that frightens me.

2008-01-06, 04:03 PM
Add me to the coulrophobic too. Why is it that so many people are terrified of them?
And this isn't a phobia as such, more of a knee jerk reaction, but I can't stand the colour pink. At all. If I see pink on anything I have to look away.

2008-01-06, 04:53 PM
I'm a bit agoraphobic. Wide open spaces, especially indoors and especially if they're brightly lit, creep me out. It feels like there's nowhere I can rest, nowhere I can sort of mark out as being a safe area, nothing. Outdoors is better, because there's usually small hills or tall grass or SOMETHING, but places like basketball courts just make me want to get the hell out of there.

I'm not scared of spiders, I hate them. Getting spider bites will do that to you. Really big spiders like tarantulas don't bother me, because I kind of categorize them as rodents with more legs in a way. It's the ones with the brittle-looking exoskeletons that really get to me. I try not to kill spiders both to get over it and because they kill mosquitoes, but I still hate them.

2008-01-06, 04:58 PM
I have Ephebophobia, as in the fact that I dislike them, not fear, well, little, small children are evil....

2008-01-06, 05:04 PM
Mildly phobic of lightning (Astraphobic, wasn't it?), but I'm learning to get over it, now.

Deathly afraid of high jumps. Y'know, the whole event with the pole to jump over and the mattress... You won't be able to get me to even walk up to the bloody thing.

2008-01-06, 05:25 PM
Minor fear of spiders, large insects, deep water (can't swim), and slippery/unstable surfaces.

The big one, though, is being tickled. It really freaks me out and I sometimes kinda go insane when people tickle me. The good part of that is that they never do it again.

2008-01-06, 05:27 PM
I don't like ladybugs. Don't know why, but they scare the crap out of me. Something about them opening their wings creeps me out. And the way they walk. And those spots. Ugh...

2008-01-06, 05:45 PM
arachnophobia, I find the little buggers fascinating, but can't stand being near them.
i dislike loud noises (sensitive hearing, i cant own those mouse repellers) and large crowds, I'm not scared of them, just don't like them.

2008-01-06, 06:13 PM

Clowns (if you aren't afraid of clowns, something is wrong with you).

Physical Pain (I hate pain. Oddly, I have a very high pain tolerance, but I still do not like to feel it).

Admiral Squish
2008-01-06, 06:29 PM
Bugs. Anything with more than four legs, really. I freak out. Especially bees. I spasm all over the place and bolt, then spend another ten minutes rubbing nervously at imagined bugs in my pants or on my arms.

2008-01-06, 06:33 PM
if you aren't afraid of clowns, something is wrong with you

I just find clowns unamusing.
They are just people in too much makeup. :smallconfused:
I don't think there is something wrong for me for that.

Aside, I also share the open spaces fear, more generally, however, it compliments the feeling that I hate being alone - which is strange since I keep to myself a lot. I just like knowing there's someone nearby.
When the two go together, I don't -quite- panic, but I become extremely nervous.

(+ the fears I posted before)

Secret Agent Man
2008-01-06, 06:38 PM
I have a severe case of hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

Of course, I'm kidding. If I wasn't I wouldn't be able to type my own phobia.

For your amusement: http://www.phobialist.com/

2008-01-06, 08:16 PM
I don't freeze or panic, but I feel really uncomfortable around large dogs (small ones are fine though).

I do have a slight phobia of sudden (not necessarily unexpected), loud noises - an unexpected sound is quite likely to make me jump, and even if I expect it, I can't help but twitch when there is a sudden loud noise, and I feel very uncomfortable, too.

2008-01-06, 10:19 PM
My phobia would be needles. Probably to the point of irrational. I mean, I don't even like looking at needles, let alone getting the shot.

Weird thing is that it doesn't have to do with sharpness, because I love playing with knives.

2008-01-06, 10:26 PM
Physical Pain (I hate pain. Oddly, I have a very high pain tolerance, but I still do not like to feel it).

You're terrified of pain and don't like to feel it, but you have a very high pain tolerance? That strikes me as an oxymoron.

2008-01-06, 11:16 PM
I just find clowns unamusing.
They are just people in too much makeup. :smallconfused:
I don't think there is something wrong for me for that.

Don't quote me on this, since I have no references to cite, but according to someone told me, Clowns aren't supposed to be funny. They were supposed to be grotesque when they were invented. For some reason now they're related to comedy.

2008-01-06, 11:17 PM
Cake. The cake is a lie.
You know you saw that coming...

2008-01-06, 11:19 PM
Insects and Feet. Or insects with big feet.

2008-01-06, 11:26 PM
I'm scared of deep water (and sharks, but I think they go together).

I also don't like being in the dark alone, not so much a fear, I guess just a fear of not being able to know what is currently happening around my person at any given time.

2008-01-06, 11:26 PM
Mine is the ocean. Particurly(I can't spell) tentacled beasts and the lower reaches of it. But I once had to Run back up a scorching beach in Hawaii after snorkling for five minutes.

I blame my mom.

2008-01-07, 10:21 AM
Needles seem to be a common one... One that I share.

Due to having a needle break halfway into my skin when I was three has led to my rather deep and somewhat rational fear of needles. Only the hypodermic sort but I do panick when there is the possibility of be getting an injection of some sort.

And there is the fear of things getting near my wrists. There is no real reason for that but I just get really antsy when something I don't trust is near my wrists.

2008-01-07, 11:12 AM
I have an extreme phobia of needles. I completely freak out when I see one, and when I'm having an injection the only thing that keeps me in place is that I'm far too scared to move.

