View Full Version : Strange thoughts - 20 minutes

2008-01-30, 07:13 AM
Here I am at 4:18 am, alone with my thoughts(which is a bad combo) I begin to think about the strangest things. Most of the time these thoughts pertain to me dying, and what would happen if such an event occurred.
Now, I thought "What would happen If I knew I had only 20 minutes to live?" and I realize I have no freaking idea what I would do. Probably call a couple people for a few minutes at a time and decide on a person to person basis if I would tell them I'm about to be a corpse.
But here's why I posted this; What would you, the people of the playground do if you knew you had exactly 20 minutes left to live?

2008-01-30, 07:15 AM
Burn everything I'd be embarrassed if people found.

2008-01-30, 07:19 AM
hahaha...umm....probably do something crazy...or participate in a quick sexual act...

2008-01-30, 07:28 AM
hahaha...umm....probably do something crazy...or participate in a quick sexual act...

I can see that being a little shocking if you overshoot your timing.


Tempest Fennac
2008-01-30, 07:39 AM
If my laptop was on, I'd try and e-mail a few people while saying goodbye to everyone on here (I would probably need more notice unless my laptop was already warmed through enough to go at it's normal speed, though). Alternatively, if I ould come back as a crisis apparition, I'd say goodbye to my online friends that way.

2008-01-30, 08:08 AM
Write two completely contradictory wills. Forge signatures of the same witnesses on each. Ensure there is no way to tell which is the later.

2008-01-30, 08:34 AM
Make sure history remembered me. Whichever way seems most likely to work.

Perhaps make a quick video, with me dying, Socrates' style.

Perhaps set up a treasure hunt, an elaborate one (I can do a lot in twenty minutes trust me). The relative finishing it would inherit everything.

Perhaps I'd walk into the biggest public place I could find, shouting my opinions for everyone to hear, only then to croak, pretending it's some sort of government conspiracy.

Perhaps I'd sell my organs to the highest bidder, eaving the money for my family.

Perhaps I'd spend those twenty minutes figuring out which of the above to do, only to then realise I've run out of time and die. This is actually the most probable one :smalleek:

2008-01-30, 10:02 AM
First I'd burn my manuscripts. After that: Cigarette. Vodka. My favorite short story. I'd about wrap it up in time.

2008-01-30, 10:15 AM
Probably call my wife and say goodbye. Other than that, nothing different. No use getting worked up if it's inevitable. I've lived my life close to the way I've wanted it, not too many regrets. It'd be pretty silly of me to freak out at the end of it. It's not like I would have lived forever anyway.

2008-01-30, 10:19 AM
Write up a document that contains:
All my passwords and where they linked to.
All my personal data that could be required for a few things.
All my pin numbers.
How I want my stuff to be distributed, doesn't have to be a legal Will, however.
A request that my web site please be kept alive. Just because I'm gone, doesn't mean my site still can't help people. Oh, and to use my accounts on all to inform everyone.
A short statement for my love.


Jack Squat
2008-01-30, 10:21 AM
well, being the age I am, that can't happen, as I'm currently invincible :smallbiggrin:

However, I'd probably head down to a hospital or police station depending on what the cause would be, and call my girlfriend telling her what's happening and where I'll be. I won't say goodbye however, because I'm sure whatver would cause my demise would either be an event that wouldn't happen if I'm securely inside a building full of people, or it would be something physically wrong, in which I'm sure has to be treatable to some extent.

2008-01-30, 10:41 AM
Most likely being at school, I'd rant. I'd rant to all of the students about how stupid, lazy and without ambitions they are, then take a book, go outside, and read while enjoying cold breeze (it's high 30's here right now; For a short period, it'd be quite nice.) Maybe I'd email one of my friends to tell a few people I'm dead (since all my numbers are stored in my cellphone), but otherwise not much else except breath a little bit longer.

If at home, I'd write up a single statement anything that comes to mind, and a list of people to send it to. Then I'd make a few phonecalls, and after that I'd probably have used up all of my time talking on the phone.

Hmm.... I'm starting to wonder why I haven't done anything for my death yet. Sure, it's maybe 60 plus years away, but why not get it out of the way now so all I have to do at the end is read a good book?

2008-01-30, 12:30 PM
-Go through all my stuff and put big labels on the things I don't want people to look at (not that I'd care anymore)

-Call the people I care about in order to say goodbye.

2008-01-30, 01:06 PM
I'd like to say I'd donate all my money to charity, or save some orphans in my last moments. In reality though... it might go something like this:

1. Call my parents to say goodbye.

2. Call my neighbours to say sorry.

3. Turn on the gas for a while.

4. Light a match.

NB: If I'm going down, you're coming with me.

