View Full Version : Sparks of a Rebellion.

2008-01-28, 10:52 AM
Star Wars: Dawn of Defiance
Episode I
The Sparks of a Rebellion
It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has spread
from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim,
and everywhere the Empire’s tyranny can be felt.
Murmers of anger and disproval begin to errupt across the galaxy,
chaos and fear are everywhere.
Some see these times as evil and dark, others are lost admist the storm.
Everywhere in the galaxy people are beginning to plot, some for wealth,
others for fame and glory and still some want to help.
Smugglers see this time as an opportunity, many use the chaos to help themselves,
some to even help others.
The empire knows this, they have stepped up security in all regions of the galaxy.
This is a problem for smugglers everywhere, and now high above Nar Shadaa they meet.
A rebel agent has come from senator Organa, the smugglers know this is the key to bringing the empire down.
The empire also knows of this agent, he has alerted the recently reinforced garrison to be on the lookout,
and so the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn...

Heros of the Rebellion

CT - 1380, aka Dando Zarus

Kell Redstar


Doctor Kast

Robert (Bob) Morlich

Sian Jobl

High above the world Nar Shadaa there is a tiny glittering jewel in the distance. Light was reflecting off one of the empires newest space stations, station Zeta 1138. The metal has a sheen to it and would be mistaken for a star if not for it being so close. The station consists of one main long pillar, at the top of this pillar are three landing pads, and finally on top of this is another landing pad reserved for the loyalists of the empire as well as his storm trooper legions.

The tranquility of the space station has been disturbed however, soon warning alarms and klaxon's are going off as a ship approaches the station. The ship is in bad shape, flames are spouting from some of its exhaust ports. The ship makes a hard landing but remains intact if you could call it that. The ship is an old and beat up junker that looks like it has seen better days, it was a YT-1300, it only vaguely resembles it since its landing gear have not extended flames leap and dance across it, some pieces of the ship could be found all over the docking bay.

In all of the excitement however no one notices the figure slip out of one of the hatches and swiftly run behind some nearby crates. The local security forces are fighting the flames and storm troopers are beginning their investigation. With all of this happening in the docking bay no one notices one tiny Jawa who is also hiding among the crates, she is near the figure who jumped out of the now slag freighter. It is apparent he does not see the Jawa.

One of the few shuttles inside the docking bay opens, a few people leave. Finally one of the last to leave the ship is a tough looking clone trooper, he is walking side by side with a Mon Calamari who is thin looking for the species. They are both looking curiously over at the wreckage of the ship, both know they are lucky the ship did not hit theirs. They continue on, they both walk with a slight sense of urgency as though they need to be somewhere.

Finally on the other side of the docking bay a man who has a cloak tightly about his shoulders and a gun in his arms, he casually looks over to see the commotion. He seems relatively unfazed that a ship just crashed so near him. He proceeds into the station without looking back at the now in flames ship.

I need perception checks from everybody
I also need a stealth check for the Jedi and Jawa.

2008-01-28, 11:38 AM
Voota did her best to control her breathing, and to remain hidden for the moment. She needed to figure out her next move, she needed to eat, but first she needed to calm down. She had lost everything, her life left behind in some unknown hanger bay. Her tools were gone, her friends were gone, and all she had left was the pistol and her translator. While the prospect of a damaged ship and all the treasures that it might give was a temptation she found hard to resist, the sight of Stormtroopers didn’t sit well in her gut. Her contact with the strange humans in white was minimal, but what she had seen in her short time among the stars had left its impression and an unfavorable impression at that.

Besides, there might be time for her to come back for parts when the others had gone.

Her eyes darted around the area, trying to take in everything that she could and find an opening that was to her advantage. Luckily, most people didn’t look down and maybe she might slip into the station without too much fuss.

Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2008-01-28, 01:39 PM

Kell races from the slagged freighter quickly, but quietly. His heart races with excitement for a moment. That was better than any race on Coruscant, he thought, but quickly quelled that notion. This was more than life or death, he had to survive to keep his master's teachings and memories alive.
After he had a bit of cover he felt for his hidden light saber, and did a quick look to make sure he seemed like what he knew he really was, a greasy street urchin that was way in over his head. Check. This was a terrible way to make an entrance, too much attention even if nobody realized I'm a jedi. I hope I haven't made it this far just to fail now. he thought, At least I'm alive though, time to get out of this joint
Kell peaks around, and attempts to make his way clear of the area without attracting too much notice.

[roll0] stealth
[roll1] perception

2008-01-28, 03:06 PM
I'm not sure how to do dice rolling, so Imma gonna do it over Irony and report the results...
"Holy crap did you see that, Daran!?!"
There is a bunch of chaos going on with the ship and people fleeing left and right and its a wonder that Leery saw anything, much less that.
Man, this was just supposed to be a milk run, a simple meet-and-greet that would get Leery that killer medkit he'd had his eyes on.
As if anything could ever be that easy for him!

2008-01-28, 03:13 PM
OOC: For future refferance to roll on the forums you go 1d20+whatever and then end it with

2008-01-28, 03:28 PM
OOC:Okay thanks.

2008-01-28, 03:47 PM
May I make a perception check to notice people?
If so [roll0]

2008-01-28, 04:07 PM
Something catches your eye over by the crates, you can't make out much other than that it is a humanoid figure crouching low and trying to hide. There is also a second smaller figure near him as you caught a brief glimpse of two glowing yellow eyes before they once again disappeared. So far no one else has noticed them hiding by the crates. Looking around the room you can see several Imperial storm troopers overlooking the hangar from a security room. They appear to be more relaxed and are not looking for anything in particular.

Kell, you are still distracted from the spectacular crash that has just happened, you do not see anything out of the ordinary. Voota, you notice a strange looking being peering over towards where you are hiding, you have a vague feeling he knows your there.

2008-01-28, 08:09 PM
Tresalb whispers to Clone warrior "Weapons out, berk. Looks like we got two stowaways at our backs. I think we ougtta check it."
The sly Cal reaches for his blaster pistol and wraps his hand around it.
He's not much of a fighter but any shot is better than nothing, plus he knows for a fact that the clone is so hard he bleeds ice. The stowaways had better not start anything.

2008-01-28, 08:44 PM
As CT-1380 move along side his Mon Cal companion he quickly scans the area also trying not to be noticed by any the stormtroopers

perception [roll0]

2008-01-28, 09:08 PM
Tresalb, ever greedy and inquisitive, levels his blaster at the Jedi and says...
"Hey you, tell us what the story is or I report you both to the authorities for a fistful of creds. Your choice."

2008-01-28, 09:44 PM

Perception: [roll0]

[Considering my perception check was 26, I'm editing because... well, I probably saw it all]

Krun saw the man run from the wrecked ship.

Hmm... crashed ship, empire caught by surprise, man clearly not seeking help from the station he just landed on. I may just have a new friend.

The man keeps his distance from the wreckage. No point in walking up there and blowing his cover if he wants to stay hidden. He will have to come my way eventually.

2008-01-28, 09:58 PM
Leery runs forwards over to the crates, once there he catches a Jedi by surprise. He holds his gun level with the Jedi, he has a look about him that says he will blast him if its worth his while.

Looking around Dando, you now see that the storm troopers are quickly mobilizing and they are holding their hands to where the ear is on their helmet, presumably they are talking into a comlink. You do not catch any glimpse of the people Leery has run to.

Krun through the debris you can make out that their are two figures hiding over by the crates, another a slim looking Mon Calamari has a gun trained on to them as he walks forward to them. Not far away you can see a clone trooper peering around the room taking in the situation. You notice what he is looking at and follow his gaze to the storm troopers talking into their comlinks.

2008-01-28, 10:02 PM
"Oh @#$% Jedi spotted us, you're stowaways and I'm pointing a bloody blaster pistol at your temple. This isn't good, we're probably going to have to fight for our skins. I hope you're better at fighting than you are at hiding or we are screwed!"

2008-01-28, 10:34 PM

Krun, feeling the situation quickly slipping from 'favorable' to 'shootout', begins to slink his way towards the 'hidden' man.

Nothing like a ruckus to get yourself killed. I hope the guy who seems to be on the run from the empire is worth the trouble.

Stealth: [roll0]

2008-01-28, 10:45 PM

Kell looks in confusion at the blaster suddenly pointed his way. At least the imperials have a reason to be pointing weapons at me, what's this guy's problem, thinks Kell. "Look, I don't know what your deal is man, but I doubt it'll out any better for you waving that blaster around in the vicinity of the imperials, maybe we should talk about this elsewhere."

2008-01-28, 11:02 PM
"Okay fine, but you 2 started it with the skulking. Lets get out of here, Big D, we got a meeting to make."

2008-01-28, 11:23 PM

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Kell eases into a less crouched posture, and moves away with the two men. He tries to stay closer to the one known as Big D.

2008-01-28, 11:37 PM
Not sure what is going on, Voota's fear takes over a bit. In the past, she had the tribe to keep her safe. Safety in numbers, but now, she has nothing and surrender sometimes gets mercy. Part of her hoped that these two would be better than the Imperials, and perhaps enough distraction to get her in the station. Stepping more into the light, the small jawa raises her hands slightly, making sure she can only be seen by those nearby. "K'masa nu eyeta!" Her voice is soft, and the sounds are almost too quick to make out, but it still seems like she is trying to slow down her speech for the non-jawas.

A small box in her hand suddenly speaks, softly and in a somewhat masculine voice, "Translation: *squark* *pop* friend". Small bits of smoke come out of the device and the air smells a bit like ions.

2008-01-28, 11:49 PM
Leery makes a Perception check and an Intelligence check...
He sees that the jawa is scared and is basically a good guy. He feels like a prick, then realizes that he IS a prick. He ponders what the say for a moment. He slows his speech down and tries to make himself sound as pleasant and relaxed as possible, considering the situation.
"Okay, little buddy, 'friend'. Lets just forget the gun unpleasantness, huh? And why don't you chill out? You act live you've never been threatened with a blaster to the face before. Me, I consider a day boring if that doesn't happen at least 3 times."

