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Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-01, 04:41 PM
Cripes! A typo!


Nevermind that.

2008-08-01, 04:42 PM
Better than "Missing In Action" :smalltongue:

Emperor Ing
2008-08-01, 04:43 PM
it's very likely that...whats-his-name isn't very bright in terms of anagrams.

But let me get this straight, he created a mechanized version of an Arcane Incarnation, complete with artificial epic spellcasting, hovering, and complete flight
And they couldn't afford a hover device for the head?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-01, 05:13 PM
it's very likely that...whats-his-name isn't very bright in terms of anagrams.

But let me get this straight, he created a mechanized version of an Arcane Incarnation, complete with artificial epic spellcasting, hovering, and complete flight
And they couldn't afford a hover device for the head?

His head hovers. They could afford it. It still needs a tube to connect the helmet to the body since no magic is actually involved in the process that could allow him to telepathically control his body.

Also, I put up a new title page on the first post. Check it out, it's pretty good.

2008-08-01, 05:30 PM
IR control, radio control, nothing similar? :smallconfused:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-02, 03:22 PM
New comic!

comic 114: it's about time she showed up again.

I am really pleased with this one. Mainly because of how well I think the effects came out and how smooth the dialog is in my opinion, but also because I have decided to stop copy and pasting the Randomizer's template, as you can see in the first panel. It'd not a great drawing of him, but seeing as I only copy and pasted him before, anything is an improvment I guess.

I shall work to replace all the characters I have copy and pasted with new templates I have drawn myself. From Fayt to Zuy and even Q! But these characters, because of them being a great deal more important then the Randomizer, will take much more time to create another template for.

This is a great deal of growth for me, and I am really pleased. Sorry to ramble on, but I am excited about taking off the training wheels Meynolds gave me. I just thought I'd tell you about it.

IR control, radio control, nothing similar? :smallconfused:
'Fraid not. Unless you can control any of those with your mind like telepathy.

2008-08-02, 11:19 PM
Ah, something like this (http://www.livescience.com/health/050317_brain_interface.html)?

Cool, making your own templates! :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-02, 11:25 PM
I shall work to replace all the characters I have copy and pasted with new templates I have drawn myself. From Fayt to Zuy and even Q! But these characters, because of them being a great deal more important then the Randomizer, will take much more time to create another template for.

This is a great deal of growth for me, and I am really pleased. Sorry to ramble on, but I am excited about not taking off the training wheels Meynolds gave me. I just thought I'd tell you about it.

This post exists for two reasons: to state that I am still reading this comic and to ask a question.

In the quoted post, you state "I am exited about not taking off the training wheels Meynolds gave me." I think you meant to exclude the 'not,' based on the content of the post.

Oh, and congratulations on finally making your own templates for things!

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-03, 08:56 AM
New comic!

comic 115:Don'tcha know your manners works?

In the quoted post, you state "I am exited about not taking off the training wheels Meynolds gave me." I think you meant to exclude the 'not,' based on the content of the post.

Oh, yeah. Thanks for catching my mistake. I meant not to say "not" in that sentence.

Emperor Ing
2008-08-03, 11:31 AM
*headsmack* Please! Of course! Why didn't I think of that? :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-03, 11:38 AM
Because you'd smash the door down anyway.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-05, 06:47 PM
New comic.

comic 116: awkward......

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-06, 05:38 PM
No comments? :smallfrown:
New comic.

comic 117: who didn't see THAT comming?

2008-08-06, 05:39 PM
Rogue illusionist?

2008-08-06, 06:42 PM
Rogue illusionist?

Ever hear of an Arcane Trickster?

2008-08-06, 06:45 PM
Nope, what book is it in/where can I find it?

2008-08-06, 09:23 PM
that's a cool lookin dagger:smallbiggrin:

2008-08-07, 06:34 PM
Nope, what book is it in/where can I find it?

... 3.5 DMG.

2008-08-07, 08:11 PM
Q: I just saw your sig and new avatar. I laughed. :smalltongue:

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/Meynolds/Q-2.png --> http://i33.tinypic.com/14l4gmt.png

Improvement? You decide. :smallwink::smalltongue:

2008-08-07, 08:45 PM
Q: I just saw your sig and new avatar. I laughed. :smalltongue:

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/Meynolds/Q-2.png --> http://i33.tinypic.com/14l4gmt.png

Improvement? You decide. :smallwink::smalltongue:

I just thought of a cool cameo contest Idea.
Whoever makes the best Q avatar in this pose, of course, the Q wouldn't actually have to use it...

2008-08-07, 08:48 PM
I just thought of a cool cameo contest Idea.
Whoever makes the best Q avatar in this pose, of course, the Q wouldn't actually have to use it...

I've already got a submission! I'm sure it can win the Classic Q category. :smallbiggrin:

In all seriousness though, that would be an interesting competition. I could guest judge it.

2008-08-07, 08:54 PM
That would be interesting!

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-08, 11:46 AM
New comic!

comic 118: classic OOTS moment

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l11/Meynolds/Q-2.png --> http://i33.tinypic.com/14l4gmt.png

Improvement? You decide. :smallwink::smalltongue:
Well, I only copy and pasted before, so anything is an improvement really.
And as you can plainly see from my current avatar, I’m not finished it. I’m always going to be making improvements to the avatar until it’s as good as the one you gave me.

I believe the new cameo contest idea is GREAT!

Here are the rules for the new cameo contest:
1: you have to make an avatar of Q.
2: you can’t put him in the same position of that Meynolds and I put him in.
3: I shall judge and Meynolds can if he wants to.
4: Anybody who wins gets a medium cameo with a likely chance of death. The comic is ending soon, and the great, important cameo spots have been taken, unfortunetly. It won't be a small cameo because you can get those just by putting a banner in your signature.

New contest rules soon to come!

2008-08-08, 03:19 PM
May I ask why Carl is just standing there getting der stuffings beat out of him without even trying to avoid them?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-08, 03:22 PM
May I ask why Carl is just standing there getting der stuffings beat out of him without even trying to avoid them?

Actually, I was too lazy to draw him trying to dodge the sneak attacks.
In the fourth panel, I did draw him trying to strike back with his dagger, so that's something.

2008-08-08, 09:09 PM
Not the same pose? Okay, I'll get to work on it soon.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-09, 11:14 AM
New comic!

comic 119: What? Is this D&D or Brawl?! PICK ONE!

Anyway, here are the new rules for Q Avatar Contest!

There are 3 categories for you to win. Either a) Q with Star Trek Badge, b) Q with Green Shirt or c) other member of the cast (Grinly, Porky, Darkness-wanderer etc.)
Q with Star Trek badge cannot be in the same pose as he is in my avatar.
These can be in either OOTS or Erfworld.
Bonus points for an Erfworld Style Avatar.
The best avatar will be judged by me and Meynolds if he feels like it. Meynolds cannot participate if he is judging, however.
The winners of each contest will either have a recurring cameo in one of the upcoming comics: Smooth Moves, Nath's Wrath or in the unnamed fourth comic. They will have a big role the same sized role as Fayt and the Randomizer's role in My Name Is Q.
The contest will end at the end of the month.

