View Full Version : Alien Invasion: Earth Group

2008-01-25, 01:11 AM
”All right, Charlie Company, form up! We are leaving tomorrow. Get your crap together, and be ready to leave at 0400 hours. Platoon Leaders, disseminate the maps and battle assignments to your Squad leaders. Dismissed,” barked your Company Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Bruchier.

You all left with your squadmates, all new recruits, and eager for battle and help in taking back the planet that was being slowly taken from you. You head to your barracks, more like small shacks, in what used to be downtown Mexico City. You are still uprange, the battle currently being waged right on the former Panama Canal. You will not be going there, however. Your Squadleader, Sergeant First Class Munoz, meets you in your squad’s shack.
“Echo Squad, here it is,” he says sitting down on a footlocker. “We ain’t goin’ t’ th’ front lines, so get that dumb idea out o’ your skulls,” he continues. “We’re going t’ what used t’ be Brazil. We’re goin’ in via a submarine. We’re takin’ a plane from here t’ New Orleans Air Base, boarding th’ sub, and getting t’ th’ coastline. From there, Charlie Company disembarks, and we hit ‘em from th’ side. Once we set up a base of Ops, we hit ‘em and bug out. Then we do it agin and agin. We hit ‘em enough t’ get their attention. Then, when they turn our way, the boys and girls on th’ front line push forward and take the Panama Trench, and make their way inta Venezuela. They’ll push southwest meeting up with our company, and then we'll push east and south. That's th' plan anyhow. We'll see how that holds up, though. Well, enough o' this crap. Go get some rest, troops. In the morning, pick up your gear at the armory on your way to the flightline."

You all got to sleep, woke up, and put on your M.L.B.H. uniforms, grab your dufflebags (treat as Explorer Outfit; containing basic toiletries, undergarments, extra uniforms, etc...but no actual combat gear), and head off to the armory. Sergeant Kelton, the armory NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) issued you all standard infantry gear:

You all get the following gear (some have choices, so pick one if it has an or next to it. Keep in mind encumbrance and required feats):
Light Weapon: Beretta 92F or Glock 17 and holster
Heavy Weapon: AKM/AK-47 or Baretta Light Fifty or M16A2 or M4 Carbine or Baretta M3P and shoulderstrap
Ammo: 5 full magazines or boxes of ammo (depending on if you have a rifle or shotgun) for your heavy weapon and 2 magazines for your light weapon (make sure you include weight of magazines in your encumbrance)
Grenade: 40mm fragmentation x2 or Fragmentation Grenade x 2 or Smoke Grenade x4 or thermite grenade x 1
Melee Weapon: Knife or metal baton or bayonet or machete
Armor: Scout armor or Light Combat Armor
Random Gear:(take all or none of any of these, but remember: Encumbrance and a way to carry stuff)
Range Pack
Ghillie Suit
Portable Satellite Radio (think phone, but larger for military purposes)
Walkie Talkie
Night Vision Goggles
Demolitions Kit
Duct Tape
Electrical Tool kit (basic or deluxe)
First Aid Kit
Steel Handcuffs
Instrument, wind or string
lockpick set
Mechanical tool kit (basic or deluxe)
Medical kit
Multipurpose tool
search and rescue kit
surgery kit
binoculars (standard only)
chem light sticks (any amount you want to carry)
climbing gear
flashlight (penlight or standard)
gas mask
GPS receiver
Mesh Vest
Sleeping Bag
tent (2-4-or 8-person dome)
MRE's (Military Meals Ready to Eat)
Laser sight
Scope (standard only)

You felt a little strange back then, putting on all that gear, and getting it packed, having not have had to lug this much gear around since your basic training. The past years you all had been training in the swamps of southern Florida, preparing to have to fight in the Central American jungles. The training was tough, intense, and both mentally and physically demanding, but worth it, knowing that it was the training that would probably save your lives one day.

Heading out to the air field, you took one last look at Mexico City Airbase, knowing that you probably won't be seeing it for a long while, if ever again.

