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View Full Version : Hakaisou (fallen monk) PrC

2008-01-08, 11:47 PM

A Hakaisou is a monk who has turned from the core of his religious beliefs (shown in the change of alignment from Lawful to something else in this case), but he still follows a strict set of beliefs. Often this is the purification of the world through destruction (often of a ruling faction) and he does not mind siding with evil to accomplish this. Due to leaving the Monastery he does not learn many of the normal techniques of a monk. Instead he focuses on his strength and fighting ability, learning the ancient ability Futae No Kiwami.

Alignment: Any non-lawful.
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Skills: Climb 10 or Jump 10 or Tumble 10.
Feats: Weapon Focus (Unarmed), Power Attack
Special: Must be an ex-monk. This means that in order to become a Hakaisou at least 1 level other than Monk must be taken and Monk cannot have been the last level taken.

Character Chart

Attack Fort Ref Will AC Unarmed Unarmored
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Damage Speed
1 +1 +2 +2 +2 Improved Natural Attack +1 1d10 +10 ft
2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Futae No Kiwami (Novice) +1 1d10 +10 ft
3 +3 +3 +3 +3 Natural Critical +1 +1 1d10 +10 ft
4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Futae No Kiwami (Adept) +1 2d6 +10 ft
5 +5 +4 +4 +4 Natural Critical +2 +2 2d6 +10 ft
6 +6 +5 +5 +5 Futae No Kiwami (Expert) +2 2d6 +20 ft
7 +7 +5 +5 +5 Natural Critical Multiplier +2 3d6 +20 ft
8 +8 +6 +6 +6 Futae No Kiwami (Master) +2 3d6 +20 ft
Natural Critical +3
9 +9 +6 +6 +6 +3 3d6 +20 ft
10 +10 +7 +7 +7 Futae No Kiwami (Grand Master) +3 4d6 +20 ft
Natural Critical +4

Hitdie - d8

Skills - As Monk.

Armor and Weapon Proficiency – The Hakaisou gains no proficiency with any armor, weapons, or shields. Wearing any armor or wielding a shield causes the Hakaisou to loses his AC bonus for Constitution and Class/level and his fast movement. Furthermore his special attacks all suffer the arcane spell failure chance that the armor type normally imposes. Normal penalties for wearing armor heavier than leather apply as well.

AC Bonus – The Hakaisou retains some of his sixth sense awareness from being a monk. In place of his Wisdom modifier he may use his Constitution modifier as a bonus to his armor class. In addition to this he gains an AC bonus based upon his level according to the chart above. These bonuses are not lose either of these bonuses even in situations where he would be denied his dexterity modifier due to being unprepared, ambushed, stunned, and so on. Hakaisou do lose these AC bonuses when immobilized.

Fast Movement – At level 1 and higher, a Hakaisou moves faster than normal as shown on the table above. A Hakaisou in armor (even light armor) or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed. A dwarf or a small Hakaisou moves more slowly than a medium-size Hakaisou.

Unarmed Strike – Being fallen monks, Hakaisou are highly trained in fighting unarmed, giving them considerable advantages when doing so. Unlike monks, Hakaisou focus even more upon their unarmed fighting techniques where monks focus on other extraordinary abilities. A Hakaisou fighting unarmed gains the benefits of the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and thus does not provoke attacks of opportunity from armed opponents that he attacks. A Hakaisou’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a Hakaisou striking unarmed. A Hakaisou fighting with a one-handed weapon can make an unarmed strike as an off-hand attack, but he suffers the standards penalties for two weapon fighting. The damage listed on this page replaces other sources of unarmed damage, such as from the Monk class.

Improved Natural Attack – At level 1, the Hakaisou gains the Improved Natural Attack feat. If he already has this feat his Natural Attack increases a second time.

Natural Critical – At level 3, the Hakaisou’s unarmed critical threat range increases by 1. At level 5, his unarmed critical threat ranges increases by another 1, at level 8, his unarmed critical threat range increases by another 1, and finally, by level 10 his unarmed critical threat range increases by a final 1. This brings his critical threat range to 16-20. This does not stack with Improved Critical(Unarmed) instead, if the Hakaisou already has this feat, it now increases the crit range by 1 more to 15-20. This ability never stacks with Impact.

Natural Critical Multiplier – At level 7, the Hakaisou’s unarmed critical threat multiplier increases by one step. (i.e. from x2 to x3.