2008-01-29, 12:00 AM

Kell looks at the small creature in surprise, but smiles slightly at the words friend being mentioned. That is at least a little more friendly than a blaster to the face,he thinks. He nods at the creature slightly. He blinks at the suggestion to chill out. I'm not the one pointing guns in people's faces, but oh well, as long as he doesn't seem as eager to go visit with the imps I'm okay with it. But I'll have to keep my guard up, he's about as random as anybody I've ever met. Kell relaxes a bit and shrugs, "Ain't, that I've never been threatened by a blaster before, just less often by people I've never met before thats all. But hey, no harm right?"

2008-01-29, 12:10 AM
As all of this commotion goes down no one notices that another shadow approaches the group. Krun has his gun out and is silently moving close and closer. So far you can hear some poping sounds and the word Jedi, they are not exactly whispering anymore. The big clone trooper is still keeping watch a little ways back from the group for trouble.

None of you guys notice this shadow sneaking up on you, right now all of you guys are chatting away. Storm troopers are also starting to sweep the area, so far they are on the opposite side of the wreckage but it would not take them long to get here.

2008-01-29, 12:16 AM
OOC:So what can we do about any of this? Wait and take it like punk tricks?

2008-01-29, 01:05 AM
As CT-1380 aka Dando, continues to keep witch he tries to figure out what his partner is up to because he starting to attract the unwanted attention of the stormtroopers, and that is definitely a bad thing to do when your a rebel agent trying to keep a low profile.

perception [roll0]

2008-01-29, 07:14 AM
Voota, still keeping her hands up and in view, tries to quickly look about to see if there is a good opening to get out of here and into the station proper. "Ny shootogawa. Watee ashuna junbinloo." She motions her head toward the station and away from here.

The small box speaks once more. "Translation: Don't shoot. *hisssss* enter station." The translation unit seems to be barely held together, and small puffs of smoke escape from it.

Perception [roll0]
Trying to see if it is safe to get away from the imperials.

2008-01-29, 10:10 AM
It seems like a good idea to Leery. He just wants to get into the station and away from the Imperials while keeping a much lower profile.

2008-01-29, 01:27 PM
Dando as you look around you finally notice the small tiny little thing with glowing eyes and a human male. These were apparently who your friend had been talking to. Looking back out over the docking bay you see that the storm troopers are finally getting some assistance from the security guards and they are spreading out to cover ground faster.

You guys decide that is is for the best to leave and all walk away with a late group of passengers that have the same idea as you. Eventually you reach the promenade here there are all different species walking around and all around this massive room are shops of all different sorts. Straight ahead of you is a cantina the sign above it identifies it as "The one eyed Gundark."

Krun you see them leaving and decide it best to leave as well, you don't want to risk any entanglements right now. Thankfully they still do not know your following them and with the crowds you blend in even better. You are also treated to the spectacle of the promenade with all the people walking around and all of the different stores.

2008-01-29, 02:15 PM

Kell relaxes a bit as they leave the hanger, and is happy to be gone. He doesn't talk a whole lot as they go, but attempts to keep a sharp eye out for anybody that might be following him. When they arrive near the catina he smiles a bit. At least I'll be at home in a place with a name like that.

"Well, shall we go in, probably should be able to find some privacy in a place like this, or at least some fun." A bit of swagger comes into his speach as he finishes talking, it is obvious that Kell has been in places like this before.

[roll0] perception

2008-01-29, 02:30 PM
Seeing the opportunity, Voota moves among the legs of the taller beings and into the promenade just outside. The fear that once controlled her actions dissolves in the face of wonder with this new horizon. Her eyes dart from being to being, trying to take in everything she can while she slightly sniffs the air to gather even more information about her surroundings. The thought of Imperials behind her, she scans the shops in hopes to replace her lost tools and to continue work on her little translation droid. Only after a few moments and a push from behind reminds her that she had stopped dead in her tracks and should keep moving forward.

Out of her momentary reverie, she looks at this new human who was hiding with her behind those crates. She feels an odd kinship with his plight and she wonders if he needs help like she does. Still keeping her voice low, she turns to face Kell full. "M'um m'aloo. Ikee aigama Voota. Ngiyin tando. Ikee tando lopima speeda?" She holds out a hand to Kell, trying to remember the customs that she was taught. There were different manners among the stars, and she tried to be as polite as possible.

The small droidish translator whirs to life again, it's mechanical male tone speaking just as low as hers, "Translation: Greetings to you. My name is Voota. I *fizz* mechanic. Shall I fix your starship?"

As the group seems to head toward the One Eyed Gundark, Voota dutifully follows.

2008-01-29, 03:04 PM
"Hey, D, wanna get a few drinks? We don't have to be at the meeting for a while and maybe we'll hear something interesting."
The Cal really just wants to drink a little before gambling and meeting the Hutt. A couple of slugs of booze and a few plays on the jubilee wheel always help him before a big meeting.

2008-01-29, 04:20 PM
You enter the tavern, looking around it is quite apparent that this is quite the place to be. The music is an upbeat and fast tune, the lights are all over the dance floor where humans and races from all over the galaxy are dancing. Taking up a large part of the room is a stage with a band of Biths playing the music, a female Twi'Lek dances atop the stage. To the left of the main room and up some stairs it looks like they have a small casino set up and you can faintly hear the sounds of machines paying out credits over the music.

Over at the bar is a human male behind the counter, he is neglecting to serve drinks as he is conversing with a female Twi'Lek, much to the dismay of customers wanting to quench their thirst. All around the room there are tables and booths, the dance floor is up front and center near the stage.

2008-01-29, 07:13 PM
The Calamari goes over to the gambling pit hoping to play some "house" games. He is just fixated on gambling and says "Anybody wanna go gamble with me? I'll spot you a little cred if you do. What do you say, Dando?"

2008-01-29, 07:56 PM

OOC: this part is back outside

Kell is slightly surprised by Voota's gesture, but very pleased nonetheless. Maybe it's intuition, need, or even the force, but the kindness hits in a way that was sorely needed. Kell smiles warmly and shakes Voota's hand. "I'm Kell, the pleasure's mine." He leans in close and whispers, "But about the ship, it might be better to stay hush hush, don't want to atract too much attention, and there probably won't be a chance to get back to it safely. However, if there is a chance I'd appreciate that."

OOC: inside

Kell grins at the dancer as he takes in the sights the catina has to offer. This is my kind of place he thinks quickly. However, after grinning like a homesick idiot for a brief second, he quickly calms down. Just because this place feels like home, doesn't mean it is. Heck even home is probably more likely to be crawling with imps than here, but either way no need to take chances. He does closer scan of the area, but attempts to stay close to the group.

[roll0] perception of the bar

2008-01-29, 08:03 PM
"Hey, Kell, pick your jaw off the floor!
Wanna gamble with me and get closer to the Twi'lek dancers?
Maybe she digs your type?"
Leery is just trying to have a good time with as many people as possible(whether they like it or not) now that he's off that damn ship.

2008-01-29, 08:17 PM

Krun follows the group into the bar, and is relieved when the stormtrooper stops paying as much attention to the newcomer. He then notices the jawa and the man talking, but is not close enough to hear what was said.

Inside the bar, he approaches the two.

"Do you need some flying lessons? And you, little jawa, what brings you so far away from home?"

2008-01-29, 08:33 PM
Kell, as you stand and watch the dancer for just a moment more you fail to take note of the room properly. Everything seems to be normal here, the only thing that stands out to you is the dancer.

Leery you walk up the stairs and into the mini casino, you are greeted with plenty of lights and sounds. There are people cheering and laughing, even some crying as they hand over their credits. The locals seem to favor Pazzak, this is apparent since there are more pazzak tables than any other.

However there are other options, over in the back of the room is once again a bar and several large vid screens set up projecting a pod race. There are also several slot machines and finally there are people taking bets on some odd game with a bunch of people sliding over ice with sticks.

2008-01-29, 08:44 PM
Leery loves to gamble, and even though podraces aren't his thing he needs the practice and the excitement it brings him is exhilarating. Its like drug he's hopelessly hooked on. He scans the screens and remembers talking about several racers as good picks in today's races over his miniaturized comlink with a gambling friend of his and places 2 250 credit wagers with the people at the casino.
He's cheering on his guys like crazy in his head and he's shaking around in a state of frenzied emotion and concentration.
OOC:I can't get the roller to work at all, what gives?
14 and a 19 off of Irony dice server. How it plays out if that is what I rolled.
Leery watches with disappointment as a dirty podder rams into his 1/1 choice and slams him off the track. The pod bursts into a rather impressive explosion taking all his money with him.
Luckily the Duros at 3/1 beat the favored Ithorian racer in a gutsy, bump 'n grind challenge for position in a photo finish.
Leery is going to put it all on the line with a one roll(will spend a Force point if he is allowed to take the 14/19 results).

2008-01-29, 09:28 PM
Ok stop telling me what you see, I tell you what you see. I am the DM it is what I do okay? I hate to sound like a dictator but you have no idea what your doing just calm down I know you want some action but this is not an RP where you describe what your doing. You tell me what you want to do and with a bit of flavour then I tell you what happens. I also need the roles from this website.

Test roll:

see its working. There is a rolling forum where you can go and practice, this gives me time to work out how gambling works okay?

2008-01-29, 09:38 PM
Leery rolls on whatever you want, spending a 1000 cred on it, all he has pretty much. He spends a force point in the process.

OOC:It worked in the rolling thread 2 minutes ago, are you kidding me?!?!?!?

