View Full Version : Superheros and villains.

Steven the Lich
2008-02-03, 11:55 AM
This is a step up from the Super Powers Thread. Create your hero/ villain, name them, give them the 3-5 powers, and go to Hero Machine and create it in your vision. Type up a summary about he/she, and make it good, explaining how the hero/villain got his/her powers.
Hero machine is a fun little device that allows you to customize your own heroes or villains. It is imple on how it works. First, select a pose for your hero/villain, which will compromise of 6 forms. Normal human male, then female, then short human male and female, and then muscular human male and female. Then you can select the component, and then the genre of each piece. For final editions, you can fill them in with color and a background.
For those of you who did try it and turned it away maybe years ago because it didn't have many cool options, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that they are no longer charging for the expansion, and it'll be there upon the link above. You will now be open to so much more.
I'll give you an example of the works you can make.
My super villain, Black out.

1.Super regeneration, immortal pretty much, except the brain.
2.Powers of lightning (to make lightning bolts, absorb electricity and release it tenfold, to empower machines and stuff). "One mississipi, two mississipi... now... BOOM!!!!!"- Durkon
3.Super speed. "Expeditious retreat!" -Vaarsuvius
4.Cause halucinations and mess up nerve systems by messing with electrical charges within ones brain and spinal cord. Could also take control of someones movements this way.
As stated above.
K, I'm not sure how Ican apply an image with Hero Machine, so I'll post in my settings. If you want to see in action, go into load, delete what you have, copy my settings, and paste. Click load and you should be able to see my guys looks.

2.5b5*m1*Black Out*Hair:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,2 1,Eyebrows:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100 ,19,Eyes:Standard,pharoah,00769C,00769C,100,100,27 ,Nose:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,M outh:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,17,Be ard:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,23,Ear s:Expansion1,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,18,Ski n:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,4B4B4B,100,100,6,Mask:E xpansion1,skullmask,313131,0000FF,100,100,29,Headg ear:Masks1,knight,313131,0000FF,100,100,26,Undersh irt:Standard,gloved,313131,434343,100,100,7,Oversh irt:Expansion1,ribbed,313131,0000FF,100,100,8,Coat :ModernCasual,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,20,Ri ghtGlove:Expansion1,wrought,313131,0000FF,100,100, 16,LeftGlove:Expansion1,wrought,313131,0000FF,100, 100,15,Insignia:Standard,triangle,014574,FFFFFF,10 0,100,31,Neckwear:Shoulders,ruffle,313131,005572,1 00,100,22,Belt:Expansion1,crossingguard,313131,000 0FF,100,100,14,Leggings:Expansion1,capris,313131,0 000FF,100,100,9,Overleggings:Standard,sidepanels,1 81818,202020,100,100,10,Pants:Standard,longcloth,3 13131,005572,100,100,13,RightFoot:Expansion1,scifi ,202020,0000FF,100,100,12,LeftFoot:Expansion1,scif i,202020,0000FF,100,100,11,Back:Standard,trenchbac k,202020,313131,100,100,3,Wings:Standard,fraBlank, FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Tail:Standard,fraBlank,FFF FFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:Standard,lightning,00769 C,005572,100,100,2,Companion:Standard,fraBlank,FFF FFF,FFFFFF,100,100,30,Background:Standard,diamond, 000000,0000FF,100,100,1,RightHand:Energy,lightning ,00769C,005572,100,100,28,LeftHand:Energy,lightnin g,00769C,005572,100,100,25,#

(Note, there is something wrong with this, and it loads my guy with an incorrect mask. His actual mask is on the same page. Go into the mask component section, and on the very same page, in the second row down and fourth from the left, first from the right, that is the intended mask. You do not have to change any colors, it is fine there)
(Apparently, it is also missing the lightning power on the left hand as well, you could just go to right hand and click in the small box 'keep Pair Matched)
Bio: A member of an elite troop called the Alpha Wolves, Rothion was well trained in all aspects. He knew combat, and was genius in strategy. With these skills, he rose to the top three members of the wolves. He also invented the bio suits that the members wore, developing them with nano droids designed to repair the body quickly. He developed a prototype suitfor the top three that also gave super speed, though require an energy source. He was a valued member of the top three, which became known as the Pack Leaders.
Then he and the other two Pack Leaders were assigned to investigate an alien crash site. They were ambushed by a probe of unknown origins, and after they defeated it, the probe self destructed, and unleashed harmful radiation. One of the three members was completely exposed, Rothion was able to duck behind a rock, but not before he was exposed as well.
Rothion was disoriented and passed out. After regaining consciousness, he found out that the Pack Leader fully exposed died after the first hour. Rothion was relieved to have been as lucky to live... but not before he was removed, as he was blamed for the suit not healing the man. Rothion acted in his defense, claiming that too much damage was done for the suit to heal, but it fell on deaf ears.
Rothion was angered, as he was now jobless. But then he discovered his odd powers... he was thrusted against a power box when someone tried to mug him, and instead of dying, he absorbed the energy. Soon discovered he could release the energy as well, even without a power source. He kept his suit, and was able to go incredible speeds without wasting a power source. He used his powers for the greater good for a time, however he was deemed a threat by the government, and as he ran more and more, his mind became darker and darker. Finally, he stopped running, and faced his pursuers. He unleashed storms upon them, and moved to fast to be shot. Then he found out his single most powerfullest ability... the ability to manipulate the mind. He eliminated whatever soldiers lived through his barage by making them turn against each other.
He redesigned his suit, making it black and not white as it was. He also designed in a new feature, shield projecter, which made him near invincible. He chose a name fitting of his powers, a name he knew people would fear. From that moment on, he was no longer Rothion... he was only Black Out.

there you go, an example. Start posting. And be creative.