2008-08-10, 08:23 PM
This is Green shirt Q with the other Q's shirt and a hoola hoop.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-11, 06:10 PM
New comic!

comic 120: What?! Now there are elements of "the Simpsons Game" in this thing too?!

2008-08-11, 06:47 PM
i'd like to see the site that has that program your using. I'd like to play with it a bit.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-11, 06:55 PM
I'm afraid that Corel Draw PHOTO-PAINT 8 is a program you have to purchase at a store, and cannot be downloaded from any site that I know of. Of course, you CAN'T buy the program these days to my knowlage because it's obsolete.

2008-08-11, 08:01 PM
i wonder why :smalltongue: Why wont you try and learn inkscape or somthing?

2008-08-11, 08:33 PM
He's an old fogey and likes his old program. :smallwink: :smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-11, 08:35 PM
i wonder why :smalltongue: Why wont you try and learn inkscape or somthing?

For many, many reasons.

Inkscape has been known to "lock up" while you are in the middle of your work. Corel Draw very rarely does this, and when it does it is very easy to get your progress back.
Inkscape is evil.
I would have to learn a whole new program from scratch and learn all the tricks and stuff that can only come from a very long time of experience from using the program, and I want to make comics NOW!
Corel Draw PHOTO-PAINT 8 is a very sentimental program for me and I have no wish to retire it.
I like to spite people. Whenever somebody tells me I should do something, I usually do the opposite to make people mad. :smalltongue:
I don't like downloading things. It's not that I'm scared of it or anything.

If I remember anything else, I'll edit the list.

2008-08-11, 08:50 PM
For many, many reasons. Inkscape has been known to "lock up" while you are in the middle of your work. Corel Draw very rarely does this, and when it does it is very easy to get your progress back.

I've never had this problem before. Source?

Inkscape is evil.

Hey, I'll have you know a local priest sanctified my laptop, and guess what: InkScape was unaffected! So there! What now? :smalltongue:

I would have to learn a whole new program from scratch and learn all the tricks and stuff that can only come from a very long time of experience from using the program, and I want to make comics NOW!

No argument.

Corel Draw PHOTO-PAINT 8 is a very sentimental program for me and I have no wish to retire it.

memnarch: You're right. He is an old fogey. :smalltongue:

I like to spite people. Whenever somebody tells me I should do something, I usually do the opposite to make people mad. :smalltongue:

Don't jump off a bridge Q!

I don't like downloading things. It's not that I'm scared of it or anything.

Sure you're not. Whatever you say, Q.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-11, 09:01 PM
I've never had this problem before. Source?

I have no one source, but I heard about this from many, many people who use inkscape.There is also a new thread dedicated to it. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87504)

Hey, I'll have you know a local priest sanctified my laptop, and guess what: InkScape was unaffected! So there! What now? :smalltongue: Truth is, I was joking about inkscape being evil. It was more like making fun of people who says that all the time. Should I have put a :smalltongue: beside that point?

memnarch: You're right. He is an old fogey. :smalltongue: Did you just call my a crusty crank?! :smallmad:

Don't jump off a bridge Q! Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you becasue I was too busy sky-diving.:smalltongue:

Sure you're not. Whatever you say, Q. Glad you agree.

2008-08-11, 09:09 PM
I have no one source, but I heard about this from many, many people who use inkscape.There is also a new thread dedicated to it. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87504)

I've only had it crash once, but I had been working for about 2.5 hours and was attempting to save for the first time. All that lost work. *sigh*

Truth is, I was joking about inkscape being evil. It was more like making fun of people who says that all the time. Should I have put a :smalltongue: beside that point?

When I want to make it 100% clear I'm joking, that's what I do.

Did you just call my a crusty crank?! :smallmad:

Not only that, he's an easily angered fogey. :smalltongue:

Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you becasue I was too busy sky-diving.:smalltongue:

Sky diving? While typing on a computer? You are crazy, aren't you?

Wait. You don't need to hear text. I'm on to you Q . . .

Glad you agree.

Carp. I forgot sarcasm doesn't transfer well on the internet.

2008-08-12, 07:26 AM
Did you just call my a crusty crank?! :smallmad:

Wow. How bad must your hearing eyesight be to misread that? :eek:

Anyways: Inkscape crashing = Airplane crashing. Doesn't happen often, but you always hear about it when it does.

2008-08-12, 11:30 AM
Quite true, used to crash a bit before I disabled a bunch of junk on my computer (stuck with vista and 1 GB of RAM). Now, it never crashes. :smallsmile:

2008-08-12, 06:16 PM
New comic!

comic 120: What?! Now there are elements of "the Simpsons Game" in this thing too?!

W00t CBG cameo!:smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-12, 07:02 PM
New comic!

comic 121: X-men references with a side of firefly references.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-13, 08:52 PM
New comic!

comic 122: 5th panel look familiar to anyone?

I was thinking about putting Comic Book Guy in here again to point out how cliche' it is to have a monster in the darkness, but I didn't put him in again only because I thought it would look lazy.

2008-08-14, 04:05 PM
the prophecy is being fulfilled!:smallbiggrin:
you missed Fayt by the way.

Oh, and the flash-forwards may not happen exactly as they are shown.
the other prophecy has been fulfilled as well:smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-14, 08:16 PM
New comic!

comic 123: a worthy advisary?

Also, check the cast bios. Under "The Bad". :smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-15, 09:28 PM
New comic.

comic 124: villainous child prodigy

2008-08-15, 09:29 PM
Certainly seems a bit like brainwashing.

At the very least, it's a bit disturbing.

2008-08-16, 04:06 AM
Is Santa Six a Michael Jackson fan? Hope not.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-18, 02:16 PM
After a longish wait, here it is! The new comic!

comic 125: those things at the bottem are not demon roaches, they're crickets!

2008-08-19, 12:38 PM
poor kid. So manipulated by evil:smallfrown:

2008-08-20, 12:19 AM
Do you post an issue like, every day? :smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-20, 08:19 AM
New comic!

comic 126: "Run away and live to fight another day" isn't just an expression

Do you post an issue like, every day? :smalltongue:

Most every day, yes

2008-08-20, 08:42 AM
haha she won the game and now you all lose it:smalltongue:

2008-08-21, 10:19 AM
New comic!

comic 126: "Run away and live to fight another day" isn't just an expression


Most every day, yes

Doesn't it get boreing? :smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-21, 11:14 AM
New comic!

comic 127: it is technically a drug

Doesn't it get boreing? :smalltongue:

No, actually. In fact, this comic is one of the only things keeping me from blowing my brains out from boredom. That and guns are VERY hard to get where I live.

2008-08-21, 11:41 AM
Why don't you keep drawing them and post it 3-4 times a week? it'll make the comic last longer. :smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-21, 11:54 AM
Why don't you keep drawing them and post it 3-4 times a week? it'll make the comic last longer. :smalltongue:

Even if I update everday the comic will last an extremly long time.

Truth is, I want to get all the comics done as fast as possible so I can finish them all before I die.

Emperor Demonking
2008-08-22, 09:39 AM
Is anyone else unable to see the comics?

2008-08-22, 09:42 AM
Is anyone else unable to see the comics?

