View Full Version : And you are/will study where?

2008-02-04, 05:39 AM
SO i wondered where you freeks study(or going to study) when youre done with college, videregående, or whatever it is called in your country!

PERSONALLY: I aspire to start at a school in Bergen named Noroff. There i will study to becoma a game-maker!

noe YOU tell!

2008-02-04, 08:43 AM
College aka Secondary School aka Sixth Form? :smallconfused:

You mean where we hope to study when we go to University or something?

If so....Currently thinking of going Cambridge or Manchester to do Maths. Or physics. Or something like that.

Long way off yet though...

2008-02-04, 08:47 AM
I'm in the process of going through University Applications.

I've applied to do Physics with Astrophysics/Planetary and Space Physics. As a 4 year course.
At Manchester, and Aberystwyth. After that I don't know.

Currently I'm doing Maths, Further Maths, and Physics as A-levels.

2008-02-04, 08:53 AM
Are you also interested in "where did you study", for those of us to whom that is the applicable question?

BA at Balliol College, Oxford in PPE. MA at Leeds in Philosophy.

And why? Because I'm interested in philosophy, it isn't taught in high schools and I wanted to develop myself by taking one of my interests further. It was important to me to be studying something I enjoyed, or I don't think I would have managed to stick it out through the whole course!

2008-02-04, 08:56 AM
Studying at the University of Memphis... because it's close.

I'm in their Physics program, going for my Bachelors. They actually have a decent physics program.

Vespe Ratavo
2008-02-04, 11:01 AM
Hmm...although the University of Texas at Austin sounds nice, I'd really prefer to get as far away from my parents as possible...ah well, that's a long way off.

2008-02-04, 11:04 AM
In a perfect world, I'd be getting about ready to go study in the UK, and possibly stay there.

In this world, I'm most likely gonna have to study here, which isn't bad at all, but I really wanted to go out into the world.

2008-02-04, 11:07 AM
I'm currently half way through my first year of a biochemistry degree at the university of Sheffield.

2008-02-04, 11:07 AM
I hope to study at Cambridge, some form of Maths/Physics type thing. Currently I'm in my first A level year of Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Further Maths.

2008-02-04, 11:11 AM
I'm currently working on associate degrees in both Engineering and Chemistry at my local community college and planning to transfer to the University of Florida to pursue Chemical Engineering as far as I can. Why? I like math and science, particularly chemistry, and apparently the field has a very nice starting salary.

There's also a slight chance that I'll change my mind entirely and pick a new career.

2008-02-04, 11:12 AM
I know I wanna go to grad school but I'm not sure where.


I have lots of time (to decided and get a better gpa so they actually accept me).

Mauve Shirt
2008-02-04, 11:34 AM
Currently studying at the University of Mary Washington, graduate school depends on what I end up majoring in. Also on whether or not I get my GPA up.

2008-02-04, 12:02 PM
Well, I'm already done with videregående, and studying psychology at the University of Oslo. It's awesome :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-04, 12:29 PM
I have a BA in International Studies (focusing on international security issues) and a minor in South Asian studies from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Just graduated in December, in fact. I hope to go on to grad school after a bit of time in the work force to study South Asian language/culture/history/politics, also at the UW.

Unfortunately, there aren't all that many universities in the US that offer regular courses in South Asian languages. This is especially true for "less commonly taught languages" like Telugu or Malayalam, which are the languages I'm most interested in learning. So if anyone knows of any, let me know, huh?

2008-02-04, 01:34 PM
I'm currently working on getting two BS degrees in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology with a minor in biomedical engineering at Boise State University. When I graduate I would like all the world to go to Johns Hopkins and get an MD, and a PhD in Epidemiology.

Eksar Lindisfar
2008-02-04, 01:43 PM
I'm a young lad, I left college for a couple of years, moved from Venezuela to Argentina, and I'm going to study here at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, maybe journalism, but more related to radio and maybe photography.

2008-02-04, 01:47 PM
At the moment im doing 6th form A-Levels then i hope to go the University of Hertforshire to do Paramedical Science

2008-02-04, 01:49 PM
Making finishing touches for my enrollment at the University of Auckland, under a Bachelor of Business and Information Management programme.
Classes start in early March.

2008-02-04, 01:54 PM
I am currently studying anthropology at Michigan State University, and am still not sure if I want to go into forensic anthropology or archaeology.

2008-02-04, 02:14 PM
I'm going to the University of Utah at Salt Lake City getting my BA in English; maybe I'll do one in philosophy if I have time. After that, I plan on either Law School or a PhD program somewhere cool (in English or Philosophy).

It's only my first year, I'm going to try to graduate in three.