I'm afraid of extreme heights, mountains and up. Especially when I'm in a car, and even more if there's not a big obstacle between the car/me and the abyss.

And I'm also very afraid of the idea of pain. Not pain itself, I can handle that pretty good. But the very idea that something's going to hurt is enough to send shivers down my spine.

2008-01-07, 11:24 AM
I have a long list of phobia's.

to start with I have a very bad case of claustrophobia. even a classroom is to small.
I have a needle phobia, I'm afraid of heights, I'm afraid of bugs with an irregular flight path (like a daddy-long-legs), I can't stand sudden noises or a very loud noise for a long period of time and I can't stand crouds

2008-01-07, 12:04 PM
Wasps. I hate wasps. I can't go near them, and I flinch when I think I see one nearby. This can cause a problem because a lot of insects dart about like wasps, and if I see one out of the corner of my eye, I think it's a wasp and jerk away. Thankfully, this is only a problem when I go outdoors in summer. It makes it hard to put things in bins in summer too - I have to throw rubbish in from range to avoid going near the wasps. I think it counts as a phobia, not just a fear, because it really affects how I operate during the warmer months. Apparently, it's called Spheksophobia (cool name).

Everyone else always finds it very funny... :smallfrown:

I don't like needles, and even the thought of broken bones makes me feel sick. I wouldn't call these phobias, though. Just aversions.

Dr. Bath
2008-01-07, 06:28 PM
I don't think I have any real phobias. I like spiders and clowns and most of the common phobias.

I'm not keen on heights. Although it's not really the falling I'm scared of, it's the hitting the ground.

Also, has anyone else met people/are irrationally afraid of wrists? I know about three people who are and it's really quite strange.

The Orange Zergling
2008-01-07, 06:41 PM
And I'm also very afraid of the idea of pain. Not pain itself, I can handle that pretty good. But the very idea that something's going to hurt is enough to send shivers down my spine.

Wow, that perfectly describes another phobia I have that I forgot about...

2008-01-07, 06:44 PM
I think that roughly translated it's balneolumphobia. I could be wrong. It was an online translator. A fear of toilets. I always check my toilet before I sit. You want to know why? Go watch Lethal Weapon 2.

2008-01-07, 07:20 PM
i don't have any big ones like spiders or clowns. but before i make my short list i've got a good story.

My old boss lady where i used to work was afraid of clowns, like frozen in screaming fear while stomping her feet in place afraid.
so one day we take one of our produce carts that stands about six feet tall and put a gory clown mask on it, we tape some pants on it, and toss a coat over the top of the cart. over the course of the night shift it was outfitted with shoes, gloves, and padding to give the clothes a "body" inside them. then we put this cart in the produce cooler and turned off the light.

the next morning at 6AM the screams were heard all over the store, front to back, with a brick wall with only one far away door, between her and the front of the store.

anywho, i've got irrational fears of being surrounded. i can deal with immensely large groups, as long as i've got a way out.
also, people i don't trust being behind me. friends and family im mostly ok with, but if a few of the guys at work even get behind me i get jumpy.
standing in lines, with people behind me....

know what? i'm afraid of letting people i don't trust get behind me.

thats about it, everything else is situational to that. i think its got something to do with how much martial arts i've learned and how little i've been taught about defending myself from that direction. its hard to do in most combat situations. you should see me at the bank, i've got one eye on the door all the time, they should issue me a gun and a badge and just pay me to stand there.

2008-01-07, 07:21 PM
You're terrified of pain and don't like to feel it, but you have a very high pain tolerance? That strikes me as an oxymoron.

I have good pain tolerance, but I cannot stand to be in a situation where I know something is going to hurt me. Needles, dares, quarters it's all the same.

I am really afraid of needles, half because of aforementioned phobia, half just irrational craziness. I can't even watch people get shots on TV when its out of the camera's view.

Otherwise, I'm just kinda twitchy because I had one of those older brothers that thinks violence is the best way to discourage, well, everything I do.

2008-01-07, 10:45 PM
I don't like being touched, makes me feel skeevy. I also have a great disdain for publics bathrooms.... There is no connection... at all.... okay?

2008-01-07, 11:21 PM
Also, has anyone else met people/are irrationally afraid of wrists? I know about three people who are and it's really quite strange.

I know someone horrendously afraid of feet :smallconfused:
not the same thing i suppose but I am similarly puzzled.

Ego Slayer
2008-01-08, 01:25 AM
'Kay, had to think about this one a bit. I don't actually have any strong phobias, but I do have some sorta mild fear of death. As in, when the thought strikes (usually in a situation where it's possible, like a car ride), I get nervous pangs and sometimes my heart speeds up and need to put certain pleasant thoughts in my head so they'd be some of the last things I thought, if I died.

I had to look this other one up... I guess it's more of an OCD. Fear of losing something? A very specific object... I have often needed to check to make sure it's where it should be... it happens to be a worn item, so if I don't immediately see or feel it... for that second, I get really nervous.

I also kinda have one rather bizarre one which isn't exactly thread appropriate. =P

2008-01-08, 01:40 AM
Death...But I suppose that one's kinda natural...

I get really nervous if I'm not wearing my necklace or bracelet, they're the two items I never take off if I can avoid it...

I suppose I'm afraid of standing out too much, or being forgotten as well...That one sucks a bit...

I don't think there's anything else...