It's just you.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-23, 01:09 PM
New comic!

comic 128: the cat-girlinator

2008-08-23, 02:29 PM
Heh heh...cat girl-inator. Good one Q
I think we're getting close to another thing we saw a few strips back, hm?

2008-08-24, 10:28 AM
Even if I update everday the comic will last an extremly long time.

Truth is, I want to get all the comics done as fast as possible so I can finish them all before I die.

That's a... really horrible way to look at things, but I guess it at least gives you motivation.

And to be honest, if you're as old as you say you are, yet you use the internet and act the way you do, and draw on a computer and such, i'm guessing you'll live for quite some time.

2008-08-24, 02:20 PM
Truth is, I want to get all the comics done as fast as possible so I can finish them all before I die.

this why I like your webcomic unlike some webcomics it actually updates.:smalltongue:
Anti-Heroes although good, isn't true to it's schedule a lot, which is really annoying:smallannoyed:
I can always count on your webcomic to update:smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-24, 02:23 PM
Get ready for another update! New comic!

comic 129: small campaign world, eh?

2008-08-24, 02:58 PM
Why would Q want a wife in the first place?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-24, 03:07 PM
Why would Q want a wife in the first place?

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion to find out!

2008-08-24, 03:15 PM
I think we're getting close to another thing we saw a few strips back, hm?

hey I was right!:smallbiggrin:
well I saw this coming. Though I was suspecting "girlfriend" not "wife"
and that answers a few more questiosn I had.:smallbiggrin:
no wait now there's new questions. Damn.:smallannoyed:
EDIT: while reading the comic I thought Q looked a little diffrent so I went back a few strips to find a refrence and last time he is clearly seen is strip #115 than suddenly his art style change:smallconfused:. No offense but I liked the original Q better, either me and my hate of change or the fact that this Q looks fat:smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-24, 03:27 PM
while reading the comic I thought Q looked a little diffrent so I went back a few strips to find a refrence and last time he is clearly seen is strip #115 than suddenly his art style change:smallconfused:. No offense but I liked the original Q better, either me and my hate of change or the fact that this Q looks fat:smalltongue:

Yeah, I miss being able to copy/paste Meynolds' Q. But I had made a promise to myself not to copy/paste anymore, and I have drawn my own Q template.

Of course, the new template isn't finished. I'm still changing it to look better and working out all the kinks.

I have a feeling that by the time this current chapter-thingy is over that Q will look even better then before.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-26, 03:05 PM
New comic!

comic 130: family reunion

Don't worry, the explanation is coming.

2008-08-26, 05:48 PM
wow I didn't see that coming. I mean they looked alike but...wow:smalleek:

2008-08-26, 05:59 PM
Hey Q. I'm trying to draw some fan-art. I plan to do most of your characters, eventually. I'll add the first installment later now.


http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5058/55050324zs2.png (http://imageshack.us)

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-26, 07:33 PM
Jeez! I just remembered!

Anyway, here are the new rules for Q Avatar Contest!

There are 3 categories for you to win. Either a) Q with Star Trek Badge, b) Q with Green Shirt or c) other member of the cast (Grinly, Porky, Darkness-wanderer etc.)
Q with Star Trek badge cannot be in the same pose as he is in my avatar.
These can be in either OOTS or Erfworld.
Bonus points for an Erfworld Style Avatar.
The best avatar will be judged by me and Meynolds if he feels like it. Meynolds cannot participate if he is judging, however.
The winners of each contest will either have a recurring cameo in one of the upcoming comics: Smooth Moves, Nath's Wrath or in the unnamed fourth comic. They will have a big role the same sized role as Fayt and the Randomizer's role in My Name Is Q.
The contest will end at the end of the month.

The contest ended, and Szilard was the only one who perticipated!

Since I have forgot about the contest, and I understand how everybody else could have, I am extending the due date to on more week and a half. Let's see some new avatars, people!

Fay Graydon
2008-08-26, 08:12 PM
Here's something i quickly whipped up:


and proper avi size: (120x120)

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-26, 08:20 PM
Hey Q. I'm trying to draw some fan-art. I plan to do most of your characters, eventually. I'll add the first installment later now.


http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5058/55050324zs2.png (http://imageshack.us)

Wow! Looking forward to the others! :smallsmile:

If you don't mind, I think I'll wait untill you post everything untill I put it up in the bounus features section.

And, since it's the correct size, you can even ebter this into the avatar contest.

Here's something i quickly whipped up:


and proper avi size: (120x120)

Yay! Now Szilard will have some competition!

2008-08-26, 08:30 PM
Once I finish treeing my SVG version of the Avbaroy map, if I have time I'm making one too. Thanks for the reminder.

2008-08-26, 08:42 PM
Wow! Looking forward to the others! :smallsmile:

If you don't mind, I think I'll wait untill you post everything untill I put it up in the bounus features section.

And, since it's the correct size, you can even ebter this into the avatar contest.

It technically isn't in Oots or erfworld style.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-26, 08:42 PM
I guess not. It's close enough though. I'll except it in the contest if you want!

2008-08-27, 01:54 PM
I'd rather not, sorry.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-28, 04:59 PM
New comic!

comic 131: what can you do for the company police force?


I'd rather not, sorry.
Alright, I understand. It's just that I remembered the contest just after you posted that fan-art so I didn't want you to think it might've been unfair that the contest reopened exactly after you sent something that could be entered.

Still looking forward to more fan-art, mainly because I don't get much fan-art. And because I didn't even know I had "fans".

2008-08-28, 05:27 PM
Have to count the number of views after you post something new to see how many lurkers there are you know. :smallwink:

2008-08-28, 06:01 PM
heh heh... I liked the first panel. You took that idea from OtooPCs:smalltongue: and it was maybe even more annoying this time...
wait... isn't an anti-magic field itself magical?:smallconfused:

2008-08-28, 06:35 PM
Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. :smallsmile:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-29, 06:30 PM
New comic!

comic 132: ice queen

Don't forget the avatar contest! Only a week left to enter something in!

2008-08-30, 02:31 PM
I'm none to good at making avatars, sorry:smalltongue:
but didn't she just use magic here? This whole "no magic thing" must be difficult

Green-Shirt Q
2008-08-31, 07:47 AM
New comic! This comic I had finished yesterday but had problems getting it here, so this isn't really today's comic.

comic 133: things might get a little complicated....


but didn't she just use magic here? This whole "no magic thing" must be difficult

Well, she's not exactly Lawful. Plus all the police force are harrassing Grinly's team, and can't really be at two places at once.

P.P.S: The computer I use to make and post comics is on the frits, so I may not be able to post comics as regularly as I usually do. I can still make comics, but I might not be able to post them for a a while. Most likely scenario is that I just release multiple comics on the same day.

2008-08-31, 02:20 PM

Well, she's not exactly Lawful. Plus all the police force are harrassing Grinly's team, and can't really be at two places at once.

P.P.S: The computer I use to make and post comics is on the frits, so I may not be able to post comics as regularly as I usually do. I can still make comics, but I might not be able to post them for a a while. Most likely scenario is that I just release multiple comics on the same day.
you have an excuse for everything don't you:smallamused::smalltongue:

*gasp*:smalleek: but this is, like, the only comic that updates!