2008-01-29, 09:39 PM
For the most part Dando keeps an eye on there new friends he over hears the conversation between Kell and Voota and quietly interjects, Besides after that crash and fire i doubt there's enough good part left on it to get even the auto-chef working again. by the way that was some good fling you did back there, i doubt any one could have done any better with what you had left to work with. from that point on Dando say very little until they enter the Cantina, when Leery asks about wanting to gamble he answers gruffly, no, I'm a soldier not a gambler dam it.

2008-01-29, 10:05 PM
Don't put spaces at all, there should be no spaces when you type out the roll code.

2008-01-29, 10:17 PM

Outside the bar Kell responds to the praise about the flight somewhat surprisingly. He sighs deeply, and his youth really shows when his face scrunches up in near tears. "Yeah, It's just that it was one of the few things I have left of.." His hand reach backwards towards one of the many pouches adorning his outfit, but quickly regains his calm demeanor. "Never mind, it was a pretty exciting landing wasn't it," Kell recovers with a quick bit of bravado.

Inside the bar when asked whether he needs flying lessons he replies with a nervous chuckle, "Did everyone notice that? But seriously, I'm not really trying to attract attention or cause trouble, I promise."

2008-01-29, 10:31 PM
Voota nods knowingly to Kell about the ship before heading ino the cantina. Following Kell, Voota is taken aback by the cantina. The smell, the crowd, the noise feels more like home than anything else has. For the moment, she smiles a bit, relishing being in her element. She watched her tribe make deals, bet, sell, and thrive in environments like this. Back on the Aeon, she was never allowed to come to places like this and this new found freedom is like a rush she hasn't had since coming to the cold stars.

Voota turns to face the new human asking her questions. Not many know what a jawa is, so the familiarity loosens her tongue a bit more than normal. "Keebee'oto, ngyigan tando Aenawaga. Ikee lahleka no lopima. Ikee aigama Voota. M'um m'aloo." The small translator does its job, "Translation: Long ago, I was the mechanic on *spark*. *sizzle* lost in the stars. I'm Voota. Hello."

The new human can only hold her attention for so long before she starts scanning the room for anything of use. Any thing left on a vacant table is far game to the jawa. Datapads, energy cells, and bit of technology grabs her eye.

Perception [roll0]

2008-01-29, 10:43 PM
Trying the gambling roll in a new post...

2008-01-29, 10:48 PM
Leery is seriously pissed at the result, lousy tipster, and puts all 837 creds he has left on the jubilee wheel.
Leery is now flat broke.

2008-01-29, 11:28 PM
Leery vows to himself to ruin this mitt joint, bomb it to the ground, and piss on the ashes.

2008-01-30, 12:53 AM
Leery puts all of his money down, he is arrogant and cocky. Reflected in his eyes are the hopes of winning as well as the lights and the spinning wheel. As it slowly comes to a stop Leerys face is still frozen in joy of gambling, but slowly it turns into a sad frown, he lost all of his money. Sad, defeated, and out of money who knows what he will do next.

Voota is chatting away, but at the exact same time her eyes dart all over the place. From pouches on belts to over stuffed pockets you see it all. Much to your disappointment people are careful and only a data pad on a table closer to the dance floor seems to lie forgotten.

2008-01-30, 09:54 AM
The temptation is far to great, and Voota breaks away from her group and moves over to the table closer to the dance floor. The loud music and noise bothers her little as her little hand snakes out to grab the abandoned data pad. Remembering that sometimes the humans get upset about their forgotten trash, she tries to act quickly, quietly and as hidden as possible. Hopefully, this won't be much of a detour and she can return to her new friends.

Stealth to grab the datapad [roll0]

2008-01-30, 10:04 AM
Ah well, if he can't get any money at least he can get some info.
He talks around with the people at the casino trying to figure out who owns the place. Its the first step in a long journey to payback.

2008-01-30, 01:34 PM

Assuming Krun doesn't make him stay in the area, Kell sends one last longing look at the dancer and moves toward a table near the back, he then does a thorough look over of the entire place if he has the time.

taking 20 on perception for a 22

2008-01-30, 01:53 PM
Voota swiftly goes through the tables and due to her small stature no one notices her as she swiftly takes the data pad from the table. After she has it she makes her way back to the main group of friends. Excitement is coursing through her, so much to know out here and who knows what could be in the data pad, heck taking it apart and putting it back together would even be fun at this point.

Leery is talking and asking a lot of people, finally he manages to get an answer from one of the employees watching over the machines, he directs him to the downstairs bar and the man serving at it. He says his bosses name is Kralc Nonnab, after answering you he walks off to the machines to go make his rounds of inspection.

This time you focus on your surroundings, you use some of your jedi training to calm yourself and rid yourself of outside distractions. Looking around the room as well as listening not much is to be head from the majority of the patrons. However near your table at a private booth a wealthy merchant is talking to someone who he looks like he should not be talking to, the human looks to be a rich merchant but the Kel Dor he is speaking to is gruff and serious looking, not to mention they are trying to keep their voices as low as possible. You can make out only bits of the information "Shipment will be ready soon.... high quality stuff.... hard to get since the empire took over...".

2008-01-30, 02:52 PM
Leery notices that Voota is really psyched up. He's a little suspicious, but just as excited as Voota is and he keeps trying to see what Voota has done that has made he so excited.
OOC:Leery takes a 20 on a perception check.

2008-01-30, 03:55 PM
Happy (almost giddy) with her recent acquisition, Voota quickly makes her way back toward Kell and Krun (she hopes), most of her attention on the new datapad. She still keeps half an eye out for other people having learned in the past how aliens don't like to be unnecessarily touched.

Making sure that Krun has joined then, and waving him over if not, she plops herself at the table with Kell, her little legs no longer reaching the floor as she sits. Her eyes scan the lovely new device of hers, and she begins to examine the datapad, trying her best to make it give up any secrets before it becomes something more than what it is now. Her mind races with possibilities as to what she could do with this datapad provided that she can get her hands on some decent tools soon.

If I can, taking 20 on use computer to find out what is on the datapad before she does something else to it. So 20+8 skill. Otherwise, let me know and I can roll.

2008-01-30, 04:05 PM
You need to roll ;)

2008-01-30, 04:11 PM
Ok. I will roll.

Use Computer [roll0]

2008-01-30, 07:27 PM

The unkempt-looking man watches the Jawa make its way around the room, but still loses it amongst the crowd.

Hmm... where did that Jawa get himself off to...

The Jawa startles him when she reappears at his side, and Krun instinctively reaches for his own equipment when he sees the datapad.

"Well, I see you have found a prize... I think I know why you are no longer a mechanic on your ship."

2008-01-30, 08:34 PM
Oh the wonders of this simple little machine, to you its all fascinating and you expertly start to fiddle with the buttons. You easily crack the encryption on the datapad and at first your overcome with joy, next your overcome with a bit of fear as the Imperial Navy logo flashes on screen before brining you to the main menu. Quickly going forward through the files it is quite obvious this used to belong to a Capitan. J Miller of the Imperial Navy. Nothing to deep is here, except for their current assignment of hunting down a rebel spy in east wing of the station. The last log was little under half an hour ago and was deemed urgent, must have been why he forgot this datapad. Other than that the datapad contained nothing but the weeks patrol schedules as well as interrogation dates, to your horror there are no humans being interrogated and only aliens.

I know not a proper use computer check per say but it was a high enough roll to get the plot going ;)

2008-01-30, 08:40 PM
Leery sees the Jawa reading a datapad and freaking out. He goes to the Jawa as quickly as he can without looking like a (total) spaz and asks...
"Hey, what did you just read?"

2008-01-30, 09:03 PM
Dude your on the second floor talking to someone, no way you can just jump down to the Jawa or even know what he was doing.

2008-01-30, 09:53 PM
Dando who stayed with Kell and the others finally notes the jawas new toy and say, So, my little friend what do you have there.

2008-01-30, 09:54 PM
OOC:Misunderstood where I was in relation to Voota.
Top 10 percent of the Army. :smallsigh: :smallredface:

2008-01-30, 10:09 PM
Before breaking the code, and while Voota's fingers move over the datapad, she hears Krun's comment and her spirits dim slightly. She shakes her head, perhaps to say he is incorrect or maybe to say that it is a subject she isn't ready to talk about. Or both. Her thoughts escape to the past only for a brief moment, remembering the reasons that drove her here and the fate of former friends. The moment is short lived as the datapad springs forth its secrets to her. Pure joy and pride in her skills are quickly replaced by the horror of the knowledge she finds inside.

They always avoided the Imperials before, she had seen other business people taken away and not heard from again. Stories of torture and death at the hands of the Imperials were told in secretive tones in some of the worst places her old crew used to do business. She always found comfort believing that it could never be as bad as the rumors, but even half of the treatment she heard about was something that made her afraid of the Imperial army. She knew that non-humans suffered the bulk of the ire, something she didn't really want to believe, but here was the cold truth in front of her. Unavoidable and real. A small whisper of "Utinni" escapes from her as she reads the data pad. The translator doesn't even bother.

'Rebel spy' bounces around her head. She heard of a rebellion, a way to fight back, but doing business with the rebellion - picking sides at all - was off the menu for the crew of the Aeon. Now, in her hands, is an unavoidable choice. Not sure what to do, she cautiously shows Krun, Kell and Dando just what she found. Leaning back in her chair, she waits for her mind to make a decision or for others to decide for her.

2008-01-30, 11:11 PM
As Dando reads the data pad his mind starts racing as he realize that his mission to this station was in danger, He mutters, Oh Frack!. he quickly pulls out his comm-link and Calls Leery, Leery get your shebs Back here Now, are Jawa friend just uncovered something that could mean trouble for are mission.

2008-01-30, 11:22 PM
Leery slaps his pocket scrambler on his minicommlink and talks to Big D...
"What is it? I just got ripped off at this craphole and I'm dyin' to leave!"

