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2008-01-09, 03:31 PM
I was thinking of making a split personality Thrall of Demogorgon character, but I was unsure how to go about it. Ideally he would be one of either two personalities every time he woke up, or if he had more personalities for some reason, it would rotate, but how would I work the classes? I was thinking of duel classing, or of basically making two characters that I would switch between every time I switched personalities, or something along those lines.

2008-01-09, 10:28 PM
I had a split personality character once. His name was Hamuk. And Boar. He had two names.
Hamuk was very meticulous, very clean, and very intelligent. He was a little absent minded, but he was really just acting frail as that was how he always was since a winter wolf killed his family.
Boar is loud, obnoxious, and altogether mean. And messy.
They would hae conversations, but only they would hear both ends. Typically Boar would stay inside until fighting happened or he got angry, or Hamuk didn't want to talk anymore with someone on the outside.

He was fun. Just make two VERY different characters for them. Make one CN and the other NE, but both leaning toward CE. So one would be more meticulous and cunning, and the other downright nuts.

Just saying.

Oh, and for classes? Make barbarian one of them. Raging works well with personality change. Everytime he rages, roll a die and play whichever personality it tells you to (odds: CE, evens: NE)

2008-01-10, 02:30 AM
I had a split personality character awhile back. Prior to reaching the prerequisites for the Thrall of Demogorgon, I made her a Warlock/Chameleon (prestige class from Races of Destiny) The Chameleon worked out well for changing my abilities in battle to reflect the personality change.

She had five personalities, her main one being the Warlock class with Wizard powers. In this form, she was more cold and seeking dark-knowledge than openly evil.

Her Fighter form was a bloodthirsty savage.
Her Cleric form was a priestess of Demogorgon bent on world destruction.
Her Rogue form was very cowardly and acted generally naive.
I'd never got a chance to play out her Druid form, but I was thinking to make it friendly to contrast the other 4.

The only problem with this build is meeting the Prestige Classes, technically to meet Thrall of Demogorgon you have to have 1st level spells or sneak attack. I was able to make an argument that the Chameleon allowed for the prerequisites specifically since it allows for 1st level spells OR sneak attack, depending on which form you choose. That more depends on the DM. I imagine you could probably reach the Chameleon by other means than Warlock to meet the prereqs if that doesn't work out.

Hopefully that works out for you.

2008-01-10, 02:49 AM
One other thing that's fun, with DM approval, is to actually map out the split personality.

Start with the event which caused the schism. From that, derive the kinds of situations that a change could occur. Assign a percentage chance of switching in that situation (usually 75% is good, but it can drop for lesser triggers).

Second, design two similar classed characters, with minor variations.

For example, if you're a fighter as the base personality, go barbarian for the other. Stat them up seperately (do not apply bonus HP, though). When you're a barbarian, you don't get the fighter feats, when you're a fighter, you don't get the DR or the rage. Skills would change.

It allows a lot of strange characters to emerge, but when doing this, it's important not to cheese it out. Design the abilities to hinder at least as much as help you. MPD is not supposed to make your life easier.