View Full Version : Castle Moyarta IC

2008-01-11, 07:15 AM
As a reminder, here is the background from the recruitment thread:

Your fame has grown throughout the Realms and people are beginning to approach you with requests. One day, while the party is relaxing in the tavern used as their Headquarters, a middle-aged couple approaches you. You can see their clothes were well-made, but are several years out of fashion and are beginning to wear.
“My name is Martin Brownpot, and this is my wife, Laura. I was once the mayor of Herndon, when the town still existed. But weird things have been happening and just about everyone has left. About 15 years ago, Baron Moyarta and his wife died in a strange accident, leaving their 5-year old son, Aaron. Baron Moyarta’s steward and his wife, Baroness Moyarta’s maid, stepped in to serve as Regents for the boy until he came of age.”
Laura picks up the story. “At first, things went on as normal. But as time passed, we saw the Regents and the young Baron less and less. At the same time, people started noticing strange sounds coming from the castle, especially at night. A few years later, crops started failing. That’s when people started leaving Herndon.”
“The Baron would have come of age two years ago, but there has been no word from the castle regarding him taking his place. In fact, there hasn’t been word from the castle about anything in nearly four years. At the same time, things around the castle are getting stranger and stranger. Black shadows hover around the towers. Howls come from the grounds.”
“We want to hire you to find out what is going on in the castle and what happened to young Aaron. I know your services don’t come cheap, but we have to know. We don’t care about treasure or anything in the castle. Just tell us what happened to our lord.”

Martin pulls out a something out of his pack and unfolds it. A quick glance tells you it is a map. “You won’t be able to go in the front door. But there is a series of caves under the castle that lead into the cellars. Going through the woods around the castle will lead to the caves. This map shows the forest and the castle, but I have no idea how accurate it is any more.”

2008-01-11, 09:44 AM
Grumpliy, the stumpy dwarf intones "A maid? A servant? As Regents? PFFT!" he glares suspiciously at the people, while his lips curl around the cigar in his mouth. "Why do ye care 'bout some failin' place? Why not pack it in and head somewhere else?" he grumbles.

2008-01-11, 10:12 AM
"Ah, yes, yes! Yet again someone needs the help of the mighty Miz." - Miz draws the map closer to himself and stands on his chair to examine it. - "It is those humans' behaviour to cling to other inviduals they have grown used to, even if they were just a mere service drone in their hive. It doesn't make sense but it isn't my loss. A good payment is reason enough for me."

2008-01-11, 10:14 AM

Crotha takes the map from Miz after he is through and gives it a quick glance.
"Through the forest? That shouldn't be a problem. I bet I could easily get through the woods with little trouble. So do you know if there is anything to be very wary about in the woods or the caves that follow?"

Crotha's wolf walks by him and stands by his side and sits down right next to Crotha whiule he reads the map.

Edit: Ahhh! We picked the same color! Being the second to post, I will change.

2008-01-11, 10:18 AM
Martin and Laura look at each other, then the dwarf. "The steward and the maid had been serving the Baron and Baroness for many years," Martin said slowly. "There was no other family to raise Lord Aaron." He shrugged. "It seemed the best solution at the time."

"As for why we - and other remaining residents - have stayed, well... Herndon is our home. We have roots, lives, history..." She waves her hand in the air, trying to think of something else to add. "I guess for traveling adventurers like you, that does not make sense. But the town is made up of farmers and craftsmen."

Martin turns to the Ranger. "Years ago, the woods were like woods anywhere. Bears, deer... I'm sure you understand. What they are like now, I don't know. None of the remaining residents have much woodscraft, just enough to gather firewood and hunt on the edges." He paused to think. "Can't tell you the last time someone tried to go through the forest.

2008-01-11, 11:45 AM
"Easy 'nuff to fix." the dwarf says, a sparkle in his eyes.

He draws a deep breath, making the burning tip of his cigar glow brighter.

"Burn it. Then, it'll match the rest o' the land, no?"

He grins wickedly at his woodsman companion.

"I'm sure ye'd really like that, eh?" he jibes, chuckling deeply.

2008-01-11, 12:34 PM

"I'm with Miz," the girl says, huddled in her enormous cloak. "As long as there's a decent purse, I'm in."

2008-01-11, 02:31 PM
With a satisfied smile Miz sinks back on its chair.
"A few pathetic monsters won't stop Miz!"
Miz looks around the party and one of its feelers twitch.
"Or any one of my companions."
It stands up on the chair again, rests its upper body on one arm on the table and pointing at the two servants of the castle rasing one of its scaly eyebrows with an inquisitive look.
"What's the payment?! Tell me!"

2008-01-11, 04:02 PM
Like most Red Wizards, Kaszass wasn't the epitome of charisma. However, like any servant of the Zulkir of Necromancy who had survived to Kaszass's age, he was polite. He gave a small smirk to the knowledge these people he spoke to would most likely find him more likable than the fiery dromite and gruff dwarf, at least until they found about his occupation. He'd grown his dark hair longer than most Thayans, on his head, and his tattoos were most often covered by a robe and clock. While the latter was red, was hardly distinctive of his order, since, unlike in his homeland, there was nothing notable about a cloak that happened to be a primary colour.

"Are the contents of a castle, the treasures of a barony, not enough?" Vhol interjected, the Rashemi accent from his lips the only boon his low, Thayan birth offered him. His voice sounded more like one from the friendly Rasheman than the hated Thay, where Mulhorandi was the spoken tongue of the elite. He told those interested that he was a naturally magical youth who had not wanted to spend his life making items for witches high in the mountains of a frozen, barbaric land, and so never returned to Rasheman from his Dajemma. "Miz is right, though. We don't shy from danger. Especially," he says with a laugh, "when gold comes into play. For me, spells are enough. Gold brings power. Magic cuts out the middle man." He gives a wide smile after the rather pathetic joke. Outside of sarcasm and irony, his sense of humor was non-existant.

2008-01-11, 05:15 PM
Laura had given a start of surprise and frowned at the Dromite's words, but perked up again when the man in wizard's robes spoke.

"We took up a collection in the town to pay you," she said hesitantly, putting a moneybag on the table. "And I'm sure there will be worthwhile things in the caves," she added quickly. "To my knowledge, no one has touched them since the old Baron and Baroness died."

2008-01-11, 05:26 PM
The half-elf at his companion's reactions. It was a young man, who had obviously inherited more physical features from his elf blood. Nevertheless, he remained more to the back of the adventuring party. He didn't really look as jovial or boasting as his friends, but he did seem concerned about the couple.

