View Full Version : No Country For Old Men

2008-01-22, 06:37 PM
I've just seen the new Coene brothers film, in premiere, and I ahve to say it was awesome. Anton Chigurh (the main "bad guy") really is the ultimate badass. I mean, seriously, when he blows a hole in that old guys head with the oxygen bottle? That's just plain awesome.

I did think the ending was sort of weird though, since
Llewelyn Moss, who I thought was the main character of the movie, gets killed off by some mexicans (off-screen no less!) and then the movie simply goes on a bit.

The following events don't seem to be that relevant at all (except maybe for the killing of Moss' wife) and the whole car crash in the end didn't make much sense at all, making me suspect bits had been cut out of the ending.

I now understand the sheriff was really the main character after all (the title should have been a hint) but that still doesn't quite account for the carcrash scene...

So, has anyone else seen this movie? Liked it? Hated it?

2008-01-24, 12:12 PM
No Country is effink fantastic. Everyone who is of legal age owes it to themselves to see this movie; the rest of you, wait for it to come out on DVD and then see it anyway.

You were right, Llewelyn Moss was the hero. And about four-fifths into the movie, he dies. That's the point. Even though both Llewelyn and Chigurh are slightly tougher/luckier than real people can be, the tone of the movie was one of absolute realism. So the point it was making was that good doesn't always defeat evil, sometimes heroes fail. Jones' character was just the "Greek Choir" of the story, adding poignant commentary along the way.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-01-24, 01:29 PM
I saw it, and I really liked it. For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, anticipate a dark, depressing movie that does not have a traditional plot (setup, rising action, climax, resolution, denouement), and you will enjoy it a lot more. Most of the people I've talked to who haven't liked the film listed those as the main reasons for not liking it.

My take on Llewelyn kicking the bucket two-thirds of the way through the movie: it partially has to do with the realism of the film, as Piedmon_Sama said, but there more to it. I saw the movie with my mom, and while she liked it, her biggest gripe was the lack of a resolution. She really wanted to know happened with the money, and what happened to Chigurh? I told her the whole point of the movie wasn't the money and who ended up with it.

The point of the movie was to examine how these characters interacted with one another, the actions they took, and about the nature of violence and honour. The plot was just a framework to allow this to happen. It never was about the money, who ended up with it, or neatly wrapping up the plotlines of the main characters within a two hour film so we could all leave the theatre and promptly forget about the movie.

Oh, and if Javier Bardem (who played Chigurh) doesn't win Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars it'll be a crime. Against humanity.

2008-01-24, 01:39 PM
Havent seen it. Im surprised to hear the positiveness though. I had heard the ending was really dissapointing.

2008-01-24, 01:43 PM
Havent seen it. Im surprised to hear the positiveness though. I had heard the ending was really dissapointing.

2008-01-24, 02:41 PM
I did think the ending was sort of weird though, since
Llewelyn Moss, who I thought was the main character of the movie, gets killed off by some mexicans (off-screen no less!) and then the movie simply goes on a bit.

The following events don't seem to be that relevant at all (except maybe for the killing of Moss' wife) and the whole car crash in the end didn't make much sense at all, making me suspect bits had been cut out of the ending.

I now understand the sheriff was really the main character after all (the title should have been a hint) but that still doesn't quite account for the carcrash scene...

No, that's just how the book ends.

2008-01-24, 02:42 PM
Havent seen it. Im surprised to hear the positiveness though. I had heard the ending was really dissapointing.

Well, to reiterate what PS and RPL said in their spoiler tags, what you have to understand is that the plot is not what is important. The characterization is everything. RPL's advice before the spoiler is applicable. If you go into it expecting a standard Hollywood movie you're setting yourself up for disappointment and will miss what makes it a good movie.

2008-01-24, 03:51 PM
One of the best movies I've seen in a long time, and possibly ever. I'm glad my friend made me go see it, otherwise I probably would never heard of it. I was pretty okay with the plot, but then I've never been much of one for plot-based narrative anyways.

2008-01-26, 01:27 PM
It's strange a lot of people haven't even heard of this movie. Every single magazine I've read lately gives it great reviews.
Still, most of my friends didn't even know it existed.

2008-01-26, 10:24 PM
Quick question: is it possible to silence shotguns as in this film ? It's just I've never seen it done anywhere else.

2008-01-27, 12:44 AM
My friend said after the movie that no, it's impossible.

He also once said there's no such breed of horses as destriers, though, just in fantasy books. So take that as you will.

2008-01-27, 01:15 AM
It's strange a lot of people haven't even heard of this movie. Every single magazine I've read lately gives it great reviews.
Still, most of my friends didn't even know it existed.

Well, to be fair, I don't watch much TV, and when I do watch it I never see commercials, and I really don't have any other way I find out about movies, so I really never hear about any movies at all, except for through friends and during the previews in the movie itself.

Vespe Ratavo
2008-01-27, 02:15 AM
Without a doubt, one of the best movies I've ever seen. Great characterization, drama, everything.

The ending...
Yeah, I was kind of wondering what happened to the money, but it really was about the characters...although if you ask me, the sheriff didn't really do much to warrant the title of main character.

You were right, Llewelyn Moss was the hero. And about four-fifths into the movie, he dies. That's the point. Even though both Llewelyn and Chigurh are slightly tougher/luckier than real people can be, the tone of the movie was one of absolute realism. So the point it was making was that good doesn't always defeat evil, sometimes heroes fail. Jones' character was just the "Greek Choir" of the story, adding poignant commentary along the way.

Quoted for truth.

2008-01-27, 06:12 AM
My friend said after the movie that no, it's impossible.It is certainly possible, but not very effective as the gun will still be quite loud. It will be a bit quieter, though, so people hearing it might not recognize it as a shot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j5P0LXemAA