2008-01-30, 11:27 PM

Kell mentions the snippet of conversation he heard to the rest of the table as Voota is examining her data pad. Before there is time to discuss it the little being becomes agitated and shows off the data pad. Damn imperials. Kell thinks to himself. He thinks about how those troopers killed his master, and the fact that he was on the run from them even now. His master Aroon Baal was an Ithorian, one of the most peaceful creatures Kell had ever met, he fought with grace and dignity when called too, but it was a rare thing. There was nothing special about being human, and certainly nothing wrong with being another species. With all that had happened, and his continual flight, and betrayal, Kell feels a twinge of what could be hatred, and a little fear. "Fear and hatred lead to the darkside," Kell isn't sure if it is a memory, or an actual voice, but either way it calms him. He begins to approach things calmly. What do I do, should I help, or should I keep an even lower profile, all these things he contemplates, and tries to lessen his fear. He looks about at the people next to him, and with a slight twinge of worry towards the fellow who looks familiar, maybe even like a soldier, he wonders what they would do. They hadn't turned him into the empire at the landing station. I can't run forever. He looks around at the group before him with almost pleading eyes. "Maybe we should help." The words come out as barely a whisper.

2008-01-31, 12:04 AM

Krun observes the information from the datapad, a look of anger gradually forming the more he reads. "I just need to know one thing - Who is going with me to stop this?"

2008-01-31, 12:12 AM
Leery says over the datapad "Tell him I'll go, D. Please. I'm willing to deal with hutts to hurt the empire, count me in."
Leery hates hutts and refuses to learn the language or join one of their gangs, even though it would help him. Lazy slimy good-for-nothings have convinced him to do way too much insane crap.

2008-01-31, 03:07 PM
Inaction was her fault before. The memory of her last crew and the unfortunate events that lead her here haunt her, the wounds still fresh. But her fear drove her to run, drove her to this place and now, in her hands, she has the calling to do something outside of herself. Her doubt dissolves as Kell speaks. She nods slightly, making sure her voice stays low, "Ikeenseza. Ikefuna law na Impetawa."

The translation unit speaks, "Translation: I want to help. I want to fight the Empire." Voota looks to those who are gathered for direction. She isn't one to lead.

2008-01-31, 03:31 PM
No sooner than you can hurry to go off on this mission a group of people quickly run into the cantina and overturn tables and begin to hold their blasters towards the door for awaiting people. Immediately you notice one of the people as the rebel agent, you know this Voota because of scanning the files, Dando had seen what he looked like before the mission started. It is quite apparent that they are soon to have company, not the friendly kind either.

Everyone roll initiative.

OCC: Best I could do to get the new group in, thats them about to get into a fight and the rebel agent is also there. Faster we get past this the better.

2008-01-31, 04:03 PM
Voota Initiative


2008-01-31, 04:09 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob ducks into the bustling cantina with the others as they'd planned. Spreading out ready for their pursuit he kicks over a table for cover and holds his rifle towards the door.


2008-01-31, 09:04 PM
Sian Jobl

A Sullustan sits at the downstairs bar next to an older human male when the interlopers barge into the casino.

This place is getting more colorful by the minute, he says to his companion. We shoulda gone to the clinic first.

Sian swivels in his chair to face the commotion and places a hand on his blaster.

Initiative: [roll0]

2008-01-31, 09:28 PM

Kell ducks down slightly and reaches for his sling.


2008-02-01, 12:06 AM
Doctor Kast

Thomas Kast is most certainly an older human male that currently finds himself crouched near a barstool, having rushed over in a panic after bursting through the doors of the cantina. With dogged determination he reaches for one of the two weapon holsters he’s got strapped to his hips and feels around with futility. Then it strikes him; he’d pawned off the guns to add a healthy sum to his cred-chip and buy transport over to this station.

”Colorful, you say. What more color could we desire than a chance to look death in the eye and go running into a Cantina to face that death more squarely? Just look around: yellow liquor, orange liquor, even green liquor. Not to mention we would have missed out on the chance to make this something close to a fair fight. Crap, no gun. I think I’m going to have to make do with this stool.”


2008-02-01, 01:14 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Good thing you all wanted to join the fight because here's your chance. Dando then take his Rifle off his shoulder and joins the other group at the door and readys himself for the fight to come.

2008-02-01, 08:04 PM

In through the door comes first the rebel agent, a human female who looks beaten up compared to the other three who charged through the door. Finally after them comes a group of six people guns raised and looking for a fight. The crowds in the bar immediately start clearing out and there are races and people running all over the place in confusion at this sudden violence. Treat this fight as if every shot is shooting into a mellee -5 to attack rolls.

24 Bob
20 Rebel Agent
18 Sian
14 Dando
14 Kell
8 Imperial Agents
4 Voota
1 Dr. Kast

2008-02-01, 08:26 PM

The gruff scout quickly brings his gun to face the direction of the action

[OOC: Going to shoot the first being that looks imperial]

{Init: [roll0] }

{Attack roll: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] [roll3] stun }

2008-02-01, 10:41 PM
Err did you even see my post in the OOC post? Umm.... yea I am sorry but I had to make cuts and well just go there and catch up on things dude.

2008-02-02, 03:00 AM
Bob hopes he's well enough prepared for the fight to come. From behind the cover of the table he tipped over he takes a shot at the imperials coming through the door.

[roll0] Assuming point blank range.
Damage if necessary [roll1]

2008-02-02, 01:45 PM
The rebel agent whips out her blaster pistol as she takes cover behind a table.
Well thats the rebels turn.

2008-02-02, 01:50 PM

Krun remembers he had an important doctors appointment, and quickly sneaks away from the fight, never to be seen or heard from again.

2008-02-02, 05:03 PM
Well it seems no one is following this anymore, I kind of figured killing one game would do it to the other. I may get around to hosting another game in the future, a star wars one. However for now I feel I just do not have the time or determination to see this through. Anyways enjoy many sessions of DnD with others guys

2008-02-02, 06:53 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian hops off his barstool and fires upon the closest Imperial agent.

Attack: [roll0] (assuming point blank range)
Damage: [roll1]

((That was my bad. I've been sidetracked by accounting homework the past day and forgot my place in initiative order. Don't get too worried if combat goes a little slowly in a PbP game, it is definitely the part that takes the longest time to resolve.))

2008-02-02, 08:34 PM
Okay. Well we will see what happens.

2008-02-02, 09:57 PM

Seeing that everyone is having a difficult time to firing on the imperials, Kell focuses calmly for a moment, and fires his sling at the closest agent.

using battle strike
[roll0] use the force
attack roll
[roll1] -1 if use the force doesn't hit 15
[roll2] damage

[roll3] damage
[roll4] damage
[roll5] damage

2008-02-02, 10:11 PM
Voota ducks for cover and grabs her pistol from her robes. She slides to hide behind the closest table and takes aim. Once she has a good shot, she will take it, but she fears striking any innocents that might get in the way.

Hopefully she can hide behind this table and take aim this turn, then fire on the next round.

2008-02-02, 10:16 PM
Dando opens fire on the imperals

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-02-03, 03:27 AM
bob is the quickest to react and he quickly flips one of the many tables over and fires a shot in the direction of the oncoming attackers. Unfortunatly in his haste he misses the targets as they come through the door.

The rebel agent stumbles in and takes cover behind a table just trying not to get hit. Not much she can do in her condition, looks like she has taken several shots already from an earlier engagement.

Sian quickly leaps off his stoll and also fires at the agents coming into the door, however due to his surprise and the speed at which all of this is happening his shot does not connect, it however hits a light fixture making the room just a bit more darker.

Dando being the trained soldier quickly puts his weapon at the ready and fires hitting the target. One of the six agents goes down, he quickly screams as the blaster bolt pierces through him ending his life. One of the blaster shots hits Dando, it was a grazing shot however. -7 health.

Kell quickly whips out his sling and with the utmost concentration uses the force to guide his shot. His aim comes true as he hits one of the Imperial agents. The pellet hits one of the agents in the chest pretty bad but he shrugs it off.

The imperial agents are by now aware of the group and as they charge in they open fire. All of them are using nothing but blasters, and seeing the big clone warrior the majority aim for him, two others are taken aback by the strange creature filthy little creature in front of them with the glowing eyes and fire at it.

Voota ducks behind cover and whips out a gun, she is aiming at the troopers now getting ready to snap off a shot as soon as she can. Amazingly due to luck or her small size and probably with help from the cover neither of the blaster shots hit her.

The first three rolls of both sets are for Dando, the last two in each set for Voota.



2008-02-03, 03:33 AM
Doctor Kast

Crouched down behind barstool, the doctor decides to abandon his cover by scooping up said barstool and heaving it as forcefully into the midsts of the offending thugs. Perhaps a large flying object would give one of the barroom patrons a moment to land a telling blow.

[roll0]Aid Another on Sian Jobl. +2 to Hit on his attack next round.

2008-02-03, 08:15 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob remains behind cover, firing again at the nearest imperial.

Assuming point blank range.

To hit [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2008-02-03, 09:40 PM
The rebel agent keeps her head low as she fires at the Imperial agents.


Sian your up next (Baerdog7)

2008-02-03, 09:54 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian fires upon the nearest Imperial agent.

Attack: [roll0] assuming point blank range
Damage: [roll1] assuming point blank range

2008-02-03, 10:10 PM
Ill write a write up at the end of everyones round... it just describes what happened because of everyones actions then we start a new round. Sound good?

Dando (Greybacca) your up next dude.

2008-02-03, 10:58 PM
Dando shrugs off the glancing hit and continues to fire at the imperial agents

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Wow!!!! a perfect roll i do believe that is an automatic critical hit that dose double damage right. :biggrin: :cool:

2008-02-03, 11:45 PM

OOC: nat twenty on last use the force roll so i regain all force powers at end of turn so I regain battle strike.

Having at least made contact with the imperial, Kell concentrates again and fires another sling bullet.

