View Full Version : WoW-like hobbies (long first post)

2008-01-08, 01:23 AM
So, I've decided I need a hobby for the times when I'm not doing schoolwork or hanging out with friends, particularly because I took a break from World of Warcraft recently. I noticed that there are two particular aspects that I prefer in the activities I choose, and I'd love to find a non-video game hobby that includes these.

1) Measurable progress. WoW gives me an xp bar, reading books gives me a page count. This is distinct from something like, say, Counter Strike or playing an instrument, where I have to analyze whether or not I'm actually getting better at it. Both WoW and reading are particularly nice because I know I'll get to my goal eventually, even if it takes me a really long time, and I can estimate how fast I'm getting there.

2) Flexible time commitment. Of course, at times, I will sit down and read or play WoW for hours on end, but I also know that if I get interrupted, even if I only got through a couple of pages or a single quest, that progress persists until the next time I return to the activity, no matter how small that progress might be.

Ideally, I'd love to have a hobby that produces something meaningful eventually, but even a non-video game time-filler would be welcome. My interests and skills include computer programming, poetry, fantasy/sci-fi novels, and D&D/other RPGs.

So, any suggestions?

2008-01-08, 01:43 AM
You mean besides the message boards already :smallwink:

2008-01-08, 02:16 AM
As a recent leaver of WoW, I can offer you three possible options

1)Free Alternative-MMO's:

These give you a similar experience to wow, but are usualy of poorer quality and less likely to get you hooked

2)Partake in Game Beta's:

Again, dependant on the game, you get a similar experience without the added addiction because you know that eventually the beta will end and you'll have made a difference in the final product

3)Play/DM a few more games

Seriously, it worked for me! Its how I met my girlfriend

2008-01-08, 02:42 AM
*enters PSA mode*

You see, there is hope for all of us in this world. This man went from a WoW addict, to a well rounded person with a girlfriend and a life.

2008-01-08, 02:59 AM
oh man forget wow. what you need is i.r.l. it has full 3d graphics, full pvp and over six billion players! no server lag, and plenty of mods. my guy is a level 21 loser. the only flaw is all the grinding and there are a lot of noobs. you can measure your progress by how much time passes, how much gold you collect or how well you perform certain functions.

as for producing meaningful things, how meaningful can anything be?

2008-01-08, 03:02 AM
I heard the minigames suck for it though.

2008-01-08, 09:06 PM
I heard the minigames suck for it though.

school/work is pretty lame but if you get friends+family, they help out in later quests.

2008-01-08, 09:48 PM
you could try KOL(kingdom of loathing) free cool little text based mmo

or get some leather-working kits and see if you like that

or you could[insert something smart here later or something i didn't think of]

well hope i helped:smallbiggrin:

2008-01-08, 09:52 PM
Nothing constructive to add. But every time I see the title of this thread my mind reads it as 'WoW-like hobbits'.
(Forgive me for my ignorance, but WoW doesn't involve hobbits, does it?)

2008-01-08, 09:54 PM
Nothing constructive to add. But every time I see the title of this thread my mind reads it as 'WoW-like hobbits'.
(Forgive me for my ignorance, but WoW doesn't involve hobbits, does it?)
no but it involves those %&*# evil gnomes

2008-01-08, 10:00 PM
Why don't you try to work with your hands? Furniture or something. It's a fun hobby, easy to get into, and at the end of the day you've accomplished something, which is the best feeling in the world. It'll also be good for you later in life, because you can put your own furniture together and fix it when it breaks. And, needless to say, chicks dig guys who can make chairs. There's also the progress bar thing you're looking for, the feeling of accomplishment, because if you're doing a larger project like a table it's not going to take you one day.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2008-01-09, 12:11 AM
I highly suggest finding something that gets you out of the house and doing something that involves some sort of activity. Getting out and doing stuff it good for you, and will keep you in better shape. Even if you just go out for a walk or something similar for half an hour or so. But I would think anything that gets you up, out and moving would be good.