Futae No Kiwami:
The Futae No Kiwami is an attacking technique that initially used the fist to hit an object twice near-instantly. The first hit was with middle knuckles of the fist, followed by the actual fist. The first contact (with the knuckles) is used to break the resistance or hardness of the target, and the second contact (with the fist) use used to transfer the full strength of the blow to the target. This allows the Hakaisou to deliver an incredible amount of destructive force. Through further study, this ability can be used through any part of the body and eventually can turn into the Touate which is basically the force of the Futae No Kiwami sent through the ground by stabbing a sword into it. This can be used to strike a single foe at a distance, or several foes near the Hakaisou.

Futae No Kiwami Punch - (1/round)
- Takes the place of a regular attack. (i.e. if the Hakaisou had 2 attacks at this point (naturally, with haste or using flurry of blows, etc.) he would only be able to make 1 Futae No Kiwami Punch and the other would be a regular attack.)
- Ignores 4 pts of hardness/damage reduction.
- Deals maximum unarmed damage. (i.e. if the Hakaisou has 2d6 Unarmed damage he deals 12 + any modifiers + enchantments. Magical enchantment damage is treated as normal.)

Futae No Kiwami Punch - (2/round)
- Takes the place of a regular attack. (i.e. if the Hakaisou had 3 attacks at this point (naturally, with haste or using flurry of blows, etc.) he would only be able to make 2 Futae No Kiwami Punches and the other would be a regular attack.)
- Ignores 8 pts of hardness/damage reduction.
- Deals maximum unarmed damage. (i.e. if the Hakaisou has 2d6 Unarmed damage he deals 12 + any modifiers + enchantments. Magical enchantment damage is treated as normal.)

Futae No Kiwami Punch - (3/round)
- Takes the place of a regular attack. (i.e. if the Hakaisou had 4 attacks at this point (naturally, with haste or using flurry of blows, etc.) he would only be able to make 3 Futae No Kiwami Punches and the other would be a regular attack.)
- Ignores 12 pts of hardness/damage reduction.
- Deals maximum unarmed damage. (i.e. if the Hakaisou has 2d6 Unarmed damage he deals 12 + any modifiers + enchantments. Magical enchantment damage is treated as normal.)
Touate - (Single Target)
- 1/day
- Full Round Action
- 90 Ft. Range
- Ranged Touch Attack
- Deals unarmed damage (including any bonuses).

Futae No Kiwami Punch - (4/round)
- Takes the place of a regular attack. (i.e. if the Hakaisou had 5 attacks at this point (naturally, with haste or using flurry of blows, etc.) he would only be able to make 4 Futae No Kiwami Punch and the other would be a regular attack.)
- Ignores 16 pts of hardness/damage reduction.
- Deals maximum unarmed damage. (i.e. if the Hakaisou has 2d6 Unarmed damage he deals 12 + any modifiers + enchantments. Magical enchantment damage is treated as normal.)
Touate - (Single Target)
- 3/day
- Standard Action
- 90 Ft. Range
- Ranged Touch Attack
- Deals unarmed damage (including any bonuses).
Touate - (Area of Effect)
- 1/day
- Full Round Action
- 30 ft Radius.
- Reflex save (DC = 10 + Hakaisou Level + Wis Mod).
- Deals 1d6/Hakaisou level damage.

Grand Master
Futae No Kiwami Punch - (Unlimited)
- Takes the place of a regular attack. (i.e. if the Hakaisou had 6 attacks at this point (naturally, with haste or using flurry of blows, etc.) he would only be able to make 6 Futae No Kiwami Punches.)
- Ignores 20 pts of hardness/damage reduction.
- Deals maximum unarmed damage. (i.e. if the Hakaisou has 2d6 Unarmed damage he deals 12 + any modifiers + enchantments. Magical enchantment damage is treated as normal.)
Toutae - (Single Target)
- Standard Action
- 5/day
- 90 Ft. Range
- Ranged Touch Attack
- Deals unarmed damage (including any bonuses).
Touate - (Area of Effect)
- Standard Action
- 3/day
- 30 ft Radius.
- Reflex save (DC = 10 + Hakaisou Level + Wis Mod).
- Deals 1d6/Hakaisou level in damage.