Sometimes, Trian wondered why he travelled with these guys. He wasn't really the person to judge them, but well...they were a little too maerialistic.
He coughed before taking the word himself.
"Look, we might want to delay the financial part of our help for a little longer. I'd like to know if you have any idea of what we might encounter over there, because your description of the village doesn't sound...really inviting. I'm no coward, but I wouldn't mind being a little prepared when we're going to be thrown to the wolves. No offence, really."
At that last expression, he gave the wolf at Crotha's side an apoligising smirk.

2008-01-11, 05:37 PM
"Would you mind if I counted it..."
Without waiting for an answer Miz starts concentrating on the bag and it slowly opens and tips over to the side making the money spill out. As soon as the coins hit the bare table Miz starts pushing them around on the table, sorting and counting them.

I use control object to make the bag open itself and tip over. Cost is 1 power point.

Concentration checks, as I don't know how much time this would take but I think three rounds would be enough:

Round 1: [roll0]

Round 2: [roll1]

Round 3: [roll2]

2008-01-11, 06:26 PM

"Money isn't important to me. Tell me, do you have any reason to believe that the forest may be corrupted?"

2008-01-11, 06:56 PM
Martin sighs. "I would not be surprised if the forest is corrupted. As I said, we have heard strange noises in the night. But there haven't been any..." he paused for a moment, looking for the right words. "No one's been kidnapped. There haven't been any sightings of evil creatures. Nothing like that. But as I said, none of us have the woodscraft to go into the forest very far." He waved his hand, trying to find a way to explain.

"Nothing has come out of the forest," Laura said, picking up where her husband left off. "We don't get a dark, evil feeling when we walk along the edges. But given that no one, that we know of anyway, has gone in or come out in so long, there is no way to say what has happened in there."

2008-01-11, 08:05 PM

"Like I said, I don't need money. Take what is from my share back to the townspeople. I am more concerned about the forest. I would like to find out if there is anything wrong with the forest first. Anyone else willing to go with me. I would prefer that you would be able to saty hidden, however."

2008-01-11, 08:54 PM
Khaszass fell somewhere between the ascestic and materialistic factions of the party. He really didn't care about money. In fact, he had absolutely none right now. He did care, however, for the things it could buy; specifically, spell scrolls. "Provided your town has a library, or anyone magically learned, I would need no monetary reward, either. If your town does not, spend my share of the gold to see to it that you have one, come to think of it. No town should be without a library for young boys who want to be wizards," Vhol stated, stating one of his few truly fond remembarances from Thay. "Simply call me when it's built so that I might study there," he says.

"I'll come. You know I can hide," he nods to Crotha. He'd simply memorize an invisibility spell or two, one of the few Illusion spells he had bothered to learn before abandoning that school of magic, as well, to pursue Necromancy further.

2008-01-11, 10:51 PM

Crotha breifly looks over the wizard. Fine, You can come. Just don't get in the way. Anyone else coming?"

Once I get everyone that wants to come to get along, I want to scout out the forest and get a brief idea of what lies before us. Maybe get a good sense of direction and know-how of the forest. If I need any rolls, just tell me.

2008-01-12, 07:41 AM
Miz is still focused on counting the money and ignores Crotha's request until he's done.

I think I'm going to say I'm in. It would be stupid not to since that's why this thread is here. But to stay in-character I will have to wait for Kesnit to tell me how much money I'm counting

2008-01-12, 08:39 AM
The dwarf's eyes grow a bit wide at the sight of coin...he is a dwarf, after all.

"Well" he muses. "Count me in." he grins. " 'Specially if we get to clear tha' forest. I 'ere tha' slash an' burn makes good farmland, eh?"

2008-01-12, 01:26 PM
A small look of fear crossed Martin's face at the thought of "slash-and-burn," but it was quickly replaced by a look of relief. "So you will help us..?"

2008-01-12, 01:41 PM
With a satisfied smile, the short Dromite looks up from the pile of gold before it.
"I accept your offer, pitiful humans!"

2008-01-12, 05:43 PM
"Someone who can stay hidden?" the girl sneers, half mockingly. "Half the people who know me have never seen me." She downs the remainder of her drink and stands to leave. "There was no cause for worry, Miz, it's all there. These are... Honest folk," she intones, glancing overlong at the once-Mayor of Herndon. "Aren't you?"

2008-01-12, 06:39 PM
Martin smiled at the woman. "If we weren't, your insectoid friend here would have already realized it, since he has made a great show of counting and recounting the money."

2008-01-12, 07:21 PM

Shocked, the elf turns to the dwarf. "Why do you think we are going to burn down the forest? If it can be helped, I will do whatever I can to prevent any harm coming to the forest. Do you understand, dwarf?" Crotha says, as he bends down and strokes his wolf's fur, as the wolf, still siting by Crotha, growls at the dwarf slighlty.

2008-01-12, 11:47 PM
Years of practice caught Khaszass's tongue before he commented that his party squabbled like Zulkirs. "I'll do my best to not get in the way," he tells Crotha without a hint of irony in his voice, but with the wry grin Red Wizards reserve for inferiors on his lips. "Get in the way", indeed; he could fly over the whole rotten wood while the elf was still tramping through underbrush with his puppy thinking he was so very clever for knowing what side of trees the moss grew on. Still, he had served the legendary Zulkir of necromancy, and so he maintained his politeness and composure despite his inner offense, only the smirk showing any annoyance. "Some monsters don't die when they burn, Tek," he told the dwarf, seeking to mitigate that conflict before it escalated beyond the friendly rivalry of dwarf and elf, "they just get angrier. They all will die when they die, obviously, and my magic's better there than at starting fires, anyway. More things you burn, the less things you get to chop up," he added, deciding to add another note of encouragement if he didn't appeal to the dwarf's rational side. From his experience with dwarves, that was about as useful as appealing to a Thayan's merciful side.

2008-01-13, 12:30 AM
"Bah, ye've still got no sense o' humor, ye great pointy eared tree hugger."

"Fine at followin' footsteps through the woods, but can't follow a proper joking, he can't." the dwarf says to his new 'employers'.

2008-01-13, 10:56 AM
Now with the other eyebrow raised Miz stares at Crotha, Tek and Khaszass showing a complete lack of understanding for their animosity.
"Save your beautiful wrath for our enemies! I say we go as soon as possible."
He picks up the map, rolls it up and hands it to Crotha.

2008-01-13, 04:22 PM

"Thank you Miz." He says as he puts the map into his belt after giving it a bit of examination. "Okay so you all want to come. You," He says pointing to the Red Wizard, "by the way your dressed, you are taught in the Art, correct? Your magic should be useful, although I shun it's way of corrupting beings, I believe you might be a valuable addition for the scouting. Do you have any spells that can make us stealthier or near invisible?"

2008-01-14, 08:34 AM
time out, slash! you're acting as if you don't know any of us.

