View Full Version : Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Spoilers)

2008-01-14, 08:10 AM
So, what did you think of the pilot?

My verdict was: Not bad. This looks like a decent show (if they can avoid a few pitfalls). Summer Glau is awesome as a good Terminator. And if this show turns into Summer Glau beats up everyone (http://xkcd.com/311/), I can live with that.

I did that just so I could be the first to post that link.

2008-01-14, 08:14 AM
Summer Glau playing a weird acting chick....gee, what a stretch that must have been for her. :smalltongue:

Metal Head
2008-01-14, 08:35 AM
It looked pretty good. I'll be sure to watch the next episode. I only wish that they had Schwarzenegger. Terminator just isn't the same without a crazy robot with an Austrian accent.

Darken Rahl
2008-01-14, 08:38 AM
I missed the first part.

Who is the guy played by Dean Winters (the actor from Oz)?

2008-01-14, 09:19 AM
I missed the first part.

Who is the guy played by Dean Winters (the actor from Oz)?

Oz? You mean Tinman? Or was he also in the show Oz?

If you are referring to the guy I think you are, he was some guy that Sarah Connor (using the name 'Sarah Reese' after Reese the guy who knocked her up) was living with along with John. He proposed to Sarah and after a wacky dream she got spooked and left taking John with her. He went to the police to help find his runaway fiancee...

Or is Dean Winters the black FBI guy who is tracking her down?

2008-01-14, 10:47 AM
Dean Winters played Sarah's finance in the beginning of the show. He proposed to her but she decided it was time for her and John to move on.

I liked the show, its a pretty decent remake of excellent sci-fi lineage. Also it looks as if they are going to end up putting together a little more of who is behind SkyNet type of storyline.

I'll be watching it until it ends in hopes that a) its good and b) it doesn't get canceled like Firefly and Futurama because Fox execs are idiots.

Darken Rahl
2008-01-14, 10:57 AM
Dean Winters was in Oz, Hellraiser, and Law and order SVU. he's a good actor.

Thanks for filling me in, it makes better sense now.

2008-01-14, 11:08 AM
I just now realized that I forgot to watch the premiere last night, and that makes me a sad panda.

I figured that there could only be two possible outcomes - either it would be so bad it's horrible (http://www.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoBadItsHorrible), or it would be barely decent (owing mostly to the aforementioned fact that Summer Glau beats everyone up (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WaifFu)).

Hooray TVTropes!

As you can tell, I don't really have any faith in Fox anymore.

2008-01-14, 11:19 AM
It wasn't bad, but it was a little... straightforward?

If you were put in a room and told to write the first episode of a TV series about Terminator characters, I have a feeling 90% of people would have written that episode. The only part I didn't predict was the use of time travel to go to the point four years before Skynet was created. I had to wonder why they decided to go to that point four years ahead of schedule; I guess to spend four years dodging robot assassins to get seasons of the show.

Other oddities I found included the idea that Summer Glau was a "new model" of Terminator, but lacked the liquid metal shapeshifting and associated powers of the Terminator 2 villain. I suppose TV budget comes into the equation, but it still strikes me as odd.

Anyway, it's nice to have a sci-fi show on TV again, so I'll probably watch it unless it becomes criminally bad at some point.

Darken Rahl
2008-01-14, 11:42 AM
They couldn't power her emotion chip AND the shape shifting.

or something. :smallwink:

2008-01-14, 12:06 PM
Skynet really ought to learn to keep its prototype terminators locked up or something if the resistance keeps reprogramming them and sending them back. :smallsmile:

Here's what happened in the time control room after the resistance won, so far as I can tell...

