View Full Version : Why V ain't a lady!

Alex Warlorn
2008-01-29, 05:37 PM
Let us first review some traditionally used conventions in our culture for story telling.

One, this is a male oriented culture, and the group already has it's token female in our current rebel leader.

Second, since this is a male oriented culture, any female, past the age of consent, shall have curves, no matter how lose their robes, or how many layers of armor they are wearing, you will still be able to see the shape of their maternal material. (Skipping the possibility of V, what was the last female humanoid you saw in the comic, regardless of attire, that you could make out the curves?).

V, HAS no curves! Thus, V is a guy! Third is that the Dungeon Master had admitted that he didn't plan on V's gender being ambiguous, but realized he had something useful for the story on his hands.

2008-01-29, 05:43 PM
Wow. That was a very fresh point of view. You are really original.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-01-29, 05:46 PM
Listen here Doc, That dosen't prove anything!

Art style! *PFFT!* It's freaking Stick figure Art for Budha's sake!

If the only proof you have is "mandatory curves", Then I don't think your argument is complete.

Firstly because Rich can choose whether or not to draw them, He dosen't need some "law" telling him what he can and can't draw! He left them out for comidic and mysterious perposes, and they shall not be used as proof of gender.

The defense rests.

2008-01-29, 05:47 PM
Wow. That was a very fresh point of view. You are really original.

Sarcasm detected off the port bow! Shields up! :smallbiggrin:

Look, until Rich says "boy/girl/both/neither" there really no point debating this. You see V as a boy; I see her as a girl despite your arguments. The author is the only one who can resolve this debate.

2008-01-29, 05:52 PM
Seems like there's always one of these threads up
There is a very simple answer to the question: V doesn't have a gender

2008-01-29, 06:13 PM
I have met some real life masculine looking female..... and they don't have curves wearing a T-SHIRT (smaller than A size breast too) and over the age of consent (they were 25 when I met them) sooooooo......

nope!! I don't follow :) V might be a female with small curves. ;)

2008-01-29, 06:51 PM
Let us first review some traditionally used conventions in our culture for story telling.

One, this is a male oriented culture, and the group already has it's token female in our current rebel leader.

Second, since this is a male oriented culture, any female, past the age of consent, shall have curves, no matter how lose their robes, or how many layers of armor they are wearing, you will still be able to see the shape of their maternal material. (Skipping the possibility of V, what was the last female humanoid you saw in the comic, regardless of attire, that you could make out the curves?).

V, HAS no curves! Thus, V is a guy! Third is that the Dungeon Master had admitted that he didn't plan on V's gender being ambiguous, but realized he had something useful for the story on his hands.

Huh. You know, I never really thought about it that way...

Kurald Galain
2008-01-29, 06:52 PM
It would be fun if at some point, V put on Roy's belt (you know, that thing Elan took in strip 10 or so) and you wouldn't see any difference...

2008-01-29, 07:03 PM
I still prefer my personal theory.

2008-01-29, 07:23 PM
Seeing as how it is pretty clear V is meant to be of ambiguous gender (it's commented upon in-strip (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0254.html)), any statements claiming "V MUST be this gender" are, in a word, incorrect (not wrong: incorrect). Speculate all you like, but it seems that as far as the official line goes, there is no "correct" answer.

Now, personally, I typically view V as male, possibly because there's a character of my own who speaks in a somewhat similar manner to V, and is male, so I project that onto hir.

2008-01-29, 07:31 PM
1. there's an official thread, what you're doing is just spam.

2.you make more than a few sweeping generalizations, roy's sister is what 16 tops, and yep still pretty curvy

3. a robe can obscure body figure pretty well

move your opinions to the official thread and we can further lampoon you further

2008-01-29, 07:55 PM
It would be fun if at some point, V put on Roy's belt (you know, that thing Elan took in strip 10 or so) and you wouldn't see any difference...I've also heard speculation that if V put on the Belt of Gender Changing, e would suddenly grow both breasts and a beard.

2008-01-29, 09:52 PM
I've also heard speculation that if V put on the Belt of Gender Changing, e would suddenly grow both breasts and a beard.

Ah hah! V is secretly a dwarf!

2008-01-29, 10:10 PM
Lets end all the "V's Gender" Threads.

V's a Hermaphrodite that produces Asexually.

Deal with it.

2008-01-30, 12:44 AM
Seems like there's always one of these threads up
There is a very simple answer to the question: V doesn't have a gender

Lets end all the "V's Gender" Threads.

V's a Hermaphrodite that produces Asexually.

Deal with it.

Oh, V definately has a gender. Either that, or by making these excalmations you are in fact ENCOURAGING the debate at hand by ading more options.