2008-01-30, 01:32 PM
I would check if my best friends (irl and online) were online and message them or e-mail them.
Then I would make a will to sell everything and then split all the money between Kynto, a very good friend of mine and the rest would be donated for better servers and then the rest to the giant.

If I had anytime left I would take out my wooden raft, float it down onto the main river nearby while setting it on fire.

2008-01-30, 01:54 PM
call my loved ones, say goodbye (yes, i would tell them) probably mention it here real quick with my real name.
type out my thoughts, a heartfelt reflection of my life and about all the people who influenced it.
leave my body to science/organ transplant. either is good really.

then spend my last few moments enjoying the company of the 2 best dogs on earth. :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-30, 01:55 PM
I guess I would do something that I've never done before. Like.....Skydiving without a parachute. I'll be dead anyway, and might aswell die while doing something stupid.

2008-01-30, 01:59 PM
I'd spend 19 minutes thinking about what to do, think of something, then die just before I do it.

It'd be just my luck.

2008-01-30, 02:14 PM
Quick, write the foundations of the new branch of mathematics I've been working on these last five years and slip them in a letter to my university professor.

I just hope 20 minutes would be enough...

Évariste Galois (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evariste_Galois) had all night to prepare before his death...

2008-01-30, 02:29 PM
20 minutes?
Gives me just enough time to call certain people, say certain things, change into some ridiculous outfit, put on a top hat, play some funky music, and dance till death with a muffin in my hand.

2008-01-30, 02:50 PM
Hmm. If alone:

Likely a few minutes of contacting people who should know, then recording my last minutes on a webcam, speaking of the people who have made my life better, with a request that it be posted.

2008-01-30, 03:07 PM
I am going to go with Mr. Nigma.
Do something worth Remembering.
Well, If i had more then Twenty minutes, I'd tried to invade someplace

2008-01-30, 03:42 PM
Take a nap.
Because I don't have anyone I particularly want to say good by to that would actually matter in the long run(no offense playground), and if the end happens I want it to come quickly.

2008-01-30, 03:56 PM
I would write a meaningful but short message to my loved ones and then I'd fill a car with flammables and drive straight into a Walmart they are building nearby

2008-01-30, 04:07 PM
Hmm 20 minutes. Compose a last will and testament dividing my loot among my friends. Plan my wake. Then prank call a bunch of friends so they will get all pissed off at me then feel real guilty when Im dead. HAH! One last prank suckers.

And Id definitely finish that cheesecake in my fridge.

2008-01-30, 04:10 PM
a) Calm meditation, as Wadledo. If it seemed like something to mention, I'd bring it up here. I might write a note, explaining my death, and tape it to my chest. I would sit and wait, reflecting on my life and contemplating what might await me, and if I was worthy.

b) Slaughter and sin. Get out there, grab as many harmful chemicals as possible and shove them into me body. If the news really messed me up in the head, submit to every primal urge in the book, perhaps grab a weapon and go insane on the general populace. But if it's hockey season here, I might as well be an average citizen.

c) Report to the others and share what information I have collected. Tell them that I have failed, and my only true regret is that I would never be able to see the look of shock and fear on their putrid, squishy faces on the day of our conquest.

d) Faint.

2008-01-30, 04:12 PM
Get to public space as quick as possible

Start yelling that the spirits are on their way to usher in to end of the world...claim the scouts for said army are already here. Hope when my 20 min are up that the death is spectcular.

Cell phone call to my parents on way there to say I love 'em

P.S. I hate my A key on this keybord.

Mauve Shirt
2008-01-30, 04:18 PM
Oooo, morbid!

Call my family, go next door to tell my suitemate and best friend, tell all friends I can get in touch with, divide all my stuff and money between family and friends, maybe a video of myself for the internet, and if there's time spend my money on a last meal with everyone. But 20 minutes, that last one's not likely.

MAYBE I'd confess my awful grades to my parents. Though I'd prefer if they found out posthumously.

2008-01-30, 04:19 PM
I'd grab a good beer or any excellent liquor I had lying around pour myself a glass and grab a seat in whatever was the most comfortable piece of furniture that was lying around and sit. Just sit. Maybe put on some nice clothes so I don't look like a bum, probably not a suit, but nice pants and such.

2008-01-30, 06:07 PM
1. Say goodbye to people
2. Come out to my parents
3. Drink a bottle of gin
4. Listen to my tapes of the Goon Show

Oh, and 5. Rise from the grave as lord of the undead (hopefully)

2008-01-30, 06:08 PM
1. Say goodbye to people
2. Come out to my parents
3. Drink a bottle of gin
4. Listen to my tapes of the Goon Show

Oh, and 5. Rise from the grave as lord of the undead (hopefully)

2008-01-30, 06:31 PM
Most probably, I'd send a thank you note to the people I care about. And then I'd smile and go to sleep.