Grunt: "Looks like they sent a terminator back in time before we got here, sir."
Connor: "Dammit. Okay, Reese, get in the chamber."(Reese goes)
Grunt: "Um, sir? Looks like they actually sent TWO, and one's a prototype liquid metal thing."
Connor: "Dammit. Um...okay, grab one of those T-800s, we'll reprogram that." (T-800 goes through.)
Grunt: "Um, sir? Looks like they also sent another prototype that--"
(T-850 walks in.)
Connor: "Oh, hey, it's you! Hasta la vist--" *BLAM!!*
(Kate knocks the T-850 out) "Well, dammit. Okay, reprogram this one, too." (T-850 goes back) "NOW can we smash the thing?"
Grunt: "Okay now--oh, nope, wait. Looks like they sent back ANOTHER one to 1999."
Kate: "Great @%!# on a stick, how does this keep happening?! What is it NOW, some sort of elemental terminator made of FIRE or something?"
Grunt: "No, just a T-800."
Kate: "Well, good. Okay, see if they've got any prototypes left in the closet. Oh, she's cute. Okay, send that one back. Maybe if John gets laid a bit as a teenager he'll be a little more pleasant to live with."
(T-River gets sent back)
Grunt: "Um, sir? ...Guess what?"
Kate: "#&$!@*!!!!"


2008-01-14, 12:08 PM
Skynet really ought to learn to keep its prototype terminators locked up or something if the resistance keeps reprogramming them and sending them back. :smallsmile:

They need to learn how to brick em? Update the firmware!

Also Dean Winters was in Rescue Me which is a fantastic show.

2008-01-14, 02:25 PM
It was okay, it's goo to see them trying to breath life into a franchise that was horribly derailed by T3. My only gripes, after the first 15 minutes, it had me rolling my eyes and praying to the higher power of your choice that it wasn't going to be a high school drama...but with robots...then hilarity ensues. Second...please no monologuing robots. I can't stress this enough. otherwise - decent

2008-01-14, 02:36 PM
My only gripes, after the first 15 minutes, it had me rolling my eyes and praying to the higher power of your choice that it wasn't going to be a high school drama...but with robots...then hilarity ensues. Second...please no monologuing robots. I can't stress this enough. otherwise - decent

Well, to be fair, if you're trying to convince a teenage boy that your on his side, sending him a hot date isn't bad. And finding him in highschool made more sense than having her show up on his front door step. And where there any monologuing robots? I saw it, but other than a few long winded taunts I didn't think either of the two spent much time talking unless spoken to.

All in all, I enjoyed it. Plenty of action, a decent amount of comedy to lighten it up, and of course, Summer Glau running around beating on a guy twice her size. (On a side note...where would they have gotten a T-1000 to send back in time? Having them using a model that may or may not have been built for basic infiltration makes more sense than the resistance having top of the line terminators at their disposal.)

2008-01-14, 02:42 PM
I really liked it actually. They dodged the atrocity that was t3 nice and clean. I really liked the time skip from 99 to the future to bring it closer to the present rather well. And sending engineers back in time! Wow we finally have future Johnmaking good moves!

Summer Glau is awesome I think so far. Im getting the feeling the future John may have programmed her/created her or something. Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.

Darken Rahl
2008-01-14, 05:48 PM
Summernator might be modeled after a woman he knew?

2008-01-14, 10:20 PM
The terminator in the motorcycle helmet is pretty silly.

2008-01-14, 10:25 PM
Summernator might be modeled after a woman he knew?

Thats a possibility, maybe thats where he got the personality from?

Ego Slayer
2008-01-14, 10:57 PM
I only caught about the last 20 minutes or so, but... Glau playing another character with a dialog reminiscent of River... cool with me. :smallamused: I'm probably going to end up watching more, so... we'll see how this goes.

2008-01-15, 10:03 AM
The terminator in the motorcycle helmet is pretty silly.

Thats because he had no head.

2008-01-15, 12:34 PM
I'm more irritated by the fact that the unskinned body and head got through the time portal at all.

...Then again, I suppose they already bent that rule with the T-1000, huh?

2008-01-15, 12:54 PM
Why such the hate for T3? I liked it rather well. I don't like how the appearance of Sarah Conner changed so much without an explanation as to why she went from blonde to black. Even a paltry 'to throw off possible' excuse thrown in would have been fine, instead it looked as if they retroed back to make Sarah dark haired...

As for the Summernator...maybe it's just a different version of the T800. Like v 2.0. It'd explain the lack of liquid metal and the differences in interaction between Summer and Arnold.

