View Full Version : Mekton Playtest

2008-01-25, 11:15 AM

The industrial sector was once the thriving center of Kuma City. Businesses flourished and provided jobs to more than 60% of the city inhabitants. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to last.

On a crisp summer night, one of the industrial sector's research buildings collapsed due to an unknown explosion. While few were harmed due to the collapse, it was the after effects that did the most damage. The research lab had been working on something, something that threw any machine, robot, android, or cybernetic device that came into contact into a wild frenzy. Numerous machines stored in the lab became infected and began destroying what remained of the industrial sector.

Months have passed and the entire sector is now under quarantine. The only few allowed within are those trained to hunt down the turned machines and put an end to whatever it is controlling them. Your squad was patrolling near an abandoned parking garage when you received the following command from control:

++Mobile Squad Three, this is HQ. We've got a report of a rogue walker near your position. Take it out before it can cause any real damage. Over.++

Speeding quickly into the former parking garage you spot your target. Unfortunately, it does the same and begins to charge forward!


Brown Hexes: Pillars. Impassable.
Blue Hexes: Water. 2x MA cost
Grayish Hexes: Concrete Rubble. Impassable.
Rubble Strewn Hexes: Various Rubble and Debris. 2x MA cost.


-As the GM, I'll be rolling Initiative and Evasion Rolls. When posting your actual "Actions" I'd prefer it in the following form, spoilered.

Free Action: (If Any Taken)
Action 1: Attack Roll and Random Location Roll (1d10. See Combat Info for facts regarding the Random Hit chart.
Action 2:

Include dice roles within this space when posting. When attacking, you make the following roll:
Mecha Reflexes(MR) = Reflexes - MV
Attack Roll =MR + Skill + 1d10
Ex. Mecha Gunnery
MR(4) + Gunnery(8) + 1d10

If your weapon or attack has +/- points in Weapon Accuracy(WA) you will add or subtract that from your total. If you are making a called shot, you will also need to subtract the appropriate amount. See combat info for more info on called shots.

-If, when making an attack check, you roll a 10 you make a "Critical Hit". When this happens you roll another d10 and add that to your previous roll. On the other hand, if you roll a 1, you make a "Critical Failure." In this case you roll 1d10 and subtract that from your previous total.


The walker is a roadstriker scale mecha. You gain +3 to all attack rolls against it. For reference, the scale goes:

1/10: Human Scale
1/5: Roadstriker Scale
1/1: Mecha Scale

Jabu (Green)
Fendrin (Yellow)
Ghal Marak (Red)
Rogue Walker (Large Hex Shape

2008-01-26, 03:03 PM
Roland Montague

The often loud and brash showboat, Roland Montague, always seemed particularly quiet and unassuming when out on these patrols. The man hardly spoke a word, and almost seemed lost when marching along in his vibrantly colored green and white Colichemarde-type Battle Armor. When the HUD before his eyes pings the maddened machine up ahead, his personality seemed to take a 180 degree turn.

"Ha-hah! Another piece of scrap awaiting its death blow from Roland Montague! Harass it from the southwest, lads; I'll flank it from the north!" He turns and marches a few feet to the northwest, when suddenly his armor becomes little more than a green blur as it zooms through the air itself in the blink of an eye. He reappears several meters away behind a nearby pillar, and he readies himself to continue his charge.

Free action: Walk - turn to face northeast, walk 2 hexes to 0706.
Action 1: Activate 'Double-Step', flash to 1005 (facing northeast)
Action 2: Have a gander at this thing - Int (7) + Awareness (1) + 1d10 = [roll0]

2008-01-26, 03:04 PM
The first roll of the game is a 10? How very auspicious. :smallbiggrin:

[roll0] + 18 = Total Awareness

2008-01-26, 04:51 PM
Tony Smith

Tony, as usual, is lost in thought about how to further modify his and his teammates suits to make them safer and more effective. When the broadcast comes over the radio, his attention snaps to the present, where it should have been all along. Watching Roland zip off, he is reinded just how much he dislikes the other man's flashy style. Still, he gets the job done, and that's what matters he thinks to himself.

"Roger that, Ro." Then, displaying the natural speed that, he is told, could have made him an olympic athlete if it weren't for certain 'blemishes' on his criminal record, he dashes south and then activates his navy blue and grey suit's tread system and glides along the floor to the southwest as graceful as a figure skater, even over the rubble scattered about.