Hakaisou Feats

Sanju No Kiwami
Prerequisites: ???
Description: The Sanju No Kiwami adds a third punch to the Futae No Kiwami
at the expensive of 2 stunning fist attempts. Only 1 attempt can be made a
round. When the Hakaisou performs a Sanju No Kiwami, it deals normal damage
except that any damage caused by strength mod or power attack is
doubled. As a secondary affect, when the Sanju hits, a bullrush attempt is
made against the target. This is resolved just like a regular bullrush attempt
and provokes no attacks of opportunity, but the Hakaisou cannot move with
the bullrush attempt.

I'm sure most of you can guess where this is from. What do you think balance wise primarily and flavor wise secondarily? Am I missing anything you think it should have? Any other feats that you think would be fun?

Archangel Yuki
2008-01-09, 12:45 AM
When you say that it deals maxium unarmed damage, does that also apply to creatures? I don't really know, but something about this class strikes me as overpowered. I think it just has too many abilities packed into a 10 level class.

Besides that, it seems good. However, you never state how long Touate takes- is it a standard action, can it be combined with a normal full attacks action, ext.

2008-01-09, 02:08 AM
I'd make it a full-round action, based on the source material and for balance reasons, as I see no reason for anybody to be able to flurry with this and it requires a certain amount of concentration to pull off. You may also want to model it off of the Monk's Decisive Strike alternate class feature from the PHB2, which i think would be a bit more balanced by doubling damage rather than maximizing damage, as well as allowing an eventual extra attack with that extra power.

I'm also not so sure about allowing Natural Critical to stack with Improved Crit or Impact, as that would get into a crit range of 13-20/x3, which is a bit on the ridiculous side of things. 17-20/x3 i could deal with and be more realistic to the character, as no current Crit Threat range modifiers stack, including Keen or Impact with Improved Crit.

2008-01-09, 08:42 PM
When you say that it deals maxium unarmed damage, does that also apply to creatures? I don't really know, but something about this class strikes me as overpowered. I think it just has too many abilities packed into a 10 level class.

Yes, the maximum unarmed damage also applies to creatures, however, it only applies to the Unarmed damage not any enchantments, etc. I have changed the description to show this.

Besides that, it seems good. However, you never state how long Touate takes- is it a standard action, can it be combined with a normal full attacks action, ext.

I corrected this. Having it start off as a full round action and eventually change into a standard action.

I'd make it a full-round action, based on the source material and for balance reasons, as I see no reason for anybody to be able to flurry with this and it requires a certain amount of concentration to pull off. You may also want to model it off of the Monk's Decisive Strike alternate class feature from the PHB2, which i think would be a bit more balanced by doubling damage rather than maximizing damage, as well as allowing an eventual extra attack with that extra power.

I believe you are just referring to the Touate, which I agree that it should not be able to be used with flurry of blows or really any other ability. I honestly felt that Decisive Strike was fairly weak. You trade all your attacks for 1 and later 2 strikes that deal double damage. The Futae No Kiwami is supposed to be hard to learn, but fairly easy to do once you have learned it. It might be feasible to start it off as a full round action, then a standard action, then finally an attack action?

I'm also not so sure about allowing Natural Critical to stack with Improved Crit or Impact, as that would get into a crit range of 13-20/x3, which is a bit on the ridiculous side of things. 17-20/x3 i could deal with and be more realistic to the character, as no current Crit Threat range modifiers stack, including Keen or Impact with Improved Crit.

Allowing it to stack with them might be a bit much, however, it isn't 13-20. The ability doesn't change the fact that Keen/Impact do not stack with Improved Crit. So the crit range would go from 20, to 16-20. It's only 1 more than your suggested 17-20/x3.

As a side note, I just realized that this PrC is easier to get into than I had meant for it to be. I meant for it to be taken at level 6 at the earliest and am thinking about making it level 8. Would this help balance it since the powerful abilities would not be gotten until later?

2008-01-10, 01:34 AM
I guess I must have misread your description, as I could have sworn there were 4 crit range increases, which increases the range to 17-20, doubled would drop it to 13-20 range i was talking about. With 3 increases, that's 18-20, w/ improved crit making it 15-20, which I suppose is reasonable, though at the current level to entry, I'd might push back to only 2 increases; if you raise the requirements to level 8, then i think that'd be fair.
Also, there needs to be a feat for the Mastery of 3 Layers or Sanjū no Kiwami for us Sano fans :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-10, 08:50 PM
I guess I must have misread your description, as I could have sworn there were 4 crit range increases, which increases the range to 17-20, doubled would drop it to 13-20 range i was talking about. With 3 increases, that's 18-20, w/ improved crit making it 15-20, which I suppose is reasonable, though at the current level to entry, I'd might push back to only 2 increases; if you raise the requirements to level 8, then i think that'd be fair.