The Bushranger
2008-01-08, 05:26 AM
This first one probably isn't an actual phobia, but I've always been uncomfortable with bridges. Specifically, being under one. Ever since I was a kid, I've never been comfortable being directly underneath a high bridge, like where a lot of places have parks/boat ramps/what-not. Sometimes get a little nervous going over one, too, but mostly it's under.

A true phobia, perhaps, would be my fear of driving away people I care about...

2008-01-09, 02:39 AM
Whenever people stand within arms reach of me, I slowly begin to panic. The feeling escalates until I willingly leave whatever situation caused people to cluster around me. So much for rock concerts, eh?

Mirrors in the dark. They terrify me. I sit there, and wonder what they're reflecting - and get the heebie-jeebies to the point of running out of whatever room I'm in.

2008-01-09, 02:58 AM
I have a very peculiar fear of horror movies, even ones that aren't even scary. If there's one coming on I have to wait out of line of sight of the TV until I can convince someone to change it.
Hmm. I'm phobic of horror movies, I love strawberries, kittens and Yotsuba. If people didn't know me better they might not believe I'm CE. :confused:

2008-01-09, 03:03 AM
I also kinda have one rather bizarre one which isn't exactly thread appropriate. =P

You really shouldn't mention it if you don't plan on sharing...

2008-01-09, 04:02 AM
I have a very peculiar fear of horror movies, even ones that aren't even scary. If there's one coming on I have to wait out of line of sight of the TV until I can convince someone to change it.
Hmm. I'm phobic of horror movies, I love strawberries, kittens and Yotsuba. If people didn't know me better they might not believe I'm CE. :confused:

I really dislike horror movies, which is odd, because I'm unusually un-afraid of blood. Broken bones, I can't stand (see previous post), but blood is fine. But I avoid horror movies like the plague. Guess I just don't like being scared. :smalleek:

2008-01-09, 06:13 AM
Fallen 20 feet a couple of times (onto my chest). Got the wind knocked out of me each time but not afraid of heights.

Just out of curiosity, Trog, here these Couple of Times alike in nature or seperate incidents? Cause they way you're saying it it sounds like you did the same fall onto your chest from twenty feet several times.

Lets see, Phobia's, Phobia's...

I don't have any of the big ones. I'm not scared of heights, death, creepy crawlys, giant frogs, open spaces, closed in spaces, or sea monsters (I actually even like sea monsters.) If you are one of the seamonsterophobics, dont click this. Though I know you will.

Colossal Blue Crabs.

But the one thing I am afraid of - outside of God, but thats in the honest God-fearing citizen style and not a phobia - is Falling Fruit. Hail my weirdness (and being the first, and probably only person to be scared of this). Two reasons - first of all, the falling of fruit is usually associated with death, (though this isnt really a reason so much as self-developd reason. I.E., its not the real reason, but it sounds cool) such as Barbossa dropping an Apple in Curse of the Black Pearl, or Will Ferrell's character dropping (an apple too a think, but cant remember) when he "died" in stranger than fiction.

The real reason is that I work at a supermarket where one must weight fruit on a scale. Now usually what you'd do is place the fruit on the scale then turn to the screen to type in what you're weighing. I have this fear that when my back is turned, the fruit will fall of the scale, fall all over the floor and Ill have to go and get it replaced and itll take forever and in the meantime a big line will form and ill get fired. It's not a great job, but I'd miss the money and the peoples. This is so apparent that I often "feel" fruit brush up against my leg as it falls when I turn away, even though said fruit is securely still on the scale. So now Im getting felt-hallucinations. And finally, you might be wondering why I dont get this with Vegetables. Well, the fact is, most fruits are round where as vegetables are usually in shapes which prevent them from rolling far, except of course onions which drive me mad.

2008-01-09, 12:39 PM
Spiders. Big, hairy ones. Dear god, words can't describe how much I hated that Deklo Grove in Temple of Elemental Evil. :(

2008-01-12, 01:25 AM
Uncomfortable around spiders. Other creepy-crawlies don't bother me.

Heights, uncomfortable. Small spaces, uncomfortable, especially if I can't see the walls.

Death. My heart rate rises, I feel nauseous, especially considering situations where I may be forced to kill myself or a loved one. Possibly a phobia. Same for the world exploding/ending/falling into the sun/being sucked into a black hole/losing the atmosphere so we float off into space and die/being destroyed. Also, the universe ending. The annoying thing is, I can't stop thinking about these things. Darn overactive imagination!

Gore, like blood or bones breaking, fine. Only, I get this weird thing where I imagine what it would feel like if it happened. Now my arm burns and feels bent.

People sneaking up behind me, I can't handle. I manage amazing midair 180 degree turns every time. Someone opening the door to a shop when I'm facing a wall 2 metres away can set me off. Even to the point when I sometimes feel like there's someone behind me when there isn't and I have to stand against a wall, only that doesn't help, because it could be a ghost and therefore could still come through the wall behind me. Brrrrr!

Tempest Fennac
2008-01-12, 03:21 AM
You sound to be a psychosomatic as I am, Vella. Once I was researching health problems which spaying and castrating animals can cause, and I ended up suffering from what felt like a metabolic slow-down dispite reading an article which was over-whelmingly pro-neutering. On another occasion, I was in an anatomy and phisiology class, and I got a pain where my spleen is when the lecturer mentioned that the spleen holds blood unless it's needed due to an accident (I didn't know where my splee exactly was before hand either).

2008-01-12, 07:05 PM
I don't have any actual phobias but several things produce reactions I can't say are logical.