2008-02-04, 02:47 PM
When I graduate I would like all the world to go to Johns Hopkins and get an MD, and a PhD in Epidemiology.

But...but...but I suck at science! :smallfrown:

2008-02-04, 02:52 PM
In a perfect world, I'd be getting about ready to go study in the UK, and possibly stay there.

In this world, I'm most likely gonna have to study here, which isn't bad at all, but I really wanted to go out into the world.

In a perfect world, I wouldnt have to study, just get the knowledge from a strawberry pill and get accepted by Blizzard and never get fired:smalltongue:

2008-02-04, 02:53 PM
Currently: In college taking AS levels in Eng Lang; Eng Lit; French; Medieaval History (yes, I still use the dipthong) an Classical Civilisations.
I want to take all five on to A Level; and I'm applying to Oxford to do English. I don't know what to do with my other four slots though, so I'm thinking about it.

2008-02-04, 02:58 PM
Well, I'm already done with videregående, and studying psychology at the University of Oslo. It's awesome :smallbiggrin:

WEHEY! another Norwegian! *high five!*

Well il be damned! there is ALOT of difficult-sounding universities and schools! makes me feel kinda primitive. 8D

2008-02-04, 05:36 PM
Well il be damned! there is ALOT of difficult-sounding universities and schools! makes me feel kinda primitive. 8D
Yes, and if you continue to write "a lot" as one word, you'll look kinda primitive as well. :P

(Sorry, it's just one of my pet peeves. I mean.... "a" is one of the commonest and easiest to spell words in the entire language, I just don't understand how people keep making this mistake.)

2008-02-04, 07:36 PM
I'm at Rice University in Texas where I am studying Psychology and Religious Studies. I plan to go to grad school in either Counseling Psychology or School Psychology. I love school, but staying an academic in psychology means I have to do research and that is one thing that I despise.

2008-02-04, 08:01 PM
well, currently i'm only in 10th grade, but once i finish HS I plan on getting at least a masters in Education and in History, though not sure where. Currently I'm looking at Clemson University, cause its my hometown and all, but i dont have anything set in stone. If i get a scholorship somewhere or something then i'd probably go there, or if something else made another college alot better sounding for me.

Eldritch Knight
2008-02-04, 08:06 PM
I recently finished my BRE. (That's a Bachelor of Religious Education.) Essentially, I majored in Theology, and I'm probably going to go for a Master's degree in the same area. I am also considering going for a Degree in History as well, probably the Greco-Roman era. (Might actually go for a Doctorate in that, if I can reasonably justify it)

2008-02-04, 08:09 PM
I'm saving up money so that I can get my GED and then go to a community college. Ideally I'll get training as an electrician or something, so that I'll be able to pull in a little more money than as a factory worker or unskilled laborer. Or prostitute, as it were. *cough*

In theory, I guess. I'm kind of worried about it. Has anyone got a little advice? I mean, all I know about community college and such is a) it requires money, that b) I don't have yet, but c) they'll let anyone in if if they've got it, which is d) a surprisingly non-evil application of capitalism. God bless America?

So, I'll become an electrician. Or something. Of course, what I really want to do is direct. So, alternatively: I become a famous European writer, set aside the money from my books to pay tuition, and start shopping around for colleges. With international critical acclaim on my side, no doors are closed to me, and I double major literature/filmmaking at an Ivy League university. I grow up to be Werner Herzog. The end.

Hah, it's funny because I'm poor.

Needless to say, I've got a bit of a chip on my shoulder about my position in life. :smallsigh: But seriously, though, advice?

2008-02-04, 08:11 PM
Im currently a second year student (again) at Swansea University in Wales, UK. Next year, though, I plan to attend RPI in Troy, NY for a year as an exchange student

EDIT: Oh, and as for what Im studying, its a BEng in Materials Science and Engineering. I get to spend my days looking at Steel and Plastic!

2008-02-04, 08:19 PM
Im currently a second year student (again) at Swansea University in Wales, UK.

Hey - one of my best friends (from here in the US) spent about two months there last summer doing Study Abroad stuff!

I'm at East Carolina University in beautiful (read: terrible and crime-riddled) Greenville, NC, and I'm graduating in May! Hooray! :smallbiggrin:

I'm looking at grad schools, but I'm taking a year off before I actually start so I don't have one specific one picked out yet. I'm going for something to do with medieval history or culture or something, so I'm looking at Western Michigan (in Kalamazoo, and home to the International Congress on Medieval Studies), Toronto (since people keep telling me it's the best medieval grad school in the Americas), and a couple other places.