Free action: Walk - face SW, walk 3 hexes to 0109.
Action 1: Activate 'Skating', skate 1 hexes to 0012, face S, skate 6 hexes to 0016
Action 2: Attempt to identify the enemy: - Int (8) + Edu (5) + 1d10 = [roll0]

Ghal Marak
2008-01-26, 10:53 PM
Jason Baker

Jason grumbled. "Yeah yeah, I'm goin'." He didn't care one way or another what they did, so long as they got to shoot it. Though if he had his way, they would have just bombarded the whole place from a distance with the biggest guns they've got. Pushing that out of his mind, he smiled as he pictured the perfect day on the firing range. His heavy black and orange suit lumbered down into position midway between the others. "Hey, anybody got a good sight on it?"

Free Action: Walk - Turn South, Walk 1 hexes to 0309
Action 1: Walk - Turn Southeast, Walk 2 hexes to 0510
Action 2: Identifying the enemy: - Int (7) + Edu (5) + 1d10 = [roll0]

2008-01-27, 03:35 PM
Round 2
Confused by your movements the walker slows as it approaches, taking stock of the situation. As it walks beneath a flickering lamp, it's tall, humanoid form is revealed . It's lanky arms and legs belie an enormous strength implied by it's large, bulging shoulders. The walkers arms are long to the point where it's huge, robotic hands drag along the floor as it walks. Several metal plates were deformed and twisted and where there was once a faceplate was now a mouth filled with metallic razor sharp teeth. It's blank, dull eyes held an eerie blue glow that stared about the room.

What was most startling, Jason and Tony realized from the markings on the few remaining pieces of armor, was that this was once a standard cleaning android. The type that was responsible for sweeping, washing, and sanitizing streets and buildings. The type of machine oft known for overheating near the end of a job. Whatever it was that had taken over the machines had changed this droid for the worst. If it hadn't been for those markings it would've been unrecognizable compared to it's former self.

Although it is quite formidable looking, it doesn't appear to be holding or carrying any form of weapons. However, it only reminds you of past jobs were you faced drones and machines that were seemingly even more harmless, but proved far more dangerous in the end.


2008-01-28, 02:28 PM
Roland Montague

As the electronic Frankenstein begins to slow, Roland begins running forward to the next column. The Colichemarde begins to hum as power flows into its servos, helping to thrust the armor forward. After rounding the closest column, Roland cuts south to begin charging towards the target.

Action 1: Run to 1204, turn to face southeast, run to 1405
Action 2: Run to 1505, turn to face south, run to 1509

2008-01-28, 05:00 PM
Tony Smith

I'll draw it this way, so they can flank it.
Tony ducks around the mound of concrete rubble and launches a small salvo of missiles at the crazed machine, then skates south to a protected position.

Free Action: turn NE, walk to 0415
Action 1: Fire 5 missiles (25 remaining) at the enemy mech
Ref(9) - suit(2) + mecha missile skill(3)+scale mod (3) -> 1d10+13
Action 2: Turn South, skate 4 to 0419, turn SE, skate 1 to 0519
EDIT: what is it with the 3s?

Ghal Marak
2008-01-28, 08:33 PM
Jason Baker

Jason laughed. "Aw man! This thing is awesome! If it wasn't so murder happy I would want one." He raised his shotgun and looked down the sights at Frankenmech.

Free Action: Walk - Walk 1 hexes to 0611
Action 1: Aim at Frankenmech
Action 2: Aim again (if I can, if not then nothing)

2008-01-29, 10:18 AM
Round 3
Shielding itself with it's arms, the missiles detonate against organic metal. The walker, clearly enraged by the attack, charges forward. Though it hoped to mete out some punishment, Tony's speed proved to his advantage and the walker lost it's target.

But the battle wasn't over. The walker may have lost one target, but it found another in the form of the nearby Jason. Pulling it's arm back, as if to make a punch, its shoulder and arm bulged and contorted strangely. Suddenly, it's hand rushed out like a shot: stretching 5 meters, 10 meters, then 20 meters. Next thing Jason knew, the hand was grappled about him, slamming him into the pillar behind him.


Ghal your currently grappled and can't move. To escape make a Mecha Piloting roll vs 15. Each attempt takes one action

2008-01-29, 01:06 PM
Roland Montague

As the deformed droid starts to lumber towards the others, Roland once again engages his Dash thrusters, blinking instantly over the debris before him and towards their opponent. The machine's unexpected strike against Baker greatly alarmed him, but the Colichemarde's neural uplink kept his adrenaline levels down and his emotions in check. Half out of habit and half out of the need to embolden himself, he continued to wear the 'brave face' that he was notorious for.