Mad Scientist
2008-01-30, 07:21 PM
Hmm. If I'm at home I would change into a favorite outfit, pour a huge mug of tea, grab the last chocolate bar in the cupboard, and curl up with the down blanket and my cat. There are lots of worse ways to go than reading a favorite story with a warm blanket, a hot drink, a chocolate bar, and a snuggly cat.
I wouldn't call people to tell them because they would just think I'd gone nuts. I wouldn't want to spend my last 20 minute explaining that I only HAVE 20 minutes and need to get off the phone!

Raiser Blade
2008-01-30, 07:26 PM
Tell the girl I love that I love her. Tell my family goodbye. Post here saying goodbye. And then... write a final letter to be read at my funeral.

2008-01-30, 07:38 PM
The only thing I want to have read at my funeral is Chesterton's poem "The Great Minimum". It expresses, in the most succinct and beautiful language, everything I would want to say.

2008-01-30, 07:54 PM
The only thing I want to have read at my funeral is Chesterton's poem "The Great Minimum". It expresses, in the most succinct and beautiful language, everything I would want to say.

If I ever find my someone, thats what I'd do.

2008-01-30, 07:57 PM
myspace bulliten telling everyone good bye, the i'd go over to bev's house (my gf) and spend the last time with her. if she's not home then i'd do it with my family.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-01-30, 08:06 PM
Pour myself a good beer, put on my favourite music, sit down, close my eyes, and enjoy. I can think of few things more relaxing than what I've just described, and this is the only one I'd be able to do with only 20 minutes notice.

2008-01-30, 08:53 PM
Wait why do I have only 20 minutes?

Possible reasons and what I'd do...

Tide is rising....I'd be trying to free my foot/hand. If it wasn't possible..I'd look at the clouds and think about my loved ones before I drown.

Snake is deadly poisonous...I'd try and stay calm and do those things you are supposed to do if you're bitten. If I was in the middle of nowhere and got bitten...I'd look at the clouds and think about my loved ones.

Asteroid is coming...ring a few people, kiss my family goodbye and die during a group hug.

The Airplane is going down over the ocean...Panic with the rest of the sheep (I don't like flying)

For some strange cosmic reason - I'd meditate and see if I could find that Nirvana place in time.


2008-01-30, 09:33 PM
I'd jot a quick note describing my burial wishes. I'd make sure that both the note and my cell phone (easiest place to find friends' contact info) are in an obvious place.

Then I would sit.

And enjoy


2008-01-30, 10:00 PM
i'd go over to bev's house (my gf) and spend the last time with her. if she's not home then i'd do it with my family.
Am I the only person who is very disturbed by that statement? :P

2008-01-30, 10:10 PM
Maybe pig out on food.

2008-01-30, 10:32 PM
Ah, I didn't consider the funeral. :smallannoyed: No one would come to it but my family, and no one in my family (both immediate and extended family) even knows the name that I'm living under right now - I had in changed more than a year ago - so it would be very awkward and uncomfortable for them to be at the burial of a person who they don't know or care about. It would be a ceremony that is not to my liking as a person, and because almost everyone in my family is Catholic (I am Russian Orthodox) I would not have a ceremony to my liking religiously, either. I would feel sorry for the person who has to ask "What was he like?" in order to prepare the eulogy. No one in my family would be able to give an answer. They might say "loving son" at least, and talk about the kindness and intelligence that everyone can be assumed to possess in general terms, but that would be grotesque. I don't want my interment to be a farce.

If at all possible, I would like to be buried in the Caucasus, in the mountains, but that would be really difficult for a variety of reasons, not the least that I don't know who would pay to ship my body back. I myself own almost nothing and have no money. But, I do not want to be buried in America ... My biggest concern is not dying, but dying in this country. Only, if I were to die twenty minutes from now, being in a situation where I wouldn't have a choice, I would do my best to go out in the woods and die somewhere that my body would not be found, which would be preferable to the dismal family graveyard.

2008-01-30, 10:32 PM
Maybe pig out on food.

Seconded. Totally forgot I could do that :smallbiggrin:

*goes and pigs out on his birthday cake*

2008-01-30, 10:51 PM
Mad Scientist stole half of mine in part but here goes. Say good bye to loved ones. Write a letter of farewell/last testament pretaining to those I couldn't reach. Tell the girl I love I love her in a memorable and obvious way if she is in the immediate vicinity. If not then I will include her in the above mentioned letter. Then I will put on whatever happens to be the best song in the world to me at the time, grab my cat, a good book, a blanket and a cup of tea and snuggle with a smile on my face to wait for the debt that all men pay.