One thing I do admit, is I had hoped they might deviate from the 'terminator sent back in time to kill John' story some. Y'know eventually one of those randoms caught in the crossfire is probably going to be someone important to the future killed by accident and it'll all go to hell anyway. Heck though...I would have been happy with trouble from the PEOPLE building SKYnet, THEN have small glimpses there MIGHT be another terminator sent after John. Then at the season finale, have Summernator look-a-like come blowing through the building (reminiscent of Arnold taking out the police station or the battle at Cyberdyne) only for it to be revealed THAT one is the terminator sent back to kill John with the obvious hint that something bad happened to the good one to have people coming back next season....or maybe I'm just delusional.

2008-01-15, 02:00 PM
I'm more irritated by the fact that the unskinned body and head got through the time portal at all.

...Then again, I suppose they already bent that rule with the T-1000, huh?

Well I don't like that the head did. But I think the body was laying around for the 8 years that elapsed during time travel.

I just expected that it should have been destroyed entirely and no longer be moving.

2008-01-15, 02:07 PM
I just expected that it should have been destroyed entirely and no longer be moving.

Honestly? I would have expected it to be in Cyberdyne's hands. Who finds a nearly complete, autonomously operating cyborg and just dumps it at the local land fill?

2008-01-15, 02:46 PM
Honestly? I would have expected it to be in Cyberdyne's hands. Who finds a nearly complete, autonomously operating cyborg and just dumps it at the local land fill?

Sure, I mean that would have been fine as well, but I expected destroyed as in reduced to utterly incomprehensible scrap metal.

2008-02-04, 10:17 PM
Tonight's episode was fun. Of course John wasn't going to be killed, but I wasn't sure when the 3rd terminator was going to wake up.

There's some plot holes, but I'm enjoying the ride.

2008-02-05, 03:47 AM
I saw it awhile back. Maybe the Canadian premier was first or something. It's good stuff. There's some problems, but it could be a lot worse. The show seems to have theme, which a lot of things these days lack. It'll be interesting to see where it goes.

I've always thought they should have a plot that's in the future timeline. But I suppose there just aren't as interesting stories there.

Metal Head
2008-02-05, 04:46 PM
I'm wondering why they're going to eventually have to go back in time. It's pretty much destined that Sarah Conner is gonna die from leukemia, unless of course they decide to make T3 absolutely meaningless. I'm wondering if it's going to turn out that the summernator has some sort of super trick to pull out at the end of the season.

2008-02-05, 05:07 PM
I believe the tv series exists in an alternate timeline from T3 but I forget where I read that. Though, really, how many different timelines have already been spawned by all this time traveling? If any of the evil terminators ever succeeded in killing John Connor, we've either got a grandfather paradox or its useless because it only creates a parallel universe where skynet wins but the original universe still exists, else the thing couldn't have gone back in the first place.

Anyway, obligatory overthinking done with, I'm enjoying the show.

2008-02-05, 08:40 PM
I'll be honest, it doesn't suck half as much as I expected it to. I maintain the title blows- just calling it The Terminator would have been enough- and the way its turned time-travellers from a few individuals into a practical expatriate community grinds a little. Also, Lena Headey ACTS well as Sarah Connor, but she simply does not LOOK it. For the love of God, where are the muscles???

That said, I like the writing, like the action, and, as has already been mentioned, Summer Glau is a friggin' natural as a cyborg. I'm more than willing to give it a chance.

Metal Head
2008-02-05, 08:53 PM
Now I'm wondering why Skynet just didn't kill some ancestor of John Connor from the Middle Ages. Maybe his great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather or something. Or they could simply prevent Sarah Conner's parents from ever meeting. Skynet could easily win if it had any subtly.

2008-02-05, 09:01 PM
Now I'm wondering why Skynet just didn't kill some ancestor of John Connor from the Middle Ages. Maybe his great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather or something. Or they could simply prevent Sarah Conner's parents from ever meeting. Skynet could easily win if it had any subtly.

Yeah I think you hit the nail right there on the head with that one. SKYnet possesses nothing even similar to subtly. Hell it used nuclear weapons to clear out humanity then sent back death-machines into the past to wipe out the resistance leader instead of like...I dunno...something like the Summernator.

2008-02-05, 09:07 PM
didnt like it.

The terminator guy pulled apart a very large bank vault door as if he was superman. They are no whare neer that strong. If so Sara Connor would be dead because Arnald would have turned the Hydraulic press into a ball.