2008-01-30, 01:27 AM
Let us first review some traditionally used conventions in our culture for story telling.

One, this is a male oriented culture, and the group already has it's token female in our current rebel leader.

Second, since this is a male oriented culture, any female, past the age of consent, shall have curves, no matter how lose their robes, or how many layers of armor they are wearing, you will still be able to see the shape of their maternal material. (Skipping the possibility of V, what was the last female humanoid you saw in the comic, regardless of attire, that you could make out the curves?).

V, HAS no curves! Thus, V is a guy! Third is that the Dungeon Master had admitted that he didn't plan on V's gender being ambiguous, but realized he had something useful for the story on his hands.
You are well versed in the rules that govern the webcomic medium, but you have overlooked the most important rule of them all. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfFunny)

V will remain genderless as long as it is still funny.

2008-01-30, 06:15 AM
I think that was the best point on V's gender I have seen so far - and I think it hits the nail on the head.

2008-01-30, 06:50 AM
If I could see into the future, and I would use that to watch this forum 50 years from now, I would still easily find a Vaarsuvius gender thread. Maybe even a Vaarsuvius Gender Subforum.

Mc. Lovin'
2008-01-30, 07:58 AM
Let us first review some traditionally used conventions in our culture for story telling.

One, this is a male oriented culture, and the group already has it's token female in our current rebel leader.

Second, since this is a male oriented culture, any female, past the age of consent, shall have curves, no matter how lose their robes, or how many layers of armor they are wearing, you will still be able to see the shape of their maternal material. (Skipping the possibility of V, what was the last female humanoid you saw in the comic, regardless of attire, that you could make out the curves?).

V, HAS no curves! Thus, V is a guy! Third is that the Dungeon Master had admitted that he didn't plan on V's gender being ambiguous, but realized he had something useful for the story on his hands.

How do you know that elves (or even just V) arent flat chested in Richs world?

Mando Knight
2008-01-30, 08:01 AM
If I could see into the future, and I would use that to watch this forum 50 years from now, I would still easily find a Vaarsuvius gender thread. Maybe even a Vaarsuvius Gender Subforum.

If this webcomic gets popular enough, maybe we'll even have schools of philosophy based around V's gender. That would be Rich's greatest achievement ever.

Crimson Avenger
2008-01-30, 10:48 AM
Hmm, so V reproduces by budding?

2008-01-30, 11:04 AM
Have we ever actually seen a female elf to compare V to?

2008-01-30, 12:32 PM
We've seen Lirian.

2008-01-30, 12:32 PM
As an Elf, V will probably prefer to multiply via the marcotting method.

2008-01-30, 12:43 PM
Must resist urge to reply to ANOTHER thread based off this same dam question...Just give it up already, we will NEVER (http://www.giantitp.com/FAQ.html#faq10) know.

2008-01-30, 02:57 PM
http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0448.html i belive the person o'chul ask to dispell it here is a woman. no boobs

2008-01-30, 03:34 PM
http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0448.html i belive the person o'chul ask to dispell it here is a woman. no boobsIn the ninth panel? Look closer; she does have a curve on the left side to indicate breasts.

2008-01-30, 03:54 PM
In the ninth panel? Look closer; she does have a curve on the left side to indicate breasts.

nothing sadder than a bunch of comic book fans observing the artwork of a female character in attempt to find a curve...lol:smalltongue: :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-30, 04:00 PM
I see boobs! I see boobs! :smalltongue:

2008-01-30, 04:13 PM
nothing sadder than a bunch of comic book fans observing the artwork of a female character in attempt to find a curve...lol:smalltongue: :smallbiggrin:Well what else am I supposed to do in my spare time? :smalltongue:

2008-01-30, 04:44 PM
In the ninth panel? Look closer; she does have a curve on the left side to indicate breasts.

seams misplased- can be a shoulder

2008-01-30, 05:06 PM
seams misplased- can be a shoulderNo, it's definitely her breast. No ones shoulders look like that.

2008-01-30, 05:14 PM
We've seen Lirian.

We have seen a plethora of elves in Start of Darkness, and Lirian is the ONLY one with discernible breasts, despite some of them appearing more feminine than masculine.

2008-01-30, 05:15 PM
seams misplased- can be a shoulder

You mistook a breast for a shoulder?

You, uh .... you don't get out too much, do you? :smalltongue:

2008-01-30, 05:41 PM
You mistook a breast for a shoulder?

You, uh .... you don't get out too much, do you? :smalltongue:
actualy, i do. really, i'm quite talented on the women side of life- i got in bed (almost) with my first girfriend. i scored her on the first night we met, AND she had a boyfriend. so, yeah i know breast when i see them. and that mages was just under her chin

2008-01-30, 05:45 PM
so, yeah i know breast when i see them. and that mages was just under her chin... Isn't that pretty much where all the breasts in this comic are?