2008-08-31, 03:25 PM
I've finished Porky, Sarah and Green-shirt Q. I'm currently working on Carl. Also, i'm not sure if I should do Bortak, i'll try but he probably won't look very good.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-01, 10:03 AM
New comic! And the frits seems to be over far later then I expected!

comic 134: recipe for an awsome fightscene

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-03, 04:21 PM
New comic!

comic 135: could this be the end?

2008-09-03, 04:24 PM
Can't Grinly just cast Miricle? :smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-03, 04:31 PM
Can't Grinly just cast Miricle? :smalltongue:
Except grinly and his team can't cast spells right now.

You cannot possibly find holes in my logic! I win! I thought of everything! I always have an excuse! Bwa ha ha!

2008-09-03, 04:35 PM
Ah, but if they can't: How did the Darkness-Wanderer's wife cast a spell?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-03, 04:38 PM
Ah, but if they can't: How did the Darkness-Wanderer's wife cast a spell?


No! You found my weakness! My only plot-hole! :eek:

2008-09-03, 04:49 PM
Thinking... Thinking... Thinking...

1) The Darkness Wanderer's servants magic is either too powerful for the shield to block or uses a different type not covered by the anti-magic generator.
2) The anti-magic shield only neutralizes the spell-casting abilities of those its specifically targeted on.
3) The Darkness Wife is in an area not covered by an anti-magic shield.

2008-09-03, 05:11 PM
My responses:

1) Anti-magic shields can't be overcome by being high level, if I remember correctly. And even if it could, wouldn't Grinly be able to overcome it as well?

2) AMF's don't target, they cover an area.

3) Then wouldn't Grinly likely be out of range by now then?

This is all off the top of my head, I'll likely think of some glaring flaw to all of this in a few minutes.

2008-09-03, 05:24 PM
and my resposes, naturally:

good point
I agree
(this one actually has sense:smalltongue:) Grinly's being carried of by the police, most likely not in the area

and obviously I think there is going to be a miracle. Someone we forgot comes back or something. Maybe Doran:smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-03, 05:50 PM
My explanation (that probably dosen't count since I didn't show it in the comic) is that the technology they use in Metal Metropolis City to disable rogue magic works a little like the cloister thingy in "Order of the Stick". It disables the magic of everybody inside of it, and the effect still lasts for a little while.

Bortak and his gargoyle goons broke the device off panel before Xeneria (she does have a name) enters the field spell.

Or that she just didn't enter the field at all. Take your pick.

Maybe Doran:smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

He is scheduled to appear in "Smooth Moves", not "My Name is Q". He will come, but not any time soon.

2008-09-03, 05:56 PM
Warning all readers, we have a Word of God (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WordOfGod). Repeat, we have a Word of God (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RetCon).

2008-09-03, 07:00 PM
Q in the judge uniform (avy sized too)


enlarged version

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-03, 07:12 PM
Is the contest over? I'm not sure, I haven't done a very good job of keeping track of it.

Anyho, I believe the avatar contest is over. Memnarch, your submission will be the last one.

I'm pretty sure I can announce Szilard as the winner of the Green-shirt Q catagory because he was the only one who entered something, but I think I'll really have to think about the winner of the lead Q catagory on account of there being two great entries.

I'll think about it. When I decide, I'll say which one won.

Or am I wrong and the contest isn't over? Or should I make the contest longer because more people wanted to enter something in?

2008-09-03, 07:16 PM
I believe there is technically two and a half more days til when you extended it from (see top post page 20) but it's your choice.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-03, 07:22 PM
Okay then. The contest continues!

2008-09-03, 07:41 PM
I made something as fanart with that template.


(quote found on here (http://www.sjacob.org/trek/quotes/S_Voyager/) (sort of) I don't know if that's what he looked like though)

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-03, 07:45 PM
I made something as fanart with that template.


(quote found on here (http://www.sjacob.org/trek/quotes/S_Voyager/) (sort of) I don't know if that's what he looked like though)


And yes, I do know which episode this is from. Outstanding.

I shall put this up in the bounus material section immediately!

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-05, 09:14 PM
New comic.

Before I post this comic, I have to tell you all something.

I haven't been feeling well these past few days, and have came down with an almost hellish cold. Which is why the new comic is late.

*blows nose*

But recently I found out that there is a dweller in the audience (who hasn't posted at all) who is feeling a lot more sick then I am. With that known, I have rushed my mini hiatus to finish the next comic for that kid.

I won't say his name only because I've heard that you shouldn't say youth's real names on the internet and that he hasn't got an account yet, but he knows who he is.

This next comic is dedicated to you.

comic 136: meanwhile...

2008-09-05, 09:19 PM
All sorts of things of course. :smallcool:

2008-09-05, 10:49 PM
The stupid and silent one re-appear:smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-06, 06:11 PM
New comic. As you can tell, I was kinda rushing it. I don't know what, but I think the art kinda shows it.

comic 137: miracle from above

2008-09-06, 06:27 PM
Now what does Green shirted Q final smash does?:smallamused:

2008-09-06, 06:48 PM
More fan-art.

http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/794/16004497zc3.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/3364/13837481tt0.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/1766/47449006sc8.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/6553/72786000nv9.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/5314/85279873li4.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/8461/67071832am9.png (http://imageshack.us)

King Bortak and Zuy Civid will be sooo difficult to draw.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-06, 06:51 PM
More fan-art.

http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/794/16004497zc3.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/3364/13837481tt0.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/1766/47449006sc8.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/6553/72786000nv9.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/5314/85279873li4.png (http://imageshack.us) http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/8461/67071832am9.png (http://imageshack.us)

King Bortak and Zuy Civid will be sooo difficult to draw.


I think I'll put these up in the bounus features along with your other one, now! :smile:

2008-09-06, 06:51 PM
Who's Betimin?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-06, 06:55 PM
Who's Betimin?

A random name said by Q in his dazed moment.

Inspired by a joke in the TV show Family Guy. I can't remember the whole joke, though.

2008-09-06, 07:27 PM
Just read the "question and answer" comic in the extras section on the front page, specifically, Lonna's second query. Does this mean that My Name Is Q is nearing its end or did I read the question wrong?

EDIT: New image.
http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/2406/85909062tc5.png (http://imageshack.us)

I particularly enjoyed drawing this one.

2008-09-06, 11:36 PM
wow. This will be awsome! I bet Q2's Final Smash is kick arse.
I just realised:
How could Q2 be bored in the last comic? He's alone in a train in the sky with his scantily clad succumbus girlfriend. I mean I could just sit there and not be bored:smallamused::smalltongue:

2008-09-07, 12:16 AM
I just realised:
How could Q2 be bored in the last comic? He's alone in a train in the sky with his scantily clad succumbus girlfriend. I mean I could just sit there and not be bored:smallamused::smalltongue:
He was a skelliton most of that time.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-07, 01:30 PM
New comic!

comic 138:

I can think of a title right now. I'll come up with one later. Anybody have any suggestions?

2008-09-07, 01:59 PM
http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/279/17274133xf2.png (http://imageshack.us)

I had to shrink my female template, shorten the arms and legs, then split the torso in half.

2008-09-07, 02:00 PM
a title is simple "Kung-Fool!"
and also, by far my favourite comic! I was singing along and laughing through the entire thing. You rock Q2!:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-07, 04:22 PM
Best. Final. Smash. Ever.