"Ho ho! Looks like we need to show him what happens when you try to 'reach out and touch someone'! Have at him!" With that, he charges straight up to the corrupted machine, brandishing his long, gleaming blade.

Action 1: Double-step 4 hexes to 1212, facing southwest
Action 2: Run 6 hexes to 0615

2008-01-29, 02:57 PM

Hearing and feeling the impact of the mech's extended arm crash into Jason, Tony turns and steps out from his hiding space.
I've got to make this shot count!
Taking is time, he aims at the the giant mech, then releases a barrage of missiles.

Free Action: Face SW, step 1 hex to 0420, Face N
Action 1: Aim
Action 2: Fire 20 missiles (5 remaining)
Ref(9) - suit(2) + mecha missile skill(3)+scale mod (3)+ aim(1) -> 1d10+14
[roll0] (+5 luck + flanking bonus)
Oh I hope the flanking bonus is good... in other news I've upgraded from a 3 to a 4... :smallannoyed:

5 missiles remaining
2 luck remaining

Ghal Marak
2008-01-29, 08:44 PM
Jason Baker

"Augh!" The air nocked out of him, Jason struggled to keep it together and fight back. Pushing against the pillar with his legs, he tried to wrench himself out of it's clutch. "Ugh... need... shotgun!!"

Free Action:
Action 1: Trying to get loose (Meka Pilot+1)+(Reflex+7)+(Luck+3)+1d10 = [1d10+11]
Action 2: Try to get loose again(if still not lose) [+8] / If free, then turn Southeast and Shoot at Frankenmech (MR4) + (MG2) + (Luck2) + 1d10 = [1d10+8] / Hit location: [1d10]

Luck left: 5

2008-01-30, 04:15 PM
Round 4
Unable to respond in time the missiles detonate as they cascade along the walker's body. When the dust settles the monster stands battered and broken but not out of the fight quite yet. Meanwhile, Jason manages to escape from the monster's grasp but while wrenching away from the walker fails to connect with the shotgun.

The walker shrieks in pain and agony. In desperation it turns towards Tony and lets out a ferocious howl. As it screams a faint, yellow glow begins to grow in the back of the walker's throat. Reacting quickly, Tony narrowly avoids the beam of energy that issues from within the walker's mouth; The attack leaving a large hole in the wall behind him.

Enraged at the missed shot, the Walker spun about 180 degrees and noticed Roland standing nearby. Lashing out with it's extendable arm again, he attempted to nab Roland before he could evade. Before the attack could reach the Colichemarde, however, the suit dashes atop the monsters arm and leaps off unharmed.


Had the forsight to make the map last night so I could update today between classes. Post was kinda on the run, so my apologies for any spelling, grammer, or sentence mistakes. :smallcool:

Ghal: Need to wait 2 rounds (This one and then the next) before you can fire the shotgun again.

2008-01-30, 05:56 PM
Roland Montague

As their foe's telescoping arm shoots forward, Roland laughs into the Comm. "That move is a rerun, chump! Here's something you haven't seen!" With a quick hop he launches himself onto the appendage and charges full-tilt into the machine. As he draws in close, his sword whistles through the air as it swings left and right at the droid's arm.

OOC: I won't ever bother mentioning flanking/rear bonuses. Right now he's facing me (I think), but I'll leave those to Fisher.
Action 1: Attack! Called shot on the creature's arm MRef (7) + MMelee (3) + Size (3) + 1d10 = [roll0]
Action 2: Another called shot on the creature's arm! MRef (7) + MMelee (3) + Size (3) + 1d10 = [roll1]
Free Action: Turn to face South, walk 1 hex, turn to face northwest

2008-01-30, 05:58 PM
Sweet! Critical failure on attack roll 2! Also, I didn't roll that 3d6+1 damage for either attack. Guess I'll leave that to Fisher, as well.

Critical Failure total = 14 - [roll0]

2008-01-30, 08:01 PM
Tony Smith

"Huh, yeah, you think so. I ain't afraid of your stanky breath!"
I'll save the rest of the missiles for later. Blasty-blasty time!
Action 1: Fire gatling gun at enemy torso:
Ref(9)-suit(2)+mecha gunnery skill(3)+scale mod (3)-torso shot(3) -> 1d10+10
[roll0] :: [roll1]
[roll2] :: [roll3]
[roll4] :: [roll5]

Action 2: Fire gatling gun at enemy torso:
Ref(9)-suit(2)+mecha gunnery skill(3)+scale mod (3)-torso shot(3) -> 1d10+10
[roll6] :: [roll7]
[roll8] :: [roll9]
[roll10] :: [roll11]

Free action: face NE, walk 1 hex to 0519, face NW.

