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View Full Version : Best Enhancement for a +2 Sickle

2008-01-13, 02:33 AM
Hey all!

In your opinion, what would be the best enhancement for a halfling cleric wielding a +2 sickle? I'm trading in a scimitar of spell-storing (+2 equivalent weapon) for a +2 sickle. My halfing cleric has a 14 Str (unbuffed) and of course is wielding the small sickle (1d4 / 20 / x2).

The Magic Item Compendium and DMG are available. We're playing in Eberron, so those books are available as well. Should I get a straight up +2 sickle, or +1 flaming sickle, or a +1 lucky sickle? I mention the lucky enhancement (reroll on attack roll per day) because he's a follower of Olladra, Goddess of Luck and he's got the Luck domain.

I'm not sure about an enhancement like Heavenly Burst (+3d6 vs. evil on a critical) because the weapon has a critical range of 20. It won't happen very often. What do you all think?

Thanks for your time and I'm looking forward to hearing the suggestions!

Take care,


EDIT: Added comment and question about enhancements activating on critical hits.

2008-01-13, 02:42 AM
Well, spell-storing is one of the best +1 enhancements out there...

Otherwise, Magebane (CArc) is top notch. I'm a fan of Lucky, mostly because I love having second chances.

2008-01-13, 02:48 AM
I like the +1 Lucky Sickle, if just because it fits with the character's theme. Of course, if you're only rolling 1d4 for damage, hitting or not isn't going to do a lot of good without something to add on. In that case, Flaming/Shocking/Frost or even just a straight +2 enhancment might be better.
Now, Heavenly Burst I can definitely go against, probably. It'd be great to get super-extra-bonus-damage on a critical hit (especially considering the kind of damage you'd do without it) but a range of 20 makes it unlikely that you'll get a critical hit very often.

If I had to pick one, I'd go with the +1 Lucky Sickle. It's not bad exactly, just not very efficient. Anyway, as a Halfling Cleric you should be casting spells more than getting into melee combat, but that might not be the way you play.