2008-01-30, 10:57 PM
Am I the only person who is very disturbed by that statement? :P

i'm on better terms with her and her family than i am with my own. There's still some...tensions would be the best word i guess...between my mom/stepdad and me from a huge blowout about a week ago, and because of it i get really stressed out around them, while being with Bev takes away stress. I wanna die peacefully and as stress-free as possible.

Hell Puppi
2008-01-30, 11:05 PM
Go to large public space, ice cream in one hand, bottle of rum in the other, and explain my views to the world in a loud and largely incoherent voice.

Spray paint on the walls what I was saying, while trying to ingest ice cream and rum at the same time.

Die and hope someone got a youtube video of it.

If I have longer, I would probably rob a liquor store for all the alcohol I could never afford before, steal a ship, and claim myself captain.

2008-01-30, 11:12 PM
i'm on better terms with her and her family than i am with my own. There's still some...tensions would be the best word i guess...between my mom/stepdad and me from a huge blowout about a week ago, and because of it i get really stressed out around them, while being with Bev takes away stress. I wanna die peacefully and as stress-free as possible.

Um maybe I just have a dirty mind...as does Sir Norbert.

i'd go over to bev's house (my gf) and spend the last time with her. if she's not home then i'd do it with my family.

I'm sure there is a distasteful double entendre in there somewhere.:smallbiggrin:

2008-01-30, 11:13 PM
Um maybe I just have a dirty mind...as does Sir Norbert.

I'm sure there is a distasteful double entendre in there somewhere.:smallbiggrin:

true, true.

i'm amazed i didn't see that. I guess its cause i'm tired.

2008-01-30, 11:15 PM
I'd make sure I was in a public place. That's all I'd want for sure. I'd likely do some other stuff, but I'm just not clear as to why some might pig out or get drunk, etc. I feel like my final moment should be just that. If I die with a piece of cake in my mouth it doesn't feel very final to me. Just the same if I'll end up having some sobering up to do. I think I'd like to die just as I was 20 minutes before, when I found out.

2008-01-30, 11:34 PM
Well, stop and figure out what to do....probably post here.

The only real thing I can think of that I'd want to and could be able to do in 20 minutes is apologize to people. My friends, family, and pbp players are the first that come to mind.

Then...watch Firefly. 8 (Out of Gas) could be good, as it is Mal dying. Perhaps 4 (Shindig) because I think it is probably the best one...or maybe *gack*

2008-01-30, 11:48 PM
If right now I knew I'd only have twenty minutes I would call my mom and sister, and let them know I loved them and always would. I would have them post about this to my online communities.

But most of all I would call my boyfriend and apologize for not being able to be there. For not being able to do all the things we promised we would do with each other. Because, honestly, that would hurt me most. Everything is good with my family, but with him...we've been planning our future out and to take that away I would feel horrible. I would probably have us both listen to the same song: either Evanescence "Anywhere", Goo Goo Dolls "Iris", or Everclear "Good Witch of the North" :smallfrown: Haha, I'm such a dork...I'm crying just thinking about it (although that is probably also a combination of the fact he was incredibly sappy tonight on the phone and made me feel good. :)


2008-01-31, 12:45 AM
*sigh* I lost a grandparent about a week ago... :smallfrown:

Anyway, I'd probably give a list of the forums I visit so my family could inform you all then I'd make a will of sorts. Then I'd do something that would distract me until I go. Maybe I could also contact someone I don't like and tell them that they've cursed me to die.

2008-01-31, 12:45 AM
Write a short note to all my loved ones.
Kiss a girl, if an attractive one can be found nearby.
Walk out into the street and die under the open sky.

2008-01-31, 03:08 PM
If I had twenty minutes to live I'd turn my ipod to max grab a huge amount of food and run around telling everyone what I thought of them whilst gorging myself.

2008-01-31, 03:44 PM
1: Light a cigarette
2: Grab a piece of paper and a pen
3: Write a note stating my farewells etc
4: End said note with "Aaaarghh"
5: Drink my last whiskey, whilst listening to music
6: Die

2008-01-31, 03:47 PM
I would come on to this thread and start a post with

funnily enough...

Grey Paladin
2008-01-31, 04:01 PM
Take my tools, run like I have never ran before, and destroy as much evil as I can before either dieing to the time limit or a bullet.

Shadow of the Sun
2008-01-31, 05:05 PM
Well, letsee.

Write my suicide note.

Gargle morphine.

Spend last minutes in an incredible high.

2008-01-31, 06:03 PM
...I'm rather surprised in two pages of posts no one has said this yet, but if I knew it was the end I'd spend my last 20 minutes in prayer.