2008-02-04, 09:01 PM
In a perfect world, I wouldnt have to study, just get the knowledge from a strawberry pill and get accepted by Blizzard and never get fired:smalltongue:

Another good point. :smalltongue:

Different forms of perfection, though.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-02-05, 11:29 AM
I'm at York University (in Toronto), majoring in Professional Writing and minoring in Creative Writing. As you can probably tell, I like to write.

2008-02-05, 11:44 AM
I am in my last year of sixth form at the moment. I'm hoping to go to Glamorgan university (its cheaper if your Welsh and go to a Welsh university) to study Sound Technology.

2008-02-05, 12:02 PM
I'm a non-graduating Senior in Aeronautical Engineering at Purdue University, in West Lafayette, IN.

Graduate in May '09, and then I want to go to grad school (also in AAE).

2008-02-05, 12:14 PM
I just started my BA in Ancient History / Archaeology at the University of Queensland. I'm hoping to get a scholarship to continue in the UK.

2008-02-06, 03:09 AM
I studied Biology, and to be more precise Functional anatomy of vertabrates in Wageningen, The Netherlands. I did a minor on Animal behavior and Ecology, and did a post-uni study in Didactics.

2008-02-06, 03:27 AM
I'm a non-graduating Senior in Aeronautical Engineering at Purdue University, in West Lafayette, IN.

Graduate in May '09, and then I want to go to grad school (also in AAE).

That makes three of the twelve academic Big 10 schools (if you're not from the US, please, please don't ask.) Yay for us in the Midwest?

2008-02-06, 07:30 AM
Are you also interested in "where did you study", for those of us to whom that is the applicable question?

BA at Balliol College, Oxford in PPE. MA at Leeds in Philosophy.

And why? Because I'm interested in philosophy, it isn't taught in high schools and I wanted to develop myself by taking one of my interests further. It was important to me to be studying something I enjoyed, or I don't think I would have managed to stick it out through the whole course!

Philosophy eh? That's what I'm thinking of doing, possibly along with Psychology. What are the career prospects like in the field of philosophy? It's always been my biggest passion but I've heard it's very hard to make a living off of it.

Lord Herman
2008-02-06, 07:45 AM
I'm doing Celtic Studies at Utrecht University. It's nifty.

Zombie pixe
2008-02-06, 01:33 PM
whooo for Utrecht :smallsmile: (sorry, im a dutch fanatic :smallbiggrin:)

well, i SHOULD be studying at camberidge in the near future, hopefully :smallsmile:

2008-02-06, 09:29 PM
I am currently studying anthropology at Michigan State University, and am still not sure if I want to go into forensic anthropology or archaeology.

Go for the archeology :) Join the dark side

At the end of this semester I'll have my B.S in Anthropology with a focus in Archeology in a minor in Classical and Medieval Studies. In the fall I will be starting my Masters in Classical Archeology at the University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, Germany.

2008-02-07, 07:04 AM
whooo for Utrecht :smallsmile: (sorry, im a dutch fanatic :smallbiggrin:)

Why are you such fan of The Netherlands? What did we do right (or wrong)?

Doc Leech
2008-02-07, 10:07 AM
previously, bachelors in flight operations.
currently, associates in digital drafting and design.
subsequently, bachelors in architecture.

i'm tired :smallannoyed:

but hopefully i'll soon be able to actually afford the lifestyle i've been living for the last decade... huzzah!

Thes Hunter
2008-02-07, 09:17 PM
Unfortunately, there aren't all that many universities in the US that offer regular courses in South Asian languages. This is especially true for "less commonly taught languages" like Telugu or Malayalam, which are the languages I'm most interested in learning. So if anyone knows of any, let me know, huh?

Check out the University of Michigan. (https://secure.rackham.umich.edu/academic_information/program_details/asian_languages_and_cultures/#Asian%20Languages) I didn't see Telugu or Malayalam though, and I will admit my ignorance as to what exact region they are from. But I did see programs in Urdu, Tamil, Pali, Prakit and Javanese which I believe are not generally commonly taught languages.

And oh yeah, I got my Undergrad degree from University of Michigan.

And my Master's Degree from University of Cincinnati. Er.. Go Bearcats? or something?

2008-02-10, 10:57 AM
I'm just finishing College right now (Or videregående, as you called it), and don't really know what I'll do further on. Law, Psycology, Medicine or Maths are the big competors. Something I can Study in Trondheim, at least :P

2008-02-10, 11:09 AM
I'm in my first year of the bachelor Physics and Astrophysics here at the University of Amsterdam. It's a 5-minute ride on my bike from home. :smallcool:

Lord Herman
2008-02-10, 11:10 AM
I'm in my first year of the bachelor Physics and Astrophysics here at the University of Amsterdam. It's a 5-minute ride on my bike from home. :smallcool:

That's what I used to study in Utrecht before switching to Celtic Studies. Very interesting, but way too much maths for my taste.

