View Full Version : Interesting, Amazing Idea for Sharing!

2008-01-21, 06:22 PM
Okay... Imagine this.

It is the year 2027. Scientists in Europe have created a powerful new weapon, capable of mass terror and panic in any region they choose. It is a satellite, with the power to spread a massive EMP field over the entire Earth.

2028- The satellite's control center is hijacked by an extremist group convinced that technology is evil. They attempt to blanket the Earth in the EMP field, but in doing so short out their computers in a horrible oversight. The satellite is effectively put on autopilot, and cannot be reached now.

2228- In 200 years, the Earth has seen a massive technological setback. Strange sights are common: bison being hunted with .50-caliber sniper rifles, McDonald's worshiped as the shrines of food gods, and the real history long forgotten in the brutal upheaval that followed the cataclysm. In one city-state, our character is handed an old keycard by his sick, dying father. The character travels to a far-away city, to learn his fate and the meaning of his father's last word. "Eclipse."

The trek will be dangerous. Technologies before the spread of electricity are coming back, but the social interlace has not. Almost every nation is at war, for the land and the materials only the old cities can provide. And even when he arrives, they must seek out the dangerous and mythical group who are the descendants of those who lived the longest, able to have the secrets of the real history passed to them. At the end, the fate of the world will rest in our character's hands.

2008-01-21, 06:24 PM
Wait, wait, wait. Why's this in Friendly Banter? :smallconfused:

2008-01-21, 06:26 PM
Oops. I mean to add that I wanted you all to talk about it, and maybe offer suggestions and stuff. Friendly stuff. Or maybe use it as an excuse to talk about your own idea. It's a completely noncommittal idea, and I probably won't be using it seeing as I have another one I am really working on.

Besides, I don't really see anywhere else to put this. It's just an idea, which could be shaped into any number of mediums.

2008-01-23, 02:23 AM
Cool idea. Kind of reminds me of the book I'm writing (I'm guessing that is more or less what it is for you as well?)

My friend and I have only figured out large-scale existence, not character stuff yet. But it involves various apocalyptic scenarios. I like the idea of the technology crash and history being forgotten. Kind of fits. Mind if I borrow that level of theme? (There is a lot of sci-fi otherworldly setting stuff already, so it wouldn't be anything like yours).

I like the idea. If it isn't entirely serious, a cult forming around some minor gaming system would be pretty hilarious. Other than that, I can see scraps of history still existing, which could bring up interesting things as the character puts together the pieces.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2008-01-23, 12:51 PM
This sounds eerily similar in a couple ways to Stephen King's Cell, which I got done reading.

2008-01-23, 01:07 PM
they must seek out the dangerous and mythical group who are the descendants of those who lived the longest...

So, they're going to Japan? :smallbiggrin:

Sounds like an interesting idea. Stephen King does have a few weird and twisted possible future visions along these lines. The city of Lud in "The Waste Lands" might give you some ideas.

2008-01-23, 01:23 PM
However you like to introduce the events, it sounds like so many other post-apocalyptic future/past combo. Those are fun, but nothing new.

Darken Rahl
2008-01-23, 02:07 PM
You maniacs! You blew it up! God damn you!

2008-01-23, 02:11 PM
It would have to be an exceptionally powerful pulse to be able to completely overcome radiation hardened/shielded computers, such as those employed by nuclear missile silos. The first order of business would really be a retaliatory strike against the satalite with a nuclear missile, and then reconstruction of order. The world would be thrown into chaos, true, but honestly the important people would just relocate to a safe haven to rebuild from. Knowledge of integrated circuit construction isn't that difficult to come across.

Also, how could it blanket the entire world at once? If it was just a basic EMP pulse, what would probably happen is it would blank out half the world, the nuclear weapons silos would reboot on that half, emergency communication is restored in a few hours and anti-satellite weapons are employed.

I dunno, just seems like radiation hardening sortra makes your plan seem infeasible.

2008-01-23, 02:32 PM
They'd probably have several satellites all at once. The satellites would automatically re-route power from the deflector array to create a tachyon pulse that can overwhelm the missile silos' computer systems. Or something. Behold the power of technobabble! :smallbiggrin:

Admiral Squish
2008-01-23, 04:55 PM
Monkeys suddenly figure out stone tools and fire. Set in india, this becomes a BIG problem. This opens for a zombie-like hiding from the enemies, who are faster, stronger, and can jump farther, plus opens the door for some 'what is Human?' questioning.

2008-01-23, 05:10 PM
Hah! I'm glad this is so popular.

To answer some questions:

@Icewalker- Go ahead. I really am not going to do much with this, but if you feel like giving me credit then please, by all means.

@Sikyon- These satellites are big, and use a lot of solar energy. Plus, they continually send out the EMP waves, penetrating even radiation-shielded computers at at least one point. Plus, those computers may be resistant to radiation, but not to humans with something to prove. :nale:

Plus, you cant fire a rocket if you have nothing to guide it with.

2008-01-23, 05:36 PM
McDonalds food will probably last until that future time.