[roll0] use the force check for battle strike
[roll1] -1 if battle strike is less than 15
[roll3] if dc 15
[roll4] if dc 20
[roll5] if dc 25
14 damage if a hit

2008-02-04, 09:47 AM
Trying to think calming thoughts wasn't helping, and since this was only her second fire fight in her life, it was hard to keep from shaking. It was even harder to keep from running, but since they seemed to want to kill her, making herself a bigger target by running didn't seem like a solid plan. At least she was small, and hopefully the table was going to give her enough of cover to survive this. And while the fear coursed through her veins, she was also aware of feeling more alive doing something than she felt before. Peeking out from her cover as she took aim, she fires her small pistol, hoping to end this madness quickly.

Swift action to complete her aim
Fire small pistol [roll0]
Damage if it hits [roll1]

2008-02-04, 05:49 PM
Doctor Kast

There is a certain amount of satisfaction to be gained from breaking a barstool over someone's head, and indeed it would likely become a tradition in many a bar-fight to come. Unfortunately, this particular attempt left the barstool sailing wide of its target to presumedly clatter harmlessly upon the ground past the thugs. With a grunt of consternation, our wily hero glanced about for another object to turn the tides of this pitched battle. He found it right next to him; it was Sian Jobl's bar-stool! Feeling somewhat more experienced with the long-distance throwing of heavy awkward objects, Thomas Kast snatched it up and gave the thing an experimental swing. The very next swing is the one that sends it catapulting towards the thugs. This time, it's just an attempt to buy time for one of the other bar patrons, who looked a bit winded, to keep his head low.

[roll0] Aid Another, +2 Reflex for Dando if result =10+

2008-02-04, 11:11 PM
Update tomorrow, damn busy day today, hospital situation working out.... sleep.... also no posts in the IC thread until I post the update tomorrow....

2008-02-05, 06:21 PM
Once again bob misses the Imperial agents, his bolt flies past them and out the cantina door. One of the agents has a bit of a smile on because of all the missed shots.

Alas the rebel agent is shaking too much from her wounds and when she fires also misses the intended target, she looks disappointed and even more tired from the effort of trying to shoot a gun.

Finally Sian pulls of a quick shot against the Imperials and this time his sight is true, he hits the one who had a cruel smile on his face and when the bolt hits the smile is wiped clean off his face, he hits the ground with a thud.

Dando once again using his skill lands a pin point shot against another of the Imperial agents, a third one falls to the ground dead. The others have a look of panic now as the fight starts to turn on them.

Kell lets another pellet off with his sling, once again he uses the force to propel the shot with amazing speed and strength and when the projectile hits the same Imperial as it did before he keels over with a small pool of blood forming around his skull, no doubt from a smashed in skull.

The Imperial agents seeing the dire situation take a quick step to the left and flip over a table and take cover behind it, they hope this will give them the advantage they need in the fight to win.

Voota blasts one of them with the tiny pistol, he was to slow to duck again and it hits his shoulder and he then disappears behind the table again. From the sounds of pain he is not dead, just in a lot of pain from the lazer barely hitting his shoulder.

The doctor throws yet another bar room object to the dismay of everyone around him as it also clatter harmlessly into the cover the Imperials are using. He really needs to find something better to throw at this point as stolls just don't cut it.

I am not trying to pick on you but Dando was before you and he succeeded on his roles so you tossed it for nothing dude. ;) I swear when this is over you better pick up one of their guns however cheap it may be.

2008-02-05, 06:52 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob is a little frustrated with his lack of effect. He grimaces and leans into the stock of his rifle, carefully squeezing off another shot.

Assuming point blank range

to hit [roll0]

damage [roll1]

2008-02-06, 03:25 PM
Rebel agent quickly fires a shot off.


2008-02-06, 05:24 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian takes another shot at the Imperials.

Doc, you're going to explain to me why you don't have a gun when this is all over.

[roll0] assuming PBR
[roll1] assuming PBR

2008-02-06, 06:27 PM
Dando shifts his aim to the next imperal and contnues to fire.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-02-06, 07:20 PM

Despite his master's teachings that the force is ever present, he feels a twinge of uncertainty. He doubts he can pull off that feat again. He looks over at Voota. "That was a great shot, maybe I can create another opening for you," Kell whispers quickly. Kell yells one of the most insulting things he picked up in the gutter at one of the uglier imperials hiding behind the table. It involves something to do with a Bantha, a Hutt, and some bizarre genetic splicing.

aid another check to aid in attacking for Voota

edit, okay just did everything backwards, sorry for the dp in advanced

2008-02-06, 07:26 PM
aid another check to aid in attacking for Voota

2008-02-06, 09:54 PM
There was an odd sense of pride in Voota as her shot made a difference. A small part of her began to rationalize everything that was happening around her, the part of this war she was playing and the future that would come about because of her actions here. She wasn't a simply jawa trader anymore, and that was surprisingly ok.

She spares a quick glance over to the rebel agent, hoping they could finish this quickly and save a life. An hopefully a win for the rebellion.

Kell's words give her strength and she nods, taking another shot at the Imperials trying to kill them all.

Attack [roll0]
Possible damage [roll1]

2008-02-06, 10:56 PM
The fighting carries on for only a few more seconds, finally Voota and Dando score hits on the remaining Imperial goons and end their life. The cantine is now quite empty from the fight, except for the bartender who took a backseat to watch it all as though it is the most exciting thing he has had privledge to see in a while.

The rebel agent along with the three others get up. She kind of wobbles as she gets up from her injuries but manages.

"Uhh thanks for the help, it seems I have been getting a lot of that today."

2008-02-07, 12:05 AM
Bob Morlich

Bob steps out from behind the cover of his table, still covering the imperials with his rifle. He checks to make sure none of them are going to be getting up any time soon, kicking weapons away from their reach, just in case.

2008-02-07, 12:32 AM
Sian Jobl

Sian walks over to the Rebels.

Don't worry about it. You guys okay?

2008-02-07, 05:21 AM
Doctor Kast

The older man that has unfortunately distinguished himself as a furniture mover, as opposed to a battle-hardened medic, finally starts to do what comes natural. With a careful sigh he leans over the Bar to check on the barkeeper and see if he is well. Certainly, then, he's rushing over to check on the wounds of the female and keep an eye out for any stragglers that might have gotten taken down by some of the stray blaster fire. With any luck, most of the misses will have sailed into a wall. With ill luck, someone was going to need an amputation right here and now.

"Ma'am, you look pretty beat up there. I'm something of a medic. Are you able enough to move, or would you like me to look you over right here?" this last bit he adds with a glance towards the door as if expecting further trouble to rear its ugly head from the sound of all that blasterfire.

2008-02-07, 09:29 AM

Kell shudders and sits down in shock when the rush of the moment leaves him. The imperials had been trying to kill that lady, and it was right to defend her, but he'd never killed anyone before. He doesn't feel glad that they were dead, but he does feel a little strange about the thrill that the fight had given him. He puts away his sling and collects himself after a moment. He gives a shaky nod towards Voota's great shooting, as well as some of the others. He stands, and tries to regain his slightly cocksure attitude.

2008-02-07, 09:55 AM
The battle over and the win on their side, Voota tries to relax and let the rush out of her system so she could thing. She turns to Kell, and nods approvingly. "Taa baa, eyata." The small translator speaks, "[Translation] Thank you, friend." Voota nods, understanding that some of the sentiment is lost in the translation.

She sees that the Doctor is taking care of the wounded, something she has no skill in and she begins to run through the rules of scavenging in her head. Her instinct screams that they don't have much time, not with that much noise, and whatever goods they need to grab must be done quickly. And they should have a lookout. Always have a lookout, that was a golden rule of survival in their tribe and she doubts that the Imperials are more friendly than the Tusken Raiders who were known to savage her people. She looks to Dando, "Uttobuka de Umpee?" The box adds, "[Query] Can you watch ** Empire?" Not really waiting for an answer, Voota scurries over to the downed foes and looks for anything that is of use or that might be going off to give their position away.

Perception check to search [roll0]

She has no interest in the weapons, but devices, tools, things like that.

2008-02-07, 12:44 PM
Dando quickly makes sure that none of the imperial have survived he then search the body any useful items, Dando will also take one of the rifle from the imperial body as a spare for himself. he also will pick up a pistol and a rifle and move over to the doctor and says to him next time your in a blaster fight having a blaster would help you, so here, Dando then hands over the pistol and the rifle he picked up for him. And since you seem to be the Doc can you take a look at this blaster burn when you have a moment.

perception [roll]1d20+6[roll]

2008-02-07, 12:46 PM
perception [roll0]

2008-02-07, 04:12 PM
The rebel agent looks towards the man who says he was a doctor. "I hate to play the damsel in distress here but yea I think these wounds need to be looked over."

She looks around at the now odd group of people that had helped her, finally she speaks up.

"Uhh... thank you, I am not really sure who you people are at this point but thanks for the help."

She is still too shocked from the battle to make sense of things or maybe she is just puzzling it all out before she talks again. There is now an odd silence filling the room after she spoke.

2008-02-07, 05:01 PM
Voota spares a quick look up from the small shiny worthless bits on the floor that seem to have caught her attention. She nods to the rebel agent, "M'um m'aloo. Ikee cabangawa thinbe utooeni eklinci manje. Umpee hunya." The translator pipes up, "[Translation] Hello. I think we are *pop* side now. The Empire will *hiss* as enemies." She moves away from the bodies, not finding anything of interest at the moment. She shows the rebel agent the datapad information that brought them into the fight, keeping a firm hand on her new possession so that it isn't taken from her. She also keeps her distance so that the Doctor can do his work. She looks to Kell, hoping he can better explain since she can't speak the language.

2008-02-07, 05:08 PM
Bob remains all business, going over to the door to glance outside, looking to see if there are any additional security on the way.