The closest thing to phobia I have is the fear of betraying my own ideals especially loosing control of myself. And when I say loose it I mean going on a streak of crimes leaving the maximum possible death and pain.

Less a phobia because I think it rational-fear of being depressed again. I was sucidal then and don't trust myself to not do that if I got that bad again.

Being in crowds always make me feel lonely. I can never "join" a crowd. Sports games, Concerts etc...I can feel it and can watch people do so but I never can. I dislike the feeling enough that I avoid crowds.

I can't stand cooked fat. Total revulsion. I happily trim my steaks before cooking them myself. Skin and butcher an animal-no problem. Finding a blot of fat in the middle of my steak makes me retch. Bile up the throat retch.
Something about the texture.

Also I get on edge around hierarchical social systems. The military catches the most flack from this but so do churchmen, masons, etc. It's like I'm expecting an attack. So I'm Chaotic through and through-sue me....oh yeah Judges*shudder*

2008-01-12, 09:46 PM
I do have a slight phobia of sudden (not necessarily unexpected), loud noises - an unexpected sound is quite likely to make me jump, and even if I expect it, I can't help but twitch when there is a sudden loud noise, and I feel very uncomfortable, too.

That's just a survival reflex. Loud sudden noises are frequently caused by something big, and maybe predatory.

Like Vella, I really hate people being behind me or sitting with my back to an open door.

2008-01-12, 09:49 PM
My friend is mortally afraid of squirrels, but I can't think of any myself

2008-01-13, 08:25 PM
The only thing close to a phobia that comes to mind is that of animal corpses. I have no idea why this is (Human cadavers don't really bother me. Then again, I think the only ones I've seen up close and in person were at wakes). I think it's kind of strange that horror movies don't get to me like corpses do... Also, heights make me uncomfortable, but almost never irrational (Unless I'm in an altered state of mind). I actually have a thing for snakes + arachnids.

Edit: Just forgot: dead fishie bodies bother me significantly more than anything else.

Em Blackleaf
2008-01-14, 12:26 AM
I'm afraid of the dark, but only if I'm outside in the dark. I feel safer if I'm inside and the light is just off, but outside at night, I get a little nervous. That's pretty much all I'm afraid of, though I have mild discomfort if I'm on the edge of a high place. Such as, a high building, jungle gym, canyon, or something like that.

2008-01-14, 12:28 AM
I'm afraid of the dark, but only if I'm outside in the dark. I feel safer if I'm inside and the light is just off, but outside at night, I get a little nervous. That's pretty much all I'm afraid of, though I have mild discomfort if I'm on the edge of a high place. Such as, a high building, jungle gym, canyon, or something like that.

That's so weird! It's the exact opposite for me! The Darkness indoors looks crepier to me.

.........not that I feel safer being alone outside at night, either.

Iudex Fatarum
2008-01-14, 01:25 AM
I have two things i'd classify as mild phobias, agoraphobia (in the traditional sense, that is large crowds of people) and loud noises but it doesn't matter how slowly the noises came up or what it is I just freeze.

I do react violently to people sneaking up behind me, I have previously almost broken a couple of people's arms because of this, but i always check who it is before i do anything drastic. of course this is not an unreasonable response to having a couple of people try to strangle me from behind.

I personally have no problem with blood, or guts, and I used to work in an ER so saw plenty of them.

My girl friend has some crazy fears. specifically needles among other things.

2008-01-14, 12:49 PM
Bees, wasps, hornets. all those flying, stinging, hive-making type insects creep me out.

I'm 19 years old, but the last time I encountered a hornet's nest (which was in December, meaning that it was vacant,) I nearly fell off the ladder I was standing on. I had to have my supervisor toss it a safe distance away. It's pretty embarrassing to admit to sumthin like that.

2008-01-14, 02:08 PM
Bees, wasps, hornets. all those flying, stinging, hive-making type insects creep me out.

I'm 19 years old, but the last time I encountered a hornet's nest (which was in December, meaning that it was vacant,) I nearly fell off the ladder I was standing on. I had to have my supervisor toss it a safe distance away. It's pretty embarrassing to admit to sumthin like that.

you can always claim you're allergic. :smallwink:

2008-01-14, 02:53 PM
I have a phobia of bugs. Like, can't stand to be around bugs whether they be living, dead, watching them, etc. It used to just be the stinging bugs and roaches and some how bloomed into a full fledge thing- I dodge butterflies and give leaf bugs a wide berth. Lady bugs I can handle as long as I am in control- once they fly I get twitchy.

This coming from the girl who walked into a gigantic swarm of gnats over the summer...Yeah...That was bad...I was shaking for half an hour and my arms were red from swatting myself. I need to move to the Pacific Northwest where they have no bugs.

It's gotten to ridiculous proportions and is at the point of irrationality that I consider it a phobia. I either freeze up or start panicking. I remember once I was on the phone talking to my boyfriend outside, laying on a sun chair (it was night). I look above me to see a big flying bug thing and my boyfriend couldn't stop laughing because I started going "Oh my god oh my god oh my god big bug...Get away oh god!" and dodging. Funny to watch, not so funny to experience.

I believe it stems from many instances of getting stung by wasps/bee's. Seeing my oatmeal move because thousands of little black bugs had invested our cupboard didn't help.

Yet, I'm fine around spiders (as long as they aren't on me), snakes, rodents, and basically anything that isn't a bug (excepting infectious type worms and the like).

