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2008-01-21, 10:44 PM
This is Revan, the main character of the amazing Star Wars RPG Knights of the Old Republic. Although Revan's gender, appearance and loyalty is customizable by the player in the game, we'll be going with the 'canonical' version of the great Jedi as confirmed by LucasArts, Male and Light Side. He lived 4,000 years before the Original Series, and his story bears many similarities to that of his opponent in this thread, Anakin Skywalker. Revan was originally a young, powerful, charismatic Jedi Knight, frustrated by the Council's inactivity during the Mandalorian Wars. After he fought valiantly in those wars, he and his best friend Malak fell to the dark side and became Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Later, after being betrayed by his apprentice and former friend Malak, the captured Revan's mind was wiped by the Jedi council and he was placed under the guard of Bastila Shan, a powerful if inexperienced Padawan. Revan eventually regained his memories, but instead redeemed himself and defeated Malak on a climactic battle aboard The Star Forge, a powerful Sith space station. Due to evidence in KOTOR II, Revan seems to favour dual lightsabers as his weapons, though he is equally proficient with a single one. Like Anakin, he is extremely strong in the Force, some even refer to him as the 'Heart of the Force' as he has walked on both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force.

This Jedi, Revan, will be fighting Anakin Skywalker, who i'm sure you're all familiar with. Not the burdened old man known as Darth Vader, i'm talking about Anakin at the peak of his power as he was slaughtering the CIS officials on Mustafar before Obi-wan came and smacked some sense into him. He favours a single lightsaber in an aggressive, flashy style, and like Revan is very strong in the Force.

So, somehow these two mighty Jedi encounter each other and somehow they end up in a duel of lightsabers, who wins?

2008-01-21, 10:46 PM
I wish i knew more, but is this Death Vadar or Anakin? Because the former is far smarter and a better actor
Whoops didn't read that

"I've got the higher ground"

Mr. Scaly
2008-01-21, 10:58 PM
I was just thinking to myself what a good Jedi/Sith battle would be and you have to pick the one Sith Lord I know so little about. ^^ I'll have to cop out on this one...

2008-01-22, 12:49 AM
Revan owns him. Hard. With Force powers. Really strong ones.

2008-01-22, 01:04 AM
Winner: Revan. Runner-up: Revan. Honorable mention: Revan.

Seriously. They're evenly matched in a straight-up fight, but anyone as emotionally malleable as Anakin, especially if this is pre-cyborging, stands no chance at all against Revan (light or dark flavored).

2008-01-22, 01:09 AM
Difficult match-up, but I'd give it to Revan. Anakin is just too hot-tempered and easily-manipulated. Revan also happens to be a very cunning and very competent master strategist.

The single fact that Anakin was defeated by something as simple as 'a higher ground concept' (which is admittedly rather ridiculous, since that didn't stop Obi-Wan from killing Darth Maul in Ep. I) leads me to believe Revan will give himself an edge somehow, and win.

2008-01-22, 01:11 AM
Since when was Anakin a better fighter prior to his cyborgification? After all, killing a bunch of hapless officers and battle droids is hardly an accomplishment. I was always under the impression that while Vader was a lot slower, he made up for that by changing his style. He was somewhat slower, but he was also a lot stronger, better with a saber, and more experienced with the Force. Not to mention smarter.

And nearly 100% less whiny, with the addition of James Earl Jones's voice.

I would think Revan versus Vader would be a better match.

2008-01-22, 02:21 AM
Since when was Anakin a better fighter prior to his cyborgification? After all, killing a bunch of hapless officers and battle droids is hardly an accomplishment.

This has something to do with Vader somehow losing slightly less than half of his raw Force potential when he got his limbs chopped off. (On a tangential note, God, that was retarded. I mean, you're fighting someone with an obvious advantage in terrain, you're surrounded by lava flows, and you can throw things telekinetically. I don't know about you, but I'm capable of putting two and two together.)

Anyway, as has been stated before, Revan has an extremely high level of Force potential, possibly rivaling that of Vader's (intergenerational comparisons make that extremely subjective), as well as an exceptional tactical and strategic aptitude, which Vader decidedly does not have (see above). But the clincher is that Revan has Force Wave. Force Wave wins everything.

Paragon Badger
2008-01-22, 02:30 AM
Anyway, as has been stated before, Revan has an extremely high level of Force potential, possibly rivaling that of Vader's

In case anyone has doubts;

"When I looked into Revan, it was like staring at the heart of the force."