Emperor Ing
2008-09-07, 04:23 PM
Best. Final. Smash. Ever.

totally seconded. :smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-07, 07:01 PM
I just got a PM reminding me that the Q avatar contest is closed. I will now spend a week trying to decide the winners. Well, winner since Szilard was the only one to submit to a certain catagory.

Also, I think I will go with "Kung Fool." Thanks, Fraud.

2008-09-07, 07:46 PM

2008-09-08, 08:01 PM
this is by far the best comic ever. I can't help but laugh and sing-along to the greatest final smash ever. Truly the best of you and Q2:smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-09, 05:51 PM
New comic.

comic 139: Kung Fool (part 2)

I don't know why, but I feel really bad for using the same joke twice.

2008-09-09, 05:57 PM
I thought it was great.

2008-09-09, 07:38 PM
well he did come with his own theme music and i do like that song.
not like anyone cares but i havent posted in a while because like everyone else in the world i was trying to start a web comic unfortunately my friends are asses and my laptop blew up.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-09, 07:45 PM
not like anyone cares but i havent posted in a while because like everyone else in the world i was trying to start a web comic unfortunately my friends are asses and my laptop blew up.

My advice is to use proper grammer before starting a webcomic.

nobody want to read a webcomic from a guy who dosent use capital letters or the puntuation marks not to mention the fact that you don't know when one sentence ends and one begins i would believe like this :smalltongue:

But seriously. Use good grammer. To paraphrase from a wise person comic cartoon cat:
" You see, [grammer] is like a liberal with a baseball bat. You don't have to like him but you do have to respect him."

Just some advise from a writer.

2008-09-09, 10:57 PM
HA HA! "Let's get the hell out of here" a funny line after what just happended and a common line from Kirk from Star Trek TOS (The Original Seris)

DGK: I'm trying to do the same. Have you seen my (shameless self-promotion) thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90167)?

2008-09-10, 12:17 AM
I'm so gonna use that line for when my friends ask me why I like the Monk class
"Because when you're not a monk, you can't jump around singing Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting":smallwink:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-10, 07:44 PM
New comic.

comic 140: when the police are away, the mages can play

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-11, 03:39 PM
New comic.

comic 141: Well, that was certainly easy.

2008-09-11, 03:58 PM
Another illusion?

2008-09-11, 04:41 PM
...right. *waits for problem to show up*

2008-09-11, 09:17 PM
yeah I don't doubt that it is another illusion in fact i think that santa is hiding behind yet another illusion with a ton of cops waiting for Q and the rest of them to think that this is so pathetic that they compleatly drop thier guard so that the cops can kill them easily.

2008-09-12, 07:30 PM
I bet it's a trap. Or it's a place that has "Cause Fear" permently cast on it

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-13, 12:20 PM
New comic!

comic 142: enhanced interrogation

2008-09-13, 07:50 PM
something I found on the net:smallbiggrin: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvjCG_p9rl4)
the use of the clips is very masterful and it's perfect for Q:smallwink:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-13, 07:54 PM
something I found on the net:smallbiggrin: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvjCG_p9rl4)
the use of the clips is very masterful and it's perfect for Q:smallwink:

Damn. I can't view movies on my computer. I can't watch that. :smallfrown:

2008-09-13, 08:31 PM
You've mentioned that before; any reason why?

2008-09-13, 08:37 PM
You've mentioned that before; any reason why?

Probably the same reason it has Corel 8

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-13, 08:58 PM
You've mentioned that before; any reason why?
Anytime I try to view a movie from YouTube or somesuch I always get a message saying I need to download the new flash player or whatever. Everytime I download it, it says I didn't and I need to download it again.

Luckily, I can sometimes view movies on the computer of a friend of mine's. I will do that any oppertuinity I can.

2008-09-14, 03:16 PM
yeah that would happen to my mom's old laptop when I used it:smallfrown:

2008-09-14, 03:16 PM
Anytime I try to view a movie from YouTube or somesuch I always get a message saying I need to download the new flash player or whatever. Everytime I download it, it says I didn't and I need to download it again.

Luckily, I can sometimes view movies on the computer of a friend of mine's. I will do that any oppertuinity I can.

What browser do you use? IE, firefox, or something different?

2008-09-14, 04:02 PM
Actually this video got me thinking. What alignment is Q?:smallconfused:
I'd say either Neutral Evil or Chaotic Neutral. And I'm talking about the Q not the Qs, as a race.

2008-09-14, 04:13 PM
If swatting/teasing an insect is evil, then the Q we see most often is definitely evil. If not, he leans a bit more neutral than evil.

Probably Chaotic with neutral tendencies.

(my opinion on the matter)

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-14, 04:51 PM
New comic!

comic 143: two sides to every side quest

What browser do you use? IE, firefox, or something different?

I have no idea what you're talking about. :smalleek:

P.P.S: Q is Choatic Neutral. His teasing of bugs isn't really all that evil to be considered really solid evil, plus he does have some goodness in him. We will see this goodness before the day is done, trust me.

2008-09-14, 05:08 PM
An internet browser is what you use to get on the internet.

(some common browser icons)
http://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:6gwpc5H1K9F4WM:http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/images/internet_explorer.png http://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:lsAAWNEhsoj0MM:http://abcdefu.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/firefox.jpghttp://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:adIfKDTPpuPl1M:https://www.sendoutcards.com/images/safari_icon.jpghttp://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:IAw4spAhZSPsvM:http://streethelper.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/seo-sem-portland-oregon-opera-logo-1.pnghttp://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:HEY_mEpnFjl-gM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/48/Netscape9logo.png

Which one is the one in the upper left-hand corner of the browser window? Or is it not one of the choices?

Also, the insect thing was to illustrate what Q thinks of humans and the like.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-14, 05:10 PM
An internet browser is what you use to get on the internet.

(some common browser icons)
http://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:6gwpc5H1K9F4WM:http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/images/internet_explorer.png http://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:lsAAWNEhsoj0MM:http://abcdefu.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/firefox.jpghttp://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:adIfKDTPpuPl1M:https://www.sendoutcards.com/images/safari_icon.jpghttp://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:IAw4spAhZSPsvM:http://streethelper.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/seo-sem-portland-oregon-opera-logo-1.pnghttp://tbn4-beta.google.com/images?q=tbn:HEY_mEpnFjl-gM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/48/Netscape9logo.png

Which one is the one in the upper left-hand corner of the browser window? Or is it not one of the choices?

Also, the insect thing was to illustrate what Q thinks of humans and the like.

Um...the blue "e" is the one I think you're talking about. I haven't seen the others.

And I knew what you ment when you we're talking about the bugs. I use that metaphor all the time.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-14, 05:42 PM
By the way, Memnarch is the winner of the Q avatar contest. Fayt's was funny, but I felt that Memnarch's was the best for an avatar.

So, he'll be given a recurring cameo in either "Smooth Moves", "Nath's Wrath" or "ReQonstruction and other stories" depending on which is the best at the best time. When I think of an oppertuinity for your cameo, I will stick it in as best I can.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-15, 08:11 PM
New comic!

comic 144: Our party leader is.....special. In many, many ways.

