View Full Version : Neverwinter Nights 2

2008-01-21, 05:06 PM
... No, I'm not gonna say how awesome this game is... But it is awesome...
why tf not? It IS the best game ever... Its freakin awesome...
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a good campaign/ module to download and give me a link. If its a campaign, I would rather have it not take up too much room in my memory.
I love using invisible text...
And maybe an explanation of how to download it, because I downloaded one called 'trainer' and I couldn't play it when I loaded 'new module.'

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-01-21, 06:58 PM
A group call Rogue Dao Studio is making a trilogy of campaigns set in the Planescape setting, working to capture the grandeur and detail of that beloved classic, Planescape: Torment. It actually has pretty good voice acting as well. (I don't know how much memory it will take up, sadly, but if you can get it when the first installment comes out, I'm sure you won't be dissapointed. I know I won't!:smallbiggrin: )

The website doesn't seem to be working right now, but here's the best link I could find.


2008-01-22, 07:49 PM
Well, you're right, it is pretty hard to find a link... I clicked on the one to the main page and it just played music and said Rogue Dao Studios, no link to anywhere else.

2008-01-23, 10:08 PM
Harp and Chrysanthemum was AWESOME. http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Nwn2modulesenglish.Detail&id=206

2008-02-02, 05:07 PM
Hmm... my gf got this game and I've been wondering whether to play it or not. I played NWN1 with a cleric and got incredibly bored with it after onerounding pretty much everything in it, including the dragons.

I read a few character bios and have listened to my gf and a friend getting horribly annoyed at rogues in this game (read: they both just kept dying until they switched classes).

Please. I'm an optimizer and a D&D freak. What class should I play so I could enjoy the plot and optimize all I want and not dominate?

2008-02-02, 06:05 PM
Just go to the Neverwinter Vault (Google it if you don't know where it is--it is where most NWN mods are kept) and look at what's on the top 10. Most of that stuff is pretty well acclaimed.

2008-02-02, 08:46 PM
Hmm... my gf got this game and I've been wondering whether to play it or not. I played NWN1 with a cleric and got incredibly bored with it after onerounding pretty much everything in it, including the dragons.

I read a few character bios and have listened to my gf and a friend getting horribly annoyed at rogues in this game (read: they both just kept dying until they switched classes).

Please. I'm an optimizer and a D&D freak. What class should I play so I could enjoy the plot and optimize all I want and not dominate?

Wizard. No seriously, in NWN2 wizards were stripped from almost all of their cheese, and many of their (over)powerful spells are watered down thanks to the game mechanics.
Rogues are not that bad. They suffer that in the end of OOC all you are fighting are undead so no sneak attacks, but they can get some amazing dps, and you will definetly get most out of the game when playing skill monkey. Bards are good too, they bring lot of buffing and valuable crowd control without dominating. Druids are also surprisingly tame, although every friggin cutscene get you out of shapeshift so playing shapeshifting druid can be very annoying

You should avoid clerics, item crafting and meele build involving Frenzied Berserker or Red Dragon Discipline (or both. FB/RDD/filler is one of the most gamebreaking builds in the NWN2).
The game itself is IMHO somewhere far above NWN1 but under BG2 and other classics. However the it appear to invoke love/hate relationship so dont be surprised if you will discover totally loving/hating the game.

2008-02-03, 02:16 PM
I am *not* an optimizer, so keep that in mind, but I really enjoyed playing as a fighter-rogue-duelist. The character was strong in melee but not uber so I had some challenge, and the rogue skills were useful in a number of situations (including amusing dialogue choices). If you have MOTB, you play into Epic Levels and can get the feat that allows sneak attack damage to partially affect normally non-sneak characters, which is sweet (and much needed by that point in the game).

I always think playing a class with good conversation skills in a game like this is a good thing. Most of them you can also optimize or buff out quite nicely.