2008-02-10, 11:19 AM
That's what I used to study in Utrecht before switching to Celtic Studies. Very interesting, but way too much maths for my taste.

Yes, it is a lot of maths. Good thing I happen to like maths. This semester I got Algebra 1 as an extra subject, and I'm loving it so far.

2008-02-10, 11:39 AM
Wow, I feel so out of place here but I am hoping to go to a culinary school for (surprise surprise!) Culinary Arts or cooking in case you don't know what it means. I am currently looking at the Art Institute of Minnesota.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-02-11, 10:59 AM
Hey, don't feel so out of place. This should make you feel better - the rest of us are slaving away at our desks for the rest of our lives while you ... slave away in a kitchen for the rest of your life :smalltongue: See, we all get to slave away for the rest of our lives. You just decided to do it standing up :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-11, 12:11 PM
I am surprised by the large number of Norwegians here. I myself am finishing my degree at the University of Bergen after a good eight years of study, and I hope they will pay me to continue. If not I'll be a high school teacher quite soon.

2008-02-11, 04:27 PM
Go for the archeology :) Join the dark side

At the end of this semester I'll have my B.S in Anthropology with a focus in Archeology in a minor in Classical and Medieval Studies. In the fall I will be starting my Masters in Classical Archeology at the University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, Germany.

Hooray for Classical Archaeology! :smallbiggrin: I'm making my way through my PhD in Classics (Specializing in Roman Archaeology) at the University of Alberta. After that, hopefully a post-doc somewhere!

2008-02-11, 05:29 PM
In a perfect world, I wouldnt have to study, just get the knowledge from a strawberry pill and get accepted by Blizzard and never get fired:smalltongue:

Blizzard HQ is currently located in Irvine CA, around the Sandy Canyon Post office.

I know because I used to live there.

I am surprised by the large number of Norwegians here.

What else are you going to do if it's dark for 6 months of the year?

2008-02-11, 08:56 PM
Hooray for Classical Archaeology! :smallbiggrin: I'm making my way through my PhD in Classics (Specializing in Roman Archaeology) at the University of Alberta. After that, hopefully a post-doc somewhere!

:smallfrown: There's more after Doctorate *faints* Darn it all I thought I was going to be done with school at 24. :smalltongue:

I'm going to focus on Greece, I think. Either that or the parts of the Roman Empire that were in Germany. I have to pick either art or architecture/city planning to focus on, and I'm not sure yet, but I think it'll be Art as I'm really enjoying the art history classes I'm taking right now.

I want to do my Masters thesis on "the representation of Nymphs in the Classical/Ancient Greek world" What do you think about that?

2008-02-12, 04:09 PM
:smallfrown: There's more after Doctorate *faints* Darn it all I thought I was going to be done with school at 24. :smalltongue:

I'm going to focus on Greece, I think. Either that or the parts of the Roman Empire that were in Germany. I have to pick either art or architecture/city planning to focus on, and I'm not sure yet, but I think it'll be Art as I'm really enjoying the art history classes I'm taking right now.

I want to do my Masters thesis on "the representation of Nymphs in the Classical/Ancient Greek world" What do you think about that?

Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! :smallbiggrin: Actually, I've been told that a post-doctoral fellowship is a really useful thing to do; you essentially get paid to do your own research in peace and quiet for a couple of years!

I think the nymph topic sounds great. A very good friend of mine is working on a small side-project on nymphs right now (oddly enough, she's also teaching a course on the city planning of Athens!), and I think she's enjoying it quite a lot. There's a book out there (published in 2001, I believe) called Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore by Jennifer Larson, which you might be interested in if you're not aware of it already. I've only ever glanced at the book, but it could give you some ideas about how to approach the topic!

My own specialty, as I mentioned, is Roman, and in particular Roman Italy. I'm trying to disprove, or at least qualify, the notion that the third century A.D. was a time of deep economic decay and chaos in rural Roman Italy. My Masters dealt with Roman coins, and that essentially led into economic archaeology.

Have you done much fieldwork?

2008-02-12, 04:15 PM
Currently in my 4th year of studying English and Creative Writing at York University in Toronto. Gonna take 5 years, though, because I didn't feel like taking 5 heavy-reading courses in the same year. =P

After...praying I'll be able to study in the US and take a Masters of English Lit. at Case Western University and from there to a PhD in theory, which is really what I'm best at. I wonder if I'll be able to make it that far. :smalleek: