View Full Version : Who else thought that the intermission comic...

2008-01-27, 06:18 PM
Clickeh! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0301.html)

Who else thought the comic above ("A Brief Intermission") would make a great pre-movie advertisement? I mean, movies always have those clips that the kids who really want to see the movie boo at because they take too much time, that explains about the concession stands. At least this would have some humor. :D And I personally would love to see it.

...well this was random. and I'm probably going to get ignored.

2008-01-27, 07:06 PM
I love this strip. It makes me laugh every time I see it. Mostly I just like the line "We have become unto like tiny refreshing GODS!" :smallbiggrin:

While those "Let's all go to the lobby" ads are pretty lame, I'm not sure people would get the joke if the ads were like Rich's comic.

2008-01-27, 07:17 PM
Well, obviously it would have to at least warn that some content would not be appropriate for kids. :smallwink:
Other than that, it would be hilarious.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-01-27, 09:05 PM
I'd love it if an animated version of this strip was played before the movie. It'd kick the ass of the crap that currently plays there.

"Promise me ... that you'll ... *cough* ... you'll dispose of my body in the waste receptacles ... conveniently located by the theatre exits ..." :smallbiggrin: Before this line, the comic was only amusing. This line made it great.

2008-01-27, 09:12 PM
Well, obviously it would have to at least warn that some content would not be appropriate for kids. :smallwink:
Other than that, it would be hilarious.

What, kids wouldn't love to see junk food killing one another? ;)

I'd love it if an animated version of this strip was played before the movie. It'd kick the ass of the crap that currently plays there.

"Promise me ... that you'll ... *cough* ... you'll dispose of my body in the waste receptacles ... conveniently located by the theatre exits ..." Before this line, the comic was only amusing. This line made it great.

Ah yes. My sister, who rolls her eyes at me whenever I read OotS, got a huge laugh at that strip when I showed it to her.
She still won't come over to the OotS-side, though.

And that line is THE BEST. :D

2008-01-27, 09:16 PM
Yeah, that would quite rock.

Maybe Rich should make one about turning off the cell phones too :smallwink:

Steven the Lich
2008-01-27, 09:17 PM
Soda: They killed... they killed... they killed milk dudes... by all that is soft and drinkable, THEY WILL PAY! (draws out a sword made for killing gods, and in one swoop, Pizza and the coffee drink are burnt to oblivion...

lol... man, that was hilarious, 1st class... now whats next, vampires and Frankensteins monster and the werewolf vs. Jason, Freddy, and Micheal Myers (Serial killer in some horror movie)?

2008-01-27, 09:48 PM
Haha, it's been so long since I saw that, I'd forgotten about it. Still funny. :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-27, 10:22 PM
Yeah, that would quite rock.

Maybe Rich should make one about turning off the cell phones too :smallwink:
There could be a whole series for the movie theatres. One for cell phones, concessions (already done), keeping down in front, etc... :smallbiggrin:
That comic is my favorite (it stands alone so well compared to most of the others; though most have one-liners that make them all funny individually).

2008-01-27, 10:59 PM
There could be a whole series for the movie theatres. One for cell phones, concessions (already done), keeping down in front, etc... :smallbiggrin:


(rolling head)

... Maybe not.

Healer Hobo
2008-01-27, 10:59 PM
Ah, I forgot about that comic! It was the best thing the whole chapter... volumne... thingy! and putting them in as shorts for movies? It would be awesome. However yeah, the death stuff would be a bit bad for "Scooter's magical pony land"(All rights reserved) So, Maybe for T and up?

2008-01-28, 12:13 AM
it's good, but the opening for the Aqua Teen movie is better, sadly I can't find any links, but if ya saw it, it would still leave ya howling.

2008-01-28, 12:31 AM

(rolling head)

... Maybe not.

Your head is blocking my view. Clearly, the gods want me to kill you!

Also, I lol at this comic every time I see it.

2008-01-28, 04:04 PM
Because of my poor practical-English, i can't laugh.

2008-01-29, 02:18 AM
it's good, but the opening for the Aqua Teen movie is better, sadly I can't find any links, but if ya saw it, it would still leave ya howling.

Shred it, Mr. Pretzel man...

Oh, and blah, blah... NSFW, turn your speakers down if others in the house don't like saccharine music or bad language, blah blah...

