View Full Version : Porgy & Bess - Anybody knows about DVD Release?

2008-01-13, 05:58 PM
Hi all,

as my parents finally got a DVD Player from my sister, my mother started to search for the movie version of "Porgy & Bess" as she remembers it as a great film. Now to my surprise, the ususal suspects like amazon, ebay and so on don''t have it. It actually doesn't look like it was released on DVD yet, but I find that somehow hard to believe- I mean, come on, it's a Gershwin Classic with Sammy Davis Jr and Sidney Poitier!

So, does any of you have information about this? Or, even better, sources?To make things worse, my parents are not that fluent in English that they would enjoy the original version, so I would either need a genuine German release or a release where a German dubbed version is included(which of course brings up the new problem of Europe having Region Code 2-though it may be that the player is code-free, I don't know at the moment.)