Boarding the C-5 Galaxy with your squad and platoon, you saw several other C-5's being loaded with the other 3 Platoons. No hummvees, Abrams, or APC's are being loaded. Only troops and their gear. After the long flight, you arrive at New Orleans Airbase. Immediately, you were loaded onto a bus that took you to the docks. You all remember looking out at the docks, seeing many, many submarines, ranging from vintage diesel subs used primarily during the Korean War of the 50's to the newer nuclear subs used in the late 90's and early 2000's. You were given box lunches to eat while you waited in line, and were loaded onto the subs, feeling claustrophobic every second you spent on that underwater boat. The ride was long. At least it felt long. After 2 weeks of cramped quarters, all the while being silent as the grave, knowing that the advanced technology of the Craeons would pick up any extra noise, you finally landed. You unloaded into inflatable rafts, one squad at a time, getting to the beach under the cover of a cloudy night sky. Your squad was the first to make the beach. SFC Munoz ordered you all to fan out and do a perimeter sweep of the dense foilage. Finding nothing, you reported back to him. More and more of the craft were landing, hundreds of men busy pulling any evidence of their presence into the thick jungle. That was when it happened.


From the water, behind all of the parked submarines, emerged a hulking, 4-legged machine. It began firing upon the subs. Explosions filled the air. The Company Commander began yelling for the troops to get into the forrest to find cover. Your company, already in the forest, ran further in. The forest lit up. The hulking machine began walking onto the shore, firing indiscriminately upon the now helpless troops. Somebody yelled for thermite grenades and Rocket Propelled Grenades, Anti-Tank weapons, anything to help take out this thing. The calls were answered. After a short, but decisive battle, with many casulties, it was eventually destroyed, enacting the typical tactic of defeated Craeon vehicals by self destructing. This did nothing more than inflict more heavy casulties.

Your squad was one of the few lucky ones, relatively unscathed from the battle. Of the 800 troops that landed on that beach in Operation Backstab, only 31 remained: 2 unscathed squads, 3 partial squads that quickly reorganized themselves into complete squads, and the Batallion Commander. SFC Munoz, being the highest ranking person other than the Lt. Col, was given a field promotion to Lieutenant, and made platoon leader. Unfortunately, there was only 1 platoon remaining. The commander contacted HQ and asked for direction. His orders: Procede as planned with extreme caution. Additional supplies would not be possible until the later stages of the operation. Units are ordered to be self-sufficient. Conserve ammunition. This is going to be a bad day.

The next week is used salvaging anything of worth from the battlefield, to include weapons, body armor, uniforms, ammunition, food, and whatever else that could potentially be of use, and setting up some kind of basecamp. Someone happened to stumble upon some ancient underground ruins. Somebody made some kind of 'Indiana Jones' refrence, but nobody laughed. After another 2 weeks, you all had an established base with one squad protecting all of the supplies, and the others doing patrols or recon, systematically working your way out from the base to get a lay of the land. Your squad was selected to go on your first long-range recon patrol. You are to go up the Amazon river and see if the intel reports you are getting from back home have any credit, that tell of a small Craeon base.

Interestingly enough, nobody has ever seen a live Craeon. All of the Craeons you have ever 'seen' were inside vehicals or powered armor of some kind. To do their major 'grunt' work, they have robots, ranging from animal-like units that do most scouting, to more advanced humanoid robots.

This small base is said to have a small factory that makes the smaller, dog-like robots, but is guarded by four of the humanoid robots. You'll have your work cut out for you.

We begin our story with you, the heros, after having travelled through the hot, humid jungle, and just having found the Craeon base. It is in a clearing, about 30 feet from the jungle underbrush. The building is made of some strange combination of an alien metal and stone. You are approaching from the south side, and the ovular building runs east and west. The only entrance you can see is a double metal door on the west side of the building. A thick, black smoke eminates from a single smokestack in the top center of the structure. You neither see nor hear any wildlife as you look upon the structure.

OOC: Everybody roll a spotcheck and listen check. Check the following spoiler for the posting format I'd like:

Your Name at the Top in Bold

"Pick a color to speak in!" says the GM. Regular text needs to be black.

Dice rolls need to go into spoilers.
Dice rolls here! [roll0]
Make sure that if you choose to use an action point, you need to use it before I declare the results of the roll. This and the confirmation of critical hits are the exception to the double post rule, so don't hesitate to doublepost to confirm or use an action point!

Any questions, please post them in the OOC thread!

2008-01-25, 11:33 AM
Kell Lebrecht

Es ist zu heiss... Kell mumbles to himself as they come upon the clearing. He is pale, with red spots on his face from being exposed to the sun, and has short brown hair, just starting to grow back from the military shave.
So, vhat is da plan?

Spot (1d20+2=7, 1d20+2=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1472741/)

2008-01-25, 01:05 PM

Mirian looks over to Kell, smiling slightly. "Better than freezing in Antartica though, no?"

Mirian slips the big Barret off his back and pulls the scope from his bag, attaching it. "Plan is the same thing as usual. Kill 'em all and don't die in the process. As for anything more in particular, I want a better look at this damned place first."

He pulls the binoculars off his vest at this and considers. "Just take a peek I wonder, or scope 'em and shoot 'em?"


2008-01-25, 10:05 PM
Robert "Silent Q" Smith

Never go in blind. Robert said more to himself than anyone in particular. Eye's sweeping the building and what was visible from the squads vantage point Robert silently began forming some semblance of an attack plan.

One way or another we need to find out what is on the north side, we don't want any surprises. Robert thought to himself. He watched as one of his squad mates armed his Barret Light with a scope. Hmmm, perhaps that will work.

"I suggest that we split into two groups and group one will head towards the west and make sure that door is secure or not, and group two head east and circle around to meet up with group one. It might take a bit of time, but I want to know what is on the north side of this thing. Plus, there might be another door that might be a better entrance, or perhaps exit if we have to worry about that." Robert spoke up at last. Unshouldering his own Barret Light Robert looks carefully at the target area, paying keen attention to the eastern front.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2008-01-26, 03:47 PM
Donald Tran

"Sounds like a decent plan, who should go which way?"
Donald kept his eyes more on their general surroundings than the building, the building wasn't likely to ambush them...


an kobold
2008-01-27, 02:55 AM
Erik Carlson

Erik wipes sweat from his forehead while taking in the area and the squads' conversation. There is a worn look to the man which is not helped by a noticeable bald patch in the stubble on his face.

Let's just get this thing over with. This silence is giving me the creeps.


2008-01-27, 04:52 PM
an kobold:
You hear some tell-tale actuator sounds of a robot coming from your right. You look, but don't see the source.

You don't hear anything of note, but you do see that not all wildlife has forsaken this place. The misquitoes seem to have stuck around. Good thing you got your malaria vaccination before you left...

You don't hear much more than the sounds of your companions and your breathing as you all duck down in the foilage. You are sure, though, that you saw some kind of metal glint to your right. It's about 45' away, and just inside the underbrush on the far right side of the clearing.

You don't hear anything of note, but you do see that not all wildlife has forsaken this place. The misquitoes seem to have stuck around. Good thing you got your malaria vaccination before you left...

You don't hear anything of note, but you do see that not all wildlife has forsaken this place. The misquitoes seem to have stuck around. Good thing you got your malaria vaccination before you left...

The map (sorry, it may not be the best, am on a work computer. Hope you like ASCII):

@@@=where Eric pointed.

2008-01-27, 05:02 PM

Damnable bugs. Mirian thinks to himself as he attaches the scope to his rifle.

He carefully points the gun down towards the facility, trying to get a bead on anything there.

Range is 180', takes an attack action to aquire a target. Currently just sweeping the area looking for anything.

2008-01-27, 05:52 PM
Go ahead and roll another spot check, this time with a +2 bonus.

2008-01-27, 06:02 PM
Spot check: [roll0]
Watch me roll a 1!

an kobold
2008-01-27, 06:13 PM
Erik Carlson

Sneaky sonuvagun Erik thought as he brought his rifle to bear on the direction he heard the noise come from, looking for the source. Then, in a whisper to the rest, says:

I hear one of them on the right, but I can't see worth a darn through the jungle. Keep an eye out.

2008-01-27, 07:32 PM

You see some movement in the foilage in that direction, but nothing of note. It's hard to tell if it's the breeze or something else.

an kobold:

When I said, "from your right," what I meant is between your 1 and 2 o'clock.

2008-01-27, 07:34 PM
The direction Erik/kobold pointed out?

2008-01-27, 07:37 PM

You see Erik pointing to somewhere approximately everyone's 1 and 2 o'clock.

I have the map updated to let everybody know where north is, and the aprox area you heard/saw something.

2008-01-27, 08:00 PM

Mirian carefully readjusts his aim, pointing towards the direction he saw movement.

Taking time to setup, taking 20 on a spot if at all possible. This will take up to 2 minutes. If he finds something, he will take aim, but not shoot. Tell me if/when he does.

Rolling for first spot check, if he doesn't see anything he will take 20. [roll0]

2008-01-27, 08:52 PM
Robert Smith

I see I wasn't the only one to notice something. Robert takes a quick look at his squad members again. Mirian seems to have a handle on things here, the rest will probably make all sorts of noise. Maybe the trucker will be able to pull things off, at least I know he's wearing camo.

Keeping his voice down so as not to give anything away to...whatever this things that they had noticed was Robert spoke to his team. "Keep your eyes and ears open, I'm going to take Carlson here and try to get an angle on this thing, maybe figure out what it is. My walkie is set to 4.5 hertz. Keep in touch if things get hairy." Turning to Erik, "Erik, with me and try to keep as quiet as possible.

Robert then slowly went into the trees his eyes and ears going into overactive mode, scanning everything in sight and listening for anything out of the ordinary. All that he knew was that whatever it was had a reflective surface, probably metallic. Robots....

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]

I already added in the extras and the armor penalty.
EDIT: God those are some bad rolls, I'm glad I have such high points in those skills. Anyway, for tac map purposes I figure that we (kobold and I) are starting out going 4 o' clock and try to head 2 o' clock ish to get at least to the 3 o' clock of the @ area, the furthest we will go and the ultimate goal is 1 o' clock from the area.

2008-01-28, 12:57 AM
Kell Lebrecht

Got it. Kell pulls out his Walkie and fiddles with it.
Lets see... Vier... und funf.
He is particularly careful to check that the volume is low.

He also turns on the laser sight on his Carbine, mostly out of habit.

an kobold
2008-01-28, 12:14 PM
Erik Carlson

Got it.

Here's to hoping I don't screw up. Miss my APC, I should be behind a wheel, not hoofin' it here. Well, this dude clearly knows what he's doing, just follow his lead.

Erik makes the sign of the cross before following Robert through the jungle, his eyes scanning in the direction he heard the noise.

Thanks for fixing the direction for me, DM77. Sorry about that.

Anyway, here are the rolls, with bonuses and penalties added in.


2008-01-28, 03:00 PM
Donald Tran

So we've found a friend...

Making one final swat at the mosquitoes, Donald unslings his M16A2, training it in the indicated direction.

2008-01-30, 12:39 AM
Alright folks, it's INITIATIVE time!

Let's roll those beautiful d20's (plus modifiers)!

2008-01-30, 01:56 AM
Kell Lebrecht


2008-01-30, 03:06 AM
Donald Tran


2008-01-30, 08:27 AM

2008-01-30, 10:12 AM
Paul Lawson


5 bucks that the evil robot looks like a dog.

EDIT: My Initiative bonus is +3, not +4, so treat the roll as a 6.

an kobold
2008-01-30, 10:19 AM
Erik Carlson


an kobold
2008-01-30, 08:39 PM
first one didn't work, trying again


2008-01-30, 10:02 PM
Initiative Order:

Please post your actions, and I'll resolve them as they come up in initiative.

Eric: 18
Mirian: 14
Kell: 11
Donald: 10
Chunks o' XP: 9
Paul: 6

Let's get our actions posted, please.

2008-01-30, 10:05 PM

We have to know what happened, where they are, etc. Otherwise, I don't know if I've already got a lock on it, if it's in range, or anything.

More info please!

2008-01-30, 11:35 PM
Sorry about that...




You are all looking out at the treeline, but the robo's were too well hidden. They didn't come out fast, but they did come out in a slightly more unexpected way than you expected. A laser sight eminates from the side of their heads. They are about 3' tall, using treads for locomotion, and has, what you are sure is, a laser gun on one side of it, and a grasping, clawed 'hand' on the other side. It's body can be compared to that of a 5 year old, except heavily armored, and a head that looks less like that of a humanoid, and more like 3 cameras laid together, 2 on the bottom, one on top. They are painted in a woodland camoflauge pattern not unlike your uniforms, but instead of rounded patterns, theirs is a digital-like print (like the modern U.S. Army's, but woodland, not that greyish-green).

2008-01-31, 12:07 AM
Kell Lebrecht HP:22/22 Def:17 (21 W/ 1/2 Cover from Tree?)

Here ve go!

Kell moves to the edge of the trees and towards the bots. He stops to fire while looking for cover.

M4 (+1 more if within 30 Ft and can see laser) [roll0]
((Move north to treeline (Taking cover behind a tree?) and east towords robots, attack with Carbine.))

2008-01-31, 08:16 AM

Screw it. Mirian ignores his scope, sighting the robots down the irons as he picks a bead on the closest one, firing the fifty caliber rifle.

"Taking the shot." he whispers over his walkie talkie headset.

Ignoring the scope, range drops back to 120'.
Attack: [roll0]
CC: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2008-01-31, 11:37 AM
Donald Tran

"I only count three, where's the fourth?"
Moving to take advantage of any available cover, Donald takes aim at the nearest of the robots and fires a round off at it.

As with Kell, if there is cover available, I'd like to have it between me and the robots.

2008-01-31, 08:03 PM
There was only 3 of them to begin with. I understand the misunderstanding, though as I used the same symbology for the "area you detect them from" and the actual creaturs. My bad.

2008-01-31, 08:11 PM
((OOC: Edited map above to include Bookworm))

2008-02-01, 12:49 AM
There was only 3 of them to begin with. I understand the misunderstanding, though as I used the same symbology for the "area you detect them from" and the actual creaturs. My bad.

Actually, I was referring to the first post, where you said that while the factory made dog robots, it was guarded by 4 humanoid ones.

2008-02-01, 01:52 AM


an kobold
2008-02-01, 02:12 PM

Erik ducks behind a tree, brings up his M16, aims at the middle robot, and pulls the trigger.


2008-02-04, 09:16 AM
Still waiting on actions from Trul and Mr. Bookworm.

2008-02-08, 04:19 PM
Still waiting...

Milian watches as his bullet creeps forward, moving at the speed of snail. This is the longest six seconds of his life.

2008-02-11, 09:23 AM
Erik begins by taking the first shot, which seems to miss one of the robos. Mirian shoots, and scores a hit (I'm assuming the one closest to you in the treeline), puncturing it's armor. It seems to still be operational. Next, Kell lets off a round, and the shot misses and hits a nearby tree. Donald fires off a round and it too hits another tree. The robos take their shots, the first at Erik, and the other two at Kell and Mirian. The first shot gets clean through the trees, and hits Erik squarely in the chest for 6 damage. The second and third shots were not nearly so good, as if the robos are shooting blindly in your general direction, trying to hit something.

2008-02-11, 09:37 AM

Calmly shifting his weapon to keep the one he shot still in sight, Mirian pulls the trigger again as he breathes out along with the weapon.

Attack: [roll0]
Confirm Crit on 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

In his mind, he counts. Nine shots left.

an kobold
2008-02-11, 10:46 AM


Erik takes the shot to the chest, wincing, but grits his teeth and aims down the irons for another shot.

You've had worse. Keep it together and it'll be fine.

Aiming at the same one as before


2008-02-11, 12:51 PM

What kind of a shot was that, I could aim better during basic!

Correcting his aim, Donald takes a second shot at the same robot.

observant rollcheckers will note that my attack bonus is slightly higher than it was last round. This is because I remembered that Oathbound gives me a +1 to attack against creatures that do not share my Allegiance (which is to Humanity).

2008-02-11, 01:31 PM
Kell Lebrecht HP:17/17 AC:17 (21 W/ cover)

Kell leans out from behind the tree and tries to pop another bullet into the metal cans.

Move forward to a closer tree if possible ( Trying to line up for a charge next round. :smalltongue: )

2008-02-11, 01:32 PM
((I hate the roller sometimes.))


Edit: ((And apparently it hates me))

2008-02-11, 02:43 PM
((OOC: Vaz, I like what you did, with the AC/HP listed below your character name during combat rounds. I'd like everyone to do that from now on (meaning you don't have to correct previous posts)))

Erik takes another shot, this time, not as good of a shot, seeing it *CLING* off the robo's armor. Miriam, enabled by his last shot, begins the breathing technique he learned from training, and squeezes off a round, and with a loud bang, the robo takes the round in the camera, taking off it's head, and providing enough force to knock it backwards, prone, and unable to make use of its treads. Kell fires again, and unfortunately misses again. Donald, frustrated with his last shot, lets off another round, this time hitting another robo in its chest, cutting through its armor like a hot knife through butter. Unfortunately, the shot did not seem to be able to disable the robo, but at least it can't get angry with you! The robos return fire. The first fires at Robert, and the second at Paul. Both shots miss, thankfully for both. Paul seems to be shaking with fear, maybe frozen in terror due to this being his first real combat encounter, maybe something else, and takes no action. Robert, in an attempt to flank the robos, moves north and west (new map below) to get in a better shot, but to no avail as his shot runs wild. Then, from the back side of the building that you previously had not been able to see from your current vantage points, emerges a large sized, bipedal humanoid robot, colored much like the others in a jungle camoflauge pattern, fires some kind of electrical shock at Robert, putting him on the ground, though weather it killed him or just knocked him out is unclear, and picks him up, turning to run the other way.

Next round's actions when you all are able.

Revised Map:



2008-02-11, 02:52 PM
Mirian HP: 11/11, AC: 20

Mirian, seeing the robot taking one of his teammates, moves to gain the thing back in his sites, breathing out with his shot once more.

Moving to gain LoS, then firing.

Attack: [roll0]
Confirm on 20: [roll1] Mechas can be criticaled, although I'll probably roll a 1 on attack. (nope, a 2. Bleh)
Damage: [roll2]

2008-02-11, 03:24 PM

Yes, they can, but it is not a mecha...:smallbiggrin:

2008-02-11, 03:41 PM
Had to try. Didn't mean anything anyways, since I fubar'd that roll.

2008-02-11, 04:59 PM
Kell Lebrecht HP:17/17 AC:17 (15 w/ charge) ((It's a habit from another PbP. :smallbiggrin: ))

Dis is not verking!

Kell moves forward and flicks his baton out.

Charge at a robot if possible [roll0] [roll1].

If not, move to corner of building and another M4 shot: [roll2] [roll3]

2008-02-11, 05:03 PM

[roll0] [roll1]


[roll2] [roll3]

2008-02-11, 05:15 PM
You cannot preview or edit in rolls. You must submit them without previewing.

an kobold
2008-02-11, 05:31 PM
Erik Carlson HP:8/14 AC: 16

Erik begins moving northwest through the forest, closer to the building, trying to get a clear shot at the large humanoid robot without hitting Robert. As he fires, he shouts out at the new enemy:

Come back and fight, you son of a gun.

Final position should be north and closer to the tree line, though still not out of the woods.


2008-02-11, 09:52 PM
HP 10/10 AC(Touch)[Flatfooted] 15(14)[12]

"These things aren't that tough, lets finish them off!"

Sticking to the treeline, Donald moves closer to the robots, keeping his aim on the robot he damaged.

If I'm gaging distances properly on the map, I can't quite get lined up with the east edge of the building, but I can get fairly close.

2008-02-12, 08:30 AM
As Erik moves, he finds that trying to run through the jungle is nigh impossible, and only seems to be able to safely cover 1/2 the distance he normally would be able to in a clear area. He yells, "Come back and fight, you son of a gun!" as he squeezes off a round. His shot clangs off the bipedal robo's armor, barely missing the unconscience Robert. Mirian moves more to his right, and out into the clearing so as to attemt getting a shot off on the new enemy robo, but cannot seem to move far enough (Btw, I am presuming you wouldn't try to shoot if you can't see it so don't subtract that round you 'fired' on your char. sheet). Kell tries to move up and charge at the robos, but seeing that the jungle foilage will not allow it, moves up and to the east and fires off a round, that connects with the already damaged robo, destroying it in the process. Donald finds the same difficulty with moving quickly through the trees, and sees Kell destroy the robo she was aiming at. She knows that there is another over over there, in addition to the new enemy robo that Erik was trying to fire at. Paul still seems to be frozen in place. The new enemy takes off at a run to the west, around the building, still carrying an unconscience Robert. The last of the small robos moves its way to the south and a little to the west, and opens fire on Kell, but the shot misses.

Next round please.

Revised Map:



2008-02-12, 08:49 AM

Damn it all! Mirian thinks to himself, moving towards the opposite wall, hoping to catch the robot with Robert. "Going to try to get to Robert! he hisses through the radio.

As much movement as required to get south of the door into the building. Probably a double move to get there, so I won't roll attack.

2008-02-12, 12:45 PM
Kell Lebrecht HP:17/17 AC:17 (15 w/ charge)

Haha, das right you sonuvabeech!"

Kell tries to move up to beat-down the remaining robot while dropping his carbine to it's sling.

2-handed Baton: [roll0] [roll1]

an kobold
2008-02-12, 03:01 PM
Erik Carlson HP:8/14 AC: 16

If we had some armor, this wouldn't have happened thinks Erik to himself as he smashes through the forest trying to get Robert and the robot back into view.

Double move action, north west again, trying to get around the bend of the factory

2008-02-14, 09:45 AM
((OOC: Waiting on actions from NEO.))

2008-02-14, 02:54 PM
HP 10/10 AC(Touch)[Flatfooted] 15(14)[12]

We need to hurry up with this last robot so we can chase after the one that has Robert.

"Where is it taking him?" Asks Donald over the radio, as he fires another shot at the remaining robot.


2008-02-15, 08:33 AM
Erik takes off to the north and west, in an attempt to get at the new robo threat, and prevent it from getting to the door with his companion. Moving as fast as he can, hot on the robo's mechanical heels. Miran follows suit, and reaches the side of the building, running west, trying to perform a pincer maneuver with Erik, yelling "Going to try to get to Robert!". Kell, yelling "Haha, das right you sonuvabeech!", runs at the remaining small robo with his baton and swings at it, but the hit glances off of its armor. Donald yells "Where is it taking him?" while taking a shot at the remaining robo, missing his target, and nearly hitting Kell. The remaining robo, seeing Paul, levels a laser sight on him, and fires, hitting him right in the head! Paul goes down, wordless, and unmoving. The new robo threat continues west and moves around the building, and up to the door, which opens for it. It appears that it will be in the door within moments.

Revised Map




2008-02-15, 08:56 AM

Mirian moves and sees the door opening for the robot, brings his weapon up and aims carefully, pulling the trigger.

Here comes the fumble where I shoot Robert.
Attack: [roll0]
CC: [roll1] (So when I fumble, I can crit robert)
Damage: [roll2]

... 3 points of damage? That so sucks.

2008-02-15, 10:20 AM
Kell Lebrecht HP:17/17 AC:17

Kell, seeing his ally fall, (I think he could, right? Paul was in the forest still?)Vat? No! and swings again.


((Wow, Did I really just roll a one? Kell is flailing. :smallmad: ))

an kobold
2008-02-16, 01:33 PM
Erik Carlson HP:8/14 AC: 16

Hang on, Robert, I'm coming!

Erik sprints to get past the rest of the broad side of the Craeon building, stopping as he rounds the corner trying to get a glimpse of the soldier in arms his shout was addressing.

Either running or double moving, whichever one will take Erik all the way past the corner of the building and looking around for Robert.

2008-02-16, 02:22 PM
HP 10/10 AC(Touch)[Flatfooted] 15(14)[12]

One more good shot...

Donald shifts his aim around, trying to find a shot that isn't likely to hit Kell. Finding one that is to his liking, he fires another shot at the robot.

durn attacking into melee rules...
Oh joy. A 1.

2008-02-19, 08:41 AM
Erik, while still chasing the kidnapping robo shouts "Hang on, Robert, I'm coming!" Another few seconds and he'll be around the corner. Mirian, rounding the corner, sees the robo, and Robert. He fires a shot at the robo, hitting it and damaging it a little. Kell yells out "Vat? No!" as his squadmate Paul goes down, and hefts his baton, but missing the small robo in his grief. Donald, firing a shot at the robo, trying not to get Kell in his line of sight, gets distracted by Kell's yell, and almost hits him (you were this close to hitting him, bad roll I guess...), but again, only almost. Mirian sees the robo take off into the factory, the door opening. As it proceeds into the structure, you hear machinery working, almost like the sound of a lift. The last small robo fires on Kell, provoking an attack of opportunity, but missing Kell in the process.

((OOC: Kell, go ahead and roll your attack of opportunity, if you want. Also, Sorry about the late post, been sick all weekend. Still sick today, but needed to get a post in. Lastly, please check the OOC thread, as I have AP bonuses to hand out.))
Revised Map:




2008-02-19, 10:27 AM

Contingency 1:
Kell does not destroy the robo he is taking an AoO on.

Contingency 2:
Kell does destroy the robo he is taking an AoO on.

Contingency 1:
Mirian move south slightly to get Kell out of his firing path, before lining up the robot with his sights, firing.

Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Contingency 2:
Mirian moves to the door into the facility. Should he see the robot that took his teammate, he fires at it again. If he doesn't, he'll attempt to find a way to bring what sounded like a lift back to the door.

Using attack rolls from above if necessary, search: [roll2] to find lift controls if necessary.

2008-02-19, 10:40 AM
Kell Lebrecht HP:17/17 AC:17



((Assuming this robo is still alive by my turn/my 5 foot step))

Kell finally realizes his ally is trying to get a shot off, and that his attacks do not seem to be going that great. He makes his attack, but steps back, hopefully allowing them a shot.

5-foot step backwards after. If I kill the robot instead, move to catch up with the others by the door.

2008-02-19, 10:46 AM
Action point on attack 2, if I take it:

14 + [roll0]

2008-02-19, 10:59 AM
Kell's attack on the small robo's opening was a resounding success! The robo falls into a heap of scrap metal.

((OOC: Once we get everyone else's actions (an kobold and NEO) we can continue))

an kobold
2008-02-19, 06:36 PM
Erik Carlson HP:8/14 AC: 16

Erik rounds the bend, intent on getting to Robert.

Heading towards the door, opening it up, helping Mirian search.


2008-02-19, 09:05 PM
[B]HP 10/10 AC(Touch)[Flatfooted] 15(14)[12]

Time to go save Robert...

Donald follows the rest of the team to the door, watching for signs of more robots.

2008-02-20, 08:56 AM
Rounding the corner, you all see Mirian in the doorway, staring agast. The inside of the small factory seems...larger. This is probably something to do with the fact that what part of the factory you can see from outside is just the top. You see an obvious lift, with some kind of trapdoor beneath it. It seems to work on some kind of rotation, like a bicycle chain, so when one comes up, another goes down, always with the trap door below shutting once it passes through. Too the far west side of the structure, you see some stairs that go down and to the left, probably a stairwell. There are several monitors around, showing some kind of status on building...something, though unless you take a closer look, you probably wouldn't be able to tell.

For everyone:
A few things:
1) Can any of you read Craeon?
2) Do any of you have Knowledge (architecture and engineering)?
3) Do any of you have any kind of Craft (robotics) skills?
4) Do any of you have Knowledge (technology) or a Craft skill of the same?
5) I need a spot check from everyone looking in the door (combat is over).

Oops...forgot the map...


The north lift goes down, while the south lift goes across to the north, then down. The lifts are 10' by 15'.

2008-02-20, 09:04 AM
A few things:
1) Can any of you read Craeon?
2) Do any of you have Knowledge (architecture and engineering)?
3) Do any of you have any kind of Craft (robotics) skills?
4) Do any of you have Knowledge (technology) or a Craft skill of the same?
5) I need a spot check from everyone looking in the door (combat is over).

1: I don't think you ever told us we could take the read: Alien script.
2: No
3: No
4: No
5: Spot: [roll0]
I do have K: Current events of +7.. [roll1] if that makes any difference.

2008-02-20, 03:00 PM


an kobold
2008-02-20, 03:41 PM


2008-02-20, 05:29 PM
Kell Whistles. (quietly...)
Bit bigger den ve expected, eh?


2008-02-21, 09:13 AM
For NEO and Lochar:

You see, in the northwest corner of this room, a small camera, pointed right at the entrance. You also see a lot of wiring and pipes, all seeming to go down, though one large pipe seems to curl its way to the top of the building. It is likely that this pipe is where the exhaust comes out of the top of the structure.

For Vaz and kobold
You see a lot of wiring and pipes, all seeming to go down, though one large pipe seems to curl its way to the top of the building. It is likely that this pipe is where the exhaust comes out of the top of the structure.

2008-02-21, 09:22 AM

Scowling, Mirian shifts the big gun to his back, pulling his service pistol and pointing it to a space in the corner.

He aims very carefully, allowing his laser sight to guide his shot, before pulling the trigger.

I'd love to take 20 to shoot the camera, but if not... [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"This is not candid camera day." Mirian growls softly, before taking a long moment to look over the rest of the room for any other cameras.

2008-02-21, 01:08 PM

"What kind of welcoming party you think we're gonna find down there?"

Donald moves over to the mess of wires and pipes, examining what looks like an exhaust pipe.
I wonder if a grenade could fall down this thing fast enough to reach something important before it blew...

an kobold
2008-02-22, 12:23 AM

I guess it took Robert down. I reckon we better just take the stairs, I'm not trusting lifts they have the controls of.

Erik then begins to move across the factory floor after whispering to the others, heading towards the downward leading stairs.

2008-02-23, 01:20 AM
Mirian finds that with his laser sight, hitting a non-moving camera is easy enough, and destroys it.

Moving down the stairs a level or two, you come to a long hallway. On either side of it (it runs east and west by the way, as seen below), both north and south, you see multiple robotic arms working on some kind of assembly line. They alternate between one holding a welding tool, and another placing a part on whatever product seems to be being produced. You arrive at the bottom of the stairs just soon enough to see the door at the end of the hall close. The walkway is 5' wide.

Please provide a marching order.




2008-02-23, 05:06 PM
((Kell will gladly take point.))

Impressive robotiks. Maybe Ve should...

Kell stops talking when he notices the door. He will approach with his pistol out.

2008-02-23, 05:17 PM

((I'll take 2nd position))

Donald follows behind Kell, keeping to the left of the walkway so his view of the door is not overly obstructed.
"Right behind you..."

an kobold
2008-02-24, 02:26 PM
(Third, unless anyone objects)

The trucker takes position behind Donald, glancing nervously at the robotic arms.

Heh, I wonder how many days it's been since they last had an accident.

2008-02-24, 03:41 PM

Mirian takes drag, keeping an eye behind the group and on the robotic arms, his big fifty now in his hands and readied, having swapped out the magazines it in for a fresh one.

Take a moment to swap cartridges on it, putting a full magazine in.

Current ammo:

On vest:
11/11 x2