2008-01-30, 08:05 PM
speaking of critical failures on attack #2... :smallconfused:
critical failure total: 11 - [roll0]

Ghal Marak
2008-01-30, 09:17 PM
Jason Baker

Jason stomped in frustration. "Argh! Poor aim!" Turning around, he lumbered over to take cover behind a pillar.

Free Action: N/A
Action 1: Walk - Turn Southwest, Walk 2 to hex 0812
Action 2: Walk - Turn South, Walk 1 to hex 0813, Turn East

2008-02-03, 09:00 PM
Round 4
The team's flurry of attacks take their toll on the rogue and it falls to the ground, defeated in a burst of smoke. Moments after the machine was destroyed, the verification call buzzed over your comms:

++Good job team, sensors show a stop in all of the ro....e walker's activity. There s..ems to be some sort ..f interference, how...er, I'm going t.. try to change the f...ld. Contact aga... ++

The buzz from the comm cuts off completely after that. Soon after the communication loss, more complications begin to occur. Your vision begins to become hazy, your suit spasms out of your control, and the armor on each suit begins to warp and change. As you collapse to the ground, you realize your NFF had failed!

You awake, some time later, and notice two scarecrows rising from the ground nearby. Surveying your surroundings, you find your allies gone: captured, killed, or escaped you don't know. As you ponder what to do, your suit seems to jerk out of your control. The target sensor highlights the two nearby scarecrows and the suit charges in to battle.


NPF: Nanomachine Filter Field. Scientists concluded that the changes taking place throughout the city are a partial result of a mass outbreak of nanomachines under the control of some third party. The NF field blocks nanomachines and prevents them from affecting your powersuits.

Rogue Scales
Scarecrow: Humanoid Scale
Walker: Roadstriker Scale
Giant: Mecha Scale

When the rogue walker was destroyed it released a counter field that nulled each individual NFF long enough for the machines to attack and take control.

PVP begins!

The nanomachine spores affect your suits in the following ways:
Jabu: Dash ability is 6 instead of 4.
Fendrin: Shard Missiles. Same stats as your former missile launcher, maximum of 6 per round.
Ghal: Shotgun no longer has a recharge time. -1 to attack roll
All: Loss of communications and inability to distinguish friend from foe. Eject armor will jam if attempted.

If your desperate to get out of the suit you can try a mecha tech roll to escape.

2008-02-04, 01:19 PM

What the <bleep>'s going on?

"Ro! Jay! HQ! Anyone?"

Damn, coms are down. Guess I'm on my own. I'd better put some distance between me and those 'crows 'till I can get a clear picture of what's goin' on.

Activating his rollers, he skates away from the two enemy mechs.

Action 1: Face SE, skate 2 hexes to 0720. Face NE, skate 4 hexes to 1120.
Action 2: Skate 8 hexes to 1920
Free Action: Face N, walk 3 hexes to 1917

2008-02-04, 02:55 PM
Roland Montague

When Roland finally comes to, the first thing that he notices is that he is alone. It's both a relief and a burden to him; he can at last shut up and stop putting up that obnoxious facade. However, both the persona and his allies give him something that he is greatly missing at the moment - courage.

He begins to breath quickly inside his suit. His thoughts race about the fate of his compatriots, and the fate of himself. God, I wish the Emotional Stabilizers would kick in right now! Suddenly, his sensors ping something. Two hostiles have suddenly appeared from the ground. Their locations reminded him of something. That's where Tony and Jason were, last time I saw... A surge of ice pumps through his veins and he draws in a shallow breath. No! The machines must have killed them! They've been possessed! His sensors ping the two as foes again. Suddenly it feels like the Emotional Stabilizer kicked in, and he has a clear image of what he must do. I have to avenge them.

Roland blazes forward through space (and time, nearly) to appear instantaneously behind the corrupted shell that once was his squadmate. With an almost paranoid shout, he screams. "I'll kill you all YOU MONSTERS!" He sends his blade twisting into the rear of the enemy before him.

OOC: Now it's finished!
Action 1: Activate Double-Step; move 5 hexes to 0912 (facing southwest)
Action 2: Attack the perceived foe! (Rolls will be posted after I finish this edit - not like I can put them into this message anymore, anyways.

2008-02-05, 01:09 AM
OOC from above:
Attack roll: MR (7) + MM (3) + Luck (1) + 1d10 = [roll0]

Ghal Marak
2008-02-05, 07:21 PM
Jason Baker

Jason sluggishly pushed his powersuit to get to his feet, and looked around. "Wha-what the hell? Guys? Guys?!? Where are you?!?!" Then he spotted the Scarecrows. "Rrrgh. Darn it all." Raising his shotgun, Jason stepped forward and spun around, shooting at the one slipping up behind him.