Might I suggest that we keep introductions to a minimum until we move, this little firefight is bound to have attracted attention, we'd be better to move as soon as we can.

He looks over at the nervous looking youth with the sling, Chin up, you did good kid.


2008-02-07, 08:18 PM

Kell nods in appreciation, he also tries to help explain to the rebel quickly what Voota is talking about, and the reference to the data pad. "Yeah, we're all in it pretty deep as of now, but I for one am ready to stay in till the end. The imperials might not be all bad, but those in power sure seem to be. I'll do anything to help." He pauses uncertainly for a moment, "Maybe I should grab one of those blasters, might not know how to use one very well but it will probably pack more of a punch than my sling." He wanders over and tries to find a pistol or rifle that has been left.

2008-02-07, 08:41 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian eyes the Jawa and introduces himself to the Rebel.

My name's Sian Jobl. This is Doctor Kast.

He looks at Bob, then the others.

He's right. We really do need to get going.

2008-02-07, 11:01 PM
Nay they were meeting up with the smugglers, however we will see where it goes from there. no time to update today so I will do one tomorrow. So feel free to get in any last role playing before I make my post tomorrow. Also those of you looking for pistols find them just a basic blaster pistol nothing special about em.

Also XP tomorrow I promise, remind me or something :P

2008-02-08, 01:16 AM
Doctor Kast

The doctor leans thoughtfully over the rebel agent that attracted all of this attention. "I think you're safe to move; nothing looks broken. Here, hold your hand right here and lets get you moving." With a dutiful nod of thanks, Thomas Kast takes the pistol and rifle from the offering Dando and holsters one, before slinging the other at his back. With that settled, he crouches down to help the woman up and give presumedly much needed support to help her and the rest of them make their escape.

Along the way, he remarks to Sian Jobl's introductions. "Ayep, I'm Kast. Pretty straightforward, as if you were fishing. But then, I don't suppose many of you have gone fishing? I'd take Sian here, but I hear tell he prefers to fish with his blaster. Takes all the fun out of it, if you ask me." this exchange is more of an effort to ease the worries of everyone. If he were actually good at it, he'd probably be a general instead of a doctor.

Taking 10 on the Heal Check to determine if she's well enough to move to safety before more drastic treatment. Total = 19.

2008-02-08, 01:22 AM
Not seeing anything immediately untoward outside the cantina Bob walks back in towards the others, stooping on the way to pick up a loose blaster pistol which he tucks into his belt.

Approaching the doctor and the rebel agent he says, The name is Morlich. How bad is she? She can move? We really should get out of here before more security shows up. There's already plenty of witnesses who will be able to describe us, let's not wait for more.

2008-02-08, 09:35 AM
Voota stares at Doctor Kast for a moment, as if trying to figure something out. Leaving her momentary confusion behind, she does her best to make note of everyone's name before pointing at herself, "Voota."

She was never one to lead, so she waits in silent agreement to follow the group where ever they should go.

2008-02-08, 09:58 AM
Moving so he can speak to the rebel agent and say, I'm CT-1380 known now as Dando Zarus, but you can call me Dan, the other are right we should leave this place soon, but i also believe i should inform you that your presence here is compromised, my little friend here has found a imperial data-pad, As he jester's to Voota the Jawa, and it has your image in it.

2008-02-08, 07:04 PM
Busy tonight, however every one gains a level do a cheer ;) that is a lot of role playing.

2008-02-09, 12:59 PM

Kell moves quickly and grabs a holster as well, but he's worried about knowing how to use the pistol properly. As they rush to leave he walks to Dando with a question, "Maybe if we get a chance could you show me how to use this thing? I haven't really used one before."

2008-02-09, 01:42 PM
Looking outside the door you see that down across the other side of the promenade there are dedicated imperial storm troopers making their way down the street, they are only being slowed by the crowd and the need to ask questions about what had happened.

The rebel agent walks to the door and also sees this "****! We have to leave now, I was trying to get back to my safe house and I think we had better go there. You are gonna have to learn to fire that thing either later or first hand experience if we don't get out of here."

She waits by the door waiting for the others to follow her to the hideout, she puts her hood up and quickly beckons the others to follow her.

I need stealth checks for all of you.

2008-02-09, 02:17 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian holsters his blaster and follows the Rebel agent out of the cantina, attempting to use his small stature to blend into the crowd.

Stealth: [roll0]

2008-02-09, 03:11 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob slings his rifle over his shoulder while he waits for the others to follow the agent, ushering them quickly out the door. When they have all moved out he takes a least glance over his shoulder at the approaching stormtroopers before following himself, bringing up the rear.

Stealth [roll0]

2008-02-09, 04:13 PM
Sure OK but first lets get out of here.

stealth [roll0]

2008-02-10, 12:26 AM

Kell quickly follows the group out the door, trying to remain inobtrusive.


2008-02-10, 09:56 AM
Even though she is an unusual sight in these part, Voota does her best to go unnoticed in the crowd.

Stealth [roll0]

2008-02-10, 02:20 PM
Doctor Kast

Despite keeping a steady eye upon the woman to ensure that she does not collapse from her injuries, Thomas Kast moves to make his way in her wake. In one sense, he has one of the best chances to slip away for he is nothing but another human compared to aliens, clone troopers, and more. In another sense, he does have a certain walk about him that makes it slightly hard to conceal his own sense of self righteousness.

[roll0]Stealth Roll.

2008-02-11, 12:53 PM
You manage to avoid being caught by the imperial troops that are now quickly moving through the crowd to where you had previously been. The rebel agent quickly leads you away from the main promenade and down one of the many ally ways. She suddenly stops and you all notice a door that was cleverly made to blend in with the wall. She opens the door and allows you to enter the room first.

Going into the room it is clear no one has been here in awhile as a fine layer of dust is starting to cover things. The room itself is small with only what appears to be a bedroom and a small and cramped kitchen. On the other side of the room is a door that presumably leads out into the hallway of whatever building you are now in.

She beckons you to sit on the dust covered bed since there is no where else to sit. She works her way over to the kitchen and pressing a button opens the door to the fridge and grabs some fruit to eat. Some of the ceiling lights are not working so the room has a dim look to it.

OOC: Okay thats my last post for... maybe a day because I am getting kinda sick with something and I feel really dizzy at the moment.

2008-02-11, 04:03 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob enters the room behind the others. He does a quick scan around the room and walks to the other door, studying it briefly making sure it is sealed. When he's happy the small room is secure he squats with his back against the wall, rather than trying to find space to sit on the crowded bed, cradling his rifle in his arms.

2008-02-12, 10:47 AM
Voota quickly moves into the new location, and gets her bearings for a moment. She has her eye out for anything left unattended, but with the owner close by, she doubts she could easily claim anything. A lesson she learned about ownership and humans from her old crew is still fresh in her memory. She looks about, trying to find a comfortable place to sit, a bit uncertain about this new group. As the rebel agent eats, she looks a bit longingly at the food. It has been a while since she had a decent meal, but hunger never really bothered her. The harsh desert was often unforgiving and it wasn't that uncommon to go for days without a solid meal. She could hold out a bit longer, or at least until it was offered to her.

Looking about the room, she tries to judge this group. Her mind wonders just what lies ahead, but she takes a moment to re-introduce herself to fill the gap of anything better to say. Pointing to herself, "Voota."

2008-02-12, 11:48 AM
Dando enter the room and looks around and thinks, Well I've been in and seen worse then this place. after a few minutes Dando Says, Ma'am whats are next move.

2008-02-12, 02:08 PM

Kell follows them into the room and stays near Voota and Dando if possible, at least he knows them a little. He seems a bit more relaxed at the moment though, and smiles when Voota introduces herself.

2008-02-12, 11:13 PM
"Well, make yourselves at home. I am sure you will find some old bit of food in the fridge to eat before we get down to the business at hand. While you guys eat I will just fill you in with what has been going on."

She waits for the first movements from the people in the room and after they have all started to move around she started anyways.

"Well... first of all my name is Shannon, now that it out of the way. I was sent here by senator Bail Organa, rumor was the Hutts and other gang lords were not to pleased about the empire and what it is now doing to the system. So I am here trying to recruit any help possible, right now I am just trying to meet with the Hutt and see if he will discuss an arrangement with senator Organa. I had come across a crucial piece of information earlier today, and well it was also an ambush. My informant has set up a meeting for us with the Hutt but he has perished and I nearly did too. However I was rescued twice in one day, I mean what are the odds. I already have some help enlisted for this, I believe you met them in the Cantina and now know each other. We were just trying to get away from those agents for a little while but the fight spilled over to the Cantina. We do have a meeting set up for tonight, however I do not think it would be wise if I show myself and not to mention I do need some rest after all of that. So I am going to ask if you will go in my place, you already helped me once and who knows the Senator may reimburse you for your time wasted. So what do you say?"

2008-02-12, 11:28 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian scratches one of his large jowls while he thinks.

This hutt...his name's not Barda is it?

2008-02-12, 11:49 PM
I'm at your service Ma'am, what ever you need done i will do to the best of my ability. Says Dando.

2008-02-13, 01:58 AM
When the clone has spoken Bob speaks up Count me in he says simply.

2008-02-13, 10:28 AM

"That seems like a good plan to me." Kell begins to forage, not minding the slightly old food.

2008-02-13, 11:06 AM
Voota moves to grab some food, since it was offered, taking anything that looks edible even if it is moldy. She listens intently to what she is being told, but at the mention of the Hutts, she grows a bit agitated. Tatooine, her home, is controlled by the Hutts and the life they let the others squeak out is shameful. She remembers hearing about how the Hutts cut into her tribes profits, driving them out of the cities and luring them into bad deals and using their driods without paying for them. More than a few Jawa were known to join the Hutts and disappear. The Hutts were dirty, and she had hoped she was done with them.