2008-09-15, 08:19 PM
Hmmm... seems to have gone off the deep-end a bit.

2008-09-15, 08:43 PM
Hmmm... seems to have gone off the deep-end a bit.

I personaly think he dove off the deep end then cast flight to go even farther

2008-09-16, 02:24 PM
@^:I got remember that one :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-16, 02:36 PM
I demand plot-exposition!

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-17, 06:14 PM
New comic!

comic 145: plot-exposition delivered right on time

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-19, 06:23 PM
No comments? :smallfrown:

Anyway, New comic. Also the end of the current chapter.

comic 146: flashback of the first minion (third flashback)

2008-09-19, 06:28 PM
Well, it was a plot-expo.

New character alert!

2008-09-19, 06:43 PM
she's HOT!:smallbiggrin::smallamused::smalltongue:

2008-09-19, 10:57 PM
unless these first minon flashbacks are vitaly important to his eventual return then i'm very angry that they are taking up space for new comics.

2008-09-20, 11:55 AM
you can't honestly expect these flashbacks to be pointless. I mean they're like Lost's flashbacks, they may seem pointless but in the big picture they help a ton

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-20, 02:26 PM
New comic!

comic 147: the holiday shopping starts

unless these first minon flashbacks are vitaly important to his eventual return then i'm very angry that they are taking up space for new comics.

Well, although the first minion flashbacks are, in fact, crucial to the story, (mainly the almost-final battle with the Darkness-wanderer, you need to have read the flashbacks to understand something that will happen then) the first minion will never really return. What made you think it was inevitable? :smalltongue:

Also, the first minon flashbacks will be most used to expose the Darkness-wanderer and his character. Being that he is always in the darkness and hasn't really done anything yet that anybody knows of (truth is, he has done a lot more then you may think) it's kinda hard to be afraid of him and take him seriously as an anotaginist. The flashbacks will show just how he does things, and it aint pretty, I can tell you that. :smalleek:

P.P.S: The comics will be getting slower. I don't mean that they will take more time to make and post, but there will be a lot less action in them then usual. See, this current chapter is dedicated mainly to last minute character development before the big climax and ending of the comic.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-22, 06:45 PM
New comic!

comic 148: Q goes holiday shopping

2008-09-22, 06:58 PM
I love Green Shirt Q's pose and expression in the fifth panel :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-22, 07:21 PM
*gasp* A new facial expression! :smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-22, 08:09 PM
Now Megadoomer has made a fan comic for me for the "Back to School Secret Santa". And coincidentally I have made one for him to.

To be added to the Bonus features section:

Megadoomer's comic for me.

My comic for Megadoomer.

2008-09-23, 06:12 PM
the first minion will never really return. What made you think it was inevitable? :smalltongue:
simple the darkness wanderer basicaly betrayed him ,and it just isn't a good story unless a resentful (due to being betrayed or fired) ex-minion of the bad guy comes back to help defeat the bad guy at the cost of his own life especialy when said minion was thought to be dead.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-24, 04:37 PM
New comic!

comic 149: the Qs get character development

simple the darkness wanderer basicaly betrayed him ,and it just isn't a good story unless a resentful (due to being betrayed or fired) ex-minion of the bad guy comes back to help defeat the bad guy at the cost of his own life especialy when said minion was thought to be dead.

When was it stated that The first minion was betrayed? I said that the Darkness-wanderer was betrayed by the first minion a while ago. I never said anything about the first minion being betrayed. :smallconfused:

And I guess this isn't a good story then, because the first minion ISN'T returning. :smalltongue:

2008-09-24, 04:47 PM
aw...this is... a real touching comic:smallfrown:

2008-09-24, 05:27 PM
Hm. Well, this was different. In a nice way.

2008-09-24, 05:44 PM
I noticed your art improving.


2008-09-24, 05:50 PM
My God... is that a Pet the Dog moment?

2008-09-25, 08:09 PM
When was it stated that The first minion was betrayed? I said that the Darkness-wanderer was betrayed by the first minion a while ago. I never said anything about the first minion being betrayed. :smallconfused:
And I guess this isn't a good story then, because the first minion ISN'T returning.

he was as good as betrayed because the darkness wanderer lied to him thus when this was explained he no doubt felt hurt and BETRAYED as one would expect from any idiot doing something for the vague concept of love like what harry went through after breaking up with ginny and don't try to counter with he is a machine and has no emotions you made it clear he still has some type of feelings for that girl in the photo so ha:smalltongue:.
the returning ex-minion thing is for action stories (who doesn't know that?) this is still the best comedy i've ever read and i've read a lot, like a real lot.

2008-09-25, 09:46 PM
actually from Q's reaction the Q2's being of his health and actually spending money to get him a jacket actually shows he cares. He's a lot like a mean dad, harsh but cares. Also Q2 seemed to be hitting it off with Sarah, even though he has a girlfriend you never know what plot twisting mayhem The_Q will throw at us:smallwink:

2008-09-25, 09:50 PM
the cvomic grows ever more touching and disturbing at the same time.......

2008-09-27, 01:31 PM
at panel #4 there are some coming soon posters much like the My Name is Q ones. Could these be the banners for Nath's Wrath and Smooth Moves?:smallconfused:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-27, 04:37 PM
New comic. Man, I hated doing this one. I hated everything about it. I am never going to do comics like this again as long as I live. :smallannoyed:

Be sure, we will return to the action VERY soon.

comic 150: Porky gets character development

he was as good as betrayed because the darkness wanderer lied to him thus when this was explained he no doubt felt hurt and BETRAYED ........

You are mistaken. You see, the Darkness-wanderer didn't actually lie.

You see, realistic villains (not crummy, nonsensical villains like Xykon) don't usually know what they are doing is evil, and believe what they are doing is good. The Darkness-wanderer believes his goal to be good, and who are we to say it isn't?

Also, I think you'll find that this is an action story dispite the non-returning minion. You'll see VERY SOON.

at panel #4 there are some coming soon posters much like the My Name is Q ones. Could these be the banners for Nath's Wrath and Smooth Moves?:smallconfused:

Sort of. One was for "Smooth Moves", and the other was for one of the many comics to be included in the comic collection "ReQonstruction and other stories", which shall be entitled "Darkly Dreaming Dennis".

Purple Cloak
2008-09-27, 05:40 PM
I don't mean to nit pick but the shopping bag porky has disapeared after pannel 4 and I wasn't sure if it was deliberate or not, otherwise a curious turn of events.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-27, 05:47 PM
I don't mean to nit pick but the shopping bag porky has disapeared after pannel 4 and I wasn't sure if it was deliberate or not, otherwise a curious turn of events.

No. Not deliberate. Just lazy.

Purple Cloak
2008-09-27, 05:48 PM
No. Not deliberate. Just lazy.

Thats fair enough realy, your comics arn't exactly small somtimes. :smallsmile:

2008-09-27, 08:52 PM
ah I like the way you got that conversation started. I betcha Q2 or Porky will side with the Dark Wander because they're sick of these rules, most likely Porky so he can be with Sarah. The best motivation is love:smallwink:

Sort of. One was for "Smooth Moves", and the other was for one of the many comics to be included in the comic collection "ReQonstruction and other stories", which shall be entitled "Darkly Dreaming Dennis".