2008-01-30, 05:50 PM
actualy, i do. really, i'm quite talented on the women side of life- i got in bed (almost) with my first girfriend. i scored her on the first night we met, AND she had a boyfriend. so, yeah i know breast when i see them. and that mages was just under her chin

The part you left out was that you were 35. :smallcool:

2008-01-30, 05:52 PM
actualy, i do. really, i'm quite talented on the women side of life- i got in bed (almost) with my first girfriend. i scored her on the first night we met, AND she had a boyfriend. so, yeah i know breast when i see them.

Wow, you've sure put me in my place. ALMOST got in bed with a girl! That story's making me hot just thinking about it! :smallamused:

Relax, Mago, it was a joke. Take it in stride.

2008-01-30, 06:02 PM
Wow, you've sure put me in my place. ALMOST got in bed with a girl! That story's making me hot just thinking about it! :smallamused:

Relax, Mago, it was a joke. Take it in stride.

I get in bed with a girl every night!

Lizard Lord
2008-01-30, 06:47 PM
Let us first review some traditionally used conventions in our culture for story telling.

One, this is a male oriented culture, and the group already has it's token female in our current rebel leader.

Second, since this is a male oriented culture, any female, past the age of consent, shall have curves, no matter how lose their robes, or how many layers of armor they are wearing, you will still be able to see the shape of their maternal material. (Skipping the possibility of V, what was the last female humanoid you saw in the comic, regardless of attire, that you could make out the curves?).

V, HAS no curves! Thus, V is a guy! Third is that the Dungeon Master had admitted that he didn't plan on V's gender being ambiguous, but realized he had something useful for the story on his hands.
You are forgetting a couple of things.

The Giant wants people wonder if s/he is a guy or girl. Thus he could easily not draw said curves on him. Cause if V had curves, everyone would know s/he is a girl, and the Giant does not want that.

Plus there are plenty of female fighters and female paladins. I would say that affects your whole "this is a male oriented culture" argument at least a little bit.

2008-01-30, 07:55 PM
Miko (she had to appear at some time, right?) didn't have any curves when we first saw her, and she was as female as she was later, in strip 200.

2008-01-30, 08:18 PM
We all know V is half camel, lets leave it at that.

2008-01-30, 08:28 PM
V is actually both. V is actually two gnomes hiding inside one big robe. One gnome is male, the other is female. They also really like screwing around with kids on the forums by giving hints and tips that "V" is one gender or the other. But it's so obvious, and I've figured it out. HA

2008-01-30, 08:54 PM
We all know V is half camel, lets leave it at that.

V is actually both. V is actually two gnomes hiding inside one big robe. One gnome is male, the other is female. They also really like screwing around with kids on the forums by giving hints and tips that "V" is one gender or the other. But it's so obvious, and I've figured it out. HA

um...so V is actually 2 gnomes that are each 1/4 camel? and, y can't some of that lizard transfer over from the polymorph?....so it's 2 gnomes that are 1/2 gnome, 1/4 camel, and 1/4 lizard....brilliant!!!


2008-01-30, 08:57 PM
I get in bed with a girl every night!

...Aren't you a girl...?

...sighs nevermind..

2008-01-30, 09:04 PM
I hear she spits in public and fraternizes with men past dark, as well.

2008-01-30, 09:05 PM
Miko (she had to appear at some time, right?) didn't have any curves when we first saw her, and she was as female as she was later, in strip 200.

Of course miko had to appear

...Aren't you a girl...?

...sighs nevermind..

:belkar: So many questions

2008-01-30, 09:20 PM
Oh dear, here we go again.

V's gender is indeterminate. I think it's fairly well accepted that Rich originally had a gender in mind, but once the forums started with the debate, he decided to retcon it. V is not not specified; I would guess Rich is also no longer fixed on a particular answer. Until he decides what the answer would be, which would certainly depend on plot and humour, debating it is a little like debating what characters will be introduced in strip 728.

When the gender ambiguity humour runs out - which, since it's a reoccuring joke, may be a while - then Rich might decide to either go with his original decision, or change it based on what's happened in the many strips since then. Until then V's gender is in the same state as Schroedinger's Cat.

2008-01-30, 09:37 PM
...Aren't you a girl...?

...sighs nevermind..

Think about it :P

2008-01-30, 09:40 PM
Think about it :P

Ah, I see, you are talking in 3rd person, one of the first signs of insanity! Thanks for clearing it all up:smalltongue:

"Q: Is Vaarsuvius male or female?