Free:Walk - One Hex to 0713, Turn Northeast
Action 1: Aim
Action 2: Shoot at Nega-Roland (MR4) + (MG2) + (Luck3) + 1d10 = [roll0] / Hit location: [roll1]

2 luck left

2008-02-06, 05:34 PM
Pvp Round 2
Seething with fury, Roland's swing flies high and nearly decapitates the rogue opponent. As he stepped back, large chunks of metal crumbled from the rogues scalp. For a brief instant, he could swear he saw a tuft of human hair showing through the cracks of the battered helm.

Before Roland could contemplate the fact any further, Jason swung about his shotgun. Though weakened by the attack, he wasn't about to allow some random scarecrow put him down. Aiming carefully, Jason shot off a blast of condensed energy from the gun's barrel. With a bit of luck, the ball of energy connected and released a burst of electric fire which encompassed his opponent completely.

Hit Charts!

Below is a listing of your suit's hit points.




2008-02-06, 08:09 PM

They're fighting each other? Good. Strange though. Must be some nano-mutation causing them to go beserk.

Free Action: Walk 4 hexes to 1913.
Action 1: Skate 8 hexes to 1905
Action 2: Skate 2 hexes to 1903, face NW, Skate to 1401

Ghal Marak
2008-02-06, 08:59 PM
Jason Baker

Jason reeled from the blow to his head. He wasn’t sure, but he could swear that he felt blood trickling down his back. "Haha! It’ll take more than that!" Despite his bold words, he felt like he would fall over any second. Pushing aside his discomfort and dizziness, he readied his shotgun... well... whatever the hell it was now, and fired again. He'd have to figure out what happened to his gun later, not that he didn't like it.

Action 1: Aim again
Action 2: Shoot again. (MR4) + (MG2) + 1d10 = [roll0] / Hit location: [roll1]

You know, I'm not exactly sure where the Aiming modifier enters the equation.

2008-02-15, 04:16 PM
Roland Montague

Roland marches forward through the blistering fire, swinging his blade frantically through the flames that encapsulate his armor. His hands are beginning to quake and all sounds of the world and drowned out by his own heartbeat; he can hear it pounding in his head, it feels like. "DIE!!" His targetting computer seemingly giving him the idea, he focuses his strikes towards the arm that seems to be emitting the devastating fire.

Free action: Walk forward one hex to 0813
Action 1: Sword attack - MR (7) + MechaMelee (3) + 1d10 = [roll0]
Action 2: Sword attack - MR (7) + MechaMelee (3) + 1d10 = [roll1]
Both attacks are called shots against the arm servo holding the shotgun

Edit: I just read that it's a 2-handed weapon. Okay, both attacks are targetting the left arm, then.

2008-02-17, 06:28 PM
Pvp Round 2
Simultaneously Roland and Jason struck one another. In a blaze of fire and a flash of steel, organic metal and bits of steel dispersed into the air raising a cloud of smoke. When the dust had settled the two still stood, but Jason had lost use of his left-arm which now hung limp at his side. Electricity sparked from the overstressed motors as Jason attempted to move the damaged arm.

Ghal: With the "loss" of the arm you don't have enough space for the shotgun. Since it's your only weapon, however, I'll allow you to still use it at a -3 penalty.
Hit Charts




2008-02-17, 09:52 PM

The one that used to be Jay is clearly in trouble. I'd better start working on the one that used to be Ro.

Tony skates to where he has a clear shot. Turning, he fires his remaining missiles at the back of the Ro-beast.

Wait a minute, I thought I only had 5 left?

Dashing around a pillar, he watches with shock as one by one his missile count rises back to 6.

Action 1: Skate to 1200, face SW, skate to 0802, face S
Action 2: Fire 6 missiles
Ref(9) - suit(2) + mecha missile skill(3) -> 1d10+10
[roll0] (+ flanking bonus)
Free Action: Turn NW, walk to 0601, Turn SE

2 luck remaining

Ghal Marak
2008-02-19, 11:48 PM
Jason Baker

Jason screamed as he fell back against the support column. Feeling the numbness spreading up his arm, he knew he didn't have much longer to win this fight. "UUUAAAAHG!! Damn you!!" He knew it would be useless to run, seeing that it was more or less the same power suit that Roland used. So he did the only thing he could do, and shot his gun at it. "DIE!!"