Your fame has grown throughout the Realms and people are beginning to approach you with requests. One day, while the party is relaxing in the tavern used as their Headquarters

the point of this group is that we've been adventuring for some time now , so we all know each other and what all of us are capable of. You know that he's a wizard, and very possibly know he's a former red wizard of thay. you would know that Tek wouldn't burn down a forest just because...and was just joking around to rile you up a little bit.

resume normal gaming :)

2008-01-14, 09:43 AM

{OOC- Cleanup time! *sound of tape rewinding*}

Crotha takes the map from Miz. "Thanks, Miz. As for the rest of you, I want you to follow Kaszass, as he knows the most of anyone here, probably. Kaszass, you got one of your magics ready that can help us out here? Maybe, something to turn us invisble? He turns to the dwarf. "I enjoy humor as much as the next elf, but could you pick a less, touchy subject next time? After a few seconds, Crotha squats down with his wolf and pets him for a bit. He then stands up, adjusts his pack and belt. "Is everyone ready to go?"

{OOC- Good now? If so, permission to delete previously badly written post?}

2008-01-14, 09:51 AM
"I don' know why I waste perfectly good Dwarf humor on you, pointy ears. Yer furry friend would prolly laugh at it, if he could talk." Tek grumbles, hefting his dark crystal-bladed waraxe onto his shoulder.

"We should all be goin', no sense makin' lots o' trips 'tween here an there." he adds, after rubbing his beard slightly.

2008-01-14, 01:15 PM
"Almost... I just need to make some minor adjustments to myself."
After it spoke these words, Miz produces its psicrystal and initiates a complicated procedure of channeling his psionic powers upon itself and its psicrystal until a faint red glow engulfs him.
After Miz meditated for a few more seconds, concentrating on its crystal, it stands up and looks at the others with a smile as positive as his large insect eyes and small mouth can get.
"Let's go."

- I manifest an augmented Inertial Armor and expend 8 additional powerpoints for a total armor bonus of 8.
- Then I manifest an unaugmented Force screen for +4 shield bonus.
So my total AC is 32 now

Next I make the following actions:
Gain psionic focus (DC 20 concentration check): [roll0]
Gain psionic focus on psicrystal: [roll1]

The whole procedure takes 2 standard actions and 2 full round actions.

2008-01-14, 10:37 PM
"It'd take more energy than I'd like to spend making all of you invisible. Erris, Crotha, I trust you two don't need my magic," the question was old-hand, now. They were capable sneaks and never had in the past. "Could we rest before entering the place, too, when we arrive. I've prepared magic to get us there quicker, assuming we'd be travelling from here, but I'd like to go in full on spells. We'll still save time, thanks to the speed of my mounts. Business aside, how about a round before we go, if it doesn't inconvenience Miz, here. Celebration of a new adventure, and all," he said. "Er, on second thought, I can't afford a brandy or even an ale. Celebration of a completed adventure, then," he amends, rising and pulling his hands from empty pockets.

2008-01-15, 09:28 AM

"Right sounds good. As for resting when we get there, it should be possible. Exactly how many of these mounts are you talking about?"

2008-01-15, 02:53 PM
Tek's booted feet hit the floor with a heavy *thump*.

He waves down the closest barmaid, and then with hand which isn't holding the handle of his axe he reaches into a pouch at his side.

The thick hand comes out, and opens, scattering a number of different coins upon the serving girl's tray.

"We gots time for one before the road. It'd be bad luck, I say, to not toast to our new venture."

2008-01-15, 03:05 PM
"Here," Erris calls to the barmaid, holding up her own coin purse and digging around in it. She pulls out a coin and snaps it down on the barmaid's tray, hard enough to jostle the rest, and hands the barmaid her own empty glass. "Make mine a double. I'm gonna need it, know what I mean sister?"

Sleight of Hand check to swipe a couple of Tek's coins from off the tray, hopefully handing the barmaid the glass will misdirect and distract her attention: [roll0]

2008-01-15, 03:16 PM
Erris successfully snags the coins from the tray.

2008-01-15, 06:37 PM
Miz jumps off its chair and stands between the other party members cluelessly staring down at the shimmering glow of his inertial force armor.
It sighs well-knowing what happens if these humanoids start consuming their strange poisoned beverages. "Well then. Miz will be right here waiting for you to get done with your foolish acts of poisoning yourselves!" Miz exclaims in its usual high unnerving voice and climbs up over a chair onto a vacant table and starts mustering the inn for all it's guests.
So basically I'd like to know how many, and what kind of people are there.

2008-01-15, 08:41 PM

Crotha joins them into the bar, but he doesn't order anything. He just hangs out and talks to the rest of the group, reminisce a little about previous toasts to previous adventures. "I wish you people would leave some room for when we get back. Now isn't the time for a drink for me, but after the deed is done, I'll drink with you, again."

2008-01-15, 10:24 PM
Erris watches the funny little Dromite watching everyone else. She downs her drink, shrugs, and joins him up on the table.

"Hey Miz, what's doin'?"

2008-01-16, 07:52 AM
Miz looks at Erris and his small mouth shows a smile. Miz smiling has always been a rare sight usually only to be seen when it had just once again proven itself overt to some other creature. But this time it wasn't that wicked smile it shows at those occasions. This time it was actually a warm smile.
Miz has known Erris for being the most understanding party member for its motives an reasons. She always thinks practical, as does Miz. And it was sure she would also understand its sense of humor.
"I'm looking to have a little fun." Miz turns his head back and goes on searching the room for people while one of its feelers twitches.

2008-01-16, 11:21 AM
"Fine, elf" Tek grumbles. "I'll take his." he winks at the barmaid as he takes a 2nd tankard off the tray.

He rarely called the ranger by his name, instead preferring some not-so flattering 'insult' or just calling him 'elf'. He didn't do it out of malice, but more to hide his admiration and liking of the man. It would seem, then, that if Tek didn't insult you, he didn't care much for you.

The stumpy dwarf then stands upon his chair, and holds one of the two tankards high into the air.

"Agents!" he bellows loudly, gaining the attention of quite possibly the entire town. "A toast to us and our new venture!" he proclaims.

"My friends here are the best friends
Loyal, willing and able.
A new task we have at hand
May our wits and skills prove capable!
But for now let’s get to drinking!
All glasses off the table!"

He tips the raised tankard, the amber beer mostly flowing into his mouth. Some of it, though, splashes onto his face and beard.

Without missing a beat, the burly dwarf replaces the empty tankard with the full one in his other hand, loudly slurping down its contents too.

Wiping his mouth on the back of his shirt sleeve, Tek releases a loud, triumphant belch.

2008-01-16, 02:00 PM
"Hear hear!" Erris shouts to Tek, raising an imaginary glass to him as he salutes and drinks. She then turns her attention back to Miz.

"Fun, eh?" She knew very well what the little Dromite meant by that and smiled her mischievous little smile. "I'm up for a little... Fun."