2008-01-29, 03:31 AM
I never got the references in this strip, I was just able to guess what the basic premise was about.

I understand that there probably are commericals for snacks available at the cinema running in theatres. When do they show these? Do you have an intermission, or are they showing these before the movie starts? My mind is boggled with the subtle differences that exists between similar cultures.

You see, despite the fact that we sometimes import american culture and its products wholesale, the commericals are of course never brought along. This makes e.g. watching U.S. television a strange blend of "completely familiar" (the programs) and "stuff I couldn't even imagine" (everything between the programs).

2008-01-29, 03:52 AM
Movies don't usually have intermissions. The ads are shown before the movies. There are usually ads that have been bought by various local businesses; then there are previews for other movies, along with ads for the movie concession stands and "turn off your cell phones" type stuff. The movie doesn't start 'til after the previews. We do have intermissions halfway through live stuff--plays, musicals, orchestra performances, that kind of thing. Not sure about non-classical concerts because I've never been to one.

2008-01-29, 08:40 AM
I never got the references in this strip, I was just able to guess what the basic premise was about.

I understand that there probably are commericals for snacks available at the cinema running in theatres. When do they show these? Do you have an intermission, or are they showing these before the movie starts?

Understandable. Intermissions are a really old-school thing from the days when shows were live, and "dinner and a show" was pretty much an entire evening thing. The actors and the audiences both needed a break about halfway through, so they brought the curtains together and called it "intermission" (don't know if the poor band got a break during that time though). So the audience went and freshened both themselves and their drinks and snacks, thus making intermissions another source of profit for the proprietors.

So when they went to movies instead of shows, the proprietors naturally insisted that the intermission thing was kept, so that their profits didn't go down (welcome to unmanaged capitalism :( ). And they totally did show an animated short film with the little dancing popcorn bags and stuff to help people understand what they should be doing during the intermission lol. I remember seeing them when I was a kid and we went to see really old movies.

IIRC, some of the old animation artists got their start doing the intermission shorts, but I can't remember who, because I'm too old myself :P


Mauve Shirt
2008-01-29, 09:19 AM
The ads come before the movie. This comic is called an intermission because it interrupts the comic like a real intermission interrupts a play.

2008-01-29, 10:52 AM
Some old-style movies, like Spartacus or Ben Hur, had intermissions. They needed them, because they were 4 hours long. I seriously wish Peter Jackson had revived the tradition for LOTR.

And the "let's all go to the lobby" comic was the one that made me a regular reader. I still chuckle at it.

I think we should have a 'turn off your cell phone' advert based on the previous strips.

THE SCENE: Haley says "Hide here until you can safely escape".
Our NPC hides Oooh wights ... scary ... must be absolutely quite ... must not make a sound.

RING RING RING (star wars ringtone) on his cell phone.

Character screams AIEEE! as he is bum-rushed by wights.



Brian P.

2008-01-30, 11:43 PM
Yeah, that's a really amazing one. I'd love to see it in theaters...

...I'd pay to see it in theaters.

2008-01-31, 08:22 PM
if this was before a movie, maybe altered a little so they can ditch the no talking ones they throw in also, that would be the BEST intro to a movie EVER.

2008-02-01, 12:57 AM
Up until the early 80s, you went to a night at the movies. There would be shorts, a newsreel, and a B-feature in the first part of the show. Then there would be an intermission, followed by the main feature. (Or a children's flick, followed by an adult one). Films like Gone with the Wind took advantage of this, and were thus able to show a double-length film that took the place of both the B- and main- features. They couldn't do that know.
The intermission would be introduced by a cartoon reminiscent of Rich's comic. Or a fast-food advert that would make you wish you had remembered some soggy sandwiches instead.

2008-02-01, 01:14 AM
i call Milk Duds Milk Dudes now

2008-02-06, 04:54 PM
I thought it was hilarious myself. Reminded me of the ATHF movie though

2008-02-06, 05:05 PM
I would go see it after watching a commerical like that.

Movies now-a-days are dull and uninspired remakes.

2008-02-06, 05:16 PM
I miss those kind of strip :) I hope Rich would make more.

I still giggle every time I read that one.

2008-02-06, 05:50 PM
T'was a good strip indeed.