Action 1: Aim
Action 2: Shoot (MR4) + (MG2) + Luck 2 + 1d10 = [roll0] / Hit location: [roll1]

I deducted 3 from the modifiers, which would have made it a +8.

2008-02-21, 02:26 AM
Roland Montague

It was almost as if there was a second pair of eyes watching him, and a separate intelligence warning him of his impending danger. With a deft roll he quickly hits the ground and pops back to his feet less than a meter away, narrowly avoiding both the fiery blast and the unseen attack from the rear.

But if I didn't see it, how could I have... His suit's targetting systems bring up the new assailant. It looks so familiar, but so...wrong. So different. "Damnit! It got both of them! Why couldn't it have just killed me? I'll make them pay! They'll pay!!"

With a sharp twist he tears himself away from his melee and begins zooming northwards towards his new attacker.

Action 1: Double-step to 1108, facing north
Action 2: Walk north 6 hexes to 1102

2008-02-21, 05:23 PM

Sorry for the quick post everyone, had to type it up quick before work. I wanted to have the basic stuff out at least so things could continue. I'll fill in with text later, most likely when I get home from work.

Fendrin: You didn't have enough MA to get to 0601, so I had to cut you short. Can only move 1/2 MA as a free action.

Fendrin: [roll0]
Jabu: [roll1]
Ghal: [roll2]

2008-02-25, 03:04 AM
Roland Montague

As he rapidly closes the gap with the remains of his other friend, Roland dodges behind a pillar. He feels an almost predatory satisfaction as he readies himself to make his attack. He can't recall the last time he felt this way in a fight. So...alive. With a maniacal grin, he sends his armor zooming through space to appear behind his next target, swinging his blade to end the mockery of what was once Tony.

Action 1 - Double-step 6 hexes to 0500, facing southeast
Action 2 - Attack! MR (7) + MM (3) + 1d10 = [roll0]

2008-02-25, 01:19 PM
OOC: Hmm, I don't see anyway to do this without a double post. So be it.

Evade: Ref [9] + Mecha Pilot (skill+template) [4] - MV [2] + d10 = d10+11

2008-02-25, 03:07 PM

Feeling the jarring impact of sword-on-leg, Tony knew he was in a fight for his life. Kill or be killed.
Instinctively, he staggers forward a few steps, then turns and blasts the Ro-beast with his gattling-laser.
Knowing that distance is the only thing that can save him, he quickly turns and skates away.


Free Action: Move to 0802, face NW.

1st Action: Fire gattling gun at Roland.

2nd Action: Face SE, Skate to 1405, face NW

2008-02-26, 02:25 PM
Roland Montague

Too late after Roland rematerialized, the nanomachine in front of him began to step forward to move out of reach of his weapon. Roland's sword slashed into the metal leg as his enemy moved away, but his foe seemed to have used the force of the blow against him. It quickly spun around and began firing bolts of energy at him. Roland quickly juked to the side to avoid the first blast, but the ghost of Tony soon had him back in its field of fire. He reflexively lifted his left arm to shield his face, and blasts soon rocked his battlesuit. Roland screamed inside his armor, but another pulse from the Emotional Stabilizers cooled the blood pumping through him. He brought his arm back down from before his face to see his attacker fleeing the scene. He gritted his teeth. You won't get away that easy...

OOC: I think I'll throw my own personal Hit Chart up so that Fisher has one less thing to do.

Colichemarde Hit Table

Ghal Marak
2008-02-26, 11:49 PM
Jason Baker

Jason, seeing his opponent easily dodge his shot and run off after the other scarecrow, decides that he needs to even the field a bit. He turned his back on the fight in progress and stumbled away to a good-looking spot for a last stand, his right hand dragging his gun behind him.

Free: Turn South
Action 1: Walk to - Hex 0718
Action 2: Turn North

2008-02-27, 11:52 AM
Pvp Round 4
The collatoral damage to the parking structure continues to increase as the three scarecrows fight one another. The building had already deteriorated mostly due to months of battles, nanomachines harvesting the inherent materials, and occupation by various scarecrows and walkers to the point the structural integrity had weakened considerably. As bullets and blades were swung through the air dirt and bits of other debris began to rain from the ceiling.


Hit Charts





2008-02-27, 01:15 PM
Eat missile... spike... whatever.
Tony fires his six spikes at the infected Colichemarde, then turns and dashes away.