2008-01-16, 06:35 PM
"I don't suppose we're famous enough for me to get a free glass of your house wine if I'm willing to endorse it?" the penniless mage chuckles to the waitress, pantomiming along with the toast in the meantime.

2008-01-18, 09:48 AM

After Tek's song, to show some respect, Crotha does clap at his drinking and his singing and his belching and his all-around dwarfness, that makes him who he is.

2008-01-19, 11:00 AM
With an as mischievous grin Miz points at one of the commoners who didn't partake in the conversation.
"This one looks nice."
Miz lower's its arm again and concentrates on the man's arms and legs and tries to force him to stand up and do a jerky dance in front of the whole inn.

I expend my psionic focus to apply Extend Power to control body and manifest it on the commoner.

Save DC is 20

2008-01-22, 11:18 AM
Erris claps along and slaps her thigh in rhythm with the commoner's involuntary danse macabre.

"Good one, Miz! Remind me not to get on your bad side."

2008-01-22, 12:13 PM
"With pleasure.", Miz answers and then raises its arms and wiggles its fingers like a puppeteer while mentally forcing the commoner's body to perform a few pelvis thrusts and waving his arms into the air.

2008-01-22, 12:56 PM
The commoner's eyes widened in horror as his left foot flew in front of him, then behind him, then back in front of him and shook. He swallowed a small scream as his entire body began to turn around.

Whenever you are done tormenting the patrons... :smallsmile:

2008-01-22, 12:59 PM
The only thing that could possibly have worse consequences than hiring a chaotic evil adventurer, is hiring a chaotic neutral adventurer :smallwink:

2008-01-22, 01:05 PM
Tek slams his tankard on the table directly in front of Miz.

He leans over the table, his ugly face twisted in a frown.

"If'n ye be done, Miz, me thinks it be time to go. Ye don't want a repeat of what happened in Cormyr, do ye? It's been a year, and I doubt we could set foot in Suzail without a pack o' Purples descendin' upon us." he glowers at his companion. He had an idea of what it was doing, being a student of the mind himself.

2008-01-22, 01:14 PM
Miz stares back at Tek with an unimpressed expression oh its face, that most humanoid beings also wouldn't consider particularly pretty: "It once more becomes obvious how only a chosen elite of you pitiful humanoids can actually grasp the subtle means of higher entertainment!", it leans to the side looking at the commoner forcing him to perform a few circling movements of his hip. Then the commoner starts walking towards Tek and reaches out for him with his hand.
"You see? He's perfectly fine. He even wants to greet you in your petty little humanoid manner.", Miz smiles innocently.

2008-01-22, 01:28 PM
"Let 'im go, Miz." he says gruffly. "And you" he clasts a glare at Erris "Don't encourage it. We've made a good rep 'round these parts, we don' need folks sayin' we are thugs an' bullies. Folks don' respect people that act like that."


Obtaining Psionic Focus
DC: 20


2008-01-22, 01:36 PM
"You know... You're right, Tek," Erris replies, sitting down on the table now. "We wouldn't want anyone thinking we're... Uncivilized or uncouth." She gives a long, deliberate glance at Tek's beard and shirtfront, and the still-wet beer thereupon. "That would be just terrible."

She then hops up and makes for the door. "Ready when you are!"

2008-01-22, 01:47 PM
Miz glares at Tek's tankard and then musters his ale-soaked beard raising an eyebrow in its typical inquisitive look. "I think I'll ned to have a look at some books again, to see how this "civilization" you speak off works. I must have missed something.", it makes the tormented commoner make a bow to the majority of people and then releases him from its telekinetic influence.

2008-01-22, 02:02 PM
"Thank you, Miz." the dwarf says. "I'll tell ye' one thing I know for certain. Normal folks fear what they don't understand. Lots o' times, when they get to fearin' something so much, they tend to try an kill it. I don't think ye want to end up on the business end of farmer Jon's pitchfork, do ye'?" he says, withdrawing the tankard.

He stumps over to the commoner and places two gold coins in the man's hand (quite possibly a weeks wages to the fellow). "For yer' troubles, sir." he says, clapping the fellow on the shoulder.

"Let's be off." he tells the rest of the group.

2008-01-22, 02:52 PM
Miz sighs. "Now that I started to expend my psionic resources... I was expecting you to fall into the poison induced state of delirium, you usually acquire on these occasions.", it concentrates once again and then hops off the table. "Well then, let's go."

Miz stands close to Tek and whispers to him: "I don't know, who this farme Jon is. But I doubt he can even hurt me"

Obtain psionic focus.


2008-01-22, 03:35 PM
Tek chuckles "I only had two drinks, Miz." He grins a wide, toothy grin. "Now maybe if I'd had twenty, I might 'o fallen into one 'o those states."

He claps his travelling companion on the back "Yer' learnin'...which is a good thing."

2008-01-22, 05:05 PM
"I was expecting, you're going to."
Miz grabs its staff, pokes it up above its head and exclaims in a swelling voice:
"Let us go!!!"

2008-01-22, 09:21 PM
I'm assuming everyone is ready to leave. If there is anything else you wanted to do, go ahead and say you did it, then pick up with the following.

You reach the outskirts of the forest as the sun is going down. (You aren't in the full-blown forest yet.) A tent pitched a little ways from the road. A horse is grazing near the tent flap, and you can hear a female voice muttering inside.

The tent flap opens and a human woman’s head appears. She calls out to the party and invites you to join her camp. “After all, there is safety in numbers.”

Everyone roll a Spot check when you post.

2008-01-23, 09:35 AM

"Never trust anyone so openly friendly," Erris mutters to whoever happens to be within earshot.

Spot: [roll0]

2008-01-23, 09:42 AM

"I agree, I have my doubts about this."


2008-01-23, 09:46 AM
Miz starts counting the party members. "I think we are counting enough people for the moment. So if you don't prove yourself worthy to be in the company of Miz, I don't see a reason why we should stay with you, pitiful human!", it says stressing the pronounciation of its name notably.

Spot check: [roll0]

Not that I also have the scent (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#scent) ability.

2008-01-23, 09:48 AM
Tek looks around the woman's "camp".


2008-01-23, 09:47 PM
"There is safety in a place where monsters cannot reach me, regardless of numbers," the arrogant wizard bristles. Without the customary paranoia of Thayans, few understood that numbers didn't make one safe, removal from the situation of danger made one safe. Reluctantly climbing out of the Rope Trick in which he slept, Khas looks around before venturing too far from the rope to quickly re-enter his hiding place.


2008-01-23, 09:54 PM
Tek, Crotha:You notice that the horse seems to be a pale red, though that could be a trick of the setting sun.