A: I will never reveal the truth! Bwahaha! Keep in mind that while certain other characters might refer to V as being male or female, that simply reveals their perception.not the actual reality of the situation. Top" FAQ's of GitP

2008-01-30, 10:29 PM
Male wizards wrap themselves in thick shapeless woolen robes that would - let's face it - collect odors at an astounding rate. These robes would most likely be heavy, and itch like a fiberglass jockstrap. On the other hand, females who practice the arcane arts wear little strips of translucent gauze over their naughty bits. (http://www.feartheboot.com/comic/default.aspx?c=19)

Thick, shapeless robes=male. That settles it.:smallbiggrin:

2008-01-30, 10:34 PM
The tail doesn't hide that V is male. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0186.html)

In Origin of the PCs, when Haley is in the bath, she has obvious curves at her shoulders. V does not.

2008-01-30, 10:39 PM
The tail doesn't hide that V is male. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0186.html)

In Origin of the PCs, when Haley is in the bath, she has obvious curves at her shoulders. V does not.A plausible answer to that could simply be that V is flat chested.

2008-01-30, 10:41 PM
A plausible answer to that could simply be that V is flat chested.

But would she not have female proportions (curvier shoulders) if she was in fact female? I said nothing about bust.

2008-01-30, 10:43 PM
But would she not have female proportions (curvier shoulders) if she was in fact female? I said nothing about bust.But shoulders aren't really shown in the comic. If someone has a curve, then it's to indicate breasts, not their shoulder.

2008-01-30, 10:45 PM
But would she not have female proportions (curvier shoulders) if she was in fact female? I said nothing about bust.

Yes, because obviously all females have identical body types.

2008-01-30, 10:47 PM
But shoulders aren't really shown in the comic. If someone has a curve, then it's to indicate breasts, not their shoulder.

Hmm... I still hold to the fact that the OOTS female bodies are... more rounded at the corners then a males. But I guess we will find out some day, eh? My advice to the Giant is just to have V state his gender so this stops popping up. :P

Yes, because obviously all females have identical body types.

So far in OOTs, I have yet to see otherwise.

2008-01-30, 10:48 PM
so... does it matter if V has a (---CENSORED---) or not? For what I know from the rulebooks there are FIVE genders available. If Vaarsuvius is not male nor female there are still some choices remaining: Both, None and ... (hmmm that's something dreadful :eek: ) Other

SO! WHAT NOW??? :tongue:

2008-01-30, 10:49 PM
My advice to the Giant is just to have V state his gender so this stops popping up. :P

Yeah, and he can reveal :mitd: in the same comic...

2008-01-30, 10:51 PM
Yeah, and he can reveal :mitd: in the same comic...

You must admit, the two questions pop up FAR too much, stating the EXACT same evidence.

2008-01-30, 10:54 PM
Ah, I see, you are talking in 3rd person, one of the first signs of insanity! Thanks for clearing it all up:smalltongue:

"Q: Is Vaarsuvius male or female?

A: I will never reveal the truth! Bwahaha! Keep in mind that while certain other characters might refer to V as being male or female, that simply reveals their perception.not the actual reality of the situation. Top" FAQ's of GitP

... i quoted myself for the q/a part... He did answer the question,,, just not very ... kindly

David Argall
2008-01-30, 11:48 PM
The tail doesn't hide that V is male. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0186.html)

In Origin of the PCs, when Haley is in the bath, she has obvious curves at her shoulders. V does not.

An interesting point, but we know that long before this point our author had adopted a policy of uncertainity, which means any maleness to the picture must be blamed on artist error.

The Extinguisher
2008-01-31, 01:27 AM
Or a female V is flat chested.

The simplest answer is usally the right one. The only thing that comic tells us is V has no breasts. And as the old saying goes, lack of boobies does not a male make.

2008-01-31, 02:11 AM
It's possible that V is female and had to have a double mastectomy. Is there any evidence that elves can't get breast cancer?

Gnomish Wanderer
2008-01-31, 02:40 AM
I thought V was female untill about half-way when a character showed their veiw of V as being male and then I was like, "No way!" but then I learned V was actually genderly challenged. Not that it matters, but either way I'm still gonna see V as female.

2008-02-04, 12:50 AM
Meh, I thought he was a guy, before I even knew he was gender challenged, and (maybe its just me but, ) I do not know a single girl, who talks like that, but I do know guys who do. (not like being weird, actually that is their everyday speech) I think of V as a guy, maybe because I named some of my own characters in D&D after him/her/it, but I dunno... It could be either... If anyone looked at the FAQ's and the question and answer that I posted, right from the FAQ's page, we would all know that V's gender shall remain a mystery for eternity...