View Full Version : a possibly new and creative Vs. thread

Lu Yan
2008-01-27, 11:13 PM
no, it's not WH4K, or WoW, or LoZ, or AvP, or anything really. consider it like a battle of the bands.

imagine some random event that triggers a random battle between random people (use the mentality of the creators of Mortal Kombat to come up with how it is started).

lets say these people are Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. now let's put it into words...

Steve Jobs comes home one night to find that his house has been broken into, and his software has been stolen! He finds a note on his fridge whilst searching stating, "Good artists make art, but great artists steal it! - love Bill Gates." With this Steve Jobs confronts Bill Gates in an iRealm with windows software! Who will win? Who will become ruler of the world? and more importantly, who will stop going on dates with their computer?

Personally, I think Steve Jobs would kill Bill Gates by using his iSaber.

Emperor Tippy
2008-01-27, 11:24 PM

Read it.