I may need to give examples for the crit ranges because I meant for it to go to 19-20 after the first bonus, 18-20 after the second, 17-20 after the third and then have Impact or Improved Crit increase it by 1 more (as the original crit range for a punch is 20). As for the requirement to join the class, I want to make it so that classes enter it at level 8. I'm looking for a way to do this so that most, or at least a decent amount, of classes cannot join it until that level.

Also, there needs to be a feat for the Mastery of 3 Layers or Sanjū no Kiwami for us Sano fans :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, I've thought about this. Some fans/fansites say that the Sanjū no Kiwami didn't really exist, blah, blah, blah. If I add it it'll probably be an ultimate technique with like 1 use per day. I want to do something special for it. Instead of just increasing the DR that is over come and the double damage to triple. Any ideas?

2008-01-11, 01:37 AM
I may need to give examples for the crit ranges because I meant for it to go to 19-20 after the first bonus, 18-20 after the second, 17-20 after the third and then have Impact or Improved Crit increase it by 1 more (as the original crit range for a punch is 20). As for the requirement to join the class, I want to make it so that classes enter it at level 8. I'm looking for a way to do this so that most, or at least a decent amount, of classes cannot join it until that level.

Improved Crit, Keen and Impact don't work that way, though; they take the current range and double it; it's a multiplicative operation, not a summation. Having a crit range of 15-20 is not a broken thing. Anyone with a keen high crit weapon can manage the same quite easily, so if you want to keep it within those ranges, you'll want to either drop one of the natural critical increases or add one more and disallow other critical range multipliers from stacking, as otherwise you'll be able to critical on a 11, which is something that hasn't been around since 3.0 and for good reason, since it's way too potent.

Yeah, I've thought about this. Some fans/fansites say that the Sanjū no Kiwami didn't really exist, blah, blah, blah. If I add it it'll probably be an ultimate technique with like 1 use per day. I want to do something special for it. Instead of just increasing the DR that is over come and the double damage to triple. Any ideas?

The one thing I particularly like about Decisive Strike was that it increased the Stunning Fist DC, which makes sense to me in this context, as Futae no Kiwami I think would be somewhat disorienting and warant such. As for the Sanju itself, I don't think it should increase the DR/hardness overcome, as the third strike is a second impact after the first initial destruction of the target's resistance. If I remember correctly, the Sanju, when it was used, kinda of also through back Anji upon impact, so a bullrush effect wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. If you didn't want to increase the damage of the attack that much, I'd maybe double their strength modifier to damage with the attack. As for the requirements for the feat, I'd make it require them to be an Adept in the Futae, as that's about when Sano learned it, I believe.

Also, there seems to be a type w/ your single target Touate, as after you get the ability to use it, at higher master levels, it stops being ranged unarmed damage and becomes d6 like the area Touate.

2008-01-12, 02:59 AM
Improved Crit, Keen and Impact don't work that way, though; they take the current range and double it; it's a multiplicative operation, not a summation. Having a crit range of 15-20 is not a broken thing. Anyone with a keen high crit weapon can manage the same quite easily, so if you want to keep it within those ranges, you'll want to either drop one of the natural critical increases or add one more and disallow other critical range multipliers from stacking, as otherwise you'll be able to critical on a 11, which is something that hasn't been around since 3.0 and for good reason, since it's way too potent.

The misunderstanding here is basically the way that I wrote it. Normally if a weapon has a crit range of 19-20 and Improved Critical and Keen/Impact stacked, that would increase the crit range to 15-20 because a x2 + a x2 in a x3 in DnD terms. However, due to the name of the ability and my description of it, the meaning I had behind it became unclear. As of now I believe I have fixed it in such a way that is feasible. I made it so that if the person already has Improved Critical that it now only increases the range by 1 (instead of doubling the whole range or anything like that). I did this because I believe it is standard practice that if you give a PrC class a particular bonus feat or feat-like ability that you allow them to either A) Pick a different feat in the case o the prior or B) Allow the two to work together in some way. I could, instead, have it so that the Hakaisou could either change the weapon that Improved Critical applies to if they already have it for unarmed or I could allow them to repick a feat if the way I have it doesn't sound good.

