View Full Version : The Triforce v.s The Force

2008-01-09, 10:35 PM
In a war between The Force and the Triforce, which would win?

2008-01-09, 10:38 PM

The Triforce is an inanimate object that grants wishes. The Force is a bodiless energy field that can be harnessed by certain people. How the hell are they going to fight each other? They're not even, in and of themselves, intelligent, let alone mobile. Do you have some sort of random string generator that makes these topics?

2008-01-09, 10:42 PM

The Triforce is an inanimate object that grants wishes. The Force is a bodiless energy field that can be harnessed by certain people. How the hell are they going to fight each other? They're not even, in and of themselves, intelligent, let alone mobile. Do you have some sort of random string generator that makes these topics?

Its an inanimate Triune artifact of power. Another is an energy field which encompasses all living things. Together, they fight crime.

No. Actually The Triforce and The Force are both intelligent.

2008-01-09, 10:42 PM

The Triforce is an inanimate object that directly alters reality as the user sees fit.

fixed that for you.

2008-01-09, 10:47 PM
Yeah, but we're not discussing users, here. The topic is apparently about the object/energy fields themselves, which have no means to harm each other, nor any independent will.

And no, neither is intelligent as we normally use the word. The Force can't do something all on its own, it has to be directed. The Triforce can't make decisions. They're things, albeit very powerful ones, not creatures or people.

Now Link vs. a Jedi, or something, that would make sense. Or a comparison of theoretical power levels, not a fight thread.

2008-01-09, 10:50 PM
True. I'll give you the fact that maybe the Force isn't intelligent...

But the Triforce... I know about the Triforce, and it had a conversation with Link. Well, actually it spoke to Link, but you know what I mean.

2008-01-09, 10:54 PM
Maybe...but has it ever acted on its own? Has it ever made a decision that affected its surroundings? Has it ever, in fact, done anything but the will of whatever mortal holds it? Well, it grants Link, Zelda, and Ganon Plot Powers while separated, but that's more a property of possessing it.

Anyway, Link vs. a Jedi. Thoughts?

2008-01-09, 10:57 PM
Maybe...but has it ever acted on its own? Has it ever made a decision that affected its surroundings? Has it ever, in fact, done anything but the will of whatever mortal holds it? Well, it grants Link, Zelda, and Ganon Plot Powers while separated, but that's more a property of possessing it.

Anyway, Link vs. a Jedi. Thoughts?

Um. Well, unless the Jedi is a Jedi Master, it probably won't be anymore dangerous to Link than a Mid-Boss.

Mr. Scaly
2008-01-09, 11:00 PM
No idea what to say to Triforce Vs. The Force...

But I think the Jedi takes Link. Which is very strange really, since I think link could take Sauron...

I guess the way I see it is... Link draws sword and whoosh! Jedi yanks it away. Link draws bow and whoosh! Jedi yanks it away. Link draws bombs, whoosh! Jedi stuffs it down his shirt. Force Pull is cheap.

2008-01-09, 11:02 PM
Assuming we give Link's sword and shield imperviousness to the lightsaber. Which frankly, given the things that they've deflected and the amount of magical power in the Master Sword, isn't a stretch.

Jedi Masters could give him a run for his money, though. Most of the saber forms emphasize a lot of agility, and Link fairs the best against large, slow opponents (which is why Ganon in Wind Waker is such a bastard: that guy is quick). Luke, pre-disfiguration Anakin, or Yoda might be able to get behind Link and hamstring him before he can dodge.

Link, by the way, has no chance at range against a lightsaber and Jedi-level dodginess. He pretty much has to close to melee. Most Jedi do as well, fortunately for him.

2008-01-09, 11:03 PM
Aren't both power to vaugly defined or is logic not wanted here