She looks at Shannon, "Etee uwanna keena. Nyeta Hutaga. Hutaga nyeta eyeta autoo. Hutaga eyeta hutaga. Hutaga waa m'gasha." The translation box speaks in its low male tones, "[Translation] I will help, but no Hutts. Hutts will no *ssss* friends. Hutts only friend Hutts. Their deals cost *pop* much." She is clearly upset by the thought of dealing with another Hutt and she gives off a foul odor. This suddenly lends credence to the old Tatooine saying, "Never stand downwind of an angry Jawa".

2008-02-13, 12:17 PM
Doctor Kast

The doctor presumedly finishes helping the Rebel Agent to her chair and glances around the room to see if anything useful lies about. Despite that, he strides swiftly over to Dando and eyeballs the blaster singe for a long moment. The human reaches down into his medkit and pulls forth something that does not at all resemble a Medpac. Infact, it resembles nothing so much as simple massage ointment. "Here, let me see to that right quick. I've mixed in some herbs and the like, and it works pretty well for this kind of thing. Might want to grit your teeth, but the numbness should set in right quick."

Assuming he is not hindered in this task, he swipes a small bit of the ointment beneath his nose so that he is completely unable to smell the Jawa stinking up the room, and massages the rest into Dando's exposed blast. The entire affair is a vigorous effort, and rightly would sting sharply as any wound might if it were poked and prodded, but within moments the effects of the 'ointment' set in. It smells roughly of eucalyptus.

[roll0] Use the Force for Vital Transfer on Dando.

Only after that short affair does Thomas Kast regard the wounded Rebel agent and nod steadily to her tale. "You've certainly got my ear. Hum... Barda the Hutt? Sian, you've got a few dealings with the Hutts?"

2008-02-13, 01:12 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian scratches and ear and grins sheepishly.

My brother and I may have, um, tried to defraud Barda out of a large chunk of money. We, uh, failed and from what I hear there is a bounty for information on the whereabouts of a certain pair of Sullustan brothers.

2008-02-14, 11:04 PM
Still out of commission guys, I apparently have pneumonia and am praying it does not get worse... which it has been all week!!!

This is getting pretty bad, I think its at its apex right now so expect a post Monday, if things change I will let you know.

2008-02-18, 12:17 PM
Shannon is silent as she watches the new comers settle down. Ignoring the smell from the Jawa she finally continues on after it is clear they are waiting for the next step in the plan.

"Well, I have to set up a meeting with this Hutt and yes his name is Barda. Guess even new comers have heard of him. Anyways I have a meeting with one of his informants who is passing a message on to us. It is either going to be a trap or he will take us to see Barda. This messenger is in the slums of this station, not a safe journey all in itself. So if you guys are ready we should set off as soon as possible as he is expecting us today. However if there is anything you need to do before we go there then just let me know."

She just waits to see the effects of her words on the group and awaits a reply from them.

2008-02-18, 01:38 PM
((OOC: Hope you're feeling better Gamgee.))

Bob listens to the conversation and after Shannon has stated her request he says I have no experience with the politics and intricacies or dealing with hutts, but I that also means I have no inconvenient standing either. I should think that I can be involved in a meeting without putting it in jeopardy. And if it's a trap, well, knowing it's a trap ahead of time is half the battle. The best way to deal with a trap is spring it. I'm in.

2008-02-18, 03:24 PM
Voota sighs, trying to calm herself down a bit. Like always, it was seemingly impossible to proceed without dealing with a Hutt. As much as she didn't care for this course of action, she nods slowly to agree to the plan as is.

2008-02-18, 11:22 PM

"I agree, only one way to find out, don't worry Voota, stick close to me and we'll get out okay." He nods, but in reality he's only heard about the Hutts in the negative. Hopefully it will be okay.

2008-02-19, 08:48 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian shakes his head.

I'm not sure that it'd be a good idea to have me in the party that goes to meet Barda. There's too much of a risk of him recognizing me. I'd be more than willing to help in any other way I can though.

2008-02-20, 10:36 AM
Doctor Kast

With an affirmative nod, Thomas Kast drags over a chair to get slightly more comfortable. He's just feeling a wee bit dizzy from all that running around, and the quick treatments, but he mumbles out to whomever might ask that he's as well as can be expected. Almost as if a fluke of luck, Barda the Hutt becomes the centerpiece of conversation.

"With that kind of attention, there's no way for you to run around planet side without some kind of cover, Sian. Heck, I'm not sure if there's anybody on this hunk of metal junk that could rig up a few fake IDs and maybe toss some cosmetics on you. Of course, I always thought that blonde wigs really brought out your cheek bones." this last is said with a guffaw.

2008-02-20, 11:00 AM
Sian Jobl

And pumps really accentuate my butt. Sian says, standing on his tiptoes to reinforce the point.

2008-02-20, 02:16 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob can't help but crack a smile at the back and forth banter between the two.

2008-02-21, 04:10 PM
Shannon laughs at the talk going on between the group. Finally however she decides its time to get going. Putting on a different jacket she quickly steps outside the door and back into the side ally.

She waits for everyone to get out before shutting and locking it. Finally she checks quickly to make sure the door blends in well. After that she quickly walks down the ally and out into the brighter light of the street. Despite being over Nar Shadaa one of the most filthy places in the universe, literally as well as metaphorically the station was incredibly clean. It was an odd contrast to the dark and grey planet it orbited.

After half an hour of walk in silence they finally started to get into the area of the station where it was darker simulating night. Or maybe the lights had just fallen into disrepair as much of the light generated here was from the neon signs of bars, taverns and strip joints. The crowds had also disappeared for obvious reasons. That being no one normal would want to get caught down in these streets.

However it was none of the bars she led them too, walking past a great deal of these she finally started walking down a street leading to the outer sections of the station. As they walked the ground got progressively worse. Here and there it was obvious the station had not been completed as entire floor panels were missing and a fall into the depths of the stations machinery was possible. However slummy buildings still lined the streets and once in awhile you could catch a glimpse of a non human. The walls were dirty and in some places carbon scarring revealed that blasters had been fired back here. The lights were also even worse and many were smashed and broken.

Finally at the end of these crummy homes was what appeared to be a warehouse. It was here the residents decided it was to dangerous to live as much of the floor was missing revealing a lot of the inner workings of the station. Looking down one of these holes it was easy to hear machinery clanking or hissing away at some purpose however nothing could be seen because of the height involved in a fall.

As they entered the warehouse and went into the main hallway in the dim light they could just barely make out a little dim light and two Gamorean guards standing beside the door. They appeared to be bored and not taking the job at hand seriously. Shannon quickly turned to the group.

"Okay I have led you here but in case it is an Imperial trap I am not going to go in. I need you to ask the informant about the meeting with the Hutt. He is very knowledgeable and if rumors are correct he is trying to go in league with the Hutts. That is not the point, he is also in the possession of a very valuable piece of information involving the rebellion. If you can try and get it out of him, although that may be tricky. When your done meet me out here, and if I hear blaster fire I will assume its a trap and meet you back at the hideout."

OCC: Sorry, couldn't get on the forums the other day.

2008-02-21, 07:57 PM

Far from being unsettled by the appearance of the area, Kell actually seems to become more at ease as they get closer to the building. He holsters his new blaster in a more relaxed manner. The guards are intimidating, but nothing his new group couldn't handle, he was sure of it. This would actually all go pretty well with a little luck.

2008-02-21, 10:35 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob moves easily and silently over the rough terrain, avoiding the missing deck plates and holes. When they arrive at the warehouse he assesses the two guards from a distance. With a grim look, he prepares to spring the suspected trap with the others.

2008-02-23, 08:50 AM
Voota nods a Kell, taking some comfort in his words before they head out. This place was strange, but gave her the sense of wandering around a much cleaner sandcrawler and she could find comfort in that.

The machinery down below was of great interest, but even Voota had enough smarts to understand the dangers of getting too close or falling down the many hole in this area. Of course, this would make movement very difficult, which would only make the trap that more effective.

Being bait is her favorite idea, but the group seemed ok with it, so what could she do. But her small size might make it easier for her to give them an extra edge. She eyes the Gamoreans, sighing slightly at the familiarity. Stupid, but brutal - the perfect guard. She turns to face the group and presses a small button on the translator, "[Translation] We should proceed with caution." She takes a moment to scan the area, trying to notice anything the might tip the hand of the trap or give her any idea of who might be hiding out there.

Perception [roll0]

2008-02-23, 10:27 AM
Dando nods to her and say Can do Ma'am. with that Dando confidently walk forward toward the two Gamorean guards.

Perception [roll0]

2008-02-23, 04:18 PM
Sian Jobl

With no other options presenting themselves, Sian follows along with the others.

I wonder why they never finished the station here, he muses at one point, looking at the machinery below.

When the finally come to the warehouse, he loosens the blaster in his holster and follows along behind the group.

2008-02-24, 11:12 PM
Ill update tomorrow guys.

2008-02-25, 10:37 PM
Awwww crap... I forgot all about this. Damn bus broke and I had to walk from school. That being a few miles, and not being used to this I can definitely say I am in some pain from this whole exercise thing. That and I have been busy with getting into a college so in other words I am so tired I can't update today. I swear I will get around to it tomorrow after some rest and not having to walk miles upon miles!!!

2008-02-26, 05:29 AM
Doctor Kast

"Sian, do you ever get the feeling your careening towards some unknown destination so fast you don't have a moment to pack your things, you've only got the chance to hold on and pray to everything you hold dear that wherever you end up isn't going to be quite as nasty as the frying pot you just leaped out of? Yeah, that was Rhetorical, and I can't remember the last time I saw Gamoreans guarding anything particularly pleasant."

The older gentlemen absently fingers his newfound cheap blaster rifle as discreetly as he can manage. It's not that he was unfamiliar with such things, but that it had been several years since he last had to draw one fast enough to save his life. The sudden likelihood of having to do so in the immediate future had him contemplating the best way to pull it off.