I am mildly afraid of lightening, being alone in pitch black (I'm fine if there is some light or a person with me), and aliens. Don't ask about the last one, but it has nothing to do with me ever having been abducted.


2008-01-14, 03:48 PM
The dark, but only when there is cover in the area. It's kind of funny, in that as long as I'm in a wide open area, the dark doesn't bother me at all. Cities in the dark scare me.

All of this may have something to do with my extreme sensitivity to horror movies. Seriously, it's bad. TRAILERS for horror movies have given me nightmares in the past (though I was like eight at the time). I think I just have a very active imagination (which does come in handy at times).

Oh, and to Syka: The Pacific Northwest!?! No bugs!?! I live in the Pacific Northwest, and we get gnat swarms like you wouldn't beleive! I want to go to your Pacific Northwest.

2008-01-14, 09:14 PM
The dark, but only when there is cover in the area. It's kind of funny, in that as long as I'm in a wide open area, the dark doesn't bother me at all. Cities in the dark scare me.

All of this may have something to do with my extreme sensitivity to horror movies. Seriously, it's bad. TRAILERS for horror movies have given me nightmares in the past (though I was like eight at the time). I think I just have a very active imagination (which does come in handy at times).

Oh, and to Syka: The Pacific Northwest!?! No bugs!?! I live in the Pacific Northwest, and we get gnat swarms like you wouldn't beleive! I want to go to your Pacific Northwest.

Really? I was told by a teacher who lived in Oregon that there weren't bugs. *shrug* Maybe it was just cockroaches and mosquitoes...


2008-01-15, 12:08 AM
Really? I was told by a teacher who lived in Oregon that there weren't bugs. *shrug* Maybe it was just cockroaches and mosquitoes...


Some places have no Mosquitoes, but to say that there is a place with no bugs? Maybe the South Pole or something......

Here, we have a lot of Mosquitoes (I live near the coast), but in higher altitudes, the windows don't even have a Mosquito screen (or whatever you call them), because there are none.

2008-01-15, 12:21 AM
I'm afraid to be in public. More specifically, I always feel like I'm going to do something horrendously stupid, and someone is going to recognize me for it.

Not sure if this is a phobia, but I don't do phones. I make as few phone calls as possible, and generally just feel weird when talking on the phone.

Also, I'm afraid of heights and needles.

The Orange Zergling
2008-01-15, 12:52 AM
Not sure if this is a phobia, but I don't do phones. I make as few phone calls as possible, and generally just feel weird when talking on the phone.

Oh yeah, this reminds me; I'm absolutely terrified of the idea of getting a wrong number, or not getting the person I'm expecting.

2008-01-15, 01:00 AM
In all seriousness? Velociraptors.

Ever sense I saw Jurassic Park as a wee lad, I've had nightmares about them chasing me. Honestly, I don't know what's scarier than a pure-bred killing machine like the Velociraptor.

[I'd put links to the various xkcd comics on the subject, but I don't have them bookmarked, and I figure someone else'll probably point them out. I can't tell you how funny it was, though, to find someone else with the same irrational fear, comic or not.]

2008-01-15, 01:21 AM
Hi, my name's Harlequin. I've watched my friend break his arm in twelve places. I've seen a car nearly tumble into a hundred-foot-deep canyon. When I was three, back when I lived in Arizona, a scorpion crawled out of my shoe when I was about to put in on and ran up my leg while I stood paralyzed with fear.

So, what am I afraid of? Papercuts.

I swear to God.

They scare the living bejeezus out of me. I get the heebie-jeebies even thinking about them. I am absolutely terrified of them. If someone brushes past me with a paper, I almost subconsciously drop all papers I'm holding out of fear that one will cut me.

Really. I wish I was kidding.

I'm a gymnast. Landing on my head makes me laugh. But papercuts haunt my nightmares.

I also have a fear of a single certain kind of bug that I've only seen once. It was about three inches long, orange, and had pincers at least half its body length. I think it had wings, too. Not nearly as acute a fear as that of papercuts, but I still nearly soiled myself when I saw it. I hope it was an abomination of some kind because there really shouldn't be more than one of those in the world.

2008-01-20, 07:00 AM
Death. My heart rate rises, I feel nauseous, especially considering situations where I may be forced to kill myself or a loved one. Possibly a phobia. Same for the world exploding/ending/falling into the sun/being sucked into a black hole/losing the atmosphere so we float off into space and die/being destroyed. Also, the universe ending. The annoying thing is, I can't stop thinking about these things. Darn overactive imagination! Brrrrr!

Stuff like that (minus killing loved ones) EXCITES me. I'm a writer. Imagination is muh game.

Some places have no Mosquitoes, but to say that there is a place with no bugs? Maybe the South Pole or something......

Nope. Bugs.
I read a 900 page geography book. The north pole has bugs. Disagree? Bring it on.

2008-01-20, 08:06 AM
I think I have some variety of claustrophobia as well as a fear of heights, as the one thing I will point-blank refuse to do is climb a ladder into a loft. Funnily enough though, I'm fine with planes. :smallconfused:

2008-01-20, 01:04 PM
I have a fear of the old alien encounter ride in disney. I have to say that is the only thing to have ever scared me senseless. I went on it when I was 8 and couldn't sleep without the TV on for three years.

