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View Full Version : Technomancy [spells/d20 Modern]

2008-01-10, 06:09 AM
“I am a technomage. The modern world given form. Anger me and writhe under a storm of electric torment. Provoke my wrath and shrivel before my nuclear gaze.”

Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Technomage 1; Components: V, S; Casting Time: Attack action; Range: short; Effect: ray; Duration: Instantaneous, 1 round, see text; Saving Throw: Fort half, Fort negates, see text; Spell Resistance: Yes

Thaumo-electric current arcs from the casters fingers towards the target. The caster must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit. If the attack is successful, the target takes 1d6 electricity damage per caster level (maximum 5d6, Fortitude half). If the save for half damage fails, the target must make a second Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round.

Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Technomage 1; Components: V, S; Casting Time: Immediate action; Range: Personal; Target: Self; Duration: Instantaneous

A temporary lapse in the laws of physics causes the path of least resistance to be anywhere other than the caster. The caster gains 20 electricity resistance and a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws per caster level against any one effect that deals electricity damage or has the [Electricty] subtype.

Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Technomage 2; Components: V, S; Casting Time: Attack action; Range: Short; Target: One living creature; Duration: Instantaneous, 1 round, see text; Saving Throw: Fort partial; Spell Resistance: Yes

Thaumo-electric current jumps from the caster’s outstretched hand and into the target’s nervous system. The target takes 1d8 electricity damage for every 2 caster levels (max 5d8) and is stunned for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save negates the stunning and halves the damage.

Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Technomage 2; Components: V, S, F; Casting Time: Full round; Range: Touch; Target: Creature touched; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell only takes effect if the target is unconscious. If the target is unconscious due to negative hit points, they immediately rise to 0hp if their hp is -5 or above. If their hp is below this, they take 1 point of electricity damage. If they are affected by another effect that causes unconsciousness, they regain consciousness either permanently (if the effect is due to sleep or a similar condition) or for 1d4 rounds, during which they are dazed (if the effect is due to ability damage or similar).
Focus: An electrical outlet.

Atomic Glare
Level: Technomage 5; Components: V, S; Casting Time: Attack action; Range: Personal; Target: Self; Duration: 1 round/caster level

The caster’s eyes glow with a terrible radiance. They gain a gaze attack with a range of 30ft. that is only useable actively, which deals 1d6-1 (minimum 1) Constitution damage to the target. This counts as severe radiation for any effects that would resist or amplify the effects of radiation.