2008-02-05, 09:36 PM
Now I'm wondering why Skynet just didn't kill some ancestor of John Connor from the Middle Ages. Maybe his great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather or something. Or they could simply prevent Sarah Conner's parents from ever meeting. Skynet could easily win if it had any subtly.

We're talking about the machine which decided the best way to wipe out humanity was a global nuclear war which did untold damage to Skynet's infrastructure. I've always wondered how the stupid thing managed to build an army after that many EMPs went off...

Skynet may have excellent taste in minions, but its no SHODAN or GLaDOS.

2008-02-05, 09:38 PM
didnt like it.

The terminator guy pulled apart a very large bank vault door as if he was superman. They are no whare neer that strong. If so Sara Connor would be dead because Arnald would have turned the Hydraulic press into a ball.

Dude, Cromartie's a completely different model from the Arnies. More resourceful, stronger, and more intelligent... although admittedly not as tenacious or flat-out awesome as the Classic variety.

2008-02-05, 10:03 PM
We're talking about the machine which decided the best way to wipe out humanity was a global nuclear war which did untold damage to Skynet's infrastructure. I've always wondered how the stupid thing managed to build an army after that many EMPs went off...

Skynet may have excellent taste in minions, but its no SHODAN or GLaDOS.

Or HAL, ever the classic psychotic AI. :smallwink:

2008-02-06, 11:12 AM
Now I'm wondering why Skynet just didn't kill some ancestor of John Connor from the Middle Ages. Maybe his great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather or something. Or they could simply prevent Sarah Conner's parents from ever meeting. Skynet could easily win if it had any subtly.

Skynet couldn't even find the right Sarah Connor the first time and had to go through the phone book. Finding a distant ancestor would be pretty darned impossible...of course that was before things changed and Skynet was sending back all sorts of operatives, any one of which could've looked up that information and stowed it in a bunker for Skynet to find. (That's the problem with time travel. In the first couple of movies, Skynet had JUST gotten the time machine online before being defeated. With the propogation of the franchise, time travel is all over the place and they've undermined their own plausibility.)

Still, decent show, I'll just crank up the disbelief suspension, I guess.

2008-02-06, 07:21 PM
Or HAL, ever the classic psychotic AI. :smallwink:

Which reminds me: Hal/GLaDOs OTP.


2008-02-07, 02:05 PM
Actually in regards to Sara Connors Leukimia, did anyone else see Johns hand trembling at the end of the last episode. Maybe he has it somehow?

2008-02-07, 02:22 PM
Actually in regards to Sara Connors Leukimia, did anyone else see Johns hand trembling at the end of the last episode. Maybe he has it somehow?

I think hes scared of what being a leader actually entails. Plus it might simply be that the girl who committed suicide is still lingering on his conscious. Probably another hint about leadership.

The problem with time travel is that you still end up creating really odd loops of what if? I'll do this, and then what happens, well I'll go back further in time and change that, but what if?.... ad infinum...

For my own enjoyment I ignore the what if? part because I'd end up wrecking lots of shows I like. Sarah Conner is a pretty decent show, not the best, but it will hold me over til BSG comes back.

2008-02-07, 02:26 PM
Yeah that was my first guess just him freaking out. Until I thought about Saras complete lack of anything wrong.

Battlestar is coming back?!

2008-02-07, 02:54 PM
I've seen the first two episodes so far and it looks to be an interesting show. My main gripe with it though, and this is infuriating, somehow the actor playing the villain terminator decided it would be a good idea to 'act like a robot', this is a lot worse then it sounds. Making weird jerking head motions is not cool it, it's ridiculous.

2008-02-07, 03:02 PM
Yeah that was my first guess just him freaking out. Until I thought about Saras complete lack of anything wrong.

Battlestar is coming back?!

March for the 4th and final season.

I think the actors have to figure out how to do a good balance between Robot and person. Which is going to be the hardest for Glau, because they introduce her in a humanesque way but then they have her act like a robot during certain parts. The evil dudes would be better if they acted more anti social or something, like one line answers to questions, they don't elaborate on things. I think 'methodical' would be the best descriptor for how their actions should be.