The one thing I particularly like about Decisive Strike was that it increased the Stunning Fist DC, which makes sense to me in this context, as Futae no Kiwami I think would be somewhat disorienting and warant such. As for the Sanju itself, I don't think it should increase the DR/hardness overcome, as the third strike is a second impact after the first initial destruction of the target's resistance. If I remember correctly, the Sanju, when it was used, kinda of also through back Anji upon impact, so a bullrush effect wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. If you didn't want to increase the damage of the attack that much, I'd maybe double their strength modifier to damage with the attack. As for the requirements for the feat, I'd make it require them to be an Adept in the Futae, as that's about when Sano learned it, I believe.

Also, there seems to be a type w/ your single target Touate, as after you get the ability to use it, at higher master levels, it stops being ranged unarmed damage and becomes d6 like the area Touate.

Fixed the Touate thing, thanks for noticing it. Check out the Sanju, tell me what you think about it. I made it so that you have to take this class no earlier than level 8 though I'm not 100% satisfied with the way I did it and may change it. The Sanju makes this class even more powerful (though still not over powered if you compare it to a full caster class). Please continue to provide feed back, I appreciate your help thus far.

2008-01-12, 07:01 PM
The misunderstanding here is basically the way that I wrote it. Normally if a weapon has a crit range of 19-20 and Improved Critical and Keen/Impact stacked, that would increase the crit range to 15-20 because a x2 + a x2 in a x3 in DnD terms. However, due to the name of the ability and my description of it, the meaning I had behind it became unclear. As of now I believe I have fixed it in such a way that is feasible. I made it so that if the person already has Improved Critical that it now only increases the range by 1 (instead of doubling the whole range or anything like that). I did this because I believe it is standard practice that if you give a PrC class a particular bonus feat or feat-like ability that you allow them to either A) Pick a different feat in the case o the prior or B) Allow the two to work together in some way. I could, instead, have it so that the Hakaisou could either change the weapon that Improved Critical applies to if they already have it for unarmed or I could allow them to repick a feat if the way I have it doesn't sound good.

Well, the Improved Critical and Keen/Impact thing isn't a problem, as they don't stack in 3.5; it's either one or the other; disallowing Impact seems a little harsh to me, as not everybody is gonna want to take Improved Crit, though it's a pain in and of itself to permanently enchant unarmed attacks. Disallowing just doesn't make much sense to me with how the rules currently work but if that's how you want to rule it, that works fine, i suppose.

Fixed the Touate thing, thanks for noticing it. Check out the Sanju, tell me what you think about it. I made it so that you have to take this class no earlier than level 8 though I'm not 100% satisfied with the way I did it and may change it. The Sanju makes this class even more powerful (though still not over powered if you compare it to a full caster class). Please continue to provide feed back, I appreciate your help thus far.

I think the Sanju should be a feat, personally, as Anji didn't know how to do one and was well past being a mere adept by that time; it seems like additional training and personal discovery would be required to learn how to do it or maybe just some inspiration, as in Sano's case. Also, i think that perhaps a good mechanic for it is to look at it like a Stunning feat and require maybe 2 uses to activate the abilities involved; currently, the Sanju seems a little worse than the Futae and, since the Sanju builds off of that move, i think requiring it to count as Futae and build off it w/ those additional abilities; maybe have a number of uses per day like Stunning fist based off your Hakaisou levels, maybe half your class level per day. I think that would work beautifully; also, since they'll have monk levels to get into the class, anyways, i think that including some mechanics related to stunning fist would work fairly well, also, like the upping the DC when part of a Futae.