I also was given Weird NJ when either 9 or 10. I couldn't sleep right because it terrified me. I have relatives that live in Wannaque(over by the Famous Alien Sightings) and I was afraid to look out the Window when driving home at night. Never going to Visit the Pine Barrens. Ever. At all. The fear of ever coming in contact with The Jersey Devil is what scared me so much. I forced my parents to hide the book. Didn't open it for another two years. Its irrational, but I believe in all the crazy stuff like that and I was ten. Just the Stories of the Jersey devel scared the living Daylights out of me, and being a Jersey Inhabitant, made me worry.

2008-01-20, 05:11 PM
I also have a fear of a single certain kind of bug that I've only seen once. It was about three inches long, orange, and had pincers at least half its body length. I think it had wings, too. Not nearly as acute a fear as that of papercuts, but I still nearly soiled myself when I saw it. I hope it was an abomination of some kind because there really shouldn't be more than one of those in the world.

Was it an assasin bug? Wiki it if you're not sure was they look like. Careful with those they can hurt.

2008-01-21, 03:09 AM
i kinda get voilent when clowns get nearby...
and i have a phobia for drug-crazed nazi schaeffers! was attacked when i was a kid you see...

and dark. just like song: fear of the dark. ironic really, when you consider my ninjutsu training.

2008-01-21, 03:19 AM
Stuff like that EXCITES me. I'm a writer. Imagination is muh game.[/COLOR]

Basically same goes for me, except I would never call myself a writer. Me and a friend are working on a book, although we haven't started writing the book itself yet. The book (or possibly one of the three sections of it, not sure yet) is called Apocalypse, so it seems to apply.

Another problem I have is that my imagination is too damn good sometimes. Walking around my house at night, I can imagine, in detail, the results of, say, The Flood attacking. These disgusting little bulbous tentacly green things burrowing into your face...as well as loved ones being hosts...


Shea Landford
2008-01-21, 09:20 PM
One of my phobias for a long time was ( I am kind of getting over it) changing in public locker rooms (at pools and things). I would always change quickly and when no one else was nearby. I had my reasons, but I won't talk about it.

Generic Archer
2008-01-26, 03:30 AM
phobias... none,
To tell the truth the things that scare most people i love,
closed spaces, heights, open spaces, maybe i just feel more alive when i'm on the edge of death...
spiders are fascinating as are snakes, that said, one that surprises me still makes me jump.
The dark doesn't really worry me, especially in undeveloped areas, the city kinda worries me, but thats more the people
Needles really don't worry me at all, i can watch them go in, and actually kind of enjoy the feeling as they move into you, separating the muscle etc.
I think that most things that scare me are quite rational

2008-01-26, 09:22 AM
Spiders, extreme human constructions (roller-coasters, really really tall buildings) and anything slimy or alien-like, plus a lot of other stuff.

Also, I kinda have a little of OCD, i'm not sure if that's what it is but I seem to have to have things at right angles and free of dust or any sort of grime. Proud suporter of the Monica Geller community.

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-01-26, 09:52 AM
I'm afraid of diseases. I wash my hands about 20 times a day and won't touch my food unless I haven't touched anything else since washing my hands. Zombie movies scare the heck out of me, not because of the zombies, but because of the disease (usually it's a disease) that creates them. I've even been tempted to wear a face mask in public, but so far I've managed to keep from doing that.

2008-01-26, 10:11 AM
Needles, clowns (though, oddly, I love Harlequins), being completely alone.
I'm also afraid of touching someones feet or someone touching my own =/
And loose change.
And change(not in the monetary sense) itself.

2008-01-26, 06:05 PM
I don't really have fears that make me pass out, though I sometimes feel faint.

I have a moderate fear of needles, and sharp-rusty things. Probably, because my older sister is really into war-movies and the types, that show people stepping on metal things or getting metal things thrust through them...-gag-. Actually, I pretty much have a fear of some types of bodily harm (like that), along with papercuts on my eyes (seeing a clip of an eye being cut open one time didn't help). As for needles, I totally overreact around them. Sometimes, I even cry. When it's actually happening, it's not too bad, but right before, thinking about what could happen if they injected the needle wrong and all the blood and -shiver-
Which leads me to my next phobia.

Blood + Organs. I just can't think of them for two long, again, probably from reading and watching too much.

Lastly, I have a minor fear of spiders and wasps.


2008-01-26, 06:29 PM
Pain, a slow death, being rendered helpless, bugs, heights, great lack of height, nowhere to hide, those who I cannot manipulate, my own inhumanity, loss or otherwise suffering of my cats, nymphomania/satyrism, revealed privacies, loss of privelage, a hopeless future...

Exar Kun
2008-02-01, 11:40 PM
I am personally afraid of zombie invasion, wether it is 28 days later, the living dead, or whatever, it is going to happen.


buy the zombie survival guide

I sleep with a bat next to me bed just incase.

one of my friends is scared of ordering food, and has othor people do it for him

2008-02-02, 01:05 AM
The closest I have to a phobia is broken glass. There are three complementary reasons. The first is from a scene in the movie Die Hard where the bad guys shoot the glass and Bruce Willis has to walk over it barefoot. The other is I frequently wear sandals and while I know glass doesn't get kicked up like gravel, I have this belief that it may happen and get embedded in between my foot and sandal. The third reason is that I once had a sliver of glass in my foot for about 9 months that would not come out.

2008-02-02, 01:21 AM
Horror movies in general i cant watch.

Tv shows like Most Haunted and Ghost hunters freak me out!

And fire, i dont really like fire and unless im in controll of it i dont really want to be arround it.

