View Full Version : Freecreditreport.com Commercials

Lord Iames Osari
2008-01-10, 05:18 AM
Now, the pirate one I like. In fact, I like it a lot.

But the dream girl one I absolutely hate. It makes me wanna reach through the screen, grab the guy by the collar and yell at him: "Dude, you married your dream girl. Stop booping complaining!" :smallfurious:

Does that commercial make anybody else irritated?

2008-01-10, 05:53 AM
Agreed in full. And, I have to ponder if windmills do indeed work that way. As near as I can tell, if his credit record is spotless, and he could in fact, take the loan himself, there /shouldn't/ be an issue, unless he needed said dream girl's income as well, to get his house. But if he did, then they're probably at LEAST making enough for a decent apartment. Just, /agh/. Commercials aren't even /supposed/ to be getting that much thought, but.. that one ticks me off to the point where I feel the need to deconstruct it <.<

2008-01-10, 09:08 AM
Yeah, that one bugs me too. It's like 'I love you so much. Let's get married. Wait, you have bad credit?! Sorry, I can do better.' :smallconfused:

I married my dream girl. She likes to play D&D and most things I do. We live in a little 2-bedroom basement apartment and probably won't be able to buy a house for at least 5 years. Finances are something you work around. If they matter more than the person, you don't love them.

About the pirate one, though... Why can't he get a better job? It's not like they check your credit history when they do employee background screens... I'd never get hired if they did.:smallbiggrin:

2008-01-10, 12:14 PM
Actually, I used to work for a third party background-check firm, and we did in fact provide credit reports if the applicant signed a waiver. I believe most companies were more concerned with validating prior employment and education credentials, though.

I have nothing useful to contribute to this topic, because I've never seen these commercials.

2008-01-10, 12:18 PM
Agreed in full. And, I have to ponder if windmills do indeed work that way. As near as I can tell, if his credit record is spotless, and he could in fact, take the loan himself, there /shouldn't/ be an issue, unless he needed said dream girl's income as well, to get his house. But if he did, then they're probably at LEAST making enough for a decent apartment. Just, /agh/. Commercials aren't even /supposed/ to be getting that much thought, but.. that one ticks me off to the point where I feel the need to deconstruct it <.<

Logic in a commersial? Blasphemy,