Dando seems a brave enough fella, and though the good doctor is certainly the hero of this tale, he would be lost without an amazing supporting cast such as people who were happily willing to chat up hulking space pigs that could split a clone trooper in twain with an overly violent sneeze. If Thomas Kast was aware of modern pop-culture, he might have committed himself to the idea that Dando was one minority that was NOT going to die this early in the story. But since he is not, he simply committed himself to the idea that Dando was NOT going to die on his watch.

2008-02-26, 06:59 PM
The group gave a slight hesitation and looked down the hall at the Gamoreans. Then they all started ti walk forward. As they were walking forward Dando and Voota scanned ahead for anything that might be of interest in such a deadly situation.

Looking forward they seen the door at the end was open and appeared to lead into a massive and old warehouse that looks like it has been abandoned. Nothing really stands out as truly dangerous about the guards and so they finally step forward enough so they can be seen properly by the guards.

They don't really looked to shocked to see such an odd assortment of beings in the hallway and as if bored wave the group through with a drunk and a squeal. However most of the group is unsure if its safe to go through the door. It was clear these guards were not expecting much to happen.

2008-02-26, 08:07 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian nods as he falls in step with the doctor.

I know what you mean Doc. That's why I find it easiest to keep what I need with me and just try and enjoy the ride.

He eyes the Gamoreans as they enter the warehouse.

'Course, that's not to say that the ride is always enjoyable. I'm just hoping we can all get out of here peaceably.

2008-02-27, 01:11 AM
Bob Morlich

Keeping his eyes on the two gamoreans Bob walks through the doors, noting that they look bored more than anything, not the sort of mood one would be in if one were expecting trouble.

2008-02-28, 11:40 AM
Voota follows the group, doing her best to keep her cool. The dark warehouse and the unknown contents inside didn't sit well with her, but she was in this now. Keeping to the middle of the group, she follows past the familiar looking guards and into the warehouse.

2008-02-29, 03:27 PM
Upon entering the warehouse it is quite apparent that the lights are almost all but broken. So entering is like walking into an eerie dim, one well lit spot however is a light down the stairs and in the center of the massive warehouse. You would only see the light from your elevated position because scattered around the warehouse are crates, some so big you could stand in them and other small enough for some cover if it was needed.

Looking at the small glow you can see something only the richest of people could dream of using, there was a candle alight on a metallic desk, the glow from the light flows over a computer and some datapads. No one is behind the desk, there are a few chairs in front of it that seem to beckon to be sat in.

2008-03-02, 11:03 AM

""Well, this is a cheery place." Kell walks forward cautiously towards the chairs, and checks to see if anybody else is about.


2008-03-02, 04:37 PM
Bob Morlich

Bob takes in the scene ahead of them, from their raised vantage point, the dark room with only a single candle. He brings up his rifle and uses the low light sight to scan the room below, looking to see if there are any other beings hiding behind the crates scattered around the room.

Perception [roll0]

2008-03-03, 11:24 AM
Doctor Kast

The good doctor does as he has done for the past several minutes, with one distinct difference; there is no off-color commentary. While the past half an hour has seen them wandering the station and emerging from the depths of a rebel home there has been little of note occurring besides the Gamoreans. And, while they were certainly threatening, he had seen them in bars on many on occasion and the tried tactic of 'leaving them alone' seems to have paid off yet again. So, it is without further ado that he follows along with the rest of the fellows as he's been doing for a while now.

2008-03-03, 04:21 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian casts his eyes over the room, using his natural ability to see in the dark to try and find anything else out of the ordinary.

See anything strange, Bob? Aside from the table and random candle, of course.

Edit: I suppose I should include some rolls.
Perception: 1d20+7

2008-03-03, 04:49 PM
Scanning the darkness with her glowing eyes, Voota looks for anything that might grab her interest more than an unattended computer and free datapads. The light made seeing in the dark a bit more annoying, but it was worth checking before she dove in to the bounty that awaits before her. She makes small noises of excitement as she moves through the room, watchful and moving toward the desk with purpose.

Perception [roll0]

2008-03-03, 09:49 PM
The rolls weren't working in my above post. Here's Sian's perception check.


2008-03-04, 11:21 AM
Bob Morlich

Sian Jobl

See anything strange, Bob? Aside from the table and random candle, of course.

Still panning the room through his low light scope Bob says, That candle does reveal some affectation about this contact. I wonder if the multiple datapads means they were expecting more than one person to show up? How could they know?

2008-03-04, 10:34 PM
RIP Gary Gygax. May he roll on a chart to figure out how he rests.

Update tomorrow guys, had a terrible god awful sleep last night and I am heading off to bed early.

2008-03-06, 02:48 PM
Taking a further look around the room you can barely make out the figure of a man over by the desk and candle light. He is in the shadows and its impossible to tell if he is facing away or at the table. Finally in the very dim light of the room you can make out closed doors on either end of the warehouse. It looks like it is just you and whoever the mysterious figure is near the desk.

Finally upon reaching the desk and waiting for a minute it is clear the figure had their back turned on the group. He continues to keep his back turned as he looks for something in a small cabinet. Finally as eyes adjust to the light it is apparent it is a 3P0 series of droid. He is silent as he goes about his task looking through the cabinet.

2008-03-06, 10:21 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian's fingers twitch at the sight of the droid.

NO! No Sian, that droid's not for tinkering with. Get a grip.

He sighs, clears his throat, and raps his fingers on the desk.

Need help with something?

2008-03-07, 11:27 PM

Bob follows the group to the candlelit table, but he allows Sian do the talking, while he continues to keep watch away from the lone droid, scanning the rest of the room, watching for anything that might indicate an ambush.

Perception check [roll0]

2008-03-07, 11:28 PM

Acute Senses re-roll perception [roll0]

2008-03-08, 09:13 PM
Update tomorrow, or maybe not brawl comes out... giving people more time to post. Also lol at the perception roll, can't win em all.

2008-03-08, 10:22 PM
Mmmm...Brawl. I'll definitely be trying to get my hands on a copy tomorrow.

Of course, that means I'll have to put my Fullmetal Alchemist watching on hold. Oh well. :smallbiggrin:

2008-03-09, 04:01 PM
Doctor Kast

"You know, all things considered I don't think that droid even needs light to read. I imagine we should consider ourselves honored to even have a candle light for us. But, at the same time that bodes oddly for the fact the droid apparently knew we were comming today."

Without further aplomb, the good doctor makes his way to a nearby chair and helps himself to a seat. Why would they be out if they were not to sit? He didn't want to offend the person who invited them here by being disrespectful to his droid property. Regardless, he lets Sian do the talking. This is what Sian does best, when it comes to droids, and who knows what kind of logic rings he could run around the brain of the droid. Possibly even information about it's owner?

2008-03-10, 08:55 AM
Free of anything that might stop her, Voota moves over to the desk. The droid was an interesting site, but she didn't have any of her equipment with at the moment, so it would have to wait. Right now, she has datapads to grab, and that is what she does.

Taking one of the pad, she fiddles with it, seeing what she can find out before she adds it to her collection. It was a datapad that got her into this mess, but it did teach her that these things can be full of secrets.

Use Computer [roll0]

2008-03-12, 09:42 AM

OOC: sorry this took a while, couldn't seem to connect to giant in the playground for a while

"Be careful Voota." As his small friend starts fiddling with the data pad he hovers closely and protectively.

2008-03-12, 04:58 PM
Sian Jobl

Sian glares at the Jawa.

Put the datapad back, Voota. It's not yours and I know for a fact that Barda doesn't like being stolen from.

2008-03-13, 12:13 AM
The droid suddenly speaks up to the group at large "I would advise you not to touch my stuff, the last time someone tried that they wound up walking out with one less arm. Now straight to business, I of course know why you are here. I possess information that you need. Now all I need to know is what will I get in return for this information."

The droid turns around from the cupboards and comes out with yet another datapad. Finally he takes a seat on the opposite side of the table and stares at the group. "Oh my apologise, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Switch."

Holy crap, that took so long to get on here. Between the forums crapping out for me and the whirlwind of awsome that is brawl I lost track of time and here it is... I think its wednesday.... not really sure.

2008-03-13, 02:12 AM

Bob continues to sweep the room watching for any sign of an ambush. When the droid speaks Bob's only response is muttered under his breath, not really meant to be heard, "How about we don't let the little guy dismantle one or two of your arms?"

2008-03-13, 03:03 AM
Switch speaks up once again, this time he has chosen to place his hands together in relaxing manner a very human gesture. Not something a droid does often. "Oh please, you do not think I would be so uncivilized to do it myself. No I have workers that do that. However you all seem a reasonable sort so I assume we can get business done? For the record my hearing is not quite as bad as yours, so you may as well speak up if you have something to say."

2008-03-13, 09:38 AM
Voota frowns at Sian, an expression that is completely hidden by her hood and facial wrappings. But, between Kell and Sian, she reluctantly puts the datapad down. As the droid speaks, Voota is taken a back. Clearly, someone hasn't taught this droid its manners and she scans the droid for its restraining bolt.

It was odd to her that the droid would tell them it has the information they seek and make demands. After all, in her tribe, they would just shoot the droid and take the parts and information they need. Looking at her companions, her mind tries to figure out just what is going on here and why. That very uncertainty and confusion prevents her from following her natural instincts - for the moment.

2008-03-15, 10:53 PM
It is quite clear this game is running out of steam. I too feel the pressure gone, and so I have to announce this is the end. I will not be updating this anymore, I mean it was good while it lasted if a tad boring and now I know what not to do, that is bore myself and other to death. Not to mention it looks like we lost a few as well. So anyways good bye, and thanks for all the fish.

2008-03-18, 06:23 PM
Thanks for all the fish!
Don't forget your Towel!