2008-02-02, 01:32 AM
I'm scared to death of almost any dog larger than about a terrier or so. Doubly so if it's mangy, exponentially so if there's more than one of them around. I'm pretty sure it can be reliably traced back to a particularly gruesome incident in which I caught a glimpse of a pack of dogs in the midst of the process of eating my favorite childhood cat.

I also have an unusual aversion to anything involving loss of finger or toenails, or merely the implication of same. I've never had it happen to me, but I've always imagined it to be a terribly painful affair.

Hell Puppi
2008-02-02, 01:37 AM
Large spiders. Small ones I'm okay with, and even tarantulas I can stand (though oddly when they're babies they're kinda cute and fuzzy), but big kinda shiny large spiders? I freak out. I'm not afraid of a whole lot, almost to the point of stupidly putting myself in danger, but if there's a spider....

Ocean. DO NOT LIKE. I can understand how others love it, but for some reason I freak out if I'm on the ocean and I can't see the shore. I panic. I'm defiantly more of a forest kind of person.

Hm not much else. Zombies? Zombies.

Oh, flying bugs. Not really a phobia. Well, not all flying bugs. I'm pretty cool with bees and wasps (never been stung), but things like junebugs and flying cockroaches.

2008-02-02, 01:45 AM
first thing, i hate bugs. its not a fear, but they are annoying and invading, and the worst part is that i dont feel comfrotable killing them. but i guess that exept from the kill part its normal.
i used to have an intresting fear. fear of my fingers being cut/broken, i think its becuse i already broke one finger. very painfull. i got no idea how i got over it, but i got over it.
also, its not exectly connected, but ill mention it anyway. dogs hate me. when i pass around one in the street, he barks at me (uselly). and you know what`s funny? i got a pet dog.

2008-02-02, 02:10 AM
(though, oddly, I love Harlequins)

I love you too. :smalltongue: Oh, and Sktarq, I'm pretty sure it wasn't an assassin bug, unless it was some kind of demon assassin bug with pincers on its rear. Horrifying business, that bug.

2008-02-02, 02:56 AM
Death. Death and bees.

2008-02-02, 02:06 PM
moths, dear god i hate them

went to the borneo rainforest for 2 weeks and the toilet had the only lightbulb in it for quite a while.....well every single mother of an insect was in the damned place, i had to wait till they shut the electricity off and wait for them all to go away and then pee in the dark

it was quite traumatic

oh and i dont like eating in a public place on my own - i just think every1 is watching me and i dont like people watching me eat...its weird

2008-02-03, 05:55 PM
Clowns and heights. I had some unpleasant run ins with clowns as a kid. Thankfully I live in a relatively flat desert where I don't have to deal with heights much.

Why all the hate for spiders? They're small, eat troublesome bugs, and are are all around nice, a little cute even. Wolf spiders are a favorite of mine, when I find one I'll set 'im loose in my kitchen to catch any opportunistic creepy crawlies.

Edit: Also Raggedy Ann and other dolls with perpetually open eyes. Being forgetful, I don't keep track of them and they seem to move around on their own accord.

Hell Puppi
2008-02-03, 10:13 PM
I don't dislike small spiders, it's the BIG ones I'm terrified of. It's not even that I hate spiders, they just set off that tiny corner of my brain that goes "OMGRUN!" and I spaz out. Especially large garden spiders. Those things are scary looking:


Also, camel spiders.

2008-02-03, 10:27 PM
Oh, flying bugs. Not really a phobia. Well, not all flying bugs. I'm pretty cool with bees and wasps (never been stung), but things like junebugs and flying cockroaches.

WHAT?! They make roaches in "flying" now?! Suddenly, I'm starting to think that my house's roach colony isn't a problem after all. If I see anything resembling roach-sized wings in the kitchen, I'm going to go into a John Woo style dual-Raid-can-wielding strafing frenzy.

Hell Puppi
2008-02-03, 11:30 PM
Well the only flying ones I had seen were in New Mexico. They were big and brown, didn't fly all that often just kind of huge leaps with the flickering of wings.
Not exactly sure what kind they were, but damn if they didn't scare the living heck out of you.

Edit: Hm both american cockroaches and german cockroaches can fly. I think it was the german kind (it was base housing, it wouldn't surprise me if some of them hitchhiked)

2008-02-04, 09:51 PM
Bugs. Omigod... When I see a bug (anything with more than 4 legs), there's a script my brain follows:
1. Freeze for 1 second.
2. Grab the nearest weapon and SMASH that crawly bastard.
3. If any more are near, go into killing, destroying rampage.
DAMN do I hate them.

That's pretty much it for my phobias, although I hate having to deal with others' phobias.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2008-02-04, 10:06 PM
Being a musician, I have a very real fear of hand injuries. Being a musuem exhibit fabricator, this can make work quite terrifying at times. Even, say, helping a co-worker with a hand injury? Just the thought of it scares me.

2008-02-04, 10:14 PM
1. spiders (but only if they are near me or in my house)
2. people touching me (I work in healthcare, this is kinda in combination with germs and really only applies to my residents)
3. touching (same) people's stuff (wheelchairs, etc) - this stuff gets all kinda of other stuff on it :smalleek:
4. falling down (ever since I fell and broke my elbow a year and a bit ago...this one comes and goes, but sometimes I don't even want to step off a curb)

Also, they have flying cockroaches in Louisiana...they were the bane of my childhood, as they would not squash when you stepped on them...only get mad. Some of these in Virginia as well. One chased my cat one time...

2008-02-06, 12:06 AM
Just out of curiosity, Trog, here these Couple of Times alike in nature or seperate incidents? Cause they way you're saying it it sounds like you did the same fall onto your chest from twenty feet several times.