AWSOME! I was right!:smallbiggrin:
I bet I can tell which one is Smooth Moves, because it seems to have the starfleet captain uniform. It is also the one most covered by speech bubbles:smalltongue:

2008-09-27, 10:59 PM
You are mistaken. You see, the Darkness-wanderer didn't actually lie.
You see, realistic villains (not crummy, nonsensical villains like Xykon) don't usually know what they are doing is evil, and believe what they are doing is good. The Darkness-wanderer believes his goal to be good, and who are we to say it isn't?
Also, I think you'll find that this is an action story dispite the non-returning minion. You'll see VERY SOON.
well it would seem I was mistaken except for the fact that while these realistic villans do exist and do belive themselves to be doing the right thing they often feel some type of discomfort from hurting people to achive their goals, and you have shown that the darkness wanderer cares nothing for those he uses making him a nonsensical however i will yield some ground by saying he is smarter than most nonsensical villans in that he can recognize when he needs someone destroyed and when he does not or when they will not be a threat to him or his plans. also if it is an acion story and the villain is in fact at least partialy realistic as it now appears then perhaps his guilt over causing someone strife will be his downfall unless you are in fact as I have recently begun to belive one of the few writers who do not follow the subtle pattern that has shown itself in literature so very long ago in which case i say finaly! with great appreciation and all seriousness and go further to concede defeat in this battle of wits we have been having despite the fun it has been.

2008-09-27, 11:09 PM
Draconicgodking, just because you don't want to take the extra three seconds to include capitals or punctuation doesn't mean that we appreciate reading posts written that way. You might find that people take your points much more seriously if you put them in the grammatically correct format.

2008-09-27, 11:12 PM
Yeah... my eyes just kinda see a bunch of words and then move on...

2008-09-28, 03:42 AM
something just struck while watching the Voyager episode Q2 at 2 AM with my friend. Is Q's son going to be in this?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-28, 05:29 PM
New comic! I liked doing this one a whole lot more then the last one.

comic 151: The One Who Must Not Be Named kicks some ass


something just struck while watching the Voyager episode Q2 at 2 AM with my friend. Is Q's son going to be in this?

Actually, something I've said before and will say again is that the Q from Star Trek and the Q from my comics are not the same character. Q is a completely different character in a similar scenario.

My Q dosen't have a son and never will have a son.

2008-09-28, 05:31 PM
Well, that was certainly amusing. :smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-29, 05:21 PM
New comic!

comic 152: the villains are getting ready to strike

:elan: Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnn!

By the way, the Drow elf is the Darkness-wander in his new, shiny mortal body.

2008-09-29, 05:33 PM
You [censored]! Now I have to go back through the archives.

2008-09-29, 07:20 PM
Last panel could do with a bit more notification that it's two separate parts.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-29, 07:21 PM
Last panel could do with a bit more notification that it's two separate parts.

Meh. I suppose so. But you understood it, right?

2008-09-29, 07:33 PM
After looking at it a bit yeah.

2008-09-29, 08:44 PM
I like the face transitions. It's like Harvey Dent/Two-Face
sadly I haven't read the comic itself, to long for right now, I'm busy keeping up with the town and homework. Read it ASAP

2008-09-30, 07:20 PM
the darkness wanderer said She right, so it's either: girl Q, sarah, or the cameo girl whose name escapes me lonna, unless it's someone who wasn't there at all when porky was stabed. hmmmm i wonder.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-09-30, 08:05 PM
Female Q is the Pathchanger. I'm going to say that now.

But also that I have had a stroke today, and have lost control of my left hand. This will mean the comic making will be a lot harder and a lot longer to make untill my right hand becomes more dexterous. :smallfrown:

Expect the next comic not to come out untill......I dunno, next week maybe. That sounds like a good enough time for me to learn how to make comics again.

2008-09-30, 08:09 PM
Hope your recovery goes well - we'll wait however long is necessary for you to get back "on your feet," as it were.

2008-09-30, 08:19 PM
I wish I had time to read that really talky comic. I don't. I'll print it out and read it in bed, yeah...I'm that much of a fan:smallbiggrin:

Purple Cloak
2008-10-02, 04:57 PM
Female Q is the Pathchanger. I'm going to say that now.

But also that I have had a stroke today, and have lost control of my left hand. This will mean the comic making will be a lot harder and a lot longer to make untill my right hand becomes more dexterous. :smallfrown:

Expect the next comic not to come out untill......I dunno, next week maybe. That sounds like a good enough time for me to learn how to make comics again.

Ouch, All I can say about that dude is don't rush yourself, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I'm willing wait for you to recover as fully as possable for the next update.

Health is after all more impotant that a scedule.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-02, 07:47 PM
Ouch, All I can say about that dude is don't rush yourself, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I'm willing wait for you to recover as fully as possable for the next update.

Health is after all more impotant that a scedule.

That goes without saying. I make comics for fun and don't really give a damn about schedule anyway.

Anyway, I was working on my comic all day today. I've actually found that, when I take my time, making comics with my right hand is actually easier then I have originally expected.

New comic!

comic 153: gargoyles rain from the sky

2008-10-02, 07:50 PM

2008-10-02, 07:50 PM
Well, there's one.

2008-10-02, 07:57 PM
woah...epic comic of dire porportions

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-02, 08:07 PM
Well, there's one.

Okay, I must know. This post is driving me insane. :smalleek:

One what?! What do you mean? :smallconfused:

2008-10-02, 08:16 PM
other statueshttp://i25.tinypic.com/2bnz2t.png

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-02, 08:24 PM
other statueshttp://i25.tinypic.com/2bnz2t.png

Oh. I see.

Actually, the others won't beome statues for a long time.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-06, 08:22 PM
HUZZAH! Finally! New comic!

comic 154: the walls (not just the 4th wall) gets broken

2008-10-06, 08:25 PM
Hehe, Kool-aid man hm?

2008-10-07, 04:34 PM
heh...that one was funny

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-07, 04:58 PM
New comic.

[EDIT] comic error. I'll fix it and get it back up.

[EDIT again] comic's back.

comic 155: Qs are on the run

2008-10-07, 05:02 PM
nice angle for the final panel. This is getting better and better and better. Something tells me we're getting near the end of a stroy arc:smalltongue:

2008-10-08, 08:22 PM
I must agree lerky. now the only question is: Q how's your hand doing? better i hope

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-09, 03:47 PM
New comic!

comic 156: Barrelwall town burns down to the ground (that rhymes, dosen't it?)


I must agree lerky. now the only question is: Q how's your hand doing? better i hope

My hand is getting better. It's pretty weak, but I can move it now. Thanks for asking.

2008-10-09, 04:26 PM
Dislike the large black space at the end, but otherwise pretty good.