Action 1: launch 6 missile-spikes at Roland

Free Action: Turn SE, Move to 1706

Action 2: Turn S, Move to 1713, Face NW (note: using natural MA, not skating)

2008-02-27, 03:09 PM
Roland Montague

As the skating speedy nanomachine fires another volley of its organic-looking missiles, Roland reacts a split-second too late. The first is a glancing blow on his already-weakened left arm. Roland throws himself backwards in a panic, fearing that he would loose the appendage. Fortunately as he rolled over backwards, the remaining projectiles fly over him, and he ends his roll in a crouch, ready to spring back onto the attack.


Colichemarde Hit Table

2008-02-27, 03:49 PM
Roland Montague

As the skating nanomachine fires another volley of its organic-looking missiles...

Just a quick clarification: The suits are infected with nanomachines which change their appearance and abilities. If it was a skating nanomachine you wouldn't be able to see it. :smalltongue:

Ghal Marak
2008-03-01, 06:09 PM
Jason Baker

Jason collapsed against the rubble, gasping in pain. The numbness in his arm has given way to searing pain. He still couldn't even move it. It's probably all broken up. His chest and back felt wet, probably from the cut on his scalp. He shook his head and stood up again. He can't let this pain get to him. Chuckling at his fatalism, he walked further into the debris.

Free: Nothing
Action1: Walk - Turn South, Walk to 0719, Turn South West, Walk to 0620
Action2: Nothing

2008-03-07, 02:32 AM
Roland Montague

As Roland finally managed to recover from the flurry of attacks, his prey was barreling away from him. Damn him! Running back to his 'friend' to dig in and wait for me, are they? Well, I'll just have to cut him down before he gets there!

Standing upright, Roland swings his blade out to the side and begins charging forward, working to close the gap between he and his foe while maintaining cover from either.

Both actions - running 9 hexes to 1405 - plenty left over for the penalty caused by the one hex of rubble I go through

Colichemarde Hit Table

2008-03-07, 02:01 PM

Pvp Round 5
The building supports continued to groan as the battle rages on, issuing forth additional debris from the ceiling. One of Tony missiles, dodged by Roland, glanced off a support beam. The impact caused the rumblings within the parking garage to worsen, momentarily.


Hit Charts




Fendrin: [roll0]
Ghal: [roll1]
Jabu: [roll2]

Ghal Marak
2008-03-11, 10:57 PM
Jason Baker

Jason stopped to catch his breath and consider his options.

No actions taken

2008-03-14, 04:45 PM
Roland Montague

Roland begins to walk forward in his armor slowly. Inside his suit, Roland was beginning to feel a sickening numbness in his being; it's as though the Emotional Stabilizer had gone into overdrive, leaving him feeling hollow. He no longer cared if he was killed. He just wanted this to end. He would make it end. He flashes forward through space with his blade held forward, materializing before his fleeing opponent and thrusting his weapon directly at its weakened left leg.

Free action - Walk 3 hexes to 1706
Action 1 - Double-step 6 hexes to 1712, facing south
Action 2 - Called Shot on Left Leg; MR (7) + MM (3) + Luck (2) + 1d10 = [roll0]

Hit Chart

Luck Remaining: 3

2008-03-14, 04:47 PM
OOC: Oww! Guess using that Luck was overkill.
Attack roll on Left Leg - 22 + [roll0] = Total Modifier

2008-03-14, 09:49 PM
OOC:Umm... yeah, I'm not going to waste my last luck on this, as I would STILL need to roll 10.

Evade: Ref [9] + Mecha Pilot (skill+template) [4] - MV [2] + d10 = d10+11

You know, it would be a bit faster if you roll your damage roll at the same time as your attack roll. I don't want to post my action until I know how much damage Tony sustained.filler for length

2008-03-18, 09:37 PM
Since Jabu hasn't rolled yet, here's the roll for damage.


Edit: Fendrin, only the suit part is damaged. Though injured, your character still has their left leg. Walking MA is now +2 and the Skating MA is +3.

2008-03-19, 12:09 AM

Augh! I can't keep running. His damn Collie has gotten faster. I have to end this soon, one way or another. If I can take out his sword-arm... but if this fails, I'm probably a goner.

Free Action: Step to 1613, Face N, Step to 1612, Face SE
Action 1: Gatling laser, called shot on right arm.
1d10+9[ref]+3[skill]+2[luck]+1[rear attack]-2[MV]-3[called shot] = 1d10+11
Action 2: Gatling laser, called shot on right arm.
1d10+9[ref]+3[skill]+1[rear attack]-2[MV]-3[called shot] = 1d10+9

2008-03-19, 12:12 AM
Booyah! I needed that 10.