Well one time it was from a cable swing hung high up in an ancient tree in the bluffs of spooooooky Wisconsin. The cable was fashioned into a noose-like shape and the tree was dead as I recall. Anyway you would haul this up the side of the bluff and grab onto it, place your foot in the noose and swing out into space. Anyway, I slipped and fell onto my chest, just missing dashing my head on the rocks of the stream not a foot away. My friends ran down to see if I was okay. Once I could breathe again I seem to remember my first word was: "... superman!"

The other time was from slipping off of a neighbor's zip line that they had run from their tree house to a pole in their back yard. My hands were wet with sweat from playing and I lost my grip on the bar right away. Splat. Got the wind knocked right out of me.

Both of these were from pretty high heights. I could have easily broken something either time. Luckily aside from some dirt and some gasping I was fine, really.

And now you know... the rest of the story. :smalltongue:

2008-02-06, 12:20 AM
I have the fear of fears of fears that makes no sense, like the fear of fearing fears that make you fear fears in a phobic sense.


2008-02-06, 07:04 AM
I dislike dogs. Even puppies. It's not like "Eww, they're not cute enough" but more like "It's a member of Canis Lupus! Run!" kind of feeling. I just don't like them at all.

Well, I don't mind cats and kittens, and I have a soft side for spiders. I even had a plan to acquire and keep a pet tarantula until my parents found out about it. I believe they read my diary :smallannoyed: .

2008-02-06, 08:26 AM
I dislike dogs. Even puppies. It's not like "Eww, they're not cute enough" but more like "It's a member of Canis Lupus! Run!" kind of feeling. I just don't like them at all.

Well, I don't mind cats and kittens, and I have a soft side for spiders. I even had a plan to acquire and keep a pet tarantula until my parents found out about it. I believe they read my diary :smallannoyed: .

Yes! Another person who likes spiders! ^.^

I wanted a pet tarantula...but they live too long, so it'd be left with my family when I move out. And none of my family likes spiders that much. <.< >.>

2008-02-06, 08:13 PM
I have fears of showing my flaws, of letting people get too close, and of all romantic and (especially) physical relations.

Plus to a lesser degree: spiders, heights, and oddly enough: mirrors in darkness, or more accurately, darkness in mirrors. Figure that one out.

Oh, and Piscean women! Scary stuff. Especially in groups. *shudder*

Considering the first one I listed, this was a considerably difficult post to decide to type. Thank god for anonymity! I'm going to go and have a lie down now. :smalleek:

Mattarias, King.
2008-02-06, 08:18 PM

Ye flames, do they freak me out. I like mythical birds, I.e. the phoenix, but real ones, not so much. *shudder*

.. I like kitties, though. :smallsmile:

2008-02-07, 02:39 AM
I fear being killed.

2008-02-07, 06:18 AM
I fear being killed.

Me too. :smallfrown:

2008-02-07, 07:19 AM
I have a fear of falling. More strangely I also have a fear of zombies (or more precisly the posibility of the presence of zombies).

2008-02-07, 07:49 AM
I have fear of killing myself

though about it, desided that I shouldn't, but have moments when I think that it would be easier to drive of the road (litterally, I live in a mountain area and drive) than to continue.

2008-02-07, 08:34 AM
I've been clinically diagnosed with Hemophobia, the fear of blood and needles. I passed out in high school about 38 times from people even talking about either.


2008-02-08, 09:40 PM
I've been clinically diagnosed with Hemophobia, the fear of blood and needles. I passed out in high school about 38 times from people even talking about either.


Should I be mean and post a link to Monty Python's sketch called Homicidal Barber?

Inhuman Bot
2008-02-09, 07:01 PM
I have fear of not being alone, not dieing and it not being dark.

2008-02-09, 09:59 PM
I have an overwhelming fear of fear itself.

Oh, and losing mental barriers in public. And flesh eating diseases. And werewolves, bugs, stock brokers...

2008-02-12, 06:51 AM
There is no "physical" phobias in my book (spiders, hieghts, needles, snakes).
I guess having spiders in my mouth or somthing would be uncomfortable, otherwise they are cute little buggers.

I do have a slight phobia of public places but not so much I avoid it activly.
No problem talking to strangers about anything (heck sometimes I strike up a gross conversation for kicks with a complete stranger). I used to fear my phone, in my cloistered peroid, but I am over that now.

However anything romantic, right out. Not a phobia of women or girls, or sex itself (I got middle-aged women at my work, pottymouths all of them), its the touchy feely part that I dont get. Romancer perhaps is a word for it. I cannot wrap my head around it and I fear getting caught not knowing what the heck I should do. Results in not doing much romantic stuff that naturally dont expand my horizons in this subject :(.

2008-02-13, 01:51 AM
I have a problem with certain erm, bodily functions. When I saw previews for Saw 4, with the guy chained in a vat and some kind of fluid washing over him, I thought it was sewage, and I couldn't handle it. Some friends took me to see the movie, and when that scene started, I almost had to leave. But when I realized it was putrefied pigs, and not sewage, I was suddenly completely fine. How neurotic is that?


2008-02-14, 10:29 AM
Whenever I get penut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth I choke up and have a panic attack! Its realy terrifying!

2008-02-14, 10:32 AM

I can't be anywhere near them. Also, being on the top step of an 8' ladder - can't do that, either.

But beyond those, I strangely do not fear my death - but the deaths of those I care for.