2008-01-22, 02:51 AM
Didn't Revan kill a planet?

2008-01-22, 03:01 AM
That was either Darth Malak or the Jedi Exile, depending on whether you're referring to Taris or Malachor V.

2008-01-22, 03:12 AM
The single fact that Anakin was defeated by something as simple as 'a higher ground concept' (which is admittedly rather ridiculous, since that didn't stop Obi-Wan from killing Darth Maul in Ep. I)

The battle in Episode 1 took place on an entirely flat terrain...when Anakin tried to jump over Obi-wan's head, he was doing it from a lower position and therefore needed to go much higher to avoid getting sliced and diced; he obviously failed to do so.

2008-01-22, 03:13 AM
Or Darth Nihilus. Revan wins, though. Jedi and Sith in KOTOR rival the EU for plot force powers.

2008-01-22, 03:20 AM
The battle in Episode 1 took place on an entirely flat terrain...when Anakin tried to jump over Obi-wan's head, he was doing it from a lower position and therefore needed to go much higher to avoid getting sliced and diced; he obviously failed to do so.

I'm referring to the end of the battle, where Obi-Wan is hanging on to the edge (actually, slightly slower than that) of a clichéd Bottomless Pit™.
Then he force jumps about four meter in the air, over Darth Maul and kills him.

Yet when Anakin is fighting Obi-Wan and is situated about 20-30 centimers (0.6-0.9 ft) lower than his mentor, defeat suddenly becomes inevitable? Makes no sense whatsoever.

2008-01-22, 03:36 AM

It’s over, Hayden. I’ve got the high ground, just like Darth Maul did in Episode 1 right before I killed him successfully. Ignoring that, if you jump over to me, I will cut your sh*t off.


You underestimate my power to decide not to jump to the low ground in front of you where I will be able to safely continue duelling, but to instead try to jump all the way over you and get my sh*t cut off!

He JUMPS and gets his sh*t cut RIGHT THE f*ck OFF. Then he is COMPLETELY BURNED.

-From the Revenge of the Sith parody script by Rod Hilton

Reven has the sense not to do this. 'nuff said.

Also, I always got the impression that Darth Vader was less agile/quick/powerful than young Anikin because technology in the seventies was less accomodating to the sorts of flashy tricks you see today. That's just me though.

Paragon Badger
2008-01-22, 03:44 AM
Also, I always got the impression that Darth Vader was less agile/quick/powerful than young Anikin because technology in the seventies was less accomodating to the sorts of flashy tricks you see today. That's just me though.



2008-01-22, 05:22 AM
Dude, I've seen Vader fight in Empire Strikes back, I've seen Anakin fight in Revenge of the Sith... If I had to vote on who would kill the other in a lightsaber duel, I'd put my money on Vader. His style is far less mobile and flashy, but is instead straightforward, brutal and effective. A New Hope and Return of the Jedi didn't have particularly impressive lightsaber choreography, but ESB Vader was actually pretty darn awesome.

That said, Revan was monstrously powerful with the force, and a great duelist besides. He became his own Dark Lord of the Sith and forged his own galaxy crushing force behind his own ambition, and when he turned good, destroyed it singlehandedly. Vader essentially rode Palpatine's coattails, got kicked around viciously by Count Dooku, Obiwan, and his son at pretty much every turn, and only took out the Emperor because he caught him by surprise. Revan would have been able to take the Emperor head on, with all his Empire and attained victory.

2008-01-22, 05:45 AM
What has to be understood here is that Revan is the Batman of Star Wars. Take someone who always wins with preparation and give him prescience.

(Warning: I have a giant man-crush on Revan. But I still think the above is true.)

It should also be noted that based on KotOR II, depending on light/dark side choices for the outcome of the previous game, it's implied that Revan actually chose to go Dark Side, for strategic reasons, rather than being seduced by it. Someone so in control would certainly whup Anakin's ass and probably Vader's too.

2008-01-22, 07:04 AM
Also, I always got the impression that Darth Vader was less agile/quick/powerful than young Anikin because technology in the seventies was less accomodating to the sorts of flashy tricks you see today. That's just me though.

It stands to reason that Darth Vader would be less agile than Anakin in any case, given that he's in his 40s. Of course, he has significant cybernetic implants which change that somewhat, but as far as we can tell those implants don't extend to his pelvis or shoulders...

2008-01-22, 07:14 AM
I give it to Revan, but here's my secret wish: the badass Sith Lord with the breathmask restyled (darker and edgier) with new coreographies, new fencing, new fluff, new everything. Even the actual power boost of cyberlimbs (tougher to channel the force, though).


The Professor
2008-01-22, 07:29 AM
Revan, for many of the reasons already mentioned.

Sorry Vader, he just rocks too hard in every possible way.

2008-01-22, 08:01 AM
It saddens me SO MUCH, that not only is Darth Vader's predecessor is being compared to a character from a video game, but that he's getting his pimply, emotionally unstable, a** kicked. Gah, I hate the prequels. So, if it comes down to it, I would say that Anakin is better than Revan, but he would lose because he acts stupid when he's upset (pretty much always). Vader on the other hand, crushes Revan without a thought. Sure, he's a bit weaker in the force, but he is so much cooler than Revan, that there's really no contest as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, and I don't buy into the whole "Revan is a force GOD!!!1!" If he was that strong Bandon, or hell, even the little peon cannon fodder jedi would have turned tail as soon as he got near them. He was strong, but not so overwhelmingly strong that there would be no contest. I would put him between Vader and Anakin.

Now for those of you who root for Revan, between him and Luke (EU peak of power, or movie), who wins? My money's on Luke, but clearly I'm not as dedicated to Revan as you.

2008-01-22, 08:47 AM
It saddens me SO MUCH, that not only is Darth Vader's predecessor is being compared to a character from a video game, but that he's getting his pimply, emotionally unstable, a** kicked. Gah, I hate the prequels. So, if it comes down to it, I would say that Anakin is better than Revan, but he would lose because he acts stupid when he's upset (pretty much always). Vader on the other hand, crushes Revan without a thought. Sure, he's a bit weaker in the force, but he is so much cooler than Revan, that there's really no contest as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, and I don't buy into the whole "Revan is a force GOD!!!1!" If he was that strong Bandon, or hell, even the little peon cannon fodder jedi would have turned tail as soon as he got near them. He was strong, but not so overwhelmingly strong that there would be no contest. I would put him between Vader and Anakin.

Now for those of you who root for Revan, between him and Luke (EU peak of power, or movie), who wins? My money's on Luke, but clearly I'm not as dedicated to Revan as you.

Oooooooo, now who's got the 'high ground', so to speak. :smalltongue:

2008-01-22, 09:00 AM
Oooooooo, now who's got the 'high ground', so to speak. :smalltongue:

Oh, just because I'm not a Revan fanboy...

2008-01-22, 10:38 AM
Revan's helmet is a lot cooler than Vader's, in my opinion. Ripped straight from Mandalore's head. What's Vader's helmet? Oh, a breathing contraption. Revan's helmet gets more cool points, thus, Revan is cooler, thus, Revan wins.

2008-01-22, 11:04 AM
I can't express how nice it is that this is just a duel of coolnes, or more about coolness than pseudo-canon-scientific-mystic mumbojumbo.

Let's face it, the guys are the 2 most force-pimped life enders in the galkaxy. Luckily they didn't live in the same age. I still say it's only fair to grant Vader the benefit of a coolnes upgrade, as being a videogame hero-villain from the 10s of the XXI century is way cooler than being a villain from the late 70s, at least as far as space opera goes.

Once the starting ground is balanced (and none gets the higher one), let's also remove Lucas ABSURD screenplay and dialogues. Let's imagine that Vader-Anakin have been created and made cool by a guy with a head with a brain inside (and not just a Borg-Cube with hair on top, which seems there just to separate Lucas' ears), and make it "approved" by Lucasarts.

So, this said, there simply is no contest between Revan and Anakin. The 2nd is a combat beast, ok, but he was still in the Human scale. 23 years old, incredibly attuned to the force, but still lacking experience and focus. He was on his highway to greatness, but got interrupted by Palpatine's rise to power.

Vader vs. Ravan is a different ballpark. They are both powerful lightsaber users (don't forget that Vader hones constantly his skill in his castle, bastion, right? Sparring vs multiple lighsaber using combat droids (not any worse than Grievous' Magna Guards)). They both master the force, but the edge goes to Ravan here, as he is not impaired by cyberlimbs.

Vader, on the other hand, is an agressive butcher and a malicious man full of self loathing. Plus, he's already lost 4 limbs, so you cannot deal any crippling blow to him in that department.

This boils down to who's cooler then (pun not intended). Attire rocks in both, and both have a classic cape.

I give the coolness edge to Vader though. He is so easily irritated and delivers such lines as

Darth Vader: Yes, Admiral?
Admiral Piett: Our ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon, Lord. But it has entered an asteroid field and we can not risk...
Darth Vader: Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship, not excuses.


[Darth Vader has just learned of Admiral Ozzel's big blunder, and activates a viewscreen]
Admiral Ozzel: [appearing onscreen with Captain Piett] Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we're preparing to...
[Ozzel stops, and suddenly begins to choke, clutching at his throat]
Darth Vader: You have failed me for the last time, Admiral. Captain Piett?
Captain Piett: Yes, my lord?
Darth Vader: Make ready to land our troops beyond their energy field, and deploy the fleet, so that nothing gets off the system.
[beside Piett, Admiral Ozzel utters one last strangled gasp, and falls over dead]
Darth Vader: You are in command now, Admiral Piett.
Admiral Piett: Thank you, Lord Vader.


Darth Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Darth Vader: Apology accepted, Captain Needa

or (my personal favorite)

Darth Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
Luke: He told me enough. He told me you killed him.
Darth Vader: No. *I* am your father

(a GENERATION goes 'ooooooooooooooooooooh')

He gets J.E.Jones voice with a metallic tune AND he gets the Imperial March whenever he shows up (slow if threat is in order, fast if grandeur is what you're looking for). And he's Lawful Evil, "Bringing order to the Galaxy, even if we have to choke the s**t out of it!"
Wow, am I reversing my statement? Possibly in an RPG Revan could win. But in this contest, outside RPG, Vader NEEDS to win.


Yes, I owe my childhood heroes to Lucas, but I havce to say 30 years afterwards that he is way better as a businness man than as a screenplayer

EDIT: THIS (http://www.starwars.com/video/view/000601.html) should give everyone the answer they're looking for

2008-01-22, 11:30 AM
I'm going to have to go with Revan on this one, against either Anikan or Vader, or hell both at the same time. The man was, pardon the expression, made of pure win. He is said to have been the reason why the Republic beat the Mandolrians and almost right away he brings the Old Republic to it's knees and is only stopped when the Jedi Order sends their best to deal with him and a timely betrayal followed by a turbolaser shot which not only doesn't kill him it doesn't leave any lasting harm. Then he proceeds to lay waste to the unstoppable army he created nearly single handed all the while at only part of his full potential.

2008-01-22, 11:32 AM
Wow, you're comparing how cool Vader or Anakin might have been if Lucas hadn't been a douche to how cool Revan currently is? That, I think, says it all right there.

I can see the argument though. Vader gets some classic lines. That's got to count for something. But Vader still loses in cool points since he doesn't have the walking death droid at his side, calling everyone meatbag.

2008-01-22, 11:34 AM
Obi-Wan won because Ewan McGregor is so much cooler than Darth Emo.
And yes, Revan has Force Wave, so he'd win.

2008-01-22, 11:43 AM
I don't think Anakin really stands a chance. Unlike Revan, circumstances conspire to prevent Vader from ever reaching his true potential.

And about the high ground thing, Obi Wan, after episode 1, dedicated himself to the development of an extremely potent defensive saber style. This is the unspoken fact behind the "high ground" comment - Obi Wan was in a superior position, and the master of a powerful defensive fighting style that could take advantage of that.

2008-01-22, 11:49 AM
And about the high ground thing, Obi Wan, after episode 1, dedicated himself to the development of an extremely potent defensive saber style. This is the unspoken fact behind the "high ground" comment - Obi Wan was in a superior position, and the master of a powerful defensive fighting style that could take advantage of that.

That, and the fact that Anakin was virtually exhausted, having tired himself out, trying to break Obi-Wan's defence with his own high-energy agressive style.

2008-01-22, 12:03 PM
And, ya know, Maul was an idiot.
Okay, not entirely an idiot, but pretty much clueless. He doesn't know anything about tactics, strategy or basic hygiene (just look at dem fangs). To him, Jedi is the pit, pit equals death, that's a good thing. Don't need to do anything else. Just sit and enjoy. Jedi suddenly is out of the pit, Maul is very confused, and now Maul is cut in half. Huh. Maul did not expect that.
Obi-Wan meanwhile understands that when you're on high ground, that's a good thing. He actually has the intelligence to do stuff like this, and let's be honest, Anakin is just stupid enough to fall for it.

2008-01-22, 04:14 PM
And, ya know, Maul was an idiot.

agreed, even in the expanded universe he dosen't even bother to check if his victims are dead, and disregards any assasin if they dont have force abilities.

on multiple occasions in the same book he is shocked to learn that he underestimated the badass normal.

now to the fight at hand, revan would force wave him right off, and on the off chance he survives it anakin's gonna be at least broucht to his knees, and since revan dual wields he can dooku style execution him.

and against my will revan has wasome points because of a cooler mask.

darth vader, however, can force strangle anything lightyears away, as well as train an apprentice in secret, hiding it from the emperor and killing all witnesses, even namless redshirts and his own men,

2008-01-22, 04:23 PM
I can see the argument though. Vader gets some classic lines. That's got to count for something. But Vader still loses in cool points since he doesn't have the walking death droid at his side, calling everyone meatbag.
Revan gets some pretty good lines though. My personal favorite:
When being interrogated about the Jedi Academy on Dantooine
"Alderaan...they're on Alderaan".
Although overall, I think the awesome lines quotient was taken up mostly by Jolee and HK-47.

Jolee: "I guess I did it all for the Wookies."

2008-01-22, 04:38 PM
Emo Side of the Force vs. the Dark Side? Revan >.>

2008-01-22, 05:07 PM
Revan, Easily. more or less fought a bloody swath through the galaxy with ease, is a master tactician, excellent at combat and the force. Does Vader have the ability to create a Force Storm? Does vader have the ability to disrupt and destroy electronics with a thought? Does vader have the ability to suck the life force out of an opponent to heal himself in the middle of a fight? no.

2008-01-22, 05:41 PM
You realize, every one of us says Revan, and at the core, we're all saying for the same reason.

"I was Revan! Anakin was a pathetic whining bitch!"

(For the record, Revan is a raven-haired lightside female who used a double-bladed saber, Canon be damned!)

2008-01-22, 05:49 PM
Yeah, I'm going with Revan on this one. And if anyone suggests Vader v. Revan... Well, Revan has access to Force Lightning. I think that's pretty much the end of Revan vs. Vader.

Paragon Badger
2008-01-22, 08:57 PM
Revan gets some pretty good lines though. My personal favorite:
When being interrogated about the Jedi Academy on Dantooine
"Alderaan...they're on Alderaan".
Although overall, I think the awesome lines quotient was taken up mostly by Jolee and HK-47.

Jolee: "I guess I did it all for the Wookies."

I don't know... "I'm actually a Hutt in human disguise, Bastila!" was a pretty good one. :smallamused:

2008-01-22, 09:22 PM
(For the record, Revan is a raven-haired lightside female who used a double-bladed saber, Canon be damned!)

So... Revan was a Mary-Sue?

Seriously, he was confirmed by the developers, by Leland Chee, and by George Lucas to be a Lightside Male, looking something like:


Or at least, that's what the KOTOR commercials would have us believe his appearance was, and that's usually what I imagine when I think Revan. My personal Revan, when I played through KOTOR, was the face circled in red on this chart

Anyways, it doesn't really matter. Revan would completely, pardon the term, OWN Anakin.

2008-01-22, 09:34 PM
The bottom-right face on there still looks freakishly like me.

Out of curiosity, if you are so absolutely certain of the outcome, why did you open this thread? I've only ever started one of these things because I had a question over who would win, and wanted to hear arguments from others who were well-versed on the subject. If I was certain a particular subject would win, why would I bother asking others' opinions?

2008-01-22, 09:42 PM
Seriously, he was confirmed by the developers, by Leland Chee, and by George Lucas to be a Lightside Male, looking something like
My bad. I thought he was canonically Dark Side!

2008-01-22, 09:44 PM
It would make more sense if he WAS Dark-sided though.

2008-01-22, 09:44 PM
A little. Either way, the Light Side also beats the Emo Side of the force like the red-headed stepchild that it is.

2008-01-22, 10:47 PM
So... Revan was a Mary-Sue?

Seriously, he was confirmed by the developers, by Leland Chee, and by George Lucas to be a Lightside Male, looking something like:

Oh, I know what they confirmed her to be, but I was Revan! I know what she was! I was there! :)

2008-01-22, 10:51 PM
Revan wins, easily. He is a master of the force, dueling and strategy. Anakin has enormous natural ability, but is not a master of anything. If Anakin had been allowed to reach his full potential it would have been an interesting fight. As it was Obi-Wan kicked his butt hard. Does anyone think Obi-Wan could beat Revan? I don't.

2008-01-22, 10:57 PM
We all were there Talya. I was there, and I saw what he was. Let's not be stubborn about this, I tried to introduce this thread with the 'canonical' Revan to avoid such arguments.

And i'm sorry, but the moniker 'raven-haired' along with description of double-bladed lightsaber stinks of Mary-Sue.

2008-01-22, 10:59 PM
We all were there Talya. I was there, and I saw what he was. Let's not be stubborn about this, I tried to introduce this thread with the 'canonical' Revan to avoid such arguments.

Do you people have no sense of humor whatsoever?

And i'm sorry, but the moniker 'raven-haired' along with description of double-bladed lightsaber stinks of Mary-Sue.

So all raven-haired women are mary-sue? I normally pick copper-haired women, but the cutest model was raven-haired with a bob-cut.

Double bladed sabers were mechanically best in KotOR, which is why I used one.

2008-01-22, 11:03 PM
Revan as a Mary Sue?

Well... surrogate for the author (or in this case the player)? Check.

Ability to upstage any other character*? Check.

Takes the spotlight for most of the game? Check.

Yep, looks about right to me, although it was well-done enough that it doesn't deserve the negative connotation.

*Jolee and HK-47 are more entertaining, but that's about it.

2008-01-23, 12:41 AM
You forgot the amnesia, Char-mask, and secret identity.

Almost all video game characters, by necessity of being an interesting viewpoint character and player avatar (and making the game winnable by a single player), are Mary Sues. And regardless of any conceivable complaints, KOTOR is still better-written than 90% of Expanded Universe novels.

And there's nothing wrong with "raven-haired" to describe a black-haired person with a bit of panache.

Thinking about it, Revan vs. Sidious might have made for a less one-sided thread.

2008-01-23, 12:44 AM
You forgot the amnesia, Char-mask, and secret identity.

Damn you, Shiro and Kuro. I can't think of "Char" with a straight face anymore. Two words: Sleigh Aznable >.>

2008-01-23, 12:47 AM
Do I even want to know?

2008-01-23, 12:49 AM
Do I even want to know?

I thought you played the SRW games! That whole "Can we call her the 'Red Comet'?" Conversation :P

2008-01-23, 12:51 AM
I've only managed to play SRW R, A, and D, and those weren't even really translated (and I only remember seeing Char in one of them, but I usually picked the non-Gundam paths). I need to pick up the OG series like now. And MX if I can find a reliable importer.

2008-01-23, 12:56 AM
You forgot the amnesia, Char-mask, and secret identity.

Almost all video game characters, by necessity of being an interesting viewpoint character and player avatar (and making the game winnable by a single player), are Mary Sues. And regardless of any conceivable complaints, KOTOR is still better-written than 90% of Expanded Universe novels.

And there's nothing wrong with "raven-haired" to describe a black-haired person with a bit of panache.

Thinking about it, Revan vs. Sidious might have made for a less one-sided thread.

This is true.

Although I maintain that the James Earl Jones, pre-prequel Darth Vader would have stood a better chance.

(For the record, I thought Revan was far more impressive as a raven-haired woman than as a 'canon' sort of Revan, too.)

2008-01-23, 01:01 AM
I like female Revan, except I have a fixation with completing Bioware's poorly-written romance subplots, and can't stand the thought of the main character getting together with a whiner like Carth (same reason I never played through Baldur's Gate 2 as a woman). Of course, there's apparently a main character/Juhani option...

Now, female Darkside Revan, all the way. A pair of deadly Sith Ladies wreaking havoc on the galaxy for the ending? Hell. Yes. Plus, you get to betray Carth and ditch him on Rakata.

2008-01-23, 01:32 AM
And regardless of any conceivable complaints, KOTOR is still better-written than 90% of Expanded Universe novels.

Forget the EU novels.

KotOR is still better written than at least 50% of the Star Wars films. Perhaps 66%. Maybe even 83%.

2008-01-23, 01:34 AM
Curious that everyone I see speaking about this all agree that although Revan and the Exile are canonically male/female respectively, the reverse seems to feel better.

2008-01-23, 02:09 AM
Or at least, that's what the KOTOR commercials would have us believe his appearance was, and that's usually what I imagine when I think Revan. My personal Revan, when I played through KOTOR, was the face circled in red on this chart

I also used that model. I maintain that Revan was played by Christian Bale.

Curious that everyone I see speaking about this all agree that although Revan and the Exile are canonically male/female respectively, the reverse seems to feel better.

What the -!? The Exile has to be a guy! Otherwise you don't get Handmaiden! And she's awesome. Also Atton so clearly wants you if you're male.

Revan on the other hand is stuck with Bastila as a male. Much less worthwhile.

2008-01-23, 02:23 AM
Oh, Bastila's alright. She's played by Jennifer Hale, after all.

2008-01-23, 03:04 AM

(KOTOR2 Spoiler)

The 'insane evil ex-girlfriend' interpretation of Atris you get as a male Exile is great.

I get the feeling someone on the BioWare/Obsidian writers must have been through a really messy divorce.

2008-01-23, 12:26 PM
I quite simply can't imagine why they chose the Exile to be canonically female, Handmaiden is provably more interesting than Disciple... with Graphs. Also, your interactions with Atris have a second depth... I just can't see him as a girl.

Revan however, is a bit more androgynous to me. He's got masculinity and femininity, but I'm leaning towards believing her a girl, even though I played her as a dude 2/3 times. Maybe I should install and play Kotor2 as a girl, see what the differences actually are.

2008-01-23, 02:22 PM
Well, it's fairly clear that LucasArts never really cared about the second KOTOR game, so I think they just picked female Exile for the canon interpretation without thinking about it.

2008-01-23, 02:33 PM
I believe I know the answer to this question. At least I heard it from somewhere and seems believeable. It went like this:

SW movies have always been a "boys adventure" kind of thing (like Treasure Island). That spills into other branches of merchandise, mainly games. So Male/Light is always the "canon" one out of multiple choice protagonists (Revan, Jaden Korr). But after receiving such complaints, Lucas Arts decided to make the next protagonist female. Thus Exile is canonically a woman.

Which is bull**** IMO. However that's something I'd expect from the blockheads from LA, so I believe it.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-01-23, 03:51 PM
Statement:Revan has HK-47, master. This half-meatbag won't feel a thing.

2008-01-26, 03:18 PM
Revan pwns. Best SW game ever (and my favorite SW anything) is KOTOR. Though I might be a little biased, Revan could've easily killed ObiWan and Anakin... Well... We all know what happened to him. Anyway, in a fight anywhere, Revan wins.

But isn't it kinda a major spoiler for KOTOR that you are Revan? I mean, biggest plot twist in the game, and the only one that comes close is

Bastila's going to the Dark Side (cue scary music)

2008-02-14, 11:23 AM
Double bladed sabers were mechanically best in KotOR, which is why I used one.Actually, dual wielded single sabers were far better. The damage was barely any lower and you could use 4 saber crystals. Using two sabers with Master Critical strike and Master speed gets you 4 attacks with a 40% chance of scoring a critical on each one. On top of that, each of those attacks stuns with a ridiculously high save DC as long as they actually hit (they don't need to be critical hits). If the aforementioned critical monkey is a scoundrel/guardian, it gets even worse....

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-02-14, 12:00 PM
I have to cast my vote in Revan's favor as well. He was like the Anakin of his time. Besides, as it has been said before, Anakin's hotheadedness would be his undoing in this fight, just like all the other fights he's gotten hurt in. Especially since Revan is, as with all other things, a master strategist. He could easily goad Anakin into leaving an opening, and then hand his arse to him on a durasteel platter with a 10.0 rating for style from the judges.

Just to clarify, we're talking about the Dark Lord Revan here, and not the put-upon amnesiac you play in the game, right?

2008-02-14, 12:29 PM
Do you people have no sense of humor whatsoever?

So all raven-haired women are mary-sue? I normally pick copper-haired women, but the cutest model was raven-haired with a bob-cut.

Double bladed sabers were mechanically best in KotOR, which is why I used one.

Maybe you'd get less flak if you said she was Revan-haired. :smallbiggrin:

And technically, since it's a video-game, the main character's almost guaranteed to be surrogate and share the majority of the spotlight, so it's not much of a fair comparison from that angle.

I'd vote for Revan too, since Anakin's character can be summed up in 5 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXwU-7qLNIo. Lucas did a thorough job wussifying Vader.

2008-02-14, 12:35 PM
Do you people have no sense of humor whatsoever?

So all raven-haired women are mary-sue? I normally pick copper-haired women, but the cutest model was raven-haired with a bob-cut.

Double bladed sabers were mechanically best in KotOR, which is why I used one.

Erm. Double Bladed sabers weren't as effective as two weapon fighting. More damage potential out of them.

2008-02-14, 01:05 PM
Actually, dual wielded single sabers were far better. The damage was barely any lower and you could use 4 saber crystals. Using two sabers with Master Critical strike and Master speed gets you 4 attacks with a 40% chance of scoring a critical on each one. On top of that, each of those attacks stuns with a ridiculously high save DC as long as they actually hit (they don't need to be critical hits). If the aforementioned critical monkey is a scoundrel/guardian, it gets even worse....

No, due to an error in the coding, the game treated the dual bladed sabers as one blade. So you didn't get any minuses for dual wielding, but still got all kinds of crazy bonuses from the dual wielding feats. Had the game been written correctly, dual wielding would be better.

On the topic of exile as a woman, KoToR 2 was released very prematurely. Apparently a lot of the content that was cut concerned female exile. When you look at it from the context of the original story, it makes more sense for Exile to be female. (Although I played both 1 and 2 as a male.)

2008-02-15, 08:15 AM
I say Revan wins. Anakin is a whiny emo-boy - Revan was once the Dark Lord of the Sith, and killed Malak as well. He's at least on Par with Palpatine. Not to mention the fact that he has access to heaps of ancient sith secrets (such as the thought bomb, which he taught Darth Bane through a holocron). Anakin has oodles of power, but no discipline or tactical smarts. Revan whups his butt.

Vader though... I hope his coolness factor goes up when they release the force unleashed. As is, he still loses to Revan. He's a little too conductive.

2008-02-15, 01:40 PM
Anakin has oodles of power, but no discipline or tactical smarts. Revan whups his butt.

Even still, Revan was implied to have oodles of raw power in addition to his tactics and discipline, though perhaps not quite as much as Anakin.

2008-02-15, 01:43 PM
I say that Darth Vader would kick Revan big time. This is just how I expaned the movies. That Darth Vader was toying with them. He used very lame moves vs. Ob-one to show how much better he was then him now. And in the other two movies. He didn't really want to kill Luke. He want to keep Luke alive. That is why he was a bit lame. And I read that Vader can heal himself without taking the enorgy from others. He just can't do his whole body perntie. Vader also from what I have seen in the movies and read. That he can assobe lot of enorgy from busters, empenos and use it to attack back. Then there could be alot of things that Vader learned but never used. It may not been show but why can't Vader use a Force Storm?
Anakin on the other hand would lose. He not as expens or as smart. Vader doesn't get angory like Anakin did so that is a big plus.
((Darth Vader also has a better theom music then Revan ever did.))

2008-02-15, 02:01 PM
I say that Darth Vader would kick Revan big time. This is just how I expaned the movies. That Darth Vader was toying with them. He used very lame moves vs. Ob-one to show how much better he was then him now. And in the other two movies. He didn't really want to kill Luke. He want to keep Luke alive. That is why he was a bit lame. And I read that Vader can heal himself without taking the enorgy from others. He just can't do his whole body perntie. Vader also from what I have seen in the movies and read. That he can assobe lot of enorgy from busters, empenos and use it to attack back. Then there could be alot of things that Vader learned but never used. It may not been show but why can't Vader use a Force Storm?
Anakin on the other hand would lose. He not as expens or as smart. Vader doesn't get angory like Anakin did so that is a big plus.
((Darth Vader also has a better theom music then Revan ever did.))

He can't use a force storm for the same reason that Revan can't teleport. Because they are never shown using that power. You're just giving Vader a lot of extra power because you like him more. If you have evidence then by all means post it, but Lucas himself said that Vader was significantly weaker than Anakin, so you theory doesn't really hold much water.

2008-02-15, 06:44 PM
He can't use force storm because he'd fry himself if he tried.

2008-02-16, 12:13 AM
Really, I don't think any other character in Star Wars has much of a chance against Revan except Thrawn. And that's only if Thrawn can ensure that Revan never gets physically close to him.

2008-02-16, 05:56 AM
No, due to an error in the coding, the game treated the dual bladed sabers as one blade. So you didn't get any minuses for dual wielding, but still got all kinds of crazy bonuses from the dual wielding feats. Had the game been written correctly, dual wielding would be better.Perhaps in the XBOX version or before patch 1.03. The PC version works correctly. Aside from that, BAB bonuses aren't actually all that great, since an 18 BAB (what you'd get with a scout or scoundrel 8/Guardian 12) coupled with a good dex or strength, some good crystals, and a few buffs already hits anything. If Kotor had iterative attacks, the BAB bonus might be more useful, but it does not.