2008-03-19, 02:07 AM
Evasion Roll - not terribly likely to help! MR (7) + MP (3) + 1d10 = [roll0]

2008-03-22, 09:42 PM

Pvp Round 5

Sorry for the quick post everyone. I'm due at work in a short while. In the meantime, here's the map and initiative for the next round. I'll wait to update the Hit Charts once I know the final outcome of Fendrin's last attack.
Hit Charts




Ghal: [roll0]
Jabu: [roll1]
Fendrin: [roll2]

2008-03-25, 09:50 AM

I can finish this. I must. And then...
He blasts the infected Colichemarde, then turns and runs.


1st Action: Fire gattling gun at Roland.
1d10+9[ref]+3[skill]+1[rear attack]-2[MV] = [roll0]
[roll1] Head
[roll2] Right Arm
[roll3] Right Arm

2nd Action: Fire gattling gun at Roland.
1d10+9[ref]+3[skill]+1[rear attack]-2[MV] = [roll4]
[roll5] Right Leg
[roll6] Right Leg
[roll7] Torso

Free Action: Face NE Move to 1811, face S.

2008-03-25, 10:59 AM
Roland Montague

After several moments of being raked with fire from behind, warning claxons blaze as his armor registers critical damage to his sword-arm and heavy damage to all other servos. In the split-second between vollies Roland lunges himself forward into a roll, avoiding the next wave of blasts as they burn through the air above him.

2008-04-03, 04:13 PM
Meanwhile, Back at the Battle...
As the battle rages the support beams continue to groan and the building shakes from the damage sustained. Debris begins to fall from the ceiling, nearly striking the combatants fighting within the garage's belly. Falling plaster and stone is not the only thing one should be worried about at a time like this, however. No, it is what might hear the noise and commotion that one should worry about.

As if on cue, several mechanical roars can be heard in the far off distance. Sounds like that service drone wasn't the only walker in the neighborhood.

Just a quick update to keep the ball rolling. :smallsmile:

Sorry if the turn swap has confused anyone. At this point, I don't mind if either Ghal or Jabu decide to take their turn first.

2008-04-04, 04:48 PM
Roland Montague

All of Roland's displays are flashing red as his suit's only armed appendage is blasted into slag. He grimaces with pain as he struggles to move the arm, but at this point it was numb from the pain - he hoped. His breathing starts to become ragged, and despair starts to creep into his mind. This is it. Even if I can stop these things, there's more out there! I won't make it back!

Suddenly, his visual display zooms in on something nearby on the ground. A glint of metal. My sword... He reaches out with his remaining good arm and grips the blade in hand. Once he has it, he quickly spins about and slings it ungracefully at his nearby foe.

Action 1: Pick up broken blade
Free: Turn to face NE, move 1 hex
Action 2: Sword attack - Called Shot on right arm
(MR) 7 + (MM) 3 - WA (2) + 1d10 = [roll0]

2008-04-04, 05:32 PM

What the heck, that's crazy... aaugh!
Tony watches the injured suit-creature pick up the broken blade and lunge at him. Surprised, he evades a millisecond too late.
Evade: Ref [9] + Mecha Pilot (skill+template) [4] - MV [2] + d10 = d10+11

Ghal Marak
2008-05-07, 06:14 PM

Jason qickly decided that his shelter is not exactly as sound as he thought it was, and moved away from it.

Free: Nothing
Action1: Walk - Turn North East, Walk to 0918
Action2: Nothing

2008-05-08, 11:47 AM

After several intense shakes the building begins to steady itself. For the time being the threat of a collapse and, to a minor extent, falling debris has been halted. In the distance, however, the howling of rogue machines can still be heard. A noise that steadily seems to be drawing nearer.

Hit Charts




Ghal: [roll0]
Jabu: [roll1]
Fendrin: [roll2]

2008-05-08, 12:13 PM

I've got to get out of here... but I can't leave them like this. Besides, I can't go back like this.
He dashes behind his teammate's heavily damaged form and lets loose another
barrage of weapon's fire at his back.


Free Action: Face W Move to 1611, face SE.

1st Action: Fire gattling gun at Roland.
1d10+9[ref]+3[skill]+1[rear attack]-2[MV] = [roll0]
[roll1] Left Arm
[roll2] Torso
[roll3] Right Leg

2nd Action: Fire gattling gun at Roland.
1d10+9[ref]+3[skill]+1[rear attack]-2[MV] = [roll4]
[roll5] Left Leg
[roll6] Left Leg
[roll7] Left Leg

2008-05-16, 01:34 PM
Just a quick reminder. :smallsmile:

Jabu your next, then Ghal.