The woman steps out of tent with a lute in her hands. "Your choice, but I was going to pay for your company by entertaining." She shrugs. "I'm a traveling performer and tale-spinner. From the look of you, I'd say you have some tales to tell. Don't you want to be immortalized in song?" She smiles. "Please, stay."

Crotha:Roll a Will save.

2008-01-23, 10:40 PM
"I'd rather actually be immortal," Khaszass says, testy from his spell preparation being interrupted and a natural Thayan irritation with bards' nature of infringing on the haughty vanity that was strict Red Wizard territory. He hoists himself back inside his rope trick and pulls the rope in after him. He opens his spell-books and looks for spells to ready for the next day.

Actual spot roll, this time, since I did it all wrong last time.

Also, as an OOC note, this lady has nothing to do with Khas' paranoia. He always sleeps in a Rope Trick. Always. The last Zulkir of Transmutation was murdered, even with all his magical protections, when he was asleep. Even the greatest wizard is vulnerable if he ever fails to protect himself. In Thay, a vulnerable wizard, no-matter how great, is a dead wizard.

2008-01-24, 09:40 AM
"I am MIZ! I am immortal! And I don't need your pathetic music, human."
He stares at her, then clances at Tek and then concentrates on her with a mischievous grin. "I will show you the ways of finest Dromite entertainment."

I expend my psionic focus to apply Extend Power to control body and manifest it on the bard.

Save DC is 20

2008-01-24, 10:13 AM
"You seem awfully eager to play that thing," Erris quips, reaching for her crossbow. "Maybe you'd better hang on a minute. Who were you talking to in there?"

Drawing crossbow, but in the most "non-threatening" manner she can; i.e., she doesn't aim it at the bard (yet).

2008-01-24, 12:50 PM
"Everyone, let's just calm down." Tek says, urging his companions to. "Miz, please don't do what I think you're going to do." he asks the dromite.

"You're all awfully jumpy tonight." he grumbles at the remainder of the party.

"Mamn, if ye'll beg our pardon, we'll just find somewhere else to camp, seein' as my companions are rather paranoid this eve. No need to play for us, thanks."


need me to roll initiative to say this before Miz acts?

2008-01-24, 02:14 PM

"Paranoid?" Erris says half-incredulously. "Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean no one's out to get you."

She nonchalantly slides a bolt into place, keeping one eye on the lady.

2008-01-24, 08:57 PM
The woman looks at the Dromite in confusion. "I'm sorry, did I miss something?" She turns to the Rogue. "Talking to in there? I wasn't talking in there."
Maybe it wasn't clear. The woman was in the tent and heard the group approach. She stuck her head out and invited you to join her, then stepped out of the tent. She never spoke while completely in the tent.
She laughed. "Yes, I am eager to play. Music is my life. It is my heart. It is the reason I breathe." She smiled sheepishly. "Perhaps I do seem overeager to those who do not share my passion." She strums the lute and starts to hum.

Khas:Before climbing the Rope Trick, you notice that the horse seems to be a pale red, though that could be a trick of the setting sun.

Miz, Erris: Make a Will save.

2008-01-24, 10:17 PM
"I said hang on," Erris growls, drawing a bead on the woman with her crossbow.


2008-01-25, 07:08 AM
Will save: [roll0]

"What are you trying to do there, human?", Miz tries to force the womans picking hand off the lute and to stretch out to the side but has to realize his power did no effect on her.
"I said I don't want to listen to your pathetic human music!"
Miz concentrates on her once again and tries to hurl her away with its powers.

2008-01-25, 09:47 AM

"Well........, I don't know.


2008-01-25, 09:57 AM
As an addition to my previous post (because making new rolls in an existing post isnt possible):

I think its about time to roll initiative, isn't it?
If so: Initiative: [roll0]

I manifest a telekinetic thrust to hurl her away 30 feet. Or against the next solid obstable if there is one within 90 feet of her. Falling damage in that case: [roll1]
Will DC 19 negates

2008-01-25, 10:32 AM
Yes, roll for inititive, since it seems you all keep making your Will saves! :smallredface:

2008-01-25, 10:42 AM

"Why don't people listen to us?" Erris grumbles as she lets a bolt fly.


When she's able (assuming she made her Will save (I hope so with a natural 20!)), she'll go ahead and take a shot at the woman:

[roll1] [roll2]
(Seeking weapon, ignores miss penalties for concealment)

Stat Block:

Erris Calysti (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=37513)
F CN Human Rogue, Level 10, Init +10, HP 62/62, Speed 40'
AC 22, Touch 17, Flat-footed 22, Fort +8, Ref +16, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
+1 Seeking Darkwood Light Crossbow +15 (1d8+3, 19-20/x2); ignores miss penalties
MW Rapier +8/+3 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Sap +7/+2 (1d6, 20/x2); nonlethal damage
+3 Leather Armor (+5 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Current Conditions: None

2008-01-25, 11:12 AM
"What in the blazes is going on here!" the not-so perceptive dwarf bellows as he jumps down off the horse and stomps his way toward the woman.

"Somebody better start doing some explaining or there's gonna be some head bashing!" He scowls. "My people aren't usually the shoot first ask questions later types, lady."


Free Action: "charge" waraxe (2 power points) 30 remaining

Spell Action: Precognitive Defense (1 + 6 augment points) = 23 remaining
Move Action: Jump off horse, head toward the "bard".

New Stats:
AC 27
Fort Save: 15
Reflex Save: 8
Will Save: 11

2008-01-25, 07:21 PM
Order of Inititive:

Erris: 22
Tek: 20
Miz: 18

Bard: 7

I want the dice you all are using!

The woman smiled as a vacant look passed across Miz's insectoid eyes, the cursed as the effect was broken by Erris. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Erris's bolt and manages to twist out of the way. She tenses her body as the dwarf advances, ready to defend herself if necessary. Before Tek can attack, though, the bard went flying backwards (call it 30') into a tree, but managed to land on her feet.

"Damn you! I needed another soul for my Master. Well, if I can't get you, maybe someone else can! Hmnonenokk, to me!"

A large, bird-like creature appears between the woman and the party.

OOC: I went ahead and posted her actions, but given the horrible roll, Crotha and Khas - if he isn't in the Rope Trick - will probably get to go ahead of her. If necessary, I will edit her actions. I'm trusting you two to do whatever action you had planned, and not to metagame and do something that would make her action impossible.

2008-01-26, 12:13 AM
Khas thinks to himself he'll have to find a red horse when he returns to Thay. It won't be as effective as a magical steed, but he could probably sell it for thousands more than it was worth to some rich Illusionist who doesn't feel his status as a Red Wizard is accurately displayed by the four-hundred layers of red he wears even in summertime. Something about a red horse clicks in the back of his mind, and he stares blankly at a page of his spell book before snapping it shut. "I'll be damned," he says, remembering what it is from, what must it have been, ten years ago? He slides out of his rope trick in time to see a horrible, bird-creature appear.