2008-01-12, 07:13 PM
Take off the extra speed and give then some form to null some damage or better AC and immunity to their own technique an you're gold. :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-13, 01:15 AM
Take off the extra speed and give then some form to null some damage or better AC and immunity to their own technique an you're gold. :smallbiggrin:

From the source material, Anji and Sano, despite having trained with the techniques, are no more resistant to them then anyone else, thus I see no reason to grant them such immunity. A warlock isn't immune to Eldritch Blasts, a monk isn't immune to the Quivering Palm, why should Hakaisou be any different? Also, why lose speed and gain AC? This class is primarily about understanding the laws of physics and utilizing a quirk to more easily break anything in their way, which is the primary focus of the class. Speed helps you get to your target quicker, which a melee striker class like this needs. They get plenty of AC as is w/ Con to AC and the unnamed AC Bonus, as well. If you want some kinda AC buffer, you shouldn't be looking at monks, or at least this class. Go look at Tattoed Monks if you want an untouchable Monk.

Also, that brings up a thought to me: what kind of bonus is the speed? Enhancement like the monk's, which would make them not stack and not effective (like Sacred Fists, damn them ><), or untyped, like the Barbarian's and clerics with the Celerity domain?

2008-01-13, 07:53 AM
They are not automatically immune, but they know a counter-technique to turn the devasting attack in to a normal attack.

As to lose the speed, ideally when you master it you get that massive body builder upgrade. Take more hits and much less quick. But you could give him more HP instead.

2008-01-13, 08:09 AM
Can I assume the HD is a d8? It isn't mentioned in the entry.

2008-01-13, 12:34 PM
Tyonisius, can I use this and apply it to my reworked monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67611) as a fighting style? I really like the special abilities you have, and I think they would work really well there.

2008-01-14, 08:34 AM
Tyonisius, can I use this and apply it to my reworked monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67611) as a fighting style? I really like the special abilities you have, and I think they would work really well there.

Yes, that would be fine. Feel free to use it.

They are not automatically immune, but they know a counter-technique to turn the devasting attack in to a normal attack.

As to lose the speed, ideally when you master it you get that massive body builder upgrade. Take more hits and much less quick. But you could give him more HP instead.

I believe the massive amount of muscles was more of a Monk Anji think that it was due to the Futae No Kiwami or it's mastery. I believe that if Sano had mastered it he would not have ended up with the body builder physique. That's my personal take on it though, so you are definitely welcome to your own opinion.

As for the ability to counter the Futae, I am considering it and do have it on a back burner. Maybe move some stuff down so that level 5 or 6 is blank and put a Futae Counter there.

Well, the Improved Critical and Keen/Impact thing isn't a problem, as they don't stack in 3.5; it's either one or the other; disallowing Impact seems a little harsh to me, as not everybody is gonna want to take Improved Crit, though it's a pain in and of itself to permanently enchant unarmed attacks. Disallowing just doesn't make much sense to me with how the rules currently work but if that's how you want to rule it, that works fine, i suppose.

Lol, you are a difficult man to please. When I had it so that either one could stack with Improved Natural Critical you didn't like it, now that I have it so that only one stacks, you don't like it either =p I'll add some stuff to allow Impact to stack as well but so that it only increases the crit range by the initial 1 that unarmed strikes have to begin with =D

I think the Sanju should be a feat, personally, as Anji didn't know how to do one and was well past being a mere adept by that time; it seems like additional training and personal discovery would be required to learn how to do it or maybe just some inspiration, as in Sano's case. Also, i think that perhaps a good mechanic for it is to look at it like a Stunning feat and require maybe 2 uses to activate the abilities involved; currently, the Sanju seems a little worse than the Futae and, since the Sanju builds off of that move, i think requiring it to count as Futae and build off it w/ those additional abilities; maybe have a number of uses per day like Stunning fist based off your Hakaisou levels, maybe half your class level per day. I think that would work beautifully; also, since they'll have monk levels to get into the class, anyways, i think that including some mechanics related to stunning fist would work fairly well, also, like the upping the DC when part of a Futae.

A feat could work very well in it's place. However, is there substance to prove that Anji didn't know the Sanju? He doesn't perform one, I know, but that doesn't prove that he didn't know it. He may have also been surprised when Sano performed it, but that could be used to further support the fact that, traditionally, it takes a higher understanding of the Futae to perform it. I like the feat idea so I will probably implement it despite my arguments above.

Can I assume the HD is a d8? It isn't mentioned in the entry.

Wow, can't believe I missed that one for so long. When I initially made this PrC I had a d10 in mind, however, a d8 may be more fitting. Either way I don't think an average of 1 extra HP a level is going to be game breaking. I'll go with d8 for now though.

2008-01-16, 09:09 AM
Bumpiddy, bump, bump... bump., bump.