View Full Version : Sarevok vs. The Kurgan

Ebaine Vulkarn
2008-01-25, 02:44 PM
Bhaalspawn against Immortal.
There can be only one.

Who claims the victory?

2008-01-25, 05:14 PM
Conner MacLeod kills both. He's that awesome.

Seriously though; hmmmm. They're both pretty badass. I'm going to go with Sarevok based on the fact he's 7 feet tall with full plate while the Kurgan is creepy and has a sword that slots together. How impractical.

2008-01-25, 05:58 PM
Conner MacLeod kills both. He's that awesome.

Seriously though; hmmmm. They're both pretty badass. I'm going to go with Sarevok based on the fact he's 7 feet tall with full plate while the Kurgan is creepy and has a sword that slots together. How impractical.

Ahhh, but the Kurgan pretty tall as well and also has armor. He just doesn't wear it in modern times because it'd make him even MORE conspicuous.

We all know that beheading is the only way to actually kill the Kurgan... so the real question is, does Sarevok know this going into the fight? If he doesn't, then the Kurgan will win.

If he does, then it's a much closer fight. Truthfully, I think skill-wise, they're about evenly matched. I think, that after short time, they'd realize this themselves, and being that neither has much of a reason to kill the other (the Kurgan isn't a Bhaalspawn, and Sarevok isn't and Immortal)... Sarevok would attempt to convince the Kurgan that they should work together to kill all the other Immortals and Bhaalspawn.

2008-01-25, 06:09 PM
1. Baldur's gate I or II Sarevok
2. Who is The Kurgan?

2008-01-25, 06:15 PM
We all know that beheading is the only way to actually kill the Kurgan... so the real question is, does Sarevok know this going into the fight? If he doesn't, then the Kurgan will win.

I usualy tend to think of sarevoks "deathbringer" attacks as generally aiming for the head. seeing as they do more damage then any other person short of a god in the bg games could do, even with a crit.

From what it sounds like of kurgan, I'd have to say its an even fight if hes BG2, and just another annoyance if hes BG1. If hes still a bhaalspawn, and you take 90% of the others out of the equation, then he becomes VERY powerful. I would have to put him as the most powerful of them all, due to the fact hes easily as strong as any of the ones in bg2 (short of melisan :smalleek: ) even when all the little BS's are still alive.

2008-01-26, 12:20 AM
2. Who is The Kurgan?

You need to go watch the The Highlander. It's a classic. Don't bother with any of the sequels though, because they suck (especially number two which most certainly did not happen (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisContinuity)).

I usualy tend to think of sarevoks "deathbringer" attacks as generally aiming for the head. seeing as they do more damage then any other person short of a god in the bg games could do, even with a crit.

They could easily be impaling-type attacks as well. The Kurgan has 2000+ years of experience, much of it fighting as a merc in mortal confrontations. He's smart enough to take advantage of his immortality by "leaving himself open" to an attack that would kill a mortal and use the opportunity to strike a blow that would kill Sarevok.

If hes still a bhaalspawn, and you take 90% of the others out of the equation, then he becomes VERY powerful. I would have to put him as the most powerful of them all, due to the fact hes easily as strong as any of the ones in bg2 (short of melisan ) even when all the little BS's are still alive.

As much as I like Sarevok, I disagree here. The party took Bhaalspawn Sarevok down at a significantly lower level than they did the Bhaalspawn in BG2. That implies that he was weaker than them.

Of course, I still hold to my statement that they'd go a few rounds, realize that they're closely matched and decide to team up (probably at Sarevok's suggestion).

2008-01-26, 06:31 AM
Has anybody here actually remember playing the Saerovok boss fight in the original Baldurs Gate? It's essentially unwinable without summoned creature abuse. Sure Saeravok has friends with him but he can wipe out your party on his own. The kurgan could be killed in a duel, Saeravok could only be killed by swamping him with wolves and arrows.

2008-01-26, 07:21 AM
Has anybody here actually remember playing the Saerovok boss fight in the original Baldurs Gate? It's essentially unwinable without summoned creature abuse. Sure Saeravok has friends with him but he can wipe out your party on his own. The kurgan could be killed in a duel, Saeravok could only be killed by swamping him with wolves and arrows.
QFT, our roomate was GODLY at BG1, yet he basicly gave everyone slings/bows and kited him.

That, and I've used the alt+q cheat thingy to control melisan before, shes nutty, but thats with most of the other bhaalspawn absorbed into her. Without it, she would be much weaker then sarevok pre-bg2. Then again, none of the bg2 ToB bhaalspawn were that challenging other then mel when you spent an hour rolling almost all 16+ stats on monk so you could have a 18/18/18 with 18 charisma monk + firegiant belt, use that critical hit skill, and tear anything apart.

Ebaine Vulkarn
2008-01-26, 09:34 AM
Here's some overview:

Both are chaotic evil 7' tall fighters.
Both would have been the last of their respective kind, persumably, if it was not for the "interference" of the protagonists (c'mon, seriously, Sarevok would've creamed the Five).
One is a Bhaalspawn Deathbringer. Being a Bhaalspawn gives him a few neat abilities, while being a Deathbringer means that some of his strikes can fell down a dragon.
The other can only be killed by decapitation and regenerates any other wounds faster than a troll.