2008-10-09, 08:53 PM
memnarch i agree ,but still Q shouldn't push himself with an injury or we may never again see a new strip to my name is Q.:smallfrown:
Q glad to hear your hand is doing better.:smallsmile:
escape from a burning town through the sewers: classic, brilliant, yet used so little these days, glad to see someone reviving it.:smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-09, 09:33 PM
memnarch i agree ,but still Q shouldn't push himself with an injury or we may never again see a new strip to my name is Q.:smallfrown:

Actually, I can draw just fine, now. It just takes time to do it. I could've filled that big gap, I just didn't know what to fill it with. It was an artistic choice, as it felt like a good place to stop, and had nothing to do with my hand problems.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-10, 08:31 PM
New comic!

comic 157: the flashback of the first minion (fourth flashback)

2008-10-10, 08:36 PM
that's a big staircase.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-11, 07:14 PM
New comic. I've been looking forward to this for a long time.

comic 158: the unpredictability

2008-10-11, 09:00 PM
obviously the DW needs to watch a few more episodes of TNG:smalltongue:
although he seems surprisngly calm with Bortak and than frustrated at the FM. Werid, maybe it's because the FM tried to disobey the DW while Bortak actually apologized to the DW. WSMAwow, so many acronyms

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-11, 09:19 PM
obviously the DW needs to watch a few more episodes of TNG:smalltongue:
although he seems surprisngly calm with Bortak and than frustrated at the FM. Werid, maybe it's because the FM tried to disobey the DW while Bortak actually apologized to the DW. WSMAwow, so many acronyms

What's TNG And WSMA? :smallconfused:

Anyway, The Darkness-wanderer is ALWAYS un-super villainly patient with all his minions including "Mecha-sensai" (The First Minion). Except if they betray, or so much as hint that they doubt his orders, he goes into a blood-rage. Something you'll all see pretty soon.

2008-10-11, 09:24 PM
TNG is "The Next Generation". Don't know about the other one though.

2008-10-11, 09:28 PM
TNG is "The Next Generation". Don't know about the other one though.

That's what I guessed...

2008-10-11, 11:04 PM
can't wait to see the blood-rage.
calling one of your minions sensai is perhaps on of the most UN-super villany things you could do because sensai ,which can be a proper pronunciation of sensei (sen-say), is not just a karate name for teacher but a japanese title used to address one's superior or better.
the translation of the other one is next to it, it's just the color white if you haven't already noticed

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-11, 11:17 PM
can't wait to see the blood-rage.
calling one of your minions sensai is perhaps on of the most UN-super villany things you could do because sensai ,which can be a proper pronunciation of sensei (sen-say), is not just a karate name for teacher but a japanese title used to address one's superior or better.
the translation of the other one is next to it, it's just the color white if you haven't already noticed

I'm aware of what Sensai means. I used to take Martial arts and I know what it means. Mecha-sensai is (or rather, was) superior to all the other minions (excluding Xeneria) so he was given a title for his superiority. The Darkness-wandrer dosen't really mean this sincerely, but is willing to call him by his cool title and ignore it's meaning.

Also, thanks for pointing that out. I didn't see that WSMA meant "wow, so many acronyms". I didn't mak that connection. Thanks.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-13, 11:06 AM
New comic!

comic 159: the well deserved comeuppance

Elder Tsofu
2008-10-13, 12:44 PM
Gosh, Q killed Q! (or atleast shortened him by a head) :smalleek:
I like your work on the angles, keep going at 'em. :smallsmile:

2008-10-13, 02:48 PM

It's about time somebody hit him!

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-14, 03:16 PM
New comic!

comic 160: the comic that looks like it's been ripped off from Well That Was Unexpected, but slightly changed

2008-10-14, 09:02 PM
Last panel; did it finally register that he's headless? :smallcool:

2008-10-15, 08:22 AM
hehehe awesome!

Fay Graydon
2008-10-15, 06:09 PM
I think Q should start including more star trek references (do it to please you trekky overlords!)
but the comic is still brill! \,,/.

2008-10-15, 09:29 PM
What's TNG And WSMA? :smallconfused:

Anyway, The Darkness-wanderer is ALWAYS un-super villainly patient with all his minions including "Mecha-sensai" (The First Minion). Except if they betray, or so much as hint that they doubt his orders, he goes into a blood-rage. Something you'll all see pretty soon.

WSMA is wow so many acronyms. I just made that in and didn't expect anyone to know what it was, which is why I put that white text in. How could people miss that? Even after Q quoated it!?:smalleek::smallconfused::smalltongue:

2008-10-15, 11:22 PM
that's what i was thinking lerky, and Q i realize that you know what sensai means or you wouldn't have used it, i was mearly explaining for those who don't know and/or are too ignorant to look it up.
"ahhhhhhhhhhhh" that was FUNNY!:smalllaughing:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-17, 06:39 PM
New comic!

comic 161: the grinch

2008-10-17, 06:51 PM
funny. That was a funny joke. This all I have to say:smalltongue:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-18, 06:29 PM
New comic!

comic 162: the theory on the lair's whereabouts

2008-10-18, 06:38 PM
That's actually a good idea.

2008-10-19, 04:40 PM
indeed it is memnarch, nice foresight in your planing(is that spelled right?) Q.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-19, 06:56 PM
New comic!

comic 163: the memories

2008-10-19, 07:03 PM
Definetly a good comic.:smalltongue:

2008-10-19, 07:09 PM
seconded. .

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-20, 07:42 PM
New comic!

comic 164: the "ownage"

Mina Kobold
2008-10-21, 09:20 AM
Q you can't use high leel spells in 1st level the bonus spells can be used as lower level spells than the level they are but you can first use them when you get the level.

exept that GREAT COMIC

2008-10-21, 02:19 PM
awsome name because it's true.:smallbiggrin:

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-21, 03:45 PM
New comic!

comic 165: the wrath of the Darkness-wanderer

This is part of the blood-rage I've been dying to show you all.

Q you can't use high leel spells in 1st level the bonus spells can be used as lower level spells than the level they are but you can first use them when you get the level.

Yes, I do know that now. When I first started the comic, I misunderstood the Players handbook (which is very poorly written in some places, I may add) to mean that enough intelligence will mean bonus spells of any catagory, meaning a person of infinite intelligence like Q would have infinite bonus spells of any level, but really weakened. I have realized my mistake a while ago, but I was too lazy to edit it and Q being about to use higher level spells plays a huge part in future comis so much that I decided that I'd just forget about strict D&D rules and use whatever I wanted.

2008-10-21, 04:41 PM
That has to hurt. :smalleek:

2008-10-21, 05:22 PM
Whoooo bloodrage awsome!!
the handbook can be a bit confusing

2008-10-21, 10:04 PM
Yes, I do know that now. When I first started the comic, I misunderstood the Players handbook (which is very poorly written in some places, I may add)
gotta agree with, that's why I got D&D/DM for Dummies:smallbiggrin:

aw...poor Bortak. I like how Q responded to the DW's anger with just a :smallconfused: face.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-22, 07:26 PM
New comic!

comic 166: the chasm

2008-10-23, 04:25 PM
ooooh. Now all those spoilers in the spoiler comic of Bortak's alliance with group Q makes sense. It's all clearing in my head:smallbiggrin:
(( also: Nice new avatar, even though I don't really get it ))

Green-Shirt Q
2008-10-23, 05:29 PM
New comic!

comic 167: the start of a comedy trio

(( also: Nice new avatar, even though I don't really get it ))

It's for Halloween. People in the playground are going out as other playgrounders. I've dressed up as Dr. Bath, but I don't really think that's my final choice.