"Birds eat squirrels, you know," Khaszass says to the bard, offering no explanation until his hands and lips move to form a spell; Baleful Polymorph.

Save DC is 24 Fortitude, then 24 Will if she fails that.

2008-01-26, 07:36 AM
I'm not the DM but i think he would agree with me if I said you should roll Initiative

2008-01-26, 08:02 AM
The woman disappears.

Erris: 22
Tek: 20
Miz: 18
Bird-thing: 18
Bard: 7
Khas: 5

When Slash gets back, he can retro in, as necessary and possible.

2008-01-26, 08:35 AM
Tek growls low in his throat.

"I'l be damned and dipped in ale."

The dwarf swings his mighty axe at the bird-like creature.

Expending Psionic Focus to accomplish Deep Impact (attacks resolved as Touch Attack)

As his free action, Tek will charge his axe again *after* the first blow hits.

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

crit checks

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Attack 1
[roll4] +
[roll5] sonic +
[roll6] deep crystal

Attack 2
[roll7] +
[roll8] sonic +
[roll9] deep crystal

extra crit damage just in case

Attack 1
[roll10] +
[roll11] sonic +
[roll12] deep crystal

Attack 2
[roll13] +
[roll14] sonic +
[roll15] deep crystal

2008-01-26, 02:36 PM
"What is this creature now? Get out of my way or suffer the wrath of Miz!", Miz exclaims thrusting its arm forward to release an arc of fire shooting towards the winged newcomer.

2nd round I manifest an energy current with energy type fire

Damage roll: [roll0]

Reflex save DC 21 halves damage

2008-01-26, 04:55 PM
"What in the hells is that?" Erris shouts, firing at the bird thing.

[roll0], [roll1]

2008-01-26, 05:01 PM
Maybe before we end this round we should at least wait for Slash to be able to post his actions too. Also I would like to point out that Ne0 hasn't been posting anything in quite a while (namely since the first half of page one).

2008-01-26, 05:06 PM
Erris's bolt flies between the monster's legs, missing it completely. Tek's axe bites into the leg of the creature, though not as deep as it at first appears. Seeing the flame lash, the creature throws itself to the side. Its feathers are a bit singed, but it otherwise seems unhurt.

The creature, angered at the pain it felt, turns to Tek and attacks with everything it has - claws, beak, and talons.

Attack Claw 1: [roll0]
Damage Claw 1: [roll1]

Attack Claw 2: [roll2]
Damage Claw 2: [roll3]

Attack Bite: [roll4]
Damage Bite: [roll5]

Attack Talon 1: [roll6]
Damage Talon 1: [roll7]

Attack Talon 2: [roll8]
Damage Talon 2: [roll9]

The squirrel-bard scampers up a tree.

2008-01-27, 12:18 AM
"Miz, be a dear omnipotent being and burn down that tree. Sorry, Crotha." Khaszass says, pointing to the tree he just saw a squirrel scamper up and hoping he didn't order the violent death of a normal woodland creature.

"As for you," Vhol tells the bird in a scolding tone, "Tek isn't a squirrel. Bad bird." His hands move to cast another spell, this time Enervation. A jet black ray shoots from his hand towards the vulture-like creature, ready to suck the very force of life from its demonic body.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Levels Drained: [roll1]

2008-01-27, 10:29 AM

{OOC- Dang, I really haven't been here for a while.}


Crotha takes out his swords and gets ready to engage the newfound enemy that has just appeared.
"I'll be....., Miz, what the heck is this thing?!"

2008-01-28, 09:38 AM
"Erris! Corrath! Hit 'em from behind!" he tells his companions, hoping to gain an advantage in combat over the creature.

As the creature unleashes all its attacks upon Tek, the dwarf deftly bats them all aside, save one. "Hit me, will ye!" Tek bellows as he swings his axe again at the creature.

free action: charge axe (21 pp)

attack 1:

** if erris or Corrath flanks, I get +2 to hit, which makes the #1 attack hit)

free action: charge axe if necessary (20 pp remain)
attack 2:

Crit Checks:

attack 1:

attack 2:

Damage 1
[roll4] normal
[roll5] crystal
[roll6] sonic

Damage 2
[roll7] normal
[roll8] crystal
[roll9] sonic

Additional crit damage (if necessary)

Damage 1
[roll10] normal
[roll11] crystal
[roll12] sonic

Damage 2
[roll13] normal
[roll14] crystal
[roll15] sonic

2008-01-28, 09:52 AM
"The tree you say." Miz briefly comments before raising an arm to make the fire arc proceed to the tree.

Concentration check to keep up the energy current: [roll0]

I choose the Tree as the second target of the power, if possible. If not I will go with Squirrel-Bard-Girl.

Damage Vrock [roll1]

Damage Tree/Bard [roll2]

2008-01-28, 10:40 AM
Tek, did you do something to up your AC? On your character sheet, you have AC 24, so three of those attacks hit - Claw 2, Talon 1, and Talon 2.

Tek's ax hits the monsters other leg, but it again seems to shake off much of the damage. Miz's targeting adjustment worked this time, as the creature cannot dodge out of the way. More than feathers singe this time! The distant tree catches fire.

The bird gives a cry of anger and disappears.

2008-01-28, 11:21 AM
Seeing that Crotha already has his swords drawn and is closing, Erris circles around behind the creature while reloading her crossbow, keeping an eye out for the tree, trying to see if the squirrel runs away.

This is where Erris moves to:

D = Demon
T = Tek
E = Erris
C = Corrath



2008-01-28, 11:49 AM
Erris: Roll a Spot check.

Also, does anyone know where i can find stats for a squirell? Right now, I'm using Weasel.

2008-01-28, 12:51 PM
Erris: Roll a Spot check.

Also, does anyone know where i can find stats for a squirell? Right now, I'm using Weasel.

I'd say take a rat, make it weaker and give it better climbing (faster climb speed)

2008-01-28, 01:14 PM

As Tek asked, Crotha will move to behind the huge bird thing and try and slice it to bits. Dual Strike for two attacks as a standard.



2008-01-28, 01:15 PM
Potential Crit on second attack-

2008-01-28, 02:16 PM
Both of Crotha's swords flash through the air without contacting anything.

2008-01-28, 02:46 PM
Erris takes a quick look around as she moves...


2008-01-28, 02:48 PM
Tek, did you do something to up your AC? On your character sheet, you have AC 24, so three of those attacks hit - Claw 2, Talon 1, and Talon 2.

Yes, I did, back here:

+3 to AC and +3 to saves from Procog Defense

So with a 27 AC, only 1 of those things hit, for 7 points.

2008-01-28, 02:51 PM
Yes, I did, back here:

+3 to AC and +3 to saves from Procog Defense

So with a 27 AC, only 1 of those things hit, for 7 points.

OK, just wanting to make sure I'm not losing my mind. :smallredface:

Erris:You see a flash of something small running from the base of tree away from combat.

2008-01-28, 04:35 PM
Did my Enervation hit? It was cast before Tek's and Miz's latest attacks, but after the monster's last action, due to my place in initiative. So, it should've happened before the bird had a chance to disappear, since Tek's new attack did. I believe I more than made a touch attack, too.

2008-01-28, 04:41 PM
Did my Enervation hit? It was cast before Tek's and Miz's latest attacks, but after the monster's last action, due to my place in initiative. So, it should've happened before the bird had a chance to disappear, since Tek's new attack did. I believe I more than made a touch attack, too.

Yes, it did. Everything relating to the creature from this round has taken the spell into effect.

2008-01-28, 06:52 PM
Okay. It just didn't really get mentioned in the round summary and it wasn't on the list, so I thought it might've gotten left out. Sorry to waste your time.
This round: Casting Invisibility

As soon as the creature abruptley disappears, Khas curses something that is undoubtedly quite foul in Mulhoradi, and figuring that "two can play at the game," does so, himself.

2008-01-28, 07:35 PM
Okay. It just didn't really get mentioned in the round summary and it wasn't on the list, so I thought it might've gotten left out. Sorry to waste your time.
This round: Casting Invisibility

You aren't wasting my time. If it seems I forgot something, it's possible I did. In this case, I took the Enervation into account, but forgot to include it in the post.

As soon as the creature abruptley disappears, Khas curses something that is undoubtedly quite foul in Mulhoradi, and figuring that "two can play at the game," does so, himself.

OK, that is Round 3. On to Round 4...

2008-01-29, 11:50 AM
"Another victory for Miz! Now for that furry little thing... Where is it gone?" Miz says while preparing to bolt out another power.

Spot check to find the squirrel (if necessary) [roll0]

If I see it I manifest an Energy Ball (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyBall.htm) (cold type) on it. If i don't I manifest it between the tree i set on fire before and the closest other tree (I suppose its INT 20 should tell Miz that a squirrel has good reflexes and will try to flee from a tree that's been set on fire):
Damage: [roll1]

Fortitude DC 20 halves.

2008-01-29, 01:15 PM
Erris:You see a flash of something small running from the base of tree away from combat.

"Ah-HA!" Erris shouts as she gives chase after the squirrel.

She'll chase after it as best she can and try to capture it.

2008-01-29, 09:38 PM
Tek growls low in his throat.

"I don't think it be gone and done so easily." he says, his eyes scanning around him. "Keep yer eyes open."

He pauses a moment, then ***** his right eyebrow high. "An what are ye' doin to the poor forest folk?" he asks as the two go chasing off after a squirrel.

gaining psionic focus again


2008-01-29, 09:51 PM
Miz does not see the scampering fuzz-ball, and drops his ball of cold near the flaming tree.

The squirrel bolts away from Erris and behind a tree. Spot check.

2008-01-29, 10:07 PM
"You won't get away that easy!"


2008-01-30, 10:31 AM

"Where in the blazes did it go and why couldn't I kill it?! Crotha calls out to Tek, with both of his swords still in hand.

2008-01-30, 10:48 AM
Erris: You come around the tree where you last saw the furball, but it is nowhere to be seen.

2008-01-30, 12:17 PM
Miz catches up with the others looking for the squirrel too. It turns to Crotha: "So.... do you think you can track it?"

2008-01-30, 01:59 PM
"I dunno, Miz. It can't have gone far, help me look around."

Whatever's relevant:

2008-01-30, 06:07 PM
"It's invisible or it's gone," the similarly invisible Khas explains. "The bard is now a rodent, not that there is much difference," he jokes. "Focus on it until the creature returns. If it's not visible or present by the time we kill the squirrel, we may all rest in my rope trick to prevent its untimely return and to prevent ourselves sleep deprivation."

Saying this, Khas moves to the location of his squirrel-hunting comrades, and if no-one finds the creature, he calls out to it. "You can't hide forever, little squirrel. Come out here and talk to us. You can't speak, but you can carve messages in the ground with your paws. If you can write in common or the tongue of those demons you seem to serve, I will be able to read it."
Still speaking loudly, but not addressing the creature any more, he says to Crotha, "'Controlled burns' can be helpful for a forrest, right? If the bard does not show herself, Miz should fertilize a little soil, I believe."
At once, Khas both explains to the squirrel, hopefully, that he's willing to burning it to death by igniting trees faster than it can move, and gives what he thinks to be a good reason why Crotha shouldn't worry about harming a few of the trees.

2008-01-31, 10:04 PM
Neither the bard-squirel nor the vrock are doing anything that any of you notice.

2008-01-31, 10:06 PM
Tek hefts his axe.

"What do ye'all think? Move up the road and camp, away from here...or keep watches here?"

2008-02-01, 09:32 AM
"Well, Tek, that probably depends on how long we have 'til that squirrel spell wears off. Khas?"

Erris looks around to see if she can recover any of her spent bolts.

2008-02-02, 07:25 AM
"Clearly that squirrel couldn't stand before the might of Miz." Miz scratches its chin thinking "But there is a power I now regret not spending further study on.", "He looks back at the group. Before I burn up what energy I have left for today I say we move on. We have more important things to care about than a squirrelwoman who summons giant birds."

2008-02-02, 11:29 AM
"It doesn't wear off without help," Khas says. "I'd rather the Vrock, at least, not come back from behind us, so I would still advise resting here. As I've said, we have my rope trick to stay in. Burning a few of the trees so the squirrel can't escape the fire might not be a bad idea, if she doesn't seem persuaded to come out and talk."

Should I roll an intimidate/bluff/diplomacy check to see if the threats/entreaty will work, or can the squirrel just not hear me?

2008-02-02, 03:16 PM
She can't hear you. She ran away as soon as she could and kept running.

2008-02-02, 03:29 PM
Can I still smell the presence of the squirrelbard? My scent ability seems to have been widely ignored so far

2008-02-02, 04:27 PM
Can I still smell the presence of the squirrelbard? My scent ability seems to have been widely ignored so far

No. As I said, she is long gone. Also, you are standing close to a burning tree, which is going to cover a lot of scents.

2008-02-02, 04:55 PM
Alright just making sure. But I think the scent ability is still able to make out different smells even in the presence of a large fire.
Twitching its feelers a few time Miz turns to the wizard: "I don't think it would be worth wasting my precious powers on. If that pathetic creature would still be around i would still be able to make out its foul stench."

2008-02-02, 05:12 PM
Alright just making sure. But I think the scent ability is still able to make out different smells even in the presence of a large fire.

False, powerful odors can easily mask other scents. The presence of such an odor completely spoils the ability to properly detect or identify creatures.
SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#scent)

2008-02-02, 05:29 PM
alright, my bad. Anyway miz is too convinced of his own abilities to admit that the fire might be distracting his scent.

2008-02-02, 11:37 PM
"Sure, what the heck, I've never slept in a rope before."

I like spoilers too

2008-02-03, 08:46 AM
"But first, let's take a gander in that there tent 'o hers. Might be worth a good search." Tek says, pointing his axe at the tent the bard had formerly occupied.

2008-02-03, 12:11 PM
"Oh yeah! Loot!" Erris cries as she dives into the tent.

Searching for treasure, weapons, anything of note: [roll0]

2008-02-03, 01:01 PM
Miz strides over to the tent putting the fingertips of its hands agianst each other forming the shape of a tent with its hands.
"Let's see what this squirrel human thing is keeping in its revolting nest."

Search check: [roll0]

2008-02-03, 08:40 PM
"Fine thinking, Tek," Khas nods, remembering suddenly that he is very, very poor. "The lady Erris has the keenest eye among us, I believe," he says with a bow to the rogue she likely misses as she dives in. "Check for traps!" he calls after her and Miz, paranoid as ever.

He approaches the tent, in case aid is needed, but seeing as it's already got two people searching it, he doesn't feel the need to enter and make things more crowded, probably just getting in Erris' way, besides.

2008-02-04, 11:04 AM
Miz and Erris turn up a few items of note:

A lap harp
Battered leather pouch containing:
2 yellow potions
2 gray potions
1 Brown potion
2 changing color

2008-02-05, 03:49 PM

"So that, thing was a Vrock? Isn't that a demon?" Crotha asks anyone who might know the answer.

2008-02-05, 05:42 PM
"Anyone know what these potions are?" Erris asks, holding up the bag.

2008-02-05, 05:47 PM
"I think. Could've been a devil, I suppose. The Red Wizards of Conjuration keep them as allies or even pets. I don't imagine they're very good at fetch, but Conjurers are strange folk."

2008-02-06, 06:33 AM
"I second Erris' request. They might be of use!"

2008-02-06, 09:27 AM
"Well" Tek says eyeing the large tent. "We gots some shelter fer the night."

He chuckles deeply at Miz, and then points to the burning tree. "And thanks to Miz, we've a roarin' good fire fer the night to boot!"

He 'chucks' Crotha in the shoulder with his fist. "Too bad our huntsman 'ere could'na find us a squirrel dinner!" he then roars with hearty dwarven laughter.

using 3 power points for Body Adjustment.

If necessary, will use 3 more to heal to full.

2008-02-06, 10:02 AM

Rubbing his shoulder after the nudge he recieved from the dwarf, he lets out a small, annoyed laugh.

"Don't blame me. The bird kinda caught my attention. I don't normally see those things everyday."

2008-02-12, 08:53 AM
You come out of the Rope Trick to find almost nothing has changed since you climbed in. The bard's camp is still there, but the horse has wandered off. Everything else is how it was the night before.

You stand at a crossroad. The road you were on (according to the map you were given) continues on to the town of Herndon and then along the Sword Coast. The cross path leads into the forest and eventually to the castle.

2008-02-12, 09:35 AM
"Gentlemen, and gentlething," Erris says nodding at Miz, "we are at a crossroads. Literally."

She peers down both roads. "Which way?"

2008-02-12, 09:47 AM
"Well" Tek grumps "on to Herndon, I spose." he says "We've a job there. But, first, let's take this with us. No sense wastin' a fine tent. May come in handy, eh?"

2008-02-13, 10:06 AM

The elf shrugs.
"Off to Herndon I suppose." He says, making sure all of his equipment is in order.

2008-02-13, 11:54 AM
"Yes, yes, let's just get on our way." Miz says turning to whatever direction it supposes to be right and starts walking.

2008-02-15, 12:06 PM
You arrive in Herndon that afternoon. The town is run-down and many buildings stand abandoned.

2008-02-15, 02:11 PM
"Well! Let's see if there's anything worth lootin' in this ghost town," Erris states flatly, heading toward the nearest abandoned building.

2008-02-15, 03:15 PM
"Oh, come on Erris." Tek says, scowling slightly. "Those shacks will still be here when we're through." he eyes the buildings up and down.

2008-02-15, 03:18 PM
"Oh, come on Erris." Tek says, scowling slightly. "Those shacks will still be here when we're through." he eyes the buildings up and down.

2008-02-15, 03:28 PM
"Oh, come on Erris." Tek says, scowling slightly. "Those shacks will still be here when we're through." he eyes the buildings up and down.

2008-02-17, 08:27 AM
"Let us not waste time with those hideous human hive pods and get to what we are here for!" Miz says walking on.

2008-02-26, 10:16 AM
(oops, sorry for disappearing)

You find nothing and no one of real interest in Herndon. Just the last remaining stragglers, hoping for a turnaround in their fates.

2008-02-26, 02:54 PM
"Well, on to the castle proper then, eh mates?" Tek says. "Show us the way, you two." he asks of the people that hired the group.

2008-02-26, 06:41 PM
"Eh, I suppose there'll be some loot there," Erris grumbles.

2008-02-27, 11:24 AM
Martin looked at the dwarf in horror. "There's no way we could go to the castle. That's why we hired you and gave you the map!"

2008-02-29, 12:34 PM
Miz steps close to Martin. In a calm, firendly voice he says: "You have nothing to fear, human", then his voice suddenly turns up to a threatening shouting tone "other than Miz! So show us to that pitiful hive of yours!"

2008-02-29, 02:25 PM
Can someone PM me of what happened since I last posted. Life's going pretty fast right now.

2008-02-29, 04:17 PM
Only now I notice I forgot an intimidate check: [roll0]

2008-03-03, 09:53 AM

"Right, well then, who is it that has the map exactly?" Crotha says looking around curiously.

2008-03-03, 10:24 AM
Martin cowers away from Miz and lowers his eyes. "I can't. I just can't.... Please, you are heroes. You are powerful and...and... Please..."

2008-03-04, 10:03 AM
"Feh," Erris growls at the cowering townsman. "Worthless." She turns to her colleagues. "Let's get a move on." She turns down the cross path and starts heading for the castle.

Apologies folks, been on jury duty since the 22nd! It's all over now, though, and life's back to normal (knock on wood).

2008-03-13, 09:17 AM
Well, I'm officially done waiting for what was probably going to be just another two-sentence post anyway.

I'd say "Good game, all!", but frankly, it wasn't. Not trying to be a jerk here, but seriously Kesnit, read your last half-dozen posts, especially the ones about the town. They're completely devoid of any description whatsoever. How did you expect us to stay interested?

Oh